View Full Version : Classify Upper-Class Filipino; Jaime Urquijo Zobel de Ayala ... ^_^

03-22-2014, 12:54 PM
He plays for the Philippine Rugby Team.

And I think he's the second person from the left

Close ups.

So, using your typical over analysis of the whiteness of people, where is he classed under?

03-22-2014, 01:03 PM
Euro Spaniard..

What percent of Philippines population look this much Euro?

03-22-2014, 01:04 PM

What happened to all the Pontid, Borid and Alpine?

So he's just Euro now because he does not live in Europe?

But people in some forgotten corner of France, have 890892389182918293123 many classifications.

03-22-2014, 01:06 PM
What happened to all the Pontid, Borid and Alpine?

So he's just Euro now because he does not live in Europe?

But people in some forgotten corner of France, have 890892389182918293123 many classifications.

I don't believe in classifications...
I use only ethnicity/race/country name

03-22-2014, 01:07 PM
someone changed your thread title

03-22-2014, 01:12 PM
I don't believe in classifications...
I use only ethnicity/race/country name

I don't believe in classifications too. My brother looks Korean and I look more Malay face-wise (Although my skin is white).

Ok, since you base it on ethnicity or country name...

Can you guess his country of origin?

03-22-2014, 01:12 PM
someone changed your thread title

I changed it. I'll change it back if you want.

03-22-2014, 01:14 PM
I changed it. I'll change it back if you want.

you dont need to change it back, i thought someone else changed your topic

03-22-2014, 01:17 PM
you dont need to change it back, i thought someone else changed your topic

Thank You for your concern but I changed it and then changed it back out of my own volition.


Where do you classify Jaime Urquijo Zobel de Ayala?

The King, I am
03-22-2014, 01:17 PM
He's half white (from he's mother)

03-22-2014, 01:19 PM
Thank You for your concern but I changed it and then changed it back out of my own volition.


Where do you classify Jaime Urquijo Zobel de Ayala?

he looks white to me like atlantid/borreby

03-22-2014, 01:25 PM
He's half white (from he's mother)

Yup. His Father's side is mostly Latino and Malay (Father's Mother is from the Roxas clan who came from Mexico and his Father's Father's clan, from the Zobel de Ayalas who are German-Filipinos) while on his mother's side surnamed "Eder", he's a descendant of the Russian immigrant Eder family of Columbia, James Martin Eder, who was Columbia's leading industrializer.

He's Filipino in his father's side and Russian in his mother's side.

03-22-2014, 01:27 PM
he looks white to me like atlantid/borreby

He's in the Mestizo to Castizo range.

His father is Filipino (With partial Latino and German ancestry) while his mother is pure Russian.

The King, I am
03-22-2014, 01:32 PM
He looks fully white, not castizo mestizo

03-22-2014, 01:32 PM
He sorta looks like his great great great great grandfather.


03-22-2014, 01:33 PM
Yup. His Father's side is mostly Latino and Malay (Father's Mother is from the Roxas clan who came from Mexico and his Father's Father's clan, from the Zobel de Ayalas who are German-Filipinos)

german-spanish, btw I knew several people with the Zobel surname in Spain

"The Zóbel de Ayala clan is a Filipino business family of German-Spanish ancestry, founders Ayala Corporation, a holding company for a combination of businesses related to the heart of Philippines business, industry and finance. The Ayala ancestors were from northern Spain’s mountainous region of Alava, Basque Country, where Juan Larrazabal Ayala (circa 1475) was an influential landowner[citation needed]. They are 4th cousins to the present Duchess of Alba de Bourbon in Madrid, the most titled woman of Spain and a prime mover of the Spanish Society. The immigrant ancestor Antonio de Ayala sailed from Andalusia to Manila in the 19th century. There he established an industrial partnership with Domingo Róxas, and later with Dr. Johannes Andreas Zóbel, a German pharmacist from Hamburg, who settled in Manila in 1832[citation needed]. Róxas was a descendant of Mexican immigrant Antonio Fernández de Roxas of Acapulco, who migrated to the Philippines in 1695 as an early colonist["


03-22-2014, 01:36 PM
He looks fully white, not castizo mestizo

That's because he's predominantly white.

The King, I am
03-22-2014, 01:38 PM
That's because he's predominantly white.

He's half filipino

03-22-2014, 01:39 PM
His Asian (Filipino/Malay) racial ancestry is negligible, less then 1/8th, judging by his appearance. From what you're saying he's basically a typical New World Euro Mutt (German/Spanish/Russian/something), except he has some minor Filipino, similar to some New World Whites that have some distant Cherokee or Iroquois ancestry.

Mutts are difficult to classify properly, because a lot of the "racial types" are essentially a fixated regional type common to certain populations or geographic areas of influence. So if you mix a lot of different groups from different origins, the result does not fit any of those, especially if you add some ancestry from outside of Europe as well. He obviously has a strong CM component, partially Alpinized, but has some Aurignacoid tendencies as well. This would make him similar to a Borreby (which is a regional type of partially Alpinized CMs, often with some Nordic influence). Nordeby with slight Asiatic ancestry seems about right, even though he is not one - but it's the most physically similar type that can be found in Europe.

03-22-2014, 01:43 PM
He's half filipino

He's obviously not. Not ethnically/racially at least, only from the citizenship standpoint.

03-22-2014, 01:45 PM
german-spanish, btw I know several people with the Zobel surname in Spain

"The Zóbel de Ayala clan is a Filipino business family of German-Spanish ancestry, founders Ayala Corporation, a holding company for a combination of businesses related to the heart of Philippines business, industry and finance. The Ayala ancestors were from northern Spain’s mountainous region of Alava, Basque Country, where Juan Larrazabal Ayala (circa 1475) was an influential landowner[citation needed]. They are 4th cousins to the present Duchess of Alba de Bourbon in Madrid, the most titled woman of Spain and a prime mover of the Spanish Society. The immigrant ancestor Antonio de Ayala sailed from Andalusia to Manila in the 19th century. There he established an industrial partnership with Domingo Róxas, and later with Dr. Johannes Andreas Zóbel, a German pharmacist from Hamburg, who settled in Manila in 1832[citation needed]. Róxas was a descendant of Mexican immigrant Antonio Fernández de Roxas of Acapulco, who migrated to the Philippines in 1695 as an early colonist["


Yup he's part Latino from the Roxas family, part Malay from the older branches and part German-Spanish due to the 19th century marriage. Now, they're part Russian-Columbian (from Jaime's marriage to Elizabeth Eder)

I don't know why upper class Filipinos tend to marry Colombian girls. Aside from Jaime Zobel who married a Columbian....

Here's Jorge Araneta


(An Illongo of Latino descent [Who's forefathers came from Acapulco] but one of which became the Secretary of War for the Cantonal Republic of Negros [One of their red-haired sons toured me around their mountain resort and explained this to me] ).

He married Stella Marquez Zawadski (The world's first Miss International) a Colombian of part Polish descent.

Everywhere, I see upper class Filipinos get on with Colombian women.:confused:

03-22-2014, 01:47 PM
I don't know why upper class Filipinos tend to marry Colombian girls.

For the business connections obviously, drug cartels are among the most powerful organizations in the world, you know :biggrin:.

03-22-2014, 01:48 PM
His Asian (Filipino/Malay) racial ancestry is negligible, less then 1/8th, judging by his appearance. From what you're saying he's basically a typical New World Euro Mutt (German/Spanish/Russian/something), except he has some minor Filipino, similar to some New World Whites that have some distant Cherokee or Iroquois ancestry.

Mutts are difficult to classify properly, because a lot of the "racial types" are essentially a fixated regional type common to certain populations or geographic areas of influence. So if you mix a lot of different groups from different origins, the result does not fit any of those, especially if you add some ancestry from outside of Europe as well. He obviously has a strong CM component, partially Alpinized, but has some Aurignacoid tendencies as well. This would make him similar to a Borreby (which is a regional type of partially Alpinized CMs, often with some Nordic influence). Nordeby with slight Asiatic ancestry seems about right, even though he is not one - but it's the most physically similar type that can be found in Europe.

No. He's not just New World, he's NEW NEW world. He has part Aztec ancestry due to his Roxas ancestors who immigrated from Acapulco, Mexico but he also has a Malay and Sino ancestry not available to the New World.

03-22-2014, 01:52 PM
For the business connections obviously, drug cartels are among the most powerful organizations in the world, you know :biggrin:.

And their drug cartels are run exclusively by Crypto-Jews or Jews (Eder, whom Ayala married is part Jewish Russian and Zawadsky whom Jorge Araneta [My friend's great great grand uncle] and the former governor of my home province, is also part Jewish-Polish)

However, I mingle with those folks, and they're not interested in drugs. :p

03-22-2014, 01:54 PM
Here's Jorge Araneta

Is he related to Bianca Araneta ( Bianca Araneta-Elizalde ) ?


03-22-2014, 02:02 PM
Is he related to Bianca Araneta ( Bianca Araneta-Elizalde ) ?


Yes, I think Bianca Araneta is Jorge Araneta's (The War Hero and Millionaire) and Stella Marquez Zawadski's (The first Miss International and pre-eminent socialite) grand-daughter.

She's married to Juan Elizalde.

His family came directly from Madrid Spain. (Unlike the Araneta family who came from Acapulco, Mexico) I think the Elizalde family were the foremost Filipinologists in Spain at that time. And they were the ones who traced the Araneta's rise to power from their Mexican origins, to being governors of Iloilo and then sugar barons of Negros until they became the second richest clan in the Philippines, put up the Araneta Colliseum and their males began to mass marry Colombian and Argentinian women. (Which explains my friend's red hair because his mother is Argentine [Specifically an Argentine of German and Italian descent borne in Buenos Aries])

My, what I would give to be an Araneta. My friend is a lucky basterd. Sure, sure my Sarabia family name is pretty good too, with many hotels and jewelry stores emblazoning my familia pero being an Araneta just takes the cake.

03-22-2014, 02:22 PM
I swear. That character from Star-Ship Troopers, Juan Rico (The Award Winning Novel). Is based on my friend. He had an Argentine Mother and a Filipino Father and is now studying to work in the Navy...

The novel "Star Ship Troopers" was pretty good actually.

We'll that's before Hollywood white-washed it all and Juan Rico rather than being an Upper Class Principalia Filipino becomes a Blonde WASP.


Fuck you Holywood. Stop white-washing meh Filipino characters.

That whole novel was supposed to be wholly against the white-washing and now you replace the politically aware multi-racial upper class Filipino with some dumb blonde WASP who has never experienced war. Congratulations on completely destroying the political and philosophical overtones of the German American novel by replacing the lead character with somebody who simply does not fit the bill.

03-22-2014, 02:32 PM
That whole novel was supposed to be wholly against the white-washing and now you replace the politically aware multi-racial upper class Filipino with some dumb blonde WASP who has never experienced war. Congratulations on completely destroying the political and philosophical overtones of the German novel by replacing the lead character with somebody who simply does not fit the bill.

1) How the hell is it a German novel o_O?? Heinlein is American, born and raised in Missouri.
2) The film in general is veeeeery loosely related to the book. It's a typical Hollywood B movie, nothing in common with the deeply philosophical book it is supposedly based on. The only things left intact are the names of the heroes and the fact that they are in a war with aliens. Making Rico white is stupid, but it's like 1% of the overall stupidity in the film (compared to the book).

03-22-2014, 02:43 PM
1) How the hell is it a German novel o_O?? Heinlein is American, born and raised in Missouri.
2) The film in general is veeeeery loosely related to the book. It's a typical Hollywood B movie, nothing in common with the deeply philosophical book it is supposedly based on. The only things left intact are the names of the heroes and the fact that they are in a war with aliens. Making Rico white is stupid, but it's like 1% of the overall stupidity in the film (compared to the book).

I meant it was written by somebody of German descent. Heinlein is German.

Yes, it is an American novel though.

And I agree with you that the film is just overall, stupid... Its just a bunch of people killing aliens interspersed with some nudity scenes. It's a horrible horrible degradation of the book which was richly philosophical.

Even the heroes identities themselves have been warped. The lead character is no longer Filipino but a blonde wasp. Furthermore, it's now blatantly more fascist. But lolz the bugs and blood were fun.

The animated series (Roughneck Chronicles) was better, with more intellectual overtones. I can't wait for the reboot. And I pray that they won't murder the characters this time around.

03-23-2014, 09:34 AM
Euro Spaniard..

What percent of Philippines population look this much Euro?

I don't know. Racial classifications have been abolished since the Philippine Revolution. And all censuses since then ignore race as a factor in demographic.

But what I do know is that they mostly populate the cities of Makati and Cebu.
If I remember correctly, 4 out of the 30 in my elementary class looked like that.

03-23-2014, 09:49 AM
Aryan + Iberian. Very handsome, as expected from the mix. As atypical for Philippines as one can be as a human...

03-23-2014, 10:02 AM
Aryan + Iberian. Very handsome, as expected from the mix. As atypical for Philippines as one can be as a human...

He's not only Iberian he's part Amerindio from the Roxas family who he's had ancestors with and his white features are from the Russian portion of his mom and Hitler didn't consider the Slavic Russians Aryan.

03-23-2014, 12:58 PM
We'll he does look pretty Arian.

03-24-2014, 05:11 AM
Euro Spaniard..

What percent of Philippines population look this much Euro?

About .5% of the population of the Philippines is pure white, excluding the expats from United States, Australia, etc. I'm referring to Filipino citizens only. So it's about 500,000

they tend to look more like this guy. And Filipinos just think of them as Filipinos, nothing else


03-24-2014, 06:52 AM

03-25-2014, 09:00 AM
Our mestizos typically look like the woman on the right side. They dont look European, they dont look Latino either. People like her number 2-3 million. Girl on the left is just regular beautiful Filipina


09-18-2022, 12:39 AM
Where do you classify Jaime Urquijo Zobel de Ayala?

He looks fully European to me. Euro descended Filipinos and the Filipino Mestizo populations are a small minority AFAIK. But its not out of the ordinary for the upper classes to have significant European ancestry (as well as other foreign heritage). The Philippines never became as genetically mixed as say, El Salvador or Mexico because the country's distance was too far to attract mass European immigration, and the native ethnic groups of the Philippines did not die in large numbers like many Amerindians of the New World did after contact with European/Old World diseases. Honestly, if the Amerindians of North/South America did not die in large numbers due to Old World diseases, I imagine most countries of Latin America would be more similar to the Philippines in demographics/genetics.

As far as the rest of Asia goes, you can find small minority populations with full or mostly European ancestry because some Europeans did settle during the height of European colonization.

Here's a prominent Filipino socialite/businesswoman, and she obviously has a notable amount of European ancestry. I believe her husband is of French origin and became a naturalized Filipino citizen after his marriage to her. Their daughter Monique is a famous designer in the Philippines IIRC.

09-20-2022, 03:27 AM
He looks fully European to me. Euro descended Filipinos and the Filipino Mestizo populations are a small minority AFAIK. But its not out of the ordinary for the upper classes to have significant European ancestry (as well as other foreign heritage). The Philippines never became as genetically mixed as say, El Salvador or Mexico because the country's distance was too far to attract mass European immigration, and the native ethnic groups of the Philippines did not die in large numbers like many Amerindians of the New World did after contact with European/Old World diseases. Honestly, if the Amerindians of North/South America did not die in large numbers due to Old World diseases, I imagine most countries of Latin America would be more similar to the Philippines in demographics/genetics.

As far as the rest of Asia goes, you can find small minority populations with full or mostly European ancestry because some Europeans did settle during the height of European colonization.

Here's a prominent Filipino socialite/businesswoman, and she obviously has a notable amount of European ancestry. I believe her husband is of French origin and became a naturalized Filipino citizen after his marriage to her. Their daughter Monique is a famous designer in the Philippines IIRC.

You won't really find European colonial populations in the rest of Asia besides city states like Singapore and Macau- but a big chunk of those are recently arrived, not from colonial times. Vietnam and Indonesia don't have a European/Eurasian population anymore

In the Philippines, you'll even find regular, non-famous people who look white or Eurasian
