View Full Version : Classify Spaniard tennis player

11-13-2009, 03:08 AM
Nicolas Almagro


11-13-2009, 03:24 AM
He definitely doesn't look like your typical Spaniard, or even your atypical one. From a first impression, I would guess him to be Indian/Gypsy. Upon further inspection though, he might be Sephardi or some other middle eastern remnant? I don't know what group he would fit in with as a Europid though....

11-13-2009, 03:32 AM

I'd have thought him Armenoid, but the last picture resembles this one so maybe Med/Dinarid?


I'm struggling with this, so that's a shot in the dark really.

11-13-2009, 03:34 AM
South American Spanish citizen.

11-13-2009, 03:42 AM
@El Guapo He doesn't look very "mestizo" to me, which I'm assuming you mean by "South American". Mestizo's usually have a much more "fat" face, and a flat bridged nose. They also have a less prominent chin, and a more sloping head. If he is a South American, then it must be some Lebanese, Jewish or other Middle Eastern ancestry that is common in "Latin" America.

11-13-2009, 03:44 AM
It looks like hes a native Spaniard because I havent found any mention of him being a gypsy or an immigrant but most people wouldnt expect someone that looks like him to be a native of a white European country. Heres the part of Spain that he's from.


11-13-2009, 04:42 AM
Heres some other tennis players from Spain, Ivan Navarro and Fernando Verdasco. Do they really look much different from Nicolas Almagro?

http://cache4.asset-cache.net/xc/90185863.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=77BFBA49EF878921CC759DF4EBAC47D050CE7E8891280DA1 4CA1B5D831767B17E646CA308B6E2EAAE30A760B0D811297


11-13-2009, 04:46 AM
Yes they do look quite different. They look more Iberian. For example their noses are not "arched", their eyes are more compressed, their eyes are shaped differently, they have more pronounced cheek bones, and they are lighter complexed as well as their skin color being more translucent. It is like taking a Nordid and a Norid putting them side by side, and saying they are the same because their features are light. The only difference is that the man in the OP doesn't look too European in general to me.

11-13-2009, 04:51 AM
Yes they do look quite different. They look more Iberian. For example their noses are not "arched"

Uh...wut? Do you imagine that the Iberian peninsula is filled with a race of uniformly straight bridged nosed people? Convex noses are not uncommon.

11-13-2009, 04:59 AM
Uh...wut? Do you imagine that the Iberian peninsula is filled with a race of uniformly straight bridged nosed people? Convex noses are not uncommon.

Convexed and "Arched" are not the same thing. I would say that it is pretty much equal grounds between Convexed and Straight noses in Iberia, with Concaved noses being the very small minority. What I do find uncommon though, is the "arched" nose. When I think of a "convexed" nose in the Iberian sense I think of a nose like this.


It starts out straight but then starts to swell at the end. Nicolas' nose seems to start out low bridged and then curve from there. In my opinion that is more in common with the noses of Armenoids and Dinarids, which make up a very small population in Iberia.

Edit: Also my description of looking "more Iberian" wasn't exclusive to the nose. I was talking about all of those things.

11-13-2009, 05:05 AM


Nicolas reminds me of him in some areas.

11-13-2009, 05:05 AM
Convexed and "Arched" are not the same thing.

OK...I'm really only familiar with Coon's and Lundman's terminology. I've never seen "arched" used in the sense you seem to be.

I would say that it is pretty much equal grounds between Convexed and Straight noses in Iberia, with Concaved noses being the very small minority.

Hmm, of the Iberian peninsula Coon says:

Any careful observer acquainted with the Spanish will recognize a number of distinct racial types; the honey-skinned Andalusian, with his medium stature, lithe body, flat temples, and finely modeled nose and chin; the hook-nosed Cappadocian type so well exemplified by General Francisco Franco; the large, sometimes fleshy approach to a brunet Dinaric; the rather small and delicate local variety of Nordic, with exaggerated narrowness of face and nose, pale skin, and golden rather than ashen blondness; and the coarse Mediterranean type found among the peasantry in most of Spain, short of stature, relatively thick-set, with a mesocephalic head form, a short, broad-looking face, and a short, broad, and often concave nose. This last type may, to a large extent, date back to the Mesolithic, with older accretions; it is the most primitive, most submerged element in the Spanish population. Alpines may be found, here and there, among Spaniards, but they are rare; it is their virtual absence which makes Spain a Mediterranean rather than a central European country, in the racial, as well as the geographical, sense.

11-13-2009, 05:11 AM
"Hooked" was just my way of describing his nose, coinciding with the common use of the word, not necessarily meaning the same thing that others may use it for. I would call Franco's nose convex but not "hooked. It fits perfectly in my description of mentioning how it starts out straight and then swells opposed to starting at a relatively low bridge and then convexing.

11-13-2009, 05:25 AM
"Hooked" was just my way of describing his nose, coinciding with the common use of the word, not necessarily meaning the same thing that others may use it for. I would call Franco's nose convex but not "hooked. It fits perfectly in my description of mentioning how it starts out straight and then swells opposed to starting at a relatively low bridge and then convexing.

A hooked nose is a specific type of convexity.

Convex = C , Hooked = H

C: {H}

And by the way...


His nose looks like one of Coon's Dinarized Arabs:


11-13-2009, 05:28 AM
Yeah I agree that "Hooked" is a description of a type of convex nose. Having said that, not everybody who has a Convexed nose has a "Hooked" nose. I also agree with your Dinarized Arab comment.

Edit: In that picture he doesn't look too out of place in Spain as a rarity. So I will take back my original mention as him not fitting in as an atypical Iberian.

11-13-2009, 05:32 AM
So is Nicolas Almagro a typical mediterranean? If so, should mediterraneans still be considered a Europid type even though most people agree Nicolas doesnt look European? And what would that say about Iberia, which is the most mediterranean area of Europe?

11-13-2009, 05:36 AM
So is Nicolas Almagro a typical mediterranean? If so, should mediterraneans still be considered a Europid type even though most people agree Nicolas doesnt look European? And what would that say about Iberia, which is the most mediterranean area of Europe?

He looks Mediterranean, just not a European type. Most of Spain is Gentile or Atlanto-Med. Both of these types are accepted as European. He looks more Mediterranean in the sense of North African and Middle Eastern types. There is a huge difference here. I already said he looks atypical for an Iberian.

As a side note: I know you have some unfounded, or non-detailed problem with Iberians, but please don't bring your personal conflicts to an unrelated section.

11-13-2009, 05:41 AM
So would my guess of Med/Dinarid not be too far off?

Also, is it possible he's got Moorish ancestry?

11-13-2009, 05:43 AM
So is Nicolas Almagro a typical mediterranean?

Sure, but probably not the Northern part of the coastline. I'd reckon more than a bit of his ancestry stems from the Southern half of the coast.

He looks Mediterranean, just not a European type.

Yes, he looks like an Arab or Turk.

Most of Spain is Gentile or Atlanto-Med. Both of these types are accepted as European.

Err...gentile (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gentile)? Yes...most Spaniards are not Jews.

As a side note: I know you have some unfounded, or non-detailed problem with Iberians, but please don't bring your personal conflicts to an unrelated section.

As an additional side note, how about not trying to moderate in this section? I keep a close eye on the Taxonomy subforum.

11-13-2009, 05:52 AM
Err...gentile (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gentile)? Yes...most Spaniards are not Jews.

Meant to put "Gracile" there. I've been reading something while posting here, and my mind got mixed up. :)

As an additional side note, how about not trying to moderate in this section? I keep a close eye on the Taxonomy subforum.

Sorry about that, but it is kind of frustrating when this (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?t=10527) topic is extending across a board. I'll make sure I don't post my suggestions anymore though. I do see that my post may have came out as a little harsh too. Sorry about that.

11-13-2009, 07:12 AM
Heres some other tennis players from Spain, Ivan Navarro and Fernando Verdasco. Do they really look much different from Nicolas Almagro?


http://cache4.asset-cache.net/xc/90185863.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=77BFBA49EF878921CC759DF4EBAC47D050CE7E8891280DA1 4CA1B5D831767B17E646CA308B6E2EAAE30A760B0D811297





Ugly semite.:bullet puke

11-13-2009, 07:16 AM


Nicolas reminds me of him in some areas.

Ugly Arabid.:mad:

11-13-2009, 07:39 AM

Let me reiterate again, the taxonomy subforum is one of the highbrow portions of the forum. Yes, a subject might not be attractive. Yes, a subject might be an Arab. Does this mean that an appropriate response in this subforum is a two word, "Ugly Arabid" exclamation followed by a barfing smiley? No. Let's keep it highbrow folks. If you think someone is an Arabid, that's fine; just do so in a professional manner and (hopefully) state your reason for the valuation and perhaps back it up with textual or photographic evidence.

Thank you,
Your Friendly Neighborhood Psychonaut
Moderator of the Anthropology Subfora

Comte Arnau
11-14-2009, 06:26 AM
As for the visibly tanned pigmentation, let me just remark that he (and his surname) is from the most arid zone in Iberia.


03-06-2010, 01:07 AM
This tennis player is quite controversial since his appearance is NOT spaniard.
I mean, no one in Spain could believe him if he swears that he is Spaniard born with spaniard parents.
Yes, there is phenotype variety in Spain, but very restricted one... well at least until recent invasion. His face is more than unusual and more than rare among old spaniard breed, based in celtiberian, call them atlantomeds or just spaniards, since their/our faces are very particular and different from eastern, ones. Think that we are located in the End of The World of the old times, atlantic.
I'm not making appreciations about if he is handsome, ugly or whatever, I'm just refocusing to the obvious point: he is NOT SPANIARD. For sure, he has recent foreigner origins, in my opinion, indian nose, amerindian eyes, but not gypsy at all.


About that question of aridness in the previous post, well, I think that this is quite, with no further intentions to offend, simplistic and wrong, specially coming from a Spaniard. The question here is not the tanning. I've been in Murcia, that zone has a very extensive "Huerta" and cultivating zone from the Segura river. Anyway, among the murcianos, despite they have a particular castilian quite rude and comic, you CAN'T find this man.
He does not fit there, NOWHERE in Spain, at least, in the traditional not multicultural one of today.
The weather, lack of water or whatever is senseless here.

Some random murcians (the first, by casual, is very tanned, but as we all know, that is unimportant, just check those faces):



Now Almagro (yes, It's an old Spaniard surname... but What the f---, look at his face) again:
(with Carlos Moyà)


The Khagan
03-06-2010, 05:49 AM
If I were to see this guy walking down the street around here I would think he's an Indian-American, especially the last picture. He definitely doesn't look what I would think a typical Spaniard looks like, though the place is pretty varied.

He's very dark, how common is this phenotype in Spain? Can't say I've ever seen something like this on my few trips out there. Although, most of my expeditions there were mostly centered around Galicia and Madrid and generally a lot farther north than where this guy is from.

Also, interesting last name, Almagro, seems like an Arabic loan? I did some research on it, it appears it does derive from Arabic: http://www.houseofnames.com/xq/asp.fc/qx/almagro-family-crest.htm

Note the second paragraph.

Although it says it's derived from a given place name, rather than one of any particular familial origin in relation to Arabs or Berbers.

03-06-2010, 10:56 AM
If I were to see this guy walking down the street around here I would think he's an Indian-American, especially the last picture. He definitely doesn't look what I would think a typical Spaniard looks like, though the place is pretty varied.

He's very dark, how common is this phenotype in Spain? Can't say I've ever seen something like this on my few trips out there. Although, most of my expeditions there were mostly centered around Galicia and Madrid and generally a lot farther north than where this guy is from.

Also, interesting last name, Almagro, seems like an Arabic loan? I did some research on it, it appears it does derive from Arabic: http://www.houseofnames.com/xq/asp.fc/qx/almagro-family-crest.htm

Note the second paragraph.

Although it says it's derived from a given place name, rather than one of any particular familial origin in relation to Arabs or Berbers.

No, as I told, this phenotype is not found in Spain until recent massive immigration-invasion.

If you have been in Madrid, you have seen all the spectrum (very restricted, as I told you) of the spaniards, since is capital city and people from everywhere in Spain can be found there.

Spain is full of toponimias or places with arabian names, and this surname, almagro, is one of them. Someone in some reconquista period took the name of the place, given by the muslims during their ocupation. Nothing more.

Except in this case, some non "pure" spaniard or even no Spaniard at all took this surname dunno how, as happens in Philippines and whole excolonies.

The amerindian or filipino adapted spaniard names and surnames since the spaniard censors had very difficulties with their original exotic names, so they took spaniard surnames/names despite most of them have no drop of spanish blood, contrary to the "popular belief".

There are curious the surnames in Filipinas, since some of them didn't chose spaniard surnames, but spanish vocabulary words that liked them! :o

Until recently (2 generations) by northamerican influence -who took by force cowardly in the 1898 wars against weakened and ally Spain by the infamous episode of the Maine-, and pressure, the philipinos spoke castilian.
Nowadays their language is FULL of castilian vocabulary BUT they don't know to understand the language. A pity, bad influence of Evil Jewish/Norhamerican Ethnocides of a European culture-influence in far regions).
It's, as I told you before, quite common see some curious surnames of filipinos that they took from castilian vocabulary by their tastes as "Pájaro (bird), Loco (crazy), Yncredulidad (incredulity), Lectura (reading) and more only found in Filipinas, contrary to what happens in Américas, where most of the surnames are just spaniard surnames (mainly castilian, and basque) being very few the really inherited and the most just adapted because the reasons previously exposed, without no blood of original castilian or spaniard who had the surname, literally copied with the beneplacitum of the Spaniards.

The Khagan
03-06-2010, 07:42 PM
No, as I told, this phenotype is not found in Spain until recent massive immigration-invasion.

If you have been in Madrid, you have seen all the spectrum (very restricted, as I told you) of the spaniards, since is capital city and people from everywhere in Spain can be found there.

Spain is full of toponimias or places with arabian names, and this surname, almagro, is one of them. Someone in some reconquista period took the name of the place, given by the muslims during their ocupation. Nothing more.

Except in this case, some non "pure" spaniard or even no Spaniard at all took this surname dunno how, as happens in Philippines and whole excolonies.

The amerindian or filipino adapted spaniard names and surnames since the spaniard censors had very difficulties with their original exotic names, so they took spaniard surnames/names despite most of them have no drop of spanish blood, contrary to the "popular belief".

There are curious the surnames in Filipinas, since some of them didn't chose spaniard surnames, but spanish vocabulary words that liked them! :o

Until recently (2 generations) by northamerican influence -who took by force cowardly in the 1898 wars against weakened and ally Spain by the infamous episode of the Maine-, and pressure, the philipinos spoke castilian.
Nowadays their language is FULL of castilian vocabulary BUT they don't know to understand the language. A pity, bad influence of Evil Jewish/Norhamerican Ethnocides of a European culture-influence in far regions).
It's, as I told you before, quite common see some curious surnames of filipinos that they took from castilian vocabulary by their tastes as "Pájaro (bird), Loco (crazy), Yncredulidad (incredulity), Lectura (reading) and more only found in Filipinas, contrary to what happens in Américas, where most of the surnames are just spaniard surnames (mainly castilian, and basque) being very few the really inherited and the most just adapted because the reasons previously exposed, without no blood of original castilian or spaniard who had the surname, literally copied with the beneplacitum of the Spaniards.

From what I saw in Madrid and elsewhere, there is a typical "Iberian" look. Even by looking at Latin American Mestizos, who are on average darker (depending on the region of course), look more European than this guy.

Comte Arnau
03-06-2010, 09:43 PM
About that question of aridness in the previous post, well, I think that this is quite, with no further intentions to offend, simplistic and wrong, specially coming from a Spaniard. The question here is not the tanning. I've been in Murcia, that zone has a very extensive "Huerta" and cultivating zone from the Segura river. Anyway, among the murcianos, despite they have a particular castilian quite rude and comic, you CAN'T find this man.

I haven't said his features look typically from there, I just said the south-east of Spain is clearly the hottest part in the Peninsula (well, Clint Eastwood's spagghetti films were filmed there, weren't they?:D). So the skin of a Murcian who spends his summers outdoors will always look more tanned than that of a Galician, and I'd say it could be quite verifiable. Let me clarify again, I'm not saying with it that all Murcians have a natural darker pigmentation.

As for their 'rude and comic' Castilian, I don't share that comment with you at all. Murcia was Aragonese/Catalan before being given to Castile, and according to the Chronicles, the place where "el pus bell catalanesc del món" was spoken. People in the Huerta just keep many words and traits from old Aragonese and Catalan, with a Southern accent.

The Khagan
03-08-2010, 04:01 AM
I haven't said his features look typically from there, I just said the south-east of Spain is clearly the hottest part in the Peninsula (well, Clint Eastwood's spagghetti films were filmed there, weren't they?:D). So the skin of a Murcian who spends his summers outdoors will always look more tanned than that of a Galician, and I'd say it could be quite verifiable. Let me clarify again, I'm not saying with it that all Murcians have a natural darker pigmentation.

As for their 'rude and comic' Castilian, I don't share that comment with you at all. Murcia was Aragonese/Catalan before being given to Castile, and according to the Chronicles, the place where "el pus bell catalanesc del món" was spoken. People in the Huerta just keep many words and traits from old Aragonese and Catalan, with a Southern accent.

Uhm, melanin levels are relative to latitudinal proximity to the equator and elevation, not climate.

That being said, native Gibraltans and their counterparts in the extreme south of Andalusia would be the darkest people in the whole of the Iberian peninsula, or perhaps some mountain folks.

03-08-2010, 04:18 AM
Uhm, melanin levels are relative to latitudinal proximity to the equator and elevation, not climate.

That being said, native Gibraltans and their counterparts in the extreme south of Andalusia would be the darkest people in the whole of the Iberian peninsula, or perhaps some mountain folks.

Don't clouds block some UV radiation? In an Arid environment you would have less clouds, so it does make some sense.

The Khagan
03-08-2010, 04:54 AM
Don't clouds block some UV radiation? In an Arid environment you would have less clouds, so it does make some sense.

Some, but given that Murcia is relatively low elevation and it's southerly location, can't mean they're MUCH darker if at all from neighboring continental and mediterranean climate region populations.

The Ripper
03-08-2010, 08:32 AM
He reminds me more of Amerindian people I've seen than of any sort of European. Which was probably Henry's intent.

Btw, this forum is obsessed with this pseudo-scientific classification. Why?

03-08-2010, 09:41 AM
He reminds me more of Amerindian people I've seen than of any sort of European. Which was probably Henry's intent.


I hope you meant Armenoid... guy definitly don't look Amerindian.

The Ripper
03-08-2010, 09:47 AM

I hope you meant Armenoid... guy definitly don't look Amerindian.

I see this picture


And think "Colombia".

03-08-2010, 10:03 AM
Latin American countries have had some immigration from the Middle East and South Asia...
He definitly don't look like any Amerindians I have seen.

03-08-2010, 01:22 PM
He doesn't look spanish. He is a gypsy. In any street of Spain he would be considered immigrant.

03-08-2010, 01:25 PM
He doesn't even look spanish. He is a gypsy. In any street of Spain he would be considered immigrant.

Henry, why are you sooo obsessed with Spaniards ? Always talking about spaniards and spaniards...It's the only thing you can talk about

03-08-2010, 01:34 PM
I've read that Murcia is the province with the highest levels of red-heads in Spain , here is a murcian actor , Enrique Martinez :


03-08-2010, 10:57 PM
He doesn't even look spanish. He is a gypsy. In any street of Spain he would be considered immigrant.

Henry, why are you sooo obsessed with Spaniards ? Always talking about spaniards and spaniards...It's the only thing you can talk about

What about the other Spanish tennis players like Rafael Nadal and Fernando Verdasco who look less white than most other Europeans? Do they also just happen to be not typical Spaniards by some coincidence? I think your the one who's obsessed with trying to make Spain look as white as other countries in Europe

03-08-2010, 11:03 PM
What is non-European about Rafael Nadal?
The guy is like a proto Cro-Magnon.

03-08-2010, 11:18 PM
What about the other Spanish tennis players like Rafael Nadal and Fernando Verdasco who look less white than most other Europeans? Do they also just happen to be not typical Spaniards by some coincidence? I think your the one who's obsessed with trying to make Spain look as white as other countries in Europe

Change the cd man, i think it´s scratched

The Ripper
03-09-2010, 11:46 AM
I was just wondering why people like Henry aren't booted from this place. Then I saw that he was banned. Perhaps I banned him unknowingly with my hidden psychic powers.

03-09-2010, 12:15 PM
I was just wondering why people like Henry aren't booted from this place. Then I saw that he was banned. Perhaps I banned him unknowingly with my hidden psychic powers.

This kind of trolls, focused in lies and legends about the leyenda negra, how the spaniards are african, moors, gypsies and many other fantasies, are in great majority, amerindian, mexican and argentinian mainly.
I've found in USA too a high hate against the spaniards and Spain not only by latinos, who are motivated mainly by envy, but to the called "white" americans, motivated by the ancient hate of the jews , we all know, are a strong influence in the USA, towards Spain and motivated by Ignorance, a huge one.

Two kinds of Hate, one envy, carried mostly by "latinos", who know very well the reality of Spain, and the other ignorance, mainly by all the anglo-jewish leyenda negra, that is followed by ignorant people, not really amerindian, mainly from USA, who don't know a fu-- about Spain.

This troll, henry, is, without any doubt, one of the first examples. In my opinion.

03-09-2010, 01:03 PM
the spaniards are african, moors, gypsies

Truth always hurts the most.

03-09-2010, 02:44 PM
Truth always hurts the most.

Seems someone has envy of the end of Henry.

This troll is not enough valiant to put a glorious end to his vital sorrow and is showing his suffering here in a desperate and sad way to call for atention.

03-09-2010, 05:08 PM
Truth always hurts the most.

Henry 2.0 ?

03-09-2010, 07:11 PM
So is Nicolas Almagro a typical mediterranean? If so, should mediterraneans still be considered a Europid type even though most people agree Nicolas doesnt look European? And what would that say about Iberia, which is the most mediterranean area of Europe?

LOL, you are so desperate !
Are you going to sleep better if we say spaniards are not considered white, so that you can live better with your racial insecurities and inferiroty complex

Comte Arnau
03-09-2010, 09:11 PM
Are you going to sleep better if we say spaniards are not considered white, so that you can live better with your racial insecurities and inferiroty complex

No. It has been admitted in the past, when he had a different name, and it didn't work. I've come to the conclusion that he's a bot. He'll be back, sporting a new dress.

05-24-2013, 01:10 PM

05-31-2013, 08:51 PM
South Med + Pseudo-Armenid

Difficult phenotype!

08-03-2013, 05:56 PM
Dinaroid with a Med influence.

09-25-2013, 09:49 PM
Gracile Med+Armenoid

02-19-2014, 06:48 PM
Dinaricised gracile Med type (gives Armenoid vibes in some pictures)

02-19-2014, 06:49 PM
Clearly Armenoid + Gracile Med

09-11-2015, 03:48 PM
Armenia with Berid influences, congrats, the Emirate of Granada left some descendants behind!

09-11-2015, 04:18 PM

09-11-2015, 04:22 PM
Actually, at least one of the players posted is partially S. American.

The first does not look like a typical Spaniard, IMO.

09-11-2015, 04:29 PM
Actually, at least one of the players posted is partially S. American.

The first does not look like a typical Spaniard, IMO.

Who ?Nicolas Almagro?

09-11-2015, 04:34 PM
Who ?Nicolas Almagro?

Verdasco. I think is part (a least) Colombian. Ask some of the Spaniards to confirm his origin.

Almagro, I doubt is an INDIGENOUS Spaniard. I don't know his background.

Truth is, people should grow up and just post typical Spaniards, not people who look half gypsy, native Canarians, Nordic types, etc.

09-11-2015, 04:43 PM
Verdasco. I think is part (a least) Colombian. Ask some of the Spaniards to confirm his origin.

Almagro, I doubt is an INDIGENOUS Spaniard. I don't know his background.

I doubt Verdasco is part Colombian or foreign. I have not found any source claiming he is of foreign origin. Same goes for Almagro.
Exotic looking Spaniards are always given Latin American ancestry,i got tired of those excuses.

Porn Master
08-28-2016, 10:04 PM
Gracile Med/Dinarid

08-28-2016, 10:05 PM
Where is Cristiano Viejo now?

08-28-2016, 10:07 PM
Where is Cristiano Viejo now?

Volteándose a tu vieja seguro

08-28-2016, 10:13 PM

08-28-2016, 10:25 PM
Where is Cristiano Viejo now?

surely posting a blond Spanish to taunt all those envious assholes who need comfort with the look of people who they think is inferior, inferior like them.

but administration and moderators have decided to allow and even encourage this pathetic attitude, so you can open a thread about Nicolas Almagro when you want to "classify" him. Sikeliot calmly answers the question with a sober tone, like pretending that it is a serious scientific classification, cynically ignoring that this is just a fucking troll filling the forum with shit.



08-28-2016, 10:26 PM
He is of Chilean descend.

08-28-2016, 10:49 PM
He is of Chilean descend.

are you going to remove them the illusion that he is pure native iberian?

here he with his spanish atlantid wife


08-28-2016, 10:52 PM

Doesn't look very Spanish to me

08-28-2016, 10:59 PM
Not ethnic spanish, obviously.

Cristiano viejo
08-29-2016, 12:19 AM
Where is Cristiano Viejo now?
Only a retard like you could think this guy is ethnic Spanish

Nicolás Almagro, de son nom complet Nicolás Almagro Sanchez, est surnommé « Nico ».

Son père se nomme comme lui Nicolás et sa mère Mercedes, ils sont tous les deux Espagnols d'origine Chilienne.

Volteándose a tu vieja seguro

Su vieja es una gorda mestiza cincuentona a la cual este gordo triracial intentó pasar como española en uno de sus threads xD

08-29-2016, 12:19 AM
Wow I'm excited to see what he's going to post


08-29-2016, 12:24 AM
I always lose my sides with this guy


The Blade
08-29-2016, 10:59 AM
Almagro is Chilean. Cut the bullshit.

08-29-2016, 11:27 AM
I'd believe he was Chilean if you could point to an actual source that isn't Wikipedia. Because let's say he was, it still wouldn't explain his look as I've never seen an sort of Amerindian mix look like that.

08-29-2016, 11:30 AM
looks predominantly iberian with something non iberian. maybe roma but most likely south amerindian.

08-29-2016, 11:34 AM
Almagro is a type 2 to type 3 transitional with something else slightly "exotic" going on. Perhaps Native American?

Cristiano viejo
08-29-2016, 01:44 PM
I'd believe he was Chilean if you could point to an actual source that isn't Wikipedia. Because let's say he was, it still wouldn't explain his look as I've never seen an sort of Amerindian mix look like that.

Yeah yeah anyway you have seen thousands of Spaniards like him, true? :picard1:
Of course he has Amerindian ancestry, are you blind or what?


08-29-2016, 01:46 PM
Most MENA people at my school are whiter than him lol

08-29-2016, 02:51 PM
Yeah yeah anyway you have seen thousands of Spaniards like him, true? :picard1:
Of course he has Amerindian ancestry, are you blind or what?


So you can't answer that and provide a source other than user edited French language WIKIPEDIEA? He's on Facebook anyway along with his brother and his aunts and uncles, not a Chilean in sight.

Cristiano viejo
08-29-2016, 03:26 PM
So you can't answer that and provide a source other than user edited French language WIKIPEDIEA? He's on Facebook anyway along with his brother and his aunts and uncles, not a Chilean in sight.

That has nothing to do with what you said about his look. It is incredibily pathetic that you discard him as Chilean "because he does not look Amerindian" (he does, actually) but you dont discard him as Spaniard, taking account that he does not look Spanish at all.

08-29-2016, 03:34 PM
That has nothing to do with what you said about his look. It is incredibily pathetic that you discard him as Chilean "because he does not look Amerindian" (he does, actually) but you dont discard him as Spaniard, taking account that he does not look Spanish at all.

I discarded him as Chilean because you haven't provided any proof, because again Wikipedia is not a source.

Cristiano viejo
08-29-2016, 03:39 PM
I discarded him as Chilean because you haven't provided any proof, because again Wikipedia is not a source.

You neither have provided any proof he being ethnic Spaniard. At least I gave a link.

08-29-2016, 04:06 PM
You neither have provided any proof he being ethnic Spaniard. At least I gave a link.

You're free to browse his Facebook pages and that of his family. They're easily found. I won't be posting links to that as that would be in poor taste. But what do we know? That he has two brother Juan and Baltasar Almagro Sanchez both of whom are university professors in Murcia. That his parents are Nicolas Almagro Mesegeur and his mother is Mercedes Sanchez Rojas, both of Murcia. There are also obituaries for Nicolas's uncle Baltasar Sanchez Rojas (Mercedes' brother) and a Myheritage.com page for his aunt Mari Carmen Sanchez Rojas that shows their parents (Nicolas's grandparents) being from Murcia, Baltasar Sanchez and Mercedes Rojas Guillen. Is Nicolas dark and out of the ordinary? Sure he's not the status quo but not unfounded in the Mediterranean. What's more likely that some Indian Chileans emigrated to Murcia in the late 1800's (as that's how far you'd have to go seeing his Murcian heritage is identified to at least his grandparents) or that he has some North African ancestry? Id go with the more probably historical possibility of the exchanges between Southern Spain and North Africa.

Cristiano viejo
08-29-2016, 04:13 PM
You're free to browse his Facebook pages and that of his family. They're easily found. I won't be posting links to that as that would be in poor taste. But what do we know? That he has two brother Juan and Baltasar Almagro Sanchez both of whom are university professors in Murcia. That his parents are Nicolas Almagro Mesegeur and his mother is Mercedes Sanchez Rojas, both of Murcia. There are also obituaries for Nicolas's uncle Baltasar Sanchez Rojas (Mercedes' brother) and a Myheritage.com page for his aunt Mari Carmen Sanchez Rojas that shows their parents (Nicolas's grandparents) being from Murcia, Baltasar Sanchez and Mercedes Rojas Guillen.
You are not saying nothing. You are saying that in his Facebook you can find pictures of his relatives, as if that show something about his ancestry.

Is Nicolas dark and out of the ordinary? Sure he's not the status quo but not unfounded in the Mediterranean

. What's more likely that some Indian Chileans emigrated to Murcia in the late 1800's (as that's how far you'd have to go seeing his Murcian heritage is identified to at least his grandparents)
Who did say something about the year 1800, boy? there are (unfortunately) tons of Chilean immigrants living in Spain. And Murcia, the region of this boy, is full of South Americans.

or that he has some North African ancestry? Id go with the more probably historical possibility of the exchanges between Southern Spain and North Africa.
That is ridicolous. Following that logic more people like this Nicolás Almagro should be found and it is not case :picard1:

08-29-2016, 04:22 PM
Who did say something about the year 1800, boy? there are (unfortunately) tons of Chilean immigrants living in Spain. And Murcia, the region of this boy, is full of South Americans:

Can you not follow logic? Yes no doubt that you may have a lot of Latin Americans now a days but we can agree that it's a relatively new thing and certainly was not present in the early 1900's seeing as how you can establish his parents and grandparents in Murcia in that time with a simple google search. Nicolas is just as exotic as Italian American actors John and Nicholas Turturro, exotic but not unfounded.

Sebastianus Rex
08-29-2016, 04:23 PM
I discarded him as Chilean because you haven't provided any proof, because again Wikipedia is not a source.

Makes you sleep better at night in denying that Almagro is a son of Chilean immigrants ? Are you that pathetic or just another boring butthurt troll ?

Cristiano viejo
08-29-2016, 04:25 PM
Can you not follow logic? Yes no doubt that you may have a lot of Latin Americans now a days but we can agree that it's a relatively new thing and certainly was not present in the early 1900's seeing as how you can establish his parents and grandparents in Murcia in that time with a simple google search. Nicolas is just as exotic as Italian American actors John and Nicholas Turturro.

99% of our immigrants are recent, I agree. But high class immigrants from Latin America can be found since many decades ago.
This half Cuban half Spanish called Andrés Montes (people called him el Negro by the way) was born in Madrid in 1955


08-29-2016, 04:29 PM
Makes you sleep better at night in denying that Almagro is a son of Chilean immigrants ? Are you that pathetic or just another boring butthurt troll ?

How can I deny what has not been proven?

08-29-2016, 04:40 PM
99% of our immigrants are recent, I agree. But high class immigrants from Latin America can be found since many decades ago.
This half Cuban half Spanish called Andrés Montes (people called him el Negro by the way) was born in Madrid in 1955


High class mestizo immigrants? Thats something you don't hear everyday.

Cristiano viejo
08-29-2016, 05:36 PM
High class mestizo immigrants? Thats something you don't hear everyday.

Mostly they were from our ex-colonies but fully Spanish or predominantly Spanish.
Not only that example that I posted (he was mulato), there are many examples. Javier Bardem´s family comes from Cuba, Julio Iglesias´s family comes from Puerto Rico, etc. And they (Julio Iglesias, Bardem) were born in Spain...

08-29-2016, 05:40 PM
Araucano hasta los mismísimos tuétanos.

08-10-2018, 02:21 PM
Baskid + Amerindian

07-07-2020, 11:26 AM
Taurid + Med. Headshape looks textbook dinaric. I've seen romanians/balkaneers with this look.