View Full Version : is the electric car a failure?

01-03-2014, 12:37 PM

01-03-2014, 12:44 PM
There is no economic urgency behind the electric car. We have enough oil now.

01-03-2014, 01:32 PM
( Your link is not working on my mobile) :confused: what I have noticed is electric cars are in general not preferred among car community. The technology is still very tentative, and ranges generally aren't good. It just has to do with personal preference. They don't allow for much tinkering, modification or customization at present. They also require specialized service centers that are few and far between.
They are blithely pitched as replacements for gasoline/diesel/CNG powered cars, when at present the reality is that they lack the range and cannot operate in weather extremes.
They may go faster, but for me the experience would just be too quiet and dull, and not nearly engaging enough.

01-03-2014, 01:47 PM
It all depends on where you are gonna use it, for urban use it's really good, long-distance driving in rural areas, not so much.

The battery technology still got more room for improvements, but it's getting there.

They are blithely pitched as replacements for gasoline/diesel/CNG powered cars, when at present the reality is that they lack the range and cannot operate in weather extremes.

Weather really isn't a problem in my opinion, for instance, you have heating blankets for battery packs in colder climates.

01-03-2014, 02:03 PM
Yes it's quite useless. Especially if you do it for the sake of being "green" and the electricity used to charge your batteries comes from fossile fuels anyway, then it's actually worse for the environment with all the energy losses from the power plant to the battery.

01-03-2014, 02:05 PM
Most consumer technology started out as slow, big, impractical,etc.

Give it time.

01-03-2014, 02:17 PM
Yes it's quite useless. Especially if you do it for the sake of being "green" and the electricity used to charge your batteries comes from fossile fuels anyway, then it's actually worse for the environment with all the energy losses from the power plant to the battery.

This depends on your country again. Here you can produce clean electricity from water turbines.

01-03-2014, 02:30 PM
This depends on your country again. Here you can produce clean electricity from water turbines.

01-03-2014, 03:07 PM
Just give it some time, right now the electric car market pretty much needs some kind of subvention for those who buys it (otherwise it's a waste). Like Norway where Tesla model S actually was the most sold car during September last year.

The battery and flywheel techniques also becomes better and better. In the future we might come up with very powerful electric cars.

01-03-2014, 03:54 PM
It all depends on where you are gonna use it, for urban use it's really good, long-distance driving in rural areas, not so much.

The battery technology still got more room for improvements, but it's getting there.

Weather really isn't a problem in my opinion, for instance, you have heating blankets for battery packs in colder climates.

Yep cold weather do presents challenges for electric vehicles like cold air which reduces battery performance and running the heater will drain the battery. Not quite sure heating through blankets would work here. Also there range drops in winter though gas cars get worse mpg in the winter as well. The big difference is at least I can refill in five minutes. If I get lower range in the EV then I need to charge for a long time before I can move again.

01-03-2014, 06:29 PM
Was the first attempt to fly, or to shoot a rocket to the moon, a failure?

Yes, yes they were. But we eventually won, and will win with electric cars as well. Someday the US will become energy-independent and will not need to import any major resources from other nations. US will lead the technological and cultural innovations, as expected. Countries like Russia cannot hope to do these things.

01-03-2014, 06:37 PM
No, it is not the huge success it was expected to be. In my city great part of our taxis and buses are "eco", we have lots of Priuses here.

01-04-2014, 12:08 AM
Was the first attempt to fly, or to shoot a rocket to the moon, a failure?

Yes, yes they were. But we eventually won, and will win with electric cars as well. Someday the US will become energy-independent and will not need to import any major resources from other nations. US will lead the technological and cultural innovations, as expected. Countries like Russia cannot hope to do these things.

its funny how you think the US will want the electric car to win. They have all these resources now they rather want to screw over europeans and become another saudi arabia, giving some little price discount like giving some little cheese every week to a hungry imprisoned rat instead setting it free thats the prospects. Shale oil in the first place is the reason why the electric car will fail and it has pretty much failed.

do you see the blue and green line there?

No one wants electric car to win, not the russians, not the americans now and neither germans who are depend on all the diesel technology in the cars which will dissapear and replaced by dominating battery technology mostly pioneered by chinese, japanese and korean companies.

01-04-2014, 12:26 AM
The problem is not only with the mileage, but with the speed of recharging. Even if there is a powerful source which could reharge the entire car battery within say 15 seconds molecular structure of materials doesn't allow fast recharging. I think this problem was more or less solved by now. The next problem is infrastructure. Countries will have to invest a lot of money to implement this kind of strong electric sources for ultra fast recharching accross cities. The third problem are long-term plans to build powerplants because of drastic change of use of electric energy and this will move slowly.

So when you are able to recharge your car battery as fast as you can refuel your gas tank and when ultra fast recharge sources become more widespread just as gas stations electric cars will start selling at acceledated rate.

01-25-2014, 04:58 AM
Yes of course it is. It's a stupid invention created by libtards

01-26-2014, 08:38 PM
Was the first attempt to fly, or to shoot a rocket to the moon, a failure?

Yes, yes they were. But we eventually won, and will win with electric cars as well. Someday the US will become energy-independent and will not need to import any major resources from other nations. US will lead the technological and cultural innovations, as expected. Countries like Russia cannot hope to do these things.

guess why prussiarussia thumbed you down on this one ? :D

anyway: I wouldn't be utterly upset if someone placed a nice Tesla model S in front of my house and told me "its all yours, for free".

this technology needs time, however Tesla is proving to everyone that this is the future.

01-26-2014, 09:21 PM
No one wants electric car to win, not the russians, not the americans now and neither germans who are depend on all the diesel technology in the cars which will dissapear and replaced by dominating battery technology mostly pioneered by chinese, japanese and korean companies.

despite of all those moronic ideas idiots like you generally have about "oil lobbies preventing innovation" you have to admit that the market will decide whats best for it. Tesla has revolutionized the electro car market, and it will only get better from here. Consumer will decide what's best for him.

01-26-2014, 09:48 PM
guess why prussiarussia thumbed you down on this one ? :D

anyway: I wouldn't be utterly upset if someone placed a nice Tesla model S in front of my house and told me "its all yours, for free".

this technology needs time, however Tesla is proving to everyone that this is the future.
He only focuses on the negatives.

US will continue to lead innovation, prosperity, freedom, and cultural inspiration. It is stupid to just give-up at the first obstacles.

I want to see clean, cheap, efficient energy used all over the world, not just in US. People should work together and not be so petty, as RussiaPrussia clearly is.

The whole earth will need to work together someday to ensure future generations, better to start now on these high-tech projects. They only are "impossible" to people with little imagination. USA and other Western countries (not Russia) will lead in this way.

01-26-2014, 09:51 PM
He only focuses on the negatives.

US will continue to lead innovation, prosperity, freedom, and cultural inspiration. It is stupid to just give-up at the first obstacles.

I want to see clean, cheap, efficient energy used all over the world, not just in US. People should work together and not be so petty, as RussiaPrussia clearly is.

The whole earth will need to work together someday to ensure future generations, better to start now on these high-tech projects. They only are "impossible" to people with little imagination. USA and other Western countries (not Russia) will lead in this way.

I don't believe in "whole earth working together" theories, but I do believe in individual greed as the engine of innovation which prevails in most cases.

01-26-2014, 09:54 PM
It is a more ozone friendly car for sure,but it comes at much higher expense,I think only the wealthy folks can afford to run one,which is missing the point of the whole program,and that is to remove ICE-powered cars from the market and make E-Mobiles mass used,but thats not possible when one costs as much as a top notch Mercedes Benz and the upkeep for one of them is as much as the upkeep for a Cruise ship.

01-26-2014, 09:57 PM
It is a more ozone friendly car for sure,but it comes at much higher expense,I think only the wealthy folks can afford to run one,which is missing the point of the whole program,and that is to remove ICE-powered cars from the market and make E-Mobiles mass used,but thats not possible when one costs as much as a top notch Mercedes Benz and the upkeep for one of them is as much as the upkeep for a Cruise ship.

its normal for many new products to be way too expensive for the early adapters, things will likely change soon though. Do you know how much a PC sold for in the 80's ? like x10 today's price (inflation adjusted) ?