View Full Version : Classify blond Egyptian mummies.

02-15-2014, 02:38 AM
~1440 B.C.
http://i984.photobucket.com/albums/ae321/sharkeatpeople/1475939_10200946552413818_1321440890_n_zps3956e289 .jpg

02-15-2014, 02:39 AM
The first guy isn't naturally blonde, his hair was dyed, and he supposedly came from the Near East, possibly Anatolia. His wife was a native Egyptian, but i'm not sure how to classify them.

02-15-2014, 02:44 AM
The first guy isn't naturally blonde, his hair was dyed, and he supposedly came from the Near East, possibly Anatolia. His wife was a native Egyptian, but i'm not sure how to classify them.

it's Tia parents,she was wife Amenhotep III.

02-15-2014, 06:26 AM
Not blond any of them. Blond hair did not exist among ancient Egyptians (except perhaps in children). Hair in mummies routinely becomes blond following desiccation (see also "blond" Amerindian mummies from Peru).

Prisoner Of Ice
02-15-2014, 06:34 AM
One on right is caucasoid and looks ethiopian. One on left looks fairly negroid, but it's hard to tell without proper angle and clear pics, though.

Some hair can be dyed but a lot of it really is red or blonde. It can be chemically tested.

02-15-2014, 06:57 AM
it's Tia parents,she was wife Amenhotep III.

She is Tia:

Tia was daughter of Seti I and Queen Tuya. He is Seti I:

She is Tiye:
(she is Ethiopid+Nilotid+Caucasoid mix)

Her father was Yuya and Tuya:
(similar Ethiopid+Nilotid+Caucasoid mix)

Some very close Negroid, mostly Ethiopid+something mixture to this family:

02-15-2014, 07:04 AM
She is Tia:

Tia was daughter of Seti I and Queen Tuya. He is Seti I:

She is Tiye:
(she is Ethiopid+Nilotid+Caucasoid mix)

Her father was Yuya and Tuya:
(similar Ethiopid+Nilotid+Caucasoid mix)

Some very close Negroid, mostly Ethiopid+something mixture to this family:

How would you classify Ramses II?




Prisoner Of Ice
02-15-2014, 07:07 AM
Yes the female looks ethiopian, but the hair shows no trace of curl. I bet if they sequence her she has much less SSA than modern ethiopian.

02-15-2014, 07:35 AM
How would you classify Ramses II?

Basically Arabid.

02-15-2014, 07:46 AM

He is half South Indian half Sri Lankan :picard1:

02-15-2014, 08:51 AM
He is half South Indian half Sri Lankan :picard1:

He is basically a Mediterranid (Arabid, etc.) mix with Negroids. Here is an Oromo guy for example:


But I am not surprised if Asian. Indian ocean slave trade for example. And the Veddoids are the continuation of the East African races, so the result of the mixing will be similar because of this.

02-15-2014, 02:12 PM
~1440 B.C.
http://i984.photobucket.com/albums/ae321/sharkeatpeople/1475939_10200946552413818_1321440890_n_zps3956e289 .jpg


it's the same,but colour photo of this, are you blind?

02-15-2014, 02:17 PM
it's Tia parents,she was wife Amenhotep III.

She is Tia:

Tia was daughter of Seti I and Queen Tuya. He is Seti I:

She is Tiye:

(she is Ethiopid+Nilotid+Caucasoid mix)

Her father was Yuya and Tuya:

(similar Ethiopid+Nilotid+Caucasoid mix)

Some very close Negroid, mostly Ethiopid+something mixture to this family:

frame-up from blogen.

02-15-2014, 02:26 PM
Amazing that the bodies have been preserved for so long, just fascinating to look at and just to think what that person experienced and saw.

The King, I am
02-15-2014, 02:29 PM
Basically Arabid.

He was a Berber, your an amazing classifier

02-15-2014, 02:31 PM
Probably Berberid :thumb001:

02-15-2014, 02:41 PM
He was a Berber, your an amazing classifier

He is Arabid, not Berberid.

02-15-2014, 02:43 PM
He is Arabid, not Berberid.

Blond Arabid in Ancient egypt yeah of course.

02-15-2014, 02:45 PM
Blond Arabid in Ancient egypt yeah of course.

Ramses was red haired, but Arabid racially. You can see the same thing in some Jews today even.

The King, I am
02-15-2014, 02:51 PM
He is Arabid, not Berberid.

He was a Berber and he is Berberid

02-15-2014, 02:53 PM
He was a Berber

Source? I've read both Libyan Berber, and Lower Egyptian.

and he is Berberid

No, you just don't know how to classify.

02-15-2014, 02:53 PM
Berbers in Egypt? keep dreaming. Apart from the recorded and well-known Libyan dynasties, Berbers have nothing to do with Egypt.
There is a genetical gap that was found a few years ago by scientists by looking at the mtdna landscape between Libya (part of Northwest Africa) and the Nile Valley. The Sahara desert played a role in isolating Egyptians from Berbers.

Back to the topic, I have the feeling the royal families aren't representative of the native population.

02-15-2014, 02:54 PM
Berbers in Egypt? keep dreaming. Apart from the recorded and well-known Libyan dynasties, Berbers have nothing to do with Egypt.
There is a genetical gap that was found a few years ago by scientists by looking at the mtdna landscape between Libya (part of Northwest Africa) and the Nile Valley. The Sahara desert played a role in isolating Egyptians from Berbers.

Back to the topic, I have the feeling the royal families aren't representative of the native population.

In what ways? What do you think the native population would have looked liked?

02-15-2014, 02:55 PM
Ramses was red haired, but Arabid racially. You can see the same thing in some Jews today even.

You don't understand that the entry of Arabid elements in Egypt is very recent. ancient Egyptian were closer to Berber with a some Ethiopians and Nubians entry., they were a continuum between Northwest africans and East africans. then Blondism were taken from the Berberid UP.

02-15-2014, 02:58 PM
You don't understand that the entry of Arabid elements in Egypt is very recent.

Not true. the invading Arabs in the middle ages had almost no effect on the Egyptian population, and thousands of years before that, Arabid elements came into Egypt with both the Afroasiatics, and later the Hyksos.

The King, I am
02-15-2014, 02:59 PM
Source? I've read both Libyan Berber, and Lower Egyptian.

He was a Libyan Berber, this is a fact, please don't dispute a fact

02-15-2014, 02:59 PM
He was a Libyan Berber, this is a fact, please don't dispute a fact

Give me proof.

02-15-2014, 03:00 PM
Berbers in Egypt? keep dreaming. Apart from the recorded and well-known Libyan dynasties, Berbers have nothing to do with Egypt.
There is a genetical gap that was found a few years ago by scientists by looking at the mtdna landscape between Libya (part of Northwest Africa) and the Nile Valley. The Sahara desert played a role in isolating Egyptians from Berbers.

Back to the topic, I have the feeling the royal families aren't representative of the native population.

Sheshonk don't approve your words.

02-15-2014, 03:02 PM
How would you classify Ramses II?




I think they dyed their hair(Ramses were red hair,mumies dead ours hair) in blond to look like Turanid. :)

02-15-2014, 03:03 PM
Ramses was red haired, but Arabid racially. You can see the same thing in some Jews today even.

Jews are europeans ;)

02-15-2014, 03:04 PM
In what ways? What do you think the native population would have looked liked?

Just look at European Royals, they all have mixed ancestries and are related to almost all other royals of the pseudo-continent. I think Egyptian royals might have been of mixed ancestry in some cases, including Libyan, Near Eastern and Nubian elements (not necessarily at the same time).

Native Egyptians probably looked like modern Egyptians except in predynastic Upper Egypt where they were between modern Horners and modern Egyptians in their skull measurements. That's what we see in the skull analysis in Brace et al. .

Sheshonk don't approve your words.

Sheshonq = foreign Libyan dynasty that conquered Egypt at some point. The mummies of the thread have nothing to do with the Libyans.

The King, I am
02-15-2014, 03:05 PM
Give me proof.


02-15-2014, 03:05 PM
You don't understand that the entry of Arabid elements in Egypt is very recent. ancient Egyptian were closer to Berber with a some Ethiopians and Nubians entry., they were a continuum between Northwest africans and East africans. then Blondism were taken from the Berberid UP.


02-15-2014, 03:06 PM


02-15-2014, 03:06 PM

Just give me a source if there really is one.

02-15-2014, 03:08 PM
Very difficult, but they look east med, armenoid or arabid

02-15-2014, 03:09 PM

Actual egyptians :)

02-15-2014, 03:09 PM
He is Arabid, not Berberid.

agree,his skull is so long and dolicho for Berberid, and facial profile don't looks Berberid.

02-15-2014, 03:10 PM
Actual egyptians :)

Can you show a source where they write that Ramses was a Libyan Berber?

02-15-2014, 03:10 PM
Actual egyptians :)
it's clear...it's not argument.

02-15-2014, 03:11 PM
How would you classify Ramses II?




02-15-2014, 03:12 PM

face too short for Ramses.

02-15-2014, 03:15 PM
Can you show a source where they write that Ramses was a Libyan Berber?

ancient sources are so poor.
Moses story for example :cool:

02-15-2014, 03:16 PM
ancient sources are so poor.
Moses story for example :cool:
it's also not argument.

02-15-2014, 03:17 PM
ancient sources are so poor.
Moses story for example :cool:

look at this mummies

02-15-2014, 03:18 PM
Tooth analysis clearly distinguishes Egyptians/Caucasoid Nubians from Berbers/Carthaginians (and from negroid-like Nubians = Soleb):


The King, I am
02-15-2014, 03:19 PM
Just give me a source if there really is one.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Berber_people <===== find anyone familiar ??

02-15-2014, 03:19 PM
look at this mummies

Do you really think that ancient egyptians were nordid :picard2:

02-15-2014, 03:19 PM
Hair in mummies routinely becomes blond following desiccation. Explain and/or give a source? How does desiccation change the colour of hair?

02-15-2014, 03:21 PM
Yes, lets classify faces that have degraded muscles, dried out skin and that are so distorted its impossible to tell their original phenotypes. All so someone who doesn't know what their doing can come along and say they are in some way Europoid so some Eurocentrist on here can get a hard on and claim Egypt.

02-15-2014, 03:21 PM
Do you really think that ancient egyptians were nordid :picard2:

yes,just classify their.especially N1.and second N2 were or have light nothern CM in his type for sure(as part of his type).

02-15-2014, 03:22 PM
Yes, lets classify faces that have degraded muscles, dried out skin and that are so distorted its impossible to tell their original phenotypes. All so we someone who doesn't know what their doing can come along and say they are in some way Europoid so some Eurocentrist on here can get a hard on and claim Egypt.

Lmao :lol:

02-15-2014, 03:26 PM
Yes, lets classify faces that have degraded muscles, dried out skin and that are so distorted its impossible to tell their original phenotypes. All so someone who doesn't know what their doing can come along and say they are in some way Europoid so some Eurocentrist on here can get a hard on and claim Egypt.

It's not entirely impossible, but very difficult? Yes.

02-15-2014, 03:29 PM
It's not entirely impossible, but very difficult? Yes.

Impossible to be 100% accurate, yes.

02-15-2014, 03:30 PM
Impossible to be 100% accurate, yes.

Well of course, to be 100% accurate requires knowing things we obviously don't. But we can however get very close to what they would have looked like, that's why facial reconstructions exist.

02-15-2014, 03:31 PM
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Berber_people <===== find anyone familiar ??

in any case his phenotype not Berberid,and wiki is free source,
there you can write anything.

Emmanuel Goldstein
02-15-2014, 03:31 PM
Actual egyptians :)

Stupid berber caveman. Can you shut the fuck up already?

02-15-2014, 03:34 PM
yes,just classify their.especially N1.and second N2 were or have light nothern CM in his type for sure(as part of his type).

Afalou killed a lot of mythes: one of them, nordic element in ancient egypt.
CM don't mean nordic.
the original north african cm were brown haired with some blonds. :thumb001:

02-15-2014, 03:35 PM
Well of course, to be 100% accurate requires knowing things we obviously don't. But we can however get very close to what they would have looked like, that's why facial reconstructions exist.

Facial reconstructions are based on standards like human skin density, muscle placement, skin pigmentation, etc. All which depend on supposed race, which depending on which facial reconstructionists use, will change the results. So it's bias.

02-15-2014, 03:36 PM

Princess Nsikhonsu seems interesting

02-15-2014, 03:37 PM
Afalou killed a lot of mythes: one of them, nordic element in ancient egypt.
CM don't mean nordic.
the original north african cm were brown haired with some blonds. :thumb001:

Afalou killed a lot of mythes: one of them, nordic element in ancient egypt.
rather it's mythes

the original north african cm were brown haired with some blonds.
you can see the opposite in my previous link.

CM don't mean nordic.
nothern CM,and first mummie in link +Nordid for sure.

02-15-2014, 03:38 PM
In what ways? What do you think the native population would have looked liked?

Just look at European Royals, they all have mixed ancestries and are related to almost all other royals of the pseudo-continent. I think Egyptian royals might have been of mixed ancestry in some cases, including Libyan, Near Eastern and Nubian elements (not necessarily at the same time).

Native Egyptians probably looked like modern Egyptians except in predynastic Upper Egypt where they were between modern Horners and modern Egyptians in their skull measurements. That's what we see in the skull analysis in Brace et al. .

Sheshonq = foreign Libyan dynasty that conquered Egypt at some point. The mummies of the thread have nothing to do with the Libyans.

Egyptian royals prior to Greeks and Hiksos were extremely pure. In so much that they only married their sisters. Thus they were much purer than the regular population.
Regular population in lower Egypt was more mixed than in upper or middle Egypt. Lybian mercenaries, Hiksos, Greeks, Nubian troops, they were all stationed in lower Egypt and probably intermarried. Although that is also doubtfull, since ancient Egyptian texts often mention blacks in a negative way, especialy if you are beaten by a black (as in whipped for something)

02-15-2014, 03:38 PM
Stupid berber caveman. Can you shut the fuck up already?


Fuck off bitch .thanks.

Emmanuel Goldstein
02-15-2014, 03:41 PM

Fuck off bitch .thanks.

Hitler wanted to conquer Africa. But I'm not surprised you cavemen approve of this, as you have a huge color complex.

Do you sincerely believe you cavemen, who have been unable to rule anything for thousands of years would have been able to build such impressive pyramids? Look at real berber lands: only caves and misery.

02-15-2014, 03:42 PM

Princess Nsikhonsu seems interesting

wery caucasoid,natural light hair,some has nothern CM element.

02-15-2014, 03:44 PM
it's not cool^

The King, I am
02-15-2014, 03:46 PM
Stupid berber caveman. Can you shut the fuck up already?

A neanderthal kike calling a CM Berber a caveman is interesting and sparks many questions in my head

02-15-2014, 03:48 PM
A neanderthal kike calling a CM Berber a caveman

Neanderthals were white.

Emmanuel Goldstein
02-15-2014, 03:49 PM
A neanderthal kike calling a CM Berber a caveman

Woah, congratulations dipshit. Are not "CM's" some extinct cavemen from 10,000 years before present. Superb way of proving your point! Must be the intelligence you put in play to build those pyramids.

The King, I am
02-15-2014, 03:49 PM
Neanderthals were white.

They weren't not human

The King, I am
02-15-2014, 03:50 PM
Woah, congratulations dipshit. Are not "CM's" some extinct cavemen from 10,000 years before present. Superb way of proving your point! Must be the intelligence you put in play to build those pyramids.

Your trying to be funny and intelligent at the same
very witty of you

02-15-2014, 03:51 PM
They weren't not human

We could mate with them so they must have been!

The King, I am
02-15-2014, 04:09 PM
We could mate with them so they must have been!

We can mate with some monkeys

02-15-2014, 04:15 PM
There is no difference between the ancient egyptians and the modern ones , all pheneotypes of ancient egyptians can be found in modern day egypt ( caucasoid and negroid ones ... )
Anyone who says otherwise is either eurocentrist or afrocentrist ...

02-15-2014, 04:33 PM
rather it's mythes

you can see the opposite in my previous link.

nothern CM,and first mummie in link +Nordid for sure.

Ancient egyptian described libyan aka berber as brunette/blond haired light skinned and light-mixed eyed.

so blondism is not a nordic specialy, another thing is our existance is older than yours, all studies prooved it "incl. haplogroups E>I".
Conclusion ancient egyptian were a mix of north african UP ,East african and some nubian "negro" imputs

The King, I am
02-15-2014, 04:35 PM
Ancient egyptian described libyan aka berber as brunette/blond haired light skinned and light-mixed eyed.

so blondism is not a nordic specialy, another thing is our existance is older than yours, all studies prooved it "incl. haplogroups E>I".
Conclusion ancient egyptian were a mix of north african UP ,East african and some nubian "negro" imputs

Yer Ancient Berbers were a mix of Ancient Europeans (Basques) and Near Easterners (which is why there is a maternal connection the the Saamis and such)
today they are just Meds

02-15-2014, 04:40 PM
Hitler wanted to conquer Africa. But I'm not surprised you cavemen approve of this, as you have a huge color complex.

Do you sincerely believe you cavemen, who have been unable to rule anything for thousands of years would have been able to build such impressive pyramids? Look at real berber lands: only caves and misery.

Lol stop your bullshit we are moors and you ? an historically oppressed people, including by us cavemen :)


02-15-2014, 04:42 PM
As Proto-Gaels

02-15-2014, 04:43 PM
Yer Ancient Berbers were a mix of Ancient Europeans (Basques) and Near Easterners (which is why there is a maternal connection the the Saamis and such)
today they are just Meds

Lol nope we aren't a mix, we are native africans, we have some connection with saamis, iberians and entourage by the way of Mt-DNA it's all.

02-15-2014, 04:44 PM
Also, let's remember that the elites will always genetically differ from the great majority of their subjects...

02-15-2014, 04:46 PM
Yes, lets classify faces that have degraded muscles, dried out skin and that are so distorted its impossible to tell their original phenotypes. All so someone who doesn't know what their doing can come along and say they are in some way Europoid so some Eurocentrist on here can get a hard on and claim Egypt.

You can't discuss with Euro and Afro centrist lool.
They are trying to convince theirselves that ancient egyptians were north european UP lool.

The King, I am
02-15-2014, 04:51 PM
Lol nope we aren't a mix, we are native africans, we have some connection with saamis, iberians and entourage by the way of Mt-DNA it's all.

Of course we're native, we've been there for over 9000 years, I'm talking about our core origins which like in West European Basques and Near Easterner E1b1b carriers

02-15-2014, 05:01 PM
Of course we're native, we've been there for over 9000 years, I'm talking about our core origins which like in West European Basques and Near Easterner E1b1b carriers

Yeah I know that. but don't forget we're proto caucasoid.


The King, I am
02-15-2014, 05:03 PM
Yeah I know that. but don't forget we're proto caucasoid.


I don't even know what that means

02-15-2014, 05:11 PM
I don't even know what that means

Migration of Humans.

02-15-2014, 05:13 PM
He was a Berber

Really? His family's ancestry is unknown.

The King, I am
02-15-2014, 05:14 PM
Really? His family's ancestry is unknown.

He was a Libyan Berber my Hungarian brother from another mother

02-15-2014, 05:23 PM
Ancient egyptian described libyan aka berber as brunette/blond haired light skinned and light-mixed eyed.

so blondism is not a nordic specialy, another thing is our existance is older than yours, all studies prooved it "incl. haplogroups E>I".
Conclusion ancient egyptian were a mix of north african UP ,East african and some nubian "negro" imputs

haplogroup are not correlated with the types of,and give your source please.

The King, I am
02-15-2014, 05:25 PM
Ancient egyptian described libyan aka berber as brunette/blond haired light skinned and light-mixed eyed.

so blondism is not a nordic specialy, another thing is our existance is older than yours, all studies prooved it "incl. haplogroups E>I".
Conclusion ancient egyptian were a mix of north african UP ,East african and some nubian "negro" imputs

haplogroups E>I???

02-15-2014, 05:26 PM
He was a Libyan Berber my Hungarian brother from another mother

His mother was a Egyptian soldier's daughter.

The King, I am
02-15-2014, 05:27 PM
His mother was a Egyptian soldier's daughter.

If that's the case then they were Berbers as well

02-15-2014, 05:29 PM
If that's the case then they were Berbers as well

Unknown origin.

The King, I am
02-15-2014, 05:31 PM
Unknown origin.

Origin unknown.

02-15-2014, 05:42 PM

02-15-2014, 06:15 PM
All so someone who doesn't know what their doing can come along and say they are in some way Europoid so some Eurocentrist on here can get a hard on and claim Egypt.

The average Ancient Egyptian was Europid (Caucasoid). Lower Egypt was predominantly Mediterranid-Orientalid-Suedcromagnid with only minor Negrid influences. Upper Egypt had a much stronger presence of Aethiopid, and other Europo-Negrid types.

Prisoner Of Ice
02-15-2014, 07:33 PM
Yes, lets classify faces that have degraded muscles, dried out skin and that are so distorted its impossible to tell their original phenotypes. All so someone who doesn't know what their doing can come along and say they are in some way Europoid so some Eurocentrist on here can get a hard on and claim Egypt.


It's easier to tell without the flesh, but then you find that the results often won't be to the liking of butthurt brown people.

02-15-2014, 07:36 PM

It's easier to tell without the flesh, but then you find that the results often won't be to the liking of butthurt brown people.

Results in Egypt of facial reconstructions and DNA just prove it was an multi racial and multi ethnic society. One of the hubs of the Mediterranean.

02-16-2014, 12:56 AM
Results in Egypt of facial reconstructions and DNA just prove it was an multi racial and multi ethnic society. One of the hubs of the Mediterranean.
hm,the results, of what research ?

02-16-2014, 01:11 AM
We can mate with some monkeys

What you get up to in Africa is entirely your concern, but I can guarantee you you won't produce offspring.

02-16-2014, 01:57 AM
Results in Egypt of facial reconstructions and DNA just prove it was an multi racial and multi ethnic society. One of the hubs of the Mediterranean.

Which facial reconstructions, and DNA? Egypt was not a multicultural society. Most of the people were ethnic Egyptians.

Emmanuel Goldstein
02-16-2014, 05:05 AM
We can mate with some monkeys

And that's how Berbers were born. Just look at your face.

02-16-2014, 05:32 AM
She is Tiye:
(she is Ethiopid+Nilotid+Caucasoid mix)

If portrait is truthful to reality, she looked just GREAT. Feminine, symmetrical, fragile, quite a gem. Negroid mostly of Sahel type..

The King, I am
02-16-2014, 10:49 AM
And that's how Berbers were born. Just look at your face.

MY face looks normal unlike slanted forehead neanderthal kikes aye

The King, I am
02-16-2014, 10:53 AM
What you get up to in Africa is entirely your concern, but I can guarantee you you won't produce offspring.

It is of my concern, so please don't concern yourself in my sex life big daddy

02-16-2014, 03:18 PM
haplogroup are not correlated with the types of,and give your source please.

Reality is my source lol.



haplogroups E>I???

Haplogroup E is way older than J , then Berbers existed before the creation of Nordids. ;)

02-16-2014, 04:02 PM
It is of my concern, so please don't concern yourself in my sex life big daddy

Just make sure they're white monkeys, you don't want to be accused of miscegenation.

02-16-2014, 04:24 PM
There is no difference between the ancient egyptians and the modern ones , all pheneotypes of ancient egyptians can be found in modern day egypt ( caucasoid and negroid ones ... )
Anyone who says otherwise is either eurocentrist or afrocentrist ...

Sure mate, no difference:





Same people obviously.

The King, I am
02-16-2014, 05:48 PM
Reality is my source lol.



Haplogroup E is way older than J , then Berbers existed before the creation of Nordids. ;)

E1b1b is very old, original caucasians = E1b1b

The King, I am
02-16-2014, 05:55 PM
Sure mate, no difference:





Same people obviously.

Yep I see no difference

Prisoner Of Ice
02-16-2014, 07:31 PM
It is of my concern, so please don't concern yourself in my sex life big daddy

It would be easier if it wasn't all you talked about and posted pics of.

Prisoner Of Ice
02-16-2014, 07:33 PM
Sure mate, no difference:


You'd need incredibly advanced math and lots of ingenuity to build pyramids. Now to survive in Egypt you need good goatherding skills and a big knife....

The King, I am
02-16-2014, 07:35 PM
It would be easier if it wasn't all you talked about and posted pics of.

It's all good for a giggle

Emmanuel Goldstein
02-16-2014, 08:50 PM
MY face looks normal unlike slanted forehead neanderthal kikes aye

Normal for an ape perhaps.

02-17-2014, 12:30 AM
Yep I see no difference

Of course, they aligned giant rock blocks with the Orion constellation, a task which even today would mean logistic difficulties, and they did it 2500 years ago or so, but now they can't even gather mud and cow dung to make some fucking bricks to repair their houses. Sounds very logical.

Prisoner Of Ice
02-17-2014, 12:32 AM
now they can't even gather mud and cow dung to make some fucking bricks to repair their houses.


02-17-2014, 02:29 AM
Reality is my source lol.



Haplogroup E is way older than J , then Berbers existed before the creation of Nordids. ;)

haplogroup not equal race,type etc.No correlation between haplogroup and phenotype.it's just pathetics.

02-17-2014, 04:03 AM
The average Ancient Egyptian was Europid (Caucasoid). Lower Egypt was predominantly Mediterranid-Orientalid-Suedcromagnid with only minor Negrid influences. Upper Egypt had a much stronger presence of Aethiopid, and other Europo-Negrid types.

When looking at Ancient Egyptian depiction, they look pretty much South Mediterranid/ Aethiopoid more leaning towards South Mediterranid in most cases. Other depiction look more Cromagno-Berberid or Aegyptid. The Aegyptid type is in my opinion a regionalizied ethnic Northeastafrican type showing cromagno berberid, minor undefinied negroid and South mediterranid traits. Others look purely Mediterranid while some others look clearly Negroid. Similiar to modern day Egyptians.

On this depiction like in most depictions they look clearly South Mediterranid with Aethiopid input. Lybians and Semites are depicted as lighter skinned Caucasoids and Nubians as Negroid looking people, probably Nilotid:


Modern day example of a South Mediterranid with aethiopid influences. That's how I imagine the stereotypical ancient Egyptian:


This one looks Cromagno-Berberid/Aegyptid


Modern day example:




Modern day example:


Clearly Negroid influenced


modern day example:


02-17-2014, 04:31 AM
When looking at Ancient Egyptian depiction, they look pretty much South Mediterranid/ Aethiopoid more leaning towards South Mediterranid in most cases. Other depiction look more Cromagno-Berberid or Aegyptid. The Aegyptid type is in my opinion a regionalizied ethnic Northeastafrican type showing cromagno berberid, minor undefinied negroid and South mediterranid traits. Others look purely Mediterranid while some others look clearly Negroid. Similiar to modern day Egyptians.

On this depiction like in most depictions they look clearly South Mediterranid with Aethiopid input. Lybians and Semites are depicted as lighter skinned Caucasoids and Nubians as Negroid looking people, probably Nilotid:


Modern day example of a South Mediterranid with aethiopid influences. That's how I imagine the stereotypical ancient Egyptian:


This one looks Cromagno-Berberid/Aegyptid


Modern day example:




Modern day example:


Clearly Negroid influenced


modern day example:

some natural blond and nothern CM from ancient Egyptian and Nordoid/Nordid ancient Egyptian for you.
and some busts with blue eyes.


02-17-2014, 04:50 AM
in this photo we can see who manages the construction:

The King, I am
02-17-2014, 05:47 AM
Normal for an ape perhaps.

Perhaps ==>insert joke<==

Emmanuel Goldstein
02-17-2014, 05:52 AM
Sure mate, no difference:





Same people obviously.

Same people mentally degraded by Islam and other decadent Arab ideologies, obviously.

02-18-2014, 04:43 PM
Official science which excludes Extraterrestrial contact rests on too many "fortunate accidents"

In short, the fundamental paradigm �official science� has formulated on how human life originated and how we created civilization rests on a series of �miraculous� accidents and impossible knowledge and skills! Egyptologists would have us believe the primitive tribes living along the Nile in oval huts who used mud-bricks to build mastabas for millennia were suddenly capable of advanced quarry operations, stonemasonry, architecture and corporate engineering.

Of course, they cannot explain how these primitive peoples built a massive, precision-engineered pyramid using only round hammerstones, wooden sledges and human labor. The Egyptian�s could not have built it, did not build it, and never claimed they were the pyramid�s creators. It is simply not possible to quarry, lift, drag and transport 70-ton blocks of granite 500 miles from the Aswan quarry to Giza and up 150 vertical feet and precisely position them in the King�s Chamber as Egyptologists claim was done.

I have repeatedly challenged Egyptologists, and their irrational, unscientific fellow travelers to demonstrate how the blocks of granite in the King�s Chamber can be quarried and lifted out of the quarry-bed and transported using the primitive tools and methods they claim were used. It cannot be done! Furthermore, this author claims he can show that any academics -- mathematicians, anthropologists and/or engineering professors -- who believe and teach these absurdities to students are lunatics running the asylums -- our scientific institutions and universities.

This is certainly a serious, bold indictment and yet it must be made because it is true and it is high time to expose the intellectual chicanery and fraud perpetrated upon generations. I am not making these claims to create a controversy but to resolve a long-standing debate that has profound ramifications since it involves eliminating falsehoods and getting to the historical facts. How can I make such strong accusations with complete confidence?

Great Pyramids could not have been constructed with primitive tools uncovered by archaeologists

First, scientists and other scholars have studied the engineering problems intensively and extensively comparing the building of modern-day monuments using state-of-the-art technology to the construction of the Great Pyramid using primitive tools and methods. Second, scientists and other scholars have examined the recent record of tests conducted by Egyptologists and others trying to prove they could quarry, move and lift blocks of stone using nothing but ancient tools and techniques. Both studies yielded the same results: the Great Pyramid could not have been built with hammer stones, sledges and ramps.

Sample Layout of a Great Pyramd.

One test filmed by Nova was organized by Egyptologist Mark Lehner and involved leading experts in a variety of fields. The team set out to quarry, move and lift a 35-ton obelisk into place. They failed miserably at every step. The master stonemason could not quarry the block using the primitive tools he was given. A Cat was called in to quarry the block and lift it onto a flatbed truck; sensing defeat they never even tried to transport it using a wooden sledge. The block was half the weight of one those used in the King�s Chamber.

A Nissan funded Japanese team conducted another serious test in 1978. They set out to build a small-scale duplicate of the Great Pyramid also using the primitive tools and techniques Egyptologists claim the ancients employed. This group was confident they could demonstrate how it was done. However, when they tried to quarry the blocks they found the hammerstones were not equal to the task. They called in pneumatic jackhammers. When they tried to ferry the blocks across the river on a primitive barge, they sank. They called in a modern tugboat for help.

Great Pyramids on even a smaller scale could not be duplicated with modern technology

Then they loaded a block onto a sledge only to find that it stubbornly sank into the sand when they tried to drag it to the site. They called for trucks and loaders. The final coup d� grace was delivered when they were forced to call in helicopters to lift and position the blocks into place. Even using modern technology the Japanese team found, to their utter embarrassment, they could not bring the apex of their tiny 60 feet tall replica together. They suffered a bitter and quite humbling defeat in the unforgiving Egyptian desert. Their replica of the Great Pyramid turned out to be a joke.

We are supposed to believe men using tools marginally better than Stone Age equipment, quarried, lifted and hauled millions of blocks of stone to form a precision-engineered 4-million ton tomb. Stuff of nonsense! The conventional scenario is not just an absurd proposition that can only be maintained using intellectual smoke and mirrors, it is downright silly. The real question is, how could anyone with any commonsense have ever believed it?

There are, of course, many other problems with the primitive tools and methods scenario and the Great Pyramid. To begin with Mark Leaner commissioned an engineering firm to study the site. They found that the 13-acre base had been leveled with an accuracy equal to that achieved by modern day lasers. Are we to believe a 13-acre limestone bench was planed with that degree of precision using rounded hammerstones to grind down the rock until it was almost perfectly flat?

Furthermore, the Descending Passage was actually the next phase of this massive construction project. It too had to be dug out of solid bedrock. The problems with this phase of the project are manifold. The passageway was only about 3 by 4 feet, just large enough to accommodate one worker at a time. It was dug 150 feet underground maintaining a precise angle of 26 degrees and a negligible deviation from side to side and bottom to top throughout its length. Then it was opened up into several rooms and another passageway. How?

Why would the ancients dig a straight tunnel under a 4-million ton tomb and how was the passageway kept straight and true? Egyptian �engineers� had no more than ropes in their toolkits. The author can also prove these two phases alone - leveling the base and digging the Descending Passageway -- would have required half the time Egyptologists have allotted to the entire construction project. They, in fact, never even include these two phases in their calculations.

Other issues...

But we have other important fish to fry. During decades of research the author noted some curious similarities between Sumer, Egypt and the Indus Valley - the sites of our earliest civilizations - that do not add up. As we all know now, the ruins of Sumer are located in modern day Iraq. Our history and anthropology books routinely tell us that agriculture and civilization were given birth in benign and highly fertile river valleys. But when we stop and closely examine these locations we find they are some of the hottest, driest and most inhospitable places on the planet.

The temperatures in these locations for 6 months out of the year are typically between 35-48 degrees Celsius. It is true the alluvial flood plains of the Nile, Tigris-Euphrates and ancient Indus rivers were fertile. But it takes considerable agronomic and hydrological knowledge to know this and to convert the marshes and control the floods to turn these wetlands into productive farmland. The question is how did our ancient ancestors, so recently emerged from the hunter-gatherer way of life, so quickly acquire this knowledge and develop these skills?