View Full Version : Classify Greek actress who became a nun

04-08-2014, 05:46 PM
Natalia Lionaki (from Crete):







07-31-2014, 07:57 AM
Became a nun! What a waste. I wonder if she is still a nun. I bet the priest and alter boys would like to confess their sins to her:D I certainly would. She can come to my apartment and I can have a confession there with my flag mast at full attention.:cool:

07-31-2014, 03:47 PM
Nordid with Baltid admix.

07-31-2014, 03:53 PM
way too beautiful to be a nun. what a waste of a beautiful woman. can she marry or no? catholic nuns can never marry a man nor can a priest.

07-31-2014, 03:54 PM
Became a nun! What a waste. I wonder if she is still a nun. I bet the priest and alter boys would like to confess their sins to her:D I certainly would. She can come to my apartment and I can have a confession there with my flag mast at full attention.:cool:

be respectful! but i get what you mean..... I bet if she is a spiritual woman deep down, and very kind hearted. Rare thing associated with such beauty.

07-31-2014, 03:56 PM
Nordid with Baltid admix.

07-31-2014, 04:03 PM
She looks Atlantid to me.

07-31-2014, 07:20 PM
Extremely atypical for Cretans. Looks straight Western European, but in her case this can only mean Aryan (facial shape, skin color, eyes, body type) + Balkan CM mix (smallish snub nose) + Pelasgian (in first picture looks unmistakably Greek). A fair representative of proto-Hellenes...

08-01-2014, 06:14 AM
Even the priest tried to get naughty with her. Read the last paragraph.

The actress Natalia Lionaki as the whole of Greece knows and loves her
The relationship of the charming actress Natalia Lionaki with God was subject to many secular shows in Greece last year. Known from a number of television series and feature movies, the redhead beauty amazed her fans with the decision to become a novice in a monastery. The message coincided with the beginning of the television season in the autumn of 2009. At first, the news sounded like just another fad and queerness of a local star. This notion has rapidly diminished after the Greek media managed to get to St. Joan the Evangelist Monastery on Crete, where the young actress has decided to devote herself to God. Paparazzi cameras caught a new Natalia, no makeup, no mask, with hair piled tightly, in black clothes of a nun, doing work in the yard along with all other novices in it. Witnesses claim that there was no trace of the glamorous image of the actress known for shows such as “Life again”, “40 waves” and “Ring on the right hand”.

The reason for Natalia Lionaki’s decision to devote to the monastic life remained a mystery even to her own mother Jenny. After months of visits to the monastery and private conversations with her daughter, the troubled mother faced health problems. According to press release, Jenny argues that the Abbot of the Crete monastery Father Apostolos has brainwashed her daughter.

Things got even more dramatic at the beginning of the year. Jenny gets very ill and Natalia took permission from the Abbot to visit her mother in hospital in Athens. Then the actress left the monastery in Heraklion of Crete and never returned. She went to the capital and moved into the old apartment of her sick mother. “Thank God my daughter is back and everything else belongs to the past,” said ailing mother some time ago before the weekly edition of the Greek magazine PEOPLE. Natalia did not respond to any calls for interviews and public appearances, and according to her friends from the past she was not it touch with anyone. According to her mother, Natalia spent all day at home and read the Bible and the four Gospels for hours. After spending months in her apartment, the former actress is again preparing for monastic life, but this time in a monastery in the Attica area, municipality of Spada, near the capital airport.

Gossip says that the actress has left the island of Crete, because Father Apostolos sexually harassed the women in the monastery. Fimes.gr website claims that four female novices in the monastery are complaining about sexual harassment and one of the victims said that the abbot wanted to have a child from her. That information is not confirmed, but it is not rejected either, which throws even more doubts on St. Joan the Evangelist Monastery on Crete.

08-01-2014, 06:15 AM
Extremely atypical for Cretans. Looks straight Western European, but in her case this can only mean Aryan (facial shape, skin color, eyes, body type) + Balkan CM mix (smallish snub nose) + Pelasgian (in first picture looks unmistakably Greek). A fair representative of proto-Hellenes...

Western European types are common in Crete.

Atlanto-CM is what I'd classify her as.

08-01-2014, 06:32 AM
Aryan + Cromagnoid/Cromagno-Alpinoid and a Mediterranean strain.

08-01-2014, 12:15 PM
Western European types are common in Crete.

Atlanto-CM is what I'd classify her as.

Have you ever been in Crete? I suppose not:) People there are as dark as Turks, but look different (somewhat more European).

On a second look, I was wrong. Balkan CM is by far the strongest element, hence similarities with Yugoslavs (she would look textbook individual in fr. Yugoslavia) and W Europeans. Probably she has recent mainland origins...

08-01-2014, 01:19 PM
Have you ever been in Crete? I suppose not:) People there are as dark as Turks, but look different (somewhat more European).

I know many people from Crete and they have an Anatolian influence, but light types are more common than on other Greek islands and even matching some parts of the mainland.

08-02-2014, 01:29 AM

08-02-2014, 02:26 AM
Aryan? You mean she looks Persian or Indian? How?

Anyway ... She looks like a cross between Scarlett Johansen and Pink. Maybe it's the expression in the first pic.

Hard to pinpoint, but I see some Baltid (nose etc) + misc other factors that are less distinct but balance + attenuate Baltid features.

04-01-2015, 08:25 AM
Aryan? You mean she looks Persian or Indian? How?.


04-01-2015, 08:31 AM
Pontid-Alpinid mix.

What was she thinking? xD