View Full Version : The Corbett report - Ukraine.

Petros Houhoulis
03-12-2014, 04:39 AM
The enemy of my enemy is my friend? Or maybe both the Yankees and the Russkis are my enemies alike? James Corbett points out how stupid one is to pick one oppressor over the other:


In between he also debunks the idea that Putin is actually persecuting gays. No, they don't really bother him, he certainly prefers to chase around independent journalists and establish his own false flag incidents...

The resignation seen 'round the world:


Plus a few more thing about Ukraine and beyond.

Who is behind the Ukrainian riots:


This report actually explains why Yanukovich had no choice than to turn to Moscow when the E.U. offered worse than nothing to Ukraine.

Links from that report which explain in detail the situation also include:



Foreign intervention in the Ukrainian crisis:


This shows who is really behind the Ukrainian crisis, delivering a background on the interventions against Yanukovich as early as 2004. A complete unmasking of the Yankees' role in Ukraine, and their dashing stupidity... The acknowledgement of Victoria Nuland of >$5 billion in video, The unmasking of the Yankee made pro-rebellious video. The christening of the Ukrainian government by Victoria Nuland... The Neoliberal agenda that drives the Yankee reasoning.