View Full Version : Classify Norwegian Wog

01-14-2014, 11:15 PM
http://i816.photobucket.com/albums/zz84/Narniaworld/crv/crv3_zpsb413b4cf.jpg (http://s816.photobucket.com/user/Narniaworld/media/crv/crv3_zpsb413b4cf.jpg.html)
http://i816.photobucket.com/albums/zz84/Narniaworld/crv/crv4_zps8cc7e16d.jpg (http://s816.photobucket.com/user/Narniaworld/media/crv/crv4_zps8cc7e16d.jpg.html)
http://i816.photobucket.com/albums/zz84/Narniaworld/crv/crv2_zps731d5626.jpg (http://s816.photobucket.com/user/Narniaworld/media/crv/crv2_zps731d5626.jpg.html)

01-14-2014, 11:22 PM
they exist?

Tooting Carmen
01-14-2014, 11:24 PM
Looks East Med:confused:

01-14-2014, 11:24 PM
Looks like a berid spaniard.

01-14-2014, 11:26 PM
they exist?

Sure they do. The average Norwegian is darker than the stereotype. This one is particularly dark though and therefore atypical.

01-14-2014, 11:29 PM
He is from Western Norway.

01-14-2014, 11:30 PM
Looks like a berid spaniard.

He is from Western Norway.

01-14-2014, 11:31 PM
He looks Iberian

01-14-2014, 11:31 PM
Well, I don't know his height, but I see him mesomorph-endomorph, so may be he could be majority Tydal, if his family didn't come from other countries...
But nordid, sure hi isn't.

Prisoner Of Ice
01-14-2014, 11:32 PM
Norwigger looks very middle eastern.

01-14-2014, 11:32 PM
Could be a tydal, paleo-atlantid mix thats just a bit darker than usual. Could have Irish ancestors perhaps.

01-14-2014, 11:32 PM
He is from Western Norway.

What types do you have around Trondheim?

01-14-2014, 11:38 PM
What types do you have around Trondheim?

Why do you ask?

01-14-2014, 11:39 PM
Could be a tydal, paleo-atlantid mix thats just a bit darker than usual. Could have Irish ancestors perhaps.

He is an ethnic Norwegian as far as I know. His name is also very Norwegian.

01-14-2014, 11:41 PM
He looks like my uncle. LOL.

01-14-2014, 11:44 PM
Norwegians have a fair amount of Irish ancestry in the west because they took Irish slaves/labourers. The faroese isles are about 60% 40% Norwegian and Scottish genetics. Theres a bit of overlap. Some Scandinavian genetics here as well.

01-14-2014, 11:45 PM
Why do you ask?

Someone said they are their own type, dont know what that type is.

01-14-2014, 11:52 PM
Someone said they are their own type, dont know what that type is.

You're probably thinking about the Tydal type, which is named after the town Tydal. It is about two hours drive from Trondheim. To answer your question, no, this area is not different from the rest of the country. The Tydal type of today can be found all over the country.

01-14-2014, 11:56 PM
I still in the same way. For me he is a Tydal, majority.

I tried to find also some lappish feature, but no... I see him 100% euro... so.. Tydal IMO.

01-14-2014, 11:58 PM
Norwegians have a fair amount of Irish ancestry in the west because they took Irish slaves/labourers. The faroese isles are about 60% 40% Norwegian and Scottish genetics. Theres a bit of overlap. Some Scandinavian genetics here as well.

True. There is a possibility that he could have thrall ancestry. But thralls do not account for all the dark Norwegian types in the west, nor are such types exclusive to the west coast. I've seen people like this in all the Norwegian regions. He could for example be a dark Tydal.

01-14-2014, 11:59 PM
You're probably thinking about the Tydal type, which is named after the town Tydal. It is about two hours drive from Trondheim. To answer your question, no, this area is not different from the rest of the country. The Tydal type of today can be found all over the country.

These accurate?


01-15-2014, 12:03 AM
These accurate?


I have no reason to think otherwise.

01-15-2014, 12:06 AM
Haven't yet been to Norway but all the Norwegian people I've ever met have been brunettes. Not as dark as this guy but still brown haired. Are there much more brown haired people in Norway vs Sweden?

I have been to Sweden and blond hair is very common. Even in Sweden the Norwegian visitors I became friends with were brown haired. I don't think I have ever met a blond Norwegian before and I have been friends with a lot over the years.

01-15-2014, 12:14 AM
Haven't yet been to Norway but all the Norwegian people I've ever met have been brunettes. Not as dark as this guy but still brown haired. Are there much more brown haired people in Norway vs Sweden? I have been to Sweden and blond hair is very common. Even in Sweden the Norwegian visitors I became friends with were brown haired. I don't think I have ever met a blond Norwegian before and I have been friends with a lot over the years.

Yes, it is my impression that Norway has more brunettes than Sweden. In addition to that, many Norwegians and Swedes( especially women) dye their hair blonde. But there are still plenty of blondes in both countries and it's only a coincidence that you haven't met a blonde Norwegian yet.

01-15-2014, 12:14 AM
I have no reason to think otherwise.

Many looked like people I know, any possibility they are some paleo feature in Fennoscandia? So not only in Scandinavia?

01-15-2014, 12:17 AM
Many looked like people I know, any possibility they are some paleo feature in Fennoscandia? So not only in Scandinavia?

That is very likely. After all, Finland is not far away.

01-15-2014, 12:19 AM

But he resembles Berids, and could fit in Spain and Portugal.

01-15-2014, 12:20 AM
Yes, it is my impression that Norway has more brunettes than Sweden. In addition to that, many Norwegians and Swedes( especially women) dye their hair blonde. But there are still plenty of blondes in both countries and it's only a coincidence that you haven't met a blonde Norwegian yet.

Where would you think the higher brunette influence in Norwegian vs blonde swedish comes from?

01-15-2014, 12:28 AM
Where would you think the higher brunette influence in Norwegian vs blonde swedish comes from?

I don't the full story but the much larger Sami population, the supreme coast line, thralls and what seems to be a less significant input from the baltic states( where blondism is said to originate from) are factors which come to mind. I think there have been differences between Norway and Sweden for a very long time. Maybe since the beginning.

01-15-2014, 12:28 AM

01-15-2014, 04:42 AM
Tydal + Alpine.

01-15-2014, 07:28 PM
I think he's actually strandid, not tydal. Strandid is an alpine type in Norway.

Reduced, infantilized, heavily pigmented (brown-eyed, nearly black-haired, and somewhat "swarthy") brachycephals (C.I. 83) of the western Norwegian coast (especially the northwestern provinces, with a focal point in Sunnmøre). Strandids are typically rather euryprosopic, with mesorrhine, concave noses. Judging from their general bodily attributes, they are undoubtedly the products of alpinization (probably local), but the exact derivation of the type is obscured by the lack of relevant skeletal material. Strandid individuals are not numerous, and are usually mixed with the local Borreby, whence it has been suggested that the Strandid is merely a more completely alpinized variety or end-type of this taller, more robust brachycephal. However, this theory raises the question of pigmentation, as Borrebys are rather depigmented on average. An alternate hypothesis involves the alpinization of a Tydal population. The Strandid type may have ties to the western Norwegian Fosna Culture (ca. 8000 BC - 5000 BC).

01-15-2014, 07:31 PM

01-15-2014, 08:25 PM
I think he's actually strandid, not tydal. Strandid is an alpine type in Norway.

Reduced, infantilized, heavily pigmented (brown-eyed, nearly black-haired, and somewhat "swarthy") brachycephals (C.I. 83) of the western Norwegian coast (especially the northwestern provinces, with a focal point in Sunnmøre). Strandids are typically rather euryprosopic, with mesorrhine, concave noses. Judging from their general bodily attributes, they are undoubtedly the products of alpinization (probably local), but the exact derivation of the type is obscured by the lack of relevant skeletal material. Strandid individuals are not numerous, and are usually mixed with the local Borreby, whence it has been suggested that the Strandid is merely a more completely alpinized variety or end-type of this taller, more robust brachycephal. However, this theory raises the question of pigmentation, as Borrebys are rather depigmented on average. An alternate hypothesis involves the alpinization of a Tydal population. The Strandid type may have ties to the western Norwegian Fosna Culture (ca. 8000 BC - 5000 BC).

Hey, this information is GOLD DUST. I didn't know about this alpine type and his existence.

Even, is it not possible a combination of strandid + tydal?

Because I think that guy has the face too square to be something similar of an alpine or a borreby.

But it's ok. That information is really fantastic, thank you very much!!!!! :thumb001::D

01-15-2014, 11:20 PM
Predominantly Tydal

Styrian Mujo
01-15-2014, 11:24 PM
He is from Western Norway.
What fuck is going on in western Norway?! Anyway he is Atlanto-Med with Cromagnid and is overall slightly Alpinized.

01-15-2014, 11:31 PM
Oh my God, not everyone from every group fits every stereotype! Mind blown.

Alpinised Paleoatlantid (so I guess Strandid).

01-16-2014, 12:28 AM
What fuck is going on in western Norway?! Anyway he is Atlanto-Med with Cromagnid and is overall slightly Alpinized.

These types are not exclusive to the west coast. Although they are slightly more common there they can be found in all regions.

07-06-2019, 12:12 AM
Passes as Greek IMO.

07-06-2019, 12:49 AM

07-06-2019, 01:02 AM
Atlanto-Strandid maybe looks borderlin frog though

07-06-2019, 08:58 AM

07-06-2019, 09:09 AM
Looks a bit like my dad. Atlanto-Med+Strandid or only Strandid.

07-06-2019, 09:11 AM
Strandid - actually the CroMag is very noticeable on him, though on a rounded form, like Tydal (though his head is as robust as a Borreby), and rest assured no Alpine comes near as robust as this, look at that wide face, those massive cheekbones. you guys are superficial.