View Full Version : Armenoid, Dinarid, & Keltonordid (and more)

02-15-2014, 01:04 AM
I am trying to figure this all out still and just wondering how you guys see Armenoid VS Dinarid VS Keltonordid... I see Keltonordid VERY far from the other two mentioned due to the fact that they are never described as "brachy" and have completely different heads, just a similar nose. It is not like they are Norids, which are much like Dinarids, but according to most sources, Nordid admixed. Makes perfect sense, no? Some seem to consider it a Nordid while others consider it to be a Dinarid subtype. I'd say it is BOTH really.

Anyways here is what I have so far. Agree? Disagree? Feel free to criticize and upload your own opinion in the form of a picture like this:


02-15-2014, 01:12 AM
Anyone have similar scribblings that they use to determine? Or... examples from books even? My experience is that the profiles vary way too much, even in books written by classic anthropologists. For instance: Armenoid is a term used WAY too often... When in reality someone who is "Armenoid" is only partially armenoid but also plain med watering down the armenoid. Have you guys not seen pure armenoids? Freaky. Makes Be-Real look Alpinid. ;)

02-15-2014, 04:06 PM

12-09-2021, 03:56 AM
To me honestly, Keltonordid (some varieties of it) seems like an intermediate phenotype between Arabid and Baltid (a brachycephalic Europid subtype).

Keltonordid (or Keltic Nordid) is just an umbrella term for North Atlantid (a Nordid-Mediterranid blend) with some Dinarid and Alpinid influence. Kelto Nordids themselves don't really have anything to do with Armenoids but they're closer to Dinarids since they both share Baskid (Alpine-Med with Dinaric and Nordic influence) features. The only things those three phenotypes have in common is their convex nose shape.