View Full Version : Gay man lashed 20 times in Nigeria for sodomy

01-17-2014, 03:14 AM
Man lashed 20 times in Nigerian court for sodomy (http://news.msn.com/world/man-lashed-20-times-in-nigerian-court-for-sodomy)

BAUCHI, Nigeria — A young man convicted of sodomy was whipped 20 times Thursday in a northern Nigerian Shariah court.

Though Mubarak Ibrahim was found guilty under Shariah law, it is the first conviction of a gay man in Nigeria since President Goodluck Jonathan signed a bill that further criminalizes homosexuality under the West African nation's Western-style penal code.

Activists believe the new law has whipped up homophobia and endangers gay people in a country where lynchings and mob justice are common.

But the Muslim Rights Concern group on Thursday said it was "the other way round as the practice of homosexualism and lesbianism is most capable of instigating widespread hatred and turning society upside down."

It praised Jonathan for resisting pressures from Western powers that have condemned the law and urged them to stop what it called meddling in Nigerian internal affairs. "Most reprehensible is the attempt by foreign powers to intimidate and coerce Nigeria into absorbing their despicable culture by threatening to withhold foreign aid," it said.

Related: New law in Nigeria bans gay meetings (http://news.msn.com/world/new-law-in-nigeria-bans-gay-meetings?ocid=msnnws)

In the city of Bauchi, 28-year-old Ibrahim, an unemployed artisan, pleaded guilty to committing one act of sodomy seven years ago. He said he was misled into the act by the principal of the high school he was attending and has not committed a homosexual act since.

Judge Nuhu Mohammed said he would spare Ibrahim the sentence of death by stoning because the crime occurred so many years ago and because the young man had shown "great remorse."

The 20 lashes were administered in the public court. Ibrahim also was ordered to pay a fine of 5,000 naira ($30). It was not immediately clear if he had been able to pay and go free.

He was among 12 men — 11 Muslims and one Christian — who have been arrested by police since Christmas for belonging to a gay club.

Dorothy Aken'Ova, a human rights activist whose organization is helping with lawyers, said police had lured four of the men, then tortured them into providing a list of 168 wanted gay men.

Related: Dozens arrested for being gay in north Nigeria (http://news.msn.com/world/dozens-arrested-for-being-gay-in-north-nigeria?ocid=msnnws)

Shariah Commission chairman Mustapha Baba Ilela has denied any of those arrested were tortured. He told The Associated Press that police were hunting for other members of a gay club, but would not say how many.

The Same Sex Marriage Prohibition Act that Jonathan signed on Jan. 7 brought widespread condemnation from abroad — including the United States, Britain, Canada, the European Union and the United Nations.

The UNAIDS agency says the law could criminalize people in programs to fight HIV-AIDS. The U.S. says it violates the rights of all Nigerians to free speech and association.

01-17-2014, 03:16 AM
It's ridiculous that this is actually considered a crime..

01-17-2014, 03:18 AM
Yet another wonderful act from "the religion of peace".

01-17-2014, 03:19 AM
Islam whips and kills homosexuals and the Church ministers to them. :picard2::/

01-17-2014, 03:20 AM
Typical for Muslim, and African countries.

01-17-2014, 03:26 AM
Yet another wonderful act from "the religion of peace".


Its because of Extremist from Saudi Arabia forcing "Pure" Islam rather than the mixed Bori Cult/Islamic form that has been around since the beginning of Islam in the Sahel that incorporated African Traditional Religion.

Its bad for Yan Daudu now and they are trying to flee now. Its gotten worse over the last few months but are met with mostly Igbo Christians when they move to the biggest cities who haven't had the tradition in centuries so they basically are trying to immigrate to SA, London, NYC, and SF :-(

Leo Iscariot
01-17-2014, 10:25 AM
This is why aliens won't talk to us.

01-17-2014, 10:41 AM
Islam's encroachment on northern Nigeria has always been seen as problematic, and has always been accompanied by violence. This really is Nigeria's misfortune - the Muslim religion.

And of course, as long as rich American companies can get oil from Nigeria, they don't care how they run their country - same as their policies towards the Arabic oil producers. They have no morals.

Islam needs to be driven out of Nigeria.

Aunt Hilda
01-17-2014, 10:46 AM

The Illyrian Warrior
01-17-2014, 10:47 AM
Islam's encroachment on northern Nigeria has always been seen as problematic, and has always been accompanied by violence. This really is Nigeria's misfortune - the Muslim religion.

And of course, as long as rich American companies can get oil from Nigeria, they don't care how they run their country - same as their policies towards the Arabic oil producers. They have no morals.

Islam needs to be driven out of Nigeria.

How'd you drive out a religion, when it represents half of their population. :confused:

01-17-2014, 10:50 AM
How'd you drive out a religion, when it represents half of their population. :confused:

Long-term ... slowly and systematically. Or the country needs to split in two - a poor, northern Muslim part and a progressive, rich Christian south.

The Illyrian Warrior
01-17-2014, 10:53 AM
Long-term ... slowly and systematically. Or the country needs to split in two - a poor, northern Muslim part and a progressive, rich Christian south.

Country itself is already split, and wouldn't call rich any side either. lol

01-17-2014, 10:56 AM
Country itself is already split, and wouldn't call rich any side either. lol

The Christian south is definitely the rich part of Nigeria, where its main cities (and oil fields) are located. Nigeria is fast becoming wealthier.

Prisoner Of Ice
01-17-2014, 11:17 AM
How'd you drive out a religion, when it represents half of their population. :confused:

Make it a crime punished by 20 lashes :lol:

The Illyrian Warrior
01-17-2014, 11:25 AM
Make it a crime punished by 20 lashes :lol:

I think my IQ is no match with yours, since I've just missed your usual catch....Damn, I wish I had a Melon head like yours. :P

Prisoner Of Ice
01-17-2014, 11:26 AM
I think my IQ is no match with yours, since I've just missed your usual catch....Damn, I wish I had a Melon head like yours. :P

Goldy silvery coppery, irony.

The Illyrian Warrior
01-17-2014, 11:27 AM
Goldy silvery coppery, irony.

All mixed together and we have MelonHead, I got it. :thumb001:

01-17-2014, 11:28 AM
Religion in Nigeria seems connected to different tribes. The more sparsely-populated north is Muslim.



01-17-2014, 11:42 AM
Good. At least they are preventing decadence in their countries

01-17-2014, 11:53 AM
If he was too stupid to admit it 7 years later he deserved it.
Note that he got a light sentence of 20 lashes compared to the 100 for fornication, so talking about homophobia is stupid.

01-17-2014, 11:56 AM
Good. At least they are preventing decadence in their countries


Aunt Hilda
01-17-2014, 11:59 AM
Good. At least they are preventing decadence in their countries


01-17-2014, 12:36 PM
Good. At least they are preventing decadence in their countries

They are not preventing decadence, they're promoting it.

01-17-2014, 01:14 PM
They are not preventing decadence, they're promoting it.

How? By not saying that man fucking man is ok?

01-17-2014, 01:23 PM
How? By not saying that man fucking man is ok?

Decadence = Violence against people (especially institutional) just because of their personal decisions.

Yes, fucking a man is much better than following fucking shitty Sharia law.

01-17-2014, 01:41 PM
Decadence = Violence against people (especially institutional) just because of their personal decisions.

Yes, fucking a man is much better than following fucking shitty Sharia law.

Not acording to them

01-17-2014, 01:44 PM
Aren't these the people who mutilate the girls genitals?

01-17-2014, 01:50 PM
Aren't these the people who mutilate the girls genitals?

Probably. And they mutilate all boys' genitals as well.

01-17-2014, 01:53 PM
Probably. And they mutilate all boys' genitals as well.

That's what religious fanaticism does to people.

01-17-2014, 01:55 PM
Aren't these the people who mutilate the girls genitals?

Can you quote Quran or Hadith which comands female circuimscision

01-17-2014, 02:00 PM
Decadence = Violence against people (especially institutional) just because of their personal decisions.
You might want to look up the definition of decadence.

01-17-2014, 02:00 PM
Can you quote Quran or Hadith which comands female circuimscision

Do you ever wonder how is it possible for women to support Islam? Maybe the women have a rifle to their heads when they say how good Islam is to them.

01-17-2014, 02:02 PM
You might want to look up the definition of decadence.

Decadence can mean many things, depending on how you look at the world.

Lashing people because of their sexual decisions is most certainly barbaric and not fit for this day and age.

01-17-2014, 02:28 PM
Do you ever wonder how is it possible for women to support Islam? Maybe the women have a rifle to their heads when they say how good Islam is to them.

Oh so you dont have a quote. Nice to talk to you, bye

01-17-2014, 02:32 PM

01-17-2014, 02:34 PM
You might want to look up the definition of decadence.

"Luxurious self-indulgence", which doesn't fit either thing being described here.

Still though, I wonder why the US doesn't protest the treatment of LGBT people in Nigeria while we do so in Russia.

01-17-2014, 02:35 PM
Not that bad: I expected an execution.

01-17-2014, 03:09 PM
Still though, I wonder why the US doesn't protest the treatment of LGBT people in Nigeria while we do so in Russia.

Very very good point. The answer is simple: they're just doing it to bash Russia, it's all political. Russia is no way as bad as Muslim countries when it comes to gay rights.

01-17-2014, 04:49 PM
Can you quote Quran or Hadith which comands female circuimscision

But there aren't any in the Koran.

It comes from (atleast among Dogon and those of the region) pre-existing notions of purity and gender in which both male and female circumcision makes people male and female; before they are culturally recognized as gender less minors really, I don't agree with it being forced on children but if someone is legally of age and consents to it than so be it.

01-17-2014, 04:50 PM
Very very good point. The answer is simple: they're just doing it to bash Russia, it's all political. Russia is no way as bad as Muslim countries when it comes to gay rights.

No because Gays have been protesting Jamaica for years.

01-17-2014, 05:19 PM
may i note the president of Nigeria is in fact a CHRISTIAN. These reactions are not restricted to certain Muslims, but also Christian countries and peoples as well, as well as any other belief to various degrees. The fact of the matter is, similar punishments were inflicted on gay people in Europe and gay people were sent to concentration camps to die in WW2. Gay rights discrimination and attacks go on in every country, the bad thing is though that not enough is done about it, as long as they don't have equal rights, like the ability to marry, there will always be discrimination and occurrences like this in countries but to be perfectly honest, sadly i don't think the entire world will ever completely change. These men are all just unfortunate for the land they come from is not accepting, i wish it was.

01-17-2014, 05:23 PM
"Luxurious self-indulgence", which doesn't fit either thing being described here.

Still though, I wonder why the US doesn't protest the treatment of LGBT people in Nigeria while we do so in Russia.

Probably not enough financial incentive to care, like the reason North Korea continues to exist like a cess poll of horror and they are largely ignored.

01-17-2014, 05:24 PM
Aren't these the people who mutilate the girls genitals?

yep, big problems..

01-17-2014, 05:27 PM

Its because of Extremist from Saudi Arabia forcing "Pure" Islam rather than the mixed Bori Cult/Islamic form that has been around since the beginning of Islam in the Sahel that incorporated African Traditional Religion.

Its bad for Yan Daudu now and they are trying to flee now. Its gotten worse over the last few months but are met with mostly Igbo Christians when they move to the biggest cities who haven't had the tradition in centuries so they basically are trying to immigrate to SA, London, NYC, and SF :-(

plz go dude...homosexuality was always punished or ostracized, nothing to do with Saudis.

01-17-2014, 05:28 PM
may i note the president of Nigeria is in fact a CHRISTIAN.

I know that many Christians (especially in Africa) are also very anti-gay. But the fact that he allows Sharia courts in his country to deliver Arab-style punishments to people who have gay sex means that he is pandering to the Muslim vote. As previously said, half of the country's population is Muslim. I foresee great problems for Nigeria in the future, just because of this fact. Muslims are not peaceful and peace-loving, and Islam is not the religion of peace. Quite the opposite.

01-17-2014, 05:36 PM
I know that many Christians (especially in Africa) are also very anti-gay. But the fact that he allows Sharia courts in his country to deliver Arab-style punishments to people who have gay sex means that he is pandering to the Muslim vote. As previously said, half of the country's population is Muslim. I foresee great problems for Nigeria in the future, just because of this fact. Muslims are not peaceful and peace-loving, and Islam is not the religion of peace. Quite the opposite.

I did imply all of that in my first sentence, but you have a right to your opinion of course.

01-17-2014, 05:37 PM
But it's not like the bible didn't mention punishments such as stoning at least, i don't know how literal African Christians take the Bible though.

01-17-2014, 05:55 PM
Africans whether christian, muslim or pagan usually administer 'street justice' by an angered mob to people convicted of sodomy or homosexual acts...So Idk where KidMulat is coming up with his idealic Africa full of gay tolerance before the mythical Saudis showed up. Homosexuality was always underground and tolerated in niche roles, just like everywhere else in the world

01-17-2014, 06:02 PM
Africans whether christian, muslim or pagan usually administer 'street justice' by an angered mob to people convicted of sodomy or homosexual acts...So Idk where KidMulat is coming up with his idealic Africa full of gay tolerance before the mythical Saudis showed up. Homosexuality was always underground and tolerated in niche roles, just like everywhere else in the world


01-17-2014, 06:44 PM
Africans whether christian, muslim or pagan usually administer 'street justice' by an angered mob to people convicted of sodomy or homosexual acts...So Idk where KidMulat is coming up with his idealic Africa full of gay tolerance before the mythical Saudis showed up. Homosexuality was always underground and tolerated in niche roles, just like everywhere else in the world

Would you say peoples perceptions are purely based on religious fervor and belief or do such things go against culture too, being gay i mean.

I mean, i myself, am perfectly straight and i regard everyones lives and decisions as their own, but i wish people didn't have to die in such circumstances, not all countries cultures are accepting of such things and i accept that also because that's just how it is.

01-17-2014, 07:42 PM
plz go dude...homosexuality was always punished or ostracized, nothing to do with Saudis.

Africans whether christian, muslim or pagan usually administer 'street justice' by an angered mob to people convicted of sodomy or homosexual acts...So Idk where KidMulat is coming up with his idealic Africa full of gay tolerance before the mythical Saudis showed up. Homosexuality was always underground and tolerated in niche roles, just like everywhere else in the world

Mythic Africa? The distinction of sexuality as we say (i.e. Homosexual, bisexual, heterosexual) are constructs and I do not speak in that manner when talking about pre-existing social institutions.

You cannot deny the absolute sheer volume of evidence and research on the subject; neither can it be denied the very "queer" setting Vodou, Santeria, Candomble, Nkisi, and predecessors in Benin, Yorubaland, Hausaland, KiKongo had gender and sexually variant people playing intricate and broad roles in their cultures.

Regardless of what you have to say the fact is Maguzawa religion was the main Religion of Hausaland in the pre Islamic period and they had been able to exist still within the fabric of the religion up until what? 30 years ago with the deconstruction of Traditional Livelihoods with the first generation of truly urbanized people's?

Within those 30 years Sharia law has been pushed but especially in the last 10 even though the particular form of Islam practiced broadly speaking has syncretised with ATR in a quite stable way for nearly 700 years

You said yourself that I know more than you on Quranic texts position of gender variant and homosexual people; I am not imagining anything.

From Francisco Manicongo to Mwanga II of Buganda it has existed and always will on the continent.

Not a Cop
01-17-2014, 09:05 PM
may i note the president of Nigeria is in fact a CHRISTIAN.

There is much more interesting facts about him - his name is Goodluck Jonathan

And looks like a cross between black church priest and rap singer, although this two jobs are kinda similar in some ways.


01-17-2014, 11:07 PM
Would you say peoples perceptions are purely based on religious fervor and belief or do such things go against culture too, being gay i mean.

I mean, i myself, am perfectly straight and i regard everyones lives and decisions as their own, but i wish people didn't have to die in such circumstances, not all countries cultures are accepting of such things and i accept that also because that's just how it is.

When it comes to Africans, I think religious proscriptions are just a veneer to legitimize an inherent abhorrence to the effects of sodomy within a community. Both men and women feel threatened, disgusted and afraid that its prevalence will spell doom for the moral and physical health of their community.

In the west, the Individual's rights supercede that of the community's...its the other way around in the rest of the world.

01-17-2014, 11:10 PM
Mythic Africa? The distinction of sexuality as we say (i.e. Homosexual, bisexual, heterosexual) are constructs and I do not speak in that manner when talking about pre-existing social institutions.

You cannot deny the absolute sheer volume of evidence and research on the subject; neither can it be denied the very "queer" setting Vodou, Santeria, Candomble, Nkisi, and predecessors in Benin, Yorubaland, Hausaland, KiKongo had gender and sexually variant people playing intricate and broad roles in their cultures.

Regardless of what you have to say the fact is Maguzawa religion was the main Religion of Hausaland in the pre Islamic period and they had been able to exist still within the fabric of the religion up until what? 30 years ago with the deconstruction of Traditional Livelihoods with the first generation of truly urbanized people's?

Within those 30 years Sharia law has been pushed but especially in the last 10 even though the particular form of Islam practiced broadly speaking has syncretised with ATR in a quite stable way for nearly 700 years

You said yourself that I know more than you on Quranic texts position of gender variant and homosexual people; I am not imagining anything.

From Francisco Manicongo to Mwanga II of Buganda it has existed and always will on the continent.

All true but all underground aspects...Im sure even child sacrifice still goes on in some places, doesnt mean such acts are celebrated or talked about in polite community...

01-17-2014, 11:10 PM
well this is how they deal with unnatural behavior. Africans refuse to allow their culture to be sodomized by liberal western values. Homosexuality is unnatural....you do not need islam to prove this.

01-17-2014, 11:12 PM
When it comes to Africans, I think religious proscriptions are just a veneer to legitimize an inherent abhorrence to the effects of sodomy within a community. Both men and women feel threatened, disgusted and afraid that its prevalence will spell doom for the moral and physical health of their community.

In the west, the Individual's rights supercede that of the community's...its the other way around in the rest of the world.

you hit the nail with the hammer. its extreme but necessary in their society to preserve their traditional values. if westerners did this to homosexuals then it would be a huge outrage. The only western like countries rejecting this unnatural behavior is Russia, Georgia and Armenia and maybe some other eastern European countries.

01-17-2014, 11:13 PM
he is a legit G. unlike American rappers. :cool:

01-18-2014, 02:21 AM
All true but all underground aspects...Im sure even child sacrifice still goes on in some places, doesnt mean such acts are celebrated or talked about in polite community...

When it comes to Africans, I think religious proscriptions are just a veneer to legitimize an inherent abhorrence to the effects of sodomy within a community. Both men and women feel threatened, disgusted and afraid that its prevalence will spell doom for the moral and physical health of their community.

In the west, the Individual's rights supercede that of the community's...its the other way around in the rest of the world.

Waraka who you foolin'? Blood Sacrifice utilizing people but especially freeborn children would be reserved for ceremonies of the highest order (like the Yearly sacrifice of a bull during the Temple period of Judaism) or in time of extreme spiritual duress (extreme multi year drought/plague/famine).

The nature of Yan Duadu and other like groups as noted in the first link is a kind of Sanankuya or Joking Relationship; in Vodou its percieved as natural but also as a kind of joke of the Lwa but its not a ridicule its more like when someone places The Dozens but it was never hated.

To be sure the banter went both ways as strangely enough wordy and wittiness seems to be near universal among gender variant people and is actually a feature that still exists in Afro Diasporic faith.

To say that there was a natural inclination towards disgust is placing your own morality into the equation as no anthropologist from the early accounts state that and as certain sexual practices still occurs among Khoisan, Swazi and Damara one is left still not seeing the reaction your talking about other than from evangelized groups.

To say it was all underground doesn't explain why they openly partnered, openly adopted, and openly walked about in clothing not of their assigned at birth gender; it does not explain why it transcends caste, and class or incorporated into the age based stages of male and female initiation or continued in the New World creating some of the most prominent Babalawos in Cuba or how entire temples are run by "lesbians" and "gays".

Like no Waadaad, your opinion is not based on the anthropological record at all.

01-18-2014, 02:50 AM
well this is how they deal with unnatural behavior. Africans refuse to allow their culture to be sodomized by liberal western values. Homosexuality is unnatural....you do not need islam to prove this.

You are really supporting torture as a method of punishing "unnatural behaviour"? Disgusting.