View Full Version : Senhores de Engenho, XIX century pics (Northeast Brazil)

12-10-2013, 08:29 PM
These people were the sugar plantation owners, the Senhores de Engenho (the descendants of the early settlers of Northeast Brazil, who established themselves in the rural parts of coastal Northeast, producing sugar and occupying the land).

A collection of rare and valuable pics from the XIX pics covering some of these people (they are mainly from Pernambuco and neighbouring states in Northeast Brazil)

The names under the photos are not the names of the peoples depicted but of the photographers (the names of the peoples depicted were almost always of luso-brazilian origins)

12-10-2013, 08:30 PM

A famous Brazilian statesman, Joaquim Nabuco (full name: Joaquim Aurélio Barreto Nabuco de Araújo), http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joaquim_Nabuco


12-10-2013, 08:31 PM
Famous Brazilians with ancestry from these people:

Cazuza, the musician (on his paternal side):


Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, writer and historian:


Gilberto Freyre, most famous Brazilian sociologist, and one of the most acclaimed interpreters of Brazil:


José Lins do Rego, writer


Ariano Suassuna, playwrighter


12-10-2013, 08:31 PM
One of the Senhores de Engenho families, the Souza Leão:

Augusto de Souza Leão, he was born in the Engenho Caraúna, in Jaboatão, state of Pernambuco:


Ignacio Joaquim de Souza Leão, Senhor do Engenho Pimentel:


José de Souza Leão:


Domingos de Souza Leão:


Domingos Francisco de Souza Leão:


Cícero Braga de Souza Leão, from Engenho Floresta Jaboatão


Antonio de Souza Leão, from Engenho Morenos:


A descendant of the Souza Leão, the writer João Cabral de Melo Neto:


12-10-2013, 08:32 PM
A few more with a couple more of famous family names of Senhores de Engenho:

Francisco Xavier Paes Barreto, politician of the XIX century, from Pesqueiras, interior of Pernambuco (Paes Barreto is a family name associated with the first settlers of Pernambuco):


Lourenço de Sá e Albuquerque, politician of the XIX century (the first Albuquerque in Pernambuco was the wife of Duarte Coelho Pereira, who was the very first Chief settler of Pernambuco, her name was Brites de Albuquerque, she came with her brother Jerônimo de Albuquerque, who also left many descendants, she was the niece of Afonso de Albuquerque, who conquered Goa and Malaca; http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brites_de_Albuquerque):


His brother, Antonio Coelho de Sá e Albuquerque, politician in the XIX century (born in Muribeca):


Manoel de Barros Wanderley (the first "Wanderley" was a Gaspar von der Ley who settled in Pernambuco in the XVII century, the name was changed to Wanderley, and his descendants became part of the local luso-brazilian Engenho rural aristocracy of landowners; Wanderley became a name associated with people from Pernambuco and neighbouring states where their descendants settled):


Antonio Cesar Marinho Falcão (the Marinho Falcão surname is also associated with the Senhores de Engenho, tracing back to the first settlers of Pernambuco):


Sebastião Antonio Accioly Lins (both family names are associated with the Senhores de Engenho of Northeast Brazil, Accioly comes from a Madeiran settler from the early period of colonization; Lins is also associated with the colonial era and the Senhores de Engenho):


12-10-2013, 08:34 PM
^ Two famous Accioly:

The current governor of Pernambuco (former Minister of State and deputy), Eduardo Accioly Campos:


Alexandre Accioly (he became famous for making an over U$ 100 million fortune before turning 40):


12-10-2013, 08:34 PM
A couple of more pics from Pernambuco:

João Joaquim de Albuquerque Mello:


Maria dos Anjos Magarinos de Souza Leão:


Belmiro Silveira Lins:

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-ZmyuPZjmoJ8/TyJ99BDGpWI/AAAAAAAAHDo/tmDIvc7VmGc/s640/Belmiro+da+Silveira+Lins+(+Bar%C3%A3o+da+Escada).j pg

Manuel Joaquim Carneiro da Cunha (from Engenho Monjope in Pernambuco):


Bahia was also a place where sugar cane plantations flourished, a few Senhores de Engenho from Bahia (I have not posted any from there so far but from the more sugar cane plantation traditional areas of Pernambuco and its neighbouring states):

Cícero Dantas Martins (one of the most important landowners of XIX century Brazil), http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%C3%ADcero_Dantas_Martins:


Antonio da Costa Pinto, from Engenho of Bom Jardim:

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0a/Conde_de_Sergimirim_%28Ant%C3%B4nio_da_Costa_Pinto %29.jpg

12-10-2013, 08:35 PM
A famous descendant of the Senhores de Engenho, the painter Cícero Dias (from Pernambuco), he was himself born in an Engenho:


His illustrations of the Engenhos have been widely used and published by various authors:

05-04-2014, 07:27 PM
João Cabral de Melo Neto, one of the greatest Brazilian writers:

João Cabral de Melo Neto (9 January 1920 – 9 October 1999) was a Brazilian poet and diplomat. He is considered one of the greatest Brazilian poets of all time and was awarded the 1990 Camões Prize, the greatest prize in Portuguese language and the 1992 Neustadt International Prize for Literature.

Melo Neto was born in Recife, Pernambuco.


05-12-2014, 11:46 AM
A few historical Engenhos, plantations from where those families sprung:

Engenho Gaipió in Ipojuca, Pernambuco (it belonged to the Cavalcanti de Albuquerque, one of the oldest and most traditional families from the Northeast)


Engenho Freguesia in Candeias, Bahia (its origins are traced to a sesmaria donation - land donation - to Sebastião Álvares in 1560)


Engenho Massangana in Cabo, also in Pernambuco (Joaquim Nabuco, a Brazilian statesman from the XIX century, was baptised in the Chapel of the Engenho, and spent his childhood there);


Engenho Monjope in Igarassu, Pernambuco (its remote origins are traced back to the XVI century)


Engenho Contendas:


Engenho Uruaé in Pernambuco, typical sugar cane fazenda from Pernambuco (it was built in the XVII century: http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Engenho_Urua%C3%A9)


Engenho depicted by Frans Post in 1668 (in Pernambuco):


Engenho Moreno (sugar cane plantation in Pernambuco):


Engenho Poço Comprido in Pernambuco (built in 1730):


05-13-2014, 11:55 PM
Antonio Alves de Araújo [Engenho Amaragy, Pernambuco]


José Francisco de Arruda Falcão [Engenho Pirauíra, Escada, in Pernambuco]


Paulino Velloso Freyre [son of the Baron of Itambé. Engenhos: Pará, Salgado e Araçá, Itambé, Laranjeiras, Timbaúba, in Pernambuco]


João Pessoa Guerra and his wife Maria Gayão Correia de Oliveira Guerra [Engenho Cumbe de Cima – Igarassú, in Pernambuco]


Maria de Souza Leão Lemos [wife of José de Souza Leão Lemos, from Pernambuco]


Herculano Bandeira de Mello [from Engenho Nazaré da Mata, in Pernambuco]


The marriage of Sólon de Barros Corrêa [Engenho Bosque, Pernambuco], other people present: Judith Thereza Pontual Sampaio, Heráclito Andrade Vaz de Oliveira, Maria Adalgisa Pontual Dias, Erasmo de Barros Correia Filho, Maria Thereza Pontual de Barros Guimarães, Cláudio Ribeiro


05-14-2014, 11:31 AM
José Seabra de Andrade [engenho Acerto, Vicência, Pernambuco]


Henrique Marques da Silveira Lins [Engenho Matapiruma, Escada, Pernambuco]


Carolina Caldas Lins [Engenho Massauassú & Engenho Sapucagy, Escada, Pernambuco]


Francisco Correa de Oliveira Andrade Lira [Engenho Folguedo, Goiana, Pernambuco]


Idila Correa de Oliveira [Engenho Texeira, Itambém, Pernambuco]


Urbano da Silva Pereira de Lira [Engenho Monte Alegre Novo, Timbaúba - Pernambuco]


05-14-2014, 07:03 PM
Maria Lins Cavalcanti, Baroness of Suassuna (Pernambuco):


Francisco de Araújo Pereira Palma (Engenho Água Azul, Timbauba, Pernambuco):


Prisciano de Acioli Lins (Pernambuco):


Lourenço Cavalcanti de Albuquerque Maranhão, Baron of Atalaya


Antonio Borba de Albuquerque [Engenho Cumbe, Pernambuco]


Manoel Xavier de Andrade Vasconcelos [Engenho Jussara, Timbaúba, Pernambuco]


Pedro Tavares de Mello [Engenho Zumbi, També, Pernambuco]


Pedro Tavares de Mello and Belarmino Tavares de Mello [Engenho Acahú, Goiana, Pernambuco]


Serafim Pessoa de Mello [Engenho Gutiúba, Pernambuco]


Manoel Ignacio Pessoa de Mello [Engenho Gutiuba, Goiana, Pernambuco]


05-14-2014, 07:11 PM
Interesting thread. All in all a good looking bunch.

10-07-2014, 12:15 PM
A famous figure, former President and current Senator Fernando Collor de Mello, on his paternal side (Senhores de Engenho from Alagoas), he was impeached when President:


Some famous moments of his:



When younger, during a campaign:


10-07-2014, 07:54 PM
^ His brother and archrival Pedro Collor:


11-08-2014, 12:19 PM
José Ermirio de Moraes, from the interior of Pernambuco state, founder of the Votorantim Group, one of the most important industrial groups from Brazil:

O ímpeto guerreiro, que o fez construir um dos maiores impérios industriais do País, associado à fabricação de cimento, alumínio, ferro, aço e zinco, se forjou na vida de provações do menino nascido no solo seco do sertão pernambucano. José Ermírio de Moraes, que desembarcou neste mundo a 21 de janeiro de 1890, pertencia a uma típica família da aristocracia rural do Nordeste. O pai, Ermírio Barroso de Moraes, era um senhor de engenho já decadente ao morrer - o garoto tinha apenas dois anos de idade. A mãe, Francisca Jesuína Pessoa de Albuquerque, ou dona Chiquinha, como todos a chamavam, passou a administrar os negócios familiares na pequena Nazaré da Mata, a 60 quilômetros do Recife.


Votorantim Group is one of the largest industrial conglomerates in Latin America, operating in various sectors such as finance, energy, siderurgy, steel, pulp and paper among others. The group is represented by different holdings administering the brands of each sector, they are:

Atacocha - Mining
Banco Votorantim - Finance
Companhia Brasileira de Aluminio - Aluminium
Citrosuco - Agribusiness
Fibria - Pulp and paper
Milpo - Mining
Votorantim Cimentos - Cement
Votorantim Energia - Energy
Votorantim Metais - Mining
Votorantim Siderurgia - Siderurgy
VNN - Private Equity, Venture Capital

Votorantim is a family-controlled company. It was founded in 1919 by José Ermírio de Moraes, an engineer from Pernambuco. Its model of corporate governance assures the Ermírio Morais family strategic controlling positions in the Executive Board, the Brazilian businessman Antônio Ermírio de Moraes was the representative of the family in company, and it has non-family professionals at the forefront of the Business Units. The company is proud to have been recognized by the IMD Business School and Lombard Odier Darier Hentsch Bank as the world’s best family company in 2005.

The Votorantim Group is the only closed-capital Brazilian company rated by the three main rating agencies in the world: Standard & Poors, Fitch Ratings and Moody's.

In February 2010, the Votorantim Group purchased through its subsidiary Votorantim Cimentos 21.2% of Portuguese cement company Cimpor, of which 17.3% was purchased from French cement company Lafarge and 3.9% from Portuguese Cinveste. Cimpor began to be played by the Brazilian siderurgy company CSN and the conglomerate Camargo Corrêa, that offered a hostile bid to hold 100% of the shares, but shareholds of Cimpor of rejected the offer to sell 100% of the company and thus the Votorantim Group was able to buy a stake in the Portuguese company. But on February 10 from the Camargo Corrêa impressed and bought 28.6% of Cimpor. In 2012 the group exchange their shares in Cimpor with Camargo Corrêa Cimpor for some assets in Asia, Africa and South America.

https://fbexternal-a.akamaihd.net/safe_image.php?d=AQCWq7JQGy76K0nZ&w=500&h=316&url=http%3A%2F%2Fupload.wikimedia.org%2Fwikipedia% 2Fpt%2F9%2F91%2FGRUPO_VOTORANTIM.png

01-21-2015, 10:42 PM
Probably the best thread I've seen since I've joined this forum!

01-21-2015, 10:58 PM
very good pics, people the ancient are important

01-22-2015, 06:52 PM
Are alot of these decendants of the founders of Brazil? Aren't you decendant of the first Portuguese settlers in Brazil?

Do you consider the decendants of the first Portuguese settlers of Brazil more Brazilian than the Brazilian seperatist of Rio Grande Do Sul who are of recent immigrant stock ?

01-22-2015, 06:53 PM
Are alot of these decendants of the founders of Brazil? Aren't you decendant of the first Portuguese settlers in Brazil?

Do you consider the decendants of the first Portuguese settlers of Brazil more Brazilian than the Brazilian seperatist of Rio Grande Do Sul who are of recent immigrant stock ?

These questions are for curupira,right?

01-22-2015, 06:56 PM
These questions are for curupira,right?


01-22-2015, 11:02 PM
Are alot of these decendants of the founders of Brazil? Aren't you decendant of the first Portuguese settlers in Brazil?

Do you consider the decendants of the first Portuguese settlers of Brazil more Brazilian than the Brazilian seperatist of Rio Grande Do Sul who are of recent immigrant stock ?

They are and I am. My earliest ancestors settled down in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, and from there explored mineral wealth in Minas Gerais. João Ramalho is the first Portuguese settler of Brazil, and I am a direct descendant of him. He may have arrived before 1500! Thus my own personal story and that of millions of Southeast Brazilians (Minas Gerais, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro) is similar to theirs (to those from Northeast Brazil).

Southern Brazil was explored later, also by people from São Paulo, bandeirantes, who founded Laguna and São Francisco do Sul in Santa Catarina and from there annexed Rio Grande do Sul. Thus, many people from the South also have a similar history (just to mention two examples, Getúlio Vargas, one of our most important presidents, was a descendant of Amador Bueno, a colonial figure from São Paulo, just like I am; and Antonio de Sousa Neto, an important figure from Rio Grande do Sul, was also a descendant of João Ramalho, like I am: http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ant%C3%B4nio_de_Sousa_Neto).

Later on, Azorean couples were settled down in Rio Grande do Sul and in Santa Catarina to guarantee the territory. Those who belong to near or fully German or Italian communities in the South are usually the ones (though not all) who feel the least identified to the rest of Brazil. I don't like it, since they did not conquer it, they were just invited and accepted the invitation. But that's my personal opinion. In the end, Brazil belonged to the Native Americans and was robbed from them. That injustice has gone beyond the point of return. I will pass away in a few decades... so what happens here ultimately is not that relevant. And I prefer to focus on my own personal welfare.

This thread is about an extremely important segment within Brazilian society, the colonial segment from Northeast Brazil, which made up the upper class of the country up until recently. Many of them still do. Some of the people I posted on this thread are familiar to anyone who has a basic knowledge on Brazil.

01-22-2015, 11:10 PM
They are and I am. My earliest ancestors settled down in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, and from there explored mineral wealth in Minas Gerais. João Ramalho is the first Portuguese settler of Brazil, and I am a direct descendant of him. He may have arrived before 1500! Thus my own personal story and that of millions of Southeast Brazilians (Minas Gerais, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro) is similar to theirs (to those from Northeast Brazil).

Southern Brazil was explored later, also by people from São Paulo, bandeirantes, who founded Laguna and São Francisco do Sul in Santa Catarina and from there annexed Rio Grande do Sul. Thus, many people from the South also have a similar history (just to mention two examples, Getúlio Vargas, one of our most important presidents, was a descendant of Amador Bueno, a colonial figure from São Paulo, just like I am; and Antonio de Sousa Neto, an important figure from Rio Grande do Sul, was also a descendant of João Ramalho, like I am: http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ant%C3%B4nio_de_Sousa_Neto).

Later on, Azorean couples were settled down in Rio Grande do Sul and in Santa Catarina to guarantee the territory. Those who belong to near or fully German or Italian communities in the South are usually the ones (though not all) who feel the least identified to the rest of Brazil. I don't like it, since they did not conquer it, they were just invited and accepted the invitation. But that's my personal opinion. In the end, Brazil belonged to the Native Americans and was robbed from them. That injustice has gone beyond the point of return. I will pass away in a few decades... so what happens here ultimately is not that relevant. And prefer to focus on my own personal welfare.

This thread is about an extremely important segment within Brazilian society, the colonial segment from Northeast Brazil, is made up the upper class of the country up until recently. Many of them still do. Some of the people I posted of this thread are familiar to anyone who has a basic knowledge on Brazil.

You descend from João Ramalho?That's awsome,how did you gather so much information about your colonial ancestry?I am very interested in mine but I don't know much about it...My great-grandmother is quarter colonial from Piracicaba,do you think that I may descend from João Ramalho too?

01-22-2015, 11:14 PM
I had opened a thread explaining it, what goes to Baltazar Antas de Moras goes to João Ramalho (I guess you're likely a descendant of him or at least of some of the early settlers too, the population was very small...)


You descend from João Ramalho?That's awsome,how did you gather so much information about your colonial ancestry?I am very interested in mine but I don't know much about it...My great-grandmother is quarter colonial from Piracicaba,do you think that I may descend from João Ramalho too?

Tenma de Pegasus
02-11-2020, 02:49 AM
I had opened a thread explaining it, what goes to Baltazar Antas de Moras goes to João Ramalho (I guess you're likely a descendant of him or at least of some of the early settlers too, the population was very small...)


Great thread, interesting founder people and important informations.

Cristiano viejo
02-11-2020, 03:12 AM
Engenho means ingenio in Spanish? I guess yes, since ingenios are how were called the installations to produce sugar etc in the colonies...

02-11-2020, 09:20 PM
Um bando de fdp.