View Full Version : Germans fight back against Gay Propaganda in Schools

01-10-2014, 02:20 AM
Parents protest bid to teach about sexuality (http://www.thelocal.de/20140109/petition)

More than 65,000 parents and teachers in southern Germany have signed an online petition against plans to teach children about homosexuality in school.

The initiative, by Baden-Württemberg’s ruling regional Green/SPD coalition, wants to include the aim "acceptance of sexual diversity" in the curriculum so that children are told about different lifestyles and relationships at a young age.

But it has met strong resistance from teachers and parents.

Supporters say the curriculum change will promote tolerance of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual and intersexual people. Critics say it would "go beyond the aim of preventing discrimination" to actively promote "the ideology of the rainbow”.

According to the petition, which was launched by a teacher, the plans would see an "educational, moral and ideological re-education of the general school system."

Regional Green Party head Oliver Hildenbrand has accused petition signatories of displaying "a shocking amount of homophobia," the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) reported on Thursday, and added the curriculum change would help create an environment where children learned tolerance.

The Greens coalition partners in the state government, the SPD, have also expressed shock at resistance to the plan. "The current online petition contains a spirit of severe intolerance," SPD regional education expert Stefan Fulst-Blei told the FAZ.

Signatories are hoping the regional parliament will take their petition into account when it comes to a debate on the culture ministry's initiative to include "acceptance of sexual diversity" in the 2015 education plan.

The initiative has been quietly criticized by grassroots Conservative politicians from the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), who would prefer sex education in schools to focus on norms and values.

http://www.thelocal.de/userdata/images/article/w468/6d2e0d871c1bf46a784a6b0e930c408c96efebeea0d636861d e03e8834fc5099.jpg

Seems that Russias movement against gay propaganda and homosexualisation of society is agreed in the hearts of every european

01-10-2014, 02:29 AM
To just teach kids about sexual diversity is gay propaganda for you, RussiaPrussia? (thinking of the headline of the topic).

01-10-2014, 02:30 AM
To just teach kids about sexual diversity is gay propaganda for you, RussiaPrussia? (thinking of the headline of the topic).

Don't you feel talking about racial diversity is liberal propaganda Mazik?

01-10-2014, 10:17 AM
Had to be south or east germany.

01-10-2014, 10:19 AM
Perhaps they are afraid the Children will be "Converted to gay" as FireBush likes to say.

01-10-2014, 11:12 AM
Schools should be free of any ideological propaganda or education. Kids will believe any shit they are taught, from religion to homo to whatever.

01-10-2014, 11:17 AM
65.000 people in a country of 80 million is not much

01-10-2014, 03:00 PM
Schools should be free of any ideological propaganda or education. Kids will believe any shit they are taught, from religion to homo to whatever.

Schools should be banned at all. They're like concentration camps if not even worse.

01-10-2014, 03:02 PM
Online petitions? never do shit....fact.

Styrian Mujo
01-10-2014, 03:05 PM
Germanic people are becoming very degenerate. Why would they want to teach young children that sexual perversion is normal? Germanic logic is beyond me.

01-10-2014, 03:22 PM
Germanic people are becoming very degenerate. Why would they want to teach young children that sexual perversion is normal? Germanic logic is beyond me.

Compared to?

Ive done my share of reading and found much "degenerate" and facepalm worthy things from both the Slav & Latin world. Italy just recently let a 60 year old man free because the 11 year old he was fucking claimed she was in love. Thats even worse than what you stated above. Allowing a child to continue to be taken advantage of. An 11 year old doesn't know what the fuck love is. On the other hand a child being taught about homosexual doesn't make the child a homosexual. You can't brainwash people to be gay just by awaring them that it exist. If that were the case 100%% of the world's population would be murderers by now due to how much our media glorifies it.

However I do agree I don't see the point in this being apart of school curriculum. Sexuality & Religion belongs outside of school.

Styrian Mujo
01-10-2014, 04:52 PM
Compared to?

Ive done my share of reading and found much "degenerate" and facepalm worthy things from both the Slav & Latin world. Italy just recently let a 60 year old man free because the 11 year old he was fucking claimed she was in love. Thats even worse than what you stated above. Allowing a child to continue to be taken advantage of. An 11 year old doesn't know what the fuck love is. On the other hand a child being taught about homosexual doesn't make the child a homosexual. You can't brainwash people to be gay just by awaring them that it exist. If that were the case 100%% of the world's population would be murderers by now due to how much our media glorifies it.

However I do agree I don't see the point in this being apart of school curriculum. Sexuality & Religion belongs outside of school.
Germanic people are more and more degenerate. Just look at the modern American culture and the big cities and compare it to how it was just 50 years ago.

Tooting Carmen
01-10-2014, 05:01 PM
Germanic people are more and more degenerate. Just look at the modern American culture and the big cities and compare it to how it was just 50 years ago.

Ah yes. 50 years ago - when racial segregation and police brutality against Blacks were still institutionalised, when homosexuals were imprisoned, when women could not obtain abortions even in cases of rape, incest or to save their own lives...

01-10-2014, 05:44 PM
Had to be south or east germany.

so why has the south elected the greens as government in the first place if they so conservative?

01-10-2014, 05:47 PM
Ah yes. 50 years ago - when racial segregation and police brutality against Blacks were still institutionalised, when homosexuals were imprisoned, when women could not obtain abortions even in cases of rape, incest or to save their own lives...

that was dependent on the state

01-10-2014, 05:50 PM
To just teach kids about sexual diversity is gay propaganda for you, RussiaPrussia? (thinking of the headline of the topic).

'Sexual diversity' should not be taught to young children as something normal. It's okay that it exists, but it must never become a 'norm'.

Don't you feel talking about racial diversity is liberal propaganda Mazik?

It is. "Diversity" = Tragedy

Fortis in Arduis
01-10-2014, 05:55 PM
What is this curriculum? Is it radical?

At some point all children should become aware of sexual diversity. They also need to be educated about paedophilia and paedophiles and the danger they pose.

What was so bad about this curriculum?

01-10-2014, 06:05 PM
Nothing is gonna happen. 65,000 people is weak.

Sky earth
01-15-2014, 05:02 AM
Germans are one of the gay friendliest people in the world. I doubt that that it will change something

Zmey Gorynych
01-15-2014, 05:44 AM
What is this curriculum? Is it radical?

At some point all children should become aware of sexual diversity. They also need to be educated about paedophilia and paedophiles and the danger they pose.

What was so bad about this curriculum?
You think they wont find out about pederasts without being told in the classroom !? The point of this course is how that information is presented to those kids and the shaping of a certain attitude towards the phenomenon of homosexuality. Who said kids need to know about sexual diversity or sexuality in general, especially if we talk about 1st to 5th graders !?

Normal, responsible people do not want a future generation of pederasts.

Prisoner Of Ice
01-15-2014, 05:46 AM
Politics should be illegal to put in school. It's not a fucking propaganda camp. It was already bad enough when I was a kid, can't even imagine it now.

01-15-2014, 06:13 AM
Finally some good news.

01-15-2014, 06:18 AM
I thought that Germany was a conservative country. From this thread it seems that people are telling me it is the opposite.

At least in Germany it is possible to express your dislike of this trend without being arrested. The same cannot be said for certain other countries where if you express any apprehension about homosexuality people will accuse you of hate speech.

01-15-2014, 02:26 PM
Good. Gay propaganda has no place in schools, other than for those who have pedophiliac tendencies.

01-15-2014, 03:37 PM
good . i have nothing against gays , but do not teach it to children . thank you .

edit : LOL .. i see my comment is similar to loki . it is not on purpose .

01-15-2014, 04:02 PM
good . i have nothing against gays , but do not teach it to children . thank you .

edit : LOL .. i see my comment is similar to loki . it is not on purpose .

Great minds think alike :thumb001:

01-15-2014, 04:04 PM
Parents protest bid to teach about sexuality (http://www.thelocal.de/20140109/petition)

More than 65,000 parents and teachers in southern Germany have signed an online petition against plans to teach children about homosexuality in school.

The initiative, by Baden-Württemberg’s ruling regional Green/SPD coalition, wants to include the aim "acceptance of sexual diversity" in the curriculum so that children are told about different lifestyles and relationships at a young age.

But it has met strong resistance from teachers and parents.

Supporters say the curriculum change will promote tolerance of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual and intersexual people. Critics say it would "go beyond the aim of preventing discrimination" to actively promote "the ideology of the rainbow”.

According to the petition, which was launched by a teacher, the plans would see an "educational, moral and ideological re-education of the general school system."

Regional Green Party head Oliver Hildenbrand has accused petition signatories of displaying "a shocking amount of homophobia," the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) reported on Thursday, and added the curriculum change would help create an environment where children learned tolerance.

The Greens coalition partners in the state government, the SPD, have also expressed shock at resistance to the plan. "The current online petition contains a spirit of severe intolerance," SPD regional education expert Stefan Fulst-Blei told the FAZ.

Signatories are hoping the regional parliament will take their petition into account when it comes to a debate on the culture ministry's initiative to include "acceptance of sexual diversity" in the 2015 education plan.

The initiative has been quietly criticized by grassroots Conservative politicians from the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), who would prefer sex education in schools to focus on norms and values.

http://www.thelocal.de/userdata/images/article/w468/6d2e0d871c1bf46a784a6b0e930c408c96efebeea0d636861d e03e8834fc5099.jpg

Seems that Russias movement against gay propaganda and homosexualisation of society is agreed in the hearts of every european

I find this very god, respect..

01-15-2014, 05:40 PM
Perhaps they are afraid the Children will be "Converted to gay" as FireBush likes to say.

A real possibility. I was straight and never thought of other women in that way. My sister's friend changed all that. Now I struggle with myself.

01-17-2014, 11:20 AM
Good. Gay propaganda has no place in schools, other than for those who have pedophiliac tendencies.

Pedophiliac tendencies?

01-17-2014, 11:31 AM
Pedophiliac tendencies?


Prisoner Of Ice
01-17-2014, 11:39 AM
That guy must be the one that jewish characature is modeled after.

01-17-2014, 01:28 PM

Some sick man and his view is not the same as teaching 12-13 year old kids (the usual age when sexuality is taught) about sexual diversity.

01-17-2014, 01:46 PM
Some sick man and his view is not the same as teaching 12-13 year old kids (the usual age when sexuality is taught) about sexual diversity.

It depends what is taught, though, and how. Sexuality is not like an option children can choose. "Oh! They taught me at school I can choose whether to like boys or girls ... hmm ... let me see ... that girl just dumped me, so perhaps I should be gay".

01-17-2014, 02:22 PM
It depends what is taught, though, and how. Sexuality is not like an option children can choose. "Oh! They taught me at school I can choose whether to like boys or girls ... hmm ... let me see ... that girl just dumped me, so perhaps I should be gay".

I always thought people were 'born gay'. How does this fit into the LGBT movement? And suddenly sexuality and sexual preference is just a choice.

01-18-2014, 02:29 AM
It depends what is taught, though, and how. Sexuality is not like an option children can choose. "Oh! They taught me at school I can choose whether to like boys or girls ... hmm ... let me see ... that girl just dumped me, so perhaps I should be gay".

In school they don't say that you can choose what sexuality you want. Wtf, I don't know where you got that from? However, there are people on this site who believe that you can choose what sexual orientation you want though. Which makes me wonder if they are actually closet bisexuals, and felt that they decided themself to pick whether they wanted to go for boys or girls.

Prisoner Of Ice
01-18-2014, 07:35 AM
That guy must be the one that jewish characature is modeled after.

And also, this is why I hate gay activists. It's one thing masquerading as another. You think it will be "blah blah gays are people too" but the reality is some lunatic comes to your kids' school and tells them about fisting, and says most pedophiliac sex is voluntary. And it's not even a school worker or educator of any kind, or a school approved agenda, it's just some pervert corrupting your children (who probably wants to fuck them).

01-18-2014, 07:49 AM
And also, this is why I hate gay activists. It's one thing masquerading as another. You think it will be "blah blah gays are people too" but the reality is some lunatic comes to your kids' school and tells them about fisting, and says most pedophiliac sex is voluntary. And it's not even a school worker or educator of any kind, or a school approved agenda, it's just some pervert corrupting your children (who probably wants to fuck them).

Did it happen in your school or something? That a sick man came and told these things, because that's far away from the ordinary, but you try to make it sounds like it is something normal.

At least in my school and most of the others the biology teacher had some lessons about sex education, and things such as sexual diversity, not some lunatic that came to our school.

01-18-2014, 08:43 AM
Some sick man and his view is not the same as teaching 12-13 year old kids (the usual age when sexuality is taught) about sexual diversity.

Sodomites lust for underage boys.

01-18-2014, 08:58 AM
Nice move Germany, your stance during WW2 was better though.

01-18-2014, 09:47 AM
Sodomites lust for underage boys.

I already told you that the youngest I would go for is 18. Contrary to a lot of heteros here who wouldn't mind a 13-14-15 year old female. While being 20-40+ themselves. I especially remember the ~40 year old redneck Amerinese and when he talked about his 13 year old neighbor that he lusted for :puke

01-18-2014, 09:54 AM
I already told you that the youngest I would go for is 18. Contrary to a lot of heteros here who wouldn't mind a 13-14-15 year old female. While being 20-40+ themselves. I especially remember the ~40 year old redneck Amerinese and when he talked about his 13 year old neighbor that he lusted for :puke

They were trolling and you are lying. How do you explain that nearly every pedophile has underaged boys as its main targets. In fact when media tells us that a 'pedophile raped a child', it is in most cases an homosexual who raped an underaged boy. There is a clear correlation between being 'homosexual' and pedophile.

Prisoner Of Ice
01-18-2014, 10:00 AM
It depends what is taught, though, and how. Sexuality is not like an option children can choose. "Oh! They taught me at school I can choose whether to like boys or girls ... hmm ... let me see ... that girl just dumped me, so perhaps I should be gay".

They have outsiders come into a class and say what they feel like. It's not that I think they will turn anyone gay, but no kids should be exposed to that crap. IE fisting, vibrators, etc. etc. that's what the reality of sex ed is today. That's not education it's insanity.

01-18-2014, 10:03 AM
They have outsiders come into a class and say what they feel like. It's not that I think they will turn anyone gay, but no kids should be exposed to that crap. IE fisting, vibrators, etc. etc. that's what the reality of sex ed is today. That's not education it's insanity.

They really teach this shit to children in schools?

01-18-2014, 10:04 AM
They were trolling and you are lying. How do you explain that nearly every pedophile has underaged boys as its main targets. In fact when media tells us that a 'pedophile raped a child', it is in most cases an homosexual who raped an underaged boy. There is a clear correlation between being 'homosexual' and pedophile.

I agree. Most fags have pedophilic tendencies.

Prisoner Of Ice
01-18-2014, 10:05 AM
They really teach this shit to children in schools?

Yes, that's why people flip a nut about sex ed in schools. The media makes it out like they are a bunch of fundie wackos, but I can't imagine any sane parent would approve of this shit.

Like I said it's not even teachers, it's gay activists (like guy pictured) coming in and talking propaganda and filth to little kids.

01-18-2014, 10:06 AM
They were trolling
No, they just don't understand how sick they are.

and you are lying.

How do you explain that nearly every pedophile has underaged boys as its main targets.
In fact when media tells us that a 'pedophile raped a child', it is in most cases an homosexual who raped an underaged boy.

Source? That most targets would be boys, raped by homosexual pedophiles.

There is a clear correlation between being 'homosexual' and pedophile.

Prisoner Of Ice
01-18-2014, 10:06 AM
I don't think gay = pedophile.

But gay activist who goes to schools, probably is.

01-18-2014, 10:06 AM
Yes, that's why people flip a nut about sex ed in schools. The media makes it out like they are a bunch of fundie wackos, but I can't imagine any sane parent would approve of this shit.

Like I said it's not even teachers, it's gay activists (like guy pictured) coming in and talking propaganda and filth to little kids.

Disgusting, that needs to be stopped.

01-18-2014, 12:49 PM
I agree. Most fags have pedophilic tendencies.

It's as untrue as the statement that most pedophiles would be homosexuals.
We all know that sexual violence and abuse is not about sexual attraction, but about power, domination and control over the victim. With that said, gender is less of an importance for pedophiles. Access is the most important for them.

I've read cases about MENA-guys gangraping guys in Europe, but they are by no means homosexuals themselves. It's not even tolerated in their culture. They do it just to show their power and domination over the victim. Sick people.

01-18-2014, 01:03 PM
Will they teach them how to wear leather chaps? :coffee:

01-19-2014, 10:45 PM
It depends what is taught, though, and how. Sexuality is not like an option children can choose. "Oh! They taught me at school I can choose whether to like boys or girls ... hmm ... let me see ... that girl just dumped me, so perhaps I should be gay".

Weird that Hassad thumbed up this, he is one of the biggest supporters here that sexuality would be a choice.

Han Cholo
01-19-2014, 10:46 PM
Weird that Hassad thumbed up this, he is one of the biggest supporters here that sexuality would be a choice.

Not a choice as just "I want to be gay" but a compound of experiences, influences and tendencies in life that might lead to do so. Oversimplification doesn't work.

01-19-2014, 10:48 PM
Good i support this