View Full Version : Scythian's Today - Pictorial Examples.

03-25-2014, 04:19 AM
The Scythian languages were a family of Iranian languages of the classical and late antiquity (Middle Iranian) period, spoken in a vast region of Eurasia named Scythia.

Early East Iranians originated in the Yaz culture (ca. 1500–1100 BC) in Central Asia.[citation needed] The Scythians migrated from Central Asia toward Eastern Europe in the 8th and 7th century BC,[7] occupying today's Southern Russia and Ukraine and the Carpathian Basin and parts of Moldova and Dobruja. They disappeared from history after the Hunnish invasion of Europe in the 5th century AD, and Turkic (Avar, Batsange, etc.) and Slavic peoples probably assimilated most people speaking Scythian.[citation needed] However, in the Caucasus, Ossetian language belonging to the Scythian-Sarmatian linguistic continuum remains in use today, while in Central Asia, some languages belonging to Eastern Iranian group are still spoken, namely Pashto, Pamir languages and Yaghnobi.


Today there are at least four main groups descending from Scythians.


The largest ethnic group in Afghanistan;

Pashtun people also known as ethnic Afghans or Pathans, are an Indo-European ethnicity from the subgroup of Eastern Iranians (historically called Aryans), with populations primarily in Afghanistan and northwestern and western parts of Pakistan.


There is a possibility that some Pashtun's are admixed with the so-called "lost tribes of Israel;

The haplogroup R1a (Y-DNA) is found at a frequency of 51.02% among the Pashtun people. Paragroup Q-M242 (xMEH2,xM378) (of Haplogroup Q (Y-DNA)) was found at 16.3% in Pashtuns.



The Pamiris are composed of people who speak the Pamiri languages, the indigenous language in the Gorno-Badakhshan autonomous province, and adhere to the Ismaili sect of Shia Islam. The Pamiris share close linguistic, cultural and religious ties with the people in Badakhshan Province in Afghanistan

Pamiri's also have a similar level of haplogroup Q (about 5%) as their distant relatives Ashkenazi Jews.


Yaghnobi people

The Yaghnobi people are an ethnic minority in Tajikistan. They inhabit Tajikistan's Sughd province in the valleys of the Yagnob, Kul and Varzob rivers. The Yaghnobis are considered to be descendants of the Sogdian-speaking peoples who once inhabited most of Central Asia beyond the Amu Darya River.



Ossetian, also known as Ossete and Ossetic,is an Eastern Iranian language spoken in Ossetia, a region on the northern slopes of the Caucasus Mountains.


Ashkenazi Jews

Ashkenazi Jews are now shown to have Scythian admixture http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?118652-Upstream-Jewish-(And-Other-Eurasian)-YDNA-Haplogroup-Q-Now-Confirmed-As-Indo-European-(Scythian)



03-25-2014, 04:29 AM
None of these people are predominantly Scythian by descent. Many could pass as Scythians though probably.

03-25-2014, 04:37 AM
None of these people are predominantly Scythian by descent. Many could pass as Scythians though probably.

I think the Pamiris probably are

03-25-2014, 04:39 AM
I think the Pamiris probably are

Unlikely. Probably the people with the most Scythian ancestry can be found around South Russia/Ukraine.

03-25-2014, 04:42 AM
Unlikely. Probably the people with the most Scythian ancestry can be found around South Russia/Ukraine.

Some are pretty pure


Good looking also


03-25-2014, 04:46 AM
Some are pretty pure


Good looking also


I'm not sure. To be honest there probably isn't such a thing as a pure Scythian, because the Scythian territory was vast, and they must have assimilated a lot of people. The original Scythians probably originated in the western part of Central Asia, which at the time was a predominantly Europid region.

03-25-2014, 04:47 AM
I'm not sure. To be honest there probably isn't such a thing as a pure Scythian, because the Scythian territory was vast, and they must have assimilated a lot of people. The original Scythians probably originated in the western part of Central Asia, which at the time was a predominantly Europid region.

They must be the blondest group outside of Europe.

03-25-2014, 04:50 AM
Some are pretty pure

Don Coyote accepts only Eastern Euro looking people as pure Scythian Lol

03-25-2014, 04:52 AM
Don Coyote accepts only Eastern Euro looking people as pure Scythian Lol

Read what I just wrote above this to see why that's a moronic statement.:) I never claimed that. Scythians were a diverse people, but yeah, original Scythians did probably resemble Eastern Europeans.

Good video on the Scythians:


03-25-2014, 05:58 AM
Read what I just wrote above this to see why that's a moronic statement.:) I never claimed that. Scythians were a diverse people, but yeah, original Scythians did probably resemble Eastern Europeans.

Good video on the Scythians:


They still do metal-smithing similar to their Scythian relatives;





03-25-2014, 06:11 AM
There is a possibility that some Pashtun's are admixed with the so-called "lost tribes of Israel;

AngloJew, by what squeak of the universe are you able to promote the legitimacy of the idea of the 10 "Lost Tribes of Israel," (seeing as how the human flotsam that gathers round that idea is almost entirely anti-Judea?) You here provide some strange proof that you are not a Jew, as you claim to be.
Maybe you're a bored rep of a foreign government whose job it is to pore over the anthro-sphere of the internet every Mon-Fri, from nine to five.
I have registered a few signals that you are a troll, essentially, and this peculiar curiostity is one of them.

03-25-2014, 06:15 AM
AngloJew, by what squeak of the universe are you able to promote the legitimacy of the idea of the 10 "Lost Tribes of Israel," (seeing as how the human flotsam that gathers round that idea is almost entirely anti-Judea?) You here provide some strange proof that you are not a Jew, as you claim to be.
Maybe you're a bored rep of a foreign government whose job it is to pore over the anthro-sphere of the internet every Mon-Fri, from nine to five.
I have registered a few signals that you are a troll, essentially, and this peculiar curiostity is one of them.

There's a lot of evidence about Pashtuns and Israelites;


03-25-2014, 06:16 AM
No mention of the Ghaels?

03-25-2014, 06:18 AM
I think the Pamiris probably are

No, the basic Pamirian population origin from the pre-Indoeuropean Central-Asian neolithic population and the Turkics. This population Indoeuropized in the late Bronze and Iron age ony, but later highly mixed with Turks.

03-25-2014, 06:20 AM
No mention of the Ghaels?

Do you mean the Declaration of Arbroath?;

the élite of Scotland claim Scythia as a former homeland of the Scots. According to the 11th-century Lebor Gabála Érenn (The Book of the Taking of Ireland), the 14th-century Auraicept na n-Éces and other Irish folklore, the Irish originated in Scythia and were descendants of Fénius Farsaid, a Scythian prince who created the Ogham alphabet and who was one of the principal architects of the Gaelic language.


Good point. May be true. Serbs and Croats are meant to come from Iran too.

03-25-2014, 06:21 AM
No, the basic Pamirian population origin from the pre-Indoeuropean Central-Asian neolithic population and the Turkics. This population Indoeuropized in the late Bronze and Iron age ony, but later highly mixed with Turks.

Any evidence for this? Do you think haplogroup Q could be neolithic Central-Asian?

03-25-2014, 06:29 AM
Any evidence for this? Do you think haplogroup Q could be neolithic Central-Asian?

Clearly Turko-Mongol origin in the region.

03-25-2014, 07:26 AM
Clearly Turko-Mongol origin in the region.

Seems to pre-date it