View Full Version : Sex in the ancient world

02-13-2014, 10:16 AM




02-13-2014, 10:19 AM
The fucked but where not as fucked up about it as now.
I am totally getting fed up about sex in every fucking media.

02-13-2014, 10:21 AM

02-13-2014, 10:22 AM
The fucked but where not as fucked up about it as now.
I am totally getting fed up about sex in every fucking media.

why? you dont like sex?

its the sexuality thread, DUH!

Taiga Lake
02-13-2014, 10:32 AM
I'm not even going to watch these because i already know these are just some Jew propaganda documentaries to make ancient Europeans look like degenerates.

02-13-2014, 10:35 AM
I'm not even going to watch these because i already know these are just some Jew propaganda documentaries to make ancient Europeans look like degenerates.:lame: :confused:

Taiga Lake
02-13-2014, 10:37 AM
I just had to be assburger, sorry. :D

02-13-2014, 10:48 AM
Why do people put their Judeo-Christian/Abrahamic ideas of morality on Pagan/other time periods and societies?


02-13-2014, 10:51 AM
why? you dont like sex?

its the sexuality thread, DUH!

Constantly thinking about sex is for teens, retarded and Africans.

02-13-2014, 10:58 AM

02-13-2014, 11:01 AM

02-13-2014, 11:34 AM
:picard1:Constantly thinking about sex is for teens, retarded and Africans.:rolleyes2:

sounds like someone hasnt got laid in a LONG time :eek:

02-13-2014, 11:42 AM
sounds like someone hasnt got laid in a LONG time :eek:

I think it works the opposite..

02-13-2014, 11:50 AM
I think it works the opposite..:lame:
right.....and thats why you're sounding so uptight about a post discussing sex, for no reason??????:rolleyes2:

02-13-2014, 11:51 AM
Looks like they had fun. :P

02-13-2014, 11:55 AM
Looks like they had fun. :P
when in Rome.........or Pompeii, in this case.

02-13-2014, 11:57 AM
Looks like they had fun. :P

Eyup.....but don't think it was all consensual between men and women.A lot of females were forced into sex slavery.....consent/ no consent....it's a load of rubbish...

02-17-2014, 04:57 PM


Fascinating :)

02-17-2014, 05:01 PM
I'm not even going to watch these because i already know these are just some Jew propaganda documentaries to make ancient Europeans look like degenerates.

Well we sure weren't.

Ancient Roman, Greeks? maybe.

02-17-2014, 05:01 PM

02-17-2014, 05:02 PM
Why do people put their Judeo-Christian/Abrahamic ideas of morality on Pagan/other time periods and societies?


The way I see it, one of the major flaws of Abrahamism is to put too much shame on one of the most natural aspects of life. Sexuality. I wish it stayed and died a silent death in the desert from whence it came from.

02-17-2014, 05:04 PM
People really study this?

02-17-2014, 05:05 PM
Our religious society (both Christian and Muslim) has been demonizing sex for thousands of years. It's about time we get out of that mindset. Humans are meant to enjoy sex :)

02-17-2014, 05:08 PM
Our religious society (both Christian and Muslim) has been demonizing sex for thousands of years. It's about time we get out of that mindset. Humans are meant to enjoy sex :)

And religious Abrahamists often think this is not a serious statement, so brainwashed are they into thinking their prudish mindset is the only right and 'normal' one. It's in fact one of the main reasons the desert religions (as I pejoratively call them) are so oppressive.

Beit El
02-17-2014, 05:18 PM
The Germanics were extremely monogamous and believed in virgin marriage. Just saying.

02-17-2014, 05:19 PM
Our religious society (both Christian and Muslim) has been demonizing sex for thousands of years. It's about time we get out of that mindset. Humans are meant to enjoy sex :)

With bonobo chimps, sex is used as a way of ensuring group cohesion, and to reinforce hierarchies.
Sex becomes a stress reliever and a way of showing dominance without the use of force.
We can see the same mechanisms present in modern day societies.

In the Bonobo do we not see western cultural trends?

02-17-2014, 05:21 PM
The Germanics were extremely monogamous and believed in virgin marriage. Just saying.

Also in burying their dead instead of cremating (which the Romans did). I have no problem 'admitting' the Romans were more advanced, even they were still backward to modern standards (the Romans were very patriarchal and misogynistic). Of all the ancient peoples I prefer the Celts, even though I might have a romantic picture of them as well I guess.

02-17-2014, 05:23 PM
In the Bonobo do we not see western cultural trends?

Primates get joy out of sex as well, true. Well, I would even say Islam also acknowledges this urge, but even that religion sets too many limits on it and tends to enforce it rather draconically (their religious fanatics harassing young unmarried couples for instance; modern jews and christians are more flexible in this). In Islam it's allowed to masturbate, unlike in Christianity or Judaism for instance.

Well I have more criticism about Islam and in its current state it's still the worst out of the three major Abrahamic religions by far nonetheless because of its iron grip over its people.

Beit El
02-17-2014, 05:24 PM
Also in burying their dead instead of cremating (which the Romans did). I have no problem 'admitting' the Romans were more advanced, even they were still backward to modern standards (the Romans were very patriarchal and misogynistic). Of all the ancient peoples I prefer the Celts, even though I might have a romantic picture of them as well I guess.

Yes, but the tribals had more 'virtuous' lives. I guess a good way to compare the differences in mentality and way of life in modern context is to compare people from urban areas to Romans and rural areas to Germanics.

02-17-2014, 05:30 PM
I have no problem 'admitting' the Romans were more advanced, even they were still backward to modern standards (the Romans were very patriarchal and misogynistic).

"patriarchy" wasn't invented by man but is instead a direct product of natural selection as it was incorporated within social norms. I know you've been programmed to think some of these ideas as "bad" "evil" or "backward", but they are not, they are useful.

02-17-2014, 05:31 PM
"patriarchy" wasn't invented by man but is instead a direct product of natural selection as it was incorporated within social norms. I know you've been programmed to think some of these ideas as "bad" "evil" or "backward", but they are not, they are useful.

In Roman society women were basically the possession of their husbands. I personally am not a fan of that. In my opinion women have a right to be as self-sustaining as they please. I don't care if you think I'm a product of brainwashing to think like that. We probably have little in common morality-wise anyway.

02-17-2014, 05:41 PM
Sex in Pompeii was so hot that even Mount Vesuvius had an orgasm!


02-17-2014, 05:41 PM
In Roman society women were basically the possession of their husbands. I personally am not a fan of that. In my opinion women have a right to be as self-sustaining as they please. I don't care if you think I'm a product of brainwashing to think like that. We probably have little in common morality-wise anyway.

Okay, now reflect upon why Patriarchy/Paternalism was necessary, beyond your liberal, progressive, idealistic viewpoints. Then reflect upon why it was even possible.

The answer is the same as the answer to this:

Why did the white man manage to enslave blacks or how did he manage to kill off natives so easily?
Were white men more evil or more violent?

For instance, it isn't illogical to say that Christianity, like many other religions, that preached love, compassion, tolerance brotherhood, the loss of self (selflessness , even if it is impossible) was a reaction to existing environmental conditions that necessitated this adaptation. There is no transcendental goodness here or some progressive ascension into enlightenment, there is only necessity and adaptation....

02-17-2014, 05:46 PM
Okay, now reflect upon why Patriarchy/Paternalism was necessary, beyond your liberal, progressive, idealistic viewpoints. Then reflect upon why it was even possible.

I'm not really condemning the Romans over this (they're too ancient for that and we have actually little to learn from them as modern humans who are superior to them in every way possible). I'm just not a fan of that mentality in our current day and era. I think people underestimate how developed we are today.
Also, it is a question whether it was needed back then indeed. Less patriarchal is known to have existed back then (Celts for instance).

02-17-2014, 06:15 PM
I'm not really condemning the Romans over this (they're too ancient for that and we have actually little to learn from them as modern humans who are superior to them in every way possible). I'm just not a fan of that mentality in our current day and era. I think people underestimate how developed we are today.
Also, it is a question whether it was needed back then indeed. Less patriarchal is known to have existed back then (Celts for instance).

By "developed" you mean Reasoning based on self-interest and seeking emotional self-serving motives behind all opinions? Then Yes.

Just because something is modern, doesn't make it automatically superior to the past. Just because something is considered "progressive", and accepted as the norm, doesn't make it "transcendental" "eternal" or "holy".

I think this subject of Patriarchy deserves its own thread...

02-17-2014, 06:22 PM
By "developed" you mean Reasoning based on self-interest and seeking emotional self-serving motives behind all opinions? Then Yes

Talk about a strawman. As if in the past there wasn't (if not more) of egocentric behaviour of humans or that societal cohesion doesn't exist today (it actually does). And yes, the Romans lived in a far more brutal time and had an average lifespan of 30 years. Life was also cheaper in the Roman empire and their economy had to run on slavery (40% of the population; better not be a salt miner or your life might have been particularly short; though this was out of necessity during the era). There is little need to romanticize them is all.

02-17-2014, 06:24 PM
Talk about a strawman. As if in the past there wasn't (if not more) of egocentric behaviour of humans or that societal cohesion doesn't exist today (it actually does).

Oh, you are so cute........

02-17-2014, 06:26 PM
Oh, you are so cute........


02-17-2014, 06:28 PM
Also in burying their dead instead of cremating (which the Romans did). I have no problem 'admitting' the Romans were more advanced, even they were still backward to modern standards (the Romans were very patriarchal and misogynistic). Of all the ancient peoples I prefer the Celts, even though I might have a romantic picture of them as well I guess.


Also just because they had less doesn't mean they were inferior. I'm sure the Celts/Germanics thought as much about their culture as the Romans.

Its also not hard to be advanced when you practically ripped your knowledge and culture from several other cultures, just saying. Even our own country did that with the brain drain of Germany, Russia, and several other countries. We are as technologically advanced as we are now because we set ourselves up as a nation of entrepreneurs. When you have a constant flow of great minds coming in the nation ofcourse you will produce more than everyone else.

02-17-2014, 07:03 PM
I think it's sad. All of those slaves and women forced into prostitution against their will.

Its actually sad for all the women of that society. Even the upper class wives could legally and easily be killed by their husband-head of the household just for any reason he wished with no consequences.

even if she did commit adultery or something is not enough that she should be killed for it or anything.
The slaves are the saddest part though. It seems on some level they may have been better off dead.

02-17-2014, 07:07 PM
Sex in Pompeii was so hot that even Mount Vesuvius had an orgasm!

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/00/Joseph_Wright_of_Derby_-_Vesuvius_from_Portici.jpg/735px-Joseph_Wright_of_Derby_-_Vesuvius_from_Portici.jpg so what does it take to make you just explode!! like that, My Queen?

02-17-2014, 07:20 PM
so what does it take to make you just explode!! like that, My Queen?

:taped-shut: ;)

02-17-2014, 07:26 PM
People really study this?
Yes. Why not? :coffee:

02-17-2014, 07:27 PM
More about Pompeii and Rome







02-17-2014, 07:28 PM
(^ nothing is changed after 1900 years, lol)

02-17-2014, 07:43 PM
Love the cunnilingus picture. The thing that I find most disturbing is the statue of Pan screwing a goat.

Edit: anyone else notice that the men in those pictures all have a darker skin color?

02-17-2014, 07:44 PM
(^ nothing is changed after 1900 years, lol)
The fact that whoremongering is frowned upon is the product of our puritanical attitudes toward sexuality that have come about due to Abrahamism. In the ancient world, men were expected to consort with whores. In ancient India, the genteel townsman had an entourage of courtesans, and it was expected that a man would visit a prostitute on the start of any new endeavor including traveling. We like to think of ourselves in the modern era as so sexually liberated, but for the average man to be truly knowledgeable in sexual matters he is basically forced by society to consort with whores. There is a book called "Psychopathia Sexualis" written in the 19th century by a psychologist detailing various fetishes of his clients. He says 'Like so many of my clients before him, he found out how to achieve climax incorporating his fetishes into intercourse by consorting with hookers.' Well, Doc. No shit. What was he supposed to do? Go down to his local public house and convince a chick to experiment with him? All the ladies were/are under their fathers' thumbs, if not bodily, then in their minds.

Fun Fact. Dominatrices charged more for their services than regular hookers even in ancient Roman times.

02-17-2014, 07:56 PM
Yes, but the tribals had more 'virtuous' lives. I guess a good way to compare the differences in mentality and way of life in modern context is to compare people from urban areas to Romans and rural areas to Germanics.

Not bad comparison, often think the same. Basically all the urban degenaration is Latin/Greek in origin, they got it from the middle-east.
The traditional European cultures are warrior cultures centered on family, loyalty, virtue and good morals, originally also for Romans but they lost these values.
For Roman writers this was a re-accuring theme, they knew it would be their doom in the end.
Not willing to fight, every man a warrior, they ended up as fat and weak perverts conquered by men that where their total opposite.
Naturally the Latin ways have spread to this day and most are fat and weak perverts, we need to go back to the traditional European values to survive in the future.

02-17-2014, 08:49 PM
Edit: anyone else notice that the men in those pictures all have a darker skin color?

Pompeii is in southern Italy, the Utimate Swarthyland, don't you know...?

Seriously, Pompeii was a porto franco with merchant caravans/fleets from all the Med Sea and even from germanic Europe and ancient Persia and India.
They were the main ''bitch users'' in the roman ports...maybe the guy portrait was from the Neas East.

Beit El
02-17-2014, 08:58 PM
Not bad comparison, often think the same. Basically all the urban degenaration is Latin/Greek in origin, they got it from the middle-east.
The traditional European cultures are warrior cultures centered on family, loyalty, virtue and good morals, originally also for Romans but they lost these values.
For Roman writers this was a re-accuring theme, they knew it would be their doom in the end.
Not willing to fight, every man a warrior, they ended up as fat and weak perverts conquered by men that where their total opposite.
Naturally the Latin ways have spread to this day and most are fat and weak perverts, we need to go back to the traditional European values to survive in the future.

This is exactly my train of thought. We are at the brink of collapse just like the Roman Empire once was, I don't give Europe more than a century before it all goes to hell.

02-17-2014, 09:46 PM
Depends on what one sees as the cause. I think Europe would rather fall to a resurgence of authoritarianism of some kind (specifically in Europe it would either be more political correctness, fascism or religious fundamentalism). Tolerance shouldn't be a gateway to succumbing to weakness, enemies of tolerance probably will always confuse it with weakness.
One thing. Did the Roman Empire really collapse due to hedonism? Last time I checked they were becoming increasingly christian when they collapsed or even started collapsing, but sadly for them it was impossible to run such a vast empire (which never was meant to last forever anyway).

Population doesn't have to increase (there is a limit, though admittedly Europeans is far from being at its capacity still), but a decline shouldn't be too severe neither (which isn't really the case IMO). More Europeans are procreating as of last decade though, but still far from like they did during the babyboom era (nothing we need, but it would't harm us neither).

02-17-2014, 09:58 PM
Not bad comparison, often think the same. Basically all the urban degenaration is Latin/Greek in origin, they got it from the middle-east.
The traditional European cultures are warrior cultures centered on family, loyalty, virtue and good morals, originally also for Romans but they lost these values.
For Roman writers this was a re-accuring theme, they knew it would be their doom in the end.
Not willing to fight, every man a warrior, they ended up as fat and weak perverts conquered by men that where their total opposite.
Naturally the Latin ways have spread to this day and most are fat and weak perverts, we need to go back to the traditional European values to survive in the future.

'Good morals' is too vague. I think Western society already has good morals, and the least hypocritical you'd find in the world. Obnoxious mentality also gets rightly criticized in the West (example, extreme materialist Black Friday participants were rightly shunned). People are just too blind in their romanticism about more harsher times they themselves are lucky to not have lived in.

It's easy to speak about 'decadence' because people are not controlling every aspect of other people's lives. This while most of the hypocrisy is found in the most conservative countries, and human life is valued the least there to boot because society exists of zombies who just follow their draconic rules with no reasoning (i.e. Saudi woman gets lashed for being raped, society defends it out of fear; compare that with Westerners disagreeing with everything their government does).

02-17-2014, 11:58 PM
Can you imagine the intense bushes women had....damn I do not envy my ancestors for that part..

02-18-2014, 05:58 AM
More about Pompeii and Rome


this is my favorite here, only because it's what i like to do first EVERY single time:thumb001:

munch munch munch

02-18-2014, 06:01 AM
Can you imagine the intense bushes women had....damn I do not envy my ancestors for that part..

in some of these frescos they have little pubic hair

Cant say for sure but, they DID have razors back then too, so......:confused:

02-18-2014, 06:11 AM
Abrahamic religions in particular Christianity operate with the logic that we are all born out of sin ( sex) so in order to be saved you have accept the holy trinity , etc.
So the denial of sexuality is needed to accept God which IMO is flawed.

In Eastern religions, there is respect for sex as the whole world is existing because of sex energy, the interaction between male and female energies, the ying and the yang.
Sex is a dichotomy it can be lustful and vulgar one end but it can be powerful and divine on the other end. Certain religions focus on negative aspects of sexuality but forget the much greater aspect of it ,
the pleasure it gives and the creation and power which is born out of it.

02-18-2014, 06:24 AM
Abrahamic religions in particular Christianity operate with the logic that we are all born out of sin ( sex) so in order to be saved you have accept the holy trinity , etc.
So the denial of sexuality is needed to accept God which IMO is flawed.

In Eastern religions, there is respect for sex as the whole world is existing because of sex energy, the interaction between male and female energies, the ying and the yang.
Sex is a dichotomy it can be lustful and vulgar one end but it can be powerful and divine on the other end. Certain religions focus on negative aspects of sexuality but forget the much greater aspect of it ,
the pleasure it gives and the creation and power which is born out of it.

Some of those Taoist philosophers were major pervs, and it was all part of their search for truth.

Fear Fiain
02-18-2014, 06:36 AM
The fucked but where not as fucked up about it as now.
I am totally getting fed up about sex in every fucking media.

gotta keep the slaves distracted from the looting and mass immigration, don't want a goy revolt

02-18-2014, 09:08 AM
in some of these frescos they have little pubic hair

Cant say for sure but, they DID have razors back then too, so......:confused:

I think they shaved back then as well. Well, personally I'm for full natural bushes anyway.

02-18-2014, 10:39 AM
Ewww.. sex..

02-18-2014, 01:40 PM
Ewww.. sex.. :laugh:

yes. Just dont let the Christians know about it....

02-10-2018, 10:30 PM