View Full Version : Ethnogenesis can only make sense with National Statehood

11-28-2009, 08:27 AM
Dominant ethnic core, ruling class and State-building process.

Only a more or less homogeneous dominant ethnic core can lead the State-building process to create a giant country.
One social group, one language, one religion, one common culture, one warrior culture of conquest, one bureaucracy, one common heritage, one common genealogy, one National Project.
A good elite must always be open to absorb the new values and incorporate new political actors, that's a decisive point in the survival of a traditional elite.
Ethnogenesis can only make sense with National Statehood

11-28-2009, 09:10 AM
I despise fake political entities like the European Union, Spain, Belgium, Switzerland, Ruanda because they are not ethnic or nationally oriented. I think a warrior ethnie must build a proper Ethnic-National-State with a proper Ethnic-National-Language via war and I despise the immigrant weak people that moved to another Ethnic-National-State and to another Ethnic-National-Language just like the Germans, Scots and Irish in the English North America or the Kurds in Turkey.

I believe in the role of history and a historical ethnie as the basis of an emerging national consciousness.

11-29-2009, 02:24 AM
Relatively ethnic homogeneous elites like the Han Chinese in China, the Hindu Brahmin in India, the Colonial Portuguese from Brazil are the driving forces of the 21st century. Rus-Russia has a terrible demographic crisis and is shrinking but here is the BRIC power, predicted to be the major economic bloc of the world by the 2030's, far bigger than the present G-7 group.
The powerful dominant ethnies from the United States, the English-Wasps and the Jews are in a crisis of hegemony after the financial meltdown. The so called dominated ethnies from the big immigration to the United States, that rootless mass of Central and Northern European peasants without a proper ethnic history, traditions and ethnic languages other than the imposed dominant English-wasp, the self-declared "whites-of-nowhere", the African-Americans, the Hispanics and the newly arrived non-European immigrants in North America now are under heavy pressure, unemployment and the future is bleak. Desindustrialization as the Detroit model, lack of energy and oil, wars oriented by the United States Jewish-American interests in the Middle East, hard competition from the BRIC countries. The first Mulato President of the United States, a good man, is an expression of the worst crisis to arrive there in decades and probably in centuries. History is a cemetery of failed ethnic states and North America has seen a failed Dutch American Colonial State, a failed French Quebequois Colonial State, a failed Confederate State and the crisis of ethnic hegemony in the United States can easily break that State along several lines sometime in the 21st century, just like the crisis of the multi-ethnic Soviet USSR. If the first decade of the 00's decade was a hell to the United States, the century can be a complete inferno there. Europe is at the lowest point of power in the last 500 years in the world geopolitical arena, Germany in 1909 was a bigger State, more influential and more important than Germany in 2009, only a shadow of the 1909's State. Who would guess in 1909 that Germany would loose Silesia and Prussia, the ethnic cradle of Germany ? Just like Kosovo in Serbia, you are forever castrated and even a housewife can lead the Germans now. Northern Europe has always been a place of weak National States divided in small entities without any major global impact, without any major world Empire. The fast decline of the United States, the fall of the British Empire and the fall of the German Empire and the humiliating defeat of German Nazism has just been the return to the historical normal situation of a subaltern North Europe, just like in the last 4000 years of civilized history. The Arab and Muslim world is ready for a new phase after centuries of political misery and radical groups will for sure overcome the corrupt elites and try to rebuild a major Arab-Muslim State in some point of the 21st Century, the Persians are already on the move. The Spanish-Castilian surviving elites in States like Mexico, Peru, Argentina, Venezuela and Bolivia are small and the populist leaders coming from the dominated ethnies, mestizos or pure Indians are leading the process but they are not able to stick together because there's no homogeneous national ethnic core to create any big state and just small and fragmented republiquetas.
So the possibility of a return of a powerful Chinese State, a powerful Indian State, a powerful tropical New Roman Brazilian State (with a tremendous Brazilian lebensraum in the Brazilian territory - oil, foods, renewable energy, growing population) is a perspective. What a pity that Huntington and the Clash of Civilizations died when he knew that Obama would be the President of The United States. Let's pray for peace and harmony in the world because the wheel of fortune has changed decisively.