View Full Version : Help getting a better night of rest

01-29-2014, 07:25 PM
The sun slowly sets over the horizon as yet another day comes to a glorious end. I put on the clothing I typically wear to bed every night. My wife and I head up the stairs and crawl under the warmth and the comfort of the blankets. I kiss my wife goodnight, turn off the light, and I roll over onto my side as I always do. Then the real fun of the night begins.

My snoring keeps my wife tossing most of the night, and I often find myself waking up because it gets so loud at times. It interferes with my ability to get a good night of rest, and it makes a victim of my wife. I decided it was finally time to do something about my snoring, so I headed off to learn what I could about the problem.

I started with Google as so many of us often do. I found a number of websites that were fantastic in helping me to understand the problem of snoring. I eventually found this page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snoring on Wikipedia. It tells us that snoring is the vibration of respiratory structures and the resulting sound. I wasn't exactly blown away by this because my amazing skills of deduction already discovered this on my own. The causes of snoring weren't much more informative or useful.

I continued my hunt for solutions to snoring. I found a variety of websites and products that ranged from online books to harnesses that go around the head and face. I couldn't believe everything available for the problem of snoring. It leaves me a bit clueless about what direction to head in order to find a reasonable and affordable solution. I found this page http://www.snore.net/ that is obviously about the topic with the title. Has anyone used any of the products or recommendations on this website?

I am at a loss as to what I should use to help end my snoring problem. I don't want to spend money on something that is a waste of that money because it fails to work properly. I have found nose strips, pills, head harnesses, and a number of other options. It makes me wonder which direction I should head in search of an effective solution.

Do any of you have any advice for helping with the problem at all? I am not exactly interested in something that makes sleeping even more uncomfortable, yet I have to find a solution to my snoring somehow. I have considered pills, but I don't want to invest in anything until I have done my homework and feel confident about what I am going to purchase.