View Full Version : EEF-WHG-ANE test for Europeans

12-28-2013, 10:39 AM

EEF 91.4258530593
WHG -0.1698049135
ANE 8.7439518542

My aunt:

EEF 95.7477159116
WHG -3.6731744332
ANE 7.9254585216


12-28-2013, 10:41 AM
WHG and WHG/ANE: indigenous European hunter-gatherers
EEF: mixed European/Near Eastern Neolithic farmers
ANE/WHG: Proto-Indo-European invaders from the Eastern European steppe
ENA/ANE: early Uralics from the Volga-Ural region
EEF/WHG/ANE: late Indo-Europeans (ie. Celts, Germanics and Slavs)

12-28-2013, 10:43 AM
EEF 101.06%
WHG -7.61%
ANE 6.6%

Keep in mind everyone, this test is specifically designed for Europeans. Non-European West Eurasians score WHG negative percentages for that reason.

12-28-2013, 10:48 AM
Wonder why my WHG score is less than my aunt's?

12-28-2013, 10:50 AM
Wonder why my WHG score is less than my aunt's?

I think it's because you score more European admixture than her, that's why.

12-28-2013, 10:55 AM
Keep in mind everyone, this test is specifically designed for Europeans. Non-European West Eurasians score WHG negative percentages for that reason.

So this test is not accurate for us. They should make one with ME included.

12-28-2013, 10:57 AM
So this test is not accurate for us. They should make one with ME included.

It's based on this publication.


12-28-2013, 10:59 AM
EEF 54.95569669
WHG 30.75544159
ANE 14.28886172

half genes from native europeans mixed with neolithic farmers and half genes exclusively from northwest european and siberian hunter gatherers

Herr Abubu
12-28-2013, 10:59 AM
WHG and WHG/ANE: indigenous European hunter-gatherers
EEF: mixed European/Near Eastern Neolithic farmers
ANE/WHG: Proto-Indo-European invaders from the Eastern European steppe
ENA/ANE: early Uralics from the Volga-Ural region
EEF/WHG/ANE: late Indo-Europeans (ie. Celts, Germanics and Slavs)

In what proportions?

My results:

EEF 74,96161907
WHG 15,2553196
ANE 9,783061333

12-28-2013, 11:04 AM
In what proportions?

The reference samples used:


magenta = EEF = yellow, WHG = magenta, ANE = cyan

12-28-2013, 11:05 AM
My results:

EEF 74,96161907
WHG 15,2553196
ANE 9,783061333

Where are you from?

Your EEF is high.

12-28-2013, 11:11 AM
EEF 54.95569669
WHG 30.75544159
ANE 14.28886172

half genes from native europeans mixed with neolithic farmers and half genes exclusively from northwest european and siberian hunter gatherers

Yep, that's what modern Europeans are.

Herr Abubu
12-28-2013, 11:16 AM
Where are you from?

Your EEF is high.

I'm a Kosovar

12-28-2013, 11:52 AM
My results:

EEF 40.6469991191
WHG 42.2384365106
ANE 17.1145643703

My grandpa's:

EEF 38.1878868361
WHG 44.1212739312
ANE 17.6908392327

Thanks to ZephyrousMandaru who wrote in my numbers in the excel sheet :)

12-28-2013, 11:57 AM
Here's the results I got when putting averages for some populations that were more WHG-influenced through the sheet:

EEF 41,33620042
WHG 41,9075552
ANE 16,75624438

EEF 40,15450019
WHG 42,28725236
ANE 17,55824745

EEF 35,81060985
WHG 45,65369477
ANE 18,53569538

EEF 33,85011092
WHG 47,34644562
ANE 18,80344345

These are for the northeastern populations that didn't fit the original paper's model, they don't look that distorted (Estonians score 5,5% Oceanian+Siberian+Amerindian+East Asian in k13, these three score about 9% so not a big difference):

EEF 33,74646114
WHG 47,34285855
ANE 18,91068031

EEF 38,33670307
WHG 43,2539808
ANE 18,40931612

Kargopol Russians
EEF 37,23805459
WHG 44,39021242
ANE 18,37173298

12-28-2013, 12:27 PM

EEF 75.64759193
WHG 14.75585545
ANE 9.596552621

EEF 72.43221125
WHG 17.39596341
ANE 10.17182534

12-28-2013, 12:33 PM
-- EEF --Czech 49.50
English 49.50
Ukrainian 46.20
Orcadian 45.70
Graham 44.99
Belorussian 41.80
Norwegian 41.10
Icelandic 39.40
Scottish 39.00
-- WHG --Icelandic 45.60
Belorussian 43.10
Norwegian 42.80
Scottish 42.80
Graham 39.24
Ukrainian 38.70
Orcadian 38.50
English 36.40
Czech 33.80
-- ANE--Czech 16.70
Pais Vas 16.30
Norwegian 16.10
Orcadian 15.80
Graham 15.77
Belorussian 15.10
Ukrainian 15.10
Greek 15.10
Icelandic 15.00

12-28-2013, 12:52 PM
My grandfather:

EEF: 93.9816723878
WHG: -2.5059076158
ANE: 8.524235228

12-28-2013, 12:57 PM
So why are Northwest Europeans getting high EEF scores?

12-28-2013, 01:06 PM
So why are Northwest Europeans getting high EEF scores?

The Neolithic history is strong here. We even have an intact village in Orkney, and another temple that is currently being excavated.

http://cookit.e2bn.org/library/1241959413/skara_brae_house2.original.jpghttp://www.odinorkney.com/pages/maeshowe/images/maeshowefisheyeint204p.jpghttp://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/81/Knapofhowarinsun.jpg/800px-Knapofhowarinsun.jpghttp://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a9/Cuween_Hill%2C_front_external_view%2C_2012_March.j pg/800px-Cuween_Hill%2C_front_external_view%2C_2012_March.j pg

£100 Scottish Note


12-28-2013, 01:07 PM
it is only for europeans but here is what i get
EEF 66.92560475185
WHG 20.9432298840885
ANE 12.1311653640615

12-28-2013, 01:08 PM
K13 Chuvash:

EEF 37,41915171
WHG 43,54254147
ANE 19,03830682

K13 Mari:
EEF 33,74901373
WHG 46,50716749
ANE 19,74381877

K13 Estonians score here the most ANE among the original paper's fitting populations, at 18,8. Chuvash and Mari have ~30% East Asian+Siberian+Amerindian+Oceanian and don't diverge that much, but it seems ANE can't really go above 20% in this sheet. So maybe it's ANE>19 that means Turan is strong in you! :D

12-28-2013, 01:12 PM
So why are Northwest Europeans getting high EEF scores?

Neolithic ancestry seems to be strongest out of all three here, even though we are half or less than half Neolithic overall.

Black Wolf
12-28-2013, 02:27 PM
Could someone run my results please if I give you my Eurogenes K13 scores? My comp here that I am on right now won't let me download the proper spreadsheet.

Black Wolf
12-28-2013, 02:47 PM
My results thanks to a friend here! :D...I actually score more European hunter-gatherer ancestry than I though I would pretty cool stuff.

EEF 52,06229091
WHG 33,16776121
ANE 14,76994788

12-28-2013, 03:54 PM

12-28-2013, 03:57 PM

how did near easterners aquired ANE and isnt EEF a mix of Western European Hunter Gatherer and Near Eastern, not exclusively Near Eastern but a Hybrid etc. I thought that would be exclusive to Europe but obviously near eastern fall within that cline, so they could be considered european in a extended sense

Black Wolf
12-28-2013, 03:58 PM
So this test is not accurate for us. They should make one with ME included.

I think this test is actually still fairly accurate for West Asian/Near Eastern people. It shows that by far you are pretty much descended almost completely from the earliest Neolithic farmers that originated in the Near East. Your complete lack of the WHG component also makes sense in that the paper also found the same pattern. The WHG component seems to pretty much be a true/pure European origin component of indigenous European hunter-gatherer origins.

12-28-2013, 04:04 PM
I think this test is actually still fairly accurate for West Asian/Near Eastern people. It shows that by far you are pretty much descended almost completely from the earliest Neolithic farmers that originated in the Near East. Your complete lack of the WHG component also makes sense in that the paper also found the same pattern. The WHG component seems to pretty much be a true/pure European origin component of indigenous European hunter-gatherer origins.

EEF's are referred to as "Near Eastern" people given the time of their arrival back then, but we know that they have not much to do with modern Near Eastern people because it is obvious from a PCA plot that EEF's cluster nowhere near them. I still don't see how it can be accurate for modern Near Eastern people.

12-28-2013, 04:05 PM
how did near easterners aquired ANE and isnt EEF a mix of Western European Hunter Gatherer and Near Eastern, not exclusively Near Eastern but a Hybrid etc. I thought that would be exclusive to Europe but obviously near eastern fall within that cline, so they could be considered european in a extended sense

They're not fitted as EEF + ANE, but Middle Eastern + ANE which is different.

Middle eastern populations or even Sicilians and Maltese can't really fit if EEF + ANE is used.

Black Wolf
12-28-2013, 04:14 PM
EEF's are referred to as "Near Eastern" people given the time of their arrival back then, but we know that they have not much to do with modern Near Eastern people because it is obvious from a PCA plot that EEF's cluster nowhere near them. I still don't see how it can be accurate for modern Near Eastern people.

It is accurate in that the EEF component is still the best fit for them given that it is largely of Near Eastern Neolithic farmer origin. You would expect them to show near 100% in it given the area in the world that they come from. Of course in reality the true Neolithic origin component that they have will look different because it is not so much of a hybrid component like the EEF component that Europeans have. Still for this analysis it is the best proxy for that component. Also as I already mentioned they do not score any WHG in this calculator which is in agreement with the paper.

12-28-2013, 04:23 PM
It is accurate in that the EEF component is still the best fit for them given that it is largely of Near Eastern Neolithic farmer origin. You would expect them to show near 100% in it given the area in the world that they come from. Of course in reality the true Neolithic origin component that they have will look different because it is not so much of a hybrid component like the EEF component that Europeans have. Still for this analysis it is the best proxy for that component. Also as I already mentioned they do not score any WHG in this calculator which is in agreement with the paper.

It is best because of only three component model and program needs to put them somewhere. All what is needed is to look at PCA plot. As Argang explained this are similar reasons as what authors explained how for some populations model is not optimized and that is why they get ~100% EEF, but they cluster nowhere near EEF's on a PCA plot. Look at the PCA plot where EEF's cluster and where are the Near Eastern or Middle Eastern populations located at.

Black Wolf
12-28-2013, 04:25 PM
It is best because of only three component model and program needs to put them somewhere. All what is needed is to look at PCA plot. As Argang explained this are similar reasons as what authors explained how for some populations model is not optimized and that is why they get ~100% EEF, but they cluster nowhere near EEF's on a PCA plot. Look at the PCA plot where EEF's cluster and where are the Near Eastern or Middle Eastern populations located at.

Yes but the Near Eastern ancestry that these people have is most closely related to the EEF component and that is why they score so much of it. I know that it definitely is not 100% accurate but it is also not completely useless for them either.

12-28-2013, 04:28 PM
Yes but the Near Eastern ancestry that these people have is most closely related to the EEF component and that is why they score so much of it. I know that it definitely is not 100% accurate but it is also not completely useless for them either.

They most probably have some or a lot of EEF's ancestry, but not as you say "It shows that by far you are pretty much descended almost completely from the earliest Neolithic farmers that originated in the Near East".

Black Wolf
12-28-2013, 04:33 PM
They most probably have some or a lot of EEF's ancestry, but not as you say "It shows that by far you are pretty much descended almost completely from the earliest Neolithic farmers that originated in the Near East".

Okay maybe it would be better if I said the are mostly descended from the earliest Neolithic farmers of the Near East. I would say at least 80% or so.

12-28-2013, 04:43 PM
Okay maybe it would be better if I said the are mostly descended from the earliest Neolithic farmers of the Near East. I would say at least 80% or so.

Hahahah. There is probably 10% of real EEF's influence in Caucasus and maybe 30% in the Middle East.

Just check where EEF's are located compared to northern Caucasians on this model and where are Middle Easterners located. So there is no fucking way they can have at least 80% of EEF's ancestry. It is said for a reason that this calc is optimized only for Europeans.

Vesuvian Sky
12-28-2013, 04:48 PM
EEF: 77.15608
WHG: 13.57828
ANE: 9.265648

12-28-2013, 04:49 PM
My results:

EEF 78,86229108
WHG 11,7409539
ANE 9,396755024

Damião de Góis
12-28-2013, 04:53 PM
EEF 68,2078493851
WHG 21,541343218
ANE 10,2508073969

Wulf Talented
12-28-2013, 04:56 PM
EEF 47.14084739
WHG 37.31034369
ANE 15.54880892

12-28-2013, 05:20 PM
Any chance this will end up on Gedmatch?

12-28-2013, 05:22 PM
I score high EEF, therefore it must be the bestest.

EEF 91,88752745
WHG -0,241261796
ANE 8,353734346

12-28-2013, 05:23 PM
I score high EEF, therefore it must be the bestest.

EEF 91,88752745
WHG -0,241261796
ANE 8,353734346

Our results are so close:

EEF 91.4258530593
WHG -0.1698049135
ANE 8.7439518542

12-28-2013, 05:26 PM
Our results are so close:

EEF 91.4258530593
WHG -0.1698049135
ANE 8.7439518542

Yes, this makes you also Übermensch.

Herr Abubu
12-28-2013, 05:34 PM
I score high EEF, therefore it must be the bestest.

EEF 91,88752745
WHG -0,241261796
ANE 8,353734346

holy fuck bro ur the anti-WGH

12-28-2013, 05:39 PM
holy fuck bro ur the anti-WGH

From that one can clearly infer that WGH are inferior and that EEF correlates with superior Neanderthal admixture. Otherwise I would score high WGH.

Herr Abubu
12-28-2013, 05:41 PM
From that one can clearly infer that WGH are inferior and that EEF correlates with superior Neanderthal admixture. Otherwise I would score high WGH.

it is clear indeed that you are a Denisovan-Neanderthal ubermensch indeed

12-28-2013, 06:02 PM
EEF 49.84383
WHG 35.17364
ANE 14.98253

Mine's quite English looking :cool:

Black Wolf
12-28-2013, 07:07 PM
Hahahah. There is probably 10% of real EEF's influence in Caucasus and maybe 30% in the Middle East.

Just check where EEF's are located compared to northern Caucasians on this model and where are Middle Easterners located. So there is no fucking way they can have at least 80% of EEF's ancestry. It is said for a reason that this calc is optimized only for Europeans.

Jesus Christ man I said that the Neolithic ancestry of Near Eastern people is not exactly the same as the EEF component but in this test the EEF component is the best proxy for it. That is why they score so high in it when they use this calculator. It is not completely useless for Near Eastern people.

Let me ask you this. Which ancient pre-historic group do you think West Asian/Near Eastern people descend from mainly? Let me be even more specific actually. Which ancient pre-historic group do you think Armenians and Assyrians descend from mainly?

Black Wolf
12-28-2013, 07:21 PM
I score high EEF, therefore it must be the bestest.

EEF 91,88752745
WHG -0,241261796
ANE 8,353734346

Well you are probably really good at growing crops but when those crops fail you will be running to us individuals with WHG ancestry to save you with the wild game we hunt. :P

12-28-2013, 07:24 PM
Sicilians and Maltese have nothing from "Indigenous European Hunter-Gatherers", but they have 7-10% East European steppes!

For Europe they have the most Neolithic, almost purely so it looks like.

Black Wolf
12-28-2013, 07:26 PM
Sicilians and Maltese have nothing from "Indigenous European Hunter-Gatherers", but they have 7-10% East European steppes!

For Europe they have the most Neolithic, almost purely so it looks like.

Yup pretty much.

12-28-2013, 07:39 PM
Well you are probably really good at growing crops but when those crops fail you will be running to us individuals with WHG ancestry to save you with the wild game we hunt. :P

Wrong, I don't run to or from anybody. I fight bears with bare hands, just for fun.

12-28-2013, 07:39 PM
Yup pretty much.

I would like to see how a Calabrese scores, since I anticipate even less Indo-European there.

Black Wolf
12-28-2013, 07:43 PM
Wrong, I don't run to or from anybody. I fight bears with bare hands, just for fun.

People with WHG ancestry live with bears.

12-28-2013, 07:45 PM
People with WHG ancestry live with bears.

I hunt people with WHG ancestry for food. Then I fight their bears.

12-28-2013, 07:45 PM
My results thanks to a friend here! :D...I actually score more European hunter-gatherer ancestry than I though I would pretty cool stuff.

EEF 52,06229091
WHG 33,16776121
ANE 14,76994788

Yours and mine are rather similar:
EEF 52.77205717
WHG 32.80321109
ANE 14.42473175

12-28-2013, 07:52 PM
Here is my father's. His partial Mediterranean ancestry pushes up his EEF:
EEF 56.83897
WHG 29.28624
ANE 13.87479

12-28-2013, 08:18 PM
Hahahah. There is probably 10% of real EEF's influence in Caucasus and maybe 30% in the Middle East.

Just check where EEF's are located compared to northern Caucasians on this model and where are Middle Easterners located. So there is no fucking way they can have at least 80% of EEF's ancestry. It is said for a reason that this calc is optimized only for Europeans.

The ANE in Middle Easterners is very low, it's in the single digits. North Caucasians have the most of it, out of all West Asians. My EEF ancestry is 101.06% and my ANE ancestry is 6.53%.

12-28-2013, 08:19 PM
holy fuck bro ur the anti-WGH

That's nothing, I scored -7.60 for WHG.

12-28-2013, 08:24 PM
Sicilians and Maltese have nothing from "Indigenous European Hunter-Gatherers", but they have 7-10% East European steppes!

For Europe they have the most Neolithic, almost purely so it looks like.

I wouldn't say nothing, considering that Ashkenazim Jews who are genetically similar to Sicilians are WHG enough to be included in this plot proves that they have some WHG ancestry. While I'm too hardcore EEF that I'm outside of the range entirely, I'd hazard to guess Sicilians would be right next to the Ashkenazim Jews here.


Black Wolf
12-28-2013, 08:25 PM
I hunt people with WHG ancestry for food. Then I fight their bears.

Interesting thing about this is that some scholars think that the Neolithic farmers in parts of Europe actually did hunt the indigenous hunter-gatherers and cannibalized them lol. Some think that it was a possibility anyways.

Black Wolf
12-28-2013, 08:27 PM
Yours and mine are rather similar:
EEF 52.77205717
WHG 32.80321109
ANE 14.42473175

Indeed they are. That is quite interesting. Makes sense though since we are both European mutts with ancestry from Northwestern, Northeastern and Southern Europe.

12-28-2013, 08:30 PM
Here is an OpenOffice-based RMSD Calculator for the European Ancient DNA Calculator Davidski/Polako made. All you have to do is plug your results from Davidski's spreadsheet into the calculator and you will get your distance from the European populations in the study as well as a chart.


Here is my chart:


and here are my 10 closest populations:

Orcadian 0.25
Ukrainian: 0.28
English: 1.82
Czech: 2.53
Belorussian: 2.92
Norwegian: 3.05
Scottish: 3.97
Icelandic: 4.47
French: 5.30
Lithuanian: 5.73

Edit: Oops, I forgot to include my results from Davidski's spreadsheet:

EEF: 46.17
WHG: 38.26
ANE: 15.57

12-28-2013, 08:35 PM
Sicilians and Maltese have nothing from "Indigenous European Hunter-Gatherers", but they have 7-10% East European steppes!

For Europe they have the most Neolithic, almost purely so it looks like.

That is because as it was written EEF's already had some Hunther-Gatherer ancestry and out of three references they are one reference, but the calc is not quite specific for Sicilians anyway.

12-28-2013, 08:38 PM
EEF 49.7603787244
WHG 35.6300926637
ANE 14.6095286119

My closest match on the RMSD calculator is English, with a total distance of 0.43.

Vesuvian Sky
12-28-2013, 08:41 PM
A tr00 'Neolithic' population in Europe would be one with strictly East Med. and West Asian components. Obviously, there is no population strictly like this in Europe today and Haak et al. demonstrated nicely a gradual mixing of Neolithic with the Mesolithic to occur though not initially with the onset of the 'original Neolithic' farmers.

No Euro. population is 100% Neolithic farmer and even in the EEF category, its stated on the Eurogenes blog spot that there are 'Western' hunter gatherer components mixed into the component.

12-28-2013, 09:01 PM
Albanian 13.0189899762
Ashkenazi 4.9246015067
Basque 25.1172072492
Belorussian 35.0875547737
Bergamo 17.5049507283
Bulgarian 17.0071426171
Croatian 26.2546472077
Czech 29.9192997913
English 30.5016015973
Estonian 40.3500743494
French 26.9484934644
S. French 19.5066373319
Greek 12.0901985095
Hungarian 25.8214813673
Icelandic 36.6167625549
Lithuanian 37.9756882755
Maltese 4.8910632791
Norwegian 35.2900736752
Orcadian 32.4834496321
Pais Vasco 16.6440409757
Sardinian 14.4059189224
Scottish 36.1325130596
Sicilian 6.0594801757
Spanish 11.3761021444
Tuscan 15.344995927
Ukrainian 32.3318867374

12-28-2013, 09:07 PM
Looks rather accurate to me, ZM. Maltese, Ashkenazi and Sicilian being the closest makes sense considering what the paper says about them.

12-28-2013, 09:30 PM
The ANE in Middle Easterners is very low, it's in the single digits. North Caucasians have the most of it, out of all West Asians. My EEF ancestry is 101.06% and my ANE ancestry is 6.53%.

Again, it is not important what you score on a calc optimized for Europeans based on excavation of bodies found in Europe. The only thing which is in common at least for now and at least in this study is ANE component which you got based on a three component model optimized for Europeans meaning that your ANE is most probably wrong. Fitted score (which also means fitted for calcs) for Druze in a study is 11.8% for ANE so I doubt you have that much less than them.

Jesus Christ man I said that the Neolithic ancestry of Near Eastern people is not exactly the same as the EEF component but in this test the EEF component is the best proxy for it. That is why they score so high in it when they use this calculator. It is not completely useless for Near Eastern people.

It is tutto completely useless and that is what you don't understand. EEF people cluster nowhere close to modern Middle Eastern population. The authors simply made a three component model for Europeans based on three type of bodies excavated out of three, two are located in Europe and the only thing which ME people have in common is ANE component.

Let me ask you this. Which ancient pre-historic group do you think West Asian/Near Eastern people descend from mainly? Let me be even more specific actually. Which ancient pre-historic group do you think Armenians and Assyrians descend from mainly?

As authors said more work, populations and bodies excavation is needed for other areas (I think they mentioned Asia or Middle East) to discover their history, so we just don't fucking know for now and that is why the stupid calc is useless for some people. Just for pure simplicity of a model EEF is seen as a mix of (fictional) NEAR EAST + some (realistic) WHG and modern Near Eastern population are seen as (fictional) NEAR EAST + some (realistic) ANE.

When you subtract WHG from a three component model and you are left with two components you don't need to be a brainer to know that a software based on its input will assign numbers in accordance to known ANE and as you can see it doesn't even do that properly. Not only it is not accurate, but it is useless and even if it accurate in giving correct number it is again useless because we are not dealing with the same "NEAR EAST" and it could be pure neolithic Middle Eastern component which peaks over 80% in the Near East or it could be a lot of things.

Black Wolf
12-28-2013, 09:48 PM
Again, it is not important what you score on a calc optimized for Europeans based on excavation of bodies found in Europe. The only thing which is in common at least for now and at least in this study is ANE component which you got based on a three component model optimized for Europeans meaning that your ANE is most probably wrong. Fitted score (which also means fitted for calcs) for Druze in a study is 11.8% for ANE so I doubt you have that much less than them.

It is tutto completely useless and that is what you don't understand. EEF people cluster nowhere close to modern Middle Eastern population. The authors simply made a three component model for Europeans based on three type of bodies excavated out of three, two are located in Europe and the only thing which ME people have in common is ANE component.

As authors said more work, populations and bodies excavation is needed for other areas (I think they mentioned Asia or Middle East) to discover their history, so we just don't fucking know for now and that is why the stupid calc is useless for some people. Just for pure simplicity of a model EEF is seen as a mix of (fictional) NEAR EAST + some (realistic) WHG and modern Near Eastern population are seen as (fictional) NEAR EAST + some (realistic) ANE.

When you subtract WHG from a three component model and you are left with two components you don't need to be a brainer to know that a software based on its input will assign numbers in accordance to known ANE and as you can see it doesn't even do that properly. Not only it is not accurate, but it is useless and even if it accurate in giving correct number it is again useless because we are not dealing with the same "NEAR EAST" and it could be pure neolithic Middle Eastern component which peaks over 80% in the Near East or it could be a lot of things.

Well we obviously view this calculator differently then. You can say it's useless all you want that does not matter to me. I still think it has quite a bit of good use. You are over thinking things.

12-28-2013, 11:38 PM
Here is an OpenOffice-based RMSD Calculator for the European Ancient DNA Calculator Davidski/Polako made. All you have to do is plug your results from Davidski's spreadsheet into the calculator and you will get your distance from the European populations in the study as well as a chart.


Here is my chart:


and here are my 10 closest populations:

Orcadian 0.25
Ukrainian: 0.28
English: 1.82
Czech: 2.53
Belorussian: 2.92
Norwegian: 3.05
Scottish: 3.97
Icelandic: 4.47
French: 5.30
Lithuanian: 5.73

Edit: Oops, I forgot to include my results from Davidski's spreadsheet:

EEF: 46.17
WHG: 38.26
ANE: 15.57

Hmm apparently the file is corrupt.

12-28-2013, 11:52 PM
Hmm, try this one:


Btw, if you try and open the file using Excel, it will not work and state that the file is corrupt. You must use OpenOffice.

12-29-2013, 12:00 AM
Hmm, try this one:


Btw, if you try and open the file using Excel, it will not work and state that the file is corrupt. You must use OpenOffice.

Ahh i see, thanks.

Damião de Góis
12-29-2013, 12:07 AM
Here's mine. I was expecting Spain to be the closest:


Vesuvian Sky
12-29-2013, 12:45 AM
My top 10 using the Open Office app:

Tuscan: 1.6097799095
Albanian: 2.5240877316
Bergamo: 3.2041864111
Bulgarian: 3.4671055359
Spanish: 3.7193899711
Pais Vasco: 4.1216130043
Greek: 4.4433976186
Sardinian: 4.6409975821
S. French: 5.3338922671
Sicilian: 8.4536498908

12-29-2013, 12:45 AM
My Results:
EEF: 48.88924
WHG: 36.19333
ANE: 14.91743

12-29-2013, 12:50 AM
So maybe it's ANE>19 that means Turan is strong in you! :D

Too right!

People with WHG ancestry live with bears.

People with strong ANE had Bears as Ancestors.

EEF 34.10034594
WHG 46.70442473
ANE 19.19522933

12-29-2013, 12:58 AM
If you would like to know your five closest populations using the calculator, but do not feel like actually going through the process of doing it yourself, just make a request and give me your values from Davidski's spreadsheet. I have some free time at the moment and do not mind posting a few results.

12-29-2013, 01:22 AM
My Results:
EEF: 48.88924
WHG: 36.19333
ANE: 14.91743

English: 0.47
Czech: 1.36
Ukrainian: 1.65
Orcadian: 1.80
French: 3.75

12-29-2013, 01:50 AM
EEF 66.92560475185
WHG 20.9432298840885
ANE 12.1311653640615

can someone try that for me, i dont get anything out, maybe i do something wrong but maybe it is because im not european, i mean the rochefaton calculator. thanks

12-29-2013, 02:00 AM
EEF 66.92560475185
WHG 20.9432298840885
ANE 12.1311653640615

can someone try that for me, i dont get anything out, maybe i do something wrong but maybe it is because im not european, i mean the rochefaton calculator. thanks

S. French - 0.79
Bergamo - 2.58
Bulgarian - 3.49
Pais Vasco - 4.64
Tuscan - 4.75

It would appear your South Asian ancestry makes this run inaccurate for you.

12-29-2013, 02:04 AM
S. French - 0.79
Bergamo - 2.58
Bulgarian - 3.49
Pais Vasco - 4.64
Tuscan - 4.75

It would appear your South Asian ancestry makes this run inaccurate for you.

it doesnt seem that much inaccurate, it fits with the usual european populations i cluster with (italian, romanian, bulgarian etc.) but the southasian might make it inaccurate who knows, but it doesnt strike me as very inaccurate mcdonald told me im 75% italian 25% indian and now i get italian populations also on lots of calculators i get bulgaria or romania etc. as 80% ancestry. and i have bulgarian on the list. it is not clear to me if that is that inaccurate at all, but could be which other populations should i have clustered too so it will appear accurate?

Vesuvian Sky
12-29-2013, 02:16 AM

Usually, the Tuscan or even Italian category is a 'catch all' reference population for people with Balkan ancestry and of course some Italians. Albanians will fall into it, in addition to some Italians due various similarities gained overtime. Sometimes other Balkan ancestry will fall into these. Ergo, what Doug picked up on your results makes sense. What seems kinda of strange for this run is coming out S. French before Tuscan. But I even get Bergamo, and S. French. But then again I have some Gallo-Romance ancestry (though certainly not alot).

12-29-2013, 02:18 AM
How do I get results from this calculator?

12-29-2013, 02:37 AM

Usually, the Tuscan or even Italian category is a 'catch all' reference population for people with Balkan ancestry and of course some Italians. Albanians will fall into it, in addition to some Italians due various similarities gained overtime. Sometimes other Balkan ancestry will fall into these. Ergo, what Doug picked up on your results makes sense. What seems kinda of strange for this run is coming out S. French before Tuscan. But I even get Bergamo, and S. French. But then again I have some Gallo-Romance ancestry (though certainly not alot).

yeah that sounds strange but on ftdna im spanish,romanian and northindian and southindian, on lots of calculators im like half spanish half indian etc. i dont think i have real spanish ancestry though but sometimes i cluster with them and southfrench dont seem to much different then spaniards or northitalians to me, and on mcdonald my european dot is in northitaly

12-29-2013, 02:51 AM
Can someone do this for me?!

My K13
North_Atlantic 26.89%
Baltic 7.16%
West_Med 14.44%
West_Asian 11.92%
East_Med 27.12%
Red_Sea 7.64%
South_Asian 1.45%
East_Asian -
Siberian -
Amerindian 0.76%
Oceanian 0.39%
Northeast_African 1.59%
Sub-Saharan 0.60%

My dad's K13
North_Atlantic 4.78%
Baltic -
West_Med 13.50%
West_Asian 16.87%
East_Med 46.53%
Red_Sea 14.63%
South_Asian 0.77%
East_Asian -
Siberian -
Amerindian -
Oceanian 0.08%
Northeast_African 2.84%
Sub-Saharan -

My mom's K13
North_Atlantic 45.66%
Baltic 23.10%
West_Med 12.56%
West_Asian 7.56%
East_Med 7.41%
Red_Sea 0.71%
South_Asian 0.84%
East_Asian -
Siberian -
Amerindian 1.05%
Oceanian 0.47%
Northeast_African 0.63%
Sub-Saharan -

12-29-2013, 03:01 AM
'The file is corrupt and can't be opened' (calculator, not original spreadsheet). Could anyone give me a hand here?

12-29-2013, 03:05 AM
Can someone do this for me?!
My K13
North_Atlantic 26.89%
Baltic 7.16%
West_Med 14.44%
West_Asian 11.92%
East_Med 27.12%
Red_Sea 7.64%
South_Asian 1.45%
East_Asian -
Siberian -
Amerindian 0.76%
Oceanian 0.39%
Northeast_African 1.59%
Sub-Saharan 0.60%


12-29-2013, 03:07 AM
9.052457562Thank you very much!

12-29-2013, 03:08 AM
EEF 47.13895505
WHG 37.40037426
ANE 15.46067069

12-29-2013, 03:27 AM

Albanian 2.01
Spanish 2.30
Tuscan 3.07
Greek 3.52
Sardinian 4.82

Longbowman, what are your EEF, WHG, and ANE values?

12-29-2013, 03:34 AM

Sicilian 2.04
Ashkenazi 2.27
Maltese 2.30
Spanish 4.74
Greek 5.94

12-29-2013, 03:39 AM

Sicilian 2.04
Ashkenazi 2.27
Maltese 2.30
Spanish 4.74
Greek 5.94

Thank you!


12-29-2013, 03:39 AM

Albanian 2.01
Spanish 2.30
Tuscan 3.07
Greek 3.52
Sardinian 4.82Interesting, I've never gotten Albanian as a top result; usually Greek, Ashkenazi, or Sicilian. It's probably becuase most of these tests have Albanian samples. And thank you very much.

Can someone do my parents? I also posted their K13 Admixture Proportions within the spoiler on the previous page.

12-29-2013, 04:06 AM
Day Trippers post on ABF.

Here are all the correlations:

East Med (+0.94855)
Red Sea (+0.83288)
West Med (+0.67335)
Northeast African (+0.5254)
West Asian (+0.41363)
Sub-Saharan (+0.33439)
East Asian (+0.30893)
Oceanian (-0.37898)
North Atlantic (-0.5244)
Siberian (-0.56267)
South Asian (-0.6387)
Amerindian (-0.64406)
Baltic (-0.82668)

Baltic (+0.78009)
South Asian (+0.60554)
Amerindian (+0.57381)
North Atlantic (+0.53109)
Siberian (+0.52934)
Oceanian (+0.40564)
East Asian (-0.34429)
Sub-Saharan (-0.35298)
Northeast African (-0.54025)
West Asian (-0.55277)
West Med (-0.56)
Red Sea (-0.85739)
East Med (-0.95655)

Baltic (+0.77605)
Amerindian (+0.71262)
South Asian (+0.59046)
Siberian (+0.53338)
North Atlantic (+0.37778)
Oceanian (+0.20167)
West Asian (+0.12404)
East Asian (-0.1242)
Sub-Saharan (-0.19735)
Northeast African (-0.35262)
Red Sea (-0.55686)
East Med (-0.69661)
West Med (-0.86965)

12-29-2013, 04:24 AM
Day Trippers post on ABF.

Here are all the correlations:

East Med (+0.94855)
Red Sea (+0.83288)
West Med (+0.67335)
Northeast African (+0.5254)
West Asian (+0.41363)
Sub-Saharan (+0.33439)
East Asian (+0.30893)
Oceanian (-0.37898)
North Atlantic (-0.5244)
Siberian (-0.56267)
South Asian (-0.6387)
Amerindian (-0.64406)
Baltic (-0.82668)

Baltic (+0.78009)
South Asian (+0.60554)
Amerindian (+0.57381)
North Atlantic (+0.53109)
Siberian (+0.52934)
Oceanian (+0.40564)
East Asian (-0.34429)
Sub-Saharan (-0.35298)
Northeast African (-0.54025)
West Asian (-0.55277)
West Med (-0.56)
Red Sea (-0.85739)
East Med (-0.95655)

Baltic (+0.77605)
Amerindian (+0.71262)
South Asian (+0.59046)
Siberian (+0.53338)
North Atlantic (+0.37778)
Oceanian (+0.20167)
West Asian (+0.12404)
East Asian (-0.1242)
Sub-Saharan (-0.19735)
Northeast African (-0.35262)
Red Sea (-0.55686)
East Med (-0.69661)
West Med (-0.86965)

my southasian could have increased my ANE results, i think. or am i off?

12-29-2013, 07:44 AM
EEF 34,76661738
WHG 46,79489595
ANE 18,43848668


1. Lithuanian 0,9335666783

2. Estonian 1,6687890049

3. Scottish 2,6052873053

4. Icelandic 2,6351170644

5. Norwegian 3,5082606435

6. Belorussian 3,8539910668

12-29-2013, 09:44 AM
Albanian 1,8946747364
Tuscan 2,3408871851
Spanish 2,7200777369
Greek 3,6860814916
Bulgarian 4,2328990472
Bergamo 4,2821176264
Pais Vasco 4,5917140277
Sardinian 4,7984039188
S.French 6,3606262164
Sicilian 7,3316183935
Ashkenazi 8,3282187702
Maltese 8,3685486461
Basque 11,8898586814
Hungarian 12,7989224354
Croatian 13,0574507806
French 13,7265318851
Czech 16,7456444456
English 17,2761871102
Orcadian 19,2706286565
Ukrainian 19,1109519829
Belorussian 21,8610621684
Norwegian 22,0707429212
Scottish 22,939763368
Icelandic 23,3884748299
Lithuanian 24,7595891423
Estonian 27,138101416

12-29-2013, 12:31 PM
Can someone run the RMSD Calculator for me (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?107985-EEF-WHG-ANE-test-for-Europeans&p=2240517&viewfull=1#post2240517)? For some reason I can't download the file.






12-29-2013, 12:31 PM
Can someone run the RMSD Calculator for me (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?107985-EEF-WHG-ANE-test-for-Europeans&p=2240517&viewfull=1#post2240517)? For some reason I can't download the file.

Lithuanian 0,876164611
Scottish 1,988546511
Estonian 2,3240093
Icelandic 2,40347657
Norwegian 3,013088718
Belorussian 3,417404165
Orcadian 5,682442012
Ukrainian 5,893905193
English 7,745715901
Czech 8,208634797
French 11,22890919
Croatian 11,87011388
Hungarian 12,47049831
Basque 13,17634658
S.French 18,6148767
Bergamo 20,64624561
Bulgarian 21,1867226
Pais Vasco 21,80129757
Tuscan 22,77776338
Albanian 25,17367288
Sardinian 25,4517083
Greek 26,4531676
Spanish 26,83258785
Sicilian 32,10746965
Ashkenazi 33,2487913
Maltese 33,29057136


12-29-2013, 04:09 PM

12-29-2013, 05:11 PM

EEF 75.64759193
WHG 14.75585545
ANE 9.596552621

1.Tuscans 1.2073633277
2.Bergamo 2.3374683546
3.Bulgarian 2.8307324883
4.Albanian 3.0500236313
5.Pais Vasco 3.7128599802
6.Spanish 4.4315246633
7.S.French 4.482713817
8.Sardinian 4.9303409775
9.Greek 4.9621544311

EEF 72.43221125
WHG 17.39596341
ANE 10.17182534

1.Bergamo 0.5207800814
2.Tuscans 2.0861255474
3.Bulgarian 2.2007780184
4.S.French 2.7111713223
5.Pais Vasco 3.5442032868
6.Albanian 4.5975931235
7.Sardinian 5.8946389564
8.Spanish 6.1401468107
9.Greek 6.3961900761

12-29-2013, 05:25 PM
Why do Greeks have a lot more of the indigenous European hunter-gatherer than Sicilians and Maltese do? I could see them having more Indo-European, but Paleolithic European should be in both.

12-29-2013, 05:37 PM
Why do Greeks have a lot more of the indigenous European hunter-gatherer than Sicilians and Maltese do? I could see them having more Indo-European, but Paleolithic European should be in both.
Some of the whg probably came with later "barbarian" invasions.So paleolithic components may have also arrived later from other places rather than being indigenous to Greece since the prehistoric years.

12-29-2013, 05:40 PM

12-29-2013, 06:00 PM
Can someone run it for me if I send them my data?

I know I will get a lot of Indo-European because of my Polish side, and probably some Paleolithic from the Portuguese.

Black Wolf
12-29-2013, 06:08 PM
The ANE in Middle Easterners is very low, it's in the single digits. North Caucasians have the most of it, out of all West Asians. My EEF ancestry is 101.06% and my ANE ancestry is 6.53%.

That makes sense to me.

Black Wolf
12-29-2013, 06:22 PM
If you would like to know your five closest populations using the calculator, but do not feel like actually going through the process of doing it yourself, just make a request and give me your values from Davidski's spreadsheet. I have some free time at the moment and do not mind posting a few results.

If you could do mine I would greatly appreciate it. Here are my results again.

EEF 52,06229091
WHG 33,16776121
ANE 14,76994788

12-29-2013, 06:32 PM
My results:

EEF 42.31203
WHG 41.05085
ANE 16.63712

Maternal grandmother's:

EEF 45.11228
WHG 39.14571
ANE 15.74201

Black Wolf
12-29-2013, 06:40 PM
Why do Greeks have a lot more of the indigenous European hunter-gatherer than Sicilians and Maltese do? I could see them having more Indo-European, but Paleolithic European should be in both.

Simple reason really. Invasions from Eastern Europe (Slavs and such). We know that most mainland Greeks are more northern shifted than Southern Italians and Maltese are.

Black Wolf
12-29-2013, 06:43 PM
Some of the whg probably came with later "barbarian" invasions.So paleolithic components may have also arrived later from other places rather than being indigenous to Greece since the prehistoric years.

That seems about right I would say.

Black Wolf
12-29-2013, 06:48 PM

Did you post your results? :)

12-29-2013, 06:50 PM
Did you post your results? :)

mine is similar to herr abubu :)

Black Wolf
12-29-2013, 07:55 PM
Looking at my results again I actually feel quite Neolithic lol. :D

12-29-2013, 08:38 PM
If you would like to know your five closest populations using the calculator, but do not feel like actually going through the process of doing it yourself, just make a request and give me your values from Davidski's spreadsheet. I have some free time at the moment and do not mind posting a few results.
I would truly appreciate it:
North_Atlantic 41.33%
Baltic 23.88%
West_Med 14.92%
West_Asian 8.86%
East_Med 6.04%
Red_Sea 1.78%
South_Asian 1.61%
East_Asian -
Siberian 1.07%
Amerindian 0.36%
Oceanian -
Northeast_African 0.15%
Sub-Saharan -
North_Atlantic 44.74%
Baltic 25.43%
West_Med 13.81%
West_Asian 5.68%
East_Med 6.24%
Red_Sea 1.83%
South_Asian 0.65%
East_Asian -
Siberian 0.98%
Amerindian 0.15%
Oceanian -
Northeast_African 0.49%
Sub-Saharan -

Oops! wrong data.

EEF 52.77205717
WHG 32.80321109
ANE 14.42473175

EEF 50.58829569
WHG 34.70032589
ANE 14.71137843

12-29-2013, 08:51 PM

Czech 1.47
French 1.84
English 1.88
Croatian 2.50
Basque 3.86


French 1.46
Czech 1.84
Croatian 2.16
English 2.18
Basque 3.47


English 0.94
Czech 1.09
Ukrainian 2.66
French 2.74
Orcadian 2.81

12-30-2013, 01:24 AM

Not accurate in the slightest.

12-30-2013, 06:56 AM
I don't have Excel, can someone run my results for me?

North_Atlantic 17.46%
Baltic 27.06%
West_Med 10.71%
West_Asian 25.36%
East_Med 14.04%
Red_Sea 0.71%
South_Asian 0.90%
East_Asian -
Siberian 2.62%
Amerindian -
Oceanian 0.75%
Northeast_African 0.36%
Sub-Saharan -



12-30-2013, 07:13 AM
I don't have Excel, can someone run my results for me?


EEF 64,08438111
WHG 22,25888437
ANE 13,65673452

S.French 1,985406536
Basque 4,013006137
Bergamo 4,097212766
Hungarian 4,555987513
Bulgarian 4,64683224
Croatian 4,775745968
French 5,542713534
Pais Vasco 5,55495873
Tuscan 6,148202699
Czech 8,428083854
Albanian 8,57773134
English 9,087043612
Sardinian 9,982511023
Greek 10,0145876
Spanish 10,23311168
Ukrainian 10,88342213
Orcadian 11,01229216
Belorussian 13,66037157
Norwegian 13,8288738
Scottish 14,64107147
Icelandic 15,20480656
Sicilian 15,48142342
Lithuanian 16,50317031
Ashkenazi 16,63140123
Maltese 16,67448353
Estonian 18,8692981


Wulf Talented
12-30-2013, 11:09 PM
If you would like to know your five closest populations using the calculator, but do not feel like actually going through the process of doing it yourself, just make a request and give me your values from Davidski's spreadsheet. I have some free time at the moment and do not mind posting a few results.


Could you please do my closest five populations?

EEF 47.36552359
WHG 37.16203532
ANE 15.47244109

Eurogenes K13

North_Atlantic 49.45%
Baltic 24.16%
West_Med 11.77%
West_Asian 6.68%
East_Med 3.17%
Red_Sea 1.63%
South_Asian 0.26%
East_Asian -
Siberian 0.53%
Amerindian 1.02%
Oceanian 0.79%
Northeast_African 0.53%

Thank you

12-31-2013, 12:29 AM
My results

EEF 50,859184026
WHG 34,3335096311
ANE 14,8073063429

Czech 1,0690467383
English 1,1504819724

http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu227/roapazeinli/rmsd_zps6424c7d2.png (http://s650.photobucket.com/user/roapazeinli/media/rmsd_zps6424c7d2.png.html)

12-31-2013, 10:54 AM
Modified for West Asians by MFA:

File can be downloaded from here:

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aqr2nbGXpVFndEZxZHF1OVNJOEtrcVpyLXVmd1Qze EE&usp=sharing#gid=0

Near East ANE
Abhkasian 81.624 18.376
Chechen 74.115 25.885
Cypriot 87.699 12.301
Druze 87.671 12.329
Lezgin 73.664 26.336


My new results:

NE: 82.774
ANE: 17.256

My aunt's results:

NE: 84.226
ANE: 15.774

12-31-2013, 10:59 AM
Near East ANE
Abhkasian 81.624 18.376
Adygei 77.277 22.723
Armenian 85.268 14.732
Assyrian 86.060 13.940
Azeri_Jewish 85.193 14.807
Balkar 76.829 23.171
Bedouin 88.518 11.482
Chechen 74.115 25.885
Cyprian 87.699 12.301
Egyptian 89.463 10.537
Georgian 81.341 18.659
Georgian_Jewish 85.408 14.592
Iranian 81.214 18.786
Jordanian 88.066 11.934
Kumyk 76.692 23.308
Kurdish 81.681 18.319
Leb_Christian 89.343 10.657
Leb_Druze 87.671 12.329
Leb_Muslim 87.091 12.909
Lezgin 73.664 26.336
North_Ossetian 76.558 23.442
Palestinian 88.460 11.540
Samaritan 89.480 10.520
Saudi 90.089 9.911
Syrian 87.186 12.814
Turkish 82.305 17.695
Yemenite_Jewish 90.991 9.009

12-31-2013, 11:15 AM
Cool, my results:

Near East 83,23
ANE 16,77

12-31-2013, 01:30 PM
EEF 77,16493686
WHG 12,31096764
ANE 10,5240955

My results.

12-31-2013, 01:59 PM
EEF 77,16493686
WHG 12,31096764
ANE 10,5240955

My results.

Here are some more results for you:

http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu227/roapazeinli/nihilist_zps422a9b64.png (http://s650.photobucket.com/user/roapazeinli/media/nihilist_zps422a9b64.png.html)

Albanian 1,7485435726
Bergamo 3,4988370267
Bulgarian 3,2886179576
Greek 3,6735019691
Pais Vasco3,6822354731
Spanish 3,0814054515
Tuscan 1,4048799105

01-01-2014, 12:18 AM
Modified for West Asians by MFA:

File can be downloaded from here:

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aqr2nbGXpVFndEZxZHF1OVNJOEtrcVpyLXVmd1Qze EE&usp=sharing#gid=0

Near East ANE
Abhkasian 81.624 18.376
Chechen 74.115 25.885
Cypriot 87.699 12.301
Druze 87.671 12.329
Lezgin 73.664 26.336


My new results:

NE: 82.774
ANE: 17.256

My aunt's results:

NE: 84.226
ANE: 15.774

It would be good to get all the Caucasian tribes, are there samples?

07-11-2014, 07:40 PM
Can someone post the OpenOffice file, please? Previous uploads are not available any longer. Thanks.

Black Wolf
07-12-2014, 02:19 PM
EEF 77,16493686
WHG 12,31096764
ANE 10,5240955

My results.

Very Neolithic farmer like.

07-14-2014, 11:51 AM
EEF 47.14084739
WHG 37.31034369
ANE 15.54880892
We have pretty much the same proportions, I'm a Germanic-Slavic mix too.

EEF 47,56157927
WHG 37,10322563
ANE 15,3351951

Can someone match those with a population? I can't find the tools.

07-14-2014, 01:16 PM
Averages for Estonia and Lithuania, Finns have even higher WHG/ANE, for some it is 50/20, Finns basically broke the calculator.

EEF 33,85011092
WHG 47,34644562
ANE 18,80344345

EEF 35,81060985
WHG 45,65369477
ANE 18,53569538

07-14-2014, 01:21 PM
Finland average
EEF 33,74646114
WHG 47,34285855
ANE 18,91068031

SW Finland average
EEF 35,85587424
WHG 45,92962816
ANE 18,2144976

East Finland average
EEF 32,71051202
WHG 48,12481384
ANE 19,16467414

07-14-2014, 05:49 PM
Averages for Estonia and Lithuania, Finns have even higher WHG/ANE, for some it is 50/20, Finns basically broke the calculator.

EEF 33,85011092
WHG 47,34644562
ANE 18,80344345

EEF 35,81060985
WHG 45,65369477
ANE 18,53569538

Finns have Siberian admixture which is not ANE, but these calculators pick it as ANE because that's the closest thing to it as I understand. Read Lazaridis paper.

07-14-2014, 05:57 PM
Finns have Siberian admixture which is not ANE, but these calculators pick it as ANE because that's the closest thing to it as I understand. Read Lazaridis paper.

I have read it, it also says the age differs from the Russian siberian admix date by being older.
That still leaves a very high WHG and typical ANE for the region even if it would be so.

My guess is that most of the Siberian will be declared ANE and the real calculator error is the African admix in other samples.

07-14-2014, 06:01 PM
Here's mine. I was expecting Spain to be the closest:


Interesting peeks

07-14-2014, 06:01 PM
Good hint is how Scandinavian Nordic Bronze Age samples show East Asian likeness more than modern Scandinavians and cluster with modern Finns in the calculators.

It is not us, it is you. :cool:

07-14-2014, 06:21 PM
I have read it, it also says the age differs from the Russian siberian admix date by being older.
That still leaves a very high WHG and typical ANE for the region even if it would be so.

My guess is that most of the Siberian will be declared ANE and the real calculator error is the African admix in other samples.

Siberians themselves do carry ANE, but they also carry other components as well.
Populations who carry Siberian admixture are pulled towards East Eurasians (as explained and shown in of the PCA plots that included Chinese), so i wouldn't be so sure in your place.

07-14-2014, 06:47 PM
Siberians themselves do carry ANE, but they also carry other components as well.
Populations who carry Siberian admixture are pulled towards East Eurasians (as explained and shown in of the PCA plots that included Chinese), so i wouldn't be so sure in your place.

Only thing I am sure about is that Finnic populations, from Baltic to Volga, cluster more between WHG and ANE, similar to Bronze Age populations around Baltic, and less with EEF.

What this means I leave open but point that we can also see some European populations carrying other components also, like from Africa.

Who is the outlier is a matter of opinion, is it South European or North European.

09-01-2014, 04:07 AM
My paternal grandfather

EEF: 46.75797
WHG: 37.90559
ANE: 15.33644

These numbers to me don't mean much. Can anyone guess what kind of ancestry these scores indicate?

And what about the numbers at the bottom of the spreadsheet labeled CALCS one, two, three?

09-02-2014, 10:10 PM
My scores:

EEF 31.36 %
WHG 49.23 %
ANE 19.41 %

My father's:

EEF 30.38 %
WHG 49.97 %
ANE 19.65 %

06-03-2022, 02:49 PM

06-03-2022, 03:01 PM
Can you show your Dodecad K12b results?

06-03-2022, 03:11 PM
Gedrosia 23.9 Pct
Siberian 1.94 Pct
Northwest_African 1.04 Pct
Southeast_Asian 0.86 Pct
Atlantic_Med 5.99 Pct
North_European 8.5 Pct
South_Asian 5.5 Pct
East_African 1.28 Pct
Southwest_Asian 12.67 Pct
East_Asian 3.41 Pct
Caucasus 34.26 Pct
Sub_Saharan 0.65 Pct

06-03-2022, 03:12 PM
Gedrosia 23.9 Pct
Siberian 1.94 Pct
Northwest_African 1.04 Pct
Southeast_Asian 0.86 Pct
Atlantic_Med 5.99 Pct
North_European 8.5 Pct
South_Asian 5.5 Pct
East_African 1.28 Pct
Southwest_Asian 12.67 Pct
East_Asian 3.41 Pct
Caucasus 34.26 Pct
Sub_Saharan 0.65 Pct

06-03-2022, 03:13 PM
Here you go

06-03-2022, 03:17 PM

EEF 91.4258530593
WHG -0.1698049135
ANE 8.7439518542

My aunt:

EEF 95.7477159116
WHG -3.6731744332
ANE 7.9254585216


Garbage calculator missing East Asian, SSA and tons of other references.

06-03-2022, 03:22 PM
Why did you wanted it ?