View Full Version : Oklahoma’s ‘Dr. Mike’ allowed to continue injecting miraculous ‘Jesus shot’ for $300 a pop

03-07-2014, 02:48 PM
Oklahoma’s ‘Dr. Mike’ allowed to continue injecting miraculous ‘Jesus shot’ for $300 a pop


A man known as “Dr. Mike” in Edmond, Oklahoma is being questioned by the community about the ingredients of what he calls a “Jesus shot.”

The full name of “Dr. Mike” is John Michael Lonergan, and in 2005 he had his license to practice medicine revoked in Ohio after he was convicted of eight felony counts of tax evasion, mail fraud and health care fraud. After he was released from prison, “Dr. Mike” moved to Oklahoma, which granted him a license to practice medicine on a provisional, supervised basis.

According to News 9, “Dr. Mike” has been injecting local residents with something he calls the “Jesus shot,” which allegedly cures all pain for life. At his clinic, he has been charging people $300 per “miracle injection.”

Last month, one Oklahoma resident curious about “Dr. Mike” posted about him in a forum devoted to “outing people who falsely claim military service.”

“Nobody knows anything about this guy,” she wrote, “but he claims that he is a Former Special Forces Doctor and him and another Special Forces Doctor developed a serum for the military called Jesus Juice and it has been used in the military for years and it cures any ailment.”

“This ‘Dr. Mike’ is traveling around my town charging people $200 for this miracle shot that he developed for the military,” she continued. “Some of the oilfield companies are actually paying this guy to come to their work and explain this shot to the workers and letting this man charge their employees $300 to inject them with this [expletive].”

According to this resident, the only information about the contents of “Jesus juice” that “Dr. Mike” provided to those he injected was an assurance that they “could still pass a drug test” afterwards.

News 9 contacted the office of “Dr. Mike” and asked, “Why is it called the ‘Jesus shot’?”

A receptionist responded that she doesn’t “know why ‘Dr. Mike’ calls it that,” and that News 9 “would have to sit down for a consultation with him [because] I do not know what the formula is.”

The Oklahoma Medical Board terminated its supervisory agreement with “Dr. Mike” in March of last year, News 9 reports, but the terms of that agreement allowed him to continue to practice medicine, unsupervised, for another 12 months.

Source: http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2014/03/05/oklahomas-dr-mike-allowed-to-continue-injecting-miraculous-jesus-shot-for-300-a-pop/#.Uxk0-maM0DU.facebook