View Full Version : Classify Chestbrah

12-21-2013, 08:49 AM

12-21-2013, 04:17 PM

12-21-2013, 04:19 PM
They look like they need a shower. The fake tan and all that hair product.

12-21-2013, 04:19 PM
What is his ethnicity?

12-21-2013, 04:20 PM
From what I know him and zyzz were Armenian, Persian and I think Kurdish..they look like caucasoid middle easterns

12-21-2013, 04:22 PM
He looks Georgian or Iranian to me.

12-21-2013, 04:23 PM
I always thought his brother zyzz was just a tanned white guy but chestbrah looks more middle eastern

12-21-2013, 04:48 PM
What is his ethnicity?

Yazidi Kurds born in Russia to parents who emigrated from Armenia.

A bizarre conundrum that led to them having the highly improbable names of Aziz and Said, Sergeyevich, Shavershian. Islamo-Russo-Armenian. :icon1:
Apparently they were Orthodox Christian though and only spoke Russian other than English.

You would have to go look at their pre-steroids/tanning/deformation pictures when they were teens to have any chance of ascertaining a classification.

12-21-2013, 04:56 PM
Yazidi Kurds born in Russia to parents who emigrated from Armenia.

A bizarre conundrum that led to them having the highly improbable names of Aziz and Said, Sergeyevich, Shavershian. Islamo-Russo-Armenian. :icon1:
Apparently they were Orthodox Christian though and only spoke Russian other than English.

You would have to go look at their pre-steroids/tanning/deformation pictures when they were teens to have any chance of ascertaining a classification.


12-21-2013, 05:03 PM
Have you just discovered him or something?

Because in Australia mentioning his name nowadays will leave you feeling lonelier than a nun at the Mardi Gras Parade. He was an idiot; he died. That's about all there is to it. His claim to fame is popularising the Guido archetype in parts of the world it was previously not native to. Everything wrong with gyms and gym culture in a nutshell; a lightning rod who has conveniently homogenized and designated most of the kinds of retards you want to stay away from if you're between the ages of 18 to 25 or so.

12-21-2013, 07:09 PM
Agreed.. The"bros" at my gym completely worship this guy and he was a terrible role model..he just glorified the whole yolo generation by abusing drugs and obsessing over materialistic things.. I mean it doesn't matter if you look "aesthetic" if you die young

12-21-2013, 07:12 PM
Latent homosexual East Med.

12-21-2013, 10:08 PM
Zyzz is/was definitely more Aestethic.

12-21-2013, 10:13 PM
I don't know what's aestethic in being something you aren't designed to. Zyzz now would have been a skinny but alive guy, probably even having a serious girlfriend. If only he did realize being socially accepted isn't hidden behind taking steroids for breakfast.


12-21-2013, 10:20 PM
I don't know what's aestethic in being something you aren't designed to. Zyzz now would have been a skinny but alive guy, probably even having a serious girlfriend. If only he did realize being socially accepted isn't hidden behind taking steroids for breakfast.


Damn dude got SWOLE fast though. Im sure he could have still looked that ripped without steroids but oh well. Lesson to be learned.

12-21-2013, 10:30 PM
Damn dude got SWOLE fast though. Im sure he could have still looked that ripped without steroids but oh well. Lesson to be learned.

LOL no he would not.. There is no way to get that dry and photoshop look without drugs..he should've have been way bigger with the amount of gear he was taking but he partied so much that it affected his physique to become better but he was still able to look good

12-21-2013, 10:32 PM
LOL no he would not.. There is no way to get that dry and photoshop look without drugs..he should've have been way bigger with the amount of gear he was taking but he partied so much that it affected his physique to become better but he was still able to look good

Well he could have still been a fit, muscular dude without steroids. Looking dry and photoshopped is cool but muscular and alive is better.

12-21-2013, 10:34 PM
Well he could have still been a fit, muscular dude without steroids. Looking dry and photoshopped is cool but muscular and alive is better.

Yea he still would've looked good enough.. What I do like about zyzz was that he was open about his steroid use unlike most "natural" bodybuilders who just lie and deceive people

12-22-2013, 08:16 AM
Zyzz now would have been a skinny but alive guy,

Actually he had an undiagnosed, congenital heart defect; so his days were pretty much numbered anyway. He only hastened his early death with all the steroids, diuretics and growth hormone he was taking in addition to cocaine/alcohol and who knows what else. And combining all three (PEDs, drugs and alcohol) while you're in a sauna, is just asking for trouble.

The kid wasn't too sharp, and he obviously relished the chance to be something he wasn't so badly that he was willing to do anything to hang onto it. He was a skinny, genetically non-gifted, Kurdish kid who played WoW 15 hours a day and thought it would be a good idea to start intensive weight training and juicing at age 17 for a kid who's never so much as run 100 metres in his life. His brother was busted for dealing steroids after Zyzz's death. Intellect doesn't run in the family.

he partied so much that it affected his physique to become better

I never understood this aspect of the modern dudebro archetype. Living a militarily-disciplined lifestyle of perfect nutrition and varied exercise, to the point of avoiding other responsibilities in life like work and friends; and then going out every weekend to get comatose and lose all the gains you made the past few days, while taking liver/kidney/brain-damaging substances that when combined with your gear stack, will surely worsen the adverse health effects by a factor of 10.

Zyzz is/was definitely more Aestethic.

He's definitely got a lower pulse rate too.

12-24-2013, 02:49 AM
I never understood this aspect of the modern dudebro archetype. Living a militarily-disciplined lifestyle of perfect nutrition and varied exercise, to the point of avoiding other responsibilities in life like work and friends;

I don't think it's ever like that. Zyzz for example had a bachelors at University of Melbourne as does Chestbrah.

and then going out every weekend to get comatose and lose all the gains you made the past few days,

Zyzz didn't drink at all. He was aware of the estrogen effects of alcohol.

while taking liver/kidney/brain-damaging substances that when combined with your gear stack, will surely worsen the adverse health effects by a factor of 10.

The gear Zyzz used was all injectable thus doesn't impact your health in any way aside from heightening of blood pressure. There is so much misconceptions about steroid use it's ridiculous, schools are spoon-feeding this shit to kids in the form of educational videos during health class.

12-24-2013, 03:03 AM
From what I know him and zyzz were Armenian, Persian and I think Kurdish..they look like caucasoid middle easterns

zyzz's full real name was: Aziz Sergeyevich Shavershian, and he was born in Moscow.

12-24-2013, 04:21 AM
I don't think it's ever like that. Zyzz for example had a bachelors at University of Melbourne as does Chestbrah.

Zyzz didn't drink at all. He was aware of the estrogen effects of alcohol.

The gear Zyzz used was all injectable thus doesn't impact your health in any way aside from heightening of blood pressure. There is so much misconceptions about steroid use it's ridiculous, schools are spoon-feeding this shit to kids in the form of educational videos during health class.

Zyzz drank like crazy and he also did ecstasy and experimented with other drugs.. And dude to say that steroids in his case were healthy is ridiculous..it played a huge role in his death..of course you have guys like frank Zane and Arnold who are still alive but for many people steroids have caused them to die at a younger age

12-24-2013, 04:57 AM
Zyzz drank like crazy and he also did ecstasy and experimented with other drugs..



And dude to say that steroids in his case were healthy is ridiculous..

I don't recall I ever said that. Strange, could you quote me on that?

it played a huge role in his death..of course you have guys like frank Zane and Arnold who are still alive but for many people steroids have caused them to die at a younger age

First and foremost, his heart condition played the biggest role in his death, followed by Cocaine (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2111405/) use, lastly the fact that he never did Cardiovascular excersizes and was a computer nerd for a decade. Minor factors contributing to his death were the steroids AND that he was enclosed inside a sauna which only magnifies his pre-existing heart condition:

Contraindications to sauna bathing include unstable angina pectoris, recent myocardial infarction, and severe aortic stenosis. Sauna bathing is safe, however, for most people with coronary heart disease with stable angina pectoris or old myocardial infarction. Very few acute myocardial infarctions and sudden deaths occur in saunas, but alcohol consumption during sauna bathing increases the risk of hypotension, arrhythmia, and sudden death, and should be avoided.


I'd say your obesity is a bigger health issue than steroid use.

12-24-2013, 05:28 AM


First and foremost, his heart condition played the biggest role in his death, followed by Cocaine (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2111405/) use, lastly the fact that he never did Cardiovascular excersizes and was a computer nerd for a decade. Minor factors contributing to his death were the steroids AND that he was enclosed inside a sauna which only magnifies his pre-existing heart condition


I'd say your obesity is a bigger health issue than steroid use.

Wrong choice of words in my part, what I meant to say was that if zyzz never used steroids then he would be alive plain and simple..I know he had a heart defect but that with the combination of other factors as well as the steroids made him die... The steroids didn't directly lead to his death but it did matter

And zyzz was a complete idiot if he thought drinking( he has a bunch of videos where he is partying like crazy) was bad but doing ectasy and cocaine was ok...

12-24-2013, 05:36 AM
I don't think it's ever like that. Zyzz for example had a bachelors at University of Melbourne as does Chestbrah.

That's a whole other topic on whether academic qualifications actually equate to intelligence (I can tell you plenty of retards who could fuck up a cup of coffee graduate from University in Australia). And neither of them actually had or have any intentions to do anything else other than live the lifestyle of a poor man's Bieber and make money through marketing/sponsorship deals and the occasional TV cameo.

Zyzz didn't drink at all. He was aware of the estrogen effects of alcohol.

Oh the Cocaine is a much better choice then. Don't make it out to be like he was carefully considering the scientific and biological long-term effects of everything he put into his body. He was just going with the flow and succumbing to peer pressure.

The gear Zyzz used was all injectable thus doesn't impact your health in any way aside from heightening of blood pressure. There is so much misconceptions about steroid use it's ridiculous, schools are spoon-feeding this shit to kids in the form of educational videos during health class.

I agree to an extent. The common myths that steroids will make anyone huge/a world-class athlete, turn them into an aggressive psycho, stunt your growth, shrink your genitals, make you bald, etc... are nonsense.

That being said, they are bad for your health, period. Your body will stop producing testosterone after a long enough cycle and you will never regain your natural serum testosterone production back. It's why almost every Mixed Martial Artist is on TRT nowadays; they juiced their brains out in their early days in smaller, less-controlled leagues and are now paying the consequences. That's not even touching the whole host of long-term secondary consequences men will see fucking with their testosterone levels.

PED abusers rarely stop at steroids though; especially once they are immersed in modern gym culture, it'll usually progress to diuretics, sleeping pills, stimulants, painkillers, growth hormone, maybe EPO, anti-inflammatories like cortico-steroids; most of them are of the opinion that every problem in life has a chemical solution.

I could bring up integrity, honesty and old-fashioned pride too, that comes with achieving things with the honest-to-God fruits of your hard labour; but I'm not sure if those words mean anything to you.

I know you're just going to reply with "So what? Ordinary people ingest and consume far more harmful substances on a daily basis and live very unhealthy lifestyles which are far more harmful than steroid use..." and they certainly do, but ordinary people are not proclaiming a massive sense of superiority and accomplishment over others, when they're not legitimately earning that.

12-24-2013, 07:42 AM
Why didn't he start practising some other sport like football, basketball, volleyball, tennis? It definitely would have been much better for his health considering his condition.

12-24-2013, 08:08 AM
Why didn't he start practising some other sport like football, basketball, volleyball, tennis? It definitely would have been much better for his health considering his condition.

Ironic thing is, his mother was a cardiologist and didn't notice any of the early warning signs of heart trouble (Zyzz apparently had breathing/cardio problems).

Also, just to add, the reason he died in Thailand of all places is because he was there to score cheap steroids; and as anyone who has been to Thailand will tell you, you don't trust the water there, let alone anything you're intending to inject into yourself. Zyzz and intellect are very mutually exclusive.

Anyone who claims this guy was not juicing his brains out or actually took everything in moderation is just silly. His own brother was arrested for possession/distribution of steroids to which he pleaded guilty and if you're going to post pictures of his Formspring account as definitive proof of him "not drinking"; then you may as well post all the times he has casually admitted to steroid usage ("riding bicycles", YouTube videos, etc.) and even offered his advice to people on stacks/cycles.

How any self-respecting athlete or gym enthusiast can look at this guy and say he made all the right choices and should be a role model to younger guys is beyond me. He was an attention-seeking idiot who died because he of his poor life choices. A glorified male version of Amy Winehouse; there might have been some natural charisma and talent there but it was overshadowed by the behemoth of an insecure ego eager to devour everything in sight.

12-25-2013, 08:30 AM
Oh the Cocaine is a much better choice then. Don't make it out to be like he was carefully considering the scientific and biological long-term effects of everything he put into his body. He was just going with the flow and succumbing to peer pressure.

Actually, cocaine is a hell of a pre-workout, though I'm not sure that's what Zyzz used it for. He did get coked up in the gym parking lot once on video.

PED abusers rarely stop at steroids though; especially once they are immersed in modern gym culture, it'll usually progress to diuretics, sleeping pills, stimulants, painkillers, growth hormone, maybe EPO, anti-inflammatories like cortico-steroids; most of them are of the opinion that every problem in life has a chemical solution.

So now it's a gateway substance too? :rolleyes:

I could bring up integrity, honesty and old-fashioned pride too, that comes with achieving things with the honest-to-God fruits of your hard labour; but I'm not sure if those words mean anything to you.

An analogy is if a person wants a Mercedes Benz and is given the options between shoveling horse shit for a few cents an hour Vs. being some corporate big-shot who gets 100/hour, which would you choose? Would you go with the "hard-working honest" shit shoveler? I don't think anyone in their right mind would. People want easy, steroids are the short-cut.

Besides, most people don't have that kind of time nor energy to throw around, between the struggles of the transition into adulthood: school, family, career, there's little time to waste being at the gym for X amount of hours and X amount of years in such a critical phase of ones life. When one injects steroids he would get the same results for a fraction of the time and effort. A person taking steroids who eats like shit, sleeps 2 hours a day, barely lifts anything will completely blow away a guy who gives it his 100%.

I know you're just going to reply with "So what? Ordinary people ingest and consume far more harmful substances on a daily basis and live very unhealthy lifestyles which are far more harmful than steroid use..." and they certainly do, but ordinary people are not proclaiming a massive sense of superiority and accomplishment over others, when they're not legitimately earning that.

Anybody who does that has issues and not all gym rats are like that. For most people having an impressive physique is used to compensate for something, usually for people at my gym it's their lack of height, for me it's because I was sickly skinny as a kid and semi-Vegetarian.

That being said, they are bad for your health, period. Your body will stop producing testosterone after a long enough cycle and you will never regain your natural serum testosterone production back. It's why almost every Mixed Martial Artist is on TRT nowadays; they juiced their brains out in their early days in smaller, less-controlled leagues and are now paying the consequences. That's not even touching the whole host of long-term secondary consequences men will see fucking with their testosterone levels.

That's pretty much it as far as negative side effects go, the endocrine system is hit particularly hard and testosterone never comes back fully.... but what are the functions of testosterone to begin with? Biologically it's mostly used as a alpha male type of thing reserved for cave ape society, I think now, in what is about to be 2014 we are way past that point of primitivism that testosterone is no longer needed, and lack of it certainly doesn't pose any health risks. I can't remember the last time I used my natural testosterone to bash a boulder against a rival males cranium to win over the companionship of female X.