View Full Version : Classify Venezuelan TV Host and Actress of Spanish Ancestry, Alicia Machado

01-20-2014, 06:14 AM
She also was an ex Miss Venezuela and ex Miss Universe.

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_fNbvQ9ziAWg/SUcA2u0c2QI/AAAAAAAAAeg/26ER2mfumVI/s400/alicia%2Bmachado%2Bvideo,desnuda,fotos,playboy.1.j pg

01-20-2014, 02:20 PM

Carlito's Way
01-20-2014, 07:01 PM

Mn The Loki TA Son
01-20-2014, 07:06 PM
Alpinized Med with some small traces of Native

Mn The Loki TA Son
01-20-2014, 11:21 PM

She is beautiful and hot.

Prisoner Of Ice
01-20-2014, 11:32 PM
Looks very american. She is a germanic milk cow with some native influences.

01-20-2014, 11:38 PM
Looks very american. She is a germanic milk cow with some native influences.

Well, fully white or not (could have small traces of Amerindian input, as somebody said) all her white ancestry is from Spain. Believe it or not.:thumb001:

Prisoner Of Ice
01-20-2014, 11:39 PM
Well, fully white or not (could have small traces of Amerindian input, as somebody said) all her white ancestry is from Spain. Believe it or not.:thumb001:

I know, but spain has germanic influences, and she is pretty germanic looking.

01-21-2014, 05:45 AM
I know, but spain has germanic influences, and she is pretty germanic looking.

I honestly don't think Alicia Machado looks Germanic. Northern Germans, for the most part, have sharper face features, with Boberry and Faelid types, characterized for their square jaws and things like that, while southern Germans, Swiss-Germans and Austrians are in most cases, Alpinids or almost purely Alpinids.

At the most, Alicia Machado could have some resemblance to some Austrians, Swiss, and Southern Germans, because of her Alpinid influence, which is no surprise, since Alpinid traits are not that uncommon among Iberians. And that's the reason why there is some overlap between some Iberians and Swiss, being the case that Swiss are the next closest European ethnic group to Iberians, just after French and Northern Italians. However, Alicia Machado would NEVER pass as a northern German.

And although Alicia Machado has some Alpinid influences, she is not a pure Alpinid. She is an Atlantid or Atlanto-med with some Alpinid influences, a very typical combination in ethnic Iberians, which is very different than being a pure, or almost pure Alpinid, like a quintessentially Austrian or Southern German would be.

Alicia Machado has a smother facial bone structure, with a smooth shaped jaw, and things like that, very typical in Iberians, which is quite the opposite of the sharper bone structure that prevails among Northern Germans, Dutch, Scandinavians and some British Islanders.

The only Northern Europeans who have a considerable phenotype overlap with Iberians, are some British Islanders, particularly those with less Germanic influence and with more Atlantid or Atlanto-med phenotype, from areas like Wales, Western England (Liverpool Area, Cornualles, etc), and some areas of Ireland and Scotland.

A Germanic looking person, would be somebody like this Danish woman:


Alicia Machado, despite her very small Amerindian input, slightly visible in some of her pictures, looks very typically Iberian, for the most part. She would fit quite well in these crowds of Spaniards:


Those Spaniard students have very different facial traits compared to the Danish Woman that I showed above.

The Danish woman looks very Germanic, but the Spaniard students look very Iberian, NOT Germanic.

Alicia Machado would fit quite well between those students, for the obvious reason that she is an ethnic Spanish, for the most part.

01-23-2014, 02:50 AM

02-11-2014, 03:34 AM

02-11-2014, 04:57 AM
I honestly don't think Alicia Machado looks Germanic. Northern Germans, for the most part, have sharper face features, with Boberry and Faelid types, characterized for their square jaws and things like that, while southern Germans, Swiss-Germans and Austrians are in most cases, Alpinids or almost purely Alpinids.

At the most, Alicia Machado could have some resemblance to some Austrians, Swiss, and Southern Germans, because of her Alpinid influence, which is no surprise, since Alpinid traits are not that uncommon among Iberians. And that's the reason why there is some overlap between some Iberians and Swiss, being the case that Swiss are the next closest European ethnic group to Iberians, just after French and Northern Italians. However, Alicia Machado would NEVER pass as a northern German.

And although Alicia Machado has some Alpinid influences, she is not a pure Alpinid. She is an Atlantid or Atlanto-med with some Alpinid influences, a very typical combination in ethnic Iberians, which is very different than being a pure, or almost pure Alpinid, like a quintessentially Austrian or Southern German would be.

Alicia Machado has a smother facial bone structure, with a smooth shaped jaw, and things like that, very typical in Iberians, which is quite the opposite of the sharper bone structure that prevails among Northern Germans, Dutch, Scandinavians and some British Islanders.

The only Northern Europeans who have a considerable phenotype overlap with Iberians, are some British Islanders, particularly those with less Germanic influence and with more Atlantid or Atlanto-med phenotype, from areas like Wales, Western England (Liverpool Area, Cornualles, etc), and some areas of Ireland and Scotland.

A Germanic looking person, would be somebody like this Danish woman:


Alicia Machado, despite her very small Amerindian input, slightly visible in some of her pictures, looks very typically Iberian, for the most part. She would fit quite well in these crowds of Spaniards:


Those Spaniard students have very different facial traits compared to the Danish Woman that I showed above.

The Danish woman looks very Germanic, but the Spaniard students look very Iberian, NOT Germanic.

Alicia Machado would fit quite well between those students, for the obvious reason that she is an ethnic Spanish, for the most part.

Of course. And Spaniards are more Celtic (Keltic Nordid, Brünn and Atlanto-Med) than Germanic-looking.
The closest European ethnic group to Iberians is southwestern Frenchs (including Basques).

02-11-2014, 05:17 AM
Not Spanish. Castiza.

02-11-2014, 07:22 AM
Alpino-Mediterranid with some native influence.

02-11-2014, 07:23 AM
while southern Germans, Swiss-Germans and Austrians are in most cases, Alpinids or almost purely Alpinids.

No, not true, Nordid, and Dinarid are also very important in Southern Germany.

02-11-2014, 08:59 AM

I said wrong, since I forgot that the Nordid traits are present even in Iberians, but to a much less extent, when compared to Central or Northern Europeans.

What I meant is that the overlap between Iberians and Central Europeans would be mostly due to some important presence of the Alpinid traits in a good number of ethnic Iberians, being the case that Alpinid traits peak in Central Europeans.

Hence, Central Europeans would be in most cases a mix of Alpine with Nordid and Dinarid influences and some minor med influences, while Iberians would be a mix of Atlantids or Atlanto-meds + meds + berid + Alpines, some Brunns, and some minor nordid input, tough Nordid input in Iberians would be less important compared to Nordid input in Central Europeans.

02-11-2014, 09:02 AM

02-11-2014, 10:03 AM
I think she is Alpinid with some Med and Native influences

03-12-2014, 06:37 AM

03-12-2014, 09:22 AM
Atlanto-Med Castiza.

03-12-2014, 10:05 AM

03-16-2014, 06:01 PM

09-16-2014, 01:47 PM

09-16-2014, 01:48 PM
Does the surname Machado also exist in Spain? it's very common in Portugal

09-16-2014, 01:57 PM
Does the surname Machado also exist in Spain? it's very common in Portugal

Her father is Spaniard, from Aragon (I think).

09-16-2014, 07:35 PM
I honestly don't think Alicia Machado looks Germanic. Northern Germans, for the most part, have sharper face features, with Boberry and Faelid types, characterized for their square jaws and things like that, while southern Germans, Swiss-Germans and Austrians are in most cases, Alpinids or almost purely Alpinids.

At the most, Alicia Machado could have some resemblance to some Austrians, Swiss, and Southern Germans, because of her Alpinid influence, which is no surprise, since Alpinid traits are not that uncommon among Iberians. And that's the reason why there is some overlap between some Iberians and Swiss, being the case that Swiss are the next closest European ethnic group to Iberians, just after French and Northern Italians. However, Alicia Machado would NEVER pass as a northern German.

And although Alicia Machado has some Alpinid influences, she is not a pure Alpinid. She is an Atlantid or Atlanto-med with some Alpinid influences, a very typical combination in ethnic Iberians, which is very different than being a pure, or almost pure Alpinid, like a quintessentially Austrian or Southern German would be.

Alicia Machado has a smother facial bone structure, with a smooth shaped jaw, and things like that, very typical in Iberians, which is quite the opposite of the sharper bone structure that prevails among Northern Germans, Dutch, Scandinavians and some British Islanders.

The only Northern Europeans who have a considerable phenotype overlap with Iberians, are some British Islanders, particularly those with less Germanic influence and with more Atlantid or Atlanto-med phenotype, from areas like Wales, Western England (Liverpool Area, Cornualles, etc), and some areas of Ireland and Scotland.

A Germanic looking person, would be somebody like this Danish woman:


Alicia Machado, despite her very small Amerindian input, slightly visible in some of her pictures, looks very typically Iberian, for the most part. She would fit quite well in these crowds of Spaniards:


Those Spaniard students have very different facial traits compared to the Danish Woman that I showed above.

The Danish woman looks very Germanic, but the Spaniard students look very Iberian, NOT Germanic.

Alicia Machado would fit quite well between those students, for the obvious reason that she is an ethnic Spanish, for the most part.

You are right, there isn't much of a difference between these pure Iberians and her. BTW, quite good looking these girls are...

09-16-2014, 07:38 PM
Alpinized atlantomed.

09-17-2014, 01:23 AM

09-17-2014, 01:42 AM
An Alpine, Atlantid blend.

09-17-2014, 01:48 AM
I honestly don't think Alicia Machado looks Germanic. Northern Germans, for the most part, have sharper face features, with Boberry and Faelid types, characterized for their square jaws and things like that, while southern Germans, Swiss-Germans and Austrians are in most cases, Alpinids or almost purely Alpinids.

At the most, Alicia Machado could have some resemblance to some Austrians, Swiss, and Southern Germans, because of her Alpinid influence, which is no surprise, since Alpinid traits are not that uncommon among Iberians. And that's the reason why there is some overlap between some Iberians and Swiss, being the case that Swiss are the next closest European ethnic group to Iberians, just after French and Northern Italians. However, Alicia Machado would NEVER pass as a northern German.

And although Alicia Machado has some Alpinid influences, she is not a pure Alpinid. She is an Atlantid or Atlanto-med with some Alpinid influences, a very typical combination in ethnic Iberians, which is very different than being a pure, or almost pure Alpinid, like a quintessentially Austrian or Southern German would be.

Alicia Machado has a smother facial bone structure, with a smooth shaped jaw, and things like that, very typical in Iberians, which is quite the opposite of the sharper bone structure that prevails among Northern Germans, Dutch, Scandinavians and some British Islanders.

The only Northern Europeans who have a considerable phenotype overlap with Iberians, are some British Islanders, particularly those with less Germanic influence and with more Atlantid or Atlanto-med phenotype, from areas like Wales, Western England (Liverpool Area, Cornualles, etc), and some areas of Ireland and Scotland.

A Germanic looking person, would be somebody like this Danish woman:


Alicia Machado, despite her very small Amerindian input, slightly visible in some of her pictures, looks very typically Iberian, for the most part. She would fit quite well in these crowds of Spaniards:


Those Spaniard students have very different facial traits compared to the Danish Woman that I showed above.

The Danish woman looks very Germanic, but the Spaniard students look very Iberian, NOT Germanic.

Alicia Machado would fit quite well between those students, for the obvious reason that she is an ethnic Spanish, for the most part.

There is also significant overlap between Iberians and French.

09-17-2014, 02:02 AM
There is also significant overlap between Iberians and French.

I know, but I was talking about overlapping between Iberians and Northern Europeans, and the only northern Europeans that have some overlap with Iberians are some British Islanders (particularly more in the case of Welsh, and Southwestern English), but to a lesser extent than Southern French and Northern Italians.

Southern Germans (as Swiss) can have some overlap with Iberians, but Southern Germany is technically part of Central Europe, not Northern Europe.

Of course that French (and particularly more, Southern French) have considerable overlap with Iberians, more than any other non-Iberian European human group, but French are not northern European.

08-31-2018, 11:01 PM
Mainly Atlanto-Berid.

08-31-2018, 11:01 PM

Στάλθηκε από το G3311 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk

Tooting Carmen
08-31-2018, 11:04 PM
Castiza. Looks like a lighter version of Mexican singer Thalia.

08-31-2018, 11:05 PM

09-01-2018, 02:25 AM