View Full Version : Black bar owner in Brixton says young blacks have ruined the community.

03-02-2014, 03:31 AM
A bar in Brixton has blamed rising violence in south London on black youngsters, claiming many clubs in the area have been forced out of business.
In a post on their Facebook page Fridge Bar, which is owned by a black woman, warned that unless young black people 'learn to conduct themselves in a civil manner' they face being barred from venues.
The post claims 13 clubs have closed 'in the past couple of years', because of violence.

The author of the post, who warned it was a 'controversial' message, said: 'The absolute majority of people who have disrupted theses venues are black men and increasingly some black women.
'There, I said it. It is true, I have witnessed it and there is both anecdotal and empirical evidence that what I say is true.
'I know some will say that it is a "minority" doing the damage but I disagree.

'The minority know that they have the support of the majority who fail to call them out when their behaviour becomes awful.'
It adds: 'It seems that the decent black people of whom there are many are losing the fight.
'We need to take back control and start to ostracise the b******s who are giving us all a terrible name.
The 300-capacity bar in Brixton Hill, which regularly hosts House, RnB and Disco nights, hit out at media reports covering the controversial post, in a second message on the social networking site.

03-02-2014, 03:33 AM
Good on him. He's right no doubt. Reading the English papers a huge percentage of rapists and murderers are black (greatly overrepresented). It's good someone's taking responsibility.

03-03-2014, 06:38 PM
We need more people like him telling the truth..

Fortis in Arduis
03-03-2014, 09:36 PM
As a black women, the owner, no doubt, feels more able to speak out.

This Fridge Bar in Brixton is not The Fridge, Brixton (http://www.fridge.co.uk/) that I remember from the 1990s. It is a different place with the same name, but The Fridge was the place to end up. London's culture has changed so much.

I felt comfortable going out and going Mongoloid to the point of getting lost, sometimes even on my own. I would not do that now. There are so many hostile people. One could be assaulted and robbed so easily. Knives are pretty much standard now.

A female friend went out partying in Vauxhall and she had to RUN from a gang of youths who tried to rob her at an ATM.

03-03-2014, 09:40 PM
The stupidest chavs in the UK have also adopted a negro philosophy. It's plain to see. They are the cause for most problems. They aren't quite smart enough to be white but they are white so the pretend to be black and there you have the chav community as a whole.

03-03-2014, 10:36 PM
It's good that they spoke about this, because they can address these problems and not be sidelined as a racist, and people may actually be more willing to consider it. Respect for that.

03-03-2014, 10:40 PM
The stupidest chavs in the UK have also adopted a negro philosophy. It's plain to see. They are the cause for most problems. They aren't quite smart enough to be white but they are white so the pretend to be black and there you have the chav community as a whole.

It's pretty much like Britain's answer to African American gang culture. Don't get me wrong, there's always been gangsters and troublemakers here, but probably there hasn't been so many in a while, and they haven't seemed so foreign.

I think David Starkey gets it close to the truth, he understands the deal with social problems and politics in general, not just the London Riots:


Prisoner Of Ice
03-03-2014, 10:48 PM
The only solution was to have a time machine and never have let them in. Muslims are not far behind on violence, and in US have no qualms about getting drunk either.

Failing that, you need to have people locked away. It's not for nothing we have three strikes laws in US. Criminals like this don't reform, they just keep going back to jail anyway. Only problem I have with those laws is it covers petty theft...which is basically like saying if the law is carried out to the letter half of US minorities belong in jail for life, which is clearly ridiculous.