View Full Version : Neapolitan melodic singers

12-19-2013, 07:25 PM
here is a selction of neapolitan singers (you can easily find a lot of them by googling "cantanti neomelodici napoletani")
Would you calssify them as central euros?
Mario Trevi41878


Armando Tedesco

41881 Samuele Tizzano



Enjoy and classify and again, if you want to see more just google "cantanti neomelodici napoletani"

12-20-2013, 12:48 PM

12-20-2013, 12:58 PM
Mostly Dinaro/Med. with some Armenoid strain.

12-20-2013, 02:58 PM
no way are those people fully italian

hard to believe tbh

12-20-2013, 03:01 PM
1) Armenoid
2) Dinaro-Med
3) Med-Alpine
4) Dinaro-Med
5) Dinaro-Med

12-20-2013, 03:02 PM
no way are those people fully italian

hard to believe tbh

They're just tanned because they live in a hot area. They don't look any different than some of the Sicilians I post.

Tooting Carmen
12-20-2013, 03:06 PM
Mostly Dinaro/Med. with some Armenoid strain.


12-20-2013, 03:10 PM
They're just tanned because they live in a hot area. They don't look any different than some of the Sicilians I post.

lol I am not talking about pigmentation

Mario Trevi could easily pass as a lebanese or something

Tony D'angelo looks like a mestizo

Armando Tedesco looks like a turk

Samuele Tizzano looks iranian

Gigi Finizio has a strong North African vibe

Sal Da Vinci ...ok this guy does look very italian or greek

12-20-2013, 03:12 PM
lol I am not talking about pigmentation

The first one isn't atypical.

12-20-2013, 03:13 PM
The first one isn't atypical.

yeah i wanted to add that he actually doesnt look that off but still....

12-20-2013, 03:15 PM
Tony D'Angelo is the one who looks most atypical. The others I can find counterparts for in Sicily.

12-20-2013, 03:24 PM
Tony D'Angelo is the one who looks most atypical. The others I can find counterparts for in Sicily.
I wanted to post those because of some biased nordicist members on several websites makes italian look like central europeans. Those are not cherrypicked pics, just google "cantanti melodici napoletani" and you'll have a bunch of other people that are on that line as Neapolitans are that way for the majority.

12-20-2013, 03:31 PM
I wanted to post those because of some biased nordicist members on several websites makes italian look like central europeans. Those are not cherrypicked pics, just google "cantanti melodici napoletani" and you'll have a bunch of other people that are on that line as Neapolitans are that way for the majority.

I always say that i know many italians and that a lot of them are really woggy and no way in hell looking like central/northern europeans but these guys you posted are just too exotic imo ....they are the wogs of the wogs (for europeans)

12-20-2013, 03:33 PM
they are the wogs of the wogs (for europeans)

Southern Italians get about as dark as Europeans can get, if you do not include Cyprus as Europe.

Styrian Mujo
12-20-2013, 03:36 PM
Mostly Armenoid, Arabid and mediterranid.

12-20-2013, 03:39 PM
Southern Italians get about as dark as Europeans can get, if you do not include Cyprus as Europe.

yes but these singers are even exotic for southern italians imo

they arent even sicilians or something lol

12-20-2013, 03:40 PM
yes but these singers are even exotic for southern italians imo

they arent even sicilians or something lol

Apart from Naples having more "northern" influenced and western influenced types, they are not too different from Sicilians.

12-20-2013, 03:43 PM
I always say that i know many italians and that a lot of them are really woggy and no way in hell looking like central/northern europeans but these guys you posted are just too exotic imo ....they are the wogs of the wogs (for europeans)
I understand you because you have been relying on false statements from biased people that infest the web. I am not saying that all italians are like that, but there are really a lot, especially in the south. Just FYI check those 2 music videos:
1 is in the southeastern city of Bari, the singer is super tanned (too much) but is a local like the people in the video, all from Bari

2 this one is from Samuele Tizzano, Napoli, you will have a good idea on how neapolitans look

3 Enzo di Palma Napoli

or this

guys if you have time on youtube you find millions of this video from neapolitan singers and you'll see the real thing as they are not cherrypicked at all!

12-20-2013, 03:59 PM
I understand you because you have been relying on false statements from biased people that infest the web. I am not saying that all italians are like that, but there are really a lot, especially in the south. Just FYI check those 2 music videos:
1 is in the southeastern city of Bari, the singer is super tanned (too much) but is a local like the people in the video, all from Bari

2 this one is from Samuele Tizzano, Napoli, you will have a good idea on how neapolitans look

3 Enzo di Palma Napoli

or this

guys if you have time on youtube you find millions of this video from neapolitan singers and you'll see the real thing as they are not cherrypicked at all!

Sgillespie, the tanned guy lol. How did he managed to get so tanned? Some people in the first and the second video are not southern Italians, certain people in background that is. Please just don't tell me they are, look carefully.

12-20-2013, 04:11 PM
Sgillespie, the tanned guy lol. How did he managed to get so tanned? Some people in the first and the second video are not southern Italians, certain people in background that is. Please just don't tell me they are, look carefully.

Actually I have a doubt on the girl in the second video she looks like a sort of mulatto and it can be possible that someone is not italian, that I can not know for sure, but the vast majority are

12-20-2013, 04:13 PM
The best way is to look at football crowds during a football match :)

Prince Carlo
12-20-2013, 05:37 PM
Cherrypicking tanned singers many of whom are not even 100% natives. Gilles get a life please.

12-20-2013, 06:19 PM
Cherrypicking tanned singers many of whom are not even 100% natives. Gilles get a life please.

That's the most patetic answer you could give, neapolitan in denial ahhahhahahhahha those are 100 % neapolitan, like the hundreds you find on google and youtube. I start to think you are not a true neapolitan (neapolitans have pride on their own city) you must be a romanian or whatever you are.

Do you deny also Carosone?

o i "Neri per caso" ?

12-20-2013, 06:24 PM
Cherrypicking tanned singers many of whom are not even 100% natives. Gilles get a life please.

All you do is post very light people. I have gone on Facebook and seen crowds in Naples on Youtube videos and they do not look like what you post.

Prince Carlo
12-20-2013, 06:29 PM
Renato Carosone?


Neri per caso are all 100% Campanians excluding for the first on the right who is a Spaniard.


His name is Domenico Pablo "Mimì" Caravano. At least cherrypick really exotic individuals or you have none left? xD

12-20-2013, 06:51 PM
Renato Carosone?


Neri per caso are all 100% Campanians excluding for the first on the right who is a Spaniard.


His name is Domenico Pablo "Mimì" Caravano. At least cherrypick really exotic individuals or you have none left? xD

First of all check Carosone when he was young with jet black hair, old people are not classifiable, second of all, the one on the right Cravano or whatever his name is is toatlly 100% campanian and a typical one...........Spaniard ahhahahhahahah? He is Italian 100%, but I am open if you can prove he is spaniard ahahhahahhaha, if you have any reliable source please post it. Caravano is the typical face that Milanese people identify immediately like south italian/neapolitan.
You are PATHETIC, at least if you were from Trento.................But being fron Naples..............ahhahha, listen I do not have time to cherry pick exotic individuals from Campania even though I would be tempted to give you a lesson and it would be easy seen how neapolitans are............But I do not want to mislead people like you do..................I won't cherrypick anything. Bye bye my friend , keep posting half finnish guys and try to pass them as full italians at least we laugh. Now I am going to listen some nice arabic/neapolitan melody................lI start to like those neomelodic singers.

Btw here are two neapolitan beauties, very nordic as you can see:
Tosca d'Aquino

Teresa DE Sio
https://www.google.com/search?q=jimmy+caravano&safe=off&espv=210&es_sm=122&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=HaC0UqeSKc3nsASKhYCIAg&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=1366&bih=682#es_sm=122&espv=210&q=teresa+de+sio&safe=off&tbm=isch&facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=xRg5FfXCnyGX7M%3A%3BCsSHaFQwWwmDlM%3Bhttp%25 3A%252F%252Fuserserve-ak.last.fm%252Fserve%252F500%252F374149%252FTeresa %252BDe%252BSio.gif%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.last. fm%252Fmusic%252FTeresa%252BDe%252BSio%3B500%3B354

check gino coppola, he is your typical guappo

Prince Carlo
12-20-2013, 06:51 PM
All you do is post very light people. I have gone on Facebook and seen crowds in Naples on Youtube videos and they do not look like what you post.

Here we go with another no lifer. Here is a journalist interviewing tens of random people from Caserta.


Prince Carlo
12-20-2013, 06:56 PM
First of all check Carosone when he was young with jet black hair, old people are not classifiable, second of all, the one on the right Cravano or whatever his name is is toatlly 100% campanian and a typical one...........Spaniard ahhahahhahahah? He is Italian 100%, but I am open if you can prove he is spaniard ahahhahahhaha, if you have any reliable source please post it. Caravano is the typical face that Milanese people identify immediately like south italian/neapolitan.
You are PATHETIC, at least if you were from Trento.................But being fron Naples..............ahhahha, listen I do not have time to cherry pick exotic individuals from Campania even though I would be tempted to give you a lesson and it would be easy seen how neapolitans are............But I do not want to mislead people like you do..................I won't cherrypick anything. Bye bye my friend , keep posting half finnish guys and try to pass them as full italians at least we laugh. Now I am going to listen some nice arabic/neapolitan melody................lI start to like those neomelodic singers

Stop obsessing yourself with this stuff, no lifer. Caravano was born in Madrid and his first name is Pablo. Yes indeed very Campanian. Carosone looks very normal, but of course you have picked the strangest photo of him. Follow an advice, get a life.

Lauri della Valle is half Finnish. I've never denied that.

Prince Carlo
12-20-2013, 07:06 PM
Now stop cherrypicking lol. Show at least the source of your photos, dumb fuck.

Prince Carlo
12-20-2013, 07:26 PM
Gilles have the balls to tell where you are really from. I will spamm countless of swarthoids from your country. It won't be hard to find them.

Tooting Carmen
12-20-2013, 07:29 PM
Here we go with another no lifer. Here is a journalist interviewing tens of random people from Caserta.


While not exactly Vincent Pastore clones, equally most of the people in that video, except the journalist himself and a couple of interviewees, would still fall into the category of darkest 10-20% native Europeans.

12-20-2013, 07:34 PM
While not exactly Vincent Pastore clones, equally most of the people in that video, except the journalist himself and a couple of interviewees, would still fall into the category of darkest 10-20% native Europeans.

Most of them look SE European. Some could pass outside Europe, and some further north but both cases are in the minority.

Tooting Carmen
12-20-2013, 07:36 PM
Most of them look SE European. Some could pass outside Europe, and some further north but both cases are in the minority.


12-20-2013, 07:40 PM
people posted from capelli is average campanian

stop post exotic people at typical sgillespie

Tooting Carmen
12-20-2013, 07:41 PM
Here is Caserta Council btw: http://trasparenza.comune.caserta.it/pagina703_giunta-ed-assessori.html

12-20-2013, 08:37 PM
Now stop cherrypicking lol. Show at least the source of your photos, dumb fuck.

I am not cherrypicking and I put the names of the people I post unlike you ,plus Google and youtube links I am posting are self explanatory, you spam iberians, balkans (that are located more north than you) Georgians(also located more north than you) and you pretend to pass for Italian lauri della valle that looks an albino, youposted it (masturbating you) without mentioning he is half finnish just to try and believe it youself

12-20-2013, 08:39 PM
people posted from capelli is average campanian

stop post exotic people at typical sgillespie

bimo I clearly did not cherrypicked.............I posted entire youtube and google links under the search"cantanti melodici napoletani" you see for yourself

12-20-2013, 08:41 PM
Here we go with another no lifer. Here is a journalist interviewing tens of random people from Caserta.


unlike you , I am for the truth and this link (as much as mine) is realistic and gives a good idea of people from Caserta,typical meridionali, not one single french germanic looking person

Prince Carlo
12-21-2013, 07:37 AM
bimo I clearly did not cherrypicked.............I posted entire youtube and google links under the search"cantanti melodici napoletani" you see for yourself

And I've posted more than 50 Campanian athletes who went to recent official sport events like summer and winter olympic games, eurobasket, superbike,...

I repeat you, my middle eastern wannabe friend: have the guts to tell me where you are really from. I will spam thousands of swartoids from your ethnicity on every anthrophora and pass them as typical. For the next 15 years. xD xD xD xD

12-21-2013, 11:15 AM
And I've posted more than 50 Campanian athletes who went to recent official sport events like summer and winter olympic games, eurobasket, superbike,...

I repeat you, my middle eastern wannabe friend: have the guts to tell me where you are really from. I will spam thousands of swartoids from your ethnicity on every anthrophora and pass them as typical. For the next 15 years. xD xD xD xD
Only crowd like The youtube video you posted are reliable, infatti my dear nordicist/african friend The people in The videos you posted from Caserta look very southern, not central euro for sure.
I am from Tuscany, be my Guest, you can find some swartoids here but not milions like in Campania. I can tell you beforehand so that you don't even waste your time in The effort: Carlo conti, Gaetano gennai, maybe panariello (that has a Napolitan grandpa like The Suriname suggests)

12-21-2013, 11:19 AM
Only crowd like The youtube video you posted are reliable, infatti my dear nordicist/african friend The people in The videos you posted from Caserta look very southern, not central euro for sure.

the people in the video look mostly southern , the people you post look atypical/rare

12-21-2013, 11:27 AM
Joey vs the ItaloArab :lol:

Anyway, the people in OP are much more exotic than the average Campanian I have seen.

There are many people with Italian names who aren't Italian, I don't know what's the point of posting them as Italians.

12-21-2013, 11:32 AM
I don't know what's the point of posting them as Italians.

trolling , obsession or some fetish

12-21-2013, 11:46 AM
Un certo georgiano si starà masturbando alla vista di questo topic.

Prince Carlo
12-21-2013, 12:11 PM
Only crowd like The youtube video you posted are reliable, infatti my dear nordicist/african friend The people in The videos you posted from Caserta look very southern, not central euro for sure.
I am from Tuscany, be my Guest, you can find some swartoids here but not milions like in Campania. I can tell you beforehand so that you don't even waste your time in The effort: Carlo conti, Gaetano gennai, maybe panariello (that has a Napolitan grandpa like The Suriname suggests)

Indeed the youtube crowd look like people I usually post, and not like tanned guido singers (some of whom aren't even 100% native) that you usually post.

I know that you are from somewhere near Eastern Anatolia, because once you forgot to use the proxy on another forum. Tell me your true origin and I will make you cry with my own collections of thousands of cherrypicked swartoids, capado.

12-21-2013, 12:35 PM
Joey vs the ItaloArab :lol:

Anyway, the people in OP are much more exotic than the average Campanian I have seen.

There are many people with Italian names who aren't Italian, I don't know what's the point of posting them as Italians.
The people I post are 100 percent Italian
Plus they are not even very exotic. I dare you to find a single Neapolitan melodic singer that is not 100 percent Italian......
The one that posts people that have Italian names but with American or Finnish or any other very white mother is mr, hair

Prince Carlo
12-21-2013, 12:42 PM
Well you have posted a dark Spaniard, tanned Samuele Tizzano 3-4 times, tanned Mario Trevi 3-4 times, 3-4 times Sal da Vinci (he looks naturally swarty), tanned Gino Coppola and 2 semi uknown actresses. The rest have a normal look to me, but you have posted their strangest photos.

And of course you are not cherrypicking. Lick my ass, my brown MENA friend. xD xD xD

12-21-2013, 12:45 PM
Indeed the youtube crowd look like people I usually post, and not like tanned guido singers (some of whom aren't even 100% native) that you usually post.

I know that you are from somewhere near Eastern Anatolia, because once you forgot to use the proxy on another forum. Tell me your true origin and I will make you cry with my own collections of thousands of cherrypicked swartoids, capado.

That a serious sign of insanity.......you keep collections of swarthy people, why don't you go out and enjoy a bit the city of the sun aka Naples citation do sole e do mare please bro go and dance some tarantella.
One other thing I do. to use proxy I am not hiding.the people I post are 100 percent native like your semi god pino Daniele that looks like a southern Tunisian.
One other thing you already troll several website with your cherry picked pics of Iberians and so forth to make points that do not exist. Plus bro, if you put your hooked nose out of the city of the sun and the sea you will, maybe, stop stereotyping people in the way you want to believe they are.
You are an incompetent, Anatolian people are on average different from Greeks Italians and Iberians and none is saying the contrary. Plus please tell which one of the singers I posted is not fully Italian, you don't respond because you know that they are Italians and they are not even exotic. exotic is lo verso and few others not those melodic singers.

12-21-2013, 12:47 PM
Well you have posted a dark Spaniard, tanned Samuele Tizzano 3-4 times, tanned Mario Trevi 3-4 times, 3-4 times Sal da Vinci (he looks naturally swarty), tanned Gino Coppola and 2 semi uknown actresses. The rest have a normal look to me, but you have posted their strangest photos.

And of course you are not cherrypicking. Lick my ass, my brown MENA friend. xD xD xD
Wait you make me choke
You don't know de sio and d'aquino? Are you from Naples or from Armenia..... Or are you born after 1990?

Prince Carlo
12-21-2013, 12:51 PM
Pino Daniele is a must of course. A few more names please. xD


You are ending your names. xD

Prince Carlo
12-21-2013, 12:53 PM
Tosca D'Aquino and Teresa De Sio are also legends.


A few more names please. xD xD xD

12-21-2013, 12:57 PM
Pino Daniele is a must of course. A few more names please. xD


You are ending your names. xD
My point is that most Italians, especially the southern ones can not pass anywhere north of the alps except for a little percentage on par with all the other southern euros regions, except for Slovenia and Croatia maybe. You seems to want to depict Italians like the Aryans of the south we are like any other southern euro populations, no elected people. We are not Africans, except for some o sarracino if you want to explain us what is this in Naples and we are not Germans if you agree on that you are in good faith if not it is not worth talking to you.

12-21-2013, 01:02 PM
I always say that i know many italians and that a lot of them are really woggy and no way in hell looking like central/northern europeans but these guys you posted are just too exotic imo ....they are the wogs of the wogs (for europeans)

Sgillespie is known for his trolling about southern italians (and northerns as well), so yes...these people are cherrypicked, from all perspective (choosing of the most exotic with lamptanning, strange lights, etc).

For seeing real neapolitans, just google ''proteste napoli'' or ''manifestazioni napoli'' and you can see how real neapolitans look.

12-21-2013, 01:03 PM
Well if you wish I can mention VALERIo merola and lello arena, not exotic, but very Neapolitans

12-21-2013, 01:06 PM
Sgillespie is known for his trolling about southern italians (and northerns as well), so yes...these people are cherrypicked, from all perspective (choosing of the most exotic with lamptanning, strange lights, etc).

For seeing real neapolitans, just google ''proteste napoli'' or ''manifestazioni napoli'' and you can see how real neapolitans look.

E daglie ma se pure tu hai detto che mr Capelli posta solo soggetti chiari ed e uno dei nordicisti italiani, ora ritratti ed attacchi me? Quello che voglio fare e' un reality check per uno, meridionale, che si crede Francese dai tu che sei del nord ammettilo che I meridionali al nord si riconoscono da 1 km

12-21-2013, 01:06 PM
My point is that most Italians, especially the southern ones can not pass anywhere north of the alps except for a little percentage on par with all the other southern euros regions, except for Slovenia and Croatia maybe. You seems to want to depict Italians like the Aryans of the south we are like any other southern euro populations, no elected people. We are not Africans, except for some o sarracino if you want to explain us what is this in Naples and we are not Germans if you agree on that you are in good faith if not it is not worth talking to you.

Yeah sure, the alpes were some kind of mystical and magical barrier protected by Gandalf's magic powers who isolated the Peninsula from the rest of europe...except, obviously, the Levant. xD

That's why many former alpine states were... transalpines xD



12-21-2013, 01:08 PM
E daglie ma se pure tu hai detto che mr Capelli posta solo soggetti chiari ed e uno dei nordicisti italiani, ora ritratti ed attacchi me? Quello che voglio fare e' un reality check per uno, meridionale, che si crede Francese dai tu che sei del nord ammettilo che I meridionali al nord si riconoscono da 1 km

Ah si? E dove?
Non mi si mettano in bocca parole che non dico per favore...la zizzania tra di noi evita di seminarla.

Si riconoscono molte volte (Non sempre, a dirla tutta...) da 1km, si...ma da qui a dire ''eh sono turchi eh sono georgiani''...boh...mi sembri un po' ''biased'' sinceramente.

PS: ora mi torna in mente una cosa...ricordo un tuo post dove sostanzialmente negavi ogni differenza etnoculturale tra nord e sud...come mai ora hai cambiato idea?

12-21-2013, 01:37 PM

12-21-2013, 01:42 PM
E daglie ma se pure tu hai detto che mr Capelli posta solo soggetti chiari ed e uno dei nordicisti italiani, ora ritratti ed attacchi me? Quello che voglio fare e' un reality check per uno, meridionale, che si crede Francese dai tu che sei del nord ammettilo che I meridionali al nord si riconoscono da 1 km

Era Sikeliot.

12-21-2013, 03:36 PM
I know that you are from somewhere near Eastern Anatolia



12-21-2013, 03:44 PM
Most Neapolitans look SE Euro. Not Middle Eastern, not SW Euro, not Central Euro and not Northern Euro.. although a substantial number could pass in North Italy and southern Germany.

12-21-2013, 04:04 PM
The first one isn't atypical.

I agree... my campanian bisnonna is a lot like him.. armenoid! :p

12-21-2013, 04:06 PM
Most Neapolitans look SE Euro. Not Middle Eastern, not SW Euro, not Central Euro and not Northern Euro.. although a substantial number could pass in North Italy and southern Germany.


But... there is a number (and it is almost equal to those who pass in say... switzerland) that would pass in Calabria and Sicily... But the number who look fully MENA is VERY low. I showed you one but I believe he has calabrese roots at least to some extent... or sicilian.

12-21-2013, 04:08 PM

But... there is a number (and it is almost equal to those who pass in say... switzerland) that would pass in Calabria and Sicily... But the number who look fully MENA is VERY low. I showed you one but I believe he has calabrese roots at least to some extent... or sicilian.

Let's put it this way.
Campania lacks the "outlier" types present in Sicily and Calabria, i.e. you won't find anyone who looks over the top exotic. But you find many people who look East Med, as well as those who could pass further north in Italy.

12-21-2013, 04:14 PM
To be honest, how many people from Naples are fully Campanian? I find it awkward when you use such a big city for example of Campanians, it's like using Sofia for example of Shopi.

12-21-2013, 04:14 PM
Let's put it this way.
Campania lacks the "outlier" types present in Sicily and Calabria, i.e. you won't find anyone who looks over the top exotic. But you find many people who look East Med, as well as those who could pass further north in Italy.

That about sums it up... :p. But I do believe you will see many more outliers in the future... with many deeper S italians and gypsies coming there both. 0.o. This is what my great uncle told me.

12-21-2013, 04:14 PM
I think Campanians look intermediate between Sicilians/Calabrese, and people from Lazio and Abruzzo, with types that resemble both.

12-21-2013, 04:15 PM
To be honest, how many people from Naples are fully Campanian? I find it awkward when you use such a big city for example of Campanians, it's like using Sofia for example of Shopi.

True but there are still many of them. What is "full campanian" anyways? It is very likely I had some jewish ancestry back in Naples but the lines go SOOOO far back in Naples and Casoria that I know my ancestors were not RECENTLY from say sicily or calabria there. That is my other line ;).

12-21-2013, 04:19 PM
Campanians are basically a mixture of Italic and Greek, with some degree of Norman input and minor Spanish. Whereas Calabrese by contrast have no Norman or Spanish.

12-21-2013, 04:25 PM
Campanians often look like they could be from the southern Bulgarian coast, especially the smaller towns.

12-21-2013, 04:33 PM
Campanians often look like they could be from the southern Bulgarian coast, especially the smaller towns.

I agree. Also they can fit in part of Greece too.

Tooting Carmen
12-21-2013, 07:07 PM
Only crowd like The youtube video you posted are reliable, infatti my dear nordicist/african friend The people in The videos you posted from Caserta look very southern, not central euro for sure.
I am from Tuscany, be my Guest, you can find some swartoids here but not milions like in Campania. I can tell you beforehand so that you don't even waste your time in The effort: Carlo conti, Gaetano gennai, maybe panariello (that has a Napolitan grandpa like The Suriname suggests)

Much as I agree with you, according to Wikipedia, Gaetano Gennai was born in Messina. http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaetano_Gennai

Tooting Carmen
12-21-2013, 07:34 PM
In the Camapnian athletes thread by Joseph Capelli, he noticeably left out swarthier footballers like Lorenzo Insigne, Fabio Quagliarella and Salvatore Bocchetti, but of course remembered to include Ignazio Abate and Domenico Criscito.:picard1:

12-21-2013, 07:39 PM
In the Camapnian athletes thread by Joseph Capelli, he noticeably left out swarthier footballers like Lorenzo Insigne, Fabio Quagliarella and Salvatore Bocchetti, but of course remembered to include Ignazio Abate and Domenico Criscito.:picard1:

joseph live in campania , you not

joseph see campanians everyday , you not

so , why you want act like a professor toward him ?
and in the athletes thread you can find swarthy type too , just they aren't the majority like you want

Tooting Carmen
12-21-2013, 07:50 PM
joseph live in campania , you not

joseph see campanians everyday , you not

so , why you want act like a professor toward him ?
and in the athletes thread you can find swarthy type too , just they aren't the majority like you want

I never said that swarthy types would be the majority. If you read my own threads discussing this, I have strictly said that the only European countries that would have an outright majority of swarthy people, insofar as any do at all, are Malta and Cyprus. Nevertheless, that does not negate the fact that Southern Italy is among the darkest-pigmented regions of Europe by some distance.

12-21-2013, 07:51 PM
I never said that swarthy types would be the majority. If you read my own threads discussing this, I have strictly said that the only European countries that would have an outright majority of swarthy people, insofar as any do at all, are Malta and Cyprus. Nevertheless, that does not negate the fact that Southern Italy is among the darkest-pigmented regions of Europe by some distance.

I consider southern Italy its own unit, and in which case if you include Campania is slightly lighter than Malta, and if you exclude it, is on par with them.

12-21-2013, 07:52 PM
I never said that swarthy types would be the majority. If you read my own threads discussing this, I have strictly said that the only European countries that would have an outright majority of swarthy people, insofar as any do at all, are Malta and Cyprus. Nevertheless, that does not negate the fact that Southern Italy is among the darkest-pigmented regions of Europe by some distance.

yes just like many parts of iberia and greece

Tooting Carmen
12-21-2013, 07:54 PM
I consider southern Italy its own unit, and in which case if you include Campania is slightly lighter than Malta, and if you exclude it, is on par with them.

Yes, as has been discussed before, Campania is more-or-less the final transition zone between Central and Southern Italy.

Tooting Carmen
12-21-2013, 07:56 PM
yes just like many parts of iberia and greece

Greece certainly. As for Iberia, while I disagree with those who say there are no internal regional differences there at all, based on the photos I've seen and people I've met, even Andalusia and Murcia have fewer truly exotic types than do Sicily, Calabria and Apulia.

12-21-2013, 07:58 PM
Greece certainly. As for Iberia, while I disagree with those who say there are no internal regional differences there at all, based on the photos I've seen and people I've met, even Andalusia and Murcia have fewer truly exotic types than do Sicily, Calabria and Apulia.

Mainland Greece is lighter than southern Italy and has fewer exotic types, while the islands are on par. Iberia less so in both regards.

12-21-2013, 08:01 PM
joseph live in campania , you not

joseph see campanians everyday , you not

so , why you want act like a professor toward him ?
and in the athletes thread you can find swarthy type too , just they aren't the majority like you want
I know a lot of campanians too, besides the fact that someone lile Abate is 1 out of a million, most campanians I know are ery proud of being meds, dark and they consider them happy people and always complain about how cold are people in N.Italy, that N.Italians "non tengono colore in faccia" that their beloved Naples is always sunny and warm etc, now we have troll capelli that posts and states impossible things, so whowould I believe mr. troll capelli or the tens of ampanians I know, plus naples is not far from Florence, been there millions of times, there are a lot of immigrants there, but the type of immigrants that stick out and nevre pass as locals, namely nigerians, sri lankans, ukrainians, poles.

12-21-2013, 08:01 PM
Mainland Greece is lighter than southern Italy

I don't think mainland Greece is lighter than Campania and Puglia, Greeks aren't like Bulgarians and Albanians which you often tend to think.

12-21-2013, 08:02 PM
Greece certainly. As for Iberia, while I disagree with those who say there are no internal regional differences there at all, based on the photos I've seen and people I've met, even Andalusia and Murcia have fewer truly exotic types than do Sicily, Calabria and Apulia.

in my city is full of spanish erasum , they don't have fewer exotic type then southern italy

Tooting Carmen
12-21-2013, 08:08 PM
in my city is full of spanish erasum , they don't have fewer exotic type then southern italy

The pigmentation is often similar, but Spaniards have more plain and 'Western' facial traits most of the time.

12-21-2013, 08:10 PM
The pigmentation is often similar, but Spaniards have more plain and 'Western' facial traits most of the time.

I don't know why western features should be less exotic than eastern (unless eastern means outside Europe).

12-21-2013, 08:10 PM
I know a lot of campanians too, besides the fact that someone lile Abate is 1 out of a million, most campanians I know are ery proud of being meds, dark and they consider them happy people and always complain about how cold are people in N.Italy, that N.Italians "non tengono colore in faccia" that their beloved Naples is always sunny and warm etc, now we have troll capelli that posts and states impossible things, so whowould I believe mr. troll capelli or the tens of ampanians I know, plus naples is not far from Florence, been there millions of times, there are a lot of immigrants there, but the type of immigrants that stick out and nevre pass as locals, namely nigerians, sri lankans, ukrainians, poles.

you should know those people wich say things like " al nord sono freddi , al nord sono tutti pallidi e biondi , noi al sud siamo belli ed abbronzati tutti calorosi e felici" are in 99% of the cases some bimbominkia idiots wich talk just BS and based on stereotypes

Tooting Carmen
12-21-2013, 08:13 PM
I don't know why western features should be less exotic than eastern (unless eastern means outside Europe).

OK, by 'Eastern' I mean Pontid and East Med phenotypes, which can sometimes, but not always, overlap with people in the Caucasus, Turkey or the Levant, depending on the individual.

12-21-2013, 08:15 PM
I don't think mainland Greece is lighter than Campania and Puglia, Greeks aren't like Bulgarians and Albanians which you often tend to think.

On par with Campania and lighter than Calabria and Sicily, I'd say.

12-21-2013, 08:31 PM
Yes, as has been discussed before, Campania is more-or-less the final transition zone between Central and Southern Italy.

That is a perfect way to put it.

12-26-2013, 02:52 PM
"Sbianchiamo i Napoletani e chiamiamo terroni gli Iberici per non sfigurare con l'EuroPPPa".

Joseph Capelli

12-26-2013, 02:54 PM
Joseph Capelli is a wannabe Central-Northern European, a full of complexes guy.
I'm sorry for him.

12-26-2013, 03:09 PM
here is a selction of neapolitan singers (you can easily find a lot of them by googling "cantanti neomelodici napoletani")
Would you calssify them as central euros?
Mario Trevi41878


Armando Tedesco

41881 Samuele Tizzano



Enjoy and classify and again, if you want to see more just google "cantanti neomelodici napoletani"

Mario Trevi: East med + Armenoid ;

Tony D'Angelo: A progressive and ultra-pigmented mediterranoid, with a probably dinaroid influence (not really dinaromorphe because the occiput is prominent) ;

Armando Tedesco: Atlanto-med ;

Samuele Tizzano: Armenoid ;

Gigi Finizio: Alpo-Armenoid ;

Sal Da Vinci; Dinaro-Berid.

12-26-2013, 03:11 PM
Mario Trevi: East med + Armenoid ;

Tony D'Angelo: A progressive and ultra-pigmented mediterranoid, with a probably dinaroid influence (not really dinaromorphe because the occiput is prominent) ;

Armando Tedesco: Atlanto-med ;

Samuele Tizzano: Armenoid ;

Gigi Finizio: Alpo-Armenoid ;

Sal Da Vinci; Dinaro-Berid.

12-26-2013, 04:08 PM
Other famous Neapolitan and Sicilian singers :

Mario Merola, from Naples, Dinaroid + Berid ;


http://ftpmirror.your.org/pub/wikimedia/images/wikipedia/it/archive/3/33/20130112163716!Mario_Merola_dal_film_Il_Mammasanti ssima.jpeg



Nino D'Angelo, from Naples, probably gracilized North-Atlantid or Keltic Nordid + Gracile-Med ;






Gigi D'Alessio, from Naples, Alpinized Berid ;






Anna Tatangelo, from Sora, Alpinized East Med ;





Pino Mauro, from Naples, Alpinoid with a small Dinaroid influence ;





Enzo Di Domenico, from Naples, Alpino-Med ;


Tony Astarita, from Naples, Atlanto-Med ;




Franco Moreno, from Naples, Berid + Armenoid ;



Gianluca Capozzi, from Naples, Norid ;



Rosario Miraggio, from Naples, Atlanto-Med + Dinaroid ;

http://imalbum.aufeminin.com/album/D20060702/185122_EO4MJO3UJPYH7JBFU6SY4WBDMTMNC4_ti_voglio_nu do__H194721_L.jpg


Alessio, from Naples, Dinaroid ;



Raffaello, from Naples, Norid + Alpinoid ;



Marco Marfé, from Naples, Norid + Berid ;




Gianni Celeste, from Catania, slightly Dinaricized East-Med ;




Gianni Vezzosi, from Catania, Dinaroid + East-Med ;


http://www.mondialmusica.it/musica%20partenopea%20napoletana%20siciliana%20fol kloristica%20calabrese%20comica%20ballabile/gianni%20vezzosi6269.jpg

Tony Colombo, from Palermo, Dinaroid + Atlanto-Med ;





http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-dXrqah0XzMs/TdmrREb9ggI/AAAAAAAAAEo/pz1vF94dExA/s1600/226388_212793725406736_181779535174822_817919_5174 839_n.jpg


Sergio Bruni, from Naples, Armenoid ;




Carmelo Zappulla, from Siracusa, Dinaroid + Berid ;



Mauro Nardi, from Naples, Alpinized Dinaroid ;


Renzo Arbore, from Foggia, Alpinized Dinaroid.


12-26-2013, 04:13 PM
Gigione and Jo Donatello, from Campania, Dinaroid :



12-26-2013, 04:14 PM
Mario Da Vinci, from Naples, Berid + Dinaroid :


12-26-2013, 04:16 PM
Francesco Benigno, from Palermo, Berberid :


Prince Carlo
12-26-2013, 08:17 PM
^ And you are 16 years old kid who has lost any contact with reality.

LoL at neapolitan nationalism.

12-27-2013, 09:21 AM
LoL at neapolitan nationalism.

Joseph Capelli is like those Caucasians renegades who tell "Good Night White Pride", in a smaller scale.

12-27-2013, 09:44 AM
The Neapolitans are a Greek-Romance people.

12-27-2013, 09:45 AM
The Neapolitans are half Greek-Mediterranean and half Western-Mediterranean (similar to Iberians).
Neapolitania is not Italy!

12-27-2013, 10:05 AM
On the Western Coast of Neapolitania phenotypes purely West-Mediterranean, Atlanto-Mediterranean and Berid (above all they) are widespread, Dinaro-Alpinoids apart, while in the Central and Northern Tyrrhenian Sea Mediterranean phenotypes are ALL alpinized.
The city of Naples is probably an exception in a predominantly dolicocephalic Nation like the Neapolitania.
On the Eastern Coast of Neapolitania, Abruzzo's Coast included, the Eastern Mediterranean could be the predominant phenotype, and ALL the widespread Dinaroids are much mediterranized.
In the Central and Northern Adriatic Sea pure Dinaroids or Alpinized Dinaroids are predominantly.

12-27-2013, 10:15 AM
Neapolitania is not Italy!

12-27-2013, 10:21 AM
I'm a Neapolitan and my homeland is where you eat Buffalo Mozzarella:
- Terra di Lavoro (Liri river's Valley, Garigliano river's Valley, Volturno river's Valley and Sarno river's Valley) ;
- Sele river's Valley ;
- Apulian Tavoliere.

My Mediterranean homeland is where you eat Olive Oil in the dishes, Tomato's sauce, Basil and where you drink Wine.

My Mountain's homeland is where you eat Wild Boar Meat (Central-Southern Apennines).

12-27-2013, 10:23 AM

Italy doesn't exist, I'm sorry for you...

12-27-2013, 10:24 AM

Where's a Italian language spoken by all "Italians" ?

12-27-2013, 11:07 AM
Italy doesn't exist, I'm sorry for you...

You should read an history book

Prince Carlo
12-27-2013, 11:21 AM
You should read an history book

Lasem perd. Questo è tamarro che ascolta musica neomelodica a palla. Povero bimbo confuso. :laugh2::laugh:

12-27-2013, 11:57 AM
You should read an history book

Really? I think that you're the one who needs it.
When it was born the concept of " nation " in my country we spoke only of "Neapolitan Homeland", "Neapolitan Country" or "Neapolitan People", while your Italy showed completely different things throughout its history.
In ancient times "Italy" indicated Calabria, at the time of Augustus "Italy" meant only the Peninsula down to the Rubicon river, in the Middle Ages "Italy" meant the Kingdom of the Lombards, including Tuscany .
And all this when the nations and languages ​​still doesn't exist.
Linguistically speaking Italy would only be Tuscany .
We Neapolitans, from the Twelfth Century to the Nineteenth Century, we had the territory of our natural Language expressed in a single State.
This has also happened to two other nations, Liguria and Veneto, but they had a good fortune, in the aftermath of the annexation, to keep almost all the national territory in a single region (such as Sicily and Sardinia) .
We Neapolitans, however, we were crushed in a lot of regions with no sense historically speaking, and our identity not only linguistic but also historical was completely buried .
Kingdom of Naples, Regnum Neapolitanum, Neapolitania, Napolitania, Napulitania, we have always called this way. We are a nation .
The so-called "southern " isn't only an economic issue but also a national issue.


«Storia dei filosofi e dei matematici Napolitani, e delle loro dottrine» è un'opera in tre volumi, pubblicata tra il 1833 e il 1834, che, come da titolo, raccoglie il pensiero di personalità vissute nel territorio della nazione napolitana. Tra i personaggi illustri citati ci sono Filolao di Crotone, Archita di Taranto, Zenone di Elea, Marco Tullio Cicerone di Arpino, Vitruvio Pollione di Formia, Cassiodoro di Squillace, San Tommaso d'Aquino, Antonio Ferrari di Galatone, Bernardino Telesio di Cosenza, Tommaso Cornelio di Rovito, Antonio Persio di Matera, Andrea Argoli di Tagliacozzo e Vitale Giordano di Bitonto.


«Tra tutti gli amori terreni niuno certamente è più lodevole, più onesto, quanto quel della Patria. E quantunque a ciascuno sembri la propria esserne la più degna, e sola senza divisione di affetti, senza comparazioni, senza rivalità l'onori, e l'abbia in pregio e l'ami; pure se fosse permesso tra questi doverosi amori far parallelo, niuna Patria a me pare tanto meritevole quanto Napoli per chiunque ebbe in sorte il nascervi cittadino».

Nella prefazione del suo libro «Del dialetto napolitano», Ferdinando Galiani, di Chieti, definisce Napoli la sua patria e ne tesse le lodi.

http://books.google.it/books/about/Neapolitania_Contributi_alla_storia_dell.html?id=O mUGmQEACAAJ&redir_esc=y

Neapolitania. Contributi alla storia della tipografia in Napoli nel secolo XVI

A guardare nella nazione napolitana solamente l'uomo, a contemplare l'enorme sciupio delle leggi morali e religiose, ogni anima onesta sarebbe tentata a gridare: Dio non è, o l'uomo non è l'opera della sua mano! Ma quando lo sguardo ricade su quelle soavi creature, in cui non sai che più ammirare, se lo splendore della bellezza o la nobilità dello spirito, quando vagheggi quell'opàla eterna i cui fuochi non muoiono mai; allora ti riconcilii con Dio e dici: quest'uomo è caduto, e la sua tristizia è un'espiazione. Un'espiazione forse della sapienza etrusca, della signoria romana, della libertà proficua del medio evo; un'espiazione della codardia moderna e dello scoraggiamento di oggidì. (Ferdinando Petruccelli della Gattina)

Caracciolo era uno di quei pochi che al più gran genio riuniva la più pura virtù. Chi più di lui amava la patria? Che non avrebbe fatto per lei? Diceva che la Nazione Napolitana era fatta dalla natura per avere una gran marina, e che questa si avrebbe potuto far sorgere in pochissimo tempo: avea in grandissima stima i nostri marinari. (Vincenzo Cuoco)

La nazione napolitana è divisa in due classi: il proletario e la borghesia. L'aristocrazia è un essere incompleto ed impotente, la quale non ha che un nome infecondo financo di memorie. (Ferdinando Petruccelli della Gattina)



Dal febbraio del 2000 ogni anno per promuovere la diversità linguistica e culturale e il multilinguismo, viene celebrata La Giornata Internazionale della Lingua Madre, proclamata dalla Conferenza Generale dell’UNESCO. La Giornata Internazionale della Lingua Madre si celebra il 21 febbraio di ogni anno, ma dovunque viene preceduta da una settimana di iniziative, manifestazioni, scritti e letture, costituisce un’occasione per ricordare agli stati membri il fine di questa giornata: il riconoscimento della diversità linguistica e l’importanza dell’educazione al multilinguismo.
In un sistema che pone al proprio centro la persona umana riconoscendo come proprio fondamento i suoi diritti innati, un peso fondamentale ha la lingua madre. Potremmo definire la lingua madre come la lingua che la persona sceglie e predilige per esprimere se stesso e per esplicitare con se stesso le proprie emozioni, la lingua scelta per rapportarsi con coloro che appartengono al proprio gruppo culturale di origine. La lingua madre, dunque, ci porta al tema dell’identità culturale e, più precisamente, al diritto all’identità culturale.
Secondo l'Unesco, quindi le Nazioni Unite, le lingue in pericolo parlate nello Stato italiano sono 31. Secondo lo Stato italiano (Legge 482/99), le lingue in pericolo parlate nel suo territorio sono 12.
In particolare l’Unesco riconosce al Napoletano ed al Siciliano lo stato di lingua madre, ciò vuol dire che tra le lingue italo-meridionali sono da considerarsi lingue separate dall'italiano standard (Toscano) e non dialetti di questo. Addirittura la Sicilia è l'unica Regione a Statuto Speciale che non si vede riconosciuta la propria lingua.
Per fare meglio chiarezza, va sottolineata la differenza tra Lingue e dialetto. Un dialetto (dal greco διάλεκτος, dialektos, letteralmente "lingua parlata") è una varietà linguistica (o idioma) usata da abitanti originari di una particolare area geografica. Il numero di locutori, e l'area stessa, possono essere di dimensione arbitraria. Ne consegue che un dialetto per un'area più ampia può contenere molte varianti, che a loro volta possono contenere sottovarianti di aree ancora minori, e così via. La lingua è il modo concreto e determinato storicamente con cui si manifesta la capacità comunicativa verbale del linguaggio, dal quale si distingue in senso proprio. I tratti comuni che individuano una lingua sono il vocabolario, il sistema fonematico comune, la grammatica e la sintassi, lo stile e la pragmatica.

area di influenza Lingua Napoletana

area di influenza Lingua Siciliana

Ottenere uno status legale del Napoletano e del Siciliano come Lingue Proprie dell’Italia meridionale ne permetterebbe l’utilizzo nelle scuole, negli uffici pubblici e nei mezzi di informazione.
L' attività di valorizzazione è portata avanti principalmente da associazioni culturali e gruppi musicali e teatrali. Sono presenti anche siti Internet in lingua napoletana e siciliana. La lingua napoletana, come quella siciliana e le altre parlate meridionali, soffrono il fatto di essere state confinate dalla cultura ufficiale italiana nel "ghetto" dei dialetti. A Napoli, come a Palermo c'è una spinta a vergognarci di una cosa che è parte della nostra identità. La poesia, il teatro, la musica e in generale la cultura e l’identità di un popolo si stanno estinguendo inesorabilmente e se non si interviene immediatamente tale patrimonio sarà perso per sempre. In Spagna, per esempio, il popolo catalano ha riposto molti sforzi nella conservazione della sua lingua e molto orgoglio nel ritrovarla, da noi, il sistema unitario ci spinge a vergognarci del suo utilizzo.
"Il napoletano è una lingua - ha affermato Giovanni Cervero, presidente del Forum delle associazioni di Positano (dove si celebra ogni anno la Giornata Internazionale della Lingua Madre promossa dall’UNESCO), perchè è stato l'idioma ufficiale del Regno di Napoli, è esistita per ottocento anni, nata prima dell'italiano ed esiste ancora".
Tra i poeti contemporanei che hanno scelto di esprimersi in siciliano Ignazio Buttitta è il più noto e il più conosciuto, sia in Sicilia che nel resto dell'Italia. Scomparso del 1997, la sua lirica più famosa è Lingua e dialettu, dove implora i siciliani affinché conservino la propria lingua:

Un populu mittitilu a catina spughiatilu

attuppatici a vucca è ancora libiru.

Livatici u travagghiu u passaportu

a tavula unnu mancia u lettu unnu dormi,

è ancora riccu.

Un populu diventa poviru e servu

quannu ci arrubbanu a lingua

addutata di patri:è persu pi sempri.

E a tal proposito va ricordato Rémy de Gourmont, poeta, scrittore e critico letterario francese il quale scrisse: “Quando un popolo non osa più difendere la propria lingua, è pronto per la schiavitù”

12-27-2013, 11:59 AM
Lasem perd. Questo è tamarro che ascolta musica neomelodica a palla. Povero bimbo confuso. :laugh2::laugh:

Fessacchiotto vai a guardarti Balotelli...

P.S. : Chi ascolta merda di musica leggera 'taliana non è meglio dei cuozzi nostrani, quindi fatti i cazzi tuoi...

12-27-2013, 12:05 PM
Lasem perd.

:lol00002::lol00002::lol00002::lol00002::lol00002: :lol00002::lol00002::lol00002::lol00002::jump0000: :jump0000::jump0000::jump0000::jump0000::jump0000: :rotfl:rotfl:rotfl:rotfl:rotfl::rotfl:


12-27-2013, 12:07 PM
When it was born the concept of " nation " in my country we spoke only of "Neapolitan Homeland", "Neapolitan Country" or "Neapolitan People", while your Italy showed completely different things throughout its history.
In ancient times "Italy" indicated Calabria, at the time of Augustus "Italy" meant only the Peninsula down to the Rubicon river, in the Middle Ages "Italy" meant the Kingdom of the Lombards, including Tuscany .
And all this when the nations and languages ​​still doesn't exist.
Linguistically speaking Italy would only be Tuscany .
We Neapolitans, from the Twelfth Century to the Nineteenth Century, we had the territory of our natural Language expressed in a single State.
This has also happened to two other nations, Liguria and Veneto, but they had a good fortune, in the aftermath of the annexation, to keep almost all the national territory in a single region (such as Sicily and Sardinia) .
We Neapolitans, however, we were crushed in a lot of regions with no sense historically speaking, and our identity not only linguistic but also historical was completely buried .
Kingdom of Naples, Regnum Neapolitanum, Neapolitania, Napolitania, Napulitania, we have always called this way. We are a nation .
The so-called "southern " isn't only an economic issue but also a national issue.


«Storia dei filosofi e dei matematici Napolitani, e delle loro dottrine» è un'opera in tre volumi, pubblicata tra il 1833 e il 1834, che, come da titolo, raccoglie il pensiero di personalità vissute nel territorio della nazione napolitana. Tra i personaggi illustri citati ci sono Filolao di Crotone, Archita di Taranto, Zenone di Elea, Marco Tullio Cicerone di Arpino, Vitruvio Pollione di Formia, Cassiodoro di Squillace, San Tommaso d'Aquino, Antonio Ferrari di Galatone, Bernardino Telesio di Cosenza, Tommaso Cornelio di Rovito, Antonio Persio di Matera, Andrea Argoli di Tagliacozzo e Vitale Giordano di Bitonto.

«Tra tutti gli amori terreni niuno certamente è più lodevole, più onesto, quanto quel della Patria. E quantunque a ciascuno sembri la propria esserne la più degna, e sola senza divisione di affetti, senza comparazioni, senza rivalità l'onori, e l'abbia in pregio e l'ami; pure se fosse permesso tra questi doverosi amori far parallelo, niuna Patria a me pare tanto meritevole quanto Napoli per chiunque ebbe in sorte il nascervi cittadino».

Nella prefazione del suo libro «Del dialetto napolitano», Ferdinando Galiani, di Chieti, definisce Napoli la sua patria e ne tesse le lodi.

Neapolitania. Contributi alla storia della tipografia in Napoli nel secolo XVI
A guardare nella nazione napolitana solamente l'uomo, a contemplare l'enorme sciupio delle leggi morali e religiose, ogni anima onesta sarebbe tentata a gridare: Dio non è, o l'uomo non è l'opera della sua mano! Ma quando lo sguardo ricade su quelle soavi creature, in cui non sai che più ammirare, se lo splendore della bellezza o la nobilità dello spirito, quando vagheggi quell'opàla eterna i cui fuochi non muoiono mai; allora ti riconcilii con Dio e dici: quest'uomo è caduto, e la sua tristizia è un'espiazione. Un'espiazione forse della sapienza etrusca, della signoria romana, della libertà proficua del medio evo; un'espiazione della codardia moderna e dello scoraggiamento di oggidì. (Ferdinando Petruccelli della Gattina)
Caracciolo era uno di quei pochi che al più gran genio riuniva la più pura virtù. Chi più di lui amava la patria? Che non avrebbe fatto per lei? Diceva che la Nazione Napolitana era fatta dalla natura per avere una gran marina, e che questa si avrebbe potuto far sorgere in pochissimo tempo: avea in grandissima stima i nostri marinari. (Vincenzo Cuoco)
La nazione napolitana è divisa in due classi: il proletario e la borghesia. L'aristocrazia è un essere incompleto ed impotente, la quale non ha che un nome infecondo financo di memorie. (Ferdinando Petruccelli della Gattina)


Dal febbraio del 2000 ogni anno per promuovere la diversità linguistica e culturale e il multilinguismo, viene celebrata La Giornata Internazionale della Lingua Madre, proclamata dalla Conferenza Generale dell’UNESCO. La Giornata Internazionale della Lingua Madre si celebra il 21 febbraio di ogni anno, ma dovunque viene preceduta da una settimana di iniziative, manifestazioni, scritti e letture, costituisce un’occasione per ricordare agli stati membri il fine di questa giornata: il riconoscimento della diversità linguistica e l’importanza dell’educazione al multilinguismo.
In un sistema che pone al proprio centro la persona umana riconoscendo come proprio fondamento i suoi diritti innati, un peso fondamentale ha la lingua madre. Potremmo definire la lingua madre come la lingua che la persona sceglie e predilige per esprimere se stesso e per esplicitare con se stesso le proprie emozioni, la lingua scelta per rapportarsi con coloro che appartengono al proprio gruppo culturale di origine. La lingua madre, dunque, ci porta al tema dell’identità culturale e, più precisamente, al diritto all’identità culturale.
Secondo l'Unesco, quindi le Nazioni Unite, le lingue in pericolo parlate nello Stato italiano sono 31. Secondo lo Stato italiano (Legge 482/99), le lingue in pericolo parlate nel suo territorio sono 12.
In particolare l’Unesco riconosce al Napoletano ed al Siciliano lo stato di lingua madre, ciò vuol dire che tra le lingue italo-meridionali sono da considerarsi lingue separate dall'italiano standard (Toscano) e non dialetti di questo. Addirittura la Sicilia è l'unica Regione a Statuto Speciale che non si vede riconosciuta la propria lingua.
Per fare meglio chiarezza, va sottolineata la differenza tra Lingue e dialetto. Un dialetto (dal greco διάλεκτος, dialektos, letteralmente "lingua parlata") è una varietà linguistica (o idioma) usata da abitanti originari di una particolare area geografica. Il numero di locutori, e l'area stessa, possono essere di dimensione arbitraria. Ne consegue che un dialetto per un'area più ampia può contenere molte varianti, che a loro volta possono contenere sottovarianti di aree ancora minori, e così via. La lingua è il modo concreto e determinato storicamente con cui si manifesta la capacità comunicativa verbale del linguaggio, dal quale si distingue in senso proprio. I tratti comuni che individuano una lingua sono il vocabolario, il sistema fonematico comune, la grammatica e la sintassi, lo stile e la pragmatica.

area di influenza Lingua Napoletana

area di influenza Lingua Siciliana

Ottenere uno status legale del Napoletano e del Siciliano come Lingue Proprie dell’Italia meridionale ne permetterebbe l’utilizzo nelle scuole, negli uffici pubblici e nei mezzi di informazione.
L' attività di valorizzazione è portata avanti principalmente da associazioni culturali e gruppi musicali e teatrali. Sono presenti anche siti Internet in lingua napoletana e siciliana. La lingua napoletana, come quella siciliana e le altre parlate meridionali, soffrono il fatto di essere state confinate dalla cultura ufficiale italiana nel "ghetto" dei dialetti. A Napoli, come a Palermo c'è una spinta a vergognarci di una cosa che è parte della nostra identità. La poesia, il teatro, la musica e in generale la cultura e l’identità di un popolo si stanno estinguendo inesorabilmente e se non si interviene immediatamente tale patrimonio sarà perso per sempre. In Spagna, per esempio, il popolo catalano ha riposto molti sforzi nella conservazione della sua lingua e molto orgoglio nel ritrovarla, da noi, il sistema unitario ci spinge a vergognarci del suo utilizzo.
"Il napoletano è una lingua - ha affermato Giovanni Cervero, presidente del Forum delle associazioni di Positano (dove si celebra ogni anno la Giornata Internazionale della Lingua Madre promossa dall’UNESCO), perchè è stato l'idioma ufficiale del Regno di Napoli, è esistita per ottocento anni, nata prima dell'italiano ed esiste ancora".
Tra i poeti contemporanei che hanno scelto di esprimersi in siciliano Ignazio Buttitta è il più noto e il più conosciuto, sia in Sicilia che nel resto dell'Italia. Scomparso del 1997, la sua lirica più famosa è Lingua e dialettu, dove implora i siciliani affinché conservino la propria lingua:

Un populu mittitilu a catina spughiatilu

attuppatici a vucca è ancora libiru.

Livatici u travagghiu u passaportu

a tavula unnu mancia u lettu unnu dormi,

è ancora riccu.

Un populu diventa poviru e servu

quannu ci arrubbanu a lingua

addutata di patri:è persu pi sempri.

E a tal proposito va ricordato Rémy de Gourmont, poeta, scrittore e critico letterario francese il quale scrisse: “Quando un popolo non osa più difendere la propria lingua, è pronto per la schiavitù”

12-27-2013, 12:15 PM
Peppiniello Capille, 'o napulitano ca se schifa isso stesso...

Prince Carlo
12-27-2013, 12:22 PM
Riesci a fare qualcosa di diverso a parte copia e incollare cazzate neoborboniche, che sono state confutate milioni di volte su forum di storia e politica seri? Sto cominciando a pensare che il tuo unico scopo qui sia quello di ridicolizzarci e non sono l'unico che lo pensa.

12-27-2013, 12:59 PM
Riesci a fare qualcosa di diverso a parte copia e incollare cazzate neoborboniche, che sono state confutate milioni di volte su forum di storia e politica seri? Sto cominciando a pensare che il tuo unico scopo qui sia quello di ridicolizzarci e non sono l'unico che lo pensa.

Confutate da CHI?
Qualche cazzaro leghista o quei residuati bellici su facebook filo-sabaudi che aprono migliaia e migliaia di pagine di pseudo-storia a scopo diffamatorio di qualsiasi cosa faccia parte dell'Era Volgare che precedeva il 1861?
Dai, siamo seri, la tesi per cui la tua 'talia ci ha mezzi rovinati è accettata da gran parte della comunità accademica, il meridionalismo nasce già alla fine dell'Ottocento (Salvemini, Nitti, Dorso, Fortunato, Villari, Galasso, Zitara, Rossi Doria ti dicono nulla ciccio?) e non nell'anno 2000.
Del resto, come ogni cazzaro ignorante e in malafede, confondi i neoborbonici (io NON SONO neoborbonico) con i nazionalisti o anche solo con i meridionalisti che sostengono semplicemente la verità conclamata di un'annessione che non è stata affatto voluta dalla maggioranza degli "Italiani" e soprattutto non ha affatto migliorato le nostre condizioni rispetto al periodo pre-annessione.
Tutto ciò che ho incollato è tutto fuorché materiale neoborbonico, se ti fossi preso la briga di leggerlo magari lo sapresti.
Ma ne dubito, dal momento che sei un demente.

12-27-2013, 01:04 PM
Sto cominciando a pensare che il tuo unico scopo qui sia quello di ridicolizzarci e non sono l'unico che lo pensa.

Buffone guarda che c'è chi mi conosce in real qui sopra, se vuoi ti passo pure il mio contatto di Facebook.
Anche perché voglio contemplare un idiota della tua portata.
Non ci posso credere che esista davvero gente così rinnegata, ridicola e bugiarda, chi fa cattiva pubblicità al nostro popolo sei tu con la tua 'talia del cazzo e con il tuo negazionismo da quattro soldi per dar ragione ai bugiardi che sostengono che siamo sempre stati merda, quando quella sostanza organica in realtà ce l'avete nel cervello.

12-28-2013, 11:51 AM
Another atypical Neapolitan singer could be Anthony Ilardo, from Naples (Norid).





12-28-2013, 11:53 AM
Pino Giordano, from Naples, Gracile-Mediterranean?



http://external.ak.fbcdn.net/safe_image.php?d=AQCS6Q5XLIyrK1fw&url=https%3A%2F%2Flh3.googleusercontent.com%2F-G98UuGPv9Gc%2FTkFxA3mSLGI%2FAAAAAAAAABM%2FZ0zstXce T6s%2F216336_1783182712120_1616050983_1714088_5838 026_n54.jpg

Prince Carlo
12-28-2013, 11:54 AM
L'unico che ti da reputazioni positive è quel wannabe magrebino di gillesperma e il suo sock ampiscorra. Sei patetico.

Io mi dissocio completamente da te, e lo dico prima che qualcuno possa fare l'equazione napoletano = tamarro neoborbonico che ascolta musica neomelodica a palla.

12-28-2013, 11:55 AM
Renato Carosone, from Naples, textbook Dinaroid.



12-28-2013, 11:56 AM
L'unico che ti da reputazioni positive è quel wannabe magrebino di gillesperma e il suo sock ampiscorra. Sei patetico.

Io mi dissocio completamente da te, e lo dico prima che qualcuno possa fare l'equazione napoletano = tamarro neoborbonico che ascolta musica neomelodica a palla.

Oh, fidati che io sono stato sia in ambienti neoborbonici che neonazisti.
Indovina chi ascoltava più cantanti neomelodici, rigorosamente nascosto in soffitta.

12-28-2013, 11:57 AM
L'unico che ti da reputazioni positive è quel wannabe magrebino di gillesperma e il suo sock ampiscorra. Sei patetico.

Io mi dissocio completamente da te, e lo dico prima che qualcuno possa fare l'equazione napoletano = tamarro neoborbonico che ascolta musica neomelodica a palla.

Poi questo era un thread sui cantanti cuozzi o no?
Qui sei tu ad essere Off Topic :cool:

12-28-2013, 12:17 PM
Ma poi che cazzo ci sarà di male nel far classificare i neomelodici quando la maggior parte dei 'taliani qua sopra fa classificare attricette, cantanti raglianti, calciatori e puttanelle varie?
Ma certo, loro possono e noi dobbiamo sempre vergognarci di tutto.
Proprio un complessato questo Joseph Cappella, mai come ora lo ribadisco.

12-28-2013, 12:36 PM
Aggiungo anche i rappers di merda.

12-28-2013, 12:37 PM
Joseph Cappella preferisce anche la cacofonia negroide alle melodie della sua Terra AGHAGHAGHAGHAGHAGHAGH

12-28-2013, 12:38 PM
Mi vado a mangiare un piatto di pasta alla nduja alla faccia tua, Josephine.

12-28-2013, 04:49 PM
Tra l'altro Josephine dice stronzate.
A Napoli i cuozzi non ascoltano affatto canzoni napoletane, che sono ascoltate soltanto dalle vecchie generazioni e dalle persone anche grezzone ma all'antica, ma merdosi rappers 'taliani tipo Clementino, Club Dogo, Emis Killa, Marracash, Fedez e altra merda.