View Full Version : What is it Like to Teach Black Students?

02-18-2014, 08:38 AM
by Christopher Jackson

Until recently I taught at a predominantly
black high school in a southeastern

The mainstream press gives a hint of
what conditions are like in black schools,
but only a hint. Expressions journalists
use like “chaotic” or “poor learning
environment” or “lack of discipline” do
not capture what really happens. There
is nothing like the day-to-day experience
of teaching black children and that is
what I will try to convey.

Most whites simply do not know what
black people are like in large numbers,
and the first encounter can be a shock.

One of the most immediately striking
things about my students was that they
were loud. They had little conception of
ordinary decorum. It was not unusual
for five blacks to be screaming at
me at once. Instead of calming down and
waiting for a lull in the din to make their
point—something that occurs to even
the dimmest white students—blacks just
tried to yell over each other.

It did no good to try to quiet them, and
white women were particularly inept at
trying. I sat in on one woman’s class as
she begged the children to pipe down.
They just yelled louder so their voices
would carry over hers.

Many of my black students would
repeat themselves over and over again—
just louder. It was as if they suffered
from Tourette syndrome. They seemed
to have no conception of waiting for
an appropriate time to say something.
They would get ideas in their heads and
simply had to shout them out. I might be
leading a discussion on government and
suddenly be interrupted: “We gotta get
more Democrats! Clinton, she good!”
The student may seem content with that
outburst but two minutes later, he would
suddenly start yelling again: “Clinton

Anyone who is around young blacks
will probably get a constant diet of rap music.
Blacks often make up their own jingles,
and it was not uncommon for 15 black
boys to swagger into a classroom,
bouncing their shoulders and jiving back.

They were yelling back and forth, rapping 15 different sets of
words in the same harsh, rasping dialect.
The words were almost invariably
a childish form of boasting: “Who got
dem shine rim, who got dem shine shoe,
who got dem shine grill (gold and silver
dental caps)?” The amateur rapper usually
ends with a claim—in the crudest
terms imaginable—that all womankind
is sexually devoted to him. For whatever
reason, my students would often groan
instead of saying a particular word, as in,
“She suck dat aaahhhh (think of a long
grinding groan), she f**k dat aaaahhhh,
she lick dat aaaahhh.”

So many black girls dance in the hall, in the classroom,
on the chairs, next to the chairs, under
the chairs, everywhere. Once I took a
call on my cell phone and had to step
outside of class. I was away about two
minutes but when I got back the black
girls had lined up at the front of the
classroom and were convulsing to the
delight of the boys.

Many black people, especially black
women, are enormously fat. Some are
so fat I had to arrange special seating to
accommodate their bulk. I am not saying
there are no fat white students—there
are—but it is a matter of numbers and
attitudes. Many black girls simply do not
care that they are fat. There are plenty
of white anorexics, but I have never met
or heard of a black anorexic.

“Black women be big Mr. Jackson,”
my students would explain.

“Is it okay in the black community to
be a little overweight?” I ask.
Two obese black girls in front of
my desk begin to dance, “You know
dem boys lak juicy fruit, Mr. Jackson.”
“Juicy” is a colorful black expression
for the buttocks.

Blacks, on average, are the most directly critical
people I have ever met: “Dat shirt stupid.
Yo’ kid a bastard. Yo’ lips big.” Unlike
whites, who tread gingerly around the
subject of race, they can be brutally to
the point. Once I needed to send a student
to the office to deliver a message. I
asked for volunteers, and suddenly you
would think my classroom was a bastion
of civic engagement. Thirty dark hands
shot into the air. My students loved to
leave the classroom and slack off, even
if just for a few minutes, away from the
eye of white authority. I picked a light-skinned
boy to deliver the message. One
very black student was indignant: “You
pick da half-breed.” And immediately
other blacks take up the cry, and half
a dozen mouths are screaming, “He

For decades, the country has been
lamenting the poor academic performance
of blacks and there is much to
lament. There is no question, however,
that many blacks come to school with a
serious handicap that is not their fault.
At home they have learned a dialect that
is almost a different language. Blacks
not only mispronounce words; their
grammar is often wrong. When a black
wants to ask, “Where is the bathroom?”
he may actually say “Whar da badroom
be?” Grammatically, this is the equivalent
of “Where the bathroom is?” And
this is the way they speak in high school.
Students write the way they speak, so
this is the language that shows up in
written assignments.

It is true that some whites face a
similar handicap. They speak with
what I would call a “country” accent
that is hard to reproduce but results in
sentences such as “I’m gonna gemme
a Coke.” Some of these country whites
had to learn correct pronunciation and
usage. The difference is that most whites
overcome this handicap and learn to
speak correctly; many blacks do not.

Most of the blacks I taught simply
had no interest in academic subjects. I
taught history, and students would often
say they didn’t want to do an assignment
or they didn’t like history because it was
all about white people. Of course, this
was “diversity” history, in which every
cowboy’s black cook got a special page
on how he contributed to winning the
West, but black children still found it
inadequate. So I would throw up my
hands and assign them a project on a
real, historical black person. My favorite
was Marcus Garvey. They had never
heard of him, and I would tell them to
research him, but they never did. They
didn’t care and they didn’t want to do
any work.

Anyone who teaches blacks soon
learns that they have a completely different
view of government from whites.
Once I decided to fill 25 minutes by
having students write about one thing
the government should do to improve
America. I gave this question to three
classes totaling about 100 students,
approximately 80 of whom were black.
My few white students came back with
generally “conservative” ideas. “We
need to cut off people who don’t work,”
was the most common suggestion.
Nearly every black gave a variation on
the theme of “We need more government

My students had only the vaguest
notion of who pays for government
services. For them, it was like a magical
piggy bank that never goes empty. One
black girl was exhorting the class on
the need for more social services and I
kept trying to explain that people, real
live people, are taxed for the money to
pay for those services. “Yeah, it come
from whites,” she finally said. “They
stingy anyway.”

“Many black people make over
$50,000 dollars a year and you would
also be taking away from your own
people,” I said.

She had an answer to that: “Dey
half breed.” The class agreed. I let the
subject drop.

Many black girls are perfectly happy
to be welfare queens. On career day, one
girl explained to the class that she was
going to have lots of children and get fat
checks from the government. No one in
the class seemed to have any objection
to this career choice.

Surprising attitudes can come out in
class discussion. We were talking about
the crimes committed in the aftermath of
Hurricane Katrina, and I brought up the
rape of a young girl in the bathroom of
the Superdome. A majority of my students
believed this was a horrible crime
but a few took it lightly. One black boy
spoke up without raising his hand: “Dat
no big deal. They thought they is gonna
die so they figured they have some fun.
Dey jus’ wanna have a fun time; you
know what I’m sayin’?” A few black
heads nodded in agreement.

My department head once asked all
the teachers to get a response from all
students to the following question: “Do
you think it is okay to break the law if it
will benefit you greatly?” By then, I had
been teaching for a while and was not
surprised by answers that left a young,
liberal, white woman colleague aghast.
“Yeah” was the favorite answer. As one
student explained, “Get dat green.”

There is a level of conformity among
blacks that whites would find hard to
believe. They like one kind
of music: rap. They will
vote for one political party:
Democrat. They dance
one way, speak one way,
are loud the same way,
and fail their exams in the
same way. Of course, there
are exceptions but they
are rare.

Whites are different.
Some like country music,
others heavy metal, some
prefer pop, and still others,
God forbid, enjoy rap music. They have
different associations, groups, almost
ideologies. There are jocks, nerds,
preppies, and hunters. Blacks are all—
well—black, and they are quick to let
other blacks know when they deviate
from the norm.

One might object that there are important
group differences among blacks that a white man simply cannot detect. I
have done my best to find them, but so
far as I can tell, they dress the same, talk
the same, think the same. Certainly, they
form rival groups, but the groups are not
different in any discernible way. There
simply are no groups of blacks that are
as distinctly different from each other
as white “nerds,” “hunters,” or “Goths,”
for example.

How the world looks to blacks
One point on which all blacks agree
is that everything is “racis’.” This is
one message of liberalism they have
absorbed completely. Did you do your
homework? “Na, homework racis’.”
Why did you get an F on the test? “Test

I was trying to teach a unit on British
philosophers and the first thing the students
noticed about Bentham, Hobbes,
and Locke was “Dey all white! Where da
black philosopher a’?” I tried to explain
there were no blacks in eighteenth century
Britain. You can probably guess
what they said to that: “Dat racis’!”
One student accused me of deliberately
failing him on a test because I
didn’t like black people.

“Do you think I really hate black
“Have I done anything to make you
feel this way? How do you know?”
“You just do.”
“Why do you say that?”

He just smirked, looked out the window,
and sucked air through his teeth.
Perhaps this was a regional thing, but
the blacks often sucked air through their
teeth as a wordless expression of disdain
or hostility.

My students were sometimes unable
to see the world except through the lens
of their own blackness. I had a class
that was host to a German exchange
student. One day he put on a Power Point
presentation with famous German landmarks
as well as his school and family.

From time to time during the presentation,
blacks would scream, “Where da
black folk?!” The exasperated German
tried several times to explain that there
were no black people where he lived in
Germany. The students did not believe
him. I told them Germany is in Europe,
where white people are from, and Africa
is where black people are from. They
insisted that the German student was
racist, and deliberately refused to associate
with blacks.

Blacks are keenly interested in
their own racial characteristics. I have
learned, for example, that some blacks
have “good hair.” Good hair is black
parlance for black-white hybrid hair.
Apparently, it is less kinky, easier to
style, and considered more attractive.
Blacks are also proud of light skin.
Imagine two black students shouting
insults across the room. One is dark
but slim; the other light and obese. The
dark one begins the exchange: “You
fat, Ridario!” Ridario smiles, doesn’t deign to look
at his detractor, shakes his head like a
wobbling top, and says, “You wish you
light skinned.”

They could go on like this, repeating
the same insults over and over.

My black students had nothing but
contempt for Hispanic immigrants. They
would vent their feelings so crudely
that our department strongly advised us
never to talk about immigration in class
in case the principal or some outsider
might overhear.

Whites were “racis’,” of course, but
they thought of us at least as Americans.
Not the Mexicans. Blacks have a certain,
not necessarily hostile understanding of
white people. They know how whites
act, and it is clear they believe whites
are smart and are good at organizing
things. At the same time, they probably
suspect whites are just putting on an
act when they talk about equality, as if
it is all a sham that makes it easier for
whites to control blacks. Blacks want a
bigger piece of the American pie. I’m
convinced that if it were up to them
they would give whites a considerably
smaller piece than whites get now, but
they would give us something. They
wouldn’t give Mexicans anything.

What about black boys and white
girls? No one is supposed to
notice this or talk about it but
it is glaringly obvious: Black
boys are obsessed with white
girls. I’ve witnessed the following
drama countless times. A black
boy saunters up to a white
girl. The cocky black dances
around her, not really in a menacing
way. It’s more a shuffle
than a threat. As he bobs and
shuffles he asks, “When you
gonna go wit’ me?”

There are two kinds of reply.
The more confident white
girl gets annoyed, looks away
from the black and shouts, “I don’t wanna
go out with you!” The more demure
girl will look at her feet and mumble
a polite excuse but ultimately say no.

There is only one response from the
black boy: “You racis’.” Many girls—all
too many—actually feel guilty because
they do not want to date blacks. Most
white girls at my school stayed away
from blacks, but a few, particularly the
ones who were addicted to drugs, fell
in with them.

There is something else that is striking
about blacks. They seem to have
no sense of romance, of falling in love.
What brings men and women together is
sex, pure and simple, and there is a crude
openness about this. There are many degenerate
whites, of course, but some of
my white students were capable of real
devotion and tenderness, emotions that
seemed absent from blacks—especially
the boys.

Black schools are violent and the
few whites who are too poor to escape
are caught in the storm. The violence is
astonishing, not so much that it happens,
but the atmosphere in which it happens.
Blacks can be smiling, seemingly perfectly
content with what they are doing,
having a good time, and then, suddenly
start fighting. It’s uncanny. Not long
ago, I was walking through the halls
and a group of black boys were walking
in front of me. All of a sudden they
started fighting with another group in
the hallway.

Blacks are extraordinarily quick to
take offense. Once I accidentally scuffed
a black boy’s white sneaker with my
shoe. He immediately rubbed his body
up against mine and threatened to attack
me. I stepped outside the class and had
a security guard escort the student to
the office. It was unusual for students
to threaten teachers physically this way,
but among themselves, they were quick
to fight for similar reasons.

The real victims are the unfortunate
whites caught in this. They are always
in danger and their educations suffer.
White weaklings are particularly susceptible,
but mostly to petty violence. They
may be slapped or get a couple of kicks
when they are trying to open a bottom
locker. Typically, blacks save the hard,
serious violence for each other.

There was a lot of promiscuous sex
among my students and this led to
violence. Black girls were constantly
fighting over black boys. It was not uncommon
to see two girls literally ripping
each other’s hair out with a police officer
in the middle trying to break up the
fight. The black boy they were fighting
over would be standing by with a smile,
enjoying the show he had created. For
reasons I cannot explain, boys seldom
fought over girls.

Pregnancy was common among the
blacks, though many black girls were
so fat I could not tell the difference. I
don’t know how many girls got abortions,
but when they had the baby they
usually stayed in school and had their
own parents look after the child. The
school did not offer daycare.

Aside from the police officers constantly
on patrol, a sure sign that you
My black students had
nothing but contempt for
Hispanics. Whites were
“racis’,” of course, but
they thought of us at least
as Americans.

Security guards are everywhere in
black schools—we had one on every
hall. They also sat in on unruly classes
and escorted students to the office. They
were unarmed, but worked closely with
the three city police officers who were
constantly on duty.

There was a lot of drug-dealing at
my school. This was a good way to
make a fair amount of money but it
also gave boys power over girls who
wanted drugs. An addicted girl—black
or white—became the plaything of anyone
who could get her drugs.

One of my students was a notorious
drug dealer. Everyone knew it. He was
19 years old and in eleventh grade. Once
he got a score of three out of 100 on a
test. He had been locked up four times
since he was 13.

One day, I asked him, “Why do you
come to school?”

He wouldn’t answer. He just looked
out the window, smiled, and sucked air
through his teeth. His friend Yidarius
ventured an explanation: “He get dat
green and get dem females.”

“What is the green?” I asked. “Money
or dope?” “Both,” said Yidarius with a smile.

A very fat black interrupted from
across the room: “We get dat lunch,” Mr.
Jackson. “We gotta get dat lunch and
brickfuss.” He means the free breakfast
and lunch poor students get every day.
“Nigga, we know’d you be lovin’
brickfuss!” shouts another student.

Some readers may believe that I
have drawn a cruel caricature of black
students. After all, according to official
figures some 85 percent of them graduate.
It would be instructive to know how
many of those scraped by with barely a
C- record. They go from grade to grade
and they finally get their diplomas
because there is so much pressure on
teachers to push them through. It saves
money to move them along, the school
looks good, and the teachers look good.

Many of these children should have been
failed, but the system would crack under
their weight if they were all held back.

How did my experiences make me
feel about blacks? Ultimately, I lost
sympathy for them. In so many ways
they seem to make their own beds.
There they were in an integrationist’s
fantasy—in the same classroom with
white students, eating the same lunch,
using the same bathrooms, listening to
the same teachers—and yet the blacks
fail while the whites pass.

One tragic outcome among whites
who have been teaching for too long
is that it can engender something close
to hatred. One teacher I knew gave up
fast food—not for health reasons but
because where he lived most fast-food
workers were black. He had enough of
blacks on the job. This was an extreme
example but years of frustration can
take their toll. Many of my white colleagues
with any experience were well
on their way to that state of mind.

There is an unutterable secret among
teachers: Almost all realize that blacks
do not respond to traditional white
instruction. Does that put the lie to environmentalism?
Not at all. It is what
brings about endless, pointless innovation
that is supposed to bring blacks up
to the white level. The solution is more diversity—or put
more generally, the solution is change.
Change is an almost holy word in education,
and you can fail a million times as
long as you keep changing. That is why
liberals keep revamping the curriculum
and the way it is taught. For example,
teachers are told that blacks need handson
instruction and more group work.

Teachers are told that blacks are more
vocal and do not learn through reading
and lectures. The implication is that they
have certain traits that lend themselves
to a different kind of teaching.

Whites have learned a certain way for
centuries but it just doesn’t work with
blacks. Of course, this implies racial
differences but if pressed, most liberal
teachers would say different racial
learning styles come from some indefinable
cultural characteristic unique to
blacks. Therefore, schools must change,
America must change. But into what?
How do you turn quantum physics into
hands-on instruction or group work? No
one knows, but we must keep changing
until we find something that works.

Public school has certainly changed
since anyone reading this was a student.
I have a friend who teaches elementary
school, and she tells me that every week
the students get a new diversity lesson,
shipped in fresh from some bureaucrat’s
office in Washington or the state
capital. She showed me the materials
for one week: a large poster,
about the size of a forty-two inch
flat-screen television. It shows
an utterly diverse group—I mean
diverse: handicapped, Muslim,
Jewish, effeminate, poor, rich,
brown, slightly brown, yellow,
etc.—sitting at a table, smiling
gaily, accomplishing some undefined
task. The poster comes with
a sheet of questions the teacher is
supposed to ask. One might be: “These
kids sure look different, but they look
happy. Can you tell me which one in
the picture is an American?”

Some eight-year-old, mired in ignorance,
will point to a white child like
himself. “That one.”

The teacher reads from the answer,
conveniently printed along with the
question. “No, Billy, all these children
are Americans. They are just as American
as you.”

The children get a snack, and the
poster goes up on the wall until another
one comes a week later. This is
what happens at predominately white,
middle-class, elementary schools everywhere.
Elementary school teachers love All
of the Colors of the Race, by award-winning
children’s poet Arnold Adoff.

These are some of the lines they read
to the children: “Mama is chocolate …
Daddy is vanilla … Me (sic) is better …
It is a new color. It is a new flavor. For
love. Sometimes blackness seems too
black for me, and whiteness is too sickly
pale; and I wish every one were golden.
Remember: long ago before people
moved and migrated, and mixed and
matched … there was one people: one
color, one race. The colors are flowing
from what was before me to what will
be after. All the colors.”

Teaching as a career
It may come as a surprise after what
I have written, but my experiences have
given me a deep appreciation for teaching
as a career. It offers a stable, middle-class
life but comes with the capacity
to make real differences in the lives of
children. In our modern, atomized world
children often have very little communication
with adults—especially, or even,
with their parents—so there is potential
for a real transaction between pupil and
teacher, disciple and master.

A rewarding relationship can grow
up between an exceptional, interested
student and his teacher. I have stayed in
my classroom with a group of students
discussing ideas and playing chess until
the janitor kicked us out. I was the
old gentleman, imparting my history,
culture, personal loves and triumphs,
defeats and failures to young kinsman.
Sometimes I fancied myself Tyrtaeus,
the Spartan poet, who counseled the
youth to honor and loyalty. I never had
this kind intimacy with a black student,
and I know of no other white teacher
who did.

Teaching can be fun. For a certain
kind of person it is exhilarating to map
out battles on chalkboards, and teach
heroism. It is rewarding to challenge
liberal prejudices, to leave my mark on
these children, but what I aimed for with
my white students I could never achieve
with the blacks.

There is a kind of child whose look
can melt your heart: some working-class
castaway, in and out of foster homes,
often abused, who is nevertheless almost
an angel. Your heart melts for these children,
this refuse of the modern world.

Many white students possess a certain
innocence; their cheeks still blush.
Try as I might, I could not get the
blacks to care one bit about Beethoven
or Sherman’s march to the sea, or
Tyrtaeus, or Oswald Spengler, or even
liberals like John Rawls, or their own
history. They cared about nothing I
tried to teach them. When this goes on
year after year it chokes the soul out
of a teacher, destroys his pathos, and
sends him guiltily searching for The Bell
Curve on the Internet.

Blacks break down the intimacy that
can be achieved in the classroom, and
leave you convinced that that intimacy
is really a form of kinship. Without
intending to, they destroy what is most
beautiful—whether it be your belief in
human equality, your daughter’s innocence,
or even the state of the

Just last year I read on the
bathroom stall the words “F**k
Whitey.” Not two feet away, on the
same stall, was a small swastika.

The National Council for the Social
Studies, the leading authority on social
science education in the United States,
urges teachers to inculcate such values
as equality of opportunity, individual
property rights, and a democratic form
of government. Even if teachers could
inculcate this milquetoast ideology into
whites, liberalism is doomed because so
many non-whites are not receptive to
education of any kind beyond the merest

It is impossible to
get them to care about such abstractions
as property rights or democratic citizenship.
They do not see much further than
the fact that you live in a big house and
“we in da pro-jek.” Of course, there are a
few loutish whites who will never think
past their next meal and a few sensitive
blacks for whom anything is possible,
but no society takes on the characteristics
of its exceptions.

Once I asked my students, “What do
you think of the Constitution?”
“It white,” one slouching black rang
out. The class began to laugh. And I
caught myself laughing along with them,
laughing while Pompeii’s volcano simmers,
while the barbarians swell around
the Palatine, while the country I love,
and the job I love, and the community I
love become dimmer by the day.

I read a book by an expatriate Rhodesian
who visited Zimbabwe not
too many years ago. Traveling with a
companion, she stopped at a store along
the highway. A black man materialized
next to her car window. “Job, boss, (I)
work good, boss,” he pleaded. “You
give job.”

“What happened to your old job?”
the expatriate white asked. The black man replied in the straightforward
manner of his race: “We drove
out the whites. No more jobs. You give

At some level, my students understand
the same thing. One day I asked
the bored, black faces staring back
at me. “What would happen if all the
white people in America disappeared

“We screwed,” a young, pitch-black
boy screamed back. The rest of the
blacks laughed.

I have had children tell me to my face
as they struggled with an assignment. “I
cain’t do dis,” Mr. Jackson. “I black.”

The point is that human beings are not
always rational. It is in the black man’s
interest to have whites in Zimbabwe but
he drives them out and starves. Most
whites do not think black Americans
could ever do anything so irrational.
They see blacks on television smiling,
fighting evil whites, embodying
white values. But the real black is not
on television, and you pull your purse
closer when you see him, and you lock
the car doors when he swaggers by
with his pants hanging down almost to
his knees.

For those of you with children, better
a smaller house in a white district than
a fancy one near a black school.

I have been in parent-teacher conferences
that broke my heart: the child
pleading with his parents to take him
out of school; the parents convinced
their child’s fears are groundless. If you
love your child, show her you care—
not by giving her fancy vacations or a
car, but making her innocent years safe
and happy. Give her the gift of a not-heavily black

Mr. Jackson now teaches at a majority-
white school.

02-18-2014, 08:48 AM
There is no scientific proof that all races are the same. That is just what some people wish to believe but biology and evolution are not governed by what society wishes. I wish all races were equal but based on the evidence I have seen that is not the case.

Any scientist who goes against the politically correct party line is shunned


02-18-2014, 09:04 AM
didnt read in entirely but does the teacher describe small children or teenagers (maybe even young adults) ?

02-18-2014, 09:10 AM
didnt read in entirely but does the teacher describe small children or teenagers (maybe even young adults) ?

Teenagers, and young adults.

02-18-2014, 09:11 AM
Teenagers, and young adults.


Prisoner Of Ice
02-18-2014, 09:21 AM
I have dated schoolteachers, and the children in the city are all black or mexican, barely any white kids.

Some are better than others but the disruption levels range from complete insanity with kids fleeing the classroom or even the school at whim or beating each other senseless on a daily basis at the worst schools, to having 4-5 annoying problem children fuck everything up at the better schools.

The only environment that they are in control are in what amounts to prison schools, where the seriously worst kids go. Then they have 4-5 kids in the whole class and a guard outside the door of the class. That's the environment it would take to contain half of these kids, which is expensive as hell and basically impossible, obviously - half the adult population would have to be teachers to make this a reality. And that doesn't even address the not as smart portion of the problem. Some are really good kids, but just never going to be even close to average intelligence. When she would get an average intelligence kind that tried even a little bit it was like a big treat for her and she'd go on and on about it.

The high school kids are not as bad because they are always sleeping in class, but the middleschool kids are unbearable and the grade school not much better. And yes, the few white kids of course are all fine, and smarter than the kids they are surrounded by.

So that's what the idea of 'more educashuns' gets you, absolutely nothing, really. No kid left behind is even worse, because it ensure the shitty kids stay in school and therefore continue to disrupt everyone. Only way to end the cycle is to get the most shitty kids segregated off from the normal ones, then send them straight to prison when they graduate - that's where they will end up anyway.

02-18-2014, 09:26 AM
I've seen that story before.

02-18-2014, 09:40 AM
I've seen this sort of behavior first-hand in the "urban fringe" high schools that I went to.
It was absolutely everywhere.

The first one I went to was considered one of the worst schools in the area.
Drug deals going on right outside the lunch room, nobody gave a shit in the classes, there were violence problems, and "that's racist" was said on multiple occasions, typically whenever someone tried to discipline a black student.

I transferred schools, and while things did get somewhat better, my non-honors classes (mostly electives) were full of "ghetto" blacks.
And they acted exactly as you would expect: badmouthing the teachers, disrupting class, raising hell, not doing any work, and generally being obnoxious.
Their attitude towards education was negative, as well. "Why you using big words" and "when we gonna ever use this" were common utterances.

In addition to all of this shit, *every single time* I was fucked with or bullied, it was by black people.
I was relatively quiet, kept to myself, and was actually super-liberal and not racist at all for most of my school career.
I actually remember lecturing one of my "racist" friends about how blacks are "exactly the same as we are, skin color is the only difference!"

I dropped that belief after observing all of the shit that goes on when they are in the classroom.
I dropped that shit after being kicked around, bullied, and generally fucked with by *only* blacks, whom I had no qualms or contact with. I'm assuming they picked on me because I was extremely pale, quiet, and intelligent? Whites never fucked with me.
Fuck if I know, I just know that they were <15% of the school population, yet seemed to cause 95% of the problems.

Sorry if I sound racist, but my personal experience with blacks in school (or elsewhere) generally isn't a positive one.
There are plenty of good black people out there, and I still try to judge people individually, but there is something seriously fucked up going on with blacks in general and I don't know what it is.

Fear Fiain
02-18-2014, 09:46 AM
I've seen this sort of behavior first-hand in the "urban fringe" high schools that I went to.
It was absolutely everywhere.

The first one I went to was considered one of the worst schools in the area.
Drug deals going on right outside the lunch room, nobody gave a shit in the classes, there were violence problems, and "that's racist" was said on multiple occasions, typically whenever someone tried to discipline a black student.

I transferred schools, and while things did get somewhat better, my non-honors classes (mostly electives) were full of "ghetto" blacks.
And they acted exactly as you would expect: badmouthing the teachers, disrupting class, raising hell, not doing any work, and generally being obnoxious.
Their attitude towards education was negative, as well. "Why you using big words" and "when we gonna ever use this" were common utterances.

In addition to all of this shit, *every single time* I was fucked with or bullied, it was by black people.
I was relatively quiet, kept to myself, and was actually super-liberal and not racist at all for most of my school career.
I actually remember lecturing one of my "racist" friends about how blacks are "exactly the same as we are, skin color is the only difference!"

I dropped that belief after observing all of the shit that goes on when they are in the classroom.
I dropped that shit after being kicked around, bullied, and generally fucked with by *only* blacks, whom I had no qualms or contact with. I'm assuming they picked on me because I was extremely pale, quiet, and intelligent? Whites never fucked with me.
Fuck if I know, I just know that they were <15% of the school population, yet seemed to cause 95% of the problems.

Sorry if I sound racist, but my personal experience with blacks in school (or elsewhere) generally isn't a positive one.
There are plenty of good black people out there, and I still try to judge people individually, but there is something seriously fucked up going on with blacks in general and I don't know what it is.

the truth is generally racist.

02-18-2014, 09:56 AM
Depressing reality!

Prisoner Of Ice
02-18-2014, 10:57 AM
Depressing reality!

That sums it up. Reality is shit.

02-18-2014, 11:15 AM
"You racis'"

02-18-2014, 02:37 PM
That sums it up. Reality is shit.

Indeed it is. I have no kids but I have lots of nephews and nieces growing up in the states and that worries me when I compare how I grew up never seeing any other kind but my own kin. It's really depressing reading this article, because it's consistent with everything I knew and feared already.

02-18-2014, 02:44 PM
the truth is generally racist.
and Racists are generally just being honest

02-18-2014, 02:46 PM
Michelle Pfeifer was a good teacher to black teens

02-18-2014, 02:53 PM
Just put 'Moroccans, Algerians and Senegalese kids in French schools', 'Turkish, Albanian, Lebanese and Kurd kids in German schools', 'Assyrian, Lebanese and Somali kids in Swedish schools', 'Pakistani, Indian and Jamaican kids in Britain's schools' etc. instead of 'Blacks in US-American schools' and the whole description of this teacher would perfectly fit.

02-18-2014, 02:56 PM
Many Black kids are really poorly behaved. That's a fact. It's not racist to come to that conclusion, just common sense. I've seen plenty of it with my own eyes, and dealt with plenty of that shit.

I don't think it has to do with any innate racial characteristics though. It is the product of a history of dehumanization and oppression that created these social problems.

But real talk, it's gonna be up to Black folks to fix this. When I say that, i don't mean ALL Black folks because there are plenty who do raise well behaved children, I'm talking about the underclass that garners so much attention, they are a sizable minority, like 35-40% of African Americans. But many act so outrageous they get all Black people painted with a broad brush unfortunately.

02-18-2014, 03:01 PM
[SIZE=5]Turkish, Albanian, Lebanese and Kurd kids in German schools'

yes kids but not young adults

i am a kurd and have been raised in germany so i went also to school here and yes you are right kids of these ethnicities act similar but 1. you exeggerate the number of the ones that do and 2. such behaviour stops usually at 17 18 and is not comparable with the young black adults in the text at all

in all my years as a pupil aprox. 10% of kids have been like that especially when i was in technical secondary school where we all were more mature

and i was in schools where there were a lot of people of the mentioned ethnicities

you are representing us wrong imo

02-18-2014, 03:08 PM
My experiences with black people in the classroom have always been positive, but then again the ones I have known have all been educated, often Afro-Latino or Cape Verdean or immigrants from elsewhere, and did not make up a large percentage of my school.

If I had to deal with urban/inner city African Americans, my opinion may have been different. Although knowing me I'd have transferred schools if there were problems.

02-18-2014, 03:13 PM
yes kids but not young adults

i am a kurd and have been raised in germany so i went also to school here and yes you are right kids of these ethnicities act similar but 1. you exeggerate the number of the ones that do and 2. such behaviour stops usually at 17 18 and is not comparable with the young black adults in the text at all

in all my years as a pupil aprox. 10% of kids have been like that especially when i was in technical secondary school where we all were more mature

and i was in schools where there were a lot of people of the mentioned ethnicities

you are representing us wrong imo

I don't know the exact numbers or percentages since there are no statistics but MENA/Southeast Euro/East Euro/SSA youths in Western Europe are known for similar behavior and hence have a very bad reputation among Western Euros.

I didn't read the article I just assumed the article speaks about kids and teenagers and average MENA teenager in Western Europe doesn't act differently from average Afram teenager. Same heated, aggressive, masculine 'ghetto-macho' mentality.

And I include myself into these groups bro. young Eritreans and Horners in general are the same bunch as Kurds, Turks, Lebos, Albos, Bosnians etc. not only my personal experience.

Many Germans would hence rather live next to some Aframs than to some MENA Muslims.

02-18-2014, 03:18 PM
Just put 'Moroccans, Algerians and Senegalese kids in French schools', 'Turkish, Albanian, Lebanese and Kurd kids in German schools', 'Assyrian, Lebanese and Somali kids in Swedish schools', 'Pakistani, Indian and Jamaican kids in Britain's schools' etc. instead of 'Blacks in US-American schools' and the whole description of this teacher would perfectly fit.
I've no idea what the fuck you're trying to say but schools in Albania even during the most worst times the country went through the kids are very well behaved, like the "whitest" of white behaved.

Personally I grew up in Albanian school system. We got up every time a teacher walked in a classroom.
When the teachers spoke you could hear a pin drop.

02-18-2014, 03:19 PM
I didn't read the article I just assumed the article speaks about kids and teenagers and average MENA teenager in Western Europe doesn't act differently from average Afram teenager. Same heated, aggressive, masculine 'ghetto-macho' mentality.

yes as 12 year olds :lol:

no honestly...i dont say that you are wrong but it isnt entirely true either because you exeggerate it and you guys know me somewhat now and i am always honest and the first one to admit things.

i really doubt that it is comparable to aframs in usa also

02-18-2014, 03:20 PM
I find it hard to believe that Turks, Levantines, etc. behave the same way as the article. Here the Lebanese act more like the people on Jersey Shore, not "ghetto" blacks.

02-18-2014, 03:22 PM
I find it hard to believe that Turks, Levantines, etc. behave the same way as the article.

not comparable

there are some parallels yes but like i said mostly when really young age

02-18-2014, 03:23 PM
I've no idea what the fuck you're trying to say but schools in Albania even during the most worst times the country went through the kids are very well behaved, like the "whitest" of white behaved.

You know how to read? I am not talking about Albanian youths in Albania but about Balkan youths in general living in Western European countries. They have the same bad reputation among German, Dutch, Austrian, Switzerland people as Afram youths in the USA. If you don't believe me ask people who live in Germany, Switzerland, Austria etc. and I can post crime statistics, documentations etc. about young immigrant youths from the Balkan area, besides MENA youths and SSA youths in Western European countries showing their typical 'ghetto' behavior. US ghettos are filled with Aframs? Let me tell you German 'ghettos' are filled with Balkan and MENA people. You get me now?

02-18-2014, 03:24 PM
I think many of the things in the article are a result of African Americans' historical oppression. Not all but some.

But LOL at this.. so much for mrswan and anyone on here believing in people of color uniting to defeat the white man... this is exactly what I suspected and I knew I was right.

My black students had nothing but
contempt for Hispanic immigrants. They
would vent their feelings so crudely
that our department strongly advised us
never to talk about immigration in class
in case the principal or some outsider
might overhear.

Whites were “racis’,” of course, but
they thought of us at least as Americans.
Not the Mexicans. Blacks have a certain,
not necessarily hostile understanding of
white people. They know how whites
act, and it is clear they believe whites
are smart and are good at organizing
things. At the same time, they probably
suspect whites are just putting on an
act when they talk about equality, as if
it is all a sham that makes it easier for
whites to control blacks. Blacks want a
bigger piece of the American pie. I’m
convinced that if it were up to them
they would give whites a considerably
smaller piece than whites get now, but
they would give us something. They
wouldn’t give Mexicans anything.

02-18-2014, 03:24 PM
My observations with this is that most of the schools should be closed as they are a waste of tax dollars. Not to mention most of the students in them are dead beats. Its something we must face in black America that many of them are dead beats.

I can remember high school in the city, the school I attended was 30% Black and 50% Latino, it was a nightmare going to school. Only Caucasian students generalyl did well why the black students [not all but many] were classroom distractions as they caused more problems for instructors and refused to do any work. Thug life was more appealing to them and low and behold many of them today live 'thug life' and are in jail. I did not see one of them do anything extrodinary with their lives.

02-18-2014, 03:26 PM
yes as 12 year olds :lol:

no honestly...i dont say that you are wrong but it isnt entirely true either because you exeggerate it and you guys know me somewhat now and i am always honest and the first one to admit things.

i really doubt that it is comparable to aframs in usa also

Yes of course I think myself that Aframs take it to another level but you know damn well how we(I include you and me) around the age of 16 to 25 and even older act.....an average German at that age usually never engages into a fist fight after verbal abuse and rather calls the cops....an average Kurd, Albo, Eritrean, Lebo, Russian at that age usually pulls out a knife in such a situation. You know....different mentality.

02-18-2014, 03:28 PM
My observations with this is that most of the schools should be closed as they are a waste of tax dollars. Not to mention most of the students in them are dead beats. Its something we must face in black America that many of them are dead beats.

I can remember high school in the city, the school I attended was 30% Black and 50% Latino, it was a nightmare going to school. Only Caucasian students generalyl did well why the black students [not all but many] were classroom distractions as they caused more problems for instructors and refused to do any work. Thug life was more appealing to them and low and behold many of them today live 'thug life' and are in jail. I did not see one of them do anything extrodinary with their lives.

The ghetto culture is majorly dysfunctional. I agree.

02-18-2014, 03:29 PM
You racis', it's because I'm Black.

02-18-2014, 03:30 PM
people like that shouldnt be allowed to school anyway

it should be tried to improve them by giving them the chance to go to school and develop a sense of responsibility and teamwork and also teach them things of course but if they dont stop such behaviour then gtfo

some people are just garbage and you cant change that

there are so many poor people or people who had it rough in life who would love to go to school and do something with their life and they deserve it a lot more than such scum

02-18-2014, 03:30 PM
Where is mrswan and KidMulat? They needs to have their dream crushed that blacks and Hispanics are going to unite to take down the white man.

02-18-2014, 03:35 PM
Why do people pull this out like every 6 months; its beyond old and basically used for you guys to circle jerk talking about "black inferiority".

Get new trolling material.

02-18-2014, 03:36 PM
Where is mrswan and KidMulat? They needs to have their dream crushed that blacks and Hispanics are going to unite to take down the white man.

Dude shut the fuck up, don't speak my name out like that.

Tooting Carmen
02-18-2014, 03:36 PM
I went to a secondary school full of working-class Blacks and South Asians in Central England. While the poor discipline and ghetto behaviour and speech were all certainly present, they were NOWHERE NEAR as extreme as what is described in the OP. Also, one big difference between South Asians and Afro-Americans is regarding sex - the former, if anything, tend to be too conservative and strict.

02-18-2014, 03:38 PM
Dude shut the fuck up, don't speak my name out like that.

I was originally only intending on mentioning mrswan but I think you have also said that you think all "people of color" have solidarity with one another but they do not.

02-18-2014, 03:39 PM
While the poor discipline and ghetto behaviour and speech were all certainly present, they were NOWHERE NEAR as extreme as what is described in the OP.

The article seemed like a caricature to me, I believe it has some basis in truth about some of the ways students behave but it seems like it was written to provoke a reaction.

02-18-2014, 03:39 PM
I was originally only intending on mentioning mrswan but I think you have also said that you think all "people of color" have solidarity with one another but they do not.

I never said that; I was speaking specifically of 1960's POC solidarity movements in the Bay Area.

Wtf its to early for your shit

02-18-2014, 03:40 PM
Yes of course I think myself that Aframs take it to another level but you know damn well how we(I include you and me) around the age of 16 to 25 and even older act.....an average German at that age usually never engages into a fist fight after verbal abuse and rather calls the cops....an average Kurd, Albo, Eritrean, Lebo, Russian at that age usually pulls out a knife in such a situation. You know....different mentality.

i KNOW what you mean but you describe it totally different :D i also dont agree that we all pull out knives but let me explain it like this

"we" at age 10-14 : Puberty started and our testosterone confuses us ....we are loud and act like gangster lol . We fight a lot and are out of control

age 15-17 : not much has changed but we calmed a bit down and dont scream that much during classes . Girls are a big topic now and we all have our "gangs" . We try to be rebellic and are outdoors almost 24/7

age : 18-20 : we are a lot more mature now but didnt leave the previous behaviours entirely . We go to nightclubs a lot now

over 20 : if you still managed to be somewhat civilzed and cared for your schoolwork :D then you may be a student now or started(maybe even finished) your job trainee

25+ : you are awesome like Be-Real ;)

the fighting thing : we are different than most germans yes i wont say more about this but i also know germans who are like us and who also go through such phases

Tooting Carmen
02-18-2014, 03:40 PM
The article seemed like a caricature to me, I believe it has some basis in truth about some of the ways students behave but it seems like it was written to provoke a reaction.


02-18-2014, 03:44 PM
I never said that; I was speaking specifically of 1960's POC solidarity movements in the Bay Area.

What it shows is that the solidarity only exists when it mutually benefits both groups.

02-18-2014, 03:46 PM
i KNOW what you mean but you describe it totally different :D i also dont agree that we all pull out knives but let me explain it like this

"we" at age 10-14 : Puberty started and our testosterone confuses us ....we are loud and act like gangster lol . We fight a lot and are out of control

age 15-17 : not much has changed but we calmed a bit down and dont scream that much during classes . Girls are a big topic now and we all have our "gangs" . We try to be rebellic and are outdoors almost 24/7

age : 18-20 : we are a lot more mature now but didnt leave the previous behaviours entirely . We go to nightclubs a lot now

over 20 : if you still managed to be somewhat civilzed and cared for your schoolwork :D then you may be a student now or started(maybe even finished) your job trainee

25+ : you are awesome like Be-Real ;)

the fighting thing : we are different than most germans yes i wont say more about this but i also know germans who are like us and who also go through such phases

Yeah I agree but 'we' all don't pull knives but it is 10 times more likely for 'us' to pull out a knife than for an average German. For example at the age of 14 to 18 I knew a bunch of guys who always had a knife carrying with them and noone of them was a German. And yes some young Germans can be aggressive and violent too but they are a minority. The difference on mentality are really big bira. And yes I experienced all those phases besides 25 + I am still 20. ;)

02-18-2014, 03:47 PM
What it shows is that the solidarity only exists when it mutually benefits both groups.


Also did you not just say this "article" was an exaggeration?

02-18-2014, 03:52 PM
I find it hard to believe that Turks, Levantines, etc. behave the same way as the article. Here the Lebanese act more like the people on Jersey Shore, not "ghetto" blacks.

not where I live caucasians still run everything and excel no matter their background. Most Levantine people or othwer Caucasians I noticed had no issue adapting here. Most dont behave like ghetto blacks, or jesery shore losers.

I noticed more northern euros acting like blacks here. But its starting to lose its popularity here thankfully. Being black is not cool here I guess.....A sign things are changing for the better.

02-18-2014, 03:52 PM

Also did you not just say this "article" was an exaggeration?

Yes, but that is one of the few parts of the article that is fully believable to me. Along with the part about black men's obsession with white women.

02-18-2014, 03:56 PM
Yes, but that is one of the few parts of the article that is fully believable to me. Along with the part about black men's obsession with white women.

You have always obsessed about Black men's ethnic and racial preferences even though the vast majority of black men do not end up with white women and end up marrying black women.

But by all means continue that mindset lol

02-18-2014, 03:56 PM
i KNOW what you mean but you describe it totally different :D i also dont agree that we all pull out knives but let me explain it like this

"we" at age 10-14 : Puberty started and our testosterone confuses us ....we are loud and act like gangster lol . We fight a lot and are out of control

age 15-17 : not much has changed but we calmed a bit down and dont scream that much during classes . Girls are a big topic now and we all have our "gangs" . We try to be rebellic and are outdoors almost 24/7

age : 18-20 : we are a lot more mature now but didnt leave the previous behaviours entirely . We go to nightclubs a lot now

over 20 : if you still managed to be somewhat civilzed and cared for your schoolwork :D then you may be a student now or started(maybe even finished) your job trainee

25+ : you are awesome like Be-Real ;)

the fighting thing : we are different than most germans yes i wont say more about this but i also know germans who are like us and who also go through such phases

The onyl difference I ntoice between groups here is where you live geographically. Middle class to poorer inner city kids get themselves more so into trouble than lets say people who live in farming communities or upper class areas. They act the least rebellious because they constantly work or are not exposed to the city. I ntocied this when moving from the city to country, I like the country more than the city as it is more laid back and you can have just as much fun. Here most people who have lived here for afew generations realize this so they move from the city to the country in developing towns. Unfortunately my town is a working class town where most people are not rich but there isnt that much trouble around here, except many youths fire paintball guns at school buses and police cars to be jerks. I remember witnessing this afew times, it was in the news too but stopped.

02-18-2014, 03:58 PM
You have always obsessed about Black men's ethnic and racial preferences even though the vast majority of black men do not end up with white women and end up marrying black women.

But by all means continue that mindset lol

blacks 9 out of 10 times dont marry period. They jsut have illegitamte children and blame white people for it. I remeber hearing one say that blacks should marry because that is a white institution. The man sounded like a fruitloop but liberals in America today agree with his belief that no one should marry and just have illegitamte children, live unresponsible lives to benefit 'progressive' growth.....hahaha retarded liberals.

02-18-2014, 03:58 PM
Yeah I agree but 'we' all don't pull knives but it is 10 times more likely for 'us' to pull out a knife than for an average German. For example at the age of 14 to 18 I knew a bunch of guys who always had a knife carrying with them and noone of them was a German. And yes some young Germans can be aggressive and violent too but they are a minority. The difference on mentality are really big bira. And yes I experienced all those phases besides 25 + I am still 20. ;)

the major difference between us and most germans is that we are more brutal in a fight and fight until the end

you will also see it often that when 2 germans "fight" that they push each other first for 10 mins and say weird things "öööyyeeeeeyy" and then maybe 1 punch and thats it ......a lot are also not talented when it comes to fighting in my experience

when we fight then it is catastrophic ...been there done that and observed it all over the years

but again : i also know germans who would rip off heads and are fucking machines .....you should never underestimate them

i've had german friends who are just fucking psychos

02-18-2014, 04:00 PM
the major difference between us and most germans is that we are more brutal in a fight and fight until the end

you will also see it often that when 2 germans "fight" that they push each other first for 10 mins and say weird things "öööyyeeeeeyy" and then maybe 1 punch and thats it ......a lot are also not talented when it comes to fighting in my experience

when we fight then it is catastrophic ...been there done that and observed it all over the years

but again : i also know germans who would rip off heads and are fucking machines .....you should never underestimate them

i've had german friends who are just fucking psychos

Yeah I fully agree and it fits with my personal experiences. xD

02-18-2014, 04:00 PM
You have always obsessed about Black men's ethnic and racial preferences even though the vast majority of black men do not end up with white women and end up marrying black women.

But by all means continue that mindset lol

I have heard black women tell me the exact same thing; that as darker black women the are not high up on a black man's list for preferred partner, that black women want a woman who is white or close to it, etc.

Anyway about the article, I think I read it and dismissed it also because I consider myself liberal and I want to work toward a unified society, and I do not want to believe that the article could be true. But I will note, African children do not behave like that. That behavior only exists in societies where black people were systematically oppressed.

02-18-2014, 04:02 PM
not where I live caucasians still run everything and excel no matter their background. Most Levantine people or othwer Caucasians I noticed had no issue adapting here. Most dont behave like ghetto blacks, or jesery shore losers.

I noticed more northern euros acting like blacks here. But its starting to lose its popularity here thankfully. Being black is not cool here I guess.....A sign things are changing for the better.

Doesn't say so according to actual statistic.

So no.

02-18-2014, 04:03 PM
One of the comments on the article on another site :(

"The black students that were smart and got good grades were ridiculed and bullied so intensely. They were told that they weren't black. They were told that they were just trying to be white etc.. I witnessed it day in and day out. Some I noticed the good students started to pick up the habits of the bad ones probably in hopes that the bullying would subside. They stopped raising their hand to offer answers in class even sometimes stopped doing their homework. Some didn't change anything and just took the bullying."

02-18-2014, 04:04 PM
I have heard black women tell me the exact same thing; that as darker black women the are not high up on a black man's list for preferred partner, that black women want a woman who is white or close to it, etc.

Anyway about the article, I think I read it and dismissed it also because I consider myself liberal and I want to work toward a unified society, and I do not want to believe that the article could be true. But I will note, African children do not behave like that. That behavior only exists in societies where black people were systematically oppressed.

How you may consider yourself and how you actually profess your beliefs may be divergent but that is not the topic at hand.

Yes there is colorism but to be frank, to be honest many dude just have sex with white women and later dip. As one sees in the world most black men are married to black women within a shade from their complexion.

02-18-2014, 04:06 PM
Where is mrswan and KidMulat? They needs to have their dream crushed that blacks and Hispanics are going to unite to take down the white man.

:1127: LOl hispanics like white people hahahahahaa blacks are just maddddddddd.

02-18-2014, 04:07 PM
Doesn't say so according to actual statistic.

So no.

rap culture is for baseline mentality types of people. so your wrong. th3e only kids in my town that listen to negroid music are afew potheads. the rest listen to human music. this even includes latinos who dislike rap.

02-18-2014, 04:08 PM
:1127: LOl hispanics like white people hahahahahaa blacks are just maddddddddd.

I don't know if I'd say that, but only in liberal bubbles is there pan-POC solidarity. Those students in college who think there is are in for a rude awakening in the real world.

02-18-2014, 04:09 PM
rap culture is for baseline mentality types of people. so your wrong. th3e only kids in my town that listen to negroid music are afew potheads. the rest listen to human music. this even includes latinos who dislike rap.

I take actual statistics over your half ass attempts at nuanced anti-blackness

02-18-2014, 04:10 PM
I've no idea what the fuck you're trying to say but schools in Albania even during the most worst times the country went through the kids are very well behaved, like the "whitest" of white behaved.

Personally I grew up in Albanian school system. We got up every time a teacher walked in a classroom.
When the teachers spoke you could hear a pin drop.

albanians here werent bad. they were known to engage in fist fights in the parking lots of schools but never caused issues in the class room or on other school grounds. the black students were the worst next to puerto ricans, both being the most retarded examples of human beings in my opinion. everyone else is fine and causes the least amount of issues from my observations. i honeslty think in the inner city blacks should have their own schools away from other more intelligent peoples.

02-18-2014, 04:11 PM
I think students (of any race) that are simply in school to cause a disruption and refuse to learn might as well drop out. That way they won't be disrupting students who want to learn, and if they are not disciplined enough to get through school without just barely passing, they won't succeed at any job that requires a high school education anyway.

02-18-2014, 04:12 PM
I don't know if I'd say that, but only in liberal bubbles is there pan-POC solidarity. Those students in college who think there is are in for a rude awakening in the real world.

Latin kings and the Panthers in NYC; Cesar Chaver and his workers movement with MLK and the civil rights movement; Bob Marley and the anti colonialist Rastafari movement in Indigneous Hawaiian Maui; not students.

Most of the Bay Area movements were not student led or even majority.

02-18-2014, 04:14 PM
I take actual statistics over your half ass attempts at nuanced anti-blackness

negroid american culture is for retards. the fact its called art is laughable on its own. it isnt art but degeneracy. everyone knows that. I like how Barrack Insane Obozo defended rap music, further making himself look like an idiot.

I dont need statistical infromation to prove the stupidity and degeneracy of negroid american culture. Its self evident and obvious. Black youth wear their pants below their ass, you would call that dignifying culture? No wonder middle easterners reject american culture, they have it confused with something else :D

02-18-2014, 04:15 PM
I think students (of any race) that are simply in school to cause a disruption and refuse to learn might as well drop out. That way they won't be disrupting students who want to learn, and if they are not disciplined enough to get through school without just barely passing, they won't succeed at any job that requires a high school education anyway.

they should be sent to sweat shops and work for 5 dollars a day. they belong there or in a jail.

02-18-2014, 04:16 PM
I will add that the article does not coincide with my experiences, and so I am not going to start stereotyping or judging an entire community based on it. I know it may be due to the people I surround myself with being educated, but when I go into the classroom there are black students who want to learn, unlike what the article suggests.

02-18-2014, 04:18 PM
negroid american culture is for retards. the fact its called art is laughable on its own. it isnt art but degeneracy. everyone knows that. I like how Barrack Insane Obozo defended rap music, further making himself look like an idiot.

I dont need statistical infromation to prove the stupidity and degeneracy of negroid american culture. Its self evident and obvious. Black youth wear their pants below their ass, you would call that dignifying culture? No wonder middle easterners reject american culture, they have it confused with something else :D

Good for you; I think you're mistaken though because you're wasting keystrokes on opinions I give no fucks about.

02-18-2014, 04:21 PM
Good for you; I think you're mistaken though because you're wasting keystrokes on opinions I give no fucks about.

'give no fucks about' Excellent Negro Southern English.....prime example of retardation :cool: What I like the most is how African Immigrants here even reject it because they refuse to be in line with degenerate African Americans. They are obviously the better of the two groups. I also notice most Africans in the work force up here are 9 out of 10 times black immigrants from Africa not even African Americans. Wow Aframs fail at everything.....I wonder why? Nah who cares they have Thug life......LOL

02-18-2014, 04:23 PM
I will add that the article does not coincide with my experiences,

I have to say, it does coincide with my experiences, and a lot of the stuff in the article I know is not exaggerated. There were a few exceptions, but basically 90% of the blacks who I went to school with behaved in the way this teacher describes.

02-18-2014, 04:24 PM
'give no fucks about' Excellent Negro Southern English.....prime example of retardation :cool: What I like the most is how African Immigrants here even reject it because they refuse to be in line with degenerate African Americans. They are obviously the better of the two groups. I also notice most Africans in the work force up here are 9 out of 10 times black immigrants from Africa not even African Americans. Wow Aframs fail at everything.....I wonder why? Nah who cares they have Thug life......LOL

Keep going; you're pathetic :rotfl:

02-18-2014, 04:25 PM
I have to say, it does coincide with my experiences, and a lot of the stuff in the article I know is not exaggerated. There were a few exceptions, but basically 90% of the blacks who I went to school with behaved in the way this teacher describes.

Well I did mention that my high school was very white, and the black students were Cape Verdean mostly and tended to act white, and by the time I got to college anyone who acts "ghetto" and didn't want to learn would not be likely to be in my classes.

02-18-2014, 05:31 PM
Keep going; you're pathetic :rotfl:

Aframs are mostly proof of dead end people. Living still in their favorite places....inner city ghettos. Dont worry every other immigrant group has surpassed the Afram. To bad so sad...... :p Well at least food stamps, 40s of malt beer, weed, large over sized necklaces and pants that dont fit makes them happy. Thug life!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotfl:

02-18-2014, 05:34 PM
Well I did mention that my high school was very white, and the black students were Cape Verdean mostly and tended to act white, and by the time I got to college anyone who acts "ghetto" and didn't want to learn would not be likely to be in my classes.

the opposite when I attend my first year of college here, Obama and Democrats are trying to encourage inner city ghetto youth to go to college with tax dollars. A huge waste in federal spending, as the proof could be seen judging from the material that was being pured into every classroom. The thug life kids lasted half a semester and mostly failed....today you dont see them but freshman year you get afew ghetto aframs. They drop out of colelge all the time because they are too stupid to be there. They should consider factory work.

02-18-2014, 05:35 PM
Aframs are mostly proof of dead end people. Living still in their favorite places....inner city ghettos. Dont worry every other immigrant group has surpassed the Afram. To bad so sad...... :p Well at least food stamps, 40s of malt beer, weed, large over sized necklaces and pants that dont fit makes them happy. Thug life!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotfl:

Yet you continue to talk about us incessantly.

Ironically White people drink more than black people, are on welfare more than black people, smoke more weed than black people, and have more disposable income than black people.

Your perpetuating stereotypes even in the face of data showing otherwise

02-18-2014, 05:37 PM
are on welfare more than black people

Not true. In terms of raw numbers yes because white people make up more of the US population, but in terms of proportion this is just not true. A greater percentage of the black population is on welfare than the white population.

02-18-2014, 05:40 PM
Not true. In terms of raw numbers yes because white people make up more of the US population, but in terms of proportion this is just not true. A greater percentage of the black population is on welfare than the white population.

I said more white than black people using raw number; it is white people who make up the majority of recipients, I never stated a greater percentage. The main draw of government funds is by white recipients of welfare

02-18-2014, 05:43 PM
I said more white than black people using raw number; it is white people who make up the majority of recipients, I never stated a greater percentage. The main draw of government funds is by white recipients of welfare

The fact that a greater number of white people are on welfare isn't a meaningful statistic, all it reflects is that there are more white people in the US. A greater PERCENTAGE of the black population is on welfare. Granted I think it is because of the lasting effects of segregation and discrimination, but let's not be dishonest here.

02-18-2014, 05:49 PM
The fact that a greater number of white people are on welfare isn't a meaningful statistic, all it reflects is that there are more white people in the US. A greater PERCENTAGE of the black population is on welfare. Granted I think it is because of the lasting effects of segregation and discrimination, but let's not be dishonest here.

No it is a meaningful statistic; when people talk about blacks draining the system because of government assistance they are insinuating that the actual recipients of these programs are "bad". If you have that mindset then they must be corrected because those using government assistance must be accounted as being "problems" and most of those "problems" have white faces.

Is there a difference? No doubt. But the fact that most of the people benefitting from these programs these folks here deride must be taken into account.

02-18-2014, 06:05 PM
No it is a meaningful statistic; when people talk about blacks draining the system because of government assistance they are insinuating that the actual recipients of these programs are "bad". If you have that mindset then they must be corrected because those using government assistance must be accounted as being "problems" and most of those "problems" have white faces.

Is there a difference? No doubt. But the fact that most of the people benefitting from these programs these folks here deride must be taken into account.

Well I am not going to say it is without reason, but when you see the percentage of whites on welfare versus the percent of blacks on welfare relative to their percentage of the US population, you see that poverty is a bigger issue for the black community overall.

02-18-2014, 06:10 PM
Blacks here are quite chill and like everyone else in behavior, but to be fair, such things in Western Canada do occur with the Native community, and probably a result of the long discrimination they have faced, nothing to do with race.

02-18-2014, 06:12 PM
All you people here seem to be so disdainful of black culture...and I'm just going to go out on a limb and say it's not prejudice, rather innocent ignorance. I will show you now a fine piece of literature, by acclaimed African-American poet, Langston Hughes; in the hopes that you will see the light.

Bad Morning, by Langston Hughes
Here I sit
With my shoes mismated.
I's frustrated!

02-18-2014, 06:12 PM
Blacks here are quite chill and like everyone else in behavior, but to be fair, such things in Western Canada do occur with the Native community, and probably a result of the long discrimination they have faced, nothing to do with race.

How I see it is that many of the problems we see with the African American community are directly related to past and present discrimination, to the effects of segregation, etc. That is true. However, African Americans today have the resources to succeed if they so choose. There are still obstacles in their way, but that doesn't mean they should stop trying and accept failure, not try in school, etc. It is not their fault they are in the position they are in today, but they have the choice to either attempt social mobility despite obstacles -- and let's be honest, African Americans HAVE overcome larger obstacles in the past than the ones faced today -- or the choice to remain trapped in the same place.

Many choose to do the former, and those are the ones that I personally know.

02-18-2014, 06:14 PM
Well I am not going to say it is without reason, but when you see the percentage of whites on welfare versus the percent of blacks on welfare relative to their percentage of the US population, you see that poverty is a bigger issue for the black community overall.

Well ofcourse its a bigger issue in my community but that's not what I said; I said most recipients of government assistance are White and therefore they are the biggest "burden" on the system. (Ofcourse the idea of burden and the reliance on government welfare is complex its far beyond the level of intelligence most users here can speak on so I am just being blunt.)

02-18-2014, 06:15 PM
All you people here seem to be so disdainful of black culture...and I'm just going to go out on a limb and say it's not prejudice, rather innocent ignorance. I will show you now a fine piece of literature, by acclaimed African-American poet, Langston Hughes; in the hopes that you will see the light.

Bad Morning, by Langston Hughes
Here I sit
With my shoes mismated.
I's frustrated!

You realize that that piece was part of a much larger book and you cherry picking a poem using AAVE to somehow minimize his impact and skill only shows how weak you are.

02-18-2014, 06:15 PM
Well ofcourse its a bigger issue in my community but that's not what I said; I said most recipients of government assistance are White and therefore they are the biggest "burden" on the system. (Ofcourse the idea of burden and the reliance on government welfare is complex its far beyond the level of intelligence most users here can speak on so I am just being blunt.)

I think you and I see it differently. I don't think welfare recipients are a "burden" except for those who choose not to work and don't make an effort.. but I think that if I did think welfare recipients were a burden I'd focus more on the fact that African Americans are disproportionately represented in the welfare system for the amount of the population they make up, because it would demonstrate that there are problems in the black community such as poverty and poor education in inner-city schools.

02-18-2014, 06:16 PM
I think you and I see it differently. I don't think welfare recipients are a "burden" except for those who choose not to work and don't make an effort.. but I think that if I did think welfare recipients were a burden I'd focus more on the fact that African Americans are disproportionately represented in the welfare system for the amount of the population they make up, because it would demonstrate that there are problems in the black community such as poverty and poor education in inner-city schools.

Did you not read what I said at all

02-18-2014, 06:17 PM
Did you not read what I said at all

I did. And I think it is a larger problem that a demographic making up 12% of the population is disproportionately represented in welfare.

02-18-2014, 06:19 PM
How I see it is that many of the problems we see with the African American community are directly related to past and present discrimination, to the effects of segregation, etc. That is true. However, African Americans today have the resources to succeed if they so choose. There are still obstacles in their way, but that doesn't mean they should stop trying and accept failure, not try in school, etc. It is not their fault they are in the position they are in today, but they have the choice to either attempt social mobility despite obstacles -- and let's be honest, African Americans HAVE overcome larger obstacles in the past than the ones faced today -- or the choice to remain trapped in the same place.

Many choose to do the former, and those are the ones that I personally know.

I completely agree, but it's legacy of discrimination and oppression, because the same attitude can be found among Natives in Western Canada for the same reason. People who are oppressed often want to make difference between them and the larger population whom they see is responsible for their dismay. The article that speaking on how to teach Black students remind me of my friend who is a high school teacher in pred Native school, and the same behaviors can be observed, she is White, but could not take it and left to another school. You also see this even in other parts of the world.

02-18-2014, 06:23 PM
I completely agree, but it's legacy of discrimination and oppression, because the same attitude can be found among Natives in Western Canada for the same reason. People who are oppressed often want to make difference between them and the larger population whom they see is responsible for their dismay. The article that speaking on how to teach Black students remind me of my friend who is a high school teacher in pred Native school, and the same behaviors can be observed, she is White, but could not take it and left to another school. You also see this even in other parts of the world.

I think it's a self-fulfilling prophecy. African Americans were discriminated against, and in turn behave in ways that are reflective of that. They have the capability for some level of social mobility, but it is difficult to do so because of the oppression they faced and by NOT doing so, they face even more discrimination because of the disliked behaviors that they exhibit as a result of the original oppression they faced.

With that said, and not wanting to fall into victim-blaming, the best thing African Americans could do at this point is to do well in school, get advanced degrees, invest and start businesses. Because even though it's not their fault things are the way they are and they cannot be blamed for their oppression, African Americans' behavior like in that article is just going to cause people to be more prejudiced against them.

02-18-2014, 06:23 PM
I did. And I think it is a larger problem that a demographic making up 12% of the population is disproportionately represented in welfare.

No you did not; I never stated people on welfare are actual burdens, I literally stated that my being blunt comes from acknowledging most people lack any nuance on the subject.

I never stated percentage, I never denied it,I never said it wasn't informed by history, I literally said the racial composition of government assistance recipients are White.

Point blank, no more no less.

Don't say you read and understood what I said when you clearly did not.

02-18-2014, 06:36 PM
You realize that that piece was part of a much larger book and you cherry picking a poem using AAVE to somehow minimize his impact and skill only shows how weak you are.

1) What is AAVE?
2) Why are so bitter?
3) Why do you make such racist assumptions?
4) And why are you such an art snob?

I for one, find deep connection to the straightforward symbolism and message, and I think a lot of people do. The way it speaks volumes of his time and culture in such a simple manner says more about his skill than anything.

02-18-2014, 06:42 PM
the best thing African Americans could do at this point is to do well in school, get advanced degrees, invest and start businesses

I agree with this: education and money.

02-18-2014, 06:52 PM
I will say some of the behaviors in the article -- the girls going to the front of the room and shaking their asses for the boys, the girls fighting over the boys, the speaking obnoxiously loudly -- are just negative cultural elements. I can't see any link between any of those and oppression.

02-18-2014, 06:53 PM
Ape-Humans are unteachable.

02-18-2014, 06:54 PM
Ape-Humans are unteachable.

Can you please stop being a '' nazi'' for once...

02-18-2014, 06:55 PM
Can you please stop being a '' nazi'' for once...

02-18-2014, 07:00 PM
I think it should be noted "black AMERICAN students".

02-18-2014, 07:00 PM
1) What is AAVE?
2) Why are so bitter?
3) Why do you make such racist assumptions?
4) And why are you such an art snob?

I for one, find deep connection to the straightforward symbolism and message, and I think a lot of people do. The way it speaks volumes of his time and culture in such a simple manner says more about his skill than anything.

Black English
Not bitter your cherry picking is bullshit sarcasm you know it
Because I know your posts
Not a snob; I simply not an anti-intellectual

You intentionally used a terse piece, one of his shortest works; separated and therefore decontextualized from not only his more well known and lauded pieces but essentially you left out for ignorant people on here to judge as if its at all representative.

Its childish.

02-18-2014, 07:03 PM
I think it should be noted "black AMERICAN students".

Well I assume Dominicans, Jamaicans, etc. would do the same, but yes. As noted before, African students do not behave like this.

Prisoner Of Ice
02-18-2014, 07:36 PM
Indeed it is. I have no kids but I have lots of nephews and nieces growing up in the states and that worries me when I compare how I grew up never seeing any other kind but my own kin. It's really depressing reading this article, because it's consistent with everything I knew and feared already.

Yeah, I don't like where things are heading in america. I say this not because I dislike albanians because I think they are some of the best immigrants US gets, but I don't think US is a great place to move to really. It's maybe better than mexico where everything is already constant gangs and violence but I think it's going to get a lot worse in a few decades, and a population of 300...or by then 600 million, all going into violence and chaos is an unmanageable nightmare.

Prisoner Of Ice
02-18-2014, 07:44 PM
I don't know the exact numbers or percentages since there are no statistics but MENA/Southeast Euro/East Euro/SSA youths in Western Europe are known for similar behavior and hence have a very bad reputation among Western Euros.

I didn't read the article I just assumed the article speaks about kids and teenagers and average MENA teenager in Western Europe doesn't act differently from average Afram teenager. Same heated, aggressive, masculine 'ghetto-macho' mentality.

And I include myself into these groups bro. young Eritreans and Horners in general are the same bunch as Kurds, Turks, Lebos, Albos, Bosnians etc. not only my personal experience.

Many Germans would hence rather live next to some Aframs than to some MENA Muslims.

American blacks and true SSAs are a lot worse than turks and ethiopians. With american blacks it seems about 20% 'problem' kids and the rest are actually nice to be around, the bad ones are extremely bad though.

And it's not even 'macho guy' thing. It's the girls, too. It's basically criminal behavior or pre-criminal behavior.

02-18-2014, 07:44 PM
This is ridiculous. I'm almost certain this is just a fabricated anecdote from an indignant person that has had a few bad experiences with blacks. The only reason they act this way is because mainstream American culture is so strongly divisive, whites and blacks live in separate worlds, is essentially what it amounts to.

African-Americans have the potential to do as well as any white student, if they are afforded the same opportunities (which they rarely are in truth)

Prisoner Of Ice
02-18-2014, 07:48 PM
I think many of the things in the article are a result of African Americans' historical oppression. Not all but some.

But LOL at this.. so much for mrswan and anyone on here believing in people of color uniting to defeat the white man... this is exactly what I suspected and I knew I was right.

Yeah it's not some political movement or something. The bad ones are just really bad. There's no fear they will take over USA any more than nigeria is going to take over USA. Only way they can is through dumbocracy electing more obamas.

Prisoner Of Ice
02-18-2014, 07:50 PM
Yes of course I think myself that Aframs take it to another level but you know damn well how we(I include you and me) around the age of 16 to 25 and even older act.....an average German at that age usually never engages into a fist fight after verbal abuse and rather calls the cops....an average Kurd, Albo, Eritrean, Lebo, Russian at that age usually pulls out a knife in such a situation. You know....different mentality.

Muslims and especially turks got a serious gang mentality, but this is different. Instead of organized thuggery it's just complete anarchy.

02-18-2014, 07:51 PM
This is ridiculous. I'm almost certain this is just a fabricated anecdote from an indignant person that has had a few bad experiences with blacks. The only reason they act this way is because mainstream American culture is so strongly divisive, whites and blacks live in separate worlds, is essentially what it amounts to.

African-Americans have the potential to do as well as any white student, if they are afforded the same opportunities (which they rarely are in truth)

You underestimate our biological variance from them, they don't think like us.

Prisoner Of Ice
02-18-2014, 07:53 PM
people like that shouldnt be allowed to school anyway

it should be tried to improve them by giving them the chance to go to school and develop a sense of responsibility and teamwork and also teach them things of course but if they dont stop such behaviour then gtfo

some people are just garbage and you cant change that

there are so many poor people or people who had it rough in life who would love to go to school and do something with their life and they deserve it a lot more than such scum

Yeah, I would love to trade our juvies for ANY random immigrant. We get somalis and ethiopians here, none of them throw bottles or beat white guys on the street 'just because' (and always in groups of 6, 8 or more).

02-18-2014, 07:53 PM
African-Americans have the potential to do as well as any white student, if they are afforded the same opportunities (which they rarely are in truth)

Exactly. The thing is, I don't think people should just give up trying if there are roadblocks, and to me it seemed like the author simply had a large class full of students who felt hopeless about their futures and educations and gave up trying.

02-18-2014, 07:53 PM
You underestimate our biological variance from them, they don't think like us.

Hmmm, could you elaborate on that, provide some sort of proof?

Prisoner Of Ice
02-18-2014, 07:55 PM
I went to a secondary school full of working-class Blacks and South Asians in Central England.

The smaller and smaller class of working class blacks is fine. In the US there is a huge welfare underclass that just grows and grows. Most the kids in these schools are on welfare and have no father.

They need forced abortions for single moms with no husband and no money or it's just going to get worse.

Prisoner Of Ice
02-18-2014, 07:58 PM
The article seemed like a caricature to me, I believe it has some basis in truth about some of the ways students behave but it seems like it was written to provoke a reaction.

He's probably pulling on years worth of bad experiences and jamming it into one article. Some of the things I heard are much worse, but picking out the very worst few incidents doesn't give you a good representation. The inability to keep from blurting stuff out is real. They also constantly grab the ass of female teachers, call them names, accuse them of being racist, etc. etc.

Most of the other teachers are almost as stupid as the kids, and mispronounce simple words, use extremely bad judgement. It's a tragedy of errors.

02-18-2014, 07:59 PM
The idea that African Americans behave like that article suggests due to genetics is unfounded and frankly racist. But it can be disproven when you see how African immigrants to the US act, which is nothing like black Americans.

Prisoner Of Ice
02-18-2014, 08:01 PM
'give no fucks about' Excellent Negro Southern English.....prime example of retardation :cool: What I like the most is how African Immigrants here even reject it because they refuse to be in line with degenerate African Americans.

Yeah, I actually get no end of amusement from this.

Prisoner Of Ice
02-18-2014, 08:02 PM
I will add that the article does not coincide with my experiences, and so I am not going to start stereotyping or judging an entire community based on it. I know it may be due to the people I surround myself with being educated, but when I go into the classroom there are black students who want to learn, unlike what the article suggests.

Your experience in some other country, with people who have a different racial origin, is not comparable.

02-18-2014, 08:03 PM
Hmmm, could you elaborate on that, provide some sort of proof?

There's plenty out there on the internet.


This is considered an 'intelligent speech' by their standards.


There aren't really any counterexamples.

02-18-2014, 08:03 PM
Your experience in some other country, with people who have a different racial origin, is not comparable.

I am American.

02-18-2014, 08:03 PM
The idea that African Americans behave like that article suggests due to genetics is unfounded and frankly racist. But it can be disproven when you see how African immigrants to the US act, which is nothing like black Americans.

A Sudanese guy I knew in high school was one of the best students we had, in fact he put a lot of white students to shame with the grades he got. Really what it comes down to is a willingness to work hard and setting goals for yourself. Unfortunately many black Americans simply lack the same drive and dedication. It has absolutely nothing to do with race.

Prisoner Of Ice
02-18-2014, 08:04 PM
Yet you continue to talk about us incessantly.

Ironically White people drink more than black people, are on welfare more than black people, smoke more weed than black people, and have more disposable income than black people.

Your perpetuating stereotypes even in the face of data showing otherwise

More lies like usual. You always do this. There's 5 times more whites than blacks in US, they have slightly more crime and welfare. Yet the crime they do is mostly a lot less savage anyway.

If you are not a fuckup, defending the black fuckups who do this shit is not helpful to anyone. They are the problem, not the people who talk about the problem.

Prisoner Of Ice
02-18-2014, 08:06 PM
Blacks here are quite chill and like everyone else in behavior, but to be fair, such things in Western Canada do occur with the Native community, and probably a result of the long discrimination they have faced, nothing to do with race.

The ones you got are ones from US who had enough of a brain to immigrate somewhere instead of vegetate in ghetto.

02-18-2014, 08:08 PM
A Sudanese guy I knew in high school was one of the best students we had, in fact he put a lot of white students to shame with the grades he got. Really what it comes down to is a willingness to work hard and setting goals for yourself. Unfortunately many black Americans simply lack the same drive and dedication. It has absolutely nothing to do with race.

It is a culture problem in the US, possibly due to the goals set in hip hop and rap culture and the fact that many black American youths look to those people as role models instead of scholars.

Prisoner Of Ice
02-18-2014, 08:08 PM
Well I assume Dominicans, Jamaicans, etc. would do the same, but yes. As noted before, African students do not behave like this.

The ones who have same origin as black americans do, the ones in east africa don't.

02-18-2014, 08:13 PM
The ones who have same origin as black americans do, the ones in east africa don't.

East Africans have Arabian ancestry.

Prisoner Of Ice
02-18-2014, 08:13 PM
The idea that African Americans behave like that article suggests due to genetics is unfounded and frankly racist. But it can be disproven when you see how African immigrants to the US act, which is nothing like black Americans.


They are the kids with the smallest brains and lowest IQ and worst behavior. It's 100% genetic, and long since proven to everyone but liars.


Prisoner Of Ice
02-18-2014, 08:15 PM
I am American.

Virgin islands is US territory not part of US. The people there don't have the same origin. The people on haiti have a more similar one and surprise surprise they have the same horrible behavior.

02-18-2014, 08:16 PM
Virgin islands is US territory not part of US. The people there don't have the same origin. The people on haiti have a more similar one and surprise surprise they have the same horrible behavior.

I live in the northeastern US, not on the Virgin Islands.

02-18-2014, 08:17 PM
If you give people excuses and tell people they are victims they will believe it. These problems you see were never observed before the 60s. If you expect bad behavior and make excuses for people, this is what you get. If you don't tolerate bad behavior, punish it harshly and swiftly, and make it clear these aren't your expectations, the bad behavior will stop.

Prisoner Of Ice
02-18-2014, 08:20 PM
If you give people excuses and tell people they are victims they will believe it. These problems you see were never observed before the 60s. If you expect bad behavior and make excuses for people, this is what you get. If you don't tolerate bad behavior, punish it harshly and swiftly, and make it clear these aren't your expectations, the bad behavior will stop.

More bullshit...jesus, you really have no clue about anything. Blacks never misbehaved before 60s? Half of them got kicked out of school and they made up over half the prison population. Everyone used to say it's because whitey so racis, but I think that ship has sailed. The ones who have not 'integrated' by now are never going to.

02-18-2014, 08:22 PM
This is the essence of the problem in the black community: due to discrimination and lack of opportunity as a result, many black Americans have lost hope in the idea of education and success and instead turn to people like Nicki Minaj and Lil' Wayne as role models.

02-18-2014, 08:30 PM
More bullshit...jesus, you really have no clue about anything. Blacks never misbehaved before 60s? Half of them got kicked out of school and they made up over half the prison population. Everyone used to say it's because whitey so racis, but I think that ship has sailed. The ones who have not 'integrated' by now are never going to.

You deny there was a difference in how they acted in a post 1960s society? Their illegitimacy rates were much lower then vs. today. The more you coddle someone the more they misbehave. It's been observed in children for instance. Coddling them and telling them whites are to blame for everything clearly has not worked. I'm not saying it was perfect but look at this chart


02-18-2014, 08:32 PM
If you give people excuses and tell people they are victims they will believe it. These problems you see were never observed before the 60s. If you expect bad behavior and make excuses for people, this is what you get. If you don't tolerate bad behavior, punish it harshly and swiftly, and make it clear these aren't your expectations, the bad behavior will stop.

Problem is: as an individual you are pretty powerless against a society.

02-18-2014, 08:33 PM
Problem is: as an individual you are pretty powerless against a society.

If everyone thought like that, nothing would get done. It's your classroom. You make the rules and enforce them. Lay down the law when anyone falls out of line.

02-18-2014, 08:34 PM
That is not possible anymore since nowadays teachers are losing their powers to discipline.

Prisoner Of Ice
02-18-2014, 08:37 PM
This is the essence of the problem in the black community: due to discrimination and lack of opportunity as a result, many black Americans have lost hope in the idea of education and success and instead turn to people like Nicki Minaj and Lil' Wayne as role models.

No, they just completely don't care. The few who are in mostly white areas are just not the same as most of the ones in the mostly black areas. They are there in the first place because they succeeded. It's funny to me how full of shit people are when they talk about discrimination - it's a fantasy. You never get any applicants that are remotely qualified to do the job you need done, that's the reality. Of course that gets blamed on discrimination somehow too, but it's all fantasy, blaming others for an obviously real problem.

02-18-2014, 08:38 PM
That is not possible anymore since nowadays teachers are losing their powers to discipline.

Sometimes you do have the power though. I've spoken to this white guy who's a teacher in an inner city school system. He said his secret is acting like it's a military academy and never show any fear. He says it makes them behave.

02-18-2014, 08:42 PM
In a way I find it depressing to have to continually realize, but in another way I am relieved, that the present social and political scaffolding of Western society will inevitably be replaced by something different. And I am speaking specifically about the subject matter of this thread.
It is disappointing to see such high social ideals fail or undergo corruption. But things are getting really f*cked up really fast (ex. black-on-white crime, of the lethal variety). So I will be relieved to one day see things adjusted.
I am sort of convinced that future historians shall consider political correctness to be a brief 20th century phenomenon in the history of Western Civilization.

02-18-2014, 09:42 PM
Black English
Not bitter your cherry picking is bullshit sarcasm you know it
Because I know your posts
Not a snob; I simply not an anti-intellectual

You intentionally used a terse piece, one of his shortest works; separated and therefore decontextualized from not only his more well known and lauded pieces but essentially you left out for ignorant people on here to judge as if its at all representative.

Its childish.

- I didn't use "Black English", he did.
- It's not cherry picking, that was a wonderful poem I remember reading in school.
- No you don't.
- Yes you are.
- I intentionally used a piece that was short, sweet, and gets the job done. That's how you spread your point to the "ignorant people on here" right?
- Childish? Thank you. Kids are less of assholes than adults so I'll take that as a compliment.

02-18-2014, 10:04 PM

Prisoner Of Ice
02-18-2014, 10:09 PM
You deny there was a difference in how they acted in a post 1960s society? Their illegitimacy rates were much lower then vs. today. The more you coddle someone the more they misbehave. It's been observed in children for instance. Coddling them and telling them whites are to blame for everything clearly has not worked. I'm not saying it was perfect but look at this chart


Well, it's true. What I meant is that the basic problem has always been there. It's gotten worse because teachers have no pwoer any more, and because in all demographics we have idiocracy effect going.

02-18-2014, 10:34 PM
You know how to read? I am not talking about Albanian youths in Albania but about Balkan youths in general living in Western European countries. They have the same bad reputation among German, Dutch, Austrian, Switzerland people as Afram youths in the USA. If you don't believe me ask people who live in Germany, Switzerland, Austria etc. and I can post crime statistics, documentations etc. about young immigrant youths from the Balkan area, besides MENA youths and SSA youths in Western European countries showing their typical 'ghetto' behavior. US ghettos are filled with Aframs? Let me tell you German 'ghettos' are filled with Balkan and MENA people. You get me now?
Get a grip dude. Albanian kids growing up in Greece and Italy win best student of the year of that country almost every year.

Prisoner Of Ice
02-18-2014, 10:38 PM
Get a grip dude. Albanian kids growing up in Greece and Italy win best student of the year of that country almost every year.

Dinaric brains are high power brains. More albanian polymaths than any other ethnicity so far as I can tell.

02-18-2014, 10:38 PM
You know how to read? I am not talking about Albanian youths in Albania but about Balkan youths in general living in Western European countries. They have the same bad reputation among German, Dutch, Austrian, Switzerland people as Afram youths in the USA. If you don't believe me ask people who live in Germany, Switzerland, Austria etc. and I can post crime statistics, documentations etc. about young immigrant youths from the Balkan area, besides MENA youths and SSA youths in Western European countries showing their typical 'ghetto' behavior. US ghettos are filled with Aframs? Let me tell you German 'ghettos' are filled with Balkan and MENA people. You get me now?

Albanians in Germany have a professional Mafia, not gangs who robe and rape people in the streets. There are of course cases, not like the ones you are mentioning. Even in the worst years for albanians in 1991-1997 and 1999-2003 still you couldn't compare them with marrocans or other people. I know very well for example the difference with albanians and maroccans in Italy, just ask italians here.

02-18-2014, 10:39 PM
Dinaric brains are high power brains. More albanian polymaths than any other ethnicity so far as I can tell.

Stop making the smart as and interfering in issues you have no idea about.

02-18-2014, 10:40 PM
Get a grip dude. Albanian kids growing up in Greece and Italy win best student of the year of that country almost every year.

Behavior has nothing to do with '' white or '' whitest'' or other ridiculous terms you mentioned.

02-18-2014, 10:43 PM
Albanians in Germany have a professional Mafia, not gangs who robe and rape people in the streets. There are of course cases, not like the ones you are mentioning. Even in the worst years for albanians in 1991-1997 and 1999-2003 still you couldn't compare them with marrocans or other people. I know very well for example the difference with albanians and maroccans in Italy, just ask italians here.

Yes but I was talking about youngsters/teenagers not grown man.

02-18-2014, 10:44 PM
Yes but I was talking about youngsters/teenagers not grown man.

Wat do they do, do they beat people in the streets, are germans afraid of them?

02-18-2014, 10:45 PM
Get a grip dude. Albanian kids growing up in Greece and Italy win best student of the year of that country almost every year.

Cool dude. Never heard of similar cases in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. I am not saying that they are not capable of being successful.

02-18-2014, 10:46 PM
Wat do they do, do they beat people in the streets, are germans afraid of them?

Yes they do. But that's common behavior for all Balkan/MENA/East-Euro youths here.

02-18-2014, 10:47 PM
Yes they do. But that's common behavior for all Balkan/MENA/East-Euro youths here.

They beat germans in the streets? I didn't know that, i am surprised really.

02-18-2014, 10:50 PM
They beat germans in the streets? I didn't know that, i am surprised really.

That's very common behavior among young guys, you didn't know? Ask Be-Real, ask Kyiant, ask any German member on here.

Anyway it is funny that american mixed mongrel moors like portufaggos thumb me down on this issue although I lived my whole life in Germany.

02-18-2014, 10:53 PM
That's very common behavior among young guys, you didn't know? Ask Be-Real, ask Kyiant, ask any German member on here.

He is like Kurt, they live in America and have no idea about europe, they live in their imaginary romantic world.
Anyway it is funny that american mixed mongrel moors like portufaggos thumb me down on this issue although I lived my whole life in Germany.

02-18-2014, 11:08 PM
They beat germans in the streets? I didn't know that, i am surprised really.

Actually 'scheiss deutsche kartoffel' which means 'dirty German potato' is a widely used term among youths from Balkan/MENA/East-Euro. There is even an own term for this called Deutschenfeindlichkeit which means 'Hate against Germans'.

This is a German rightwing page reporting 'anti-german/deutschenfeindliche' attacks: http://www.zukunftskinder.org/?cat=10&paged=2

And here they whine about a 20 year old Kosovo-Albanian youngster killing(beating to death) a German guy: http://www.zukunftskinder.org/?p=43938

There was for example a very known case of one Greek(17) and one Turk(20) youngster beating to death a German old guy and which lead to more negative reputation of Balkan/MENA people: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pr%C3%BCgelattacke_in_der_M%C3%BCnchner_U-Bahn_2007


And here you can read about around 1500 pages on a German rightwing page dedicated towards 'Auslaenderkriminalitaet' which mean 'Immigrantcriminality'. And when they speak about Balkan/MENA people they usually use the terms 'Kanake' or 'suedlaendisch' which means 'southern':


I could post endlessly stuff.....really

02-18-2014, 11:18 PM
Cool dude. Never heard of similar cases in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. I am not saying that they are not capable of being successful.

One should know that Albanian kids living in the host countries are living in ghetto neighborhoods due to cheap housing.
But what's striking about this, in the Bronx New York for example, Albanian kids have made headlines for beating up black kids at school. Even painting a black kids face in white, which is the reason it made headlines.
This doesn't mean however that Albanians aren't capable of academic success. The facts proof the opposite.
I don't live in a fantasy world, three random Albanians I know here where I live, one is a university professor and this other lady runs the whole university in Southern California, and another one teaches at UNLV. These are just random Albanians I met in recent years.

Prisoner Of Ice
02-18-2014, 11:26 PM
Behavior has nothing to do with '' white or '' whitest'' or other ridiculous terms you mentioned.

It's based on how many hugs and kisses people give you.

Prisoner Of Ice
02-18-2014, 11:27 PM
Stop making the smart as and interfering in issues you have no idea about.

It's just history, dumbass.

02-18-2014, 11:36 PM
LMAO! It's like this thread was MADE for me...lol! Btw, why can't you people post this stuff on the weekends, when I'd actually have time to response sensibly...geez man!

I just came from the gym, gotta cook dinner b/c my greedy friends are coming over AND I have to go through some Woodcock-Johnson testing results..., but after I shower, and finish checking Bleach and Naruto updates (they come out every Wednesday ya'll lol!), I'm so coming back to this thread...lol! Also after Tetris too...I was really close to getting 2nd place last night...

Okay, maybe it'll happen tomorrow, but trust, I gotta an essay for this one...lol!

02-18-2014, 11:39 PM
But I will say this for right now...it's a joy to teach black children if you have good classroom management and your lessons are engaging and rigorous. If not, why the hell are you in education anyway because you are about to get eaten alive...

02-18-2014, 11:43 PM
Behavior has nothing to do with '' white or '' whitest'' or other ridiculous terms you mentioned.

I think you're mistaken here. Of course it does.
So far we got Albanian kids in the Bronx making headlines for standing up for themselves and beating black kids at school. So far we got proof that Albanian kids in Italy Greece US etc etc win awards as best students over representing based on the small numbers of Albanian population.
This only proofs that Albanian are übermensch dinaric stock, using the power of the brain to survive in a troubled world.
Unlike the American kids that are getting beat up and abused by blacks in schools, albo kids in the Bronx have managed to unite together and kick ass, also succeed at school as well.

02-18-2014, 11:44 PM
I think you're mistaken here. Of course it does.
So far we got Albanian kids in the Bronx making headlines for standing up for themselves and beating black kids at school. So far we got proof that Albanian kids in Italy Greece US etc etc win awards as best students over representing based on the small numbers of Albanian population.
This only proofs that Albanian are übermensch dinaric stock, using the power of the brain to survive in a troubled world.
Unlike the American kids that are getting beat up and abused by blacks in schools, albo kids in the Bronx have managed to unite together and kick ass, also succeed at school as well.

That has to do with the warlike nature and also because a lot of these children are Malsors.

02-18-2014, 11:49 PM
Not really different from the blacks here.

02-19-2014, 12:01 AM
Yes they do. But that's common behavior for all Balkan/MENA/East-Euro youths here.

Not where I live. Its mostly non Caucasians that cause all of the issues except Asians. Triracials and blacks here cause most of the issues....more so triracials. They cause most of the crime in my country in terms of blue collar crime. white collar crime usually Jews and Armenians hahahahahaha [jk].

Prisoner Of Ice
02-19-2014, 12:03 AM
Good post methusalem, but I think it's more an issue with islmists than simply turks or albos.

Prisoner Of Ice
02-19-2014, 12:04 AM
Not where I live. Its mostly non Caucasians that cause all of the issues except Asians. Triracials and blacks here cause most of the issues....more so triracials. They cause most of the crime in my country in terms of blue collar crime. white collar crime usually Jews and Armenians hahahahahaha [jk].

All the 'MENA' we get is rich kids, at least until recently. This is changing for the horrible worse lately.

02-19-2014, 12:05 AM
In a way I find it depressing to have to continually realize, but in another way I am relieved, that the present social and political scaffolding of Western society will inevitably be replaced by something different. And I am speaking specifically about the subject matter of this thread.
It is disappointing to see such high social ideals fail or undergo corruption. But things are getting really f*cked up really fast (ex. black-on-white crime, of the lethal variety). So I will be relieved to one day see things adjusted.
I am sort of convinced that future historians shall consider political correctness to be a brief 20th century phenomenon in the history of Western Civilization.

Its mostly because they cannot forget the past and then instigate race problems to begin with. We just want nothing to do with them. If thye had their own place to live they wouldn't bother us and us Caucasians could go on to what we naturally do instead of playing Nanny and trying to help out a people that constantly look for trouble and call every like minor thing 'racist' . If anything just give them a section of the south and let them have their own government and do what they want. They can play their thug music all they wish and be thug all they wish....hell crime in their area and ours would go down drastically. I realy think it would be beneficial for us all in the long run. Give them their own areas and let them do their thing there. Why do we have to be robbed, beaten for what happened 300 years ago? And even have the state and government on their side? Im so sick of political correctness protecting thieves and criminals. Im sick of it which is why I hate my government beyond all measure.

02-19-2014, 12:07 AM
I tried to explain
there were no blacks in eighteenth century
That's not true. There were several Blacks in London and several of them had shacked up with poor White chicks and there was even a sizable amount of mixed people. Read "When London was the Capital of America" which is about American society and colonial American - English relations pre-Revolution.

One of the most immediately striking
things about my students was that they
were loud. They had little conception of
ordinary decorum.

I went to a public high school in Florida that was about 50/50 White/Black. There were always large groups of black people being loud. Often, the halls would just begin to sound like a whirring, "Blappa blappa blappity blap!" after a while. Like that group of Black students that came to my private northeastern college that made a lot of noise while the tour guide was giving a tour. No one can say it was just an isolated incident. There is like an engrained culture of loudness. I wonder if anyone's ever done an unbiased study on it.

02-19-2014, 12:12 AM
All the 'MENA' we get is rich kids, at least until recently. This is changing for the horrible worse lately.

luckily the federal government does not allow burka barbies here or the lower classes of the middle east. All the Lebanese, Syrians, Iraqis and other Arabs I meet are the opposite of what you see in Europe. Europe needs to take in only the higher elements of middle eastern society and stop catering to impoverished peasants. No one needs to take in anyone's peasants. Or send them to commonwealth countries like New Zealand or South Africa.

However some MENAs on here are good others are stupid. The good ones are welcome as I have no quarrel with those who could adapt to European society or Western society. Those willing to become apart of it fine, the others who reject it and yet live off of us well they should leave out of respect for us. The majority luckily here are not peasants but normal caucasians and cause zero crime and respect the laws in our lands. Therefore it totally fine with me that they are here. Its the poor from South America we should put a cap on, too much favoritism is going to them and enough is enough.

I feel that Caucasians should just break away from the mentality of trying to save the peasants of every country. Its really stupid.

02-19-2014, 12:14 AM
That's not true. There were several Blacks in London and several of them had shacked up with poor White chicks and there was even a sizable amount of mixed people. Read "When London was the Capital of America" which is about American society and colonial American - English relations pre-Revolution.

I went to a public high school in Florida that was about 50/50 White/Black. There were always large groups of black people being loud. Often, the halls would just begin to sound like a whirring, "Blappa blappa blappity blap!" after a while. Like that group of Black students that came to my private northeastern college that made a lot of noise while the tour guide was giving a tour. No one can say it was just an isolated incident. There is like an engrained culture of loudness. I wonder if anyone's ever done an unbiased study on it.

That's because Afams are naturally arrogant, ignorant and worthless to the world. Most here don't make it in college past freshman year unless they are foreign blacks. Most blacks at my college are directly from Africa.

02-19-2014, 12:19 AM
More bullshit...jesus, you really have no clue about anything. Blacks never misbehaved before 60s? Half of them got kicked out of school and they made up over half the prison population. Everyone used to say it's because whitey so racis, but I think that ship has sailed. The ones who have not 'integrated' by now are never going to.

surprise surprise they still do. I love how the media portrayed trayvon martin as this innocent child. I can provide two links telling a different story. If anything Zimmerman did what he had to do. It was maazing though after that incident out west in Ohio a white 15 year old kid was set on fire by two adult black men who said 'for trayvon'. Amazing big media did not report that. You know why? Because Marxist American media does not want us to know the truth so we do not wake up to what is ruling us and its agenda.

The fact is blacks need a separate place to live in America completely segregated from the rest of the country. Im sure they wont commit as much crime as they do here and infact would never have to worry about racism or being thrown into a race situation. I totally would support that. I would argue the positive things that would benefit them and us mutually. Aframs and White Americans shouldn't live near each other as history proves its detrimental for both groups to live amongst each other.

02-19-2014, 12:26 AM

They are the kids with the smallest brains and lowest IQ and worst behavior. It's 100% genetic, and long since proven to everyone but liars.


They are the worst criminals in America. Well Latinos get second place but if you look at Asias, Middle Easterners and other Caucasians we follow the rules and hold the most power in America. Infact even the higher Latinos on the social scale are usually of white background, middle eastern or half of one of those. So its proof that Aframs are just natural born criminals. My point they should be segregated to their own area of the country like the South and left there.

02-19-2014, 01:22 AM
That's because Afams are naturally arrogant, ignorant and worthless to the world. Most here don't make it in college past freshman year unless they are foreign blacks. Most blacks at my college are directly from Africa.

I've meet very few blacks in my life. The few I get to see in my city from time to time are the opposite of what I hear about Africans in the US, they are small, skinny and have this meek almost frightened attitude. I used to think most Africans from actual Africa are like this, i'm not sure tho.

Prisoner Of Ice
02-19-2014, 01:27 AM
I've meet very few blacks in my life. The few I get to see in my city from time to time are the opposite of what I hear about Africans in the US, they are small, skinny and have this meek almost frightened attitude. I used to think most Africans from actual Africa are like this, i'm not sure tho.

Average for black height is smaller than whites, there is a subset that fits all the stereotypes though, which is mostly a criminal element. Even if they are huge they usually are timid when alone, though.

02-19-2014, 01:49 AM
Yo crakaz iz racis'! :laugh:

02-19-2014, 02:03 AM
I've meet very few blacks in my life. The few I get to see in my city from time to time are the opposite of what I hear about Africans in the US, they are small, skinny and have this meek almost frightened attitude. I used to think most Africans from actual Africa are like this, i'm not sure tho.

Are you in Europe? Maybe most African Africans are different. When gangsta rap comes to mind so does Aframs, drug and ghetto thug black culture LOL. Its that bad here but luckily they are stuck in the ghettos were they belong in the inner city. The big problem is rap culture [if you can call it that] the media promotes including politicians calling it intellectual 'property' etc.... Its really sad.

02-19-2014, 02:39 AM
Are you in Europe? Maybe most African Africans are different. When gangsta rap comes to mind so does Aframs, drug and ghetto thug black culture LOL. Its that bad here but luckily they are stuck in the ghettos were they belong in the inner city. The big problem is rap culture [if you can call it that] the media promotes including politicians calling it intellectual 'property' etc.... Its really sad.
Totally agree on the thuggish senseless rep music.
Actually some white American made headline news everywhere recently because allegedly he shot at a group of black teens listening to this type of music and his white girlfriend testified that he stated: "I hate this fucking music"
Which this doesn't make him guilty anyway. The group of teens had guns and according to the story he shot in self defense but since one black teen died and the guns have been hidden, "a white guy shot an unarmed black teen for listening to rep"

02-19-2014, 02:40 AM
Are you in Europe? Maybe most African Africans are different. When gangsta rap comes to mind so does Aframs, drug and ghetto thug black culture LOL. Its that bad here but luckily they are stuck in the ghettos were they belong in the inner city. The big problem is rap culture [if you can call it that] the media promotes including politicians calling it intellectual 'property' etc.... Its really sad.

I live in Mexico, but i've been in the US and didn't saw much blacks either (PA), maybe because it's more rural?

02-19-2014, 03:40 AM
Very interesting and at the same time shocking article.

There is this german dude who is friends to my family, he lives in Monterey Califorina, this article made me remember what this german friend used to say some years back when visiting us: The good thing about Mexico is that there are no blacks!.

02-19-2014, 07:47 AM
One should know that Albanian kids living in the host countries are living in ghetto neighborhoods due to cheap housing.
But what's striking about this, in the Bronx New York for example, Albanian kids have made headlines for beating up black kids at school. Even painting a black kids face in white, which is the reason it made headlines.
This doesn't mean however that Albanians aren't capable of academic success. The facts proof the opposite.
I don't live in a fantasy world, three random Albanians I know here where I live, one is a university professor and this other lady runs the whole university in Southern California, and another one teaches at UNLV. These are just random Albanians I met in recent years.

Yes I never said that Albanians are not capable of being intelligent or successful, my point is that people with certain cultural background act in a similar 'warlike', masculine, hot-headed, aggressive way as Afram youths. Go to Paris, go to Berlin, go to Stockholm, go to Birgmingham UK etc. you won't see Aframs but other minority youths like Pakistanis, Morrocans, Yugoslaves, Levantines etc. who act in a similar 'ghetto' like way

Manifest Destiny
02-19-2014, 07:48 AM
Something I've noticed is that even some educated black people speak in a certain way that allows me to identify them as black, even if I'm only hearing them on the radio.

Walter Williams is a perfect example of this. He's a brilliant economist who sometimes guest-hosts on conservative talk radio. The first time I heard him speak I could tell he was black before I even knew who he was. His grammar was fine. There was just something about how he spoke that made it obvious.

02-19-2014, 07:54 AM
Something I've noticed is that even some educated black people speak in a certain way that allows me to identify them as black, even if I'm only hearing them on the radio.

Walter Williams is a perfect example of this. He's a brilliant economist who sometimes guest-hosts on conservative talk radio. The first time I heard him speak I could tell he was black before I even knew who he was. His grammar was fine. There was just something about how he spoke that made it obvious.

Its just slight AAVE influenced cadence/southern influenced pronunciations ; a lot of people have parents like the person above but now and days I am hard pressed to find people who sound like their parents in that regard.

02-19-2014, 07:58 AM
Michelle Pfeifer was a good teacher to black teens

The soundtrack was good too.

Manifest Destiny
02-19-2014, 08:05 AM
Indeed it is. I have no kids but I have lots of nephews and nieces growing up in the states and that worries me when I compare how I grew up never seeing any other kind but my own kin. It's really depressing reading this article, because it's consistent with everything I knew and feared already.

You don't even have to be a teacher to see shit like this. Just go to a movie theater in an inner city and you get the same behavior.

02-19-2014, 12:11 PM
But I will say this for right now...it's a joy to teach black children if you have good classroom management and your lessons are engaging and rigorous. If not, why the hell are you in education anyway because you are about to get eaten alive...

You work in education yourself, don't you? Respect for you then, because teachers don't have the easiest of jobs (even though for some people the profession is like their second nature and they do think it's easy).

02-19-2014, 01:10 PM
I went to school briefly in Georgia US. About 70%-80% blacks. Constant fighting and disruption in class. I've never experienced anything like it. It saps the soul right out of you to be surrounded by that. I finished High School at a private school in California, fortunately. When I was in Germany and even when I am here in Scotland I am so disappointed when I hear rap music.

02-19-2014, 04:07 PM
Totally agree on the thuggish senseless rep music.
Actually some white American made headline news everywhere recently because allegedly he shot at a group of black teens listening to this type of music and his white girlfriend testified that he stated: "I hate this fucking music"
Which this doesn't make him guilty anyway. The group of teens had guns and according to the story he shot in self defense but since one black teen died and the guns have been hidden, "a white guy shot an unarmed black teen for listening to rep"

if you look up the real trayvon martin you would notice the media portrays this black angel and a evil half white guy who is fat and over weight who looks like a neo-nazi. Of course Im sure it made headlines because he is half german so he is automatically a recist no good white person LOL. But the real events proved he was innocent and that martin was no angel. I have two videos on this and showed it to a bunch of leftists who told me martin was incapable of being bad....if anything zimmerman did our soceity a favorite because Martin was a drug dealer, thief, thug gangsta and got what was he earned....he wanted thug life he got it.

02-19-2014, 04:10 PM
I went to school briefly in Georgia US. About 70%-80% blacks. Constant fighting and disruption in class. I've never experienced anything like it. It saps the soul right out of you to be surrounded by that. I finished High School at a private school in California, fortunately. When I was in Germany and even when I am here in Scotland I am so disappointed when I hear rap music.

there is a reason why black immigrants even hate it because it shames their culture and many have told me this at college. they even distance themsleves to Aframs. Aframs to me are just subhuman. Im glad there are ghettos because they belong in them.

<object width="420" height="315"><param name="movie" value="//www.youtube.com/v/t3e41prVDv4?version=3&amp;hl=en_US&amp;rel=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="//www.youtube.com/v/t3e41prVDv4?version=3&amp;hl=en_US&amp;rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="420" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>

02-19-2014, 04:12 PM
wont let me edit but here is the video [it doesnt load on here?] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3e41prVDv4

average mind set of the ghetto Afram......Uber rap culture at it finest :rolleyes:

02-19-2014, 04:20 PM
I live in Mexico, but i've been in the US and didn't saw much blacks either (PA), maybe because it's more rural?

exactly PA is good. Mostly blacks live in ghettos because they like conrete housing and assisted living....we are evil whites so we owe them their welfare....so long as welfare keeps them in the inner city the better. Just get rid of the Black Caucus special priveledge groups.... they are ruining our politics. I think after Barack Insane Obozo leaves office it will disappear because everyone is sick of their complaining and race baiting tactics.


The Real trayvon martin and what the Democratic Socialist American media did not show.....


they want to get rid of guns so that they can protect a criminals right to rob you or assault you, or kill you in your own home. Nah......we must pick apart our media because its the worst in the world.

02-19-2014, 04:20 PM
there is a reason why black immigrants even hate it because it shames their culture and many have told me this at college. they even distance themsleves to Aframs. Aframs to me are just subhuman. Im glad there are ghettos because they belong in them.

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I guess it must be in their nature, they were the dumb ones/ones that weren't wanted, that were sold into slavery by their own people way back. But that doesn't make sense either because Australians were a bunch of convicts and now their country is rich and prosperous. I wonder why Aframs are so retarded. They have the brains of 4 year old toddlers pumped full of steroids.

02-19-2014, 04:34 PM
its going on 200 years and they are still retarded. they drop out of school very early as well. generalyl have large families with single mothers, the fathers disappear usually before the children are even born. its just their culture. they like to complain and are very good at it because the government gives them what they want when they want....we live under a nanny state hahahah. I have never seen any group beahve the way they do.....its almost inhuman to me as no one is as retarded as they are. I honestly have never seen a group so stupid and primitive.


honeslty if the government needed to get rid of surplus people they should start with these subhumans.