View Full Version : I'm Mad As Hell And I Won't Take This Anymore

Sol Invictus
12-08-2009, 05:11 AM

12-08-2009, 06:21 AM
Glenn Beck's been doing a live daily impersonation of Howard Beale since he moved to FNC. :laugh:

Sol Invictus
12-08-2009, 06:28 AM
Naw man.. Alex Jones beats Glenn Beck anyday

Alex Jones scares me.. :laugh:

Starts at 3 mins 45 seconds :D


12-08-2009, 06:34 AM
Naw man.. Alex Jones beats Glenn Beck anyday

Alex Jones scares me.. :laugh:

That was quite a little explosion :eek: Except I believe Alex Jones believes what he says. Or most of it, anyway. Glenn, to me, really is just doing an entertainment show centered around some serious issues.

AJ has a very valuable underlying message which is that people should care what is true and should check their priorities. It's enough for me to overlook what seem like the natural frustrations one feels when he's so emotionally invested in what he does.

p.s. on topic: Network was an awesome movie and still largely holds true to this day.