View Full Version : Countries with the best and worst work ethics

03-18-2014, 07:30 PM
Which countries would say have the best work respective worst work ethics?

For best, hands down northern Europe with Germany on the top

For worst, southern Europe culminating with "siesta"

The roles are starting to change though, slacker counties like Greece are working much harder while Sweden is flooded with lazy people and immigrants who are willing to abuse the welfare system

03-18-2014, 07:46 PM
I expected a storm yet the weather is very mild today :icon_ask:

03-18-2014, 07:51 PM
Germany best work ethic
The worst is probably a med country i'm not sure (sterotypes hehe) depends though do you mean corporate work or house work ?

03-18-2014, 07:57 PM
Trolling Meds and "Alpignids" at TA + threads like "who is whiter?" is soo 2013.. and boring.

Don't people like you and the self-hating triracial wannabe caucasian nigger Methusalem ever come up with something new?

03-18-2014, 07:58 PM
depends though do you mean corporate work or house work ?

Corporate and real work! Some med country might be at top with house work though with all their house wives, but that drags down on their work ethic

03-18-2014, 08:00 PM
Corporate and real work! Some med country might be at top with house work though with all their house wives, but that drags down on their work ethic

True haha .. well of course the countries with thriving economies will have the best work ethic!

03-18-2014, 08:01 PM
Trolling Meds and "Alpignids" at TA + threads like "who is whiter?" is soo 2013.. and boring.

Don't people like you and the self-hating triracial wannabe caucasian nigger Methusalem ever come up with something new?

Its a never ending joy :laugh: Do you have suggestions when it come to trolling? :biggrin:

03-18-2014, 08:03 PM
Work...? There is work in southern and eastern Europe...?
Maybe 1000 years ago :lol:

03-18-2014, 08:19 PM
Work...? There is work in southern and eastern Europe...?
Maybe 1000 years ago :lol:

Eastern Europeans work the hardest in Europe actually.

03-18-2014, 09:59 PM
Eastern Europeans work the hardest in Europe actually.

They work hard indeed, however they lack the Lutheran work ethic :clapping

03-18-2014, 10:02 PM
Eastern Europeans work the hardest in Europe actually.
Especially Eastern European women. They work their asses very hard at Amsterdam.

03-18-2014, 10:04 PM
Depends on who you ask...


03-18-2014, 10:08 PM
They work hard indeed, however they lack the Lutheran work ethic :clapping

Where are the Lutherans!?


Hardest working European nations according to this is Czech republic followed by Poland!

03-18-2014, 10:08 PM
Germany and Japan are most hardworking
Greece, Italy, Spain are the lazy mofo's

03-18-2014, 10:09 PM
Japan is the most hard working by far. The laziest is probably Jamaica etc.

03-18-2014, 10:14 PM
Depends on who you ask...


Italians, which is the love affair with France ? :D

La Misse
03-18-2014, 10:21 PM
There is no work in south and east Europe, but North Europeans takes job more seriously.

I nominate Japan

03-18-2014, 10:23 PM
Germany and Japan are most hardworking
Greece, Italy, Spain are the lazy mofo's

That is not true Greece is actually one of the hardest working nations.

03-18-2014, 10:29 PM
Especially Eastern European women. They work their asses very hard at Amsterdam.

Aren't Finns really Eastern European!?

03-18-2014, 10:29 PM
Europe's top 10 and bottom 10

Most hours worked --- Most productive --- Fewest hours worked --- Least productive

1 Greece** ------------Luxembourg ---------- Netherlands ------------- Poland

2 Hungary-------------- Norway -------------- Germany --------------- Hungary

3 Poland----------------Ireland ----------------Norway -----------------Turkey

4 Estonia--------------Belgium -----------------France -----------------Estonia

5 Turkey-------------Netherlands -------------Denmark ---------------Czech Rep

6 Czech Rep-----------France ----------------Ireland -----------------Portugal

7 Italy----------------Germany ---------------Belgium -----------------Slovakia

8 Slovakia-------------Denmark ---------------Austria -----------------Greece**

9 Portugal-------------Sweden ---------------Luxembourg -------------Slovenia

10 Iceland-------------Austria ----------------Sweden -----------------Iceland

Source: OECD


03-18-2014, 11:29 PM
Europe's top 10 and bottom 10

Most hours worked --- Most productive --- Fewest hours worked --- Least productive

1 Greece** ------------Luxembourg ---------- Netherlands ------------- Poland

2 Hungary-------------- Norway -------------- Germany --------------- Hungary

3 Poland----------------Ireland ----------------Norway -----------------Turkey

4 Estonia--------------Belgium -----------------France -----------------Estonia

5 Turkey-------------Netherlands -------------Denmark ---------------Czech Rep

6 Czech Rep-----------France ----------------Ireland -----------------Portugal

7 Italy----------------Germany ---------------Belgium -----------------Slovakia

8 Slovakia-------------Denmark ---------------Austria -----------------Greece**

9 Portugal-------------Sweden ---------------Luxembourg -------------Slovenia

10 Iceland-------------Austria ----------------Sweden -----------------Iceland

Source: OECD


Interesting. The most productive are also those who work fewer hours (BeNeLux + France + Scandinavia + Ireland + Germany/Austria).

It seems that NW Europe (with the anomalous exception of the UK) has developed ways to be smartly lazy.

03-18-2014, 11:36 PM
The UK does well on full time workers. Though not much difference.


Cristiano viejo
03-18-2014, 11:42 PM
Which countries would say have the best work respective worst work ethics?

For best, hands down northern Europe with Germany on the top

For worst, southern Europe culminating with "siesta"

What has to do the siesta with the work or with the lack of work, fatty ignorant?
do you know what is exactly a siesta? because I doubt it... a siesta take between 15 and 30 minutes, and always between 15:00 pm and the 17:00 pm, before returning to work in the afternoon, so it does not affect at all on the job, IGNORANT.

No comment about that practically practically nobody takes a siesta, with the exception of the elderly.

In the other hand we have a a vast percentage of Scandinavians who stop working before 60 years, and oh, the irony of fate, they come to Spain to laze, to take siestas, take the sun and drinking sangria :lol: :lol:
Only in a village of Andalusia there are more than 25.000 Finnish living so :thumb001:

03-18-2014, 11:44 PM
USA all the way. Protestant work ethic…

Worst, probably USA as well.

03-18-2014, 11:50 PM
In the other hand we have a a vast percentage of Scandinavians who stop working before 60 years, and oh, the irony of fate, they come to Spain to laze, to take siestas, take the sun and drinking sangria :lol: :lol:
Only in a village of Andalusia there are more than 25.000 Finnish living so :thumb001:

They come to learn from the best :lol:

03-19-2014, 11:40 AM
Germany and Japan are most hardworking
Greece, Italy, Spain are the lazy mofo's

Especially the bosnjaks immigrants who send their babies to begging and stealing wallets and their women on the sidewalks :lol:

03-19-2014, 03:01 PM
Is there corruption in Poland and the Czech Rep ? Which are its roots ?

Cristiano viejo
03-19-2014, 06:01 PM
Especially the bosnjaks immigrants who send their babies to begging and stealing wallets and their women on the sidewalks :lol:

A Balkan talking about laziness, non-productivity, performance and economy in general, is quite comic :picard1:
It would be almost offensive to compare countries such as Spain and Italy (ie economically among more strong countries in Europe and in the world) with developing countries such as those in the Balkans :picard1:

btw, in Italy the Balkan immigrants do work in something? I guess that the answer is evident...

03-19-2014, 07:51 PM
A Balkan talking about laziness, non-productivity, performance and economy in general, is quite comic :picard1:
It would be almost offensive to compare countries such as Spain and Italy (ie economically among more strong countries in Europe and in the world) with developing countries such as those in the Balkans :picard1:

btw, in Italy the Balkan immigrants do work in something? I guess that the answer is evident...

Only romanians, albanians and serbs.
For the rest...mhh...guess the answer...

03-19-2014, 08:14 PM
Only romanians, albanians and serbs.
For the rest...mhh...guess the answer...

who are the rest ? because from balkan mostly are them , for "the rest" you may talk for gipsies

03-19-2014, 08:47 PM
well hardcore muslim nations get first prize.....they pray 5 or more times a day so I would bet little to nothing gets done in those places.

03-19-2014, 08:48 PM
USA all the way. Protestant work ethic…

Worst, probably USA as well.

we work hard to be poor is the saying where I live.

03-19-2014, 08:49 PM
The muslims we have. Are shop owners mainly. They work some long hours.

03-19-2014, 08:51 PM
Japan is the most hard working by far. The laziest is probably Jamaica etc.

Haiti out ranks Jamaica though hahahah they still have not rebuilt their country after that earth quake......they had to send in the US Military to help them rebuild everything..... LOL.

03-19-2014, 08:54 PM
The muslims we have. Are shop owners mainly. They work some long hours.

well here the few that live here realize they must work and there is afew in my town that own car shops and repair cars and what not they actually charge people pretty reasonable prices compared to other places....I always take my car there for inspections because they wont rip me off. I am just saying in Islamic countries they are not known for being the most productive, at least the more religious countries like the Saudis..... they view people who work to much as animals....I don't know where this logic comes from but its there. I know Turkey and countries like that are far better and more productive even though they may have economic issues.

Here it depends on ethic groups....the laziest here would be Puerto Ricans and Aframs who are below the poverty level. Puerto Ricans in my neck of the woods are 50% more likely to be living off of welfare.

03-19-2014, 09:02 PM
That is not true Greece is actually one of the hardest working nations.

Nope. They "work" some long hours, but are lazy and try not to work, and take long breaks etc, long hours least productive

What has to do the siesta with the work or with the lack of work, fatty ignorant?
do you know what is exactly a siesta? because I doubt it... a siesta take between 15 and 30 minutes, and always between 15:00 pm and the 17:00 pm, before returning to work in the afternoon, so it does not affect at all on the job, IGNORANT.

No comment about that practically practically nobody takes a siesta, with the exception of the elderly.

In the other hand we have a a vast percentage of Scandinavians who stop working before 60 years, and oh, the irony of fate, they come to Spain to laze, to take siestas, take the sun and drinking sangria :lol: :lol:
Only in a village of Andalusia there are more than 25.000 Finnish living so :thumb001:

Which goes to show that you are famous for laziness.

Especially the bosnjaks immigrants who send their babies to begging and stealing wallets and their women on the sidewalks :lol:

There are no Bosniak emigrants to Italy. Why would anyone want to emigrate in that lazy shithole? Bosniaks who emigrate go to Austria or Germany, where real work is done

A Balkan talking about laziness, non-productivity, performance and economy in general, is quite comic :picard1:
It would be almost offensive to compare countries such as Spain and Italy (ie economically among more strong countries in Europe and in the world) with developing countries such as those in the Balkans :picard1:

btw, in Italy the Balkan immigrants do work in something? I guess that the answer is evident...

Yes a Bosniak is talking about it. Bosniaks arent lazy because they are lazy, but because there is no job. In Germany they are excelent workers and bosess

well here the few that live here realize they must work and there is afew in my town that own car shops and repair cars and what not they actually charge people pretty reasonable prices compared to other places....I always take my car there for inspections because they wont rip me off. I am just saying in Islamic countries they are not known for being the most productive, at least the more religious countries like the Saudis..... they view people who work to much as animals....I don't know where this logic comes from but its there. I know Turkey and countries like that are far better and more productive even though they may have economic issues.

Here it depends on ethic groups....the laziest here would be Puerto Ricans and Aframs who are below the poverty level. Puerto Ricans in my neck of the woods are 50% more likely to be living off of welfare.

Muslim prayer takes 5 minutes max.

03-19-2014, 09:08 PM
Nope. They "work" some long hours, but are lazy and try not to work, and take long breaks etc, long hours least productive

What do they mean exactly by productive!?

Of course the West is producing more as they have more money to produce.

Are they working harder I don't think so.

03-19-2014, 09:13 PM
yes but in the Middle East they turn it into a spectacle and close everything down......no wonder hey import foreigners to do the work for them hahaha.

03-19-2014, 09:14 PM
What do they mean exactly by productive!?

Of course the West is producing more as they have more money to produce.

Are they working harder I don't think so.

well in America we are losing jobs rapidly. Ware house jobs [which are menial] are going to be replaced....the DemoCoon vision of America is a giant Welfare/Consumerist super state LOL.

03-19-2014, 09:19 PM
Nope. They "work" some long hours, but are lazy and try not to work, and take long breaks etc, long hours least productive

Which goes to show that you are famous for laziness.

There are no Bosniak emigrants to Italy. Why would anyone want to emigrate in that lazy shithole? Bosniaks who emigrate go to Austria or Germany, where real work is done

Yes a Bosniak is talking about it. Bosniaks arent lazy because they are lazy, but because there is no job. In Germany they are excelent workers and bosess

Muslim prayer takes 5 minutes max.

That ''lazy shithole'' is the 3rd european economy, cigano.

And there are more than 30,000 of your ''Seferovic'' (such a fantasy bosnjaks have in their surnames...) fellows here in the north.


Btw, please continue to stay away from here, that's a good idea xD

03-19-2014, 09:35 PM
ethnic bulgarians in italy are very few , at least in my city , but from what i see they are good integrated , may not all are good but for sure not worse than romanians serbs and albanians

03-19-2014, 09:36 PM
ethnic bulgarians in italy are very few , at least in my city , but from what i see they are good integrated , may not all are good but for sure not worse than romanians serbs and albanians

All the bulgarians i know are good people.

Cristiano viejo
03-19-2014, 09:56 PM
Only romanians, albanians and serbs.
For the rest...mhh...guess the answer...
Albanians?? lol seriously?? in Spain all of them are criminals. I dont know a single case of an Albo worker...

Which goes to show that you are famous for laziness.
How can be that possible?
and I add, if Spaniards were lazies, Spain would not be among the ten global economic powers :thumb001:

03-19-2014, 10:09 PM
and I add, if Spaniards were lazies, Spain would not be among the ten global economic powers :thumb001:

i don't think spaniard are lazy , but that balkans and other eastern countries are poor is not fault of their people , but because of communism and today corruption+mafia , same goes for south europe wich today is in crisis and how do you fell when north european start insult you for that ?

both in balkan italy and iberia and eastern europe is full of people wich are really hard worker , but the economic situation in their country don't depend from them unfortunately

Cristiano viejo
03-20-2014, 06:50 PM
i don't think spaniard are lazy , but that balkans and other eastern countries are poor is not fault of their people , but because of communism and today corruption+mafia ,
Communism ended long ago, should not be used as an excuse. Look Russia or the same China, still communist countries, and economic powers.

same goes for south europe wich today is in crisis
South Europe is in crisis due to EU, and only due to EU. It“s not comparable with Balkans, where the "crisis" is an endemic thing. Italian and Spanish crisis take "only" for 6-7 years. Before both countries were in head of European economics (still they are, actually). As I say, not comparable.

and how do you fell when north european start insult you for that ?
This Balkan discussion was started by Hrulj, calling lazies to Italians-Iberians.
North Europeans here are the funniest, because they never were richs and prospeous until some decades ago, and to top it off, in my view they are the most slackers, because they work less hours/week than rest, and they are retiring earlier than any other European, and come to laze in the South of Europe, thing of which they complain in threads like this.

both in balkan italy and iberia and eastern europe is full of people wich are really hard worker , but the economic situation in their country don't depend from them unfortunately
Agree. We are playing with North European rules in this game, and of course, we will lose for sure.

03-20-2014, 08:18 PM
Communism ended long ago, should not be used as an excuse. Look Russia or the same China, still communist countries, and economic powers.

sure , in fact i said comunism because of the crisis during the transition and now because of corruption mafia groups ecc ecc...

russia and china are big country , is normal they are economic power , but both are full of misery if we look at how people live there , but like i mentioned before is not fault of their average people

Francesci De Medici
03-25-2014, 03:26 AM
We work, but unlike albinos in Germany and Scandinavia, we known how to enjoy life, and most important, we known how to please a woman, that's why Nordic women come to the Mediterranean, to worship our beauty and have a good time with real men.

03-25-2014, 03:31 AM
Are we just talking about Euro countries?

I think East Asians have the hardest work ethic, followed by N. Euros, then Americans.

Laziest are probably African countries, Pacific Islands, and Gulf Arabs

03-25-2014, 03:49 AM
Claiming Asian countries as "hard working" is kind of funny. Never saw more time wasted in my life... and I'm from Greece, so that's saying a lot.

Korea shows least productivity in OECD while having longest overtime hours. (http://www.businesskorea.co.kr/article/3366/work-life-balance-korean-workers-show-lowest-productivity-oecd-despite-long-overtime)

03-25-2014, 04:01 AM
Claiming Asian countries as "hard working" is kind of funny. Never saw more time wasted in my life... and I'm from Greece, so that's saying a lot.

Korea shows least productivity in OECD while having longest overtime hours. (http://www.businesskorea.co.kr/article/3366/work-life-balance-korean-workers-show-lowest-productivity-oecd-despite-long-overtime)

I dont know what the circumstances of those statistics are. But I think the facts speak for themselves. South Korea went from a 3rd world shithole to one of the world's leading industrial nations in less than 2 generations.

Based on my experience, East Asians work the most. Hell, I work about 70 hours a week, Im still working as we speak right now.

03-25-2014, 04:29 AM
Japan, China, South Korea, the US, Germany, Scandinavia...off the cuff

03-25-2014, 04:57 AM
I dont know what the circumstances of those statistics are. But I think the facts speak for themselves. South Korea went from a 3rd world shithole to one of the world's leading industrial nations in less than 2 generations.

Based on my experience, East Asians work the most. Hell, I work about 70 hours a week, Im still working as we speak right now.

The meaning behind the statistics is normal. Koreans work like fighting a fire, run around for 3 hours randomly, then play phone games and instant messaging. No one doubts Korea's climbing up the OECD relatively fast- but in most ways, it remains essentially a 3rd world country- but a third world country that values order and hierarchy (largely as a vestige of a military rule and colonization). Greece also was a 3rd world nation 70 years ago, but I wouldn't call our work ethic identical to Germans or Swedes.

Exactly, positing on anthro forums doesnt count as "work" for most Westerners.

03-25-2014, 05:17 AM
The meaning behind the statistics is normal. Koreans work like fighting a fire, run around for 3 hours randomly, then play phone games and instant messaging. No one doubts Korea's climbing up the OECD relatively fast- but in most ways, it remains essentially a 3rd world country- but a third world country that values order and hierarchy (largely as a vestige of a military rule and colonization). Greece also was a 3rd world nation 70 years ago, but I wouldn't call our work ethic identical to Germans or Swedes.

Exactly, positing on anthro forums doesnt count as "work" for most Westerners.

1. Greece cannot be compared to South Korea in terms of being an industrial power.

2. Of course I don't count posting on a forum as work, I happen to determine my own schedule. I'm not going to sit here and debate if I work more than you do, though I'm pretty confident I do.

03-25-2014, 05:53 AM
1. Greece cannot be compared to South Korea in terms of being an industrial power.

2. Of course I don't count posting on a forum as work, I happen to determine my own schedule. I'm not going to sit here and debate if I work more than you do, though I'm pretty confident I do.

1. But Greece's economic miracle followed a similar pattern- only difference is Korea's military rule lasted into the 80's and was backed with millions in aid. Anyways, I am not denying Koreans (of an earlier generation) worked hard (and died) for their development. But from living in both countries (and I still live in Korea for 6 years) I do not think Korea is more developed or has a high standard of living as USA or most of Europe. At my last job in Korea I and the other Westerners would finish any task in almost half the time the Koreans would- it got so bad that the passive-aggressiveness went overload. Koreans are experts at looking busy and generally that's it. And as far as the Chinese, they are even more extreme. I think it would be impossible to get them to work without some military supervisor threatening to blacklist their entire family. But they to come to work for 12 hours and stand around.

2. I am just joking, no offense. But of course it just illustrates a point I was making. Youre not exactly working if youre posting here. And I work in Korea so there is a chance I work as much or more than you. Just saying.

Cristiano viejo
03-25-2014, 02:21 PM
We work, but unlike albinos in Germany and Scandinavia, we known how to enjoy life, and most important, we known how to please a woman, that's why Nordic women come to the Mediterranean, to worship our beauty and have a good time with real men.
Very, very, very true.

The funny thing here is that albinos (:lol:) love our lifestyle, and every summer come to southern Europe to enjoy it.
Moreover, every year there are more albinos who decide to come to live here permanently.

Comte Arnau
03-25-2014, 02:31 PM
I like the way of working in the 'Northern South' (Catalonia, Lyon, Lombardy...), much more seriously than in the rest of the South. Closer in mindset to the North but with a Southern touch.

Queen B
03-25-2014, 03:05 PM
Nope. They "work" some long hours, but are lazy and try not to work, and take long breaks etc, long hours least productive

Long breaks in Greece? have you ever been here? :picard1:

03-25-2014, 04:45 PM
Japan I would say.

03-25-2014, 04:46 PM
Japan, China, South Korea, the US, Germany, Scandinavia...off the cuff

This with Japan being number one.

03-25-2014, 04:53 PM
There are People with working ethics, not countrys.

03-25-2014, 04:54 PM
I like the way of working in the 'Northern South' (Catalonia, Lyon, Lombardy...), much more seriously than in the rest of the South. Closer in mindset to the North but with a Southern touch.

Why do you think that is?

03-25-2014, 06:09 PM
1. But Greece's economic miracle followed a similar pattern- only difference is Korea's military rule lasted into the 80's and was backed with millions in aid. Anyways, I am not denying Koreans (of an earlier generation) worked hard (and died) for their development. But from living in both countries (and I still live in Korea for 6 years) I do not think Korea is more developed or has a high standard of living as USA or most of Europe. At my last job in Korea I and the other Westerners would finish any task in almost half the time the Koreans would- it got so bad that the passive-aggressiveness went overload. Koreans are experts at looking busy and generally that's it. And as far as the Chinese, they are even more extreme. I think it would be impossible to get them to work without some military supervisor threatening to blacklist their entire family. But they to come to work for 12 hours and stand around.

2. I am just joking, no offense. But of course it just illustrates a point I was making. Youre not exactly working if youre posting here. And I work in Korea so there is a chance I work as much or more than you. Just saying.

That's your personal opinion. I think the facts speak for themselves. Your comments are rather contradictory to reality though, but I don't like to waste time getting into debates with people who won't change their personal opinions anyways.

03-26-2014, 12:34 AM
See- I'm not trying to shit on your culture- but I'm saying the exact opposite- the orientalism stereotype of a robotic asian worker is BS. And no one should confuse the Confucian notion of " diligence" with the western notion of " hard work".

The facts do speak for themselves- Korea works the most hours in the OECD and does the littlest work. I'm not making this up. In fact, I always felt its very similar to Greece and the data shows this. ( remember IMF 1997?) Korea of course has benefitted from military planning ( like it's model Inperial Japan) and it has invested much much wiser than Greece of course.

Comte Arnau
03-26-2014, 01:32 AM
Why do you think that is?

The roots probably go far back in time, to a series of differences between the political and economical ways of the Crown of Aragon and the Crown of Castile. As well as a traditional use of latifundia in much of Iberia, large estates turning out to be quite unprofitable with poorly paid workforce and few means, which didn't take place here. But obviously the main reason is to be found on the industrialisation in the 19th century. Catalonia was one of the few territories in Europe, and the only one in Iberia, to be highly industrialised before the end of the 19th century, trying to follow the British trend. I'm not sure about Northern Italy, but I'd say the story goes somehow similarly, specially in Lombardy, Milan and Barcelona being large cities geographically closer to what would become the European core.

Cristiano viejo
03-26-2014, 01:51 AM
The roots probably go far back in time, to a series of differences between the political and economical ways of the Crown of Aragon and the Crown of Castile. As well as a traditional use of latifundia in much of Iberia, large estates turning out to be quite unprofitable with poorly paid workforce and few means, which didn't take place here. But obviously the main reason is to be found on the industrialisation in the 19th century. Catalonia was one of the few territories in Europe, and the only one in Iberia, to be highly industrialised before the end of the 19th century, trying to follow the British trend. I'm not sure about Northern Italy, but I'd say the story goes somehow similarly, specially in Lombardy, Milan and Barcelona being large cities geographically closer to what would become the European core.

blablabla why dont you talk him about the industrialization made by Franco in Catalonia in XX century, and that it were Andalusian (overall) workers who raised Catalonia? :rolleyes:

It seems that Catalonia is the Iberian panacea according your words, but Madrid (Castilla) is the more richer Iberian region.
No comments about the current economic situation of Catalonia, toda endeudada...

03-26-2014, 02:00 AM
Internationally, probably Germany or Japan from what I've heard.

Australia has a pretty serious work-ethic, where i live anyway. I get 30 minutes for lunch in a workday, but often times i don't take it at all and just work through it.

Worst work ethic, i really don't know. Maybe some north African or Arab countries, they don't push themselves much, if at all.

Comte Arnau
03-26-2014, 01:41 PM
blablabla why dont you talk him about the industrialization made by Franco in Catalonia in XX century, and that it were Andalusian (overall) workers who raised Catalonia? :rolleyes:

It seems that Catalonia is the Iberian panacea according your words, but Madrid (Castilla) is the more richer Iberian region.
No comments about the current economic situation of Catalonia, toda endeudada...

Why don't you better talk about your land and stop obsessing about the Catalans for at least one day? That'll be quite healthy for your complex.

03-26-2014, 01:55 PM
Countries with the best and worst work ethics

The protestant countries. :thumb001:

03-26-2014, 02:20 PM
blablabla why dont you talk him about the industrialization made by Franco in Catalonia in XX century, and that it were Andalusian (overall) workers who raised Catalonia? :rolleyes:

It seems that Catalonia is the Iberian panacea according your words, but Madrid (Castilla) is the more richer Iberian region.
No comments about the current economic situation of Catalonia, toda endeudada...

Don't forget about the high level of corruption



03-26-2014, 05:34 PM
Don't forget about the high level of corruption

Good map for Solin. :P

1. Control of Corruption
2. Rule of law
3. Government Effectiveness
4. Voice & Accountability


Cristiano viejo
03-26-2014, 07:10 PM
Why don't you better talk about your land and stop obsessing about the Catalans for at least one day? That'll be quite healthy for your complex.
Because YOU was who talked about Castilla :thumb001::thumb001::thumb001::thumb001::thumb001:

Comte Arnau
03-26-2014, 07:25 PM
Because YOU was who talked about Castilla :thumb001::thumb001::thumb001::thumb001::thumb001:

When I talk about Castile is to give a general observation or to post a hot Castilian girl in a thread about women. When you talk about Catalonia or the Catalans is just to spill your retained vomits on us and derail the topic of the thread. There's a big difference.

But well, just go on. I mean, after five years here, I really couldn't care any more.

03-26-2014, 07:28 PM
Which countries would say have the best work respective worst work ethics?

For best, hands down northern Europe with Germany on the top

For worst, southern Europe culminating with "siesta"

The roles are starting to change though, slacker counties like Greece are working much harder while Sweden is flooded with lazy people and immigrants who are willing to abuse the welfare system

Having lived and worked both in Northern and Southern Europe for extensive periods of time my impression is that the work ethics in either region are pretty similar and the difference is minimal, if any. In Southern Europe people at work have to put on more effort, dedication and hours for a smaller remuneration. Southern European workers are also expected to be more flexible, obedient and tolerant of bosses' douchebagness. This is due to the fact that the masses in southern Europe are more heterogeneous, individualistic and mistrustful of each other which has traditionally prevented Trade Unions to have the same impact over worker's conditions and rights than those of Northern Europe, with a longer industralised history. In my experience workers in Northern Eurpe tend to complain more (and not be punished for it, but rewarded) , to be absent more often due to reasons such as hangover/having an upset stomach or a mild cold, and to be found skiving around the place or idle specially if it is quiet or there isn't much to do anyway. Southern European workers are expected to be more proactive and find stuff to do for they aren't paid to stay idle even if they have completed their tasks.

So the southern european worker is slightly more reliable, proactive and will work longer for less money. Also complains less. But then again, it only hs to do with the work environment Southerners traditionaly work in. When Southern (And Eastern Euros, with similar work antics) move north, they tend to adapt to what they see ("when in Rome...")

03-26-2014, 07:32 PM
I work quite a bit with Japan, and they do often stay very late at work. From what I've heard though they don't necessarily work the whole time they are there, it's just seen as important to be there for long hours. Sometimes they go home for dinner and then go back to work again. We often receive emails from them when it would be about 10pm. My work ethic's not that strong!

Cristiano viejo
03-27-2014, 12:46 AM
When I talk about Castile is to give a general observation or to post a hot Castilian girl in a thread about women. When you talk about Catalonia or the Catalans is just to spill your retained vomits on us and derail the topic of the thread. There's a big difference.

In this same thread, a few posts ago, you talked poorly about Castilla, over exaggerating the Catalan entrepreneurial virtues, as opposed to the Castilian, as if Catalonia were Spanish industrial and entrepreneurial paradise, making of Catalonia a rich and prosperous land, while the rest were dumb, poor and thirdworldish :rolleyes: when currently Catalonia is ruined and indebted to the eyebrows, more than any other Spanish region.

Come on, man, que nos conocemos todos :bored:

Comte Arnau
03-27-2014, 01:02 AM
In this same thread, a few posts ago, you talked poorly about Castilla, over exaggerating the Catalan entrepreneurial virtues, as opposed to the Castilian, as if Catalonia were Spanish industrial and entrepreneurial paradise, making of Catalonia a rich and prosperous land, while the rest were dumb, poor and thirdworldish :rolleyes: when currently Catalonia is ruined and indebted to the eyebrows, more than any other Spanish region.

Ok man. Whatever you say.

Cristiano viejo
03-27-2014, 01:57 AM
Ok man. Whatever you say.

True. You can fool a Scot, a Chinese or an Indonesian telling hoaxes, but not to me, macho, that I also live here :)

Prince Carlo
03-27-2014, 09:47 AM
Northern Europeans put much more emphasis on education than both Southern and Eastern Europeans. That's clear from the PISA tests.

So even if they work less hours and have a lower average IQ, they are much more productive and so richer.

Thanks God Italy is quickly closing the gap with North Euros.Our PISA test results have been improving since the test was first made. The improving rate is aroung 2.5% a year, which is among the first five highest rate in OECD countries AFAIK.

03-27-2014, 03:00 PM
Northern Europeans put much more emphasis on education than both Southern and Eastern Europeans. That's clear from the PISA tests.

So even if they work less hours and have a lower average IQ, they are much more productive and so richer.

Thanks God Italy is quickly closing the gap with North Euros.Our PISA test results have been improving since the test was first made. The improving rate is aroung 2.5% a year, which is among the first five highest rate in OECD countries AFAIK.

you serious or it's something you can ever imagine?

Prince Carlo
03-28-2014, 08:57 AM
you serious or it's something you can ever imagine?

Where is Romania?


BTW the ranking is wrong. Actually Italy is outperforming both Portugal and Luxembourg.

03-28-2014, 01:42 PM
Where is Romania?


BTW the ranking is wrong. Actually Italy is outperforming both Portugal and Luxembourg.

Did I talk something about Romania? You should better think about Russia or some other former parts of USSR before you say East Europe sucks at education system, Mario.

Prince Carlo
03-28-2014, 01:58 PM
Italy is outperforming Russian Federation on the PISA tests by a long shoot, Bogdan. Anyway why does Romania suck so much?

03-28-2014, 05:18 PM
I didn't really know that the PISA is something that's able to make you smarter, if you still believe what you said I strongly recommend you to visit Romania for a while I'll meet you and introduce you to someone who'll beat all your records in high IQ tests. You don't need to bother yourself talking to me you guys are super perfect than anyone else despite on those countries who suck at system education

Prince Carlo
03-28-2014, 05:40 PM
I didn't really know that the PISA is something that's able to make you smarter, if you still believe what you said I strongly recommend you to visit Romania for a while I'll meet you and introduce you to someone who'll beat all your records in high IQ tests. You don't need to bother yourself talking to me you guys are super perfect than anyone else despite on those countries who suck at system education

We have got 1.5 milon of Bogdan like you in Italy in last 5 years, so there is nothing I dunno about your people. Anyway the most intelligent Romanian is well below the 3 most intelligent Italians.


Click on "Geniuses" on the top left.

03-28-2014, 08:07 PM
We have got 1.5 milon of Bogdan like you in Italy in last 5 years, so there is nothing I dunno about your people. Anyway the most intelligent Romanian is well below the 3 most intelligent Italians.


Click on "Geniuses" on the top left.

First of all, you know, I'm not full Romanian and 2nd, those "Romanians" you call aren't real Romanians at all. However, I could also describe cool story about your Marios working and living in the Germanic countries
I wonder, how did you become an expert to say what ethnicity is better over others in such issues like high IQ percentage you told me recently?


Click on "Geniuses" on the top left.

What then? And once again, if you still think smart people in Romania are dead and they aren't alive you have to visit this country as soon as possible

What I know now is you are right, absolutely, nowadays all the southern countries are sucking at economy including Romania :laugh:

Cristiano viejo
03-29-2014, 12:11 AM
If PISA Test indicate the level of education of the countries, Asian countries are in head of world education.

Spain in PISA Test 2012:
-above Sweden, Lithuania, USA, Russia, in Maths.
-above Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Russia, Luxembourg, in Science.
-above Sweden, Iceland, Lithuania, Russia, in Reading.

I wrote it in a thread time ago, the problem of Spain are Andalusia and Canary Islands.
My region, Castile and Leon in PISA Test 2012 (of course, above of the European average :coffee:):
-above Austria, Australia, Ireland, Denmark, France, UK, Iceland, Latvia, Norway, Sweden, Luxembourg, Russia, USA, Lithuania, in Maths. (514 points)
-above UK, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, Latvia, France, Denmark, USA, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden, Luxembour, Russia, Iceland, in Science. (516 points)
-above UK, USA, Denmark, Austria, Latvia, Iceland, Sweden, Russia, in Reading. (503 points)


Yes, Northern superiority :rolleyes:

Prince Carlo
03-29-2014, 09:39 AM
Comparing a single region to whole countries filled with lazy Negros, Mexicans and Eastern Slavs, is kinda cheating, you know.

03-29-2014, 11:43 AM
I can only compare myself.Cant talk about a whole group.
Because I live In England I can compare myself a Portuguese (In all aspects)with Brits.
Conclusion;No greater work ethic then mine.In fact....silly excuses to miss work often occur.Tea Its always a good excuse to relax for a moment(10 m x 5 times a Day =almost an hour of productivity lost).The Brit punctuality Its a big myth as well.

Cristiano viejo
03-30-2014, 06:43 PM
Comparing a single region to whole countries filled with lazy Negros, Mexicans and Eastern Slavs, is kinda cheating, you know.

It seems that we have a jealous here :rolleyes:
Castile and Leon has 2,5 millions of inhabitants, more than Latvia, Estonia, Slovenia, Iceland or Luxembourg, and very near Lithuania, Wales, or Albania.
If these countries can be taken account for PISA Test and to be compared with another countries, I dont see why Castile and Leon can not.
In fact, so is how you reach the national average, adding scores of all regions of a country.
Therefore, it“s perfectly lawful to compare a region of a country with other parts of other countries, or countries as set.

03-30-2014, 06:53 PM
If PISA Test indicate the level of education of the countries, Asian countries are in head of world education.

Spain in PISA Test 2012:
-above Sweden, Lithuania, USA, Russia, in Maths.
-above Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Russia, Luxembourg, in Science.
-above Sweden, Iceland, Lithuania, Russia, in Reading.

I wrote it in a thread time ago, the problem of Spain are Andalusia and Canary Islands.
My region, Castile and Leon in PISA Test 2012 (of course, above of the European average :coffee:):
-above Austria, Australia, Ireland, Denmark, France, UK, Iceland, Latvia, Norway, Sweden, Luxembourg, Russia, USA, Lithuania, in Maths. (514 points)
-above UK, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, Latvia, France, Denmark, USA, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden, Luxembour, Russia, Iceland, in Science. (516 points)
-above UK, USA, Denmark, Austria, Latvia, Iceland, Sweden, Russia, in Reading. (503 points)


Yes, Northern superiority :rolleyes:

A number of Eastern Europeans scored a higher PISA score than Spain including Poland, Estonia,Latvia,Czech republic, Slovenia & Finland.

Poland, Estonia & Finland scored the 3 highest PISA scores of any ethnic groups in Europe!

03-30-2014, 07:50 PM
Select only Euro countries that participated in PISA











Cristiano viejo
03-31-2014, 10:22 PM
A number of Eastern Europeans scored a higher PISA score than Spain including Poland, Estonia,Latvia,Czech republic, Slovenia & Finland.
Slovenia not in Reading:
Spain 488 points.
Slovenia 481 points.

In short, from Eastern Europe only six countries taking account Slovenia overcome Spain. And Lithuania, Russia, Hungary, Serbia, Croatia, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania and Greece, what? Ukraine and Belarus even dont participate...
So, whats your point?

And again, in Spain we have the fucking Andalusians xD, bye their fault the Spanish results are not better. We should kick off them xD
My region overcome most Europe in PISA Test :cool:

Poland, Estonia & Finland scored the 3 highest PISA scores of any ethnic groups in Europe!
Excelent results, no doubt :thumb001:

Prince Carlo
04-03-2014, 09:29 AM
Maths, Science and Reading PISA tests do not measure the raw intelligence, but only the general level of knowledge.

Italians topped in Europe both on IQ test on adults (Buj et al. 1981) and PISA 2012 problem solving results. The latter being a better indicator of raw intelligence.


Cristiano viejo
04-03-2014, 03:51 PM
Maths, Science and Reading PISA tests do not measure the raw intelligence, but only the general level of knowledge.

For one time I agree with you, Terrone. PISA Test only measures the educational level of the countries concerned, nothing to do with intelligence.