View Full Version : Straight From The Horse's Mouth - The so-called "Environmentalist" Movement

Sol Invictus
12-04-2009, 05:38 PM

“Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?”
- Maurice Strong, founder of the UN Environment Programme

“A massive campaign must be launched to de-develop the United States. De-development means bringing our
economic system into line with the realities of ecology and the world resource situation.”
- Paul Ehrlich, Professor of Population Studies

“The only hope for the world is to make sure there is not another United States. We can’t let other countries have the same number of cars, the amount of industrialization, we have in the US. We have to stop these Third World countries right where they are.”
- Michael Oppenheimer, Environmental Defense Fund

“Global Sustainability requires the deliberate quest of poverty, reduced resource consumption and set levels of mortality control.”
- Professor Maurice King

12-05-2009, 04:45 AM
I agree with all of the quotes you posted.

Would you please explain your stance on the environmentalism movement further?

Sol Invictus
12-05-2009, 11:07 AM
Would you please explain your stance on the environmentalism movement further?

Yeah, it's bullshit. Real concern for the planet has been hijacked by frauds.

And crooks whose conspiracy theories that humanity is the enemy is debunked.

I think they should be placed under arrest

And answer charges of treason and theft of millions.

12-06-2009, 03:19 AM
The problem with the so-called Green movement is the same with nearly all other movements - living in so-called democracies demands that just like any other party, the environmentalist parties had to be populist in order to spread their message.

It is for that reason that the first Green movements aligned themselves with advocates of human rights and the like, spawning movements such as Greenpeace etc. One of the consequences of this marriage is that the actions of Greenpeace become actions by which the movement is defined.

I personally believe that a Fascist council or government should reign over either a representative democracy or Swiss-model democracy, concerning itself only with issues relating to the environment and ecologism.

12-06-2009, 04:09 AM
Money-grubbers for the most part; being conscious of the needs of mother earth doesn't require huge tax and spend programs, cap-and-trade, wealth transfers to poor nations to help them fight "global warming" and so forth.

One of the above quotes mentioned the de-development of the U.S. All that this does is develop nations like China and India, places over which these morons have no influence and which, especially China, don't give two farts about American politically correct notions or globalist nonsense.

Sol Invictus
12-06-2009, 03:06 PM
The problem with the so-called Green movement is the same with nearly all other movements - living in so-called democracies demands that just like any other party, the environmentalist parties had to be populist in order to spread their message.

It is for that reason that the first Green movements aligned themselves with advocates of human rights and the like, spawning movements such as Greenpeace etc. One of the consequences of this marriage is that the actions of Greenpeace become actions by which the movement is defined.

I personally believe that a Fascist council or government should reign over either a representative democracy or Swiss-model democracy, concerning itself only with issues relating to the environment and ecologism.

Have fun with your fascism. Tell me when you make it to the concentration camps and how that's making out for you.

12-06-2009, 03:33 PM
I'll bet all those quotes were taken wildly out of context or from old undergraduate term papers. This appears to be the method used by the conspiracy to stop environmentalism by the crowd who seeks to make money off the destruction of the earth. They don't care because they believe that Jesus is coming back any day now. They know the world is full of what Lenin called 'useful idiots' who will take their soundbites and run with them.

That is not to say that environmentalists are innocent. That movement has been hijacked by new age freaks who scam donors with a few high profile lawsuits and go after soft targets like research scientists instead of the real culprits in industry and the military.

Sol Invictus
12-06-2009, 03:42 PM
I'll bet all those quotes were taken wildly out of context or from old undergraduate term papers.

I sincerely wish that is true.

12-06-2009, 04:28 PM
I really think that these environmentalist wack types (to use one of Mush Limbaugh's favorite terms) are deranged. They don't seem to have a clue as to how difficult it'd be to do what they want us to do, things like "kill" carbon emissions. Okay, we can "kill" manmade carbon emissions, but what about volcanic carbon emissions, which're or a far greater amount than anything people can put out? Maybe cap every volcano on earth and pray really hard to Vulcan?

As I've always said: follow the money. See who gets rich off of this nonsense: fatcats like Algore or Maurice Strong. They've got their millions, probably more stashed away someplace, but you get nothing except maybe a lost job or a wage slave replacement working at a place like where I work (Walmart, no complaints really, but when Walmart's the best around then something's wrong- especially in a town that used to have lots of big industry like Syracuse). People like this aren't even living in the same world as the rest of us- they haven't fooled us but they've fooled themselves.

12-06-2009, 04:51 PM
Smith - this might be an unsuitable place for you and I to discuss this, but I'm interested in your opinion on the following:

You and I know that 'Global Warming' is the means by which the NWO seeks to come into full effect. But my research (and the prescient vision laid out in Brave New World, for example) paints an image of a new world order populated by re-programmed worker drones. Why would the NWO wish to de-industrialise the world if their ambition is to rule over a global population whose labour brings the fruits for those few to enjoy?

Or does the NWO merely seek to de-industrialise the West thus redressing the balance globally so that there are no superpowers, only an even number of 'developing nations'?

12-06-2009, 05:05 PM
Without the west, new superpowers will rise to the fore. It's a simple thing to consider really, and I envision that China will be the leading superpower in a world without the west to counterbalance it. The chicoms are already showing that they've got few scruples as to preserving the environment- look at how they've gone about pillaging the resources in Africa. Unlike the western powers, the Chinese won't do it in a half-assed fashion- it'll be done with a hive-minded mentality and the purloined resources will all be of benefit to the Chinese state rather than private industrial concerns. This'll put money into the hands of not the African natives themselves, but into the hands of their inept and thuggish leaders, and the Chinese'll scamper off with all that they need.

I can't understand it, really. How can these enviro asshats think that countries like China'll play nice and abide by doctrines that they don't care about? It's like asking Fenris not to bite down on Tyr's hand- and China is very hungry wolf these days.

Sol Invictus
12-06-2009, 05:07 PM
Smith - this might be an unsuitable place for you and I to discuss this, but I'm interested in your opinion on the following:

No better place I think!

Why would the NWO wish to de-industrialise the world if their ambition is to rule over a global population whose labour brings the fruits for those few to enjoy?

Well according to Rockefeller's own words, he said, if I remember correctly, that each part of the world will have it's specific 'specialties' and each will play it's part in the NWO. Wealth is to be transferred out of the United States, and it would be completely de-industrialized and instead become a centre for agriculture among other things while gradually weening us off of National Allegience like we see today in the Bilderberg Group's EU.

12-07-2009, 05:03 AM
Without the west, new superpowers will rise to the fore. It's a simple thing to consider really, and I envision that China will be the leading superpower in a world without the west to counterbalance it. The chicoms are already showing that they've got few scruples as to preserving the environment- look at how they've gone about pillaging the resources in Africa. Unlike the western powers, the Chinese won't do it in a half-assed fashion- it'll be done with a hive-minded mentality and the purloined resources will all be of benefit to the Chinese state rather than private industrial concerns. This'll put money into the hands of not the African natives themselves, but into the hands of their inept and thuggish leaders, and the Chinese'll scamper off with all that they need.

I can't understand it, really. How can these enviro asshats think that countries like China'll play nice and abide by doctrines that they don't care about? It's like asking Fenris not to bite down on Tyr's hand- and China is very hungry wolf these days.

But they're not 'right wing racist government hating white people' so it's all good

12-07-2009, 05:12 AM
No, the chicoms are far worse- unless they somehow can prove to be a strong bulwark against the globalists, Islamists, etc. In this case, I'll sing the praises of chairman Mao and Qin Shihuang, which'd be God's own irony.

China has always stood for China, not the Jews, not the Christians, not the Muslims, but Zhongguo. The Middle Kingdom, despite presently being a supposed communist state, might very well prove to be a powerful enemy of the very socio-political elites that the white nationalists have come to despise. Or I might be wrong; who knows- the majority of what's reported about China in the U.S. comes via state-controlled media, but I've known Chinese citizens who don't possess any biases for white Americans and western ideals. Rather, it seems they want to co-operate (co-operation is a strong trait in Chinese society, going back thousands of years before the reds took over).

12-08-2009, 08:21 PM
Have fun with your fascism. Tell me when you make it to the concentration camps and how that's making out for you.

Democratically elected regimes or similar cannot and will not ever be of benefit to the environment.

A non-anthropocentric authoritarian regime reigning above ad democratically elected government would be ideal. The authoritarian eco-centric regime having no power to dispose of people, but rather to impose enviro-friendly restrictions upon the populace where deemed necessary.

The sooner people realize this, the better.

12-08-2009, 11:39 PM
Most of this humanity-hating environmentalist nuttiness is simply grotesque. If all alarmist predictions of the environmentalist nutters from the sixties had come true, by now there wouldn't be world as we know it. Starting with the preposterous myth of over-population, to that of complete pollution of the biosphere etc.

Serious protection of nature against pollution has absolutely nothing to do with this kind of ideology, the green movement, which sustains itself either through the sheer stupidity of the bulk of its followers (usually "concerned" people, mostly middle class people with some formal education, but with no critical spirit), or by sentimental moralizing of some ("species are disappearing due to the activity of evil humanity...", blahblah), or through some hidden agenda of its top leaders.

What Loddfafner said about some Jeebus freaks (pseudo-Christian fundies) who use the stupidity of the green movement to favour some causes of their own, equally insane as those of the eco-nutters, is mostly true, but it doesn't subtract anything from the insanity of the mainstream "environmentalism".