View Full Version : Could this very dark and atypical woman from Northern Ireland pass as a North African Berber?

Tooting Carmen
03-08-2014, 04:02 AM
She is TV presenter Christine Bleakley.
http://i.huffpost.com/gen/939913/thumbs/o-CHRISTINE-BLEAKLEY-570.jpg?6 http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/About/General/2010/6/25/1277488471520/Christine-Bleakley-has-jo-006.jpg http://www2.pictures.stylebistro.com/gi/Christine+Bleakley+Long+Hairstyles+Side+Sweep+c3lZ OJwwrOFl.jpg http://www.contactmusic.com/pics/lf/military_awards_3_201211/christine-bleakley-the-sun-military-awards-2011_5771979.jpg http://i1.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article227068.ece/ALTERNATES/s615/christine-bleakley-image-2-434198569-227068.jpg

03-08-2014, 04:04 AM
I think she dyes her hair and does fake tanning. Seems like it.

Tooting Carmen
03-08-2014, 04:06 AM
I think she dyes her hair and does fake tanning. Seems like it.

It is not just her pigmentation that is rather exotic though, but her features too.

03-08-2014, 04:13 AM
Black Irish. Interesting look.

Tooting Carmen
03-08-2014, 04:13 AM
Black Irish. Interesting look.

About 1% of people from the British Isles would look like her. Even most darker Brits don't have her features.

03-08-2014, 04:15 AM
She looks very med although i did know a school teacher of Irish descent who looked very similar.

Prisoner Of Ice
03-08-2014, 04:17 AM
She's got noncaucasoid hair, so she is not fully irish.

03-08-2014, 04:21 AM

she look British/Irish here...

she underwent plastic surgery later it seems

She is TV presenter Christine Bleakley.
http://i.huffpost.com/gen/939913/thumbs/o-CHRISTINE-BLEAKLEY-570.jpg?6 http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/About/General/2010/6/25/1277488471520/Christine-Bleakley-has-jo-006.jpg http://www2.pictures.stylebistro.com/gi/Christine+Bleakley+Long+Hairstyles+Side+Sweep+c3lZ OJwwrOFl.jpg http://www.contactmusic.com/pics/lf/military_awards_3_201211/christine-bleakley-the-sun-military-awards-2011_5771979.jpg http://i1.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article227068.ece/ALTERNATES/s615/christine-bleakley-image-2-434198569-227068.jpg

Tooting Carmen
03-08-2014, 04:21 AM
Btw, for those who think that the question is preposterous, compare her to Rachida Dati:
http://www.contrepoints.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Rachida-Dati.jpg http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/multimedia/archive/00374/TMM19RACHIDA2_a_374271c.jpg http://media.meltybuzz.fr/article-981792-ajust_930/il-prefere-rachida-dati-moins-moche-que-fadela.jpg

Tooting Carmen
03-08-2014, 04:22 AM

she look British/Irish here...

she underwent plastic surgery later it seems

Even in that school photo her hair, eyebrows and mouth still look weird.

Prisoner Of Ice
03-08-2014, 04:23 AM
She doesn't much. her whole mouth is wrong and her nose is be narrowed. Her whole face on bottom juts forward which is really an african trait not irish. She really looks 0% irish, 15-20% SSA or something.

Tooting Carmen
03-08-2014, 04:25 AM
She doesn't much. her whole mouth is wrong and her nose is be narrowed. Her whole face on bottom juts forward which is really an african trait not irish. She really looks 0% irish, 15-20% SSA or something.

Presumably you are talking about Rachida Dati and not Bleakley, right?

03-08-2014, 04:26 AM
Rachida Dati and Bleakley

Both look European

Tooting Carmen
03-08-2014, 04:29 AM
Both look European

Maybe, but there are a lot more (non-SSA admixed) Algerians who look like Rachida Dati than there are Irish people who look like Christine Bleakley. Most Irishwomen look more-or-less like this (even the dark-haired one looks nothing like Bleakley):

03-08-2014, 04:34 AM
Maybe, but there are a lot more (non-SSA admixed) Algerians who look like Rachida Dati than there are Irish people who look like Christine Bleakley. Most Irishwomen look more-or-less like this (even the dark-haired one looks nothing like Bleakley):

You wish to push ethnic Euros out, I claim pseudo-Euro looking non-Euros as Euro :shrug:

All Europeans are White, any non-Euro who resembles some atpyical or typical Euros are White either in my book

Tooting Carmen
03-08-2014, 04:35 AM
You wish to push ethnic Euros out, I claim pseudo-Euro looking non-Euros as Euro :shrug:

Considering that you think that Swedes and Greeks look identical, your opinion is not of great use here.

03-08-2014, 04:37 AM
Considering that you think that Swedes and Greeks look identical, your opinion is not of great use here.

ofc they don't look identical, but they are the extreme ends of European spectrum..

I also believe any non-Euro who can pass in Greece should be considered as White

Tooting Carmen
03-08-2014, 04:37 AM
ofc they don't look identical, but they are the extreme ends of European spectrum


Tooting Carmen
03-08-2014, 04:39 AM
All Europeans are White

Sort of, but there is a clear difference between not only the complexion but, more crucially, the facial traits of Bleakley and that of the Bewitched band members.

03-08-2014, 04:41 AM
She looks Spanish I think. West med

Tooting Carmen
03-08-2014, 04:44 AM
I also believe any non-Euro who can pass in Greece should be considered as White

Insofar as they can at all, that is as much because a substantial minority of Greeks look Near Eastern as it is because Caucasus people, Turks, Levantines etc. may look typically European.

03-08-2014, 04:47 AM
Insofar as they can at all, that is as much because a substantial minority of Greeks look Near Eastern as it is because Caucasus people, Turks, Levantines etc. may look typically European.

Yep..Any Caucasus people, Turks, Levantines passing in Greece or interior Europe should be taken as White

Tooting Carmen
03-08-2014, 04:49 AM
Btw, what I am trying to say is that it is not merely Bleakley's pigmentation that is exotic/extreme for the British Isles, but her features. An example of a dark British woman who is around her same pigmentation but has much more mainstream facial traits is one of my local MPs, Sian James:

Tooting Carmen
03-08-2014, 04:50 AM
Yep..Any Caucasus people, Turks, Levantines passing in Greece or interior Europe should be taken as White

What about Greeks who pass as Armenians, Turks or Lebanese though? It is not just in one direction, after all.

03-08-2014, 04:53 AM
What about Greeks who pass as Armenians, Turks or Lebanese though? It is not just in one direction, after all.

All mainland Greeks (except Cypriots & Pontics) are White regardless of how they look..so Armenians, Turks or Lebanese passing in Greece are White too..
Here mainland Greeks passing Armenia, Turkey, Lebanon are White nevertheless

Tooting Carmen
03-08-2014, 04:55 AM
All mainland Greeks (except Cypriots & Pontics) are White regardless of how they look..so Armenians, Turks or Lebanese passing in Greece are White too..
Here mainland Greeks passing Armenia, Turkey, Lebanon are White nevertheless

'White' is just a skin colour, which not everyone in Europe has - least of all in countries like Greece.

Grace O'Malley
03-08-2014, 04:57 AM
She's got noncaucasoid hair, so she is not fully irish.

She's a Northern Irish Protestant so she most probably has very little Irish ancestry if any. Northern Irish Protestants are mainly of Scottish and English ancestry. A minority are of Huguenot ancestry as well.

Tooting Carmen
06-15-2014, 09:26 PM

06-15-2014, 09:31 PM
She is TV presenter Christine Bleakley.
http://i.huffpost.com/gen/939913/thumbs/o-CHRISTINE-BLEAKLEY-570.jpg?6 http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/About/General/2010/6/25/1277488471520/Christine-Bleakley-has-jo-006.jpg http://www2.pictures.stylebistro.com/gi/Christine+Bleakley+Long+Hairstyles+Side+Sweep+c3lZ OJwwrOFl.jpg http://www.contactmusic.com/pics/lf/military_awards_3_201211/christine-bleakley-the-sun-military-awards-2011_5771979.jpg http://i1.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article227068.ece/ALTERNATES/s615/christine-bleakley-image-2-434198569-227068.jpg

Dinaricized Cromagnid. And no, she's not atypical in Ireland, it's a common phenotype in anthropometrical terms (although somewhat darker than the average).

06-15-2014, 09:35 PM
Maybe, but there are a lot more (non-SSA admixed) Algerians who look like Rachida Dati than there are Irish people who look like Christine Bleakley. Most Irishwomen look more-or-less like this (even the dark-haired one looks nothing like Bleakley):

They can have various pigmentations, but in terms of cranial dimensions, they are basically Dinaricized Cromagnids (aka Brünn type, with features such as. square face, prominent chin, convex noses etc.). The difference between Borreby and Brünn is the same than between Hallstatt Nordid and Keltic Nordid.

06-15-2014, 09:37 PM
Absolutely not, too pale skin and euro features.

Styrian Mujo
06-15-2014, 09:39 PM
She doesn't look Irsh.

06-15-2014, 09:43 PM
She looks somewhat like Catherine Zeta Jones or Victoria Beckham (but sexiest).

It's mostly a dark Nordid/CM phenotype rather than a Mediterranean phenotype resulting from Non-Euro admixture.
Another example : many Slavs and Balts have black hair, although being of full European ancestry (and it's called the "Pontid" race).
In Russia she would be classified as Pontid+Cromagnid.

06-15-2014, 09:47 PM
She's a Northern Irish Protestant so she most probably has very little Irish ancestry if any. Northern Irish Protestants are mainly of Scottish and English ancestry. A minority are of Huguenot ancestry as well.

She's got perhaps Welsh, Cornish or Southern English ancestry. ^^

♥ Lily ♥
06-16-2014, 01:18 PM
She looks like an Italian. They tend to have that olive skin shade and darker hair there due to the climate being hotter.

The closer the nations get to the equator, the darker the features get in humans and other species over time, so not to die out from skin cancer in the climate. People who've lived in colder climates for many generations lose pigmentation.

I've seen Irish people with dark hair, but most of the ones I saw have ice-blue eyes and fair skin.

I think the claims of the Spanish Armada landing in Eire is such a fallacy, as history documentaries shows they got defeated, and the few remaining Spaniards were dying by the day of hunger and disease by the time a few sailors got washed up on the coast of Eire, who were then captured and killed.

She's possibly a descendant of a more recent immigrant from Italy because most Irish people (even the ones with dark hair) have much fairer skin and different features.

She certainly doesn't look like Catherine Zeta Jones (only in hair colour) who has very delicate and fine facial features, high cheekbones, round face, hazel eyes, small nose, or Vicky Beckham (who uses 4 shades of fake tan) and has different nose shape and bone structure. She looks southern European descent and would stand out as foreign in the UK too.

06-16-2014, 01:24 PM
Her features are very european.And i don't see anything particularly "dark" about her.Just her eyes and hair are black.The skin tone is still in the european spectrum.

I've Her Son
06-16-2014, 01:48 PM
Her features are very european.And i don't see anything particularly "dark" about her.Just her eyes and hair are black.The skin tone is still in the european spectrum.


So sick and tired of non-Whites and even basement dweller Whites who never go outside calling people "dark." There is hardly anything dark about that woman; her skin tone is fairly common in Ireland and northwestern Europe. What people don't seem to understand is that skin tans, and not all white people are putrid, decomposing corpse looking ghosts. Even the most florid, freckled stereotypical Irish is going to tan in the sun to a brown color.

She looks like an Italian. They tend to have that olive skin shade and darker hair there due to the climate being hotter.

The closer the nations get to the equator, the darker the features get in humans and other species over time, so not to die out from skin cancer in the climate. People who've lived in colder climates for many generations lose pigmentation.

Time for people to abandon this bullshit narrative. The distance between Italy and Ireland and the equator is too small to account for the non-difference in Italian and Irish skin tones, and it appears Irish actually have darker hair and skin tones than Italians. Blacks in central Africa are the darkest people in the world despite living in an environment (the primeval forest under near constant cloud cover) where there is less UV radiation than there is in Europe. Native Americans have white skin that tans to dark bronze despite living north of Europe. The original skin color of the first humans and the default skin color of the bulk of mankind is a white/brunet white that tans to a dark copper color; the most UV-exposed people in the world (Australoids) had a light caramel complexion and frequent blondism. This is the most adaptable, advantageous type; black skin is a recent (>10,000 year old) mutation. Dark skinned people don't migrate north and lose pigmentation; they get rickets and go extinct just as African Americans almost had before the advent of vitamin D fortified foodstuffs.

06-16-2014, 01:56 PM
mostly likely only half white or has some distant non white ancestry.

06-16-2014, 02:10 PM
Throwing aside the last two pics, no.

Grace O'Malley
06-16-2014, 02:11 PM

So sick and tired of non-Whites and even basement dweller Whites who never go outside calling people "dark." There is hardly anything dark about that woman; her skin tone is fairly common in Ireland and northwestern Europe. What people don't seem to understand is that skin tans, and not all white people are putrid, decomposing corpse looking ghosts. Even the most florid, freckled stereotypical Irish is going to tan in the sun to a brown color.

Time for people to abandon this bullshit narrative. The distance between Italy and Ireland and the equator is too small to account for the non-difference in Italian and Irish skin tones, and it appears Irish actually have darker hair and skin tones than Italians. Blacks in central Africa are the darkest people in the world despite living in an environment (the primeval forest under near constant cloud cover) where there is less UV radiation than there is in Europe. Native Americans have white skin that tans to dark bronze despite living north of Europe. The original skin color of the first humans and the default skin color of the bulk of mankind is a white/brunet white that tans to a dark copper color; the most UV-exposed people in the world (Australoids) had a light caramel complexion and frequent blondism. This is the most adaptable, advantageous type; black skin is a recent (>10,000 year old) mutation. Dark skinned people don't migrate north and lose pigmentation; they get rickets and go extinct just as African Americans almost had before the advent of vitamin D fortified foodstuffs.

Let's not get carried away. The Irish have the highest percentage of people with Type 1 and II skin so no they aren't darker than Italians. Let's not exaggerate even if there are darker types they are not the majority. There are numerous sites where you can get proper statistics that are carried out by people researching the topic.

Over 75% of the Irish population have the ‘Celtic skin type’. People with this skin type have a fair complexion, light-coloured hair and blue, green or hazel eyes. They freckle and burn easily. They tan with difficulty, or not at all. They are most at risk of
skin cancer.


I'm an example of someone who doesn't tan. I just go bright red and freckle more. This is the most common type of skin for Irish people so it isn't just BS. As I said you can easily research Irish skin as there has been a lot of studies done due to high rate of skin cancer that they get.

06-16-2014, 02:14 PM
If she were Spanish many of you would say she looks North African. Just like this Spanish guy was classified as North African looking :picard2:


06-16-2014, 02:18 PM
She isn't Irish. She's an Ulster Protestant.

The majority of Northern Irish people self-identify as British, moreso than Northern Irish or Irish.

I've Her Son
06-16-2014, 02:20 PM
Let's not get carried away. The Irish have the highest percentage of people with Type 1 and II skin so no they aren't darker than Italians. Let's not exaggerate even if there are darker types they are not the majority. There are numerous sites where you can get proper statistics that are carried out by people researching the topic.

Over 75% of the Irish population have the ‘Celtic skin type’. People with this skin type have a fair complexion, light-coloured hair and blue, green or hazel eyes. They freckle and burn easily. They tan with difficulty, or not at all. They are most at risk of
skin cancer.


There is NO SUCH THING as skin that DOESN'T TAN on HEALTHY human beings. The only people who do not tan are ALBINOS -- people suffering from a rare skin condition that prevents their body from producing melanin.

There is no such thing as a "celtic skin type", this is a bullshit, made-up concept that is used by the Communist northern European governments of the world to try and kill the tanning industry (because nothing makes a White Communist angrier than someone making money). The predominant racial type in Ireland is a dark-skinned, dark-haired Atlantomediterranean type.

People of this alleged skin type DO tan to a dark brown, and carry dark skin gene markers just like every other human being.



I'm an example of someone who doesn't tan. I just go bright red and freckle more. This is the most common type of skin for Irish people so it isn't just BS. As I said you can easily research Irish skin as there has been a lot of studies done due to high rate of skin cancer that they get.

Skin cancer rates are not elevated in tanners; the rate is insignificant just like the rates between smokers and non-smokers; this is all propaganda designed to bust industries that Leftists hate. Many of them are motivated by the same things you believe; such as your inability to tan, this makes them jealous so they decide that no one else must ever tan. I never tire of hearing stupid bitch ass White girls saying they "never tan" when they never even go outside for longer than 30 minutes in direct sunlight. Anyone can tan. DARK.

Grace O'Malley
06-16-2014, 02:21 PM
If she were Spanish many of you would say she looks North African. Just like this Spanish guy was classified as North African looking :picard2:


He doesn't look North African. He looks completely European and could pass for a lot of other European nationalities.

I've Her Son
06-16-2014, 02:23 PM
If she were Spanish many of you would say she looks North African. Just like this Spanish guy was classified as North African looking :picard2:

Most of these idiots have never seen an Italian or Mediterranean in their lives, and in fact do not even leave the basement in their lives; leaving them with the impression that all White people must look like them: decomposing corpses. Anyone who claims otherwise is quite simply lying through their shit-covered fingers.

06-16-2014, 02:25 PM
Most of these idiots have never seen an Italian or Mediterranean in their lives, and in fact do not even leave the basement in their lives; leaving them with the impression that all White people must look like them: decomposing corpses. Anyone who claims otherwise is quite simply lying through their shit-covered fingers.

:rolleyes: sure we are brown like you.

06-16-2014, 02:31 PM
This is a digression, but the Ulster identity itself is really interesting. The Ulster Scots in particular are very interesting. They hail from the Border Reivers culture, as protestant dissenters from Northern England and Southern Scotland who were relocated to Ulster because of the political situation at the time.

Grace O'Malley
06-16-2014, 02:31 PM
There is NO SUCH THING as skin that DOESN'T TAN on HEALTHY human beings. The only people who do not tan are ALBINOS -- people suffering from a rare skin condition that prevents their body from producing melanin.

There is no such thing as a "celtic skin type", this is a bullshit, made-up concept that is used by the Communist northern European governments of the world to try and kill the tanning industry (because nothing makes a White Communist angrier than someone making money). The predominant racial type in Ireland is a dark-skinned, dark-haired Atlantomediterranean type.

People of this alleged skin type DO tan to a dark brown, and carry dark skin gene markers just like every other human being.''




Skin cancer rates are not elevated in tanners; the rate is insignificant just like the rates between smokers and non-smokers; this is all propaganda designed to bust industries that Leftists hate. Many of them are motivated by the same things you believe; such as your inability to tan, this makes them jealous so they decide that no one else must ever tan. I never tire of hearing stupid bitch ass White girls saying they "never tan" when they never even go outside for longer than 30 minutes in direct sunlight. Anyone can tan. DARK.

You're delusional if you believe all skin types tan. My mother got skin cancer after been in Australia for 2 years and that was only from hanging out the washing. Do you think someone with skin like this will tan? I've had blisters on my skin and couldn't walk for a week from been out in the sun and my brother was taken to hospital with 3rd degree burns from the sun. Why would anyone say they couldn't tan if they could? If you don't want to believe proper scientific studies then believe what you want. I would never get the colour of the women you've posted above because I have freckled skin. No not everyone can tan I've tried. Anyway you're coming across as a troll if you state that most Irish are dark haired Atlanto-meds. Lets see some proper studies like what I've posted then?


Grace O'Malley
06-16-2014, 02:38 PM
Most of these idiots have never seen an Italian or Mediterranean in their lives, and in fact do not even leave the basement in their lives; leaving them with the impression that all White people must look like them: decomposing corpses. Anyone who claims otherwise is quite simply lying through their shit-covered fingers.

I see Italians every day. I live in a country with loads of them. Anyway you're obviously wanting to stir the pot and are sprouting anything that comes into your head without any backup so you can't argue with a troll. It's just a waste of time. I like actual facts and not false information with no sources.

06-16-2014, 02:39 PM
Looks South Med. Not the the typical dark Islander.

I've Her Son
06-16-2014, 02:40 PM
You're delusional if you believe all skin types tan. My mother got skin cancer after been in Australia for 2 years and that was only from hanging out the washing. Do you think someone with skin like this will tan? I've had blisters on my skin and couldn't walk for a week from been out in the sun and my brother was taken to hospital with 3rd degree burns from the sun. Why would anyone say they couldn't tan if they could? If you don't want to believe proper scientific studies then believe what you want. I would never get the colour of the women you've posted above because I have freckled skin. No not everyone can tan I've tried. Anyway you're coming across as a troll if you state that most Irish are dark haired Atlanto-meds. Lets see some proper studies like what I've posted then?

LMFAO, no one gets a third degree burn and can't walk from sunlight. You mother didn't get skin cancer she got tiny moles that get classified as skin cancer by stupid anti-tanning doctors. You didn't post any studies. You are delusional. PARANOID HYPOCHONDRIAC ALERT!!!

Tooting Carmen
06-16-2014, 02:41 PM

I've Her Son
06-16-2014, 02:44 PM
No Uhtred, THIS would be a more "typical dark Islander":

She dyes her hair black and isn't even dark skinned. There are people in my family who are dark like Mexicans. They're not Mexican; they're descended from English people. Dark skin is in northern Europe. Get over it.

06-16-2014, 02:44 PM
No Uhtred, THIS would be a more "typical dark Islander":

Read my post again.

Tooting Carmen
06-16-2014, 02:45 PM
Read my post again.

Sorry lol.

Tooting Carmen
06-16-2014, 02:46 PM
Looks South Med. Not the typical dark Islander.

Precisely my point.

Grace O'Malley
06-16-2014, 02:50 PM
LMFAO, no one gets a third degree burn and can't walk from sunlight. You mother didn't get skin cancer she got tiny moles that get classified as skin cancer by stupid anti-tanning doctors. You didn't post any studies. You are delusional. PARANOID HYPOCHONDRIAC ALERT!!!

I got the backs of my knees and the tops of my feet red raw and it blistered. I've had a blistered back a few times as well. I couldn't physically walk because of the state of my skin. It shows how much you know about Irish skin. Sorry Troll I'm not engaging with you any more because you don't know what your talking about.

This is what my skin looked like. It's quite disgusting and incredibly painful but of course to you it isn't possible. Anyway that's all I'm saying on the subject as I don't really care what you think.


Grace O'Malley
06-16-2014, 02:52 PM
I got the backs of my knees and the tops of my feet red raw and it blistered. I've had a blistered back a few times as well. I couldn't physically walk because of the state of my skin. It shows how much you know about Irish skin. Sorry Troll I'm not engaging with you any more because you don't know what your talking about.

This is what my skin looked like. It's quite disgusting and incredibly painful but of course to you it isn't possible. Anyway that's all I'm saying on the subject as I don't really care what you think.


My mother actually had a melanoma. You can google a picture if you wish.

Tooting Carmen
06-16-2014, 02:55 PM
Could we please stick to topic?

Grace O'Malley
06-16-2014, 02:58 PM
Yes I did post a study in my post to you. Here it is again. It's called Skin Type Distribution and Skin Disease in Ireland done by the Mater and Beaumont Hospitals in Dublin.


06-16-2014, 03:01 PM
It is not just her pigmentation that is rather exotic though, but her features too.

I would think that she may have some African ancestry.

Grace O'Malley
06-16-2014, 03:03 PM
Anyway you can't even argue your point with reverting to aggressive language. You have no backup with what you say and are obviously very angry. There is no point discussing with someone who has to use misogynist and derogatory language. It's very telling of what type of person you are.

06-16-2014, 03:21 PM
I agree with Roys. Based on her phenotype, she looks a bit African influenced.

And no, she doesn't look Spanish at all. Ramon said so.

06-16-2014, 03:23 PM
This is a digression, but the Ulster identity itself is really interesting. The Ulster Scots in particular are very interesting. They hail from the Border Reivers culture, as protestant dissenters from Northern England and Southern Scotland who were relocated to Ulster because of the political situation at the time.

Yes and their ancestor's were the Vikings, Saxons and Celts. :thumb001: I have some ancestry from them.

Black Wolf
01-13-2015, 07:37 PM
She's got noncaucasoid hair, so she is not fully irish.


Dani Cutie
01-13-2015, 07:42 PM
She is TV presenter Christine Bleakley.
http://i.huffpost.com/gen/939913/thumbs/o-CHRISTINE-BLEAKLEY-570.jpg?6 http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/About/General/2010/6/25/1277488471520/Christine-Bleakley-has-jo-006.jpg http://www2.pictures.stylebistro.com/gi/Christine+Bleakley+Long+Hairstyles+Side+Sweep+c3lZ OJwwrOFl.jpg http://www.contactmusic.com/pics/lf/military_awards_3_201211/christine-bleakley-the-sun-military-awards-2011_5771979.jpg http://i1.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article227068.ece/ALTERNATES/s615/christine-bleakley-image-2-434198569-227068.jpg

Is from the west coast?

Tooting Carmen
01-13-2015, 07:50 PM
Is from the west coast?

No, Northern Ireland.

01-13-2015, 09:23 PM
she's Frankie Lampard wife. Looks like Lebanese wife of Clooney, but too many fake things (from the nose) on her to say.

01-13-2015, 09:26 PM
She looks like an Italian. They tend to have that olive skin shade and darker hair there due to the climate being hotter.

The closer the nations get to the equator, the darker the features get in humans and other species over time, so not to die out from skin cancer in the climate. People who've lived in colder climates for many generations lose pigmentation.

I've seen Irish people with dark hair, but most of the ones I saw have ice-blue eyes and fair skin.

I think the claims of the Spanish Armada landing in Eire is such a fallacy, as history documentaries shows they got defeated, and the few remaining Spaniards were dying by the day of hunger and disease by the time a few sailors got washed up on the coast of Eire, who were then captured and killed.

She's possibly a descendant of a more recent immigrant from Italy because most Irish people (even the ones with dark hair) have much fairer skin and different features.

She certainly doesn't look like Catherine Zeta Jones (only in hair colour) who has very delicate and fine facial features, high cheekbones, round face, hazel eyes, small nose, or Vicky Beckham (who uses 4 shades of fake tan) and has different nose shape and bone structure. She looks southern European descent and would stand out as foreign in the UK too.

the nose is fake

01-13-2015, 11:12 PM
Wouldn't be the most typical , but yes she passes .

01-13-2015, 11:21 PM
No way. Her jawline and mandible looks western and european.

01-13-2015, 11:22 PM
She's got noncaucasoid hair, so she is not fully irish.

whats non caucasoid about it?

01-13-2015, 11:23 PM
I doubt she's so atypical, she probably just tans and dyes her hair. Her features look western European.

01-13-2015, 11:24 PM
Yes, she can pass as a Berber.

01-14-2015, 11:50 AM
No, she's very dark though features are too robust for North Africans, having an Western European features.

How ugly she is, Victoria Beckham type.

01-14-2015, 12:05 PM
Dat noise is not common in North Africa.


She is just a dark irish. Very ugly.