View Full Version : Terry Tremaine

Lulletje Rozewater
11-29-2009, 12:03 PM
Terry Tremaine
a.k.a: mathdoktor99; JCMateri

Terry Tremaine (July 20, 1948) is a Nazi and he's pretty damned proud of it, except when he disavowed his Nazi beliefs in a pathetic attempt to get out of trouble regarding those beliefs while he was in a Regina psych ward, but we'll come back to that soon enough. Tremaine used to post as "mathdoktor99" on Stormfront or as "JCMateri" on other sites, but since his troubles of his own making began, he's started to post under his own name. He's even gone as far as to start up his own little Nazi party, the National-Socialist Party of Canada, which is affiliated with the equally troubled NSM States side


Is this for real and where is he now.He was apparently arrested again in July?August 2009.