View Full Version : Where would more of these MPs from Bucharest, Romania pass? Turkey/Armenia or Poland/Ukraine?

Tooting Carmen
12-02-2013, 11:24 PM
http://www.evz.ro/typo3temp/pics/Nistor_agerpres_31d3e1a945.jpg http://media.hotnews.ro/media_server1/image-2013-03-3-14342345-46-adriana-diana-tusa.jpg http://www.cdep.ro/parlamentari/l2008/mari/Canacheu_Costica.jpg http://storage0.dms.mpinteractiv.ro/media/1/1/1687/9087644/1/dan-tudorache-razvan-chirita.jpg?width=400 http://www.cdep.ro/parlamentari/l2012/Popescu_Dumitru_Iulian.jpg http://www.cdep.ro/parlamentari/l2012/mari/Dumitru_Ovidiu_Ioan.jpg http://www.emaramures.ro/userfiles/Image/Foto%20Maramures/Economic/Portrete/Ioan-Mihaila.jpg http://www.cdep.ro/parlamentari/l2008/mari/Nasar_Rodica.jpg http://violetatudorie.ro/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/violeta-tudorie-despre.jpg http://www.cdep.ro/parlamentari/l2008/mari/Bot_Octavian.jpg http://hartapoliticii.ro/images/people/979.jpg http://www.maramedia.ro/images/news/florin-alexandru-alexe.jpg http://www.cdep.ro/parlamentari/l2012/mari/Nicolaescu_Gheorghe_Eugen.jpg http://www.cdep.ro/parlamentari/l2012/mari/Ispir_Raluca_Cristina.jpghttp://www.cdep.ro/parlamentari/l2012/mari/VulpescuIoan.jpg http://www.cdep.ro/parlamentari/l2012/mari/Podasca_Gabriela_Maria.jpg

12-02-2013, 11:32 PM
Turkey and Armenia.

Tooting Carmen
12-02-2013, 11:34 PM
Sorry, but I'll have to do the thread again. I forgot to add the poll!:picard2:

12-02-2013, 11:35 PM
Sorry, but I'll have to do the thread again. I forgot to add the poll!:picard2:

I can add one.

I am surprised by how dark these Romanians are.

Tooting Carmen
12-02-2013, 11:36 PM
I can add one.

Do so please.

12-02-2013, 11:39 PM
I can add one.

I am surprised by how dark these Romanians are.

Romanians are dark. Most i know have black or dark brown hair and brown eyes.

They wouldn't fit in poland. Some could fit in ukraine, specifically southern ukraine. But they don't look like turks or armenians either.

If you look at PCA plots, romanians and ukrainians plot very far away from one another. I doubt there are two bordering european nations that are more unlike one another.

12-02-2013, 11:41 PM
Except for the last two they can all fit in Sicily.

12-02-2013, 11:46 PM
I can add one.

I am surprised by how dark these Romanians are.


Tooting Carmen
12-02-2013, 11:46 PM
http://www.reportervirtual.ro/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/alin_petrache.jpg http://verificaintegritatea.romaniacurata.ro/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/claudiu-tanasescu.jpg http://tb.ziareromania.ro/Nicolae-Banicioiu/48316d50c68ebc10/225/0/1/70/Nicolae-Banicioiu.jpg http://www.cdep.ro/parlamentari/l2012/mari/Fenechiu_Catalin_Daniel.jpg http://www.razbointrucuvant.ro/recomandari/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/DGiur.jpg http://www.cdep.ro/parlamentari/l2008/mari/Chirita_Dumitru.jpg http://www.cdep.ro/parlamentari/l2012/mari/Nicoara_Romeo_Florin.jpg http://www.cdep.ro/parlamentari/l2008/mari/Pop_Georgian.jpg http://www.cdep.ro/parlamentari/l2008/mari/Gorghiu_Alina.jpg http://hartapoliticii.ro/images/people/1119.jpg http://storage0.dms.mpinteractiv.ro/media/1/1/1687/3319078/1/udriste.jpg?width=400http://www.cdep.ro/parlamentari/l2012/mari/Mironescu_Razvan_Horia.jpg http://www.cdep.ro/parlamentari/l2008/mari/Florea_Damian.jpg http://www.cdep.ro/parlamentari/l2012/mari/Mihailescu_Ion_Bogdan.jpg

12-03-2013, 12:05 AM
They look like gypsies.

Tooting Carmen
12-03-2013, 12:10 AM
They look like gypsies.


Tooting Carmen
12-03-2013, 12:14 AM
More votes and suggestions please.

Tooting Carmen
12-03-2013, 12:25 AM
Romanians are dark. Most i know have black or dark brown hair and brown eyes.

They wouldn't fit in poland. Some could fit in ukraine, specifically southern ukraine. But they don't look like turks or armenians either.

If you look at PCA plots, romanians and ukrainians plot very far away from one another. I doubt there are two bordering european nations that are more unlike one another.

I know what you mean, but wouldn't you say that Italy versus Austria is of a comparable scale of difference?

12-03-2013, 12:41 AM
I know what you mean, but wouldn't you say that Italy versus Austria is of a comparable scale of difference?

Maybe, but I'm not too familiar with austrians.

Romanians get trolled by Hungarians online a lot like Ukrainians get trolled by Russians, but their main phenotypes are pontid, gorid (usually a pigmented variant), and carpathid. They have retained their eastern balkanian appearance more than say, Moldovans, who are a lot less foreign looking to me.

Tooting Carmen
12-03-2013, 01:24 AM

12-03-2013, 08:27 AM
Lot of Alpinids. This is an archaic Balkanic mix. The Bulgarian population is the only distant relative. An Austrian (Kelto-Balkanic)+Bulgarian (Thraco-Balkanic) mix, but the Slavs broke the contact between these. Some Romanian are East Slav origin, but basically they are Old Central Balkanic migrants in their present land based on their racial features.

12-03-2013, 08:34 AM
Both the options are excluded.

Zmey Gorynych
12-03-2013, 08:40 AM
Since when hungarians, armenians and gypsies are romanians !? The OP has representantives of all 3 mentioned ethnicities in her series.

12-03-2013, 08:42 AM
Since when hungarians, armenians and gypsies are romanians !? The OP has representants of all 3 mentioned ethnicities in her series.


12-03-2013, 10:30 AM
Only couple of them could pass in Poland without being very atypical. Some of them look ''Slavic'' but of different kind than Polish people.

Tooting Carmen
12-03-2013, 07:21 PM

Zmey Gorynych
12-03-2013, 07:27 PM
How about doing a little research before starting threads like these, Monsieur Le Bump or at least taking out the "romanians" you're pushing here !?

Hi. Tell me which of the MPs are not ethnic Romanians, and I shall take them out.
Start with these ...

Zmey Gorynych
12-03-2013, 07:59 PM
You seem to have left out a few romanian MP's


See how easy it is to misrepresent a group ... and in my series you wont find a single non-romanian ... good night monsieur le bump :)

Tooting Carmen
12-03-2013, 08:46 PM
The non-Romanian MPs have now been removed, as requested. Back to topic.

02-15-2014, 07:00 PM
Many can fit in Ukraine. Not so many in Poland and Turkey. Very few in Armenia. Generally, far from any of these 4 groups, least so from Ukrainians.