View Full Version : ...And the award of the most stupid Turk for today goes to...

Petros Houhoulis
03-06-2014, 02:39 AM


Cry harder miserable Greek losers club member and post some more Greek infected Wikipedia bullsh*t. Keep parroting the same crap miserable malaka.

*** Chinese sources are considered as the first documents that mention about Turks.Chinese gave detailed information about two Turkic tribes called CONG and TIK while mentioning about Eastern Huns. Scientists such as Edhanson and De Groot explained the pronounciation of the word Turk in Chinese language as TIK (Tirk).The first appeareance of Tirks are considered 1582 BC.


*** Chinese sources are considered as the first documents that mention about Turks.Chinese gave detailed information about two Turkic tribes called CONG and TIK while mentioning about Eastern Huns. Scientists such as Edhanson and De Groot explained the pronounciation of the word Turk in Chinese language as TIK (Tirk).The first appeareance of Tirks are considered 1582 BC.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese...0.931046_BC.29 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_history#Shang_Dynasty_.28c._1700.E2.80.931 046_BC.29)

Archaeological findings providing evidence for the existence of the Shang Dynasty, c. 1600–1046 BC, are divided into two sets. The first set – from the earlier Shang period – comes from sources at Erligang (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erligang_culture), Zhengzhou (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhengzhou), and Shangcheng. The second set – from the later Shang or Yin (殷) period – is at Anyang (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anyang), in modern-day Henan (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henan), which has been confirmed as the last of the Shang's nine capitals (c. 1300–1046 BC).[citation needed (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Citation_needed)] The findings at Anyang include the earliest written record of Chinese past so far discovered: inscriptions of divination records in ancient Chinese writing on the bones or shells of animals – the so-called "oracle bones (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oracle_bone)", dating from around 1200 BC.[15] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_history#cite_note-15)

The first records of Chinese script date to 1200 B.C., but the Turks found a reference to themselves by the Chinese at 1582 B.C.

The Turks' talent for bullshitting is immense... From a range of stupidity of 1 to 10, yours is 100!!!

Please refer to me all other instances of ultra-stupid Turk, so that we can have a daily contest on the issue...

03-06-2014, 02:52 AM
Crypto-Jewish Turk-Mod Denies Ottoman Genocides

First Greeks destroyed the Anatolians you idiot
Second and third look at a globus and tell me greeks and Armenians don exist anymore :picard1:

03-06-2014, 03:07 PM
Nationalism in this form fucks the brain, heart and soul.

03-07-2014, 09:31 PM
Nationalism in this form fucks the brain, heart and soul.

Especially ethnic one...

Petros Houhoulis
03-08-2014, 04:22 PM
Crypto-Jewish Turk-Mod Denies Ottoman Genocides

Kiyant fails to see that the last Greek genocide in Turkey took place around the 7th century B.C. The Greeks did not "destroy" the Anatolians. Ethnii like the Armenians, the Kardouhians (who are rumored to be the ancestors of the Kurds) the Isaurians, the Kappadokians and many many others existed at least until the Ottoman conquest.




Although some of them gradually lost their language to foreign influences already by the Roman times, this was not achieved by any form of genocide. On the contrary, both the Ottoman conquest and the Ottoman withdrawal resulted to a number of genocides. Nobody can recall a genocide as a result of the fall of the East Roman empire (though there were some during the rise of Rome, like the Jews' massacres and dispersal all over the world)