View Full Version : Police brutality: WC Police Filmed Beating Naked Man

03-07-2014, 02:05 PM
WC Police Filmed Beating Naked Man


Cape Town – A video of Western Cape Police and what looks to be security personal, assaulting and undressing a man, in full view of the public, emerged on Thursday, after the incident took place in Kensington, Cape Town.

Cellphone footage shot by a bystander, from a nearby window, shows two security officers holding the man’s arms while four SAPS officers proceed to undress, hit and kick the man in the groin.

The officers appear to be struggling to get handcuffs on the man. He is then placed in the back of a police WC Police van.

The circumstances leading up to the incident are not yet known.

According to the witness, police entered her office building after she shouted out of the window, outraged by the brutality on show.

An officer then threatened to arrest her, and then arrested her friend for police interference. The charges were later dropped.

According to SAPS twitter account, the Western Cape Province Commissioner’s Office has been made aware of the video and will taking steps to investigate the incident.

Source: http://za.news.yahoo.com/wc-police-filmed-beating-naked-man-085256821.html