View Full Version : Classify Diane Guerrero

12-25-2013, 11:32 PM
http://www3.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Diane+Guerrero+Orange+New+Black+Premieres+5KFIJcoI Ii5l.jpg

http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMjA4MTA4NjgxNF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwOTU2NTMwOQ@@._ V1_SX640_SY720_.jpg

http://www3.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Diane+Guerrero+LIVES+Meredith+Vieira+Launch+r2BkfL 5BKBzl.jpg


12-25-2013, 11:34 PM

12-25-2013, 11:34 PM
Don't tell me..

Be more specific :p

12-25-2013, 11:37 PM

12-26-2013, 04:47 AM
She looks to be around 56-60% Euro ,the rest Mapuche.

12-26-2013, 04:54 AM
70% Euro 30% Ameri

12-26-2013, 07:05 AM
Mestiza. Indian seems slightly more dominant...

12-26-2013, 02:31 PM
She looks to be around 56-60% Euro ,the rest Mapuche.

She is Mexican :lol:

12-26-2013, 06:55 PM

She is Mexican :lol:

lol, i never heard of her. I thought she was Chilean.

12-26-2013, 07:02 PM
She could pass as Central Asian/Turkic.

12-27-2013, 06:19 PM
lol, i never heard of her. I thought she was Chilean.
She is from a series called Orange is the New Black :)

Even though they can overlap sometimes I think there is something that made me know she was Mexican and not Chilean.. I gave it a thought for a lot of time and it must be the eyes.. Chilean mestizos tend to have less Mongoloid eyes I think..

She could pass here but I think she would be more common in Mexico indeed

Anyway I find her quite pretty

12-27-2013, 07:50 PM
Even though they can overlap sometimes I think there is something that made me know she was Mexican and not Chilean.. I gave it a thought for a lot of time and it must be the eyes.. Chilean mestizos tend to have less Mongoloid eyes I think..

The Mapuche's that Pinguino use to post on anthro forums looked more Mongoloid than Mexican Amerindians.
Im no expert.
Average Chilean mestizos is less Amerindian than Mexican mestizos,so maybe that's why Chilean mestizos have less of Mongoloid eyes i would think.

Han Cholo
12-27-2013, 07:51 PM
The Mapuche's that Pinguino use to post on anthro forums looked more Mongoloid than Mexican Amerindians.
Im no expert.
Average Chilean mestizos is less Amerindian than Mexican mestizos,so maybe that's why Chilean mestizos have less of Mongoloid eyes i would think.

Mapuches have other mongoloid features: rounder faces, higher cheekbones, etc... but I think the Mexican natives do have smaller eyes. Not necessarily overly mongoloid though.

12-27-2013, 09:26 PM
The Mapuche's that Pinguino use to post on anthro forums looked more Mongoloid than Mexican Amerindians.
Im no expert.
Average Chilean mestizos is less Amerindian than Mexican mestizos,so maybe that's why Chilean mestizos have less of Mongoloid eyes i would think.
Umm from what I've seen mongoloid eyes are not among Mapuche features.. I might be wrong but that's why I immediately knew she probably was Mexican and not Chilean.


Also, I don't think the main difference between Chile and Mexico lies in the amount of Amerindian blood among their Mestizos -to me, Mexican Mestizos don't look significantly more Amerindian than their counterparts in Chile-, but rather in the percentage of White -I'd tend to think it's the double in Chile: something like 30% vs. 15%.

Peace! :)

02-12-2020, 09:41 AM

She is Mexican :lol:

lol, i never heard of her. I thought she was Chilean.

she's colombian actually, js