View Full Version : People from Lleida (Catalonia, Spain)

12-14-2013, 07:45 PM














12-14-2013, 08:07 PM
Good post dude!

You should have posted light blond crowds to get all the fucking loons go bat shit crazy! LOL

Still expect the "experts" to chime in and tell you that you whitewash! :laugh:


12-15-2013, 02:01 AM
Son casi tan feas como las de la tierruca, hijas de puta.

Tooting Carmen
12-19-2013, 09:26 PM
Lleida Council:

https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/378800000501782195/61fe2d956349360ded0caa888a135e7f.jpeg http://www.paeria.es/composiciodelple/cv/psc/img/psc_02.jpg http://www.paeria.es/composiciodelple/cv/psc/img/psc_03.jpg http://www.paeria.es/composiciodelple/cv/psc/img/psc_4.jpg http://www.paeria.es/composiciodelple/cv/psc/img/psc_14.jpg http://www.paeria.es/composiciodelple/cv/psc/img/psc_06.jpg http://www.festacatalunya.cat/img/29545-950-700-ESCALA-lleida_montse_mynguez_garcya.jpg http://www.paeria.es/composiciodelple/cv/psc/img/psc_8.jpg http://www.paeria.es/composiciodelple/cv/psc/img/psc_07.jpg http://sostenibilitat.paeria.cat/qui-som/fitxers/josep_barbera.jpg/image http://www.paeria.es/composiciodelple/cv/psc/img/psc_08.jpg http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/6120/2803/320/Foto%20Creu.jpg http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-ash2/s200x200/148955_4035181566375_1600232942_n.jpg?lvh=1 https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/344513261569442039/af55a923be13d5035d88c88a171d47dd.jpeg http://www.paeria.es/composiciodelple/cv/psc/img/psc_12.jpg

Tooting Carmen
12-19-2013, 09:33 PM

http://www.araponent.cat/imatges/noticies/joan-ramon-zaballos-ciu.jpg http://meslleida.maspress.es/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/bea.jpg http://media.e-noticies.com/gal/img/20110712/miquel-padilla_316.jpg http://www.paeria.es/composiciodelple/cv/ciu/img/ciu_4.jpg http://www.paeria.es/composiciodelple/cv/ciu/img/ciu_5.jpg http://meslleida.maspress.es/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Postius-e1385058354956.jpg http://www.paeria.es/composiciodelple/cv/pp/img/pp_2.jpg http://www.xarxanoticies.cat/media/000000000002663/000000001331425.jpg http://www.paeria.es/composiciodelple/cv/pp/img/pp_4.jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1889393185/twuitter_Xema_032012.jpg http://www.paeria.es/composiciodelple/cv/pp/img/pp_6.jpg http://www.elplural.com/wp-content/uploads/Pint%C3%B3.jpg

12-20-2013, 08:39 PM
I guess nowadays Lleida is the most ethnic catalan province.

Tooting Carmen
12-20-2013, 08:40 PM
I guess nowadays Lleida is the most ethinc catalan province.

Because it is more remote, inland and thus away from all the tourists and immigrants? When I lived in Zaragoza, I would usually fly home to visit from Barcelona, and the train would stop at Lleida. That is how I first came to hear of it.

12-20-2013, 08:50 PM
Because it is more remote, inland and thus away from all the tourists and immigrants?

I guess so, but this is very relative anyway, I bet only Lleida province has more immigrants than all Galicia region.

All Catalonia is heavily plagued, yeah plagued, with alien-looking immigrants from around the fucking world.

When I lived in Zaragoza, I would usually fly home to visit from Barcelona, and the train would stop at Lleida. That is how I first came to hear of it.

If you want to enjoy the monegros desert in that journey is better the bus I think.

Tooting Carmen
12-20-2013, 08:53 PM
I guess so, but this is very relative anyway, I bet only Lleida province has more immigrants than all Galicia region.

Actually, I believe that there are now quite a few Argentines and Venezuelans in Galicia, given their ancestral links. My Mum even knew some Colombians there too.

12-20-2013, 09:11 PM
Actually, I believe that there are now quite a few Argentines and Venezuelans in Galicia, given their ancestral links. My Mum even knew some Colombians there too.

empecinado posted a map with immigration density in spain, I think it is in the 'a grandes males grandes remedios' thread.

the difference there, and it's a great difference, is from East to West, except Madrid.

encuentralo y fliparás con la gran diferencia de inmigrantes que hay entre Galicia y Cataluña.

Tooting Carmen
12-20-2013, 09:14 PM
empecinado posted a map with immigration density in spain, I think it is in the 'a grandes males grandes remedios' thread.

the difference there is from East to West, except Madrid.

encuentralo y fliparás con la gran diferencia de inmigrantes que hay entre Galicia y Cataluña.

I take your word for it. In fact, I've always known that most immigrants in Spain (Madrid notwithstanding) go the coasts and the islands, which is ironically the opposite of what occurs in Italy, where most immigrants go to the industrial cities in the North. When I lived in Zaragoza in 2005-06, the local newspaper said that the percentage of immigrants back then was 9%, so I don't know what it is like now.