View Full Version : The attack on the "Komsomolskaya Pravda": Unknown, smashing glass, throwing smoke bombs Received

12-11-2009, 09:09 AM
Building "Komsomolskaya Pravda" was attacked by about eight in the evening. Our photographer, came out on the street to smoke, saw a crowd of dark figures in melteshaschih respiratory masks. In the next moment directly into his head flew off a brick, an employee "Komsomolskaya Pravda" barely managed to dodge.

The severity of stroke has made a glass door, split into several parts. The unknown with the cry: "Now Smell-ka Gas!" Throwing smoke bombs and the lobby had disappeared in the night, scattering the leaflets near the entrance.

In them, they call themselves anti-fascists, accusing the "Komsomolskaya Pravda in lies in relation to migrants and anti-fascists. However, all our materials on this subject have been confirmed LAW ENFORCEMENT. For each publication is impenetrable statistics investigative bodies.

What now, smashing the windows in the UPC or the FSB?

Spetskorra Dmitry Steshina attackers were accused of inciting ethnic hatred in the pages of newspapers. In the message, we make claims about the article about the slain leader antifa Ivan farm, say, a newspaper he called the "criminal authority". At the same time to make their claims honored not the most law-abiding manner. Believe me, editors are always ready for dialogue. Come, sit down at a round table talk, to argue ...

- So-called anti-fascists have shown us the most genuine fascist thinking - commented to us on the phone Dima Steshin, located in a business trip. - An extreme degree of intolerance to another view. Russian people do not need to teach anti-fascism. Russian people - the most tolerant people on earth.

On my own I can add that with Dima Steshinym side by side, I have been working for several years. The man pulled me out of the zone of fire, when I was overwhelmed by a crazy shot from the grenade launcher during the storming of the school in Beslan. A few minutes later we pulled together children from the festering building of the school gym.

Dima could not make out if children in the Russian and non-Russian - it was a reflex. The normal human reaction in this situation: the children - is holy, no matter what nationality they were.

Since we do not Steshinym once traveled to hot spots, worked for the war in South Ossetia, where Dima passed their materials with the most uncomfortable at the time the parties - Georgia, where Russia's journalist, by the way, only one of the print media, who was in the town of Gori, just explained that he was an enemy of the state.

But Dima fell into the empty propaganda, and its objective, suspended materials were deservedly awarded a week ago, received the most liberal and most prestigious journalism award named after Artyom Borovik.

By the way, according to the editorial board, this rally organized youth militant group Red Skins, far from the ideas of tolerance. Its fascist methods - evidence of this.

http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/6456/attack1w.jpg (http://img704.imageshack.us/i/attack1w.jpg/)

Witnesses say the attackers - young people. Not less than ten
Photo: Anatoli Zhdanov

Sol Invictus
12-11-2009, 09:13 AM
Source your articles or information please.

12-11-2009, 10:03 AM
Source your articles or information please.


In Russian source

12-15-2009, 03:07 AM
http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/6456/attack1w.jpg (http://img704.imageshack.us/i/attack1w.jpg/)
"Merry Christmas" in the window of Komsomolka? LOL, talk about irony :rolleyes: