View Full Version : Is A Race War About To Happen In The West?

12-31-2009, 02:11 AM
By West I mean America,Canada,UK,Australia, and the EU.

I feel it could happen because non-whites resent the fact that whites have dominated the world. And now with Whites become a minority soon and the Economy is steep decline. I feel a Race War is a very real possibility. If this War were to happen it would no doubt quickly morph into a Global Conflict.

I feel increasingly tensions as the Whites are coming to recognize the seriousness of their situation. I know many friends who have graduated and not been able to find jobs. I have heard their frustrations about a black man being President and how Whites have lost their Pride.

It seems very possible if Economic conditions continue to deteriorate that there will be a Race War.

It is projected by 2050 or as early as 2040 by some estimates that Whites will be a minority in both America, Canada and the UK. Minority meaning 48% of the population with over 60% being 50 or over.

Meaning Minorities will have a much higher concentration of youths. Indeed for the under 16 Age group non-whites are already in the majority in America and Canada.

Obama has made a lot of promises he can't keep. And people are getting fed up with him and the US political process in general. Recently in the news there have been hundreds of tea parties and angry town hall meetings.

Sol Invictus
12-31-2009, 04:26 AM
It's not as simple as that in my opinion. The NWO definately wants us to be divided and will use the issue of race as a means to keep us fighting eachother instead of them. It would seem that they want a race war.

It's my estimation that as terror attacks by the government against the people gradually increase, the Patriot Movement will gain more and more strength and will revolt to overthrow them in an attempt to reinstate constitutional authority, state's rights, and limit the size of the Federal government.

I think there will be some minor skirmishes between racial groups during all of this, but that will be the extent of it.

12-31-2009, 06:46 AM
There already is a low-intensity race war going on in most of western Europe.

12-31-2009, 08:56 AM
It's not as simple as that in my opinion. The NWO definately wants us to be divided and will use the issue of race as a means to keep us fighting eachother instead of them. It would seem that they want a race war.

It's my estimation that as terror attacks by the government against the people gradually increase, the Patriot Movement will gain more and more strength and will revolt to overthrow them in an attempt to reinstate constitutional authority, state's rights, and limit the size of the Federal government.

I think there will be some minor skirmishes between racial groups during all of this, but that will be the extent of it.

I agree with you about the Patriot movement of some states forcing the Federal government to give White States more rights to govern its people. But what about Majority non-white states like California,Hawaii, ect?

If a skirmish breaks out people racial groups I don't think it will be minor. Especially if its about survival. Just take a look at Prison Race Politics. Normally "civilized" people will turn into Savage brutes if their survival is on the line.

There already is a low-intensity race war going on in most of western Europe.

Its been going on more or less since the first time Whites have come into contact with non-whites. But the only difference is Whites back than had huge advantadges in terms of mindset,weapons, and numbers. These days Whites are a minority in this World, and soon will be a minority in their own Countries.

12-31-2009, 09:00 AM
Here in Britain it's shaping up rather as religious tension rather than racial. A line is being drawn between Muslims and non-Muslims and the fact that most Muslims are Middle-Eastern is circumstantial. White Britons have grown to genuinely love and accept most races, particularly blacks. People of all races will begin to unite against radical Islam more and more. But racialism is a minority view.

12-31-2009, 09:09 AM
Here in Britain it's shaping up rather as religious tension rather than racial. A line is being drawn between Muslims and non-Muslims and the fact that most Muslims are Middle-Eastern is circumstantial. White Britons have grown to genuinely love and accept most races, particularly blacks. People of all races will begin to unite against radical Islam more and more. But racialism is a minority view.

I'm getting the impression Britain is some Multicultural play ground. Blacks aren't loved in America. The Majority of Whites do not want to live with them or be around them in general. How can it be any different in Britain? Are blacks prized because there are much fewer of them and they are considered "exotic". Blacks are so common America must White Americans just regard them as Niggers, whether they consciously realize it or not.

Only one of my friends voted for Obama.

12-31-2009, 09:27 AM
It has already started. A demographic war against Europe.

Sol Invictus
12-31-2009, 09:34 AM
I agree with you about the Patriot movement of some states forcing the Federal government to give White States more rights to govern its people. But what about Majority non-white states like California,Hawaii, ect?

If a skirmish breaks out people racial groups I don't think it will be minor. Especially if its about survival. Just take a look at Prison Race Politics. Normally "civilized" people will turn into Savage brutes if their survival is on the line.

I wonder if maybe you're thinking too much as a white nationalist would. The majority of working class Americans are white, but have been disenfranchised to such a degree that violence against those that have wronged them will be directed against those responsible for doing that, and they don't base their lives upon what color skin their neighbors have.

Because when the shit does hit the fan, it's going to hit it hard - and at that point, for better or worse, race isn't going to mean a damn thing when it comes to survival against a tyrannical system. And the bulk of the fighting will be done by the organized militias which consist of patriots of many different races which have every right as white people to call themselves American.

Prisons are a totally different ball game.

Prison society reflect the criminal element of the gang world. In gangs, organized crime etc. it's family and tribe based. Everyday life is different because we interact with different people of different races all the time and we learn to co-operate with them in order to reach completion of a given task. The same can be said about the prospect of civil unrest, as opposed to a full blown racial war... It's just not how most people think.

Just my take.. I respect your right to believe what you want.

12-31-2009, 09:50 AM
I wonder if maybe you're thinking too much as a white nationalist would. The majority of working class Americans are white, but have been disenfranchised to such a degree that violence against those that have wronged them will be directed against those responsible for doing that, and they don't base their lives upon what color skin their neighbors have.

Because when the shit does hit the fan, it's going to hit it hard - and at that point, for better or worse, race isn't going to mean a damn thing when it comes to survival against a tyrannical system. And the bulk of the fighting will be done by the organized militias which consist of patriots of many different races which have every right as white people to call themselves American.

Prisons are a totally different ball game.

Prison society reflect the criminal element of the gang world. In gangs, organized crime etc. it's family and tribe based. Everyday life is different because we interact with different people of different races all the time and we learn to co-operate with them in order to reach completion of a given task. The same can be said about the prospect of civil unrest, as opposed to a full blown racial war... It's just not how most people think.

Just my take.. I respect your right to believe what you want.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions this is an online forum after all and without some kind of disagreement there can be no debate.

From my observations America is still very very segrated. You would think it would be less so. I went to a very diverse College that was only 50% White. You'd think there would be a lot of integration of the Races right? Wrong, most Parties were either all White, All Black, or all Asian. I don't see how people who wouldn't even hang out together at College could somehow learn to co-operate with one another.

All people are Criminals John. Its just the petty ones are locked up in Prison and the big ones become President. I believe my Prison analogy holds because human nature doesn't change just because people aren't locked up.

Society is still Segrated and people are still Racists.

How would you get people of different races to co-operate in Militias when each Race puts their interests first?

Sol Invictus
12-31-2009, 10:04 AM
I believe my Prison analogy holds because human nature doesn't change just because people aren't locked up.

It sure does! When you see the same people everyday for years on end in confined quarters, you not only tend to get on eachothers' nerves, but you really do begin to hate everything about people, especially regarding race and appearance.

How would you get people of different races to co-operate in Militias when each Race puts their interests first?

Militias all over do it every day when they put on their BDUs and train together.

Not everyone bases their decisions in life on race. I sure don't.

12-31-2009, 10:09 AM
I'm getting the impression Britain is some Multicultural play ground. Blacks aren't loved in America. The Majority of Whites do not want to live with them or be around them in general. How can it be any different in Britain? Are blacks prized because there are much fewer of them and they are considered "exotic".
Well, you're right in that Multiculturalism has probably been promoted harder and longer in Britain than anywhere else in the world. Unfortunately, the masses here only truly become concerned by mass-immigration when it affects us economically. Culturally, only a minority of people are worried about it - because we've been conditioned over the course of decades to devalue our own native culture and ethnic identity.

There's an important distinction made between settled blacks and newer arrivals. You'll find, here, that almost every group of white friends has at least one token black among them who they love and value as much as the white members of the group. These blacks are culturally British (although nearly all favour 'urban' music; because of this, those friend-groups who favour more alternative subcultures - rock, heavy metal, folk, indie - have fewer black members). Because of this, most young white Britons would be unwilling to segragate themselves from blacks. Of all the non-whites here, blacks have adopted civic Britishness the most successfully. Asians are a different story - they've remained culturally alien, particularly the Muslims.

Sol Invictus
12-31-2009, 10:14 AM
Not everyone bases their decisions in life on race. I sure don't.

I just want to add to this:

When it comes down to it, I would sooner trust my life with a man of color that I do know and trust over someone of my own race who is completely unknown to me. I think you'll find that humans in general act this way and don't immediately owe their loyalties to strangers who just happen to be of the same color. Especially under stressful situations in these times.

12-31-2009, 11:25 AM
A race war..........hmmmmm this has made me think, for me to engage in a race war things would have had to have got mightily bad, the thought of me taking up arms and fighting others in a death scenario means a total breakdown of law and order.
Here where i live it's pretty quiet even on a busy day, in parts of the city we have blacks and Asians, but generally speaking there is not enough of them to give white people a hard time.
However, larger communities of ethnics could start trouble in larger cities and probably get out of hand somewhat, but generally the police and the Army would brutally stop any real war among the population.
On my part a threat to my family, my home, and neighbours would get me mobilised in tooling up, for an actual assault by ethnics would take the shackles off my pacivity and promp me into Rambo mode.

Electronic God-Man
12-31-2009, 12:13 PM
I wonder if maybe you're thinking too much as a white nationalist would. The majority of working class Americans are white, but have been disenfranchised to such a degree that violence against those that have wronged them will be directed against those responsible for doing that, and they don't base their lives upon what color skin their neighbors have.

Because when the shit does hit the fan, it's going to hit it hard - and at that point, for better or worse, race isn't going to mean a damn thing when it comes to survival against a tyrannical system. And the bulk of the fighting will be done by the organized militias which consist of patriots of many different races which have every right as white people to call themselves American.

It's early in the morning, but... you are NOT an American. Don't tell us what we will do. Period.

Your organized militias don't mean shit, in the end it is the ordinary people that will stand up.

If the "shit hits the fan" I am sure that some colored peopled will join us. But if such a scenario plays out then I am fairly certain that this nation will not hold together. "White-washed" non-whites will most likely join any such cause, but otherwise we will not be drawn together. If anything we will understand a greater enemy and work together, but we will not see each other as all "Americans".

Fortis in Arduis
12-31-2009, 12:36 PM
I'm getting the impression Britain is some Multicultural play ground. Blacks aren't loved in America. The Majority of Whites do not want to live with them or be around them in general. How can it be any different in Britain? Are blacks prized because there are much fewer of them and they are considered "exotic". Blacks are so common America must White Americans just regard them as Niggers, whether they consciously realize it or not.

Only one of my friends voted for Obama.

Many black people or their ancestors came to Britain with a great love for us, and although things have not worked out very well. When we meet a Jamaican guy in London, or a Kenyan, there is a feeling that we have something in common.

These people were not our slaves, they were co-subjects of the British Empire and many of these black people love Britain patriotically, in their own way.

It is common for a British man to feel that he has more in common with a Jamaican rastafarian immigrant than a Pole, for example.

Here in Britain it's shaping up rather as religious tension rather than racial. A line is being drawn between Muslims and non-Muslims and the fact that most Muslims are Middle-Eastern is circumstantial. White Britons have grown to genuinely love and accept most races, particularly blacks. People of all races will begin to unite against radical Islam more and more. But racialism is a minority view.


12-31-2009, 02:55 PM
It is common for a British man to feel that he has more in common with a Jamaican rastafarian immigrant than a Pole, for example.
Good point. I sometimes feel that.

12-31-2009, 03:00 PM

As to the how and what... I'm not going to eleborate on that without incriminating myself.

12-31-2009, 06:12 PM
Good point. I sometimes feel that.

I never do. Blacks are alien and always will be.
I disagree that multiculturalism and political correctness has been present in Britain longer than anywhere else. America had affirmative action when Bernard Manning and other comedians were still making racial slurs on the BBC. The real reason that Britain has less "racism" than America is that we've got fewer non-whites and haven't had them for as long. There are still penty of Britons who never see a real live wog or nigger from one day's end to the next. Why would they get excited about non-white immigration before it starts to affect them personally? The most racist people usually have personal experience of living amongst non-whites. I still remember a kindly old man in a pub giving me directions and politely trying to warn me not to walk through a black neighbourhood. I'd never seen a nigger with my own eyes in England before that day. PC really started to take hold in the 90's and was heavily promoted by NuLabour. They also opened the floodgates in an effort to transform Britain permanently into a multiracial mess.

12-31-2009, 06:23 PM
I don't think so. Short of a nuclear holocaust (or similar scale event), I just don't see people returning to such primitive ways of demarcating "us" and "them" on any similarly large scale. We're all a bunch of fucking domesticated gerbils. :laugh:

Sol Invictus
12-31-2009, 06:58 PM
It's early in the morning, but... you are NOT an American. Don't tell us what we will do. Period.

Completely off topic and besides the point. But for the sake of clarification: My dad is French Canadian, and my mother is born and bred American from Orlando Florida - which gives me the best of both worlds, as well as dual citizenship. The only thing I'm missing is a passport, which is in the works right now. Why I feel compelled to explain myself to you, I have no idea, but there you go.

And I am not telling anyone what to do. I'm just telling you what I think is coming. Disagree all you like, but don't digress from the point.

Your organized militias don't mean shit, in the end it is the ordinary people that will stand up.

The Militias ARE the people.

If the "shit hits the fan" I am sure that some colored peopled will join us. But if such a scenario plays out then I am fairly certain that this nation will not hold together.

If anything we will understand a greater enemy and work together, but we will not see each other as all "Americans".

We're in agreement there.

12-31-2009, 08:47 PM
Completely off topic and besides the point. But for the sake of clarification: My dad is French Canadian, and my mother is born and bred American from Orlando Florida - which gives me the best of both worlds, as well as dual citizenship. The only thing I'm missing is a passport, which is in the works right now. Why I feel compelled to explain myself to you, I have no idea, but there you go.

And I am not telling anyone what to do. I'm just telling you what I think is coming. Disagree all you like, but don't digress from the point.

The Militias ARE the people.

We're in agreement there.

This could have been an interesting thread had you nor spewed your ridiculous, paranoid Peter Pan fantasies on us once again...

Wait a minute, did you hear that too?

Sol Invictus
12-31-2009, 09:17 PM
This could have been an interesting thread had you nor spewed your ridiculous, paranoid Peter Pan fantasies on us once again...

Fantasies? Why don't you actually form an argument for once rather than throwing around non-sensible insults at me left and right which you always do whenever I voice my thoughts and opinions which I try to articulate to the best of my abilities. You on the other-hand have nothing but insults as a result of very poor decision making skills and a very closed minded approach to everything. Believe whatever you want - I respect that right - but you must also learn to respect my right to do so as well without resorting to humiliation and low-grade character assassination tactics.

01-01-2010, 09:54 AM
I wouldn't bother JP. Some people are terminal in their committment to the illusion.

Fortis in Arduis
01-01-2010, 10:14 AM
I wouldn't bother JP. Some people are terminal in their committment to the illusion.

Yes, but scaremongering without proffering localist solutions, like direct democracy, co-housing, co-operative economics, co-operative home-schooling an credit unions, and buying co-operatives is very very tedious indeed.

Fuck you, John Preston and your boring repetitious crap.

What next, chemtrails??? :cool:

01-01-2010, 12:53 PM
Yes, but scaremongering...
I'd define scaremongering as creating fear where none is justified. Myself and John Preston are privy to mountains of justification therefore I don't think it can be called scaremongering. If some people choose to disbelieve everything that's been conveniently boxed as 'conspiracy theory' then they're free to, but people like us aren't going to stop shouting about it. We know what's at stake.

Fortis in Arduis
01-02-2010, 01:10 AM
I'd define scaremongering as creating fear where none is justified. Myself and John Preston are privy to mountains of justification therefore I don't think it can be called scaremongering. If some people choose to disbelieve everything that's been conveniently boxed as 'conspiracy theory' then they're free to, but people like us aren't going to stop shouting about it. We know what's at stake.

Ok duckie, you sit tight there! :p

I am just saying that Alex Jones with his trusty megaphone, and his little neophytes on world's lil' inter-web, parroting his repetitious bullshit are no better than David Duke (piss be upon him) because they never offer a solution. :lightbul:

01-02-2010, 02:09 AM
White Britons have grown to genuinely love and accept most races, particularly blacks.
:eek: I've barely ever spoken to one! I feel them as alien as alien can be.

You'll find, here, that almost every group of white friends has at least one token black among them who they love and value as much as the white members of the group.
REALLY?!? :confused: Am I so unusual then? It's a town by town thing. There simply weren't any blacks around where I grew up. I only really saw Pakis in considerable numbers from the age of 12 or so. All alien to me. And there were none of either at university.

When we meet a Jamaican guy in London, or a Kenyan, there is a feeling that we have something in common.

It is common for a British man to feel that he has more in common with a Jamaican rastafarian immigrant than a Pole, for example.
Speak for yourself! THere are still swathes and swathes of country filled with people for whom the third generation black 'Briton' might as well have just stepped off the boat.

There are still penty of Britons who never see a real live wog or nigger from one day's end to the next. Why would they get excited about non-white immigration before it starts to affect them personally? The most racist people usually have personal experience of living amongst non-whites.
That's it, yes. But even out here in Devon you can speak to people and hear things that you wouldn't have ten years ago in an 'unenriched' area. We're reaching saturation point, even if there's a few years to go yet.

01-02-2010, 02:40 AM
The Militias ARE the people.

No way, dude. Even among the military, even among the right, even in rural America militias are not seen as normal. The only sectors of Americans society in which militia members aren't seen as being a little loony is in the militia movement itself and the survivalist fringe. Militias have not been widely accepted in the US for a long time.

Sol Invictus
01-02-2010, 03:18 AM
No way, dude. Even among the military, even among the right, even in rural America militias are not seen as normal. The only sectors of Americans society in which militia members aren't seen as being a little loony is in the militia movement itself and the survivalist fringe. Militias have not been widely accepted in the US for a long time.

I didn't say what was "normal", which is a very subjective term - I am saying that the Militias ARE the people because every able bodied male able to hold a firearm is by definition apart of the American Militia. Of course it isn't seen as "normal" by any standards, the media assault on the Patriot movement has been relentless since the early 90's - and that's the media telling people what to believe and what to think because people are too stupid to actually look and think for themselves. Accepted or not is also subjective from a societal standpoint, but like it or not, militias are a constitutional requirement to keep the government in check.

01-02-2010, 03:33 AM
I am saying that the Militias ARE the people because every able bodied male able to hold a firearm is by definition apart of the American Militia.

That's not been the case since the 18th century. We could have evolved into a militia nation like Finland or Switzerland, but Hamilton won out and we did not. Very few militias groups have charters that are recognized by their respective state governments. Sure, we all have the potential to join militias, but that's not happening on anything even close to a small scale percentage wise.

01-02-2010, 03:52 AM
The risk of a race war is the best protection against assassination which Barack Obama has. It is far more effective than the Secret Service. Were he to be slain, it would surely precipitate a race war in the United States. This would be a war which neither side could win decisively. Any victory by either race would be pyrrhic.

Though there is a real possibility of a race war, IMO, a more likely scenario would involve a religious war. After centuries of dormancy, Islamic militancy has re-awakened. Having already shown an affinity for Islam, the religion of the slave-raiders and African slave traders, the blacks might make common cause with the Muslims.

This could be disastrous for white infidels. Inasmuch as the Muslims are uncivilised and the blacks have shown themselves in Africa to be incapable of governing themselves, this is a recipe for worldwide chaos. In the meantime, liberal traitors are undermining the resolve of the white race to defend itself.

Sol Invictus
01-02-2010, 04:00 AM
That's not been the case since the 18th century.

The Dick Act of 1902 states otherwise, re-affirmed by the second amendment. It clearly states the 3 different sections of the militia ie Army, National Guard, and the people (all males 18-45) which are the unorganized Militia.

We could have evolved into a militia nation like Finland or Switzerland, but Hamilton won out and we did not.

See above.

Very few militias groups have charters that are recognized by their respective state governments.

The constitution is exactly that charter.

Sure, we all have the potential to join militias, but that's not happening on anything even close to a small scale percentage wise.

Well over 100 militias have been springing up all over the country since Obama was first elected, and that report is months old. I have mainstream articles I posted to back that up as well. Not only that, but I am directly in contact with a Mississippi militia leader - infact I JUST got off the phone with him - and he tells me that almost 100 units in Mississippi alone have recently sprung up, so that is a false assumption on your part.

01-02-2010, 08:50 AM
REALLY?!? :confused: Am I so unusual then? It's a town by town thing. There simply weren't any blacks around where I grew up.
Speak for yourself! THere are still swathes and swathes of country filled with people for whom the third generation black 'Briton' might as well have just stepped off the boat.
I suppose I shouldn't have sounded as though I'm talking for the whole country. As much as I try to deny it, I'm an urban lad. Born and raised in the South-East, living in essentially what is a suburb of greater London, my experiences and observations will represent some of the more multicultural findings of England. Where I live, all that I said stands true. It probably goes for all large towns and cities though.

Fortis in Arduis
01-02-2010, 10:34 AM
I suppose I shouldn't have sounded as though I'm talking for the whole country. As much as I try to deny it, I'm an urban lad. Born and raised in the South-East, living in essentially what is a suburb of greater London, my experiences and observations will represent some of the more multicultural findings of England. Where I live, all that I said stands true. It probably goes for all large towns and cities though.

There is a slightly different situation in the South-East. We have always had a 'keep cheerful' attitude. After all, we have always had to tolerate each other.


You know, all the fighting and brawling, football violence, sunburn holidays in Spain, the nasty twangy accents, the materialism, the male chauvinism, the mock-Tudor aspirations, the suburban nightmare and the gangsterism...

Why would I want to live anywhere else? :D

01-02-2010, 01:06 PM
Here in Britain it's shaping up rather as religious tension rather than racial.

Largely it is a religious confrontation, but there is still an awful lot of racial tension between the indigenous members of England and the foreigners who have entered over the previous 60 + years.

White Britons have grown to genuinely love and accept most races, particularly blacks.

We have been taught to love other races. A difference from your sentiment.

01-02-2010, 02:22 PM
...they never offer a solution. :lightbul:

Exactly the issue I take with conspiratists.

I (loosely) keep abreast of their information, I watch John's videos that he posts and I watch them objectively, I follow the money and I follow motive, etc., etc., ... But there never seems to be an answer from this lot beyond, "Get ready!" "Be ready!" "They're coming!" "Anyday now!" - the parallells to Christian fanaticism do not go missed by this eye.

I also find the evidence presented by conspiratists to be almost infinately more complex than the 'official' story on any given thing: Sould truth not be simpler?

Also, the "You're asleep! Wake up!" or the, "Sure, dumbass! stay ignorant of the facts!" retort, coupled with the, "You're only going to believe what you want to!" slur, I find quite revolting, intellectually - as the same charge is as applicable to them as it is to anyone else, including disenters.

I know that there are dangerous truths out there! But, in my own experience with dangerous truths, when my knowledge of them is challenged, I find them the easiest things to defend because they are true in themselves.

01-02-2010, 03:00 PM
Exactly the issue I take with conspiratists.
No solution?

For Americans, the solution is a return to the Constitution, which was specifically designed to preserve liberty and prevent tyranny. It's a bit more complex for Europe and the Commonwealth, for our Bill Of Rights is not quite as liberating and is largely forgotten.

Conspiracisy 'theorists' have solutions for almost everything. Right now all we can do is to wake people up and people like John Preston are doing that partly by posting videos and articles all over the web. It's working too. More people now than ever distrust their government and are becoming aware of such travesties as the 'Federal Reserve', the truth behind vaccines, multiculturalism and 9/11. Beyond spreading the knowledge, until we reach critical mass, patriots are encourages to become self-sufficient and arm themselves because once the government has openly drawn first blood it's open-season. Again, this is more specific to the USA due to the freedoms still enjoyed there.

What solutions would you expect and to what problems? Knowledge is key. And everytime someone refuses to even look into 9/11, vaccination, the EU, or any of the other conspiracy 'theories' and drawing their own conclusion, they are in fact rejecting the solution.

I also find the evidence presented by conspiratists to be almost infinately more complex than the 'official' story on any given thing: Sould truth not be simpler?
I'd be interested to hear some examples :cool:

Also, the "You're asleep! Wake up!" or the, "Sure, dumbass! stay ignorant of the facts!" retort, coupled with the, "You're only going to believe what you want to!" slur, I find quite revolting, intellectually - as the same charge is as applicable to them as it is to anyone else, including disenters.
How certain are you that a tyrannical new world order doesn't exist? I wonder if you're as certain that it doesn't as I am that it does ;). Furthermore, there's more danger in being underprepared for it than there is in being overprepared.

01-02-2010, 06:23 PM
Largely it is a religious confrontation, but there is still an awful lot of racial tension between the indigenous members of England and the foreigners who have entered over the previous 60 + years.

We have been taught to love other races. A difference from your sentiment.

What can be taught can also be untaught.

01-02-2010, 07:40 PM
How certain are you that a tyrannical new world order doesn't exist? I wonder if you're as certain that it doesn't as I am that it does ;). Furthermore, there's more danger in being underprepared for it than there is in being overprepared.
Personally, I'm uncertain of either...but still survivalism seems like overkill in panic mode.

What's this "it" you speak of? And how do you know that you're anywhere close to being prepared enough? If it's about fighting against the entire government - currently supported by the overwhelming majority - what's the point of preparing for a war against everyone around you? You're going to lose anyway....and you'll lose the few years you could have enjoyed "preparing"...say even you don't get killed, where are you going to go? Live in a buncker in the middle of nowhere? To what end?

May be make me/some others feel this powerless is exactly what the world wide tyranny wants - but I really don't see how that's a lie.

Sol Invictus
01-02-2010, 07:54 PM
Personally, I'm uncertain of either...but still survivalism seems like overkill in panic mode.

And unjustifiably you say?

And how do you know that you're anywhere close to being prepared enough?

You can never prepare enough.

If it's about fighting against the entire government - currently supported by the overwhelming majority - what's the point of preparing for a war against everyone around you?

Actually, in the case of the United States, the majority do not support the government - and the ones that do are driven by false hope or fear. Obama's ratings are worse than Bush's ever were, and in a shorter span of time. Gallup polls support this.

You're going to lose anyway....and you'll lose the few years you could have enjoyed "preparing"...

We aren't going to lose. In the end, the Military will be on the side of the people. In the case of A.R.M, about 80% of us (rough estimate) are ex Military, actively serving Military, Law Enforcement, and Citizen Militias, and folks that no longer have anything to lose. Failure ain't going to happen because it's not an option.

me/some others feel this powerless is exactly what the world wide tyranny wants - but I really don't see how that's a lie.

It is a lie if you understand the concept of government and what it's limitations, and duties are. Governments around the world have clearly overstepped their bounds and have sold their people and themselves out to a globalist agenda, ie the new world order, where you society, culture, laws and people mean nothing to the corporations and banks that control it.

01-02-2010, 08:01 PM
In the end, the Military will be on the side of the people.

I think you are mistaken. Soldiers follow orders, particularly the orders bolded in the Oath of Enlistment:

I, (name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

Sol Invictus
01-02-2010, 08:06 PM
I think you are mistaken. Soldiers follow orders, particularly the orders bolded in the Oath of Enlistment:

If you are a true Oathkeeper, then you would recognize that if the president of the United States issued an unlawful order, ie the disarmament of American citizens who are constitutionally protected to keep them, as was the case in Katrina, or the deployment to an illegal and unjust war, or imposing martial law on the American people, then you not only have the option to disobey, but are required to disobey them.

01-02-2010, 08:14 PM
And unjustifiably you say?
Erring on the side of caution...make be erring a whole lot, is what I say.

You can never prepare enough.
But what if you can never prepare marginally suffiently?

Actually, in the case of the United States, the majority do not support the government - and the ones that do are driven by false hope or fear. Obama's ratings are worse than Bush's ever were, and in a shorter span of time. Gallup polls support this.
I'd think you of all people would know that "the government" is not Obama or Bush. It's your breakfast, job, music collection, car - way of life - and most people would not trade that in for civil war.

Failure ain't going to happen because it's not an option.
:eek:...I don't know whether to laugh or cry....

It is a lie if you understand the concept of government and what it's limitations, and duties are. Governments around the world have clearly overstepped their bounds and have sold their people and themselves out to a globalist agenda, ie the new world order, where you society, culture, laws and people mean nothing to the corporations and banks that control it.
Yeah, which is why they won't hesitate to *crush* anyone in opposition.

You talk about ex-army, law enforcement, etc. - all people I don't trust because they were all at one time government employees....meanwhile I'm a 5'3" science nerd with no combat skills....When they tell me I'm powerless, they're definitely not lying :wink

01-02-2010, 08:17 PM
If you are a true Oathkeeper, then you would recognize that if the president of the United States issued an unlawful order


Distasteful? Sure. Bad for America? Definitely. Illegal insofar as the Constitution, US Code and UCMJ are concerned? Nope.

or the deployment to an illegal and unjust war

We are not technically at war; it has not been declared. Nothing illegal has been done, and congress has given its support the entire time by maintaining DOD's funding.

or imposing martial law on the American people

You're talking about New Orleans, right? Bush didn't do that, Mayor Nagin did.

Sol Invictus
01-02-2010, 08:28 PM

Distasteful? Sure. Bad for America? Definitely. Illegal insofar as the Constitution, US Code and UCMJ are concerned? Nope.

People subject to the UCMJ are not required to obey an unlawful order. The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) 809.ART.90 (20), makes it clear that military personnel need to obey the "lawful command of his superior officer," 891.ART.91 (2), the "lawful order of a warrant officer", 892.ART.92 (1) the "lawful general order", 892.ART.92 (2) "lawful order".

In each case, military personnel have an obligation and a duty to only obey Lawful orders and indeed have an obligation to disobey Unlawful orders, including orders by the president that do not comply with the UCMJ. The moral and legal obligation is to the U.S. Constitution and not to those who would issue unlawful orders, especially if those orders are in direct violation of the Constitution and the UCMJ.

01-02-2010, 08:38 PM
In each case, military personnel have an obligation and a duty to only obey Lawful orders and indeed have an obligation to disobey Unlawful orders

This is true. However, the President hasn't issued any.

especially if those orders are in direct violation of the Constitution and the UCMJ.[/B]

Please provide at least one example (the direct text, so we can be sure please) of an order directly issued by the President that violates either. Very little having to do with Katrina came from the Federal executive office; most was from the executive branches of the City and State (i.e. National Guard troops are subordinate to the state Governor).

01-02-2010, 08:42 PM
A Race War is happening everyday in America both in Prison and in Society at Large. But it just hasn't gotten to the intensity I like to see just yet. Things will only get more heated as Whites become less and less of the total population.

Sol Invictus
01-02-2010, 09:08 PM
This is true. However, the President hasn't issued any.

Oh no? Forcing troops to comply to his orders to deploy to an illegal conflict without proving his legitimate criteria for even being president of the United States is enough for most people; including this Major (http://www.wnd.com/index.php?pageId=104009) who had his orders rescinded for deployment to Afghanistan based on that alone. He was found without fault for disobeying his orders, because it is an illegal one. Perfect example of Oathkeeping in action.

Very little having to do with Katrina came from the Federal executive office; most was from the executive branches of the City and State (i.e. National Guard troops are subordinate to the state Governor).

The order to illegally confiscate weapons may have come from the state governor, yes, but Bush's refusal to defend the constitutional rights of citizens of New Orleans at the very least makes him complicit in this order because he knew full well what was going on, and he did nothing.

And since the governor issued the orders to confiscate guns to military and police who were caught off guard and were forced to carry out this command which they had every right, and the duty to disobey, makes him a criminal as well for breaking his Oath of office.

01-02-2010, 09:18 PM
Oh no? Forcing troops to comply to his orders to deploy to an illegal conflict...

The President is well within his rights as Commander in Chief to send as many troops as he wishes to engage in military expeditions. Just because the right to declare war resides with Congress doesn't at all mean that military operations are illegal.

The order to illegally confiscate weapons may have come from the state governor, yes, but Bush's refusal to defend the constitutional rights of citizens of New Orleans at the very least makes him complicit in this order because he knew full well what was going on, and he did nothing.

You know how American government works, right? The executive branch does not determine the constitutionality or unconstitutionality of an order; that's the judicial branch's function. An unlawful order is one of the most serious accusations that can be leveled at a military commander. Do you have no examples of actual orders issued by one of our recent Presidents that is illegal?

Sol Invictus
01-02-2010, 09:40 PM
The President is well within his rights as Commander in Chief to send as many troops as he wishes to engage in military expeditions.

Yes but only after * 30 days (http://www.justice.gov/olc/warpowers925.htm), after which congress must formally declare war if an expedition goes beyond the 30 day limit, which they haven't.

*Some of the clauses have actually been changed since Sept.11, 2001 (Go figure) as well as the scrapping of the Posse Comantatis Act which forbids the use of troops to engage in Law Enforcement duties. (Go figure).

Just because the right to declare war resides with Congress doesn't at all mean that military operations are illegal.

Well they haven't formally declared war have they? Which means the 30 day limitation of the Commander-in-Thief has been violated. Just because congress has funded the war doesn't mean it was magically legalized either.

Sol Invictus
01-02-2010, 09:50 PM

01-02-2010, 09:51 PM
Yes but only after * 30 days (http://www.justice.gov/olc/warpowers925.htm)

I don't see anything in your link to substantiate that. Please provide a quotation.

Some of the clauses have actually been changed since Sept.11, 2001

Yes, changed through legistation...making them legal.

Sol Invictus
01-02-2010, 09:55 PM
I don't see anything in your link to substantiate that. Please provide a quotation.

In the absence of a declaration of war, a President must within 48 hours report to Congress whenever he introduces troops (1) into hostilities or situations of imminent hostilities, (2) into a foreign nation while equipped for combat, except in certain nonhostile situations, or (3) in numbers which substantially enlarge United States troops equipped for combat already located in a foreign nation.175 The President is required to terminate the use of troops in the reported situation within 60 days of reporting, unless Congress (1) has declared war, (2) has extended the period, or (3) is unable to meet as a result of an attack on the United States, but the period can be extended another 30 days by the President’s certification to Congress of unavoidable military necessity respecting the safety of the troops.176

60 days, sorry.

01-02-2010, 10:00 PM
In the absence of a declaration of war, a President must within 48 hours report to Congress whenever he introduces troops (1) into hostilities or situations of imminent hostilities, (2) into a foreign nation while equipped for combat, except in certain nonhostile situations, or (3) in numbers which substantially enlarge United States troops equipped for combat already located in a foreign nation.175 The President is required to terminate the use of troops in the reported situation within 60 days of reporting, unless Congress (1) has declared war, (2) has extended the period, or (3) is unable to meet as a result of an attack on the United States, but the period can be extended another 30 days by the President’s certification to Congress of unavoidable military necessity respecting the safety of the troops.176

60 days, sorry.

Again though, this was amended (as per your first link) post-9/11 by Congress, making the illegality of operations after 60 days null.

Sol Invictus
01-02-2010, 11:18 PM
Again though, this was amended (as per your first link) post-9/11 by Congress, making the illegality of operations after 60 days null.

Well when you're right, your right.

Yet that in itself is completely unconstitutional and I stand with Ron Paul on this, who took part in the vote of disapproval to the amendment of the war powers act (which was done cleverly, only 1 week after invasion when nearly all Americans, and much of the rest of the world believed Saddam had WMDs) but was quickly veto'd by Bush, which stopped it dead in it's tracks. That division of power is now lost forever and the consequences for such is proving to be catastrophic.

That is why you find two keys, not one, on ballistic nuclear submarines. So that you aren't at the whim of a single person.

The Constitution divides war powers between the Congress and the President and this was done with the interest of National Security at heart and to prevent military dictatorial powers of the president. Thanks to 9/11, the President now has the right to invade any country he desires and doesn't need to provide a reason to do it. And people say that supposed 'conspiracy theories' surrounding 9/11 are unfounded and irrational. :rolleyes:

And of course, the cool-aide drinkers don't see anything wrong with this. And people wonder why the world hates America.

01-02-2010, 11:30 PM
Well when you're right, your right.

I take no joy in it. Wars should (as per the Constitution) not be fought without a declaration from Congress. While our current system may not be illegal, it is certainly not in the spirit of the checks and balances outlined by the founders. However, the fact that everything has been done legally means that resolutions must be achieved by similarly legislative means. If anything is to change, it must be the Senators and Representatives that the states elect.

Sol Invictus
01-02-2010, 11:44 PM
I believe in stressing the importance of political action but to be honest with you, I don't think there's going to be another election. This cocksucker is setting himself up to be dictator and he's selling the U.S out to the UN and there ain't nothing gonna stop him. The man wasn't even born in the United States and they know it - hence the Major's revoking of his deployment for challenging his legitimacy.

01-02-2010, 11:52 PM
From what I've seen, the chances of a "Race-War" happening will decrease with every generation. So if one were to happen it is more likely to happen sooner than later as the youth - including my peers in my generation - are not only accepting non-European/American culture but it is a preference for them. Hopefully many grow up and realize what this preference means, though I think of that as bleak. So really it would have to happen soon or in the distant future if ever, though of course chances are there won't be a full blown war due to racial conflicts. I could see a racial seperation in the distant future as countries fall and reform, but now or in the near future, I don't think so.

01-03-2010, 04:17 AM
What can be taught can also be untaught.

It depends upon what has been taught. I have been taught what can only be thought of as bad habits in my life, and short of chopping appendages and hands off I can't see how my lesson could be "untaught".

The generations of now and yesterday are lost. Any step forward is going to sting considerably.

01-03-2010, 04:47 AM
I live on an Island where we're still a majority. Luckily non-whites cannot operate boats or planes.

The Papist.

01-03-2010, 08:28 AM
From what I've seen, the chances of a "Race-War" happening will decrease with every generation. So if one were to happen it is more likely to happen sooner than later as the youth - including my peers in my generation - are not only accepting non-European/American culture but it is a preference for them. Hopefully many grow up and realize what this preference means, though I think of that as bleak. So really it would have to happen soon or in the distant future if ever, though of course chances are there won't be a full blown war due to racial conflicts. I could see a racial seperation in the distant future as countries fall and reform, but now or in the near future, I don't think so.

America is still argely controlled and governed by Europeans. American culture is still essentially European. If America was a country of blacks Europeans would not accept American culture.

It depends upon what has been taught. I have been taught what can only be thought of as bad habits in my life, and short of chopping appendages and hands off I can't see how my lesson could be "untaught".

The generations of now and yesterday are lost. Any step forward is going to sting considerably.

People can only be taught by force and so they must be untaught using the same methods.

If these generations can not be saved than the future generations will be lost as well.

01-03-2010, 11:06 AM
What's this "it" you speak of?
"It" is the New World Order, as mentioned in the sentence immediately prior to the "it".

And how do you know that you're anywhere close to being prepared enough?
Oh I'm not. I don't actually go in for the Survivalist thing too much, mainly because I deem it futile in England. We don't have enough wilderness, nor access to effective weaponry, nor allies. These are all necessities which America is fortunate enough to have access to. In my opinion, if we fail to educate enough people to stop the incremental march towards a fascist police state then there's little point in me trying to flee or resist it. I may attempt to, but I don't think a stash of food in the mile square piece of woodland nearby is going to help particularly.

If it's about fighting against the entire government - currently supported by the overwhelming majority - what's the point of preparing for a war against everyone around you?
I'm not going to war. You say the majority support the government - that may be true, but it's changing, fast. By the time this Orwellian police state is upon us, there will be sufficient numbers of dissenters. "The people will learn to love their servitude" - yes! Which is why those of us aware of what's happening must try to open the eyes of those who are beginning to love their servitude.

May be make me/some others feel this powerless is exactly what the world wide tyranny wants - but I really don't see how that's a lie.
Who's making who feel powerless? Me? John Preston? We're doing the opposite. There's an enormous liberation in learning the truth. Remember the film The Matrix? Would you take the red pill or the blue? Would you rather live in ignorant bliss or harsh reality? In my opinion anyone who'd rather live in ignorant bliss is a pathetic excuse for a man and I make no apologies about saying that.

I think you are mistaken. Soldiers follow orders, particularly the orders bolded in the Oath of Enlistment:

But if I may highlight a different section of that oath...

I, (name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.
Surely 'domestic enemy' includes tyrannical government. And I'd also suggest we make a clear distinction between 'illegal' and 'unlawful'. An organisation here in the UK called TPUC (The People's United Community) believes that something is only unlawful if it contravenes Common Law, not if it contravenes the thousands of useless pieces of legislation introduced by a post-Constitutional government. I'd suggest that whilst much of what the US government does is technically 'legal', it is actually 'unlawful'.

01-03-2010, 12:59 PM
However, larger communities of ethnics could start trouble in larger cities and probably get out of hand somewhat, but generally the police and the Army would brutally stop any real war among the population.

That depends. If we talk about the scenario of a race/civil war there is always the possibility that parts of the military and police will break away and join one of the other warring camps. You can look for this at among things the Batavic uprising in 69 (if I remember the correct year), where Germanic's in the Roman Army joined the uprising.

Now back to the present day, this could mean that at least a part of the military and police might join the other side (however defined) in such a scenario.

01-03-2010, 02:55 PM
Who's making who feel powerless? Me? John Preston? We're doing the opposite. There's an enormous liberation in learning the truth. Remember the film The Matrix? Would you take the red pill or the blue? Would you rather live in ignorant bliss or harsh reality? In my opinion anyone who'd rather live in ignorant bliss is a pathetic excuse for a man and I make no apologies about saying that.
Reality is making me feel powerless. You and JP have nothing to do with anything....I just envy you the way I envy religious people.

As for the Matrix - that's a false choice - if you know, you know. Doesn't matter what you do (or don't do), nothing can change that.

Oh I'm not. I don't actually go in for the Survivalist thing too much, mainly because I deem it futile in England.
Good to hear that you are (somewhat) a realist. :)

01-03-2010, 03:27 PM
What most people crave is stability, and they will take any amount of discomfort and will not give a damn about “justice”, “democracy”, “liberty” or any other fable humans tell themselves to keep their world sane, as long as today was like yesterday and will be the same as tomorrow, take that away….then you will see the wheels of society come off…..

Society in general, not just multiracial society in particular, exists only as long as things work, one could argue the fall out is worse in multiracial society, I believe that may well be a sound argument to make.

01-03-2010, 03:31 PM
Reality is making me feel powerless. You and JP have nothing to do with anything....I just envy you the way I envy religious people.
I do sympathise. My mother is depressed by my talk of ultimate tyranny and conspiracy. She admits that she'd rather not be made aware of it all because it would negatively affect her happiness in life. Admittedly, I lost a certain feeling of 'magic' in my in life since learning all that I know. :(

As for the Matrix - that's a false choice - if you know, you know. Doesn't matter what you do (or don't do), nothing can change that.
I'm not sure it is a false choice. In The Matrix Neo is given the option to 'see how far the rabbit hole goes' or to have his knowledge of the illusion erased from his memory. We, here, can't simply erase our minds of uncomfortable truths, but I find that this is exactly what some people are attempting to do when they ridicule conspiracy theorists - particularly when they attack the character and not the information. For these people it seems that ignoring the theories isn't enough; they must actively denounce the messenger as though this helps to make all uncomfortable notions disappear. In a way I can understand why people do this, but everyone I know who has researched the full scale of 'theories' has become an unequivocal believer. This just leads me to conclude that those who belittle the whole spectrum of conspiracy 'theories' have conducted minimal research into it for themselves.

Sol Invictus
01-03-2010, 06:11 PM
I do sympathise. My mother is depressed by my talk of ultimate tyranny and conspiracy. She admits that she'd rather not be made aware of it all because it would negatively affect her happiness in life. Admittedly, I lost a certain feeling of 'magic' in my in life since learning all that I know. :(

Same here man. Before I used to talk to my mother about this kind of stuff and she, being an American, took it very very personally and she gets horribly defensive, especially when it comes to 9/11. Over time that's changed, as other people in my family came around and actually started to realize that there is something horribly wrong, I decided to show her building 7 and her jaw just dropped. Same with my sister, and this was over Christmas. I asked her what her opinion was on 9/11 and she said "it ain't an inside job".

I asked my brother in law the same question and he said, "Yup, was definately an inside job" and the same with my Grandmother. I showed my sister building 7, how it completely collapsed even though it wasn't hit by a plane, and she just stared at me. Beyond 9/11, nobody wants to know, because it scares them. How the hell do you think I feel knowing what I know? Now I've decided to just sit back , and continue to network with people preparing. People will find out soon enough what their priorities are, but people can't say they weren't warned.

01-04-2010, 12:22 AM
Society in general, not just multiracial society in particular, exists only as long as things work, one could argue the fall out is worse in multiracial society, I believe that may well be a sound argument to make.

People interested in the gamut of possibilities opening up before us really ought to read about earlier political catastrophes. 1600s England, 1790s France, 1917 Russia. Crisis does strike occasionally. The world can be changed at such times.

01-04-2010, 09:13 AM
Originally Posted by Osweo
Crisis does strike occasionally. The world can be changed at such times.

I’m in general agreement with Spengler’s theory that cultures/civilisations can be treated as organisms, they are born, they grow, they die.

The West is in it’s end game. Personally I don’t care much to “save it” (aspects of it’s cultural achievements sure, but other than that what is there really to “save”?), but it’s had it’s run, I’m interested in what comes after. Hopefully some sort of resurgence of the European spirit, creation from destruction, seems a universal rule to me.

01-04-2010, 11:31 AM
33 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True, What Every Person Should Know... (http://www.newworldorderreport.com/Articles/tabid/266/ID/980/33-Conspiracy-Theories-That-Turned-Out-To-Be-True-What-Every-Person-Should-Know.aspx)

01-04-2010, 01:23 PM
A Race War is happening everyday in America both in Prison and in Society at Large. But it just hasn't gotten to the intensity I like to see just yet. Things will only get more heated as Whites become less and less of the total population.
I quite think so , there's indeed a racial war against whites going on from several decades now (I'm talking especially for America) but it has not been officially declared , that's why it is so difficult for whites to become aware of it and counter react , it's not a war like the past ones but a new one , that works throu crime (blacks/hispanic on white crime can be seen as a subconscious racial war as well) , educational programs and pro-minorities policies.
For the Smith or the Jones is pretty difficult to grasp throu the lines that those are actually all tools of the new kind of racial war.

By the way I'm unsure wether a sheer racial war is abput to start , I can't see any ideology , any national leader , any party that could lead such a war.

It's however very likely that , as the global long term trend of moving jobs and capitals from the West to Asia continue then , with the consequent economic collapse , we will experience more and more small scale chaotic anti-immigrant and anti-nonwhite grass roots movements erupt.

In this case the most likely scenario is the balkanization of America , and to an extent , of those European countries who have many foreigners such as France UK Germany Benelux etc a process in wich people of a certain race pack and leave to same race communities , openly armed and fenced against invaders , like it once was , at the time of segregation.

01-04-2010, 04:32 PM
I quite think so , there's indeed a racial war against whites going on from several decades now (I'm talking especially for America) but it has not been officially declared , that's why it is so difficult for whites to become aware of it and counter react , it's not a war like the past ones but a new one , that works throu crime (blacks/hispanic on white crime can be seen as a subconscious racial war as well) , educational programs and pro-minorities policies.
For the Smith or the Jones is pretty difficult to grasp throu the lines that those are actually all tools of the new kind of racial war.

By the way I'm unsure wether a sheer racial war is abput to start , I can't see any ideology , any national leader , any party that could lead such a war.

It's however very likely that , as the global long term trend of moving jobs and capitals from the West to Asia continue then , with the consequent economic collapse , we will experience more and more small scale chaotic anti-immigrant and anti-nonwhite grass roots movements erupt.

In this case the most likely scenario is the balkanization of America , and to an extent , of those European countries who have many foreigners such as France UK Germany Benelux etc a process in wich people of a certain race pack and leave to same race communities , openly armed and fenced against invaders , like it once was , at the time of segregation.

The Balkanization of America will also mean the end of America. A Weak America will be easy pickings for Strong Unified countries like Russia and China.

Europe even with its many immigrants still has a much higher percentage White population overall. Given this I predict in the future, there will be White flight out of America and back to Europe. America is it is, is a lost cause.

Whites can not win no matter what they do here because of the Population dynamics. If they wage war on non-Whites they permanently weaken America, if they don't wage war than their hand will be forced, when the time comes.

01-05-2010, 08:53 AM
The Balkanization of America will also mean the end of America. A Weak America will be easy pickings for Strong Unified countries like Russia and China.

Europe even with its many immigrants still has a much higher percentage White population overall. Given this I predict in the future, there will be White flight out of America and back to Europe. America is it is, is a lost cause.

Whites can not win no matter what they do here because of the Population dynamics. If they wage war on non-Whites they permanently weaken America, if they don't wage war than their hand will be forced, when the time comes.

I'm not that pessimistic about America , after all we still have more than 200 hundred millions pure whites living there , in USA and Canada combined I mean , moreover I think over the next decades immigration patterns will probably shift to a whiter one , there will be a massive influx of white refugess from South Africa , more and more upper cast whites from Latin America escaping the socialist bolivarian Republics such as Venezuela Bolivia Cuba (and who knows how many more they're gonna be...) and , if there will be a military Chinese invasion of Australia and New Zealand (wich I predict to happen around the middle of this century) a lot of whites from down there as well.

Take also in account that the American white birthrate is much higher than the European one and also that the number of Mormons and Amishes is predicted to multiply many times fold.
There also other positive factors involved like the space , the mineral and water resources , the non-socialistic environmente , who all favors the survival of the white race in America.

I think that in say the 2050 we're gonna have 2 great bulks of whites , North America and Europe , I'm much more pessimisitc about , in order:
1)South Africa
2)New Zealand

01-09-2010, 07:04 PM
The Amish belong to a pacifist cult. When the time comes, will they fight?

Electronic God-Man
01-09-2010, 08:56 PM
The Amish belong to a pacifist cult. When the time comes, will they fight?


There are only 227,000 of them though (or so Wiki says).

11-28-2011, 12:07 PM
Not for the moment.

11-28-2011, 01:12 PM
Now? No. In the future? Post-collapse(if it happens)? Maybe!

Although i do think if any race war is going to happen anywhere in the united states or perhaps the entire world the ground zero will be the southern united states(dixie).

Im not just saying this because im from that area...we really,really,reallyare racist down here.

Although this has been diluted with multikult propaganda and egilitarian yankee implants, there still is a lot of racial tension between whites and niggers.

We dont get that many mexicans in alabama for the most part or the rest of the south to be honest(aside from texas)....although even the native americans(who will most likely side with whites...which they are for the most part) hate chicanos for some reason or another.

So i think if ones going to happen in the united states then its going to start in the former confederacy.

11-29-2011, 07:12 PM
Not in the West. Russia is already on it's way though. Slavic Union was banned, but they failed to realize it'd just have more groups pop up, and stronger :D