View Full Version : Change on Gay Sex in UK

12-13-2013, 04:29 AM
The bill currently going through Parliament will also lower the gay age of consent from 18 to 16, bringing the UK into line with many European countries.

12-13-2013, 11:55 AM
I cant withstand Homosexuality...

recently in porn sites, occasionally that shit comes in the side of main video :bullet puke: :puke:

Naturally born homosexuals should keep it themselves, they can do whatever they want at their home..

The King, I am
12-13-2013, 11:56 AM
good but they should have done it sooner

12-13-2013, 11:58 AM
I cant withstand Homosexuality...

recently in porn sites, occasionally that shit comes in the side of main video :bullet puke: :puke:

Naturally born homosexuals should keep it themselves, they can do whatever they want at their home..


12-13-2013, 06:05 PM
You're a little behind the times, MrSwan.

This article is from 2000. The age of consent for gays has been the same as it is for straight people for over 13 years.

Didn't you think it was strange the page looked so different from the regular BBC pages?

Didn't you think it was strange that the UK was primitive enough not to have changed this law years ago? We're not India or Pakistan, you know.

Please check these sort of things next time you post them.

12-13-2013, 06:06 PM
I cant withstand Homosexuality...

recently in porn sites, occasionally that shit comes in the side of main video :bullet puke: :puke:

Naturally born homosexuals should keep it themselves, they can do whatever they want at their home..

I feel the same way about South Asians.

12-13-2013, 06:10 PM
Now you have a benefit for moving to the UK.

12-13-2013, 06:16 PM
Now you have a benefit for moving to the UK.

No matter where you are, there is always a benefit in moving to the UK. This benefit has existed for thirteen years. Gays have standards, though, so perhaps it doesn't apply to Swanny.

Sargent Willdrillya
12-13-2013, 06:19 PM
sad news. i tell u 1 thing tho,i am not against queer folks but this society is getting crazy degenerate.christian values are lacking.

12-14-2013, 01:05 AM
sad news. i tell u 1 thing tho,i am not against queer folks but this society is getting crazy degenerate.christian values are lacking.

exactly, and now they are planning the genocide of african people with gay rights

12-14-2013, 01:07 AM
I feel the same way about South Asians.

we know that and feel the same way about gays and whites

12-14-2013, 01:13 AM
The UK seems to be gay friendly.

@off-topic: mrsawn: this is your best photo so far, you should keep it.

12-14-2013, 01:14 AM
we know that and feel the same way about gays and whites

Lucky your opinion isn't really heard in our lands, then. You small people - do you really think if we wanted to eradicate you we'd do it via turning you gay? We have nukes, dammit - we'd shoot you into unmarked graves and push you out of Europe.

The ruling parties don't care whether or not Gypsies are gay, Swan.

*edit* and this is still over 13 years too late.

12-14-2013, 01:18 AM
Around half of the most famous gay people in history are British.

12-14-2013, 01:19 AM
Lucky your opinion isn't really heard in our lands, then. You small people - do you really think if we wanted to eradicate you we'd do it via turning you gay? We have nukes, dammit - we'd shoot you into unmarked graves and push you out of Europe.

The ruling parties don't care whether or not Gypsies are gay, Swan.

*edit* and this is still over 13 years too late.

that would be a obvious genocide though. In days of international communication it would be made public via internet and such, i dont think you could do that, but you do with gypsies what you do with africans, muslims and all others turning them against family values, devoiding them of their culture and ethnicity and such. also there were lots of attempts of eradicating gypsies in the past for example that it is forbidden for a gypsy to marry another gypsy. or that gypsy women get sterillised, gypsies have lots of children you probably dont like that either. you want to keep them small and weak and assimilate them so in a few generations there wont be gypsies anymore

12-14-2013, 01:25 AM
that would be a obvious genocide though. In days of international communication it would be made public via internet and such, i dont think you could do that, but you do with gypsies what you do with africans, muslims and all others turning them against family values, devoiding them of their culture and ethnicity and such. also there were lots of attempts of eradicating gypsies in the past for example that it is forbidden for a gypsy to marry another gypsy. or that gypsy women get sterillised, gypsies have lots of children you probably dont like that either. you want to keep them small and weak and assimilate them so in a few generations there wont be gypsies anymore

France just kicked out 300,000 Gypsies and no-one cared. We could easily eradicate you - you have no allies. It is true that it would be harder to do with Muslims, due to the power of Muslim nations, but Gypsies? No. We could sterilise you (we do, in Eastern Europe!), we could poison your crops, we could impoverish you. Considering it is impossible to turn someone gay, why would be expend effort trying to do so?

You just said it. We've done so many more effective things. Considering <5% of people are gay, and being gay is more accepted among white people,
wouldn't this be a terrible plan of action?

No, my good man, if we wanted to kill you, we'd just kill you. As it is, as long as you stay away, we couldn't care less what you do, think or say.

12-14-2013, 01:26 AM
The bill currently going through Parliament will also lower the gay age of consent from 18 to 16, bringing the UK into line with many European countries.

one of my professors from England rejoiced over this. I was like wonderful England=Sodom and Gomorrah but then again the communist dictator we have here did the same thing but I think he rigged the votes. Most people don't accept it here except the urban liberal areas.

12-14-2013, 01:28 AM
it is disgusting but what does an American know? hahahah I think its strange Europeans find it so wonderful. I mean its unnatural to me....Sex and reproduction are like Legos...the parts are interchangeable and they create something. Two homosexuals do not create anything but an uneasy feeling amongst normal people

12-14-2013, 01:34 AM
it is disgusting but what does an American know? hahahah I think its strange Europeans find it so wonderful. I mean its unnatural to me....Sex and reproduction are like Legos...the parts are interchangeable and they create something. Two homosexuals do not create anything but an uneasy feeling amongst normal people

I have slept with many woman without the slightest inclination to reproduce.

12-14-2013, 01:36 AM
The Gay Problem has no easy solution. People tolerate homosexualism because there is no other reasonable option so far.

12-14-2013, 01:46 AM
France just kicked out 300,000 Gypsies and no-one cared. We could easily eradicate you - you have no allies. It is true that it would be harder to do with Muslims, due to the power of Muslim nations, but Gypsies? No. We could sterilise you (we do, in Eastern Europe!), we could poison your crops, we could impoverish you. Considering it is impossible to turn someone gay, why would be expend effort trying to do so?

You just said it. We've done so many more effective things. Considering <5% of people are gay, and being gay is more accepted among white people,
wouldn't this be a terrible plan of action?

No, my good man, if we wanted to kill you, we'd just kill you. As it is, as long as you stay away, we couldn't care less what you do, think or say.

I dont think so, because Gypsies are in spotlight, in newspapers, in TV shows etc. and you said it, they kicked out 300.000 gypsies. Gypsies are a Problem to Europe because they reproduce and dont adhere to your rules, similar as muslims. You wage the crusade against Gypsies and Muslims and also Africans and Southasians etc. and generally against everyone who is not white or is seen as threat due to economical power, military power or demographics etc. who could be competition to whites etc. Gypsies are stereotyped and shamed in news and such, like i said they are in spotlight and they create it in the minds that gypsies are a problem because gypies are a growing minority, and to weaken the family structure is just one way of commiting ethnocide. They sponsor gypsy feminist organisations, and Gypsy Organisations are not Nationalist usually who look out for interests of Gypsies but who's aim is to assimilate Gypsies so they will disappear.

12-14-2013, 01:51 AM
I dont think so, because Gypsies are in spotlight, in newspapers, in TV shows etc. and you said it, they kicked out 300.000 gypsies. Gypsies are a Problem to Europe because they reproduce and dont adhere to your rules, similar as muslims. You wage the crusade against Gypsies and Muslims and also Africans and Southasians etc. and generally against everyone who is not white or is seen as threat due to economical power, military power or demographics etc. who could be competition to whites etc. Gypsies are stereotyped and shamed in news and such, like i said they are in spotlight and they create it in the minds that gypsies are a problem because gypies are a growing minority, and to weaken the family structure is just one way of commiting ethnocide. They sponsor gypsy feminist organisations, and Gypsy Organisations are not Nationalist usually who look out for interests of Gypsies but who's aim is to assimilate Gypsies so they will disappear.

1) You overestimate how much people care about gypsies;

2) Considering these groups also exist for whites (Feminists, Gay rights, etc) how is it something we're enforcing upon you? If you want to be a backwards jobless ultra-social-conservative, that's fine, but don't turn it into a conspiracy theory.

12-14-2013, 01:55 AM
The Gay Problem has no easy solution. People tolerate homosexualism because there is no other reasonable option so far.

The only issue I have with it is the fact it is in the news. I do not care what two men do to one another in the confines of their own homes. Its irrelevant to me however I think its disgusting when they tell small children its positive thing to do and then turn around and bombard us with homosexuality on television then it gets annoying and degrading to my culture.

12-14-2013, 01:57 AM
1) You overestimate how much people care about gypsies;

2) Considering these groups also exist for whites (Feminists, Gay rights, etc) how is it something we're enforcing upon you? If you want to be a backwards jobless ultra-social-conservative, that's fine, but don't turn it into a conspiracy theory.

I didnt figured out who the "we" or "you" is and i dont know if you belong to them. I dont think all whites are into that conspiracy probably it is a minority a elite with money and they have a plan for the whole world. I do think they are mostly white and probably mostly jewish

12-14-2013, 01:59 AM
I didnt figured out who the "we" or "you" is and i dont know if you belong to them. I dont think all whites are into that conspiracy probably it is a minority a elite with money and they have a plan for the whole world. I do think they are mostly white and probably mostly jewish

I guess if I did nothing all day but collect money without doing any work or exercise for it I'd have time to come up with pure, unadulterated bullshit ideas about the world around me, too. Perhaps I'd subconsciously want to pass the blame of my failure as a man off to a mystical greater power as a way of fighting off the bitter reality of my crap life.

12-14-2013, 02:01 AM
I guess if I did nothing all day but collect money without doing any work or exercise for it I'd have time to come up with pure, unadulterated bullshit ideas about the world around me, too. Perhaps I'd subconsciously want to pass the blame of my failure as a man off to a mystical greater power as a way of fighting off the bitter reality of my crap life.

satans biggest achievement is to make people believe that he doesnt exist. well i do think something is going on in the world, im quiete certain. and that there is monopoly of power somewhere. im sure. i dont know exactly how it is but you are naive if you think there is nothing going on.

12-14-2013, 02:03 AM
satans biggest achievement is to make people believe that he doesnt exist. well i do think something is going on in the world, im quiete certain. and that there is monopoly of power somewhere. im sure. i dont know exactly how it is but you are naive if you think there is nothing going on.

Keep on fighting the Good Fight, MrSwan! Eat for victory against Satan! Eat! Eat! Don't exercise! Eat! Collect your welfare check! Take that, ye Gods!

12-14-2013, 02:04 AM
Keep on fighting the Good Fight, MrSwan! Eat for victory against Satan! Eat! Eat! Don't exercise! Eat! Collect your welfare check! Take that, ye Gods!

i dont fight anyone, im just a small guy who wants to live in peace but i have a right to my opinion or do you want to controll my mind?

12-14-2013, 02:05 AM
i dont fight anyone, im just a small guy who wants to live in peace but i have a right to my opinion or do you want to controll my mind?

That's like asking if I want real estate in Detroit.

12-14-2013, 03:48 AM
satans biggest achievement is to make people believe that he doesnt exist. well i do think something is going on in the world, im quiete certain. and that there is monopoly of power somewhere. im sure. i dont know exactly how it is but you are naive if you think there is nothing going on.

I remember my mother telling me I was being seduced by the devil for listening to Norwegian black metal. I thought that was funny because real evil is in mankind :D

12-14-2013, 03:49 AM
Keep on fighting the Good Fight, MrSwan! Eat for victory against Satan! Eat! Eat! Don't exercise! Eat! Collect your welfare check! Take that, ye Gods!

your brutal with your longbow Mr.English.

Sargent Willdrillya
12-14-2013, 03:49 AM
god damn so much hate in here folks.take it easy now, dont hate.

Krystal Meth
12-14-2013, 07:25 AM
There's no scientific reason to be opposed to homosexual phenomenon.

12-14-2013, 07:45 AM
Around half of the most famous gay people in history are British.

A few examples?

12-14-2013, 03:56 PM
A few examples?

It's true. But only because around half of all famous people have been British ;)

Examples of gay Britons would include Freddie Mercury, Stephen Fry, Edward III, possibly TE Lawrence.

12-14-2013, 04:02 PM
I remember my mother telling me I was being seduced by the devil for listening to Norwegian black metal. I thought that was funny because real evil is in mankind :D

Was this your maw?


12-14-2013, 04:53 PM
It's true.


But only because around half of all famous people have been British ;)


Examples of gay Britons would include Freddie Mercury, Stephen Fry, Edward III, possibly TE Lawrence.

And Elton John, Lord Byron, Oscar Wilde...

12-14-2013, 04:59 PM


And Elton John, Lord Byron, Oscar Wilde...

Pure envy ;)

Yes, them too.

12-15-2013, 04:24 AM
Pure envy ;)

Yes, them too.

Would you say you're a straight or bi or a gay person?

12-15-2013, 07:33 AM
What goes in the bedroom, stays in the bedroom.

They can do what they want in privacy, without interference..

The law change was correct.

12-15-2013, 08:11 AM
It's true. But only because around half of all famous people have been British ;)

Examples of gay Britons would include Freddie Mercury, Stephen Fry, Edward III, possibly TE Lawrence.

He was apparently asexual.

12-15-2013, 11:49 AM
Would you say you're a straight or bi or a gay person?
