View Full Version : 10 Most Dangerous Beaches In The World

01-30-2014, 05:44 PM
10 Most Dangerous Beaches In The World

Who doesn’t love a beach vacation? The sun, the sand, the radiation…hang on, what was that last part again? Yes, seems like there are some beaches out there that are less than idyllic. Whether your particular phobia is shark bites, jellyfish or being kidnapped, don’t worry – we can find a beach that’s just wrong for you. Grab an atlas, and a big red pen to mark these Top 10 Most Dangerous Beaches off your list of holiday destinations!

#10. Hanakapiai Beach, Hawaii


One criticism you can’t throw at this beach is that it covers up how dangerous it is. A sign leading to the beach shows a tally of how many visitors have died there, with space for more. The problem is the currents – with no reef separating the beach from the open ocean, riptides can drag even good swimmers out to sea with no option of returning. The beach is also a hike away from any help, so don’t expect a fully-trained lifeguard on hand if you do get into trouble. A guide to Kaua’i island says that most deaths are out-of-state visitors who don’t understand the tides. The sign seems pretty straightforward, I think.

On the upside, it’s meant to be beautiful. Just don’t go into the water.

#9. Gansbaai, South Africa


Another beautiful spot, with miles of white sand and dramatic cliffs. So beautiful in fact, that you’d think working for the Gansbaai Tourist Office would be a breeze. It has all these features, and it’s also the Great White Shark capital of the world. Who wouldn’t want to visit?

Well, people who are afraid of sharks for one. Maybe it’s just me, but selling a beach as being the Shark Capital of the World is a bit like selling a restaurant as being Cockroach HQ. Just look at this terrifying photo of a shark stalking a kayak, taken at Gansbaai – doesn’t it make your blood run a little bit cold? It’s been said that the photo has been faked, but the photographer denies this and also says that sharks don’t attack kayaks. So that’s a bit reassuring, but I’m still not rushing to visit.

#8. Southern Mindanao Islands, Philippines


What happens when you venture “off the grid”? Well, book a trip to some of the more remote islands of the Philippines and you might find out. Away from the tourist destinations like Siargao, you might think there are exciting new places to discover and you’d be right, but not exciting in a good way. The southern end of the Mindanao Islands are frequented by the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, who have been in a state of “All Out War” with President Estrada since 2000. In that time in one province, 45% of residents have reported their homes being destroyed, while 16% have known of witnesses to crimes being killed. So, your survival chances as a Western tourist? Depends whether the MILF are in need of a hostage that week or not…

Oh, and there are pirates about as well. Again, in a tourist-kidnapping sense. Still, lovely beaches…

#7. Darwin, Australia


Not one beach in specific, but dipping your toes in the waters anywhere near this Northern Australian city would require a nerve of steel. Delights in and around Darwin Harbor include box jellyfish, crocodiles and …more sharks! The jellyfish tend to only be a problem between October and May, but the salt-water crocodiles are visitors to Darwin all year round. One source reports that 4 crocodiles a week are caught in the harbor.

In case this is all sounding too enticing, bear in mind that a 2011 report into the state of Darwin’s beaches found higher-than-average levels of bacteria in the water. Australia has many beautiful and clean beaches to visit, with less chance of being eaten or stung…visit those instead!

#6. Kilauea, Hawaii


One of the chief things you need in a beach vacation is heat. Lying on the beach when it’s chilly is just disappointing, really. So in some ways, visiting a beach on top of an active volcano is perfect. But there’s an obvious downside, in the form of the risk of death. But if you don’t much care about such things, Kilauea beach in Hawaii is worth a visit. The volcano has been constantly erupting since January 3rd 1983, so there’s little chance of catching it on an “off” day and it’s a beautiful natural phenomenon…from a distance.

#5. Chowpatty Beach, Mumbai


Like Gansbaai, there is someone working hard in the tourist office to promote this beach. But even the official spiel doesn’t make it sound overly appealing: “During the day, it is the hangout of the happily unemployed who snooze under the shade of its stunted trees”. Wow, I would love to hang out with the “happily unemployed” – or hobos, as some other people call them. And I’d love to see those stunted trees too.

But there’s more action to be had in the evening….”kids screaming on Ferris wheels…..wayside astrologers making a quick buck”. Screaming children and astrologers looking to fleece tourists out of their money? Maybe not so attractive. And then, of course there’s its reputation as one of the world’s most polluted beaches, with water so full of faecal matter that one site says “Spending time in this water may therefore result in bacterial and swimming-associated gastrointestinal illnesses”. Matters were worsened when the MV Rak sank nearby in 2011, spilling oil over the water. Avoid it – this is one beach that won’t look good in the holiday photos.

#4. Schitovaya Bukhta (Shield Bay), Russia


According to Surf Atlas, this is one great spot to go surfing, although you may need to chat to the local authorities about getting a surf permit, due to the number of restricted military facilities in the area. But the excitement doesn’t stop there! On the other side of the peninsula is Vladivostock, home to the Russian navy…and their disused nuclear submarines. Radiation from these submarines has already caused some incidents, although the secretive nature of the Russian media means it’s difficult to get details on exactly what has happened.

But there are also reports of cracked, underground radioactive storage units in Zvezda naval yard in Bolshoi Kamen, almost directly opposite Shield Bay, across Ussuri Bay (pictured). So, with radioactive waste spills on either side, these waters may be thrilling surfing but chances are they’re a little too thrilling…

#3. Heard Island, Antarctica


Another recommendation from Surf Atlas, this would be an extreme surfing experience, if you survive the cold. Heard Island is made up of a giant volcano known as Big Ben and is owned by Australia, but is a world away from an Aussie surf paradise, as it’s permanently covered by ice and the sea is dangerously cold. It’s also a long way away from any kind of help, being 4,100 km south west of Perth and closer to Antarctica than anywhere else. It’s another natural beauty spot, but carries a very real risk of hypothermia.

#2. New Smyrna Beach, Florida


Gansbaai may be the world’s Great White Shark capital of the world, but aren’t you wondering where the Shark Bite capital of the world might be? Well, that honor goes to New Smyrna Beach in Florida. Out of 112 worldwide shark attacks in 2007, 17 happened at Smyrna. The next year, there were 24. It’s basically a party town for sharks. Its tourist board describes is as “no stranger to attention”, which is true but getting attention because people keep getting attacked by sharks is nothing to boast about.

#1. North Sentinel Island, Andaman Islands


This island technically falls under the jurisdiction of India, but effectively it is independent, as the natives there have never submitted to any other authority. In fact, they verge on unwelcoming, which might pose a problem if you were hoping to check out the reef formations that lie nearby. At one point, the Indian government did try and form relations with the Sentinelese, by landing peacefully and leaving gifts for them. However, they were greeted with angry arrow-fire and eventually gave up on any hope of contacting them.

The Sentinelese are almost entirely unknown – clearly, they have a different name for themselves than “Sentinelese” but no-one in the world has any idea what that might be. There’s somewhere between 25 and 500 of them, although these figures could be wildly inaccurate. They appear primitive, although with the paucity of knowledge we have, it’s possible that they have their own version of the internet run on super-computers in those trees. One thing is certain – they don’t like outsiders and they are dangerous. In 2006, two fishermen ran aground on their island by mistake and were killed by the natives. A helicopter attempt to pick up the corpses failed, although the bodies were spotted from the air. However lovely the beach may look, forget it. It is definitely not worth the risk.

Source: http://amazingbeautifulworld.com/amazing-world/10-most-dangerous-beaches-in-the-world/10/

01-30-2014, 05:49 PM
I know in South Africa the fucking Great White sharks actually jump out above the water to catch fish sometimes

01-30-2014, 05:58 PM
I know in South Africa the fucking Great White sharks actually jump out above the water to catch fish sometimes

Yes. They breach but for seals, not fish. I've seen it once or twice.

http://netstorage.discovery.com/feeds/brightcove/asset-stills/dsc/134331490242013770200101197_AJA_ColossusInSector4. jpg

I still want to go shark cage diving. I live in Great White area and there are plenty around.

Atlantic Islander
01-30-2014, 05:59 PM
Yes. They breach but for seals, not fish. I've seen it once or twice.

http://netstorage.discovery.com/feeds/brightcove/asset-stills/dsc/134331490242013770200101197_AJA_ColossusInSector4. jpg

Omg, that's scary.

01-30-2014, 06:04 PM
My late husband was a surfer and one of his friends was attacked in the water about 2m away from him. He said this monster just shot out of the water with his friend in its jaws. He said one would expect it to be quiet, but because of the enormous open mouth, the water, speed and this thing makes the most prehistoric scream one can imagine. He said it was one of the scariest things he has ever heard, this growling scream from millions of years ago. The friend survived but nearly lost his leg. He had over 500 stitches to get it all back together again. But that sound is bone chilling.

01-30-2014, 06:07 PM
There is a shark spotting flag system in place. I made a thread on it but nobody paid much attention to it:


01-30-2014, 06:30 PM
One day I was doing spearfishing in the distance I saw what looked like a large leerfish (inoffensive), and as I approached to shoot with my harpoon perfectly saw it was a shark (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and when I was about 20 meters, the shark fled. Another friend who regularly go fishing in kayak told me he had seen another shark of the size of his boat, confirmed by other people going through the area regularly.

Apparently sharks had approached the coast chasing bonitos of 3-4 kilos (which until then had never ventured so close to the coast). But these sharks only eat fish and since the monk seal extincted where I live, when they see a person near simply run away.

The shark I saw was not a white shark but a marrajo (smaller). Anyway they are very impressive and scary:


01-30-2014, 06:41 PM
I'd love to see a basking shark. Totally harmless but huge and so scary!!


01-30-2014, 06:44 PM
^^Have seen once but was death :(

Atlantic Islander
01-30-2014, 06:45 PM
In the Azores you can swim with sharks and be okay. (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?97225-Swimming-with-sharks-in-the-Azores)

01-30-2014, 07:13 PM
I still want to go shark cage diving. .

Mmmm, you really are an exhibitionist, arent you! :)


01-30-2014, 07:17 PM
I'd love to see a basking shark. Totally harmless but huge and so scary!!


actualy not TOTALLY harmless

I know what you mean. Isn that the "whale shark" ? another name for it?

I know it's docile and lets divers hitch a ride on its back but I also saw on some T.V. documentary where some woman was diving with one and it bumped into her hard, like attacking her I guess. But it was probably because there was a baby shark there too and so it made the large female shark more hostile than usual.

Just saying, no shark is completely harmless

but dont worrry your Majesty, Id protect you!
if anyone is taking a bite out of your ass it's me!


01-30-2014, 07:20 PM
One day I was doing spearfishing in the distance I saw what looked like a large leerfish (inoffensive), and as I approached to shoot with my harpoon perfectly saw it was a shark (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and when I was about 20 meters, the shark fled. Another friend who regularly go fishing in kayak told me he had seen another shark of the size of his boat, confirmed by other people going through the area regularly.

Apparently sharks had approached the coast chasing bonitos of 3-4 kilos (which until then had never ventured so close to the coast). But these sharks only eat fish and since the monk seal extincted where I live, when they see a person near simply run away.

The shark I saw was not a white shark but a marrajo (smaller). Anyway they are very impressive and scary:


everyone talks about great whites but I have heard or saw on TV or some shit that actually Hammer Heads and Tiger Sharks are the most aggressive of all (?)

01-30-2014, 07:22 PM
#1. North Sentinel Island, Andaman Islands


This island technically falls under the jurisdiction of India, but effectively it is independent, as the natives there have never submitted to any other authority. In fact, they verge on unwelcoming, which might pose a problem if you were hoping to check out the reef formations that lie nearby. At one point, the Indian government did try and form relations with the Sentinelese, by landing peacefully and leaving gifts for them. However, they were greeted with angry arrow-fire and eventually gave up on any hope of contacting them.

The Sentinelese are almost entirely unknown – clearly, they have a different name for themselves than “Sentinelese” but no-one in the world has any idea what that might be. There’s somewhere between 25 and 500 of them, although these figures could be wildly inaccurate. They appear primitive, although with the paucity of knowledge we have, it’s possible that they have their own version of the internet run on super-computers in those trees. One thing is certain – they don’t like outsiders and they are dangerous. In 2006, two fishermen ran aground on their island by mistake and were killed by the natives. A helicopter attempt to pick up the corpses failed, although the bodies were spotted from the air. However lovely the beach may look, forget it. It is definitely not worth the risk.

Source: http://amazingbeautifulworld.com/amazing-world/10-most-dangerous-beaches-in-the-world/10/


01-30-2014, 07:23 PM
There is a shark spotting flag system in place. I made a thread on it but nobody paid much attention to it:


goddamn! all that hassle just to go to the beach!

I always just go to Florida, which doesnt have many shark attacks at all for the most part except in just a few places

01-30-2014, 07:25 PM
Mmmm, you really are an exhibitionist, arent you! :)


Nothing exhibitionistic about climbing into a cage surrounded by great whites. :confused:

actualy not TOTALLY harmless

I know what you mean. Isn that the "whale shark" ? another name for it?

I know it's docile and lets divers hitch a ride on its back but I also saw on some T.V. documentary where some woman was diving with one and it bumped into her hard, like attacking her I guess. But it was probably because there was a baby shark there too and so it made the large female shark more hostile than usual.

Just saying, no shark is completely harmless

but dont worrry your Majesty, Id protect you!

No, the basking shark. It's big mouth is a filtration system for plankton, much similar to a whale. A whale shark is a different species.

Whale shark. They are also filter feeders, but different to basking sharks.

01-30-2014, 07:27 PM
I am scarred for life when it comes to fear of sharks. Thank you Jaws LOL.

01-30-2014, 07:29 PM
everyone talks about great whites but I have heard or saw on TV or some shit that actually Hammer Heads and Tiger Sharks are the most aggressive of all (?)

Tiger sharks can be deadly and very aggressive. Hammerheads can also bite but because the the position of the mouth on the head usually only deliver non-deadly bites. Doesn't mean they're not sore and can't cause damage.

01-30-2014, 07:35 PM
This is me with one of my first catches when I was little. (With plenty of help obviously from other fisher people, but it was ME who caught him!)

http://i1162.photobucket.com/albums/q526/katzentatzen79/Kindheid/IMG_0009_zpsda91d261.jpg (http://s1162.photobucket.com/user/katzentatzen79/media/Kindheid/IMG_0009_zpsda91d261.jpg.html)

01-30-2014, 07:36 PM
Nothing exhibitionistic about climbing into a cage surrounded by great whites. :confused]

but still, it just shows you're not held back by your inhibitions :)

01-30-2014, 07:38 PM
This is me with one of my first catches when I was little. (With plenty of help obviously from other fisher people, but it was ME who caught him!)

http://i1162.photobucket.com/albums/q526/katzentatzen79/Kindheid/IMG_0009_zpsda91d261.jpg (http://s1162.photobucket.com/user/katzentatzen79/media/Kindheid/IMG_0009_zpsda91d261.jpg.html)
what kind of shark is that? a lemon?

you South Africans are crazy!

biggest thing I ever caught was a bass or a catfish, LOL

01-30-2014, 07:40 PM
what kind of shark is that? a lemon?

It does look like that, doesn't it? I don't know what it was.

01-30-2014, 10:38 PM
Well I couldn´t really blame the natives (sentineles), I understand they dont want outsiders, maybe they live in paradise and I wouldn't get surprised they have a better standad of life than many of us: No nefarious news, no pollution no, economic crisis, no traffic jams, no lousy jobs, no stress, no bills to pay..etc, etc..:thumb001:

02-12-2014, 07:52 PM
No thanks, those places sound brutal...The Mumbai beach looks so nice with its garbage covered sand.

Prisoner Of Ice
02-12-2014, 08:09 PM
My late husband was a surfer and one of his friends was attacked in the water about 2m away from him. He said this monster just shot out of the water with his friend in its jaws. He said one would expect it to be quiet, but because of the enormous open mouth, the water, speed and this thing makes the most prehistoric scream one can imagine. He said it was one of the scariest things he has ever heard, this growling scream from millions of years ago. The friend survived but nearly lost his leg. He had over 500 stitches to get it all back together again. But that sound is bone chilling.

Sounds unpleasant.

We have great whites on west coast, but they can't swim in past the sand bars thankfully.

02-12-2014, 08:30 PM
In the Azores you can swim with sharks and be okay. (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?97225-Swimming-with-sharks-in-the-Azores)

Sure. :rolleyes:

Atlantic Islander
02-15-2014, 09:13 PM
Sure. :rolleyes:
