View Full Version : Resolutions 2010

01-01-2010, 03:36 PM
Yesterday one of my friends wore a coin pendant and drew A+'s all over her arm to bring her good luck in sticking to her resolutions to fatten her bank account and get better marks. :D

Unlike her, I am not getting any supernatural help with my resolutions to be more productive and outgoing...and from the fact that Apricity and facebook were the first websites I visited this year, I could already use some :rolleyes: :coffee:

What are your resolutions for 2010?
Did you do anything for good luck when welcoming in 2010?
Did you stick to the ones you made in previous years?

01-01-2010, 03:51 PM
What are your resolutions for 2010?

- Get a new job
- Get focused again and improve myself in every possible way
- Make money
- Get fit and exercise regularly
- Get a regular girlfriend
- Taste a bottle of every brand of vodka that is available on the market

Did you do anything for good luck when welcoming in 2010?

No, I'm not superstitious. Although looking at my "luck", perhaps I should be. :D

Did you stick to the ones you made in previous years?

Some of it, yes. But I did not have clearly defined ones.

01-01-2010, 04:08 PM
- Finish uni finally
- GET MARRIED!! :D (July :P)
- Get into better physical shape, put some more weight on
- Be a better person :P

01-01-2010, 04:15 PM
Get in better physical shape, loose weight.

Actually get some of my guitar books out and sit down and go through these lessons again instead of just noodling around.

01-01-2010, 04:19 PM
*Aemma grumbles....and mumbles...incoherently to herself....*

Ermm, nothing brilliant just yet. I need to ponder yet some more. Tell ya when I'm ready...maybe. :D

The Black Prince
01-01-2010, 05:48 PM
I don't have them strictly defined, it are more general things to improve.

What are your resolutions for 2010?

* Spend more time on my study
* A better physical shape (put some more weight on).
* Meet the future Mrs. Somerled.

Did you do anything for good luck when welcoming in 2010?

Not particular, I don't think rituals help. Maybe they only do if you believe init.

Did you stick to the ones you made in previous years?
I never obliged myself to strict resolutions, perhaps I should because those of the new year are I guess about them same as those of last year.:D

01-01-2010, 05:59 PM
-Not to be so lazy.

01-02-2010, 12:23 AM
I dont have a resolution more of a Rolling Stones quote i want to live by this year: You can't always get what you want but if you try sometimes you'll find you get what you need.

I think this year i will be okay will just the basics and the blessings that come into my life without worrying about trying to meet other peoples goals and expectations. My goals and expectations are high enough.

Expectations for the year 2009-2010
1.) get a new apartment
2.) get my drivers license
3.) get a small s-10 truck

So in other words become a fully functioning adult.

Hope every ones NYE was safe and wonderful.

Grumpy Cat
01-02-2010, 12:25 AM
Quit smoking.

01-02-2010, 12:50 AM
-Fight my untidiness
-Remove my lower back tattoo :embarrassed (I was so stupid)
-Perform a successful practical semester
-Stop buying loads of fantasy novels. My bank account calls SOS.
-Kick out some of my old black clothes and buy some new black clothes :rolleyes:

01-02-2010, 02:47 AM
It seems I've already started on the road towards things which could be considered resolutions.

I've started regularly exercising, quit smoking, decreased drinking. So I'm not sure I've really got anything I'd add.

So, 300 lbs before the end of the year?

01-02-2010, 02:51 AM
I resolve not to buy a yacht this year. I resolve not to buy a Boeing 757 this year. I resolve never to impede the flow of the Mississippi River. I resolve not to walk backwards across the United States from Charleston to Seattle this year. I resolve to refrain from picking a fight with Mike Tyson this year.

As you can see, I make only resolutions which I am sure that I can keep.

01-02-2010, 03:16 AM
I resolve not to buy a yacht this year. I resolve not to buy a Boeing 757 this year. I resolve never to impede the flow of the Mississippi River. I resolve not to walk backwards across the United States from Charleston to Seattle this year. I resolve to refrain from picking a fight with Mike Tyson this year.

As you can see, I make only resolutions which I am sure that I can keep.

What if you go for a swim or drop something in the river? Then you will be impeding its flow :P :D

01-03-2010, 10:35 AM
- Get a new job
- Get focused again and improve myself in every possible way
- Make money
- Get fit and exercise regularly
- Get a regular girlfriend
- Taste a bottle of every brand of vodka that is available on the market

I have similar plan
- Get a any job:D
- Get focused again and improve myself in every possible way
- Make money
- Get fit and exercise regularly
- Start eating better and regurly, learn new cooking provisions, try making new things
- Drink less
- Start learning things that i should learn
- Do some crazy stuff

- Taste a bottle of every brand of vodka that is available on the market

Thats not good idea. There are some brands of vodka that shouldn't even be called like that, once I was drinkin some english one, dont remember the name, but it was totally awfull, similar in taste and style to the cheapest and worst shit you can buy here, ie. starogardzka and zawisza vodka.

The best are as follows, zubrowka, wyborowa, russian standard and soplica (red one).:thumbs up

No, I'm not superstitious. Although looking at my "luck", perhaps I should be. :D
same here:p

01-03-2010, 10:46 AM
Thats not good idea. There are some brands of vodka that shouldn't even be called like that

Once you taste a vodka made out of furniture you will resolve never to drink vodka again.

01-04-2010, 03:23 PM
I haven't set any yet but now that the Holidays are over and I'm back to work, I can start thinking of such things.

I should stop my daily use of tobacco. Once in a while is ok, but too much is too much.

I should work on my home renovations more than I do.

I need to set the record straight in a couple situations.

Despite considerable forethought & planning regarding my daily activities, I still find myself seemingly running in place, so to say. I need to figure out how to get better personal traction and plow my way out of a few personal ruts.

01-04-2010, 04:12 PM
Lose weight, big time. I really let myself go last year. :mad:

01-04-2010, 04:15 PM
Well, let's see, some of them have already been materialized and some are work in progress:

-> Break loose from an extremely dysfunctional relationship - check

-> Reunite with old friends and enjoy being single and happy during the Holidays - check

-> Ask an interesting guy out - check

-> Lose weight - effective after the Holidays :p

-> Travel - check (next week)

-> Get a new job - check (almost certain, after the holidays)

-> Settle my priorities and look for a master's programm - work in progress

-> Improve my foreign language skills - work in progress

-> Read more and start yoga/meditation - work in progress

Good luck everyone in your ventures ;)

01-04-2010, 04:38 PM
I need to publish so I don't perish.

01-04-2010, 06:32 PM
Spend less time online. However this can only done once I move out with my friend and we our plans for World takeover are set into motion. Can't wait to move with my friend, he lives on the West Coast, in a big city there. Despite its size the city is mostly White. I look forward to getting out, meeting girls, getting in shape, and meeting people in general, I hope we can found some club and perhaps have some Political debate, likewise things will be very interesting when that happens, as from what I have heard the White Nationalist movement is very strong there, but there are some in that State that oppose it. As of now I have very few people I keep in contact with because most of my friends have moved far away in order to find jobs. So increasingly I find myself in my dorm bored and with nothing to do.

01-04-2010, 06:37 PM
Not having any resolutions is my resolution...

People who need an excuse like new year to make resolutions are numb-nuts and twats...

01-04-2010, 06:43 PM
Not having any resolutions is my resolution...

People who need an excuse like new year to make resolutions are numb-nuts and twats...

Most people never keep their resolutions. So in some ways a resolution is entirely pointless. But I would not go so far as to call them numb-nuts and twats.:coffee:

01-04-2010, 06:47 PM
Most people never keep their resolutions. So in some ways a resolution is entirely pointless. But I would not go so far as to call them numb-nuts and twats.:coffee:Well I just did, with no intention of hurting peoples feelings though...

Still I believe its weak...

01-04-2010, 07:00 PM
... it was totally awfull, similar in taste and style to the cheapest and worst shit you can buy here, ie. starogardzka and zawisza vodka.

WHAT have you done, Ariets??~! :eek:

Upon reading that, Loki immediately scribbled these names down on the back of some pizza box and RAN LIKE THE WIND to the nearest Polski Sklep! :eek:;)

01-04-2010, 07:14 PM
-Finish the uni
-Find a job (quite hard with a down syndrome as a president of the country)
-Find a new flat
-Get some muscles for the summer :p
-Improve my english, oral mainly
-If I find a nice girl, pay her more attention instead of ignoring her after a few weeks as i use to do :/
-Win the lottery

01-04-2010, 08:46 PM
-Finish the uni
-Find a job (quite hard with a down syndrome as a president of the country)
-Find a new flat
-Get some muscles for the summer :p
-Improve my english, oral mainly
-If I find a nice girl, pay her more attention instead of ignoring her after a few weeks as i use to do :/
-Win the lottery

Don't insult Down's syndrome people


01-05-2010, 11:48 AM
-Fight my untidiness
-Remove my lower back tattoo :embarrassed (I was so stupid)
-Perform a successful practical semester
-Stop buying loads of fantasy novels. My bank account calls SOS.
-Kick out some of my old black clothes and buy some new black clothes :rolleyes:

That's a pretty slow and expensive process, is that right?

01-05-2010, 12:21 PM
That's a pretty slow and expensive process, is that right?
An acquaintance of mine is a tattooist, he agreed to give me a bargain offer with costs of 50€ per session. I hope five or six sessions will be enough. After each session there's a pause of five or six weeks. Therefore yes, it's a pretty slow process. :embarrassed

01-05-2010, 12:22 PM
That's a pretty slow and expensive process, is that right?Very painfull aswell...

01-05-2010, 12:25 PM
Very painfull aswell...
Thanks for reminding me of that fact you sensitive guy. :cool:

01-05-2010, 12:25 PM
isn't better to make some cool cover-up?

Lulletje Rozewater
01-05-2010, 01:35 PM
Yesterday one of my friends wore a coin pendant and drew A+'s all over her arm to bring her good luck in sticking to her resolutions to fatten her bank account and get better marks. :D

Unlike her, I am not getting any supernatural help with my resolutions to be more productive and outgoing...and from the fact that Apricity and facebook were the first websites I visited this year, I could already use some :rolleyes: :coffee:

What are your resolutions for 2010?
Did you do anything for good luck when welcoming in 2010?
Did you stick to the ones you made in previous years?

What are your resolutions for 2010? hehehehe.to be a bad bad boy.
2009 was really bad and a friend told me that the reason was me not accepting Jesus.
I have gone a step further.
Yesterday I threw out all books and paintings(1823 Russian Ikon,valued at $5000) and bible(1870 valued at $ 2.500) and anything even related to the xian cult on a heap and burned it. My friend cried and cried,screaming," You should have given it to me,it is worth a fortune"
You guessed it,the smoke went sideways not up.:D
I did a Zulu dance too.
That night I had a dream,a voice spoke to me from hell :"Boykie,I am waiting you will sit next to me.":thumbs up