View Full Version : Upstream Jewish (And Other Eurasian) YDNA Haplogroup Q Now Confirmed As Indo-European (Scythian)

03-14-2014, 02:37 AM
The latest research finally completes the missing piece of the previously paradoxical and conflicting information related to the Jewish YDNA Haplogroup Q "jigsaw puzzle".

The two obvious paradoxes where;

1. Why is Q associated with Part-Mongoloid Turkic groups (such as Bulgars and Khazars) when it is genetically the "sister-group" of Caucasoid YDNA haplogroup R and a fellow "daughter" of Caucasoid P;


2. And why is it associated with non-Caucasoid populations, when both prehistorical Central-Asians AND Siberians, were Caucasoids with;

Classical Greek and Chinese historic records cite the Scythians and Sarmatians, Indo-European-speaking people described as having European morphological traits, as the first inhabitants occupying the region.

Modern genetic analysis confirms that ancient Central-Asians were Caucasoids and only admixed with Mongoloids post Bronze-Age.


In Siberia Caucasoid populations seem to have merged with Mongoloid populations earlier (perhaps when both were in their "Proto" Stages)?

Scientists have mapped the genome of a four-year-old boy who died in south-central Siberia 24,000 years ago.

It is the oldest modern human genome sequenced to date, researchers report in the journal Nature.

The results provide a window into the origins of Native Americans, whose ancestors crossed from Siberia into the New World during the last Ice Age.

They suggest about a third of Native American ancestry came from an ancient population related to Europeans.



The distribution of east and west Eurasian lineages through time in the region is concordant with the available archaeological information: prior to the thirteenth-seventh century BC, all Kazakh samples belong to European lineages


Now, for the first time, we can confirm that the origin of Jewish YDNA Haplogroup Q (Q-M378) IS -as one should expect- both Caucasoid and;

...connected with migrations of ancestral populations of the Indo-European language family.


Ashkenazi YDNA Haplogroup Q (and others please see illustration below) are in fact of Indo-European origin;

Q-M378 subclade, which is downstream of Q-L275 haplogroup, is marked by a wide area of its distribution and a minor share of presence in modern populations of Eurasia. Phylogenetic structure of the subclade, known so far, did not allow for matching SNP Y-chromosomes to specific populations and to reconstruct possible direc-tions of their migrations in retrospect. The conducted research enabled us to form a consistent phylogenetic structure of Q-M378 subclade, validated by analysis of SNP and STR-markers, based on the data of full Y-chromosome sequencing using next generation sequencers. As part of the research, new phylogenetic levels of Q-Y2250 (downstream of Q-M378 and including Q-L301), Q-Y2220 (downstream of Q-L245), Q-Y2200 (downstream of Q-Y2220) were defined. SNPs, which, in the future, may possibly mark certain European and Asian subclusters of Q-Y2220 (including the Armenian subcluster), as well as separate branches of the Jewish cluster Q-Y2200, were defined as well. The research also confirmed connection of Q-M378 subclade distribution with migration of Indo-European language carriers from Central Asia via Afghanistan and Iran to the West.

Of course, the ancestral population which best fits this pattern of migration are the Scythians -and the related peoples (possibly part-Turkic) Sarmatians- which would explain the later Turkic association with the Haplogroup as they appear to have intermarried with Mongoloid women;

Ancient DNA of 13 Sarmatian remains from Pokrovka kurgan burials in the southern Ural steppes along the Kazakhstan and Russian border was extracted for comparative analysis. Most of the mitochondrial haplogroups determined were of western Eurasian origin, while only a few were of "central/east Asian Haplotype which is found among the Turkic speaking nomadic people. This Haplotype is almost (one base pair missing) identical with the Haplotype of the (Kazakh) women from western Mongolia.


http://www.cais-soas.com/CAIS/Images2/Maps/Achaemenid_and_Iranic_Peoples_in_the_Ancient_World .PNG

We can see the upstream Indo-European origin of Ashkenazi YDNA Q (Q-M378) here;


The PDF is available here (https://www.academia.edu/attachments/32706606/download_file?st=MTM5NDc1Mjc3Niw1OC4xMTEuMTczLjg0&ct=MTM5NDc1Mjc3Nw%3D%3D). Link; https://www.academia.edu/5642170/Phylogenetic_Structure_of_Q-M378_Subclade_Based_On_Full_Y-Chromosome_Sequencing

Please see my other related posts;



Prisoner Of Ice
03-14-2014, 02:40 AM
Turks are absolutely originally caucasoids. They have mixed to become like they are now, but some few do have 80+% caucasoid genes. Many are 70/30 split with mongoloids, which is how ozman turks likely were by the time they conquered anatolia.

03-14-2014, 02:48 AM
It is thought by many that the Khazars were partly of Scythian stock (http://www.cosmosmagazine.com/news/gene-study-settles-debate-over-origin-european-jews/). In fact, I have seen a hypothesis that the ruling class of Khazars was of Scythian origin. So, haplogroup Q being derived from the Scythians does not necessarily mean that the Jews didn't pick it up from the Khazars.

03-14-2014, 03:22 AM
It is thought by many that the Khazars were partly of Scythian stock (http://www.cosmosmagazine.com/news/gene-study-settles-debate-over-origin-european-jews/). In fact, I have seen a hypothesis that the ruling class of Khazars was of Scythian origin. So, haplogroup Q being derived from the Scythians does not necessarily mean that the Jews didn't pick it up from the Khazars.

True. There may have been a later integration but it does look like my ancestry was ultimately Scythian and it IS associated with the Khazar Royal Family (which now looks to be of IE Scythian origin).

As Coon said (posted by Don Coyote);

Although the general manner of living enjoyed by the Scythians does resemble in a remarkable degree that of the later Huns, Turks, and Mongols, one looks in vain for some of the cultural traits of these later Altaic speakers which may be ascribed to a relatively recent Siberian origin. These include the yurt or collapsible felt-domed house, and the Turko-Mongol type of shamanism. The Turks and the Mongols, without question, took over almost completely the whole Scythian style of culture, but they added to it elements of their own which reflected their former habitat and manner of life.


03-14-2014, 03:46 AM
Historical and Religious "Smoking Gun" Evidence;

According to Jeremiah 51:27, a kingdom of Ashkenaz was called together with Ararat and Minni against Babylon. The location of this kingdom, however, is not clear and is not mentioned again, nor is there any clear non-biblical reference to the kingdom. Ashkenaz is often identified with the Scythians and Sarmatians, due in part to the use of the name "Ashkuz" (Saka) for the Scythians in Assyrian Akkadian inscriptions.

According to the Encyclopaedia Biblica, "Ashkenaz must have been one of the migratory peoples which in the time of Esar-haddon, burst upon the northern provinces of Asia Minor, and upon Armenia. One branch of this great migration appears to have reached Lake Urumiyeh; for in the revolt which Esar-haddon chastised (i R 45, col. 2, 27 jf.), the Mannai, who lived to the SW of that lake, sought the help of Ispakai 'of the land of Asguza,' a name (originally perhaps Asgunza) which the scepticism of Dillmann need not hinder us from identifying with Ashkenaz, and from considering as that of a horde from the north, of Indo-Germanic origin, which settled on the south of Lake Urumiyeh.


03-15-2014, 03:11 AM
Compare the map of Haplogroup Q in Europe;


With the borders of Scythia;


Interesting overlap.

03-17-2014, 06:02 PM
Compare the map of Haplogroup Q in Europe;


With the borders of Scythia;


Interesting overlap.

I must disappoint you:

Scythians were overwhelmingly R1a-Z93 anyway, probably with some G,J, Q and other haplogroups in smaller amounts.

03-22-2014, 12:36 AM
Kabars fled to the surrounding tribes, maybe even to Fennoscandia?


03-22-2014, 02:02 AM
I must disappoint you:

Scythians were overwhelmingly R1a-Z93 anyway, probably with some G,J, Q and other haplogroups in smaller amounts.

Yes, but this is the Scythians, who became Khazar royalty, not the people at large.

03-22-2014, 02:05 AM
Kabars fled to the surrounding tribes, maybe even to Fennoscandia?


I didn't know that. Thanks.

03-22-2014, 03:17 AM
I didn't know that. Thanks.

They went to the Hungarians and Varangians and we cant know where else.

Would like to learn more about the Khazar civil war and reasons behind it, who where the three Kabar tribes etc.

One concentration of Q in that map is in Kvenland, could be something interesting or not.


03-22-2014, 03:27 AM
They went to the Hungarians and Varangians and we cant know where else.

Would like to learn more about the Khazar civil war and reasons behind it, who where the three Kabar tribes etc.

One concentration of Q in that map is in Kvenland, could be something interesting or not.


Yes, any information would be great.

Are they Qb1 or Q1a?

03-22-2014, 03:32 AM
Yes, any information would be great.

Are they Qb1 or Q1a?

No idea, have to check and are they the same in both sides of the Gulf of Bothnia.

Toponyms connect also Bjarmaland to these Western Finns.


03-22-2014, 03:38 AM
I remember that they discovered signs of permanent presence of steppe cavalry warriors in Birka.


03-22-2014, 03:44 AM
Interesting discussion on the subject;


03-22-2014, 04:34 AM


There is another rare concentration in Kvenland with I2a2

03-22-2014, 04:35 AM
Yes, any information would be great.

Are they Qb1 or Q1a?

Did you find this info?

03-22-2014, 05:00 AM
Finns are actually very interesting genetically and culturally, it will be a great story when it is solved.

03-22-2014, 05:09 AM
One thing to remember is that those northern regions where not always sparsely populated or poor.

03-22-2014, 05:27 AM
The name "Kven" briefly appears later in King Alfred's Orosius. The Kven Sea is mentioned as the northern border for the ancient Germany. Also Kvenland is mentioned again, as follows:
... the Swedes (Sweons) have to the south of them the arm of the sea called East (Osti), and to the east of them Sarmatia (Sermende), and to the north, over the wastes, is Kvenland (Cwenland), to the northwest are the Sami people (Scridefinnas), and the Norwegians (Norðmenn) are to the west.







These things are totally out of place according to the version of history we have today.

King Alfred is basically saying Finns are Swedes or Sarmatians, or we have had major tectonic plates movement around Baltic Sea since then.

03-23-2014, 06:41 PM
I must disappoint you:

Scythians were overwhelmingly R1a-Z93 anyway, probably with some G,J, Q and other haplogroups in smaller amounts.
Actually you have the newer map from Eupedia posted, but it still doesn't look quite right. When I look at my brother's results from FTDNA on his 12 marker map, there is a significant amount of Q1b found in Poland and down from the bottom of Lithuania all along the the modern border of Poland and Belarus.

As for any group being overwhelming something else, of course there are more of R1a, R1b and what have than any kind of Q in Europe. You are only going to find Q in the majority in the Americas, Q-M3.

03-23-2014, 06:45 PM
Did you find this info?
My best guess is that they are some subclade of Q1a. On my brother's map that I just mentioned in my previous post, there is one Q1b in Finland. They also list Ashkenazim in their comments.

03-23-2014, 07:26 PM
My best guess is that they are some subclade of Q1a. On my brother's map that I just mentioned in my previous post, there is one Q1b in Finland. They also list Ashkenazim in their comments.

Also North Sweden used to be Finnish, I am interested are they the same in both sides of the Bothnia Gulf.

03-23-2014, 08:25 PM
Actually you have the newer map from Eupedia posted, but it still doesn't look quite right. When I look at my brother's results from FTDNA on his 12 marker map, there is a significant amount of Q1b found in Poland and down from the bottom of Lithuania all along the the modern border of Poland and Belarus.
Those are probably jewish matches, contemporary genepool is quite different due to the obvious reasons. It's relevant to look at the surnames listed.

Q that are found among ethnic Poles belong to the Q1a variety (M346 or M25)

03-24-2014, 05:48 AM
Those are probably jewish matches, contemporary genepool is quite different due to the obvious reasons. It's relevant to look at the surnames listed.

Q that are found among ethnic Poles belong to the Q1a variety (M346 or M25)

Well sure most are Jewish, however some will say they are not. My own paternal oral history never indicated any Jewish ancestry. Anyway, I don't believe that Eupedia map is supposed to just be a representation of only Q1a in Europe. It is for both Q1a and Q1b. Besides are they really "ethnic Poles" if they have y DNA Q1a (M346 or M25)? Forgive me, but my father's family is not "ethnic Lithuanian or ethnic Polish" because we turned out to be Q1b1a? Actually the oral history for this branch of my family has been that they are Lithuanian, Polish, and it was also said some Mongolian. And that part was supposed to have been about the Golden Horde. And not that we were Jewish. But sure obviously a subclade that became Jewish. If you read the updated Q page for Eupedia they acknowledge the small amount of Mongoloid admixture in Levantine people and attribute it to haplogroup Q1b. http://www.eupedia.com/europe/Haplogroup_Q_Y-DNA.shtml

Well I don't care to be 100% anything because I'm not. I do have autosomal matches to "ethnic" Poles, and Lithuanians. And also to Jewish people. :-)

03-25-2014, 01:44 PM
Have they yet excavated and positively identified the Khazar capital Itil?

05-24-2014, 01:50 AM
Latest study;

Due to presence of people belonging to Q-L275 haplogroup in Central Asia by the close of the 1
millennium B.C. proved by paleoDNA re-searches, the territory of contemporary Pakistan and Afghanistan is considered to be a transit zone which presented the main migration routes of the Indo-European tribes (which also included representatives of Q-L275 haplogroup) to Hindustan through the Hindu Kush (Q-Y1150), as well as in the direction of Western Asia (Q-Y2250 and Q-L245). The research of paleoDNA performed by Chinese scientists based on the findings of archaeological excavations in Central Asia demonstrates the presence of Q haplogroup representatives in these lands; 6 Q1a and 4 Q1b were found in the Black Gouliang barrow to the east of the Barkol Basin at the ruins of Hami (Kumul).
With regard to the location of bodies in the barrow, it may be concluded that repre-sentatives of Q1b haplotype were of a higher social status.

https://www.academia.edu/7117246/The_update_of_the_phylogenetic_structure_of_Q1b_ha plogroup_based_on_full_Y-chromosome_sequencing

Scythian royals.

06-06-2014, 11:05 PM
I do not want get too involved in this but I need to say one thing that it is most likely not true to say that a single Y was the royalty at any at any empire at any given time.

06-07-2014, 04:46 AM
I do not want get too involved in this but I need to say one thing that it is most likely not true to say that a single Y was the royalty at any at any empire at any given time.

Its a specific subclade not a whole haplogroup.

06-07-2014, 08:16 AM
Scythian royals.
Wishful thinking. Anyway, Annihilus summed it up correctly.

06-07-2014, 08:24 AM
Wishful thinking. Anyway, Annihilus summed it up correctly.


06-07-2014, 08:27 AM
I see various results here.

06-07-2014, 08:30 AM
I see various results here.

They were the Scythians that ruled over the Khazars before converting the Judaism.

07-26-2014, 09:39 AM

Well in reality you are a little bit wrong about the claime that haplogroup Q was in high amounts in Sytchians, you should wach better this videos they will explain more about the Sytchian haplogroups and migration
Well and just lets actually make this clear so here are all the Haplogroups and the Ethnicity's of these Genes
Haplogroup R1a1=Sytchian
Haplogroup I2=Balkanid
Haplogroup I1= Nordic (scandinavian)
Haplogroup J2= turkid (Anatolian)
Haplogroup J1= Taurid
Haplogroup R1b= Celtic
Haplogroup N=Uralic
Haplogroup Q= Samoyedic (Native)
Haplogroup C= Altaic (mongoloid)





07-26-2014, 09:58 AM
Well in reality you are a little bit wrong about the claime that haplogroup Q was in high amounts in Sytchians, you should wach better this videos they will explain more about the Sytchian haplogroups and migration
Well and just lets actually make this clear so here are all the Haplogroups and the Ethnicity's of these Genes
Haplogroup R1a1=Sytchian
Haplogroup I2=Balkanid
Haplogroup I1= Nordic (scandinavian)
Haplogroup J2= turkid (Anatolian)
Haplogroup J1= Taurid
Haplogroup R1b= Celtic
Haplogroup N=Uralic
Haplogroup Q= Samoyedic (Native)
Haplogroup C= Altaic (mongoloid)





I'll watch. Q was always a small minority

07-27-2014, 02:05 AM
I'll watch. Q was always a small minority
Yes of course it will be great they will explain more about the sytchian migration
but even some of the ashkenazi (khazars) where found Haplogroup R1a that could be defenetly from the Sytchians but they probably had Q in just very low frequency's im quite sure

07-27-2014, 07:07 AM
Yes of course it will be great they will explain more about the sytchian migration
but even some of the ashkenazi (khazars) where found Haplogroup R1a that could be defenetly from the Sytchians but they probably had Q in just very low frequency's im quite sure

Q1b was definitely present in low levels in Scythians (according to russian and other sources) and later in the Ashina clan Khazars and is indigenous to the area of Scythia/Khazaria.

07-27-2014, 08:13 AM
Q1b was definitely present in low levels in Scythians (according to russian and other sources) and later in the Ashina clan Khazars and is indigenous to the area of Scythia/Khazaria.
Yes i can assure you are right there some of the sytchian defenelty carried them but predomenatly they where R1a Haplogroups and some of them Andronovo type,North pontid and so on :D the Sytchians (R1a) originated in the Dnieper Don (Gravettian) Culture very close with the R1b from the Kunda culture

07-27-2014, 08:27 AM
Yes i can assure you are right there some of the sytchian defenelty carried them but predomenatly they where R1a Haplogroups and some of them Andronovo type,North pontid and so on :D the Sytchians (R1a) originated in the Dnieper Don (Gravettian) Culture very close with the R1b from the Kunda culture

Yes, they were a typical Indo-European group similar to Northern Europeans today I believe.

07-27-2014, 08:36 AM
Yes, they were a typical Indo-European group similar to Northern Europeans today I believe.
True but its just that some of them had similar but a little diffrent Phenotypes and Antropologies but still being R1a1 they came over the Don Dnieper to eastern europe and then to other regions

Sacrificed Ram
08-16-2014, 03:23 AM
Now I will narrate a tale.

Once upon a time a bunch of single male Scythian horse riders wandering in the eastern fringes of eurasian steppes. Someday they decide to attack some Altaic or Siberian a village to capture some women to "marry". After this attack, they kill all men and copulate with their captive women. But some of these women were already pregnant from their previous husbands, but the scythian man will think this baby is his legitimate child!

Congratulations! The baby is yours!

Bacon Kebab

08-16-2014, 06:34 AM
Now I will narrate a tale.

Once upon a time a bunch of single male Scythian horse riders wandering in the eastern fringes of eurasian steppes. Someday they decide to attack some Altaic or Siberian a village to capture some women to "marry". After this attack, they kill all men and copulate with their captive women. But some of these women were already pregnant from their previous husbands, but the scythian man will think this baby is his legitimate child!

Congratulations! The baby is yours!

Bacon Kebab

Something like that

Sacrificed Ram
08-17-2014, 09:49 AM
Something like that

Substitute Scythian for Portuguese and Altaic/Siberian for Native/Amerid, it was the way how some Q yDNA is present in some white brazilian.

02-06-2018, 10:26 PM

02-06-2018, 10:57 PM




02-06-2018, 11:26 PM

02-08-2018, 09:12 AM




Good maps thanks

02-13-2018, 06:48 PM
I must disappoint you:

Scythians were overwhelmingly R1a-Z93 anyway, probably with some G,J, Q and other haplogroups in smaller amounts.

This chart IS NOT THE NEW chart on haplogroup Q. Yours is older than the other one.

02-13-2018, 07:05 PM
Actually you have the newer map from Eupedia posted, but it still doesn't look quite right. When I look at my brother's results from FTDNA on his 12 marker map, there is a significant amount of Q1b found in Poland and down from the bottom of Lithuania all along the the modern border of Poland and Belarus.

As for any group being overwhelming something else, of course there are more of R1a, R1b and what have than any kind of Q in Europe. You are only going to find Q in the majority in the Americas, Q-M3.

Artek's map is not the new chart on Haplogroup Q. The other one is the new one, here under


02-13-2018, 07:29 PM
Scythopolis (now Beit She'an) in Israel. Scholars try to explain its name by presumptive theories which do not convince anyone....


02-13-2018, 07:49 PM


02-13-2018, 07:51 PM
Haplogroup Q is not indo european