View Full Version : Scandinavians the most attractive in the world

11-13-2009, 02:35 PM
Nordic men and women the most beautiful in the world

Nordic men and women are the most beautiful in the world. That shows a survey by the online dating site Beautifulpeople.com.

Beautifulpeople.com is a bit different than other dating sites. To become a member they require that you are physically attractive and good-looking. Might seem shallow and mean to some, some might think. But not when it comes to people from Scandinavia. The list of presumed people is mainly topped by a great number of Scandinavian men and women.

No less than 65 percent of all the Swedish men who applied for membership were presumed. The number is higher than among any other group, and Sweden takes the first place among guys. Russia only have nine percent of men who were presumed. Great Britain comes marginally better with 12 percent.

Among women, the Swedish girls comes in second place with 68 percent presumed. But silver is not so bad when you read about the group who takes the gold, namely our ethnic neighbors in the West: Norwegians! The Norwegian woman is so attractive that 76 percent of the other members want to see more of her. But that's not all. On the women's side, the Nordics makes a hat trick and brings home even the third place when Iceland is at 66 percent.

At the bottom of the placements, you find men and women from countries like South Korea, Lithuania, Russia and Poland.

Beautifulpeople.com was founded in Denmark and since its inception, almost two million people have been rejected on the grounds that their appearance does not meet the criterias. The website has four million visitors each day.

"It may be morally ugly to our critics, but our growing success is a beautiful truth," writes Greg Hodge, chief of the site, in a press release.

The five best looking and ugliest of each gender category:


Highest percentage of votes
1st Sweden 65 percent.
2nd Brazil 45 percent.
3rd Denmark 40 percent.
4th Italy 39 percent.
5th Portugal 37 percent.

Least percentage of votes
1st Poland 9 percent.
2nd Russia 9 percent.
3rd Britain 12 percent.
4th Germany 15 percent.
5th India 15 percent.


Highest percentage of votes
1st Norway 76 percent.
2nd Sweden 68 percent.
3rd Iceland 66 percent.
4th Brazil 45 percent.
5th Russia 44 percent.

Least percentage of votes
1st Germany 13 per cent
2nd Britain 15 percent.
3rd China 15 percent.
4th South Korea 15 percent.
5th Lithuania 15 percent.

11-13-2009, 02:38 PM
Among women, the Swedish girls comes in second place with 68 percent presumed. But silver is not so bad when you read about the group who takes the gold, namely our ethnic neighbors in the West: Norwegians! The Norwegian woman is so attractive that 76 percent of the other members want to see more of her. But that's not all.

I'd pick the Swede over the Norwegian. But Danes are serious competition and I think I'd place them second, if not first.

11-13-2009, 02:40 PM
I'd pick the Swede over the Norwegian. But Danes are serious competition and I think I'd place them second, if not first.

As far as I know, some Norwegian women seem to be very fond of Swedish men. Perhaps these placements might have something to do with it? :D

11-13-2009, 02:42 PM
As far as I know, some Norwegian women seem to be very fond of Swedish men. Perhaps these placements might have something to do with it? :D

Speaking of personal experience? :p

11-13-2009, 02:46 PM
Speaking of personal experience? :p

Not in personal, no. :p But I have seen it been written time after time on the Internet, and I think one or two Norwegian Slitz models also made comments about that somewhere.

11-13-2009, 02:49 PM
It is in the eye of the beholder (or beer-holder, in some cases).

11-13-2009, 02:54 PM
Who cares?


11-13-2009, 03:10 PM
I am surprised not to find Danish women on the top 5, considering the fact that they look exactly like those from highscoring Norway.

But how do the voters pick their choice? Most of them probably never even met a Norwegian woman - and certainly never visited her country. I guess most of the votes are based on vague ideas on how things are supposed to be, rather than personal experience. If this is the case, then it is not surprising to find the Nordic women on the top 5, as the Nordic ideal of beauty is generally accepted in most cultures.

Swedish men are NOT more beautiful than Danish men, though. This is an insult against my sex and nationality! :p

11-13-2009, 03:12 PM
Swedish men are NOT more beautiful than Danish men, though. This is an insult against my sex and nationality! :p

Maybe it is the metrosexuality of Swedes that you seem to lack of that plays a part in it? ;) :D

11-13-2009, 03:16 PM
I'm a bit surprised, I thought that generally were preferred latino/med men with dark hair, suntan etc... you know, but nice one since I'm not really like those.

About the women I agree, nordic women are the most beautiful imo too.

11-13-2009, 03:16 PM
Maybe it is the metrosexuality of Swedes that you seem to lack of that plays a part in it? ;) :D
Hey, we DO have a Metro. In Copenhagen. I don't know how much sex is going on down there, though.

(Ooops... Did I cross the line for decent behaviour here, Loki) :cool:

Black Turlogh
11-13-2009, 03:16 PM
Brazil? That's a bit of a surprise.

11-13-2009, 03:19 PM
Maybe it is the metrosexuality of Swedes that you seem to lack of that plays a part in it? ;) :D

No way... it is the metrosexuality of Ulex! at work here, very clearly, to even care about it.

11-13-2009, 03:19 PM
Brazil? That's a bit of a surprise.

And not Nordic :p

11-13-2009, 03:25 PM
Saying only "Brazil" is quite useless, there are black/mulatto people and even white.

Fortis in Arduis
11-13-2009, 03:26 PM
This thread has 10 guests reading it. Amazing...

11-13-2009, 03:29 PM
Yeah I'm suuure that this has lots to do with preservation..... apart from the fact that statistics from some dating agency is pretty gay by definition. Appearances can be so deceiving...

Black Turlogh
11-13-2009, 03:43 PM
Saying only "Brazil" is quite useless, there are black/mulatto people and even white.

What does that have to do with anything?

11-13-2009, 03:45 PM
I'd pick the Swede over the Norwegian. But Danes are serious competition and I think I'd place them second, if not first.

And is there remarkable difference? :D

I'm always in Malmö and Köpenhamn, where I can not say who is who on the streets of two cities without asking. :P

11-13-2009, 03:46 PM
And is there remarkable difference? :D

I'm always in Malmö and Köpenhamn, where I could not say who is who on the streets of two cities without asking. :P

Well, you know as well as I do that Skånings are actually Danes. :D

11-13-2009, 03:49 PM
And is there remarkable difference? :D

I'm always in Malmö and Köpenhamn, where I can not say who is who on the streets of two cities without asking. :P

That's because skåningar are really östdanskar. (Just kidding you.)

11-13-2009, 04:09 PM
What does that have to do with anything?

Brazil is ranked second, it's quite an uncertain result being brasil a so heterogeneous country.

11-13-2009, 04:59 PM
Brazil is ranked second, it's quite an uncertain result being brasil a so heterogeneous country.

Famous supermodel Giselle Bündchen is brazilian.

However, a great part of brazilian population is composed of mulattoes. Many find it attractive, a matter of taste :) but not my case though ;)..

Black Turlogh
11-13-2009, 05:08 PM
Brazil is ranked second, it's quite an uncertain result being brasil a so heterogeneous country.

Right, but whether they're black or white or in between, they're still no less Brazilian. It's more a curious result to me because I've never heard anyone say a thing about the attractiveness of Brazilian men.

11-13-2009, 05:11 PM
lol yet at the same time I keep reading and hearing Montréal, Qc, Canada has the most beautiful women. I don't see that many Scandos running all over the place here.

11-13-2009, 06:44 PM
Keep in mind the other factors that have an obvious impact to these numbers: whether people have a realistic self-image about their looks, and how many just above average looking people will value the possibility of getting in against the disappointment of being rejected (and how bad is being rejected to them). And of course the perception of those who are already there and voting.

I have a hunch that there might be huge differences in behaviour between countries with this kind of things - especially between countries like Sweden and Brazil. And that those who apply there are probably an unbelievably shallow bunch. Most likely full of chavs. :p

11-13-2009, 06:47 PM
Almost all ordinary (non racist and such) people I know prefer mulatoes and latino types. "Ordinary" people are over 80%.

11-13-2009, 06:48 PM
Almost all ordinary (non racist and such) people I know prefer mulatoes and latino types. "Ordinary" people are over 80%.

In Bulgaria it is so? I don't think here in England that is the prevailing opinion.

11-13-2009, 06:50 PM
In Bulgaria it is so? I don't think here in England that is the prevailing opinion.
Strange but true. People hate gypsies, for example, but like latino types, which aren't quite different. In forums you'd often come across opinions such as "Mixed race people are the most beautiful ones".

Damião de Góis
11-13-2009, 06:54 PM
Brazilian actors and celebrities are not exactly mulattos or negros. I think the people who voted had only celebrities on their mind.
Also i bet Portugal is in 5th because of teenage girls voting for Cristiano Ronaldo :P

11-13-2009, 06:54 PM
Almost all ordinary (non racist and such) people I know prefer mulatoes and latino types. "Ordinary" people are over 80%.

Count me in "ordinary people" (it's still way better than to be a racist failure).

I'm usually not fond at all of Scandinavian women, I totally disagree that they are supposed to be the "most attractive in the world", they lack hotness. Though when a woman is attractive, she's attractive, even if she's Scandinavian.

11-13-2009, 06:58 PM
Here in Sweden, I think that it is quite common for women to say that they like Mulattoes and Latinos. Or just "dark hair and dark eyes". But I think women in general prefer the opposite to what they say. Kind of like how they say they like nice guys but often go with the bad guys. :p

I wouldn't say race mixing is very common in Sweden. Sure it does exist, but it wouldn't be as common as people sometimes claim. You often think that it is common, but that is because you only pay attention to the interracial couples you see.

A Scanian nationalist comrade of mine (not Brännvin ;)) said that when going out in Malmö, the town in Sweden with the highest percentage of non-whites and Muslims, it is common to see perhaps twenty interracial couples. But looking at the whole picture, you will also see hundreds of non-mixed ones. He also said that he thinks the town has started to become more segregated during later times. :thumb001:

But this is quite off topic.

11-13-2009, 07:05 PM
I wouldn't say race mixing is very common in Sweden. Sure it does exist, but it wouldn't be as common as people sometimes claim. You often think that it is common, but that is because you only pay attention to the interracial couples you see.
Still many want but don't dare in fact. I'm sure most of the people just say they like "darker types", because the trend nowadays and the fear not to be called "racist".

11-13-2009, 07:19 PM
Still many want but don't dare in fact. I'm sure most of the people just say they like "darker types", because the trend nowadays and the fear not to be called "racist".

No necessity for the paranoia :D

In general, people choose people from their own culture and ethnicity, nothing to do with racialism as some posters on the Apricity would argue for ;). The issue is much more complex in real life than what is written in a forum. I feel more comfortable physically and psychologically in my day life with women of my ethnicity, honestly I would have very difficult for a relationship with those of different origins.


On the topic, I already said it to Fjällräv, the secret is because we drink lots of milk. It makes us strong and beautiful. :P

11-13-2009, 07:24 PM
On the topic, I already said it to Fjällräv, the secret is because we drink lots of milk. It makes us strong and beautiful. :P

Lactase FTMFW, IMHO! :icon_cool:

11-13-2009, 07:34 PM
In general, people choose people from their own culture and ethnicity, nothing to do with racialism as some posters on the Apricity would argue for ;). The issue is much more complex in real life than what is written in a forum. I feel more comfortable physically and psychologically in my day life with women of my ethnicity, honestly I would have very difficult for a relationship with those of different origins.

This is the natural way of things, however the problem is that many people today turn against the nature. The concepts of relationship, physical attraction, love and sex are quite wicked.
"Love" (I don't like this word) is built mainly on understanding and similarities. You can't never reach that level of understanding and similarity with someone from other ethnicity. Our behavior, verbal skills, world view and way of thinking are linked with home education, therefore with your certain roots.
So, even if we are blind about appearance and biological differences, mind differences still stay.

11-13-2009, 07:51 PM
This is the natural way of things, however the problem is that many people today turn against the nature. The concepts of relationship, physical attraction, love and sex are quite wicked.
"Love" (I don't like this word) is built mainly on understanding and similarities. You can't never reach that level of understanding and similarity with someone from other ethnicity. Our behavior, verbal skills, world view and way of thinking are linked with home education, therefore with your certain roots.
So, even if we are blind about appearance and biological differences, mind differences still stay.

Any modern, antitraditional civilisation has ceased to function in this way, and that accounts for the social disintegration of the West.

I also do not agree with the idea that love is based on similarities. That would make it impossible to account for love between man and woman in the first place.

11-13-2009, 07:56 PM
Famous supermodel Giselle Bündchen is brazilian.

I wish to remind you of her masculine facial traits...


looks like a tranny...:rolleyes:

by the way I think they meant as Brazilians the most common subrace i.e. the dark mestizos.

About myself I've always been attracted to my fellow phenotype , that is Med in a broad meaning.
Scando females are very good but generally not "hot" to my taste , their light features make them look too angelic.

This is the natural way of things, however the problem is that many people today turn against the nature. The concepts of relationship, physical attraction, love and sex are quite wicked.
"Love" (I don't like this word) is built mainly on understanding and similarities. You can't never reach that level of understanding and similarity with someone from other ethnicity. Our behavior, verbal skills, world view and way of thinking are linked with home education, therefore with your certain roots.
So, even if we are blind about appearance and biological differences, mind differences still stay.
Maybe you're too rational :coffee:
I don't wanna know so deeply a woman , I don't wanna know what's going on secretly in her mind at any time , we've just gotta living well together and if there's some problem with a bit of effort we will solve it , even if we speak different tongues.

11-13-2009, 08:12 PM
Brazil, 2nd place in the men's category? Yuck! Brazilian Portuguese by extension just seems like an ugly, lowdown language to me.

11-13-2009, 08:19 PM
I'd rate Scandinavians top one for my choice, although Irish red heads come a close second ;)

I like Swedes & Icelandic women the best. Icelanders also have the glory of having British Isles genes & Viking! :thumb001:


11-13-2009, 08:22 PM
I'd rate Scandinavians top one for my choice, although Irish red heads come a close second ;)


The second from the right is hot. I doubt she's of old Scandinavian stock, though. :D

11-13-2009, 08:22 PM
I wish to remind you of her masculine facial traits...

lol.. wut? I don't find her attractive, she was just the my example to bard that not all Brazilians are negroes and mullatoes.

I'd prefer though this polish-italian mix made in Brazil..

Alessandra Ambrosio


Happy now, Tony :D

11-13-2009, 08:23 PM
BTW, attractiveness for me is a personal trait, not national one.

11-13-2009, 08:27 PM
The second from the right is hot. I doubt she's of old Scandinavian stock, though. :D

That photo was made in 2006 in Berlin by a German tabloid, Bild, during the world cup 2006.

Very vulgar and cheap in my opinion..

11-13-2009, 08:58 PM
Alessandra Ambrosio


Hell no, Ambrosio is another androgynous model. I much prefer these kinds of Brazilian women (see pics below). Said this, the good thing about Brazilian women is not that they're particularly pretty, it's that they're hot and proud of their curves. They're also aware of the impact these curves have on us (men), and make good use of it.








11-13-2009, 09:28 PM
Germany is entirely underrated. :coffee: Be that as it may, we have a pool of 75 million people hence there's someone for everyone.

11-13-2009, 09:34 PM
Germany is entirely underrated. :coffee: Be that as it may, we have a pool of 75 million people hence there's someone for everyone.

In Germany, I saw a lot of good looking girls mainly in Lubeck and Hamburg :P

11-13-2009, 09:42 PM
In Germany, I saw a lot of good looking girls mainly in Lubeck and Hamburg :P

Lots of Phalian types in that part of the country.

11-13-2009, 09:49 PM
In Germany, I saw a lot of good looking girls mainly in Lubeck and Hamburg :P

I like Sandra Speichert's type, but I doubt it's common in Germany.






11-13-2009, 09:56 PM
^^^^Sorry Satyr, but this is the my kind of german.. She isn't a celebrity either ;)


11-13-2009, 09:57 PM
^^^^Sorry Satyr, but this is the my kind of german.. She isn't a celebrity either ;)



Why "sorry"? Though not being of my favourite type, this blonde is still beautiful.

11-13-2009, 10:03 PM


11-13-2009, 10:21 PM
I very rarely find a woman with negroid admixture attractive. On those very few occasions when I do, they should be perfectly well-spoken without even a hint of that abrasive black "twang."

Does anyone know why black people smell funny? In Roots the black chief tells his warriors that the white man smells like wet chicken. Apparently the feeling is mutual.

Thulsa Doom
11-13-2009, 10:45 PM
The debate is still going on?
I thought everybody already knew about this?:noidea:

Lets see.

That Scandinavians looks better on average depends on the higher sexual dimorphism found here, lighter complexion and finer facial bone structure. If you then add the still dominating "western" media which still is dominated by "white" faces, this is the end result.

Allesandra Ambrosio, she is attractive, but no tits, no hips and a boyish face. You guys are gay.:rolleyes2:

Tip of the day: Super models job is selling clothes to women.

11-14-2009, 12:28 AM
Yep, Scandinavians are attractive.

Fortis in Arduis
11-14-2009, 06:22 AM
Ok, my two-penneth worth.

I think that Brazilians look after their bodies and take pride in their appearance so that is why they are gorgeous, and in Scandinavia there is an outdoors all-weathers culture and actual traditions of healthy eating. Also in Italy, girls and boys dress, to a degree that we in the UK would consider entirely risible.

Britain is somewhat fugly because we spend too much time indoors, eating fried foods, moaning about the weather.

'Binge drinking' is the national sport and probably has been for thousands of years. We leave work, and instead of going to dinner we head to the bar and get drunk as quickly as possible and THEN eat something really disgusting before we crash out at home.

So Brits are blubbery, self-deprecating, alcoholic gluttons, who do not really care SO much about their appearance.

London is full of people with nice clothes and make-up on, but underneath people are running their toxic bodies into the ground. Every single bank note in circulation has traces of cocaine on it. Nobody cares! Party party party!

It is part of our culture not to be too smart or too beautiful to the extent that people who are, are considered to be almost untrustworthy.

I had some American guests, and was amazed at how after the smallest snack, they would *rush* to the bathroom to clean their teeth... Not even dentists do that in the UK.

11-14-2009, 07:59 AM
I wouldn't care which Scandinavian male, to be honest. In that regard I'm not discriminatory! :D

let me offer some examples:

From Denmark - Lars Ulrich in his heyday

From Norway - Burzum

And from Sweden - Stefan Edberg

Oh dear, difficult choice!

11-14-2009, 08:12 AM
I'd rate Scandinavians top one for my choice, although Irish red heads come a close second ;)

I like Swedes & Icelandic women the best. Icelanders also have the glory of having British Isles genes & Viking! :thumb001:

Not always a good thing :D


11-14-2009, 11:49 AM
I've been most countries in Europe and I noticed the most attractive women in Denmark and Austria. I like Irish girls too. But ultimately, there are good and bad in every country. England has some stunners, and I'm engaged to one of them ;).

Arrow Cross
11-14-2009, 12:11 PM
The only fathomable explanation to this outrageous study is waycism.

Horka Ozul
11-14-2009, 12:46 PM
I think the results are kind of obvious since the site has its basis in Denmark, so Scandinavians are among the most represented users on the site. I see nowhere the beautiful Central Europeans, in women I believe Hungary, Romania, Moldova, Czech Republic and Ukraine don't really have competition, don't get me wrong, I fancy Scandinavian women a lot, but they are mostly look-a-likes, I consider facial diversity is way more exciting, and you can find plenty of this in Central and Eastern Europe (one minute you can see a stunning tall blond with pale skin, next minute you can see a beautiful short brunette with tanned skin).

11-14-2009, 01:20 PM
Oh no! :eek:does it mean that these artists were not allowed to breed?


11-14-2009, 03:07 PM
Oh no! :eek:does it mean that these artists were not allowed to breed?


Yes. Brännvin, the Diaperthine Systems Model 101 Sterilisator, went back in time to save the world.

11-14-2009, 03:10 PM
Yes. Brännvin, the Diaperthine Systems Model 101 Sterilisator, went back in time to save the world.

Um, what? They are natives, I meant only mongrels ;)

11-14-2009, 03:27 PM
Germany is entirely underrated.
Oh no, it's still highly overrated, nothing to see here, please move along ...

11-19-2009, 11:41 AM
I think the results are kind of obvious since the site has its basis in Denmark, so Scandinavians are among the most represented users on the site. I see nowhere the beautiful Central Europeans, in women I believe Hungary, Romania, Moldova, Czech Republic and Ukraine don't really have competition, don't get me wrong, I fancy Scandinavian women a lot, but they are mostly look-a-likes, I consider facial diversity is way more exciting, and you can find plenty of this in Central and Eastern Europe (one minute you can see a stunning tall blond with pale skin, next minute you can see a beautiful short brunette with tanned skin).

I don't think the reason is where the site is based. Generally speaking Scandinavians are very good-looking, and the average is very high, in other words there are many good-looking people per capita, so the result isn't surprising. I don't think the average is nearly as high in the countries you mentioned. Sorry. Especially not for the women.

Almost all women from those countries who look good look more or less Germanic/Nordic, I think. At least in the photos people often choose to post of them. Since there are more Germanics/Nordics in Northern Europe it is only natural that there are more people here who are very attractive. The more Eastern, or Slavic type, is not as appreciated as the Nordic type, I think, generally speaking.

Those people you mentioned may be more diverse but that in itself has nothing to do with whether or not someone is good-looking. By the way, there are many gorgeous Scandinavian brunettes so we may be more diverse than you think. ;)

11-19-2009, 11:52 AM
I don't think the reason is where the site is based. Generally speaking Scandinavians are very good-looking, and the average is very high, in other words there are many good-looking people per capita, so the result isn't surprising. I don't think the average is nearly as high in the countries you mentioned. Sorry. Especially not for the women.

Almost all women from those countries who look good look more or less Germanic/Nordic, I think. At least in the photos people often choose to post of them. Since there are more Germanics/Nordics in Northern Europe it is only natural that there are more people here who are very attractive. The more Eastern, or Slavic type, is not as appreciated as the Nordic type, I think, generally speaking.

The girl in your avatar could just as well be Slavic.

By the way, there are many gorgeous Scandinavian brunettes so we may be more diverse than you think. ;)

True. :)

11-19-2009, 11:55 AM
The girl in your avatar could just as well be Slavic.


11-19-2009, 12:08 PM


Yes, she could. I know a Russian girl who looks like that.

11-19-2009, 12:12 PM

Yes, she could. I know a Russian girl who looks like that.

Then she is Russian of Nordic type. They do exist, you know. ;)

11-19-2009, 12:17 PM
Yes, she could. I know a Russian girl who looks like that.
Take that back! I refuse to accept the possibility that some untermensch Slavs might look like Nordic gods! :grumpy:

11-19-2009, 12:45 PM
Yes, she could. I know a Russian girl who looks like that.
a) Race is more than looks
b) the person you know might look similar, but certainly not identical

11-19-2009, 01:41 PM
a) Race is more than looks
b) the person you know might look similar, but certainly not identical

a) It was looks that Idun was talking about.

b) There are no two identical things anywhere in the cosmos.

c) Russian girls are hot.

11-19-2009, 01:48 PM
I dont know if they are the most beautiful or not, it´s more a personal opinion i think. For me there are many good looking people there, at least in the places that I´ve visited, Stockholm and Oslo.
The guys were good looking too, although some of them had a semi-gay look :confused: with weird hairstyle like a Final Fantasy character, gross fake tan and too skinny.
Fortunately some of the girls liked the med types too :D

11-19-2009, 01:54 PM
I can find people I consider attractive everywhere in Europe. Beauty is personal criteria and personal trait, not ethnic. On the other hand people often find attractive individuals whose look is similar and well known to them. For example once I heard a Chinese guy saying that European women are too similar and therefore unattractive - something we claim for Mongoloids.

11-19-2009, 02:21 PM
I dont know if they are the most beautiful or not, it´s more a personal opinion i think. For me there are many good looking people there, at least in the places that I´ve visited, Stockholm and Oslo.
The guys were good looking too, although some of them had a semi-gay look :confused: with weird hairstyle like a Final Fantasy character, gross fake tan and too skinny.
Fortunately some of the girls liked the med types too :D

Like your avatars. ;)

11-19-2009, 03:42 PM
a) It was looks that Idun was talking about.

b) There are no two identical things anywhere in the cosmos.

c) Russian girls are hot.
She is the product of Swedish environment, thus, she cannot be anything else than Swedish.
That some Russian girls look similar doesn't change this fact.

Fortunately some of the girls liked the med types too :D
Fortunate for you, but not fortunate for Sweden, then again, it is only you that counts :rolleyes:

11-19-2009, 03:52 PM
Fortunate for you [Falkata, that is], but not fortunate for Sweden, then again, it is only you that counts :rolleyes:

Falkata is cool. :D

la bombe
11-19-2009, 03:59 PM
This isn't a "study" or even a survey, it's based on the number of people who applied to some idiotic dating site intended for "beautiful people" vs. the number who actually made it into the site. They post their picture, then people rate them and decide whether or not they make it in. So only 13% of German women who applied were deemed "beautiful" enough, etc.

And anyway, people tend to think Brazilians are oh-so hot because of their famous models and beauty queens, when the reality is that most are average or ugly just like the rest of the world. I've seen plenty of normal, non-famous Brazilians and most aren't what I'd consider good-looking by any means.

11-19-2009, 04:16 PM
Falkata is cool. :D
So is Bill Cosby.

11-19-2009, 04:20 PM
So is Bill Cosby.

I don't like his sense of humour.

11-19-2009, 04:34 PM
Fortunate for you, but not fortunate for Sweden, then again, it is only you that counts :rolleyes:

Of course it´s only me, what do you expect? That i gonna hear your opinion about how wrong is the miscegenation when I´m with a foreigner girl? :confused: You should talk with her in that case.
Probably i will end with a spanish girl so dont worry, i dont gonna get dirty your beautiful genepool :D

11-19-2009, 04:40 PM
Of course it´s only me, what do you expect? That i gonna hear your opinion about how wrong is the miscegenation when I´m with a foreigner girl? :confused: You should talk with her in that case.
Probably i will end with a spanish girl so dont worry, i dont gonna get dirty your beautiful genepool :D


The mere word is really silly... gene pool. :rolleyes: It sounds like a single gene could pollute the whole pool by its mere presence, but in reality it doesn't work that way.

Horka Ozul
11-19-2009, 05:33 PM
I don't think the reason is where the site is based. Generally speaking Scandinavians are very good-looking, and the average is very high, in other words there are many good-looking people per capita, so the result isn't surprising. I don't think the average is nearly as high in the countries you mentioned. Sorry. Especially not for the women.

Almost all women from those countries who look good look more or less Germanic/Nordic, I think. At least in the photos people often choose to post of them. Since there are more Germanics/Nordics in Northern Europe it is only natural that there are more people here who are very attractive. The more Eastern, or Slavic type, is not as appreciated as the Nordic type, I think, generally speaking.

Those people you mentioned may be more diverse but that in itself has nothing to do with whether or not someone is good-looking. By the way, there are many gorgeous Scandinavian brunettes so we may be more diverse than you think. ;)

It's not like a competition or something, but your assumption that people like Nordic people more is not totally valid. I happen to live in Transylvania and guys from here like girls who have nice Sun tan on them, they don't like "zombie looking girls" (I don't tend to agree with them totally on this one). I never really heard all my life a guy from here who would mention Nordic women as highest beauty standard. I believe that also in rest of South and even East Europe guys tend to like brunettes. Nordic girls may be well appreciated in your native lands, but in this part of Europe guys like totally differently looking women than the Nordic women. For instance I am also a big fan of Nordic looking women, a beautiful tall blond with green eyes is absolute lethal on me :D

Fortis in Arduis
11-19-2009, 10:56 PM
I just need to pop it in here, that from a purely aesthetic point of view, I prefer sub-nordic types, which are very rare in Scandinavia and the UK, for that matter.

11-20-2009, 05:11 AM
Nordic girls may be well appreciated in your native lands, but in this part of Europe guys like totally differently looking women than the Nordic women. For instance I am also a big fan of Nordic looking women, a beautiful tall blond with green eyes is absolute lethal on me :D

That's good then, since your women don't usually look Nordic. :p I guess that must be why people from those parts so often post pictures of fake blondes with quasi-Nordic features, presenting them as typical for the region. :mmmm:

In my experience men in Southern Europe go absolutely crazy when they see a naturally blonde, fair and tall, feminine Scandinavian girl with fine facial features and blue eyes, typical for our region. Not exactly a secret either, you know. :) If you think Scandinavian girls are appreciated for their beauty only in Scandinavia you are living in a dream world. :rolleyes:

Fortis in Arduis
11-20-2009, 05:57 AM
In my experience men in Southern Europe go absolutely crazy when they see a naturally blonde, fair and tall, feminine Scandinavian girl with fine facial features and blue eyes, typical for our region. Not exactly a secret either, you know. :) If you think Scandinavian girls are only appreciated for their beauty in Scandinavia you are living in a dream world. lol

Ah, but the true nordic woman can seem quite asexual.

The fantasy is of blonde hair and blue eyes (attributes of youth, not just 'race') and of large breasts and other feminine features, which are not common in nordic types.

Of course, they are put up to it by the sexualist media, which commodifies beauty.

11-20-2009, 06:00 AM
Ah, but the true nordic woman can seem quite asexual.

The fantasy is of blonde hair and blue eyes (attributes of youth, not just 'race') and of large breasts and other feminine features, which are not common in nordic types.

Of course, they are put up to it by the sexualist media, which commodifies beauty.

lol Give me a break. You people sound jealous beyond belief. So, Scandinavian women are more beautiful. What else is new? Get over it. :D

Fortis in Arduis
11-20-2009, 06:09 AM
lol Give me a break. You people sound jealous beyond belief. So, Scandinavian women are more beautiful. What else is new? Get over it. :D

Yes, they are beautiful in their own way, but foreign to me... Britain is Celtic, mostly.

The latter-day obsession with blondism and paedomorphism is something you should reject.

Anyway, as I said, the pornographic fantasy is blonde hair, blue eyes and big tits. Does that even exist beyond the surgeons' knife?

We should be disgusted that women are being depersonalised in this way.

We have creatures like Paris Hilton who bleach their hair and wear blue coloured contact lenses to take advantage of the depigmentation fetish...

This is the real Paris Hilton before and after:



11-20-2009, 07:28 AM
Anyway, as I said, the pornographic fantasy is blonde hair, blue eyes and big tits. Does that even exist beyond the surgeons' knife?

lol yes. ;)

11-20-2009, 07:49 AM
Nordic peadomorphic girls with big tits? Sure, I'd do them anytime. We have girls who look similar here in Croatia and I haven't noticed that men prefer them to their darker counterparts. IMO it's a matter of taste.

11-20-2009, 08:12 AM
Big tits aren't very Nordic though. The "classic" Nordics are ectomorphs; there is not much fat to be found on them.

11-20-2009, 08:29 AM
Ah, but the true nordic woman can seem quite asexual.

I wouldn't say 'asexual' but simply unappealing. But that has much more with the mentality to do than with phenotype. I find Southern and Eastern European girls to be more appealing due to the fact alone that they are feminine.

11-20-2009, 08:30 AM
I wouldn't say 'asexual' but simply unappealing. But that has much more with the mentality to do than with phenotype. I find Southern and Eastern European girls to be more appealing due to the fact alone that they are feminine.

Oooops..someone sounds bitter. ;)

11-20-2009, 08:35 AM
Oooops..someone sounds bitter. ;)

Someone sounds excessively narcissistic. ;)

11-20-2009, 08:38 AM
Someone sounds excessively narcissistic. ;)

Ah..I knew it. So much for truth, huh. lol

11-20-2009, 08:47 AM
Ah..I knew it. So much for truth, huh. lol

Yes, what 'truth'? Do you think that you have been speaking truth here or what?

You are the one who is going on no end about how superbly beautiful your kind is. If you were really sure of that, you wouldn't boast about it on an internet forum. And just because I don't agree with you, you turn sore. That's pretty ridiculous, you know. Besides, I find the whole discussion to be stupid, since there are beautiful girls everywhere.

11-20-2009, 08:50 AM
You are the one who is going on no end about how superbly beautiful your kind is. If you were really sure of that, you wouldn't boast about it on an internet forum.

"your kind"??

Let's see:


Meta-Ethnicity: Scandinavian
Ethnicity: Swedish

You are probably as ethnically Swedish as Zlatan Ibrahimovic.

11-20-2009, 08:54 AM
Give me a swarthy Spaniard any day.

The Papist.

11-20-2009, 08:55 AM
Give me a swarthy Spaniard any day.

The Papist.

You'll pay up front like the other customers or you'll get nothing!

My name is already on every post.

11-20-2009, 09:00 AM
"your kind"??

Let's see:


Meta-Ethnicity: Scandinavian
Ethnicity: Swedish

You are probably as ethnically Swedish as Zlatan Ibrahimovic.

I'm not as insecure as you are, that's for sure. Just go on be a rude, stupid bitch, if that's what you feel like. 'Your kind' is Swedish woman, or at least I thought so. You make a very bad example for it by accusing people of being 'jealous' just because they don't adore your kind. My kind is Swedish man. But if someone who is Swedish dares to disagree with your naive narcissism, then, according to you, he is not Swedish.

11-20-2009, 09:11 AM
You'll pay up front like the other customers or you'll get nothing!

My name is already on every post.

Come on man! You know I'm good for it! I just need this one fix man! One more time! Please!

I like to show manners.

11-20-2009, 10:58 AM
In my experience men in Southern Europe go absolutely crazy when they see a naturally blonde, fair and tall, feminine Scandinavian girl with fine facial features and blue eyes, typical for our region. Not exactly a secret either, you know. :) If you think Scandinavian girls are appreciated for their beauty only in Scandinavia you are living in a dream world. :rolleyes:

If the girl is very pretty/hot, you are right. But the same happens in Scandinavia in the other way, it´s called "exotism". When i was in Norway for example, one of my friends who went with me was a nice spanish girl very medish looking (long dark hair, tanned, curvy...) and believe me that she got A LOT of attention from those tall blond guys :D

11-20-2009, 05:39 PM
Scandinavian women have beauty, humor and intelligence as no other. Danish women tops for their flirt and playfulness. The lust and defamation of them by the swarthy and crocked are based on inaccessibility and jealousy and that is ok because they do not belong together with Scandinavian women in heaven.

11-20-2009, 05:48 PM
What i can see is that maybe swedish have beauty, but not modesty at all! :D

11-20-2009, 05:50 PM
Yea I defenitely agree, they always look better i've noticed before XD

Horka Ozul
11-20-2009, 06:16 PM
That's good then, since your women don't usually look Nordic. :p I guess that must be why people from those parts so often post pictures of fake blondes with quasi-Nordic features, presenting them as typical for the region. :mmmm:

In my experience men in Southern Europe go absolutely crazy when they see a naturally blonde, fair and tall, feminine Scandinavian girl with fine facial features and blue eyes, typical for our region. Not exactly a secret either, you know. :) If you think Scandinavian girls are appreciated for their beauty only in Scandinavia you are living in a dream world. :rolleyes:

You tell me you know the taste of men from this region better than me, huh? I respect you are very proud over you heritage, but don't speak in the name of people where you lived for short time or perhaps only been in visit. The asexual epithet is also what I heard from various romanians for example, when in a conversation I put swedish, norwegian women in the "most beautiful women top", I was attacked, them saying I don't know what I'm talking about, since many of them are fat and man-looking (generally all Western and North European women are considered this way), of course I stood to my initial opinion, that scandinavian women are very beautiful, but not many men agree with this over here, russian, czech, ukrainian, romanian, hungarian, moldovian women are seen the most attractive over here, it's just how it is, why would I make up such things, and I repeat, you shouldn't take this as a competition. We are exchanging different perspectives coming from different regions of Europe ;)

11-20-2009, 06:22 PM
I repeat, you shouldn't take this as a competition. We are exchanging different perspectives coming from different regions of Europe ;)

:thumbs up

la bombe
11-20-2009, 06:56 PM
Oh come on, as if men are that picky. Any guy who says they only like 5'11" Swedish blue-eyed blondes with giant tits or swarthy Meds with a golden waist-hip ratio are either A) lying, or B) not worth your time. Or also possibly C) gay.

Comte Arnau
11-20-2009, 07:00 PM
Besides, it all depends on the day. And when at night, on the hour.

11-20-2009, 07:27 PM
I recall this restricted subforum on Skadi where we had posted adult pictures, but then there was this discussion about the attractivity of Norwegian women and a Yorkshire lady, living in Oz I believe, got jealous because I said the Norse woman was the hottest, after saying she was. Oops.:D:coffee:

11-20-2009, 08:45 PM
I actually much more prefer Slavic girls rather then Nordic ones. Give me Czechs, Poles, Russians etc :D. Subnordids and Nordo-Baltids are best, both the faces and the body. 2nd come Irish girls, and 3rd - Basque (i dunno why, but 75% of all really stunning med girls i've seen were Basque).

11-20-2009, 09:05 PM
I actually much more prefer Slavic girls rather then Nordic ones. Give me Czechs, Poles, Russians etc . Subnordids and Nordo-Baltids are best, both the faces and the body. 2nd come Irish girls, , and 3rd - Basque (i dunno why, but 75% of all really stunning med girls i've seen were Basque).

Everyone to his own taste , but the Basque have a reputation for just the opposite...

11-20-2009, 09:18 PM
Everyone to his own taste , but the Basque have a reputation for just the opposite...

You know better of course, i haven't met that much Iberian girls, might have been just a coincidence that the most beautiful of them were Basque.

11-30-2009, 03:14 PM
Actually hot young women can be found everywhere.I think generally West Europeans are more dolichocephalic and East Europeans more round-faced.Everything depends on one's taste.
I myself think East-Europeans to be quite attractive.I.e. Baltic, Slavic, Finno-Ugric speakers. From Finland to Bulgaria, from Urals to Poland.

05-08-2013, 10:41 PM
Interesting. However IIRC in Portugal there was a poll and it turned out that most guys preferred brunettes. I think in Spain the consensus was the opposite - they liked blondes. Sorry I don't have sources. You should be able to Google it if you're interested.

05-08-2013, 10:52 PM
5th Portugal 37 percent.

To be honest, I'm a little surprised Portugal made the top 5. I guess I'm complexed and just can't get the unibrowed, 5 foot 2 inch, olivey farmer taking his cows to graze stereotype out of my head.

01-08-2014, 08:32 AM
Nordids have retreating foreheads which is a physical flaw and puts them behind other races with straight foreheads.