View Full Version : Proof Homer Simpson Is A Mulatto

03-13-2014, 03:43 AM
Homer Simpson passes as white yet has clear signs of Sub-Saharan African (Negrid) ancestry. For instance he has Prognathism and a smaller brain (than the average Caucasoid);


We compare his skull above with a classical Negro below;


We clearly see Mulatto traits;


Smoking Gun Evidence;


03-13-2014, 03:44 AM
There's one episode where Homer learns he's 1/64 black.

03-13-2014, 03:46 AM
There's one episode where Homer learns he's 1/64 black.
Anglojew is a little slow on pop culture.

03-13-2014, 03:47 AM
There's one episode where Homer learns he's 1/64 black.

Bingo. I was right.

This photo apparantly shows the family without makeup and special effects;


03-13-2014, 03:47 AM
Anglojew is a little slow on pop culture.

Haven't watched the Simpsons in years.

03-13-2014, 03:51 AM
Haven't watched the Simpsons in years.
Neither have I, but even I knew that. It was talked about briefly when it happened. I think the episode aired last year or the year before that.

03-13-2014, 03:54 AM
No wonder he has that swag.

03-13-2014, 04:02 AM
I couldn't stop laughing reading this :pound:

Prisoner Of Ice
03-13-2014, 04:12 AM
I would think names like homer and bart would give it away. I imagine the family they based them on will eventually catch on and sue them.

Some guy on another site claimed he was the basis for Martin Prince and was very butthurt when a lawyer said he could not sue them.

03-13-2014, 04:32 AM
Apparently Homer was based on old caricatures of the Irish

03-13-2014, 04:37 AM
Homer looks a lot like ex US president Gerald Ford.

03-13-2014, 04:40 AM

03-13-2014, 04:44 AM
Homer Simpson passes as white yet has clear signs of Sub-Saharan African (Negrid) ancestry. For instance he has Prognathism and a smaller brain (than the average Caucasoid);

So what
Birds have tiny brains yet they are highlly intelligent. 'Nigger' crows even have the ability to solve complicated problems, use tools and cooperate to solve a problem. :D

Bigger brain does not equal more intelligent.

Are Big Brains Smarter?
If this were true, then perhaps big-headed people wouldn't be so pea-brained.

One thing scientists do agree on: A big brain alone doesn’t equate with smarts. If it did, elephants and sperm whales would win all the spelling bees. Rather, scientists look at brain mass relative to body mass in order to make any speculation about a creature's cognitive abilities.

Differences in brain size within a species, such as humans, are relatively small, making it difficult to tease out the effects of brain size and the effects of other factors. For instance, the difference in intelligence between an organism with, say, a brain that's 1,100 grams and one that's 1,400 grams (which could be found in humans) is confounded by other variables, including differences in density of neurons, other structural brain differences and socio-cultural factors.

Brain size has nothing to do with scores on standardized intelligence tests, according to a brain-scan study of young children.

03-13-2014, 04:51 AM
Did she just use the N word??

03-13-2014, 04:55 AM
So what
Birds have tiny brains yet they are highlly intelligent. 'Nigger' crows even have the ability to solve complicated problems, use tools and cooperate to solve a problem. :D

Bigger brain does not equal more intelligent.

It's more of an observation than a hypothesis that negroes are less intelligent than Eurasians. There is a very noticeable, substantial difference. Low cranial capacity due to heat adaptation, intelligence being less of a positive factor for survival+reproduction within their niche (tropical environment with plenty of food available year round), and relative primitiveness are all factors to be considered as to 'why'.

03-13-2014, 05:00 AM
So what
Birds have tiny brains yet they are highlly intelligent. 'Nigger' crows even have the ability to solve complicated problems, use tools and cooperate to solve a problem. :D

Bigger brain does not equal more intelligent.

That article you posted is blatantly incorrect. It is a verifiable scientific fact that brain size correlates with IQ. The sentence "Brain size has nothing to do with scores on standardized intelligence tests, according to a brain-scan study of young children." is a flat out lie. I can't believe scientific magazines are allowed to publish this drivel.

03-13-2014, 05:05 AM
That article you posted is blatantly incorrect. It is a verifiable pseudo-scientific "fact" that brain size correlates with IQ. The sentence "Brain size has nothing to do with scores on standardized intelligence tests, according to a brain-scan study of young children." is a flat out lie. I can't believe scientific magazines are allowed to publish this drivel.

fixed ;)

03-13-2014, 05:05 AM
That article you posted is blatantly incorrect. It is a verifiable scientific fact that brain size correlates with IQ. The sentence "Brain size has nothing to do with scores on standardized intelligence tests, according to a brain-scan study of young children." is a flat out lie. I can't believe scientific magazines are allowed to publish this drivel.

Any genetic evidence?

03-13-2014, 05:10 AM
Any genetic evidence?

Yep, a quick Google search yielded this. Ironically, it's from the same website.

fixed ;)

I don't even have a particularly large brain myself, so it's not like I'm motivated to claim this in order to prove my own intelligence. If I remember correctly, the correlation is something like 0.4. Not overly strong, but statistically significant. The article you linked is claiming that there is no correlation whatsoever, which, again, is not correct.

03-13-2014, 05:12 AM
Yep, a quick Google search yielded this. Ironically, it's from the same website.

I don't even have a particularly large brain myself, so it's not like I'm motivated to claim this in order to prove my own intelligence. If I remember correctly, the correlation is something like 0.4. Not overly strong, but statistically significant. The article you linked is claiming that there is no correlation whatsoever, which, again, is not correct.

Thanks, I meant that Negroes aren't closer to primates/primitive hominids.

03-13-2014, 05:15 AM
Thanks, I meant that Negroes aren't closer to primates/primitive hominids.

Did anyone even claim that they were? I've never seen any articles claiming that different races are genetically closer or further away from apes, although I have read part of an old racial science book which showed that Negroids have greater similarity to chimpanzees in a variety of anthropometric indices compared to Caucasoids. The tone of the book was certainly biased, though.

03-13-2014, 05:31 AM
Did anyone even claim that they were? I've never seen any articles claiming that different races are genetically closer or further away from apes, although I have read part of an old racial science book which showed that Negroids have greater similarity to chimpanzees in a variety of anthropometric indices compared to Caucasoids. The tone of the book was certainly biased, though.

Yes, that was the original post.

03-13-2014, 08:05 AM
Lolz You're Funny.

03-13-2014, 08:06 AM
Europeans cluster closer to Africans than the Asians who are located far far away from Africa.

By interpreting the scientific data (That Europeans are more related to Africans because they are neighbors) and using the Nazi Racial Purity Idea to expound this...

Europeans are polluted by the genes of their African neighbors.

Thus, Euro-niggers should now bow down to the well-bred Oriental Master Race.

03-13-2014, 08:12 AM
Europeans cluster closer to Africans than the Asians who are located far far away from Africa.

By interpreting the scientific data (That Europeans are more related to Africans because they are neighbors) via theNazist Racial Purtiy Idea...

Europeans are polluted by the genes of their African neighbors.

Euro-niggers should bow down to the Oriental Master Race.

Pretty similar distances


03-13-2014, 08:18 AM
It's more of an observation than a hypothesis that negroes are less intelligent than Eurasians. There is a very noticeable, substantial difference. Low cranial capacity due to heat adaptation, intelligence being less of a positive factor for survival+reproduction within their niche (tropical environment with plenty of food available year round), and relative primitiveness are all factors to be considered as to 'why'.

There are many factors that can affect intelligence, malnutrition, diseases, toxins, diet etc. These can have lasting effects for generations. Even being overweight which is a form malnutrition can make you less intelligent:

Obese children 'slower thinkers': Study finds overweight children take more time to answer questions
Findings set to fuel debate on Government's upcoming sugar guidelines
Tests found heavier children reacted slower when faced with basic tasks
Experts claim new study should prompt urgent action on global epidemic
PUBLISHED: 01:20 GMT, 10 March 2014 | UPDATED: 13:41 GMT, 10 March 2014

Revelation: The study found heavier children were slower to answer questions
Obese children may be performing badly in the classroom because of their weight, new research suggests.
A study has uncovered a link between being fat and the ability of youngsters to solve problems.
Faced with basic cognitive tasks, heavier pupils were slower to answer and showed signs of sluggish thought processes.

But there is no basis for the claim that certain races are inherently smarter than others. (other than pseudo-science)

03-13-2014, 08:22 AM
Pretty similar distances


Yup but we are farther away from the African cluster than you are.

03-13-2014, 08:26 AM
Oh look. You even belong to the same Latitude with the Africans.


Nigger European should bow down to the higher IQ & older civilization Asian Master-Race.

03-13-2014, 08:32 AM
Yup but we are farther away from the African cluster than you are.

That map just shows how Europid most African-Americans are. I think the average is 28%

Prisoner Of Ice
03-13-2014, 08:37 AM
Europeans cluster closer to Africans than the Asians who are located far far away from Africa.

By interpreting the scientific data (That Europeans are more related to Africans because they are neighbors) and using the Nazi Racial Purity Idea to expound this...

Europeans are polluted by the genes of their African neighbors.

Thus, Euro-niggers should now bow down to the well-bred Oriental Master Race.

Not until modern times. Before that all the gene flow was the other way. Even khoisan are filled up with euro genes, ones who had been unmixed with by white settlers.

03-13-2014, 08:38 AM
That map just shows how Europid most African-Americans are. I think the average is 28%

Refer to the other map I posted where you are under the same latitude as the Clicks-speaking Bantu Tribe of Sub-Saharan Africa.

03-13-2014, 08:41 AM
Not until modern times. Before that all the gene flow was the other way. Even khoisan are filled up with euro genes, ones who had been unmixed with by white settlers.

Then why are you guys clustered under the same Latitude as the Hunter-Gatherer Bantu Tribe?


03-13-2014, 08:42 AM
Refer to the other map I posted where you are under the same latitude as the Clicks-speaking Bantu Tribe of Sub-Saharan Africa.

I'm a superior East or Central Asian haplogroup Q.

03-13-2014, 08:44 AM
I'm a superior East or Central Asian haplogroup Q.

Congratulations on being so Übermensch.

We shall now accord you the status of Honorary Asian.

Prisoner Of Ice
03-13-2014, 08:45 AM
Then why are you guys clustered under the same Latitude as the Hunter-Gatherer Bantu Tribe?


We are not clustered under anything retard. I wish that PCA nonsense had never been invented, it really lends people towards making idiotic claims.

We're at the extreme corner anyway, if anything they cluster to us///if you could cluster in one dimension.

03-13-2014, 08:46 AM
Congratulations on being so Übermensch.

We shall now accord you the status of Honorary Asian.


03-13-2014, 08:56 AM
We are not clustered under anything retard. I wish that PCA nonsense had never been invented, it really lends people towards making idiotic claims.

We're at the extreme corner anyway, if anything they cluster to us///if you could cluster in one dimension.

Oh you don't like that PC. Ok let's use the Genetic Tree example.


Oh wow your race is the closest one to African; meanwhile my Asian and Malayo-Polynesian (Oceania) ancestry are the second farthest and the farthest from Sub-Saharan African.

Nigger Europeans needs to kowtow to the higher IQ Asian master-race.

This does not apply to Anglo-Jew though, he is an honorary Asian. Thus, he can occupy second place in our Caste System.

You shall be accorded the Dalit or Mullato status.

Prisoner Of Ice
03-13-2014, 08:59 AM
Then why are you guys clustered under the same Latitude as the Hunter-Gatherer Bantu Tribe?


Why do east asian cluster to us in one dimension, and africans cluster to us in the other?!?!?!?

Note we are further in the direction in questiont han either!!!!

03-13-2014, 08:59 AM
Oh you don't like that PC. Ok let's use the Genetic Tree example.


Oh wow your race is the closest one to African; meanwhile my Asian and Malayo-Polynesian (Oceanian) ancestry are the second farthest and the farthest from Sub-Saharan African.

You're way off topic.

It's a good thread topic though. You should do a post about this question.

Prisoner Of Ice
03-13-2014, 09:01 AM
Oh you don't like that PC. Ok let's use the Genetic Tree example.


Oh wow your race is the closest one to African; meanwhile my Asian and Malayo-Polynesian (Oceanian) ancestry are the second farthest and the farthest from Sub-Saharan African.

You are dead wrong about the tree because the A B and E are where negroes get their genes and asians are C. So, you are much closer on y-dna tree.

03-13-2014, 09:11 AM
Hahaha lolz I'm having fun placing you under our caste system. ^_^

03-13-2014, 09:14 AM
You are dead wrong about the tree because the A B and E are where negroes get their genes and asians are C. So, you are much closer on y-dna tree.

No we are not. There are many more branches that separate us from the African than you.


Oh look, in the color wheel you are marked with the color orange because you are a shade higher than the color red of Africans. Meanwhile my Malay and Mongoloid race are colored Blue and Torquise to mark our great distance from the Africans.

Nigger European must be put into the Dalit Caste or given Mullato Status to prevent the pollution of the racial purity of the higher Asian race.

Lol do you really believe I hold this views as the truth? Hahahahahaha. Lol no

03-13-2014, 09:35 AM

Here is another study proving how you are so close to Africans.

You Mullato Europeans should belongs to the Dalit Caste.

We should place your archaic and uncivilized race into the reservations to prevent your mulatto blood from tainting our highly evolved Ubermesch Rennen.

Due to our scientifically proven "evolved" status we now have to carry the Asian Man's Burden.

Prepare to vacate your cities, they are obviously the evolved man's Lebensraum.

You can go live in the reservations and if you're lucky enough, we would upgrade you from Mullato to Pardo status after several generations.

Prisoner Of Ice
03-13-2014, 09:46 AM

Here is another study proving how you are so close to Africans.

You Mullato Europeans should belongs to the Dalit Caste.

We should place you into the reservations to prevent your mulatto blood from tainting our highly evolved Ubermesch Rennen.

Due to our scientifically proven "evolved" status we have to carry the Asian Man's Burden. Now, prepare to vacate your cities, they are obviously the evolved man's Lebensraum.

I have bad new for you.


Your graphs are pointless because they don't show directionality of any affinity. We know that africa is full of euro genes now, at least half their genes come out of europe.

Y-dna shows descent. C clade is asian clade, and it splits off from negroes, and then whites split off from asians.


03-13-2014, 09:53 AM
I have bad new for you.


Your graphs are pointless because they don't show directionality of any affinity. We know that africa is full of euro genes now, at least half their genes come out of europe.

Y-dna shows descent. C clade is asian clade, and it splits off from negroes, and then whites split off from asians.


Lol what a stupid white man savage. I based my findings on full automosal DNA not on the male only Y-DNA which is mostly about a man's testicles or sexual functions. Not about his phenotype or racial characteristics. You base your findings merely on Y-DNA. (It's like guessing the skin color of a population by examining the penis size)

The Y-DNA is only one chromosome among a huge dozen. It only deals with a man's sexual functions.

Meanwhile, the full automosal DNA clearly marks us with a huge distance away from the African.

Don't worry my Mullato friend. After several generations in the reservations; we shall upgrade your status from Mullato to Pardo.


Prisoner Of Ice
03-13-2014, 09:56 AM
Lol what a stupid white man savage. I based my findings on full automosal DNA not on the male only Y-DNA which is mostly about a man's testicles or sexual functions. You base your findings merely on Y-DNA. The Y-DNA is only one chromosome among a huge dozen.

Meanwhile, the full automosal DNA clearly marks us with a huge distance away from the African.

Don't worry my Mullato friend. After several generations in the reservations; we shall upgrade your status from Mullato to Pardo.


Deny all you want, truth is obvious.

There's something called fundamental theorem of calculate that makes your autosomal theory fall apart.

03-13-2014, 10:03 AM
Deny all you want, truth is obvious.

There's something called fundamental theorem of calculate that makes your autosomal theory fall apart.

Yes the truth is obvious. You are next door neighbors with Africa and we are far far away. You are also a higher blend of your African neighbors and they are nearer to you genetically, than to us.

Why do you deny the truth? Be lucky you're accorded Mullato status, if it were up to the scholars, you would be accorded Cholo status.

Don't you worry my brother, I'll ask the Principalia to give you a break, you can become Pardo after 3 generations, instead of 5.

03-13-2014, 10:11 AM
If science and legal procedure should be applied; then we should conform to the one drop rule and you shall remain a Mullato forever.

But we are merciful and you can become Pardo after 3 generations.

03-13-2014, 10:56 AM
I have bad new for you.


Your graphs are pointless because they don't show directionality of any affinity. We know that africa is full of euro genes now, at least half their genes come out of europe.

Y-dna shows descent. C clade is asian clade, and it splits off from negroes, and then whites split off from asians.


Q and R last

03-13-2014, 11:00 AM
Hang on aren't Filipinos 20% Australoid Negritos?

07-01-2018, 12:35 AM

Bobby Martnen
09-13-2018, 07:37 AM
There's one episode where Homer learns he's 1/64 black.

Is Homer Simpson the cartoon version of Carlito's Way?

09-13-2018, 02:59 PM
Is Homer Simpson the cartoon version of Carlito's Way?

No because he isn't a wigger.

09-13-2018, 06:50 PM
no, he is asian because she is yellow