View Full Version : Should Ukraine and Belarus be part of the Russian Federation? (repaired poll)

02-16-2014, 03:28 AM
A while a go I made a poll with this question but I screwed up the poll so the poll question was sort of the reverse of the title. Since this is an important question I decided to make amends by remaking this thread so we can have a more accurate poll result.


"Are Ukraine and Belarus different enough culturally and linguistically from Russia to justify independence or are they similar enough to be part of the Russian Federation?

In large countries there are often regional identities I mean look at Italy and Germany. Heck Wales and England are far more different then Ukraine and Russia. If Ukraine and Belarus joined Russia they could still maintain their regional identities as part of a broader Russian state."

I think the mods should close the old thread

02-16-2014, 03:39 AM
Yes, unless one of them would convert; in that case I'd support their independence. Otherwise, yes.

02-19-2014, 06:18 PM
only eastern ukraine, western ukraine can go join romania