View Full Version : Guess/Classify The Old Photographs

12-14-2013, 07:59 PM
Some are relatives, some are not... and they are from different places in many cases:





#3 (both of them same place)








Mn The Loki TA Son
12-14-2013, 09:31 PM
#1 Nordid-Atlanto
2. North Pontid-Med. he kinda gives me a Slavic vibe
3. women Alpinid, guy Dinaro-Med-Alpine
4. Atlanto Med
5. Med-Alpine with some Armenoid influence
6. Looks Levantine

12-14-2013, 09:33 PM
#1 Nordid-Atlanto
2. North Pontid-Med. he kinda gives me a Slavic vibe
3. women Alpinid, guy Dinaro-Med-Alpine
4. Atlanto Med
5. Med-Alpine with some Armenoid influence
6. Looks Levantine

Take a guess at what #3 is... 0.o... it is highly interesting.

Mn The Loki TA Son
12-15-2013, 05:25 AM
Take a guess at what #3 is... 0.o... it is highly interesting.

#3 the women looks British and guy Italian or Balkan or some slavic origin , gives some slavic vibe also But I see both are from the same place so Hmm...Italians+ British+ some Polish?

12-15-2013, 05:26 AM
#3 the women looks British and guy Italian or Balkan or some slavic origin , gives some slavic vibe also But I see both are from the same place so Hmm...Italians+ British+ some Polish?

Anyone else? :p Before I reveal what they are.

12-15-2013, 05:36 AM
1. Norid
2. Norid-Alpine
3. Alpine-Meds
4. Med-Dinarid
5. Med-Dinarid-Armenoid
6. Med-Dinarid-Armenoid

First three Campanian, last three Calabrese

12-15-2013, 05:45 AM
1. Norid
2. Norid-Alpine
3. Alpine-Meds
4. Med-Dinarid
5. Med-Dinarid-Armenoid
6. Med-Dinarid-Armenoid

First three Campanian, last three Calabrese

I will reveal now all of them

1- Campanian
2- Campanian
3- Spanish (LOL, so weird huh? Friends of the family)
4- Polish + Slovakian + Ashkenazi Jew
5- CAMPANIAN (with possibility of jewish ancestry AS WELL)
6- Half Calabrese half Campanian.