View Full Version : Alex Rodriguez => percent of Euro, Amerindian, SSA ?

03-30-2014, 08:24 AM

Sister (second from left)

03-30-2014, 08:25 AM
European: 55%
African: 40%
Amerindian: 5%

03-30-2014, 08:28 AM
European: 55%
African: 40%
Amerindian: 5%

I'd say
55% Euro
15% Native
30% SSA

03-30-2014, 08:30 AM
50 Euro, 40 SSA, 10 Native taino

03-30-2014, 08:30 AM
No way is the native that high and the SSA that low.

03-30-2014, 08:45 AM
No way is the native that high and the SSA that low.

He's far from Mulatto look

03-30-2014, 08:46 AM
He's far from Mulatto look

Not to me, but even if so nothing justifies guessing the Amerindian so high.

03-30-2014, 08:47 AM
European: 55%
African: 40%
Amerindian: 5%

^ this ^

03-30-2014, 08:50 AM
Also he looks average Dominican to me, and the scores I listed are common on 23andme.

03-30-2014, 08:51 AM
Not to me, but even if so nothing justifies guessing the Amerindian so high.

C'mon guys it's obvious :picard2:

His siblings:

His half brother:

03-30-2014, 08:52 AM
He's like a hologram between Euro and SSA. I say he is 35% SSA

03-30-2014, 08:55 AM

03-30-2014, 09:11 AM
He's like a hologram between Euro and SSA. I say he is 30-35% SSA

50 Euro, 40 SSA, 10 Native taino

European: 55%
African: 40%
Amerindian: 5%

^ this ^

I think Alex is right..
Does his sister look 40% SSA?

One study says
The Dominican Republic show high levels of African Ancestry 41.7% and Native American Ancestry 11.5%

He's less black than average Dominican
I think 55% Euro 15% Native 30% SSA now. :)

03-30-2014, 09:13 AM
I think Alex is right..
Does his sister look 40% SSA?

One study says
The Dominican Republic show high levels of African Ancestry 41.7% and Native American Ancestry 11.5%

I think 55% Euro 15% Native 30% SSA now. :)

Maybe 25-40% - it is hard for me to tell.

03-30-2014, 09:15 AM
Maybe 25-40% - it is hard for me to tell.

Both his sister and him look less Black than average Dominican.. so upper limit could be 35%.

I've never seen my friends calling him Mulatto.

03-30-2014, 10:26 AM

03-30-2014, 11:10 AM

03-30-2014, 11:22 AM
He is average looking in the DR by the way. The average Dominican having 41% SSA is a stretch.

03-30-2014, 11:25 AM
He is average looking in the DR by the way. The average Dominican having 41% SSA is a stretch.

you got any Genetic study results of Dominican population? Please share it

03-30-2014, 11:31 AM
you got any Genetic study results of Dominican population? Please share it

No,I'm not sure a proper genetic study has been done. But I live amongst many Dominicans and can tell you his look is average.

03-30-2014, 11:52 AM
No,I'm not sure a proper genetic study has been done. But I live amongst many Dominicans and can tell you his look is average.

Also he looks average Dominican to me, and the scores I listed are common on 23andme.

Admixture results of Dominicans on 23andme (provinces)

1) 98% Euro, and 2% Africa. (Santiago)
2) 91% Euro, 5% African, and 4% Amerind. (Santiago)
3) 90% Euro, 6% African, and 4% Amerind. (Santiago)
4) 88% Euro, 8% African, and 4% Amerind. (Santiago)
5) 85% Euro, 10% African, and 4% Amerind. (Santiago)
6) 85% Euro, 11% African, and 4% Amerind. (Espalliat and Santiago)
7) 85% Euro, 10% African, and 4% Amerind. (Santiago)
8) 83% Euro, 13% African, and 4% Amerind. (La Vega)
9) 82% Euro, 9% African, and 9% Amerind. (Unknown)
10) 78% Euro, 18% African, and 6% Amerind. (San Francisco de Macoris)
11) 77% Euro, 14% African, and 9% Amerind. (Santiago)
12) 76% Euro, 19% African, and 4% Amerind. (Santiago)
13) 74% Euro, 12% African, and 14% Amerind. (Unknown)
14) 73% Euro, 21% African, and 6% Amerind. (Santiago)
15) 69% Euro, 24% African, and 7% Amerind. (Santiago)
16) 68% Euro, 27% African, and 5% Amerind. (Espalliat and Bonao)
17) 66% Euro, 25% African, and 9% Amerind. (Santiago)
18) 66% Euro, 27% African, and 6% Amerind. (unknown)
19) 63% Euro, 31% African, and 6% Amerind. (Santiago and Valverde)
20) 63% Euro, 30% African, and 7% Amerind. (San Francisco de Macoris)
21) 62% Euro, 31% African, and 7% Amerind. (Capital and Bonao)
22) 59% Euro, 33% African, and 8% Amerind. (San Francisco de Macoris)
23) 57% Euro, 32% African, and 11% Amerind. (Dajabon, and Santiago)
24) 56% Euro, 35% African, and 9% Amerind. (Espilliat, and Bonao)
25) 56% Euro, 34% African, and 10% Amerind. (San Francisco de Macoris)
26) 55% Euro, 34% African, and 11% Amerind. (San francisco de Macoris)
27) 55% Euro, 35% African, and 10% Amerind. (Montecristi and Puerto Plata)
28) 55% Euro, 38% African, and 7% Amerind. (La vega and Santiago)
29) 52% Euro, 40% African, and 8% Amerind. (Puerto Plata, and San pedro de macoris)
30) 52% Euro, 38% African, and 10% Amerind. (San Francisco de Macoris)
31) 51% Euro, 41% African, and 8% Amerind. (Bahoruco)
32) Europe 57%, Africa 37%, Asia 6%, Santiago + Higuey
33) Europe 45% Africa 47%, Asia 8% Unkown
34) Europe 35% Africa 58%, Asia 7% Unknown


03-30-2014, 03:13 PM

03-30-2014, 03:17 PM
The average Dominican by what I can see is about 35% SSA, just like A-rod looks to be..

03-30-2014, 03:18 PM
I'd say 30% SSA. 40% is too high.

03-30-2014, 03:19 PM
I'd say 30% SSA. 40% is too high.

Yep..30% is the right percent cuz this guy doesn't look Mulatto at all nor does his sister

03-30-2014, 03:22 PM
The average Dominican by what I can see is about 35% SSA, just like A-rod looks to be..

The average Dominican, 35% SSA??? Lol

03-30-2014, 03:47 PM
The average Dominican, 35% SSA??? Lol

The average dominican is 40% SSA not 35%

03-30-2014, 03:57 PM
The average dominican is 40% SSA not 35%


03-30-2014, 04:00 PM

Where are yours to say they are only 35% SSA? From what I've seen they are closer to 40-45% SSA.

03-30-2014, 04:03 PM
Where are yours to say they are only 35% SSA? From what I've seen they are closer to 40-45% SSA.

Don't push it now. Everyone knows that the average Dominican is a terceron.

The blackest Dominican on ABF is 40% SSA, 3 or 4 are tercerones and one is off-white.

03-30-2014, 04:04 PM

We find striking differences in estimated population-wide mean African, European and Native American ancestry proportions which are consistent with historical admixture and proximity to slave trade routes. The Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico, located on islands along slave trade routes, show high levels of African Ancestry (means 41.7% and 23.6% respectively) with less Native American Ancestry (11.5% and 18.9%)


03-30-2014, 04:10 PM
We find striking differences in estimated population-wide mean African, European and Native American ancestry proportions which are consistent with historical admixture and proximity to slave trade routes. The Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico, located on islands along slave trade routes, show high levels of African Ancestry (means 41.7% and 23.6% respectively) with less Native American Ancestry (11.5% and 18.9%)


Yes, Ive seen that before and it seems high to me. Based on phenos, 35% seems more like it IMO. The Dominican native is probably a little less too.

03-30-2014, 04:24 PM
Don't push it now. Everyone knows that the average Dominican is a terceron.

The blackest Dominican on ABF is 40% SSA, 3 or 4 are tercerones and one is off-white.

We tend to trust actual studies with samples in the hundreds over referencing people on ABF.

03-30-2014, 04:25 PM
We tend to trust actual studies with samples in the hundreds over referencing people on ABF.

That same study says the average Puerto Rican is a quadroon with 18% native blood, do you agree?

03-30-2014, 04:30 PM
Yes, Ive seen that before and it seems high to me. Based on phenos, 35% seems more like it IMO. The Dominican native is probably a little less too.

i'm going to post dominicans 23andme results, many of them are 40% SSA with some leaning to 60%. You're probably seeing a part of it from some particular region instead of looking at the whole population which varies imo.

03-30-2014, 04:31 PM
That same study says the average Puerto Rican is a quadroon with 18% native blood, do you agree?

I do. Based on results I see on 23andme, 15-18% is about average for Puerto Ricans' Amerindian, African is generally around 20% but has outliers in both directions, and Dominicans on average 40% SSA.

35 and 40% SSA will not look different from one another, btw.

03-30-2014, 04:34 PM
That same study says the average Puerto Rican is a quadroon with 18% native blood, do you agree?

I've been seeing a lot of quadroon looking ricans lately so yeah it could be very accurate.

03-30-2014, 04:38 PM
Dominicans here look more or less like these.. which I would call 40-50% SSA. Girl on right in the first pic has that Sahelid influenced look btw that I always mention.

But I think quadroons are common too.


03-30-2014, 04:40 PM
I do. Based on results I see on 23andme, 15-18% is about average for Puerto Ricans' Amerindian, African is generally around 20% but has outliers in both directions, and Dominicans on average 40% SSA.

35 and 40% SSA will not look different from one another, btw.

Yeah, but the PR one is off by a few numbers, as is the Dominican one. A 35% SSA person will look slightly different from a 40. The bulk of the Dominicans here in the US are tercerones. That wouldn't happen if we were 40% SSA on average, we'd be much darker. After 38% SSA, a persons complexion gets pretty dark.

This is the average Dominican's pheno more or less.


03-30-2014, 04:42 PM
i'm going to post dominicans 23andme results, many of them are 40% SSA with some leaning to 60%. You're probably seeing a part of it from some particular region instead of looking at the whole population which varies imo.

The average Dominican is around 50-55% SSA. The 23andme results for Dominican results are mostly from El Cibeo region which is the 'whitiest region' of the Dom Rep. They don't test the average Dominican who look like Dominican baseball players.

03-30-2014, 04:43 PM
Yeah, but the PR one is off by a few numbers, as is the Dominican one. A 35% SSA person will look slightly different from a 40. The bulk of the Dominicans here in the US are tercerones. That wouldn't happen if we were 40% SSA on average, we'd be much darker. After 38% SSA, a persons complexion gets pretty dark.

Soo 38% SSA is average for dominicans then?

03-30-2014, 04:43 PM
After 38% SSA, a persons complexion gets pretty dark.

Do you have empirical evidence of this?

Based on DNA results, both Dominican and Cape Verdean Americans fall, largely, between 25-50% SSA. I actually think that Dominicans look LESS SSA than their genes, so these 40% SSA Dominicans might look far less African than their genes suggest. I've told you this. I share with a guy on 23andme who is 44% African, but he looks more like a quadroon.

I don't think 5% makes much difference.

03-30-2014, 04:43 PM
Dominicans here look more or less like these.. which I would call 40-50% SSA. Girl on right in the first pic has that Sahelid influenced look btw that I always mention.

But I think quadroons are common too.


Yeah average Dominicano looks black to me.

03-30-2014, 04:44 PM
The average Dominican is around 50-55% SSA. The 23andme results for Dominican results are mostly from El Cibeo region which is the 'whitiest region' of the Dom Rep. They don't test the average Dominican who look like Dominican baseball players.

This is also why Cape Verdeans on 23andme are often 25-35% SSA.. most of them are from Fogo, Brava, and Santo Antao, the "white" islands as some think of them. :lol:

03-30-2014, 04:45 PM
65 European
35 black a
He's a terceron

03-30-2014, 04:46 PM
This is the average Dominican's pheno more or less.


I doubt the average Dominican looks so Native.

Maybe this is more average.. no? And she looks 35-40% SSA.


03-30-2014, 04:46 PM
The average Dominican is around 50-55% SSA. The 23andme results for Dominican results are mostly from El Cibeo region which is the 'whitiest region' of the Dom Rep. They don't test the average Dominican who look like Dominican baseball players.

Yeah you're right, they are not the majority, i forgot about that. Correct me if i'm wrong but i think the capital of the DR is the most populated area. Most of those people around there look very SSA on average.

03-30-2014, 04:47 PM
The average Dominican is around 50-55% SSA. The 23andme results for Dominican results are mostly from El Cibeo region which is the 'whitiest region' of the Dom Rep. They don't test the average Dominican who look like Dominican baseball players.


03-30-2014, 04:47 PM
Yeah you're right, they are not the majority, i forgot about that. Correct me if i'm wrong but i think the capital of the DR is the most populated area. Most of those people around there look very SSA on average.

Cibao region tends to be quadroons, or generally within the 20-30% SSA range from what I have heard. Santo Domingo and the far east side of the island is mulatto to griffe, 50-75%, and the rest of the island is probably 35-45% SSA.

Not including the whites and blacks, I mean.

03-30-2014, 04:47 PM
Yeah you're right, they are not the majority, i forgot about that. Correct me if i'm wrong but i think the capital of the DR is the most populated area. Most of those people around there look very SSA on average.

No, the Cibao is the most populated region in the country.

03-30-2014, 04:48 PM
I doubt the average Dominican looks so Native.

Maybe this is more average.. no? And she looks 35-40% SSA.


Lemba from ABF is the average Dominicano and he scores 49% SSA and he looks afro-american a bit.

03-30-2014, 04:48 PM
Lemba from ABF is the average Dominicano and he scores 49% SSA and he looks afro-american a bit.

I share with him on 23andme, he's 40%.

03-30-2014, 04:51 PM
I share with him on 23andme, he's 40%.

Then Lemba is whitier than the average Dominicano.

03-30-2014, 04:51 PM
There is no evident amerindian. The guy looks straight up quadroon (25% negro).

03-30-2014, 04:53 PM
What strikes me is that Dominicans often look very similar to mixed Berbers, and Mauritanians.

If you're familiar with the look of the Wolof people of West Africa, they strongly resemble griffe to black Dominicans, and are also similar to the African input into Morocco.

Their features are narrow, and they're often light skinned and as such, it makes perfect sense to me that someone who's 40% SSA with a significant input from these types of Sahelian or coastal West Africans, will look less SSA than their genes and therefore look more 30% SSA when they're really 40%.


03-30-2014, 04:53 PM
I doubt the average Dominican looks so Native.

Maybe this is more average.. no? And she looks 35-40% SSA.


This girl doesn't even really look Dominican.. The girl I posted doesn't look very native either.

03-30-2014, 04:54 PM
No, the Cibao is the most populated region in the country.

Ok then, my mistake. I have no clue about your country. I keep seeing and reading but it's best to see this from a dominican's point of view.

03-30-2014, 04:55 PM
This girl doesn't even really look Dominican.. The girl I posted doesn't look very native either.

The girl you posted looked more Native than black.

03-30-2014, 04:56 PM
Ok then, my mistake. I have no clue about your country. I keep seeing and reading but it's best to see this from a dominican's point of view.

Lemba on ABF is also from Cibao and is 40% SSA. I guess it varies. I know that most of the white Dominicans live in that area though.

Do they make up a plurality, or majority, of the total Dominican population? I'd assume that if you added up all the other regions it might equal, I don't know.

03-30-2014, 04:57 PM
The girl you posted looked more Native than black.

No she dosen't, she looks like a quadroon. Many puerto ricans look a lot like her.

03-30-2014, 04:58 PM
^The girl is a tercerona.

03-30-2014, 04:58 PM
To figure out how much African genetically are various Dominican looks requires going to photos of the African groups they descend from and measuring the Dominicans relative to those. Not every African looks like Bantus.

03-30-2014, 04:59 PM
No she dosen't, she looks like a quadroon. Many puerto ricans look a lot like her.

I think you could get her look with no more than octoroon TBH.

03-30-2014, 05:00 PM
55-60% euro, 35-40% SSA, 0-10% native. I'd guess 60, 35, 5, for his percentages though. His SSA is higher if anything though. Upwards towards 40% but I've seen 40% and he might be a HAIR under. Not 20s or low 30s though. Deff 35+ looking.

03-30-2014, 05:00 PM
Lemba on ABF is also from Cibao and is 40% SSA. I guess it varies. I know that most of the white Dominicans live in that area though.

Do they make up a plurality, or majority, of the total Dominican population? I'd assume that if you added up all the other regions it might equal, I don't know.

soo many answers from soo many people, i have no idea what the overall average SSA african % is. Do a lot of haitians migrate to the DR? That might make the country more blacker and blacker.

03-30-2014, 05:01 PM
soo many answers from soo many people, i have no idea what the overall average SSA african % is. Do a lot of haitians migrate to the DR? That might make the country more blacker and blacker.

Yes, but they're clearly distinguishable even from black Dominicans because 1) their SSA side is from a different part of Africa, and 2) they are almost 100% SSA. You would not even take them for African American.

03-30-2014, 05:01 PM
No she dosen't, she looks like a quadroon. Many puerto ricans look a lot like her.

Bro. Most puertoricans are around even percentages of black and native. Just ask Tropico.

03-30-2014, 05:02 PM
Ok then, my mistake. I have no clue about your country. I keep seeing and reading but it's best to see this from a dominican's point of view.

That would be wise, yes.

03-30-2014, 05:03 PM
Bro. Most puertoricans are around even percentages of black and native. Just ask Tropico.

True. Countless studies at this point prove it.
You guys should continue the admixture levels of DR in this thread:
Dominican Admixture Studies (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?120515-Dominican-Admixture-Studies&p=2528811#post2528811)

03-30-2014, 05:04 PM
Lemba on ABF is also from Cibao and is 40% SSA. I guess it varies. I know that most of the white Dominicans live in that area though.

Do they make up a plurality, or majority, of the total Dominican population? I'd assume that if you added up all the other regions it might equal, I don't know.

El Ciboa region dark blue is barely 50% of Dominicans population.


03-30-2014, 05:05 PM
Bro. Most puertoricans are around even percentages of black and native. Just ask Tropico.

It depends on the regions, some parts are more blacker while other parts are more mestizoid and more med. Most ricans i see everyday usually look like quadroons and tercerones.

03-30-2014, 05:08 PM
Dominicans, as an island, tend to fall in the mulatto range. Study after study has proven it. I don't see the point of arguing it.

03-30-2014, 05:12 PM
Dominicans, as an island, tend to fall in the mulatto range. Study after study has proven it. I don't see the point of arguing it.

Alex90 wants to white wash Dom.Rep. .

03-30-2014, 05:17 PM
Alex90 wants to white wash Dom.Rep. .

Its funny because if he's a terceron Id see why but he's not even one, he's damn near griffe.

03-30-2014, 05:17 PM
Some parts of Puerto Rico are whiter than others. The east is mostly mixed and black, but the center and northwest is very white. No?

03-30-2014, 05:18 PM
Alex Rodriguez looks 55% European 35-40% African and 5-10% American. Based on the genetic studies I've seen the average Dominican is Mulatto with a bit of Native, 50% European, 40-45% African and 5-10% Native.

03-30-2014, 05:20 PM
Some parts of Puerto Rico are whiter than others. The east is mostly mixed and black, but the center and northwest is very white. No?

No. The West coast is like me, Pred Euro triracials, or Octasizo/Castizoish type while the center is much more White. The North East has mulattoes and the East Coast has a higher frequency of quadroons and tercerones. Overall though we are a Pred Euro Triracial island. By now, we've all seen the studies.

03-30-2014, 05:24 PM
El Ciboa region dark blue is barely 50% of Dominicans population.


^^ Este es el Mexicaca mas bruto de todos LOL

03-30-2014, 05:41 PM
No. The West coast is like me, Pred Euro triracials, or Octasizo/Castizoish type while the center is much more White. The North East has mulattoes and the East Coast has a higher frequency of quadroons and tercerones. Overall though we are a Pred Euro Triracial island. By now, we've all seen the studies.

Quadroon island. Don't hide it...

03-30-2014, 05:42 PM
Quadroon island. Don't hide it...

lol someone's mad that basically ever study is proving your white washing wrong. Why are you white washing? You're a Griffe Dominican anyways.

03-30-2014, 05:44 PM
lol someone's mad that basically ever study is proving your white washing wrong. Why are you white washing? You're a Griffe Dominican anyways.

My pheno is the most common pheno amongst Dominicans (terceron).

Where do you even get Griffe?

03-30-2014, 05:45 PM
My pheno is the most common pheno amongst Dominicans (terceron).

Lol you think you're terceron?!?!

03-30-2014, 05:45 PM
My pheno is the most common pheno amongst Dominicans (terceron).

Where do you even get Griffe?

Have you genetically tested? As I said Dominicans seem to look less SSA than their genes, so you might have more than you think.

03-30-2014, 05:47 PM
Have you genetically tested? As I said Dominicans seem to look less SSA than their genes, so you might have more than you think.

It goes both ways. Actually, I remember you saying the opposite.

03-30-2014, 05:48 PM
It goes both ways. Actually, I remember you saying the opposite.

There were a few instances of that but in general I find Dominicans to look less SSA than they are.

03-30-2014, 05:53 PM
It goes both ways. Actually, I remember you saying the opposite.

Lol we've all seen what you look like. Terceron is not it. Lol you look closer to multatto and a dark one at that.

03-30-2014, 05:54 PM
Lol we've all seen what you look like. Terceron is not it. Lol you look closer to multatto and a dark one at that.

Nigga shut up.

You and dbbrainer are the lamest posters on ABF lol. Who the hell believes that those people he posts are the average Puerto Ricans?! You wish it were true so bad :picard1:

03-30-2014, 05:58 PM
Nigga shut up.

You and dbbrainer are the lamest posters on ABF lol. Who the hell believes that those people he posts are the average Puerto Ricans?! You wish it were true so bad :picard1:

Most PRs I see look 20-25% SSA. Some less so, some more. A number also resemble offwhite types.

03-30-2014, 05:59 PM
Nigga shut up.

You and dbbrainer are the lamest posters on ABF lol. Who the hell believes that those people he posts are the average Puerto Ricans?! You wish it were true so bad :picard1:

We also post studies that back us up. You can't post ONE to support your terceron white washing crap. We all know Dominicans are basically mulattoes. Hell you yourself look like one.

03-30-2014, 06:00 PM
Most PRs I see look 20-25% SSA. Some less so, some more. A number also resemble offwhite types.

In the North Eastern US. Plus since you automatically stereotype only the quadroons to look Puerto Ricans, a bunch probably walk by you and you don't even know they are from PR.

03-30-2014, 06:02 PM
We also post studies that back us up. You can't post ONE to support your terceron white washing crap. We all know Dominicans are basically mulattoes. Hell you yourself look like one.

Sure I do lol. Don't worry, your guy's hard work and efforts on anthrofora aren't in vain.

The Spanish government will soon annex PR from the US and declare Puerto Rico the lost Canary Island for you :)
I can imagine the look on your face LOL

03-30-2014, 06:06 PM
In the North Eastern US. Plus since you automatically stereotype only the quadroons to look Puerto Ricans, a bunch probably walk by you and you don't even know they are from PR.

Sure I do lol. Don't worry, your guy's hard work and efforts on anthrofora aren't in vain.

The Spanish government will soon annex PR from the US and declare Puerto Rico the lost Canary Island for you :)
I can imagine the look on your face LOL

lol nice jokes but you're avoiding the fact you can't find one study to support you're theory. While we have posted many studies supporting DR is a mulatto island.

03-30-2014, 06:22 PM
In the North Eastern US. Plus since you automatically stereotype only the quadroons to look Puerto Ricans, a bunch probably walk by you and you don't even know they are from PR.

I might also mistake Dominicans and Cape Verdeans for Puerto Rican. There is a Cape Verdean woman in my town whose last name is "Fernandez" (usually in Portuguese it's Fernandes) so I assumed Puerto Rican, since she looks maybe 20-25% SSA. Turns out she was a distant relative of mine actually, and not Puerto Rican at all.

03-30-2014, 08:39 PM
Most PRs I see look 20-25% SSA. Some less so, some more. A number also resemble offwhite types.

That and don't forget they usually score a whopping 10-15% Amerindian on top of that. Sometimes more.

03-30-2014, 08:41 PM
That and don't forget they also usually score a whopping 10-15% Amerindian on top of that. Sometimes more.

Yeah I have 17% Amerindian DNA but I also have only 8.8% SSA DNA. The DNA studies I've posted have proven, one after another, the Pred European triracial proportions of Puerto Rican DNA. You have, so far, not posted ONE DNA study or research finding proving about Dominican SSA admixture levels being, on average in the terceron range.

03-30-2014, 08:44 PM
Yeah I have 17% Amerindian DNA but I also have only 8.8% SSA DNA. The DNA studies I've posted have proven, one after another, the Pred European triracial proportions of Puerto Rican DNA. You have, so far, not posted ONE DNA study or research finding proving about Dominican SSA admixture levels being, on average in the terceron range.

Heres one. But it also has Puerto Rico at 11% which is bullshit.


03-30-2014, 08:47 PM

Holy shit. He just quoted DNA tribes... Clearly, you're an idiot.

Carlito's Way
03-30-2014, 09:00 PM
Alex90 wants to white wash Dom.Rep. .

at least he looks like a terceron, while you try to white wash chicanos yet your family looks straight out of Apocalypto LOL

Carlito's Way
03-30-2014, 09:04 PM
The average Dominican is around 50-55% SSA. The 23andme results for Dominican results are mostly from El Cibeo region which is the 'whitiest region' of the Dom Rep. They don't test the average Dominican who look like Dominican baseball players.

average dominican doesnt look like the baseball players, average dominican is whiter than you and your apocalypto familia LOL

Carlito's Way
03-30-2014, 09:05 PM
Yeah average Dominicano looks black to me.

arent you a little old to be out here, youre like 60 years old LOL get a life already

03-30-2014, 09:33 PM
at least he looks like a terceron, while you try to white wash chicanos yet your family looks straight out of Apocalypto LOL

Yo, he's saying DR is a terceron nation... Lol
I think we've all seen the studies..

Carlito's Way
03-30-2014, 09:37 PM
Yo, he's saying DR is a terceron nation... Lol
I think we've all seen the studies..

well i dont think they are terceron, i think they are closer to being mulattoes, even Soloco would agree, hes Dominican and has been to DR

03-30-2014, 09:39 PM
Yo, he's saying DR is a terceron nation... Lol
I think we've all seen the studies..


I just got from a trusted source, DR is not at 35% SSA as I thought so you're right..

03-30-2014, 09:53 PM
at least he looks like a terceron, while you try to white wash chicanos yet your family looks straight out of Apocalypto LOL

lmaooo. Martin has seen my family and said my family looks West-Central Mexicans .And that's what my family origins is. One of my brothers was blonde as a kid.

You try to white Veracruz when in fact that state is full of amerindians,indio-mestizos,triracials etc.

This will be my only response to you. im not going to ruin a thread because of a gurly men who can't grow a beard nor a mustache and lives a miserable life. Go get yourself checked for high Estrogen:rolleyes:. You must be in your period huh carlita?:rolleyes:

Carlito's Way
03-30-2014, 10:01 PM
lmaooo. Martin has seen my family and said my family looks West-Central Mexicans .And that's what my family origins is. One of my brothers was blonde as a kid.

LMFAO we all have seen pictures of your whitest family members like aunts and brothers, your sister as a little girl looked so native american LOL post recent pictures of your relatives, also post your parents who look native american as fuck, acomplejado as if being blonde is something to be proud of, your brother didnt even look blonde in the picture you love posting of him and he is sure not blonde anymore

You try to white Veracruz when in fact that state is full of amerindians,indio-mestizos,triracials etc.

i never try to whiten up, i always talk about the black influence in that state, i like posting triracials and average people of every state, i like posting CROWD pictures, unlike you and your cherry picked family members LOL

This will be my only response to you. im not going to ruin a thread because of a gurly men who can't grow a beard nor a mustache and lives a miserable life.

LOL i can grow a beard perfectly, the one who doesnt is your brother, the one who is dating some ugly southeast asian chica, he looked like he didnt grow no beard at all LOL your nephew cant even grow one either, poor guys, it must be the amerindian in them

Go get yourself checked for high Estrogen:rolleyes:. You must be in your period huh carlita?:rolleyes:

hahahahahahahahahahaha you are mad that im pwning you old man, go find yourself a wife and get married already, you are very old

03-30-2014, 10:02 PM
well i dont think they are terceron, i think they are closer to being mulattoes, even Soloco would agree, hes Dominican and has been to DR

I posted studies. What "reliable" source all of the sudden changed your mind?

03-30-2014, 10:09 PM

Carlito's Way
03-30-2014, 10:12 PM

thats how rmuller must look, he doesnt like posting pictures of himself, only his whitest family members, you should see how his nephew and sister look like, straight up native american LOL

03-30-2014, 10:16 PM
LMFAO we all have seen pictures of your whitest family members like aunts and brothers, your sister as a little girl looked so native american

She was guessed as Iberian on anthroscape.

acomplejado as if being blonde is something to be proud of, your brother didnt even look blonde in the picture you love posting of him and he is sure not blonde anymore

My brother was blonde as a kid way blonder than u as a kid.

i never try to whiten up, i always talk about the black influence in that state, i like posting triracials and average people of every state, i like posting CROWD pictures

veracruz is a poor fuked up state.The nigger genes has ruined that state ,iq very low,i feel sorry for the people in veracruz that have nigger blood.

hahahahahahahahahahaha you are mad that im pwning you old man, go find yourself a wife and get married already, you are very old

poor kid,makes up lies and haves no life. carlita what are u going to do when u are in jail or prison and have to turn tricks with niggers to survive in there?

03-30-2014, 10:18 PM
lmaooo. Martin has seen my family and said my family looks West-Central Mexicans .And that's what my family origins is. One of my brothers was blonde as a kid.

You try to white Veracruz when in fact that state is full of amerindians,indio-mestizos,triracials etc.

This will be my only response to you. im not going to ruin a thread because of a gurly men who can't grow a beard nor a mustache and lives a miserable life. Go get yourself checked for high Estrogen:rolleyes:. You must be in your period huh carlita?:rolleyes:

Why don't you ever have some sence of pride in your native american ancestry? Do you want to be white that badly? Carlos showed me your family members and to be quite honest, they don't look very european. Some of them look very istmid. I thought you said most of them look very european?

03-30-2014, 10:19 PM
thats how rmuller must look, he doesnt like posting pictures of himself, only his whitest family members, you should see how his nephew and sister look like, straight up native american LOL

In your dreams kid. jelousy is a terrible disease. You envy my nephews good looks and success in life .You wish u could be my nephew . You are a gurly man and acts like a 15 old bitter teen girl.

03-30-2014, 10:21 PM
Why don't you ever have some sence of pride in your native american ancestry? Do you want to be white that badly? Carlos showed me your family members and to be quite honest, they don't look very european. Some of them look very istmid. I thought you said most of them look very european?

Im proud of my amerindian heritage. weren't you disapointed that you were only 25% european on 23andme and claimed your test scores weren't right? That you were more european. hmmmmmm.......... look whose talking.

Carlito's Way
03-30-2014, 10:23 PM
She was guessed as Iberian on anthroscape.

anthroscape sucks at classifying, you posted your aunt here and she wasnt classified as iberian, she even looked like some salvadorian lady i knew :thumb001: your aunt has ape like face

My brother was blonde as a kid way blonder than u as a kid.

LMAO i dont care if he was blonder than me, as a kid my hair was brownish and it still is, your brother now has dark hair, sorry that you take so much pride in blonde hair, maybe you shouldve belonged in my family, we have TRUE gueros who were born with blonde hair and are still blonde

veracruz is a poor fuked up state.The nigger genes has ruined that state ,iq very low,i feel sorry for the people in veracruz that have nigger blood.

hahahahahahahahahaha Veracruz is a good state, high iq, the people of san luis potosi have low iq's, they gave mexicans a very bad image, here let me show you


poor kid,makes up lies and haves no life. carlita what are u going to do when u are in jail or prison and have to turn tricks with niggers to survive in there?

go to sleep old man, you are the one who makes up lies, dont know who told you i couldnt grow a beard LOL

pic removed

Carlito's Way
03-30-2014, 10:24 PM
In your dreams kid. jelousy is a terrible disease. You envy my nephews good looks and success in life .You wish u could be my nephew . You are a gurly man and acts like a 15 old bitter teen girl.

lmaoo your nephew isnt good looking, post his picture here and have white women rate his looks, that kid is ugly and looks like an even uglier version of Pedro from napoleon dynamite :lol:

03-30-2014, 10:25 PM
I'm the whitest of the white so everyone stfu .

Carlito's Way
03-30-2014, 10:28 PM
I'm the whitest of the white so everyone stfu .

no you are not, RMuller's brother as a kid was very white, very Aryan cause of his light brown hair who he confuses for blonde :rolleyes:


03-30-2014, 10:29 PM
Im proud of my amerindian heritage. weren't you disapointed that you were only 25% european on 23andme and claimed your test scores weren't right? That you were more european. hmmmmmm.......... look whose talking.

I was at first because i can get pretty light skinned during the winter but once i did some research on my family history, it all made sence. (Pheno does not always equal pheno) My maternal side of the family is pretty native american. They are all brown and very pueblid looking. That's how i realized my results were 100% legit. Hopefully once my tio-abuelo visits my family in the upcoming months, i will try to convince him to do a 23andme.

03-30-2014, 10:29 PM
no you are not, RMuller's brother as a kid was very white, very Aryan cause of his light brown hair who he confuses for blonde :rolleyes:


I'm whiter than all you putas stfu

03-30-2014, 10:35 PM
In your dreams kid. jelousy is a terrible disease. You envy my nephews good looks and success in life .You wish u could be my nephew . You are a gurly man and acts like a 15 old bitter teen girl.

My dad however looks very med, although genetics has proven that his DNA shows another side of the story regarding his ancestry.

03-30-2014, 10:37 PM
anthroscape sucks at classifying, you posted your aunt here and she wasnt classified as iberian, she even looked like some salvadorian lady i knew :thumb001: your aunt has ape like face

Ape like face is your nigger realtives who live in some carribean island or el salvador . Come clean carlos you have no connection to Mexico or Mexicans. All the Mexicans on this forum say that you and your familia must be salvadorian or from the carribean. All your aunts,uncles are married to central americans . obvious that you are a central american cerrote.

LMAO i dont care if he was blonder than me, as a kid my hair was brownish and it still is,

i got you there.

hahahahahahahahahaha Veracruz is a good state, high iq, the people of san luis potosi have low iq's, they gave mexicans a very bad image, here let me show you

Thats why supposely your relatives moved to San Luis Potosi from veracruz because veracruz is dirt poor.
San Luis Capital has the 4th highest middle-upper class 68.0% for city metros pop over 900,000
El puerto de Veracruz had a 85% poverty rate ,nigger genes ruined the state

. But i really think you are a salvadorean cerrote or from some nigger carribean island.

03-30-2014, 10:37 PM
I'm whiter than all you putas stfu

You will never be seen as white person here in U.S society

03-30-2014, 10:43 PM
You will never be seen as white person here in U.S society

Dude me and Carlos are fucking around lol I'm not serious

03-30-2014, 10:44 PM
Dude me and Carlos are fucking around lol I'm not serious

ohh lol, k then.

03-30-2014, 10:44 PM
carlos is either a salvadorean cerrote or from some nigger carribean island. I think he could be carribean and likes to claim mexico's most nigger influence state to pass off for having connections to mexico. but all his aunts and uncles married central americans. i think carlos family could be salvadorean but supposely they score no amerindian in their dna ,i mean even white cubans score 1-5% amerindian and the amerindians in cuba disapeared 500 years ago. thats why his story of him having mexican roots does NOT ADD UP. All mexican s on this forum have mentioned this. carlos is prettending to be mexican .

Carlito's Way
03-30-2014, 10:49 PM
carlos is either a salvadorean cerrote or from some nigger carribean island. I think he could be carribean and likes to claim mexico's most nigger influence state to pass off for having connections to mexico.

hahahahahahahahahahahaha i have connections to Veracruz and long connections there, you on the other hand your sister looks very central american and can pass better in Guatemala or El Salvador, shes not a wera tipica from Jalisco :rolleyes:

but all his aunts and uncles married central americans. i think carlos family could be salvadorean but supposely they score no amerindian in their dna

LOL i do score it you idiot, especially in the new update just like in the new update cubans have been scoring it, also on gedmatch but no way in hell am i claiming amerindian, too small and i dont want to, another thing is that a veracruzano also scores no amerindian on FTDNA :thumb001: on gedmatch it might be different, pobre wey comparing a small island like cuba to veracruz hahahaha where even in Veracruz mulattoes didnt want to mix in with people who had amerindian ancestry

,i mean even white cubans score 1-5% amerindian and the amerindians in cuba disapeared 500 years ago. thats why his story of him having mexican roots does NOT ADD UP. All mexican s on this forum have mentioned this. carlos is prettending to be mexican .

LMAO no mexican has mentioned that you idiot :picard1: keep dreaming, eres bien acomplejado wey, im sorry you got stuck having amerindian ancestry and cant forget your black ancestry

Carlito's Way
03-30-2014, 10:54 PM
rmuller get this in your cabecita, never ever would i claim native american ancestry even if i had 5% or 10% :thumb001: in veracruz one would rather be called negro than an indio cause they find being called an indio as an insult hahahahahahahahahaha even on Mexico Criollo forum, people try to blacken mexicans by claiming mexicans could have a high SSA percentage, they did that to wash away a bit their amerindian genes hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha pobre wey

03-30-2014, 10:54 PM
San Luis Potosi has many indio-mestizos. IDK why people like Rmuller like to cover this up


03-30-2014, 10:56 PM
hahahahahahahahahahahaha i have connections to Veracruz and long connections there, you on the other hand your sister looks very central american and can pass better in Guatemala or El Salvador, shes not a wera tipica from Jalisco :rolleyes:

LOL i do score it you idiot, especially in the new update just like in the new update cubans have been scoring it, also on gedmatch but no way in hell am i claiming amerindian, too small and i dont want to, another thing is that a veracruzano also scores no amerindian on FTDNA :thumb001: on gedmatch it might be different, pobre wey comparing a small island like cuba to veracruz hahahaha where even in Veracruz mulattoes didnt want to mix in with people who had amerindian ancestry

LMAO no mexican has mentioned that you idiot :picard1: keep dreaming, eres bien acomplejado wey, im sorry you got stuck having amerindian ancestry and cant forget your black ancestry

This became a "how admixed AROD is " to "How Black DR is" to "Mexicans vs Mexicans throw down".

Carlito's Way
03-30-2014, 10:56 PM
San Luis Potosi has many indio-mestizos. IDK why people like Rmuller like to cover this up


yeah true, its no wonder he likes claiming his Jalisco side :rolleyes: LOL and likes talking about his roots in Los Altos de Jalisco

03-30-2014, 11:09 PM
hahahahahahahahahahahaha i have connections to Veracruz and long connections there,

Nobody buys this lie anymore. You are either a salvadorean cerrote with italian blood and some nigga in you or from some carribean island. your a salvadorean cerrote pretending to be mexican. all your aunts and uncles are married to central americans cerrotes.

you on the other hand your sister looks very central american and can pass better in Guatemala or El Salvador,
shes not a wera tipica from Jalisco :rolleyes:

Bestia certified my familia 100% west-central mexicans in phenotype and thats what we my family originates.

LOL i do score it you idiot, especially in the new update just like in the new update cubans have been scoring it, also on gedmatch but no way in hell am i claiming amerindian, too small and i dont want to,

its obvious that your connections to mexico does not makes sense.White cubanos score 1-5% amerindian even after the ciboney-tainos disappeared 500 years ago. Your dna results say 000000000000000000000000000% amerindian and u claim to have long roots in mexico. :picard2: are you also looking for beach property in Mexico City?:thumb001:

You are a fraud. Make up some other story salvi cerrote or nigger caribeno .

LMAO no mexican has mentioned that you idiot :picard1: keep dreaming, eres bien acomplejado wey, im sorry you got stuck having amerindian ancestry and cant forget your black ancestry

everyone talks behind your back .None believe your mexican family story. to embarresed being a central american cerote or having roots in some nigger carribeno island? maybe a gringo will buy your story. You don't even talk like a mexican. mexicans have confirmed this.

your a mexican fraud.

03-30-2014, 11:11 PM
San Luis Potosi has many indio-mestizos. IDK why people like Rmuller like to cover this up


I even told Maximus that the dna results of San Luis Potosi of 78% euro and 22% amerindian, did not make sense since San Luis l is 50/50 mestizo. good try trying to make puebla or yucatan a harnizo state instead. :cool::rolleyes:

03-30-2014, 11:13 PM
rmuller get this in your cabecita, never ever would i claim native american ancestry even if i had 5% or 10% :thumb001: in veracruz one would rather be called negro than an indio cause they find being called an indio as an insult hahahahahahahahahaha even on Mexico Criollo forum, people try to blacken mexicans by claiming mexicans could have a high SSA percentage, they did that to wash away a bit their amerindian genes hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha pobre wey

We know mr. salvadorean cerrote or caribean nigger. You obviously have no connections to mexico ,i exposed your fraud lies. all your tios and tias are married to central american cerrotes. obvious obvious. Your dont even speak like a mexican.

Carlito's Way
03-30-2014, 11:15 PM
Nobody buys this lie anymore. You are either a salvadorean cerrote with italian blood and some nigga in you or from some carribean island. your a salvadorean cerrote pretending to be mexican. all your aunts and uncles are married to central americans cerrotes.

LMFAO my uncle is married to a Guatemalan yes, even her family looks whiter than yours by A LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT

Bestia certified my familia 100% west-central mexicans in phenotype and thats what we my family originates.

LMFAO your whitest family? because your brothers and sister dont look western central LOL they look istmid as fuck, especially your chubby chinky looking sister, your nephew looks like montezuma

its obvious that your connections to mexico does not makes sense.White cubanos score 1-5% amerindian even after the ciboney-tainos disappeared 500 years ago. Your dna results say 000000000000000000000000000% amerindian and u claim to have long roots in mexico. :picard2: are you also looking for beach property in Mexico City?:thumb001:

LMFAO white cubans have been scoring amerindian NOW in the new update and they also dont score between 1-5%, most of it is asian ancestry :picard1: seriously you dont know anything about genetics, in the new update even one of the white mexicans who had been scoring 100% european came out with amerindian ancestry in the NEW update that 23andme got, in that same new update i also came out with amerindian :picard1: trust me, neither me nor that white mexican are claiming our native heritage hahahahahahahahaha

You are a fraud. Make up some other story salvi cerrote or nigger caribeno .

hahahahahahahahahahaha salvi cerootes nor "nigger" caribbeans have no connection to the italian communities in veracruz which i do have, i am related to many of them, stop being mad, mijita, your family looks straight up central american, your aunt has an ape like face, your sister looks like she has down syndrome and much more LOL

everyone talks behind your back .None believe your mexican family story. to embarresed being a central american cerote or having roots in some nigger carribeno island? maybe a gringo will buy your story. You don't even talk like a mexican. mexicans have confirmed this.

LMFAOOO brah, no mexican here likes you, NO MEXICAN HERE, the only mexican you talk to is Martin but that is is, Armud dislikes you, Pao dislikes you, El Chingon dislikes you, im sure Awebo dislikes you, so who are the mexicans you talk to? LOL

i talk like a mexican LOL where did you get that i didnt? you are so lame brah, sooooo lame LOL stop doing drugs

Carlito's Way
03-30-2014, 11:16 PM
I even told Maximus that the dna results of San Luis Potosi of 78% euro and 22% amerindian, did not make sense since San Luis l is 50/50 mestizo. good try trying to make puebla or yucatan a harnizo state instead. :cool::rolleyes:

san luis potosi is very amerindian, not balanced mestizo, keep dreaming, your nephew looks like the averga person from southern mexico and san luis potosi

Carlito's Way
03-30-2014, 11:17 PM
We know mr. salvadorean cerrote or caribean nigger. You obviously have no connections to mexico ,i exposed your fraud lies. all your tios and tias are married to central american cerrotes. obvious obvious. Your dont even speak like a mexican.

LMFAO only one uncle is married to a central american, but i rather have them marry a central american than have them marry southeast asian chicas who look like teen girls, your brother just like you like them very young it seems hahahahahahahahaha pobre wey

03-30-2014, 11:21 PM
I even told Maximus that the dna results of San Luis Potosi of 78% euro and 22% amerindian, did not make sense since San Luis l is 50/50 mestizo. good try trying to make puebla or yucatan a harnizo state instead. :cool::rolleyes:

I have never denied it being a indio-mestizo state, i have great pride in it, persian-otomi even mentioned how very diverse puebla can be since he visited that area, Harnizos and castizos aren't rare in many parts of mexico. I think you have a problem with indio-mestizos. I'm sorry bro but they seem very common in san luis potosi judging by that video i just provided. You even made fun of them when you tried to troll some chilango poster. I think it's time for you to retire from race boards.

03-30-2014, 11:24 PM
LMFAO my uncle is married to a Guatemalan yes, even her family looks whiter than yours by A LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT

all your family members are married to non mexicans its obvious your a centro american cerrote.

LMFAO your whitest family? because your brothers and sister dont look western central LOL they look istmid as fuck, especially your chubby chinky looking sister, your nephew looks like montezuma

Martin knows the truth all u do is lie.pure envy from your part. a mexican wanabe . why dont you claim el salvador? thats were your family is from?

LMFAO white cubans have been scoring amerindian NOW in the new update and they also dont score between 1-5%, most of it is asian ancestry :picard1: seriously you dont know anything about genetics, in the new update even one of the white mexicans who had been scoring 100% european came out with amerindian ancestry in the NEW update that 23andme got, in that same new update i also came out with amerindian :picard1: trust me, neither me nor that white mexican are claiming our native heritage hahahahahahahahaha

why don't you claim el salvador? thats were your family is from.

hahahahahahahahahahaha salvi cerootes nor "nigger" caribbeans have no connection to the italian communities in veracruz which i do have, i am related to many of them, stop being mad, mijita, your family looks straight up central american, your aunt has an ape like face, your sister looks like she has down syndrome and much more LOL

why don't you claim el salvador ? thats were your family is from.

LMFAOOO brah, no mexican here likes you, NO MEXICAN HERE, the only mexican you talk to is Martin but that is is, Armud dislikes you, Pao dislikes you, El Chingon dislikes you, im sure Awebo dislikes you, so who are the mexicans you talk to? LOL

i talk like a mexican LOL where did you get that i didnt? you are so lame brah, sooooo lame LOL stop doing drugs

why dont you claim el salvador ? thats were your family is from your spanish is from el salvador. you are a pulgacita'salvi' cerrote.

Carlito's Way
03-30-2014, 11:25 PM
I have never denied it being a indio-mestizo state, i have great pride in it, persian-otomi even mentioned how very diverse puebla can be since he visited that area, Harnizos and castizos aren't rare in many parts of mexico. I think you have a problem with indio-mestizos. I'm sorry bro but they seem very common in san luis potosi judging by that video i just provided. You even made fun of them when you tried to troll some chilango poster. I think it's time for you to retire from race boards.

yeah he should retire already, hes like 50 years old with no family yet, he wasted all his years being on race forums and look where it got him, him being a loner with no wife or kids, that is what happens when one waste their time on the internet for so long, i remember he said he has been on race forums since he was 16, i bet hes still a virgin :picard1:

03-30-2014, 11:26 PM
san luis potosi is very amerindian, not balanced mestizo, keep dreaming, your nephew looks like the averga person from southern mexico and san luis potosi

yeah and yucatan is a balanced state. why dont you ever talk about your country of el salvador? embarrsed pulgacita-cerrote?

you know more about el salvador and guatemala ,nicaragua.

03-30-2014, 11:27 PM
yeah he should retire already, hes like 50 years old with no family yet, he wasted all his years being on race forums and look where it got him, him being a loner with no wife or kids, that is what happens when one waste their time on the internet for so long, i remember he said he has been on race forums since he was 16, i bet hes still a virgin :picard1:

ahh,making stories again . why do you deny your from el salvador carlos? its obvious your family is from there. many salvis pretend to be mexicans to seem cool. be proud of your salvi roots.

Carlito's Way
03-30-2014, 11:30 PM
all your family members are married to non mexicans its obvious your a centro american cerrote.

LMAO one is married to a guatemalan
another one is married to a white american
another one is married to an italian-american

you are lame, you have nothing on me

im related to him, we are cousins, who he also looks whiter than all of your family

Martin knows the truth all u do is lie.pure envy from your part. a mexican wanabe . why dont you claim el salvador? thats were your family is from?

he knows everything yes, you are the one who should claim being slavadorian brah, your family is from there, stop saying your family are weros from jalisco when they look very istmid, istmids are commonly found in central america

why don't you claim el salvador? thats were your family is from.

stop being upset that your family are istmid influence, a very central american native phenotype brah LOL

why don't you claim el salvador ? thats were your family is from.

you should claim it, you already have the istmid phenotype in there LOL

why dont you claim el salvador ? thats were your family is from your spanish is from el salvador. you are a pulgacita'salvi' cerrote.

you should claim it, your family and you already have istmid phenotypes, in fact you have always kissed salvadorian ass LOL on anthroscape especially, its no wonder, you are connected to those people :picard1:

03-30-2014, 11:31 PM
LMFAO only one uncle is married to a central american, but i rather have them marry a central american

all your familia members are married to central americans. you have even talk of visiting el salvador many times. obvious obvious carlita. why deny your salvador roots. did your family flee during the salvadorean civil war? did your family flee from FMLN guerillas? which is it carlita? be proud being a salvadorean -cerrote-pulgacita. homie stand up homie.

Carlito's Way
03-30-2014, 11:31 PM
yeah and yucatan is a balanced state. why dont you ever talk about your country of el salvador? embarrsed pulgacita-cerrote?

you know more about el salvador and guatemala ,nicaragua.

LMAO you are so mad now, im sorry i break your heart mijita, too much pwning for you causes your brain to not work properly :(

Carlito's Way
03-30-2014, 11:33 PM
ahh,making stories again . why do you deny your from el salvador carlos? its obvious your family is from there. many salvis pretend to be mexicans to seem cool. be proud of your salvi roots.

im not making up lies, you told me a long time ago that you had been on race boards since the age of 16 LMAO, another thing, you are very old with no wife or kids, retire already, get a life, go live your gangster life with your chubby sister and conquer the ghetto streets of Burger King :lol:

Carlito's Way
03-30-2014, 11:34 PM
all your familia members are married to central americans. you have even talk of visiting el salvador many times. obvious obvious carlita. why deny your salvador roots. did your family flee during the salvadorean civil war? did your family flee from FMLN guerillas? which is it carlita? be proud being a salvadorean -cerrote-pulgacita. homie stand up homie.

i have NEVER even been to El Salvador LOL stop being so butt hurt, mijita, you are mad that your family fits so perfectly in central america, they already have the istmid rocking in their phenotype LOL your sister looks straight up central american

03-30-2014, 11:34 PM
yeah he should retire already, hes like 50 years old with no family yet, he wasted all his years being on race forums and look where it got him, him being a loner with no wife or kids, that is what happens when one waste their time on the internet for so long, i remember he said he has been on race forums since he was 16, i bet hes still a virgin :picard1:

Yeah man, sad indeed. He could've used that valuable time into something more productive like going back to school perhaps? He should be earning his social security check by now since he's old, that should at least help him out pay the bills so he can go to college or even get his GED.

03-30-2014, 11:35 PM
LMAO one is married to a guatemalan
another one is married to a white american
another one is married to an italian-american

you are lame, you have nothing on me

im related to him, we are cousins, who he also looks whiter than all of your family

How long did it take to steal that picture carlita? come clean carlita .you have been to el salvador 10 times you claimed. kinda weird to visit that much to a 'foreign' land. carlita come clean and admit you are salvadorena -cerrota-pulgacita.

you should claim it, your family and you already have istmid phenotypes, in fact you have always kissed salvadorian ass LOL on anthroscape especially, its no wonder, you are connected to those people :picard1:

sure carlita. its obvious your family is from el salvador and cant admit it. admit it carlita i wont make fun of your salvadorean roots.
you dont even speak like a mexican. the mexicans here talk behind your back and say you are really a cerrote from el salvi.

03-30-2014, 11:36 PM
Yeah man, sad indeed. He could've used that valuable time into something more productive like going back to school perhaps? He should be earning his social security check by now since he's old, that should at least help him out pay the bills so he can go to college or even get his GED.


Carlito's Way
03-30-2014, 11:38 PM
Yeah man, sad indeed. He could've used that valuable time into something more productive like going back to school perhaps? He should be earning his social security check by now since he's old, that should at least help him out pay the bills so he can go to college or even get his GED.

lmfao woooord brah, i have no idea how he could have soooo much time on these time of forums, i mean dayum since the age of 16 he has been around these type of forums and now hes in his 50's, he wasted so many years doing nothing, i have notice he likes very young girls, girls that could be his granddaughters brah :picard1:

03-30-2014, 11:39 PM
i have NEVER even been to El Salvador LOL stop being so butt hurt, mijita, you are mad that your family fits so perfectly in central america, they already have the istmid rocking in their phenotype LOL your sister looks straight up central american

you admited to going to el salvador more than 10 times. you have no connections to mexico carlita. stick to salvadorean topics gurl-boy. stop being a salvi-chismosa.
sorry amigo bestiamartin certified our familia 100% west-central mexican looking phenotype.

03-30-2014, 11:40 PM
lmfao woooord brah, i have no idea how he could have soooo much time on these time of forums, i mean dayum since the age of 16 he has been around these type of forums and now hes in his 50's, he wasted so many years doing nothing, i have notice he likes very young girls, girls that could be his granddaughters brah :picard1:

making up lies again. but you being salvadorean is not a lie. be proud of your cerrote roots. your spanish is ubber salvadoreno accent.

Carlito's Way
03-30-2014, 11:42 PM
How long did it take to steal that picture carlita? come clean carlita .you have been to el salvador 10 times you claimed. kinda weird to visit that much to a 'foreign' land. carlita come clean and admit you are salvadorena -cerrota-pulgacita.

LOL i didnt steal that picture, Iroczor can confirm it, he lives in mexico and also carries one of the same last names as i do :thumb001: none of my last names are even found in El Salvador while in Mexico they are found among the italian community, extremely common there

your last names are found in El Salvador with high frequency, even your mother had a very typical ghetto salvadorian name LOL

sure carlita. its obvious your family is from el salvador and cant admit it. admit it carlita i wont make fun of your salvadorean roots.
you dont even speak like a mexican. the mexicans here talk behind your back and say you are really a cerrote from el salvi.

LMAOO none of them talk behind my back, first of all, ive known Pao since i was 15, she dated my brother, so i know she hasnt talked behind my back, i also talk to El Chingon, we are very good friends and i have him on my facebook, i know its not him, i also have Armund in my facebook and im cool with him, i know for sure its not Awebo since i have no problems with him, i also have zero problems with Iroczor

stop making up lies brah LOL the one who isnt liked here and is talked behind everyone's back is YOUUUU :picard1:

Carlito's Way
03-30-2014, 11:45 PM
you admited to going to el salvador more than 10 times. you have no connections to mexico carlita. stick to salvadorean topics gurl-boy. stop being a salvi-chismosa.
sorry amigo bestiamartin certified our familia 100% west-central mexican looking phenotype.

LMAO when have i admitted that? you just make up stories, you must have alzheimer LOL :picard1: its the age i believe

Carlito's Way
03-30-2014, 11:45 PM
making up lies again. but you being salvadorean is not a lie. be proud of your cerrote roots. your spanish is ubber salvadoreno accent.

stop making up lies, admit you are 50 years old and that your istmid phenotype comes from your central american side

03-30-2014, 11:49 PM
you admited to going to el salvador more than 10 times. you have no connections to mexico carlita. stick to salvadorean topics gurl-boy. stop being a salvi-chismosa.
sorry amigo bestiamartin certified our familia 100% west-central mexican looking phenotype.

He's not here with us anymore since he ratted on you.

03-30-2014, 11:54 PM
LOL i didnt steal that picture, Iroczor can confirm it, he lives in mexico and also carries one of the same last names as i do :thumb001: none of my last names are even found in El Salvador while in Mexico they are found among the italian community, extremely common there

again lying carlita. Your family has el salvadorean roots. just admit it and be proud. nobody believes your story kid.
There italians in el salvador infact,more italians moved to el salvador than mexico. why lie carlita? why do you want to attach yourself to mexico? your a salvadorean cerrote.

LMAOO none of them talk behind my back, first of all, ive known Pao since i was 15, she dated my brother, so i know she hasnt talked behind my back, i also talk to El Chingon, we are very good friends and i have him on my facebook, i know its not him, i also have Armund in my facebook and im cool with him, i know for sure its not Awebo since i have no problems with him, i also have zero problems with Iroczor

making up lies again carlita. You have italian roots in el salvador not mexico. i dont know how you endd up being 6% nigga with 2 salvadorean-italian parents. you make up to many lies. i exposed your lies again and again.

be a proud italo-salvi cerrote-pulgacita

Carlito's Way
03-30-2014, 11:57 PM
again lying carlita. Your family has el salvadorean roots. just admit it and be proud. nobody believes your story kid.

everyone believes my story cause my last names were one of the first italian last names to come to Mexico hahahahahahaha

There italians in el salvador infact,more italians moved to el salvador than mexico. why lie carlita? why do you want to attach yourself to mexico? your a salvadorean cerrote.

there are no italians in El Salvador, stop being so butt hurt that your family looks a lot like salvadorians and guatemalans hahahahahahahaha

making up lies again carlita. You have italian roots in el salvador not mexico. i dont know how you endd up being 6% nigga with 2 salvadorean-italian parents. you make up to many lies. i exposed your lies again and again.

be a proud italo-salvi cerrote-pulgacita

hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha i like how you had to change what you were quoting me since i pwned your claims you dumb old man, i should contact your sister and nephew right now in facebook and show them this thread, maybe they will talk to you about finally retiring from forums LOL

03-30-2014, 11:57 PM
LMAO when have i admitted that? you just make up stories, you must have alzheimer LOL :picard1: its the age i believe

you have said to have visited el salvador more than 10 times. its obvious thats were your familia is from. be proud of the little country. i have encountered salvadoreans claim to be mexicanos but i tell them their accento sounds very non mexicano but salvadoreans later they admit they are half mexican then later they confess they are really salvadorean.


03-30-2014, 11:59 PM
hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha i like how you had to change what you were quoting me since i pwned your claims you dumb old man, i should contact your sister and nephew right now in facebook and show them this thread, maybe they will talk to you about finally retiring from forums LOL

they will contact the sheriff and put u in jail or prison for stalking. want to be sond niggers lady?
you want me to show my sisiter the threaten message you sent me? you want to spend time in prison or jail. my sisiter dont take bullchit from anyone,specially from stalkers

03-30-2014, 11:59 PM
stop making up lies, admit you are 50 years old and that your istmid phenotype comes from your central american side

making lies agin. its you whose family is from el salvador.

Carlito's Way
03-31-2014, 12:01 AM
you have said to have visited el salvador more than 10 times.

find me where i even said that, you on the other hand have always kissed salvadorian ass, even pretended to be one just to troll mexicans, LOL Iroczor can confirm that you have always kissed salvadorian ass on anthroscape :picard1:

its obvious thats were your familia is from. be proud of the little country. i have encountered salvadoreans claim to be mexicanos but i tell them their accento sounds very non mexicano but salvadoreans later they admit they are half mexican then later they confess they are really salvadorean.

well i dont need to hear your accent nor your family's accent brah, by just looking at their phenotype you can easily tell they are from guatemala or el salvador LOL :thumb001: again Iroczor can confirm their istmid influence phenotype


c'mon old man, you keep repeating and repeating the same thing, you dont even know how to pwn me in anything hahahahahahahahahaha try harder mijita

Carlito's Way
03-31-2014, 12:03 AM
they will contact the sheriff and put u in jail or prison for stalking. want to be sond niggers lady?

why would they contact the sheriff? LMFAO you must not know laws in america, you are probably a mojado from central america new to america, learn the laws here

you want me to show my sisiter the threaten message you sent me? you want to spend time in prison or jail. my sisiter dont take bullchit from anyone,specially from stalkers

lmfaoo yeah please do that, you are nervous mijita, i will still contact her and let her know how her older brother is behaving and getting pwned by youngsters who are in their early 20's i will also let her know that her older brother hasnt been married or had kids cause he had been spending time on race forums since the age of 16 :lol:

Carlito's Way
03-31-2014, 12:04 AM
making lies agin. its you whose family is from el salvador.

your family looks straight up istmid influence brah, even El Chingon saw what your family looks like LOL he said your nephew looked like mexican abdullah, the same guy you said didnt even look mexican but central american LMAO

03-31-2014, 12:05 AM
you have said to have visited el salvador more than 10 times. its obvious thats were your familia is from. be proud of the little country. i have encountered salvadoreans claim to be mexicanos but i tell them their accento sounds very non mexicano but salvadoreans later they admit they are half mexican then later they confess they are really salvadorean.


:picard2:, Now youre just trolling, he has showed me proof that his family is 100% mexican. He even showed me the picture that you claimed he is a salvi.

03-31-2014, 12:06 AM
why would they contact the sheriff? LMFAO you must not know laws in america, you are probably a mojado from central america new to america, learn the laws here

you are playing with fire kid.

lmfaoo yeah please do that, you are nervous mijita, i will still contact her and let her know how her older brother is behaving and getting pwned by youngsters who are in their early 20's i will also let her know that her older brother hasnt been married or had kids cause he had been spending time on race forums since the age of 16 :lol:

i have eveything saved carlos,that u threaten her and my nephew.

Carlito's Way
03-31-2014, 12:07 AM
:picard2:, Now youre just trolling, he has showed me proof that his family is 100% mexican. He even showed me the picture that you claimed he is a salvi.

hes a loser that has NOTHING on me, this guy has no life or anything :picard1:

03-31-2014, 12:08 AM
your family looks straight up istmid influence brah, even El Chingon saw what your family looks like LOL he said your nephew looked like mexican abdullah, the same guy you said didnt even look mexican but central american LMAO

ok, carlita if that will make u sleep at night . we know the truth. stalking cant land u in jail or prison.
i have your threating pm saved carlita.

Carlito's Way
03-31-2014, 12:10 AM
you are playing with fire kid.

whats wrong now my nigga, you scaaaaaaaaaaaaared? hahahahahahahhahaa

i have eveything saved carlos,that u threaten her and my nephew.

i never threaten her, i did tell you that i have their facebook, i know where they buried your parents :( rip, i also know what school he goes, i know where they live, i know how much their earn yearly, i know about your brothers too, i know a looooooooooooooooooooooot more

did i say i was going to hurt them?? NO, and you have no proof of that, i do let you know that i know everything about you and that it was just a waste a time to try to find all your info on forums because Carlos The King found them all

Carlito's Way
03-31-2014, 12:11 AM
rmuller, amiguita querida, i want to go visit your papi and mami where they were buried, i want to have a word with them, maybe take a picture to show you i have been there, is that okay??

03-31-2014, 12:17 AM
whats wrong now my nigga, you scaaaaaaaaaaaaared? hahahahahahahhahaa

i never threaten her, i did tell you that i have their facebook, i know where they buried your parents :( rip, i also know what school he goes, i know where they live, i know how much their earn yearly, i know about your brothers too, i know a looooooooooooooooooooooot more

did i say i was going to hurt them?? NO, and you have no proof of that,

Your stalking kid, it will land you in jail or prison,believe me.

i do let you know that i know everything about you and that it was just a waste a time to try to find all your info on forums because Carlos The King found them all

you know nothing about me.

but your brother josh on youtube might have left your address ,might have i think.

Carlito's Way
03-31-2014, 12:20 AM
Your stalking kid, it will land you in jail or prison,believe me.

i am not stalking

you know nothing about me.
but your brother josh on youtube might have left your address ,might have i think.

hahahahahahaha everyone knows my brother josh, including Iroczor, in fact i even invited him in here, i would love to see him pwn you, on youtube many people dont like messing around with him LOL funny how they even fear him online :lol:

oh and yeah, my brother would even give you his address to you, hes that type of guy that he would even post it on here for you LOL :thumb001:

really you are not scaring me

Carlito's Way
03-31-2014, 12:21 AM
seriously rmuller, bringing up my brother josh is so stupid LOL he has even posted his address on youtube comments to people who like threatening him, hes not a pussy made bitch like you afraid of being found where he lives :picard1:

03-31-2014, 12:22 AM
i am not stalking

dont be crying when the sheriff shows up at your house. You want to do hard time, for threating ?

03-31-2014, 12:22 AM
Your stalking kid, it will land you in jail or prison,believe me.

you know nothing about me.

but your brother josh on youtube might have left your address ,might have i think.

I thought you was a big bad cholo?

03-31-2014, 12:24 AM
seriously rmuller, bringing up my brother josh is so stupid LOL

but you bring up my relatives.

he has even posted his address on youtube comments to people who like threatening him, hes not a pussy made bitch like you afraid of being found where he lives :picard1:

dude if you say u know who i am ,then come look for me . like im scared of gurly men,jesus christ.

Carlito's Way
03-31-2014, 12:24 AM
dont be crying when the sheriff shows up at your house. You want to do hard time, for threating ?

LOL who is threatening here??? :picard1: show me where i am threatening

Carlito's Way
03-31-2014, 12:25 AM
I thought you was a big bad cholo?

hes a pussy wannabe cholo, brah LOL

03-31-2014, 12:25 AM
I thought you was a big bad cholo?

Your stalking my sister and nephew. I am a bad cholo. i can call up 200 back ups in less than 3 minutes.

03-31-2014, 12:26 AM
hes a pussy wannabe cholo, brah LOL

i was in a gang ,went to gang parties,have connections thruot so cal. I know everybody in the pinta.

03-31-2014, 12:27 AM
LOL who is threatening here??? :picard1: show me where i am threatening

I got everything saved were you threaten my sister and nephew. Irozacr and persian otomi are in it to..

Carlito's Way
03-31-2014, 12:27 AM
but you bring up my relatives.
dude if you say u know who i am ,then come look for me . like im scared of gurly men,jesus christ.

hahahahaha we are far from looking girly, you are so nervous you cant write for shit

im also built like a MAN, i have muscles, you on the other hand is built like a chubby lady with titties LOL

pic removed

Carlito's Way
03-31-2014, 12:29 AM
Your stalking my sister and nephew. I am a bad cholo. i can call up 200 back ups in less than 3 minutes.

like those cholos you posted on that thread of Armenians looking like chicanos? the ones with their legs crossed like homosexuals? hahahahahahahahahaha im sorry but im laughing

Carlito's Way
03-31-2014, 12:30 AM
I got everything saved were you threaten my sister and nephew. Irozacr and persian otomi are in it to..

i never threaten to hurt them :thumb001: im not that stupid, i know the laws here

03-31-2014, 12:32 AM
hahahahaha we are far from looking girly, you are so nervous you cant write for shit

im also built like a MAN, i have muscles, you on the other hand is built like a chubby lady with titties LOL

good lord, you will never find me if you think im chubby. Your a gurly man and behave as such. I gotten 8 reputation comments asking if your a real person .

03-31-2014, 12:34 AM
i never threaten to hurt them :thumb001: im not that stupid, i know the laws here

scared now? i have everything saved carlita. see how jail or prison treats you. will you be used by all the nigers in jail or will you be some niggers 'wife'??

03-31-2014, 12:34 AM
good lord, you will never find me if you think im chubby. Your a gurly man and behave as such. I gotten 8 reputation comments asking if your a real person .

From who?

03-31-2014, 12:35 AM
like those cholos you posted on that thread of Armenians looking like chicanos?

It takes only 5 minutes to get 200 homies ready for battle.

Carlito's Way
03-31-2014, 12:36 AM
good lord, you will never find me if you think im chubby.

brah, obesity runs in your family LOL

Your a gurly man and behave as such. I gotten 8 reputation comments asking if your a real person .

hahahahahahahahahahaha the one who behaves like a scared little pussy would be you :picard1: a good way to scare rmuller

tell him you will message his sister and let her know where he spends most of his time :lol:

Carlito's Way
03-31-2014, 12:37 AM
It takes only 5 minutes to get 200 homies ready for battle.

LMFAO nobody is scared of those guys you posted, they are probably old just as you are :picard1:

stop thinking you are gangster brah, you are 50 years old

03-31-2014, 02:03 AM
Holy crap. What the hell happened over here lol

03-31-2014, 02:16 AM
Alex Rodriguez has a very typical Dominican look. To say he's the average make no sense seriously. It is hard to come up with an average Dominican look. We vary a lot.

Anyway, he's not that far for the average in terms of Euro and Afro. The average would fall betweeen mulatto and quadroon leaning to mulatto. Something like 50% Euro, 42% SSA and 8% native.

well i dont think they are terceron, i think they are closer to being mulattoes, even Soloco would agree, hes Dominican and has been to DR

No baby, I haven't been in the DR, I actually was born and raised there and had traveled along the island :cool: I also lived in four different Dominican cities: La Romana (East), San Pedro (East), Moca (Cibao) and the capital. I lived in the capital when I was 3-4 years and spent most of my teenage years in the East.

Carlito's Way
03-31-2014, 05:50 AM
No baby, I haven't been in the DR, I actually was born and raised there and had traveled along the island :cool: I also lived in four different Dominican cities: La Romana (East), San Pedro (East), Moca (Cibao) and the capital. I lived in the capital when I was 3-4 years and spent most of my teenage years in the East.

ooh okay brah lol, i thought you had been out there, but yeah i would think dominicans are mulattoes with many tercerones being very common

03-31-2014, 07:44 PM
Tercerones are just as common as the balanced mulattoes.

I disagree with Alex being 35% SSA. To me he looks bordeline mulatto, somewhat between terceron and mulatto. I think 40% SSA is about right with the rest being Euro. In some pics he looks like he could be less SSA than that though, but in reality he leans more towards the balanced mulatto side of the spectrum. I don't see the native at all but I'm sure he would score something like 5%-10% Taino.

03-31-2014, 07:50 PM
Alex Rodriguez has a very typical Dominican look. To say he's the average make no sense seriously. It is hard to come up with an average Dominican look. We vary a lot.

Anyway, he's not that far for the average in terms of Euro and Afro. The average would fall betweeen mulatto and quadroon leaning to mulatto. Something like 50% Euro, 42% SSA and 8% native.

Yo bro, post a pic of what the bolded would look like to you

03-31-2014, 08:08 PM
Yo bro, post a pic of what the bolded would look like to you

In my opinion, Julissa Bermudez.

http://www1.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Julissa+Bermudez+Nylon+Magazine+12th+Anniversary+n pTGF8JPToql.jpg

03-31-2014, 08:09 PM
In my opinion, Julissa Bermudez.

http://www1.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Julissa+Bermudez+Nylon+Magazine+12th+Anniversary+n pTGF8JPToql.jpg

I agree 100%

03-31-2014, 08:11 PM
Does anyone have photos of first generation Senegalese-South Euro mulattoes? I want to see what they look like if so.

04-01-2014, 12:00 AM
Tercerones are just as common as the balanced mulattoes.

..and they are both more common than griffes.

Some people don't want to hear that :rolleyes:

04-01-2014, 04:41 AM
..and they are both more common than griffes.

Some people don't want to hear that :rolleyes:

But I would say griffes are as common as quadroons, no?