View Full Version : Golden Dawn members represent the racial mix in Greece, true or not?

04-10-2014, 08:51 PM
Do the Golden Down members represent the average greek phenotype? Are they the mirror of the racial mix that greece went through centuries?

Discuss in a civilized manner.

Examples :


04-10-2014, 09:46 PM
Definetly, the very party leader himself looks like a textbook Pakistani/Indian:

https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRHPvzweyFAJQJDDnK5KVCXFGJ_7BkZU Gs09Yl1Fssr5pgWsGP7

And, a failed picture worth a facepalm:


Almost all of the party members would get mistaken for non-european/gypsies in all pred. White-Euro areas of Europe(Northern Albania, Austria Croatia, Slovenia etc)

The berber dude would probably get jumped by germanic neo-nazi skinheads in Northern Europe, would be mistaken for a Moroccan muslim immigrant-

04-10-2014, 09:49 PM
Lmao, that picture is so hilarious. Hail Catholic Highlanders!

The King, I am
04-10-2014, 09:53 PM
They look Albanian sometimes nothing non-white about them

04-10-2014, 09:55 PM
^^ They can only pass as gypsies among albanians.

04-10-2014, 10:02 PM
they just look like albanians

Prisoner Of Ice
04-10-2014, 10:18 PM
I don't think GD has any link back to ancient greeks, even athenians which were the greeks who did the least in history.

As for how much it represents average greeks, it's hard to say. It seems to be a sad fact europe has largely become noneuropean. France is basically completely gone, and it was one of the strongholds just a century ago. Greek area (not the country today) has obviously barely anything to do with ancient greeks, and for most of it, not even with greeks of a few centuries ago.

Francesci De Medici
04-11-2014, 05:34 AM
The only Gypos in Europe are the Albanians and the Roma. Albanians are the lowest of the lowest, in Italy they sell their women for a bottle of booze, even the Roma people are more civilized than Shiptars.

Crn Volk
04-11-2014, 06:04 AM
The only Gypos in Europe are the Albanians and the Roma. Albanians are the lowest of the lowest, in Italy they sell their women for a bottle of booze, even the Roma people are more civilized than Shiptars.

This thread has back-fired on the shiptars in a big way. lol

04-11-2014, 09:27 AM
^^ They can only pass as gypsies among albanians.

You mean, guys like him?


04-11-2014, 09:32 AM
You mean, guys like him?


Yes indeed, a greek from Albania like him.

04-11-2014, 09:57 AM
holy shit, who the f said albos from macedonia look like these "people" ?

04-13-2014, 01:07 AM
Mogrels from Asia Minor indeed.

Crn Volk
04-13-2014, 11:23 PM
The only Gypos in Europe are the Albanians and the Roma. Albanians are the lowest of the lowest, in Italy they sell their women for a bottle of booze, even the Roma people are more civilized than Shiptars.

great signature material

04-13-2014, 11:28 PM
The only Gypos in Europe are the Albanians and the Roma. Albanians are the lowest of the lowest, in Italy they sell their women for a bottle of booze, even the Roma people are more civilized than Shiptars.
lol francesca go cry to balotelli plz

04-13-2014, 11:29 PM
The only Gypos in Europe are the Albanians and the Roma. Albanians are the lowest of the lowest, in Italy they sell their women for a bottle of booze, even the Roma people are more civilized than Shiptars.


04-13-2014, 11:30 PM
they just look like albanians

Yet you've never seen an Albanian in your life (besides photos of some Albanians here)

04-14-2014, 10:52 AM
The only Gypos in Europe are the Albanians and the Roma. Albanians are the lowest of the lowest, in Italy they sell their women for a bottle of booze, even the Roma people are more civilized than Shiptars.

Sta zitto finocchio di merda...

04-14-2014, 10:53 AM
The only Gypos in Europe are the Albanians and the Roma. Albanians are the lowest of the lowest, in Italy they sell their women for a bottle of booze, even the Roma people are more civilized than Shiptars.

Shiptars of tua mamma la Zoccola..

Sai che te dico......

04-14-2014, 10:58 AM
Do the Golden Down members represent the average greek phenotype? Are they the mirror of the racial mix that greece went through centuries?

Discuss in a civilized manner.

Examples :


Her is nothing to dicuss, they have right to be as they want in their country, ... who does not love does not have to go to Greece ..., that's all .. but who goes there, he must stop his mouth ... these are the rules of mankind has always ... if you go to the house of another, do not complain later about how he treats you

La Misse
04-14-2014, 04:15 PM
Francesci De Medici lol, an other Serb pretending to be non-serb and saying theres things about Albanians... remember Ukko...etc

Why I'm sure you're not Italian:
1. Italians do not call us ''Shiptars'' that's usualy for serbs and fyromians.
2. You said you live in Brazil but you are Italian, then why did you said ''here in Italy''
3. Mods should check your ip.

Get a life loosers and live us alone.

04-14-2014, 04:18 PM
Francesci De Medici lol, an other Serb pretending to be non-serb and saying theres things about Albanians... remember Ukko...etc

Why I'm sure you're not Italian:
1. Italians do not call us ''Shiptars'' that's usualy for serbs and fyromians.
2. You said you live in Brazil but you are Italian, then why did you said ''here in Italy''
3. Mods should check your ip.

Get a life loosers and live us alone.

Ukko is Finish, look at him in the Russian-Crimea threads. No Serb would have his opinions on Russians.

04-14-2014, 04:20 PM
I don't think GD has any link back to ancient greeks, even athenians which were the greeks who did the least in history.

As for how much it represents average greeks, it's hard to say. It seems to be a sad fact europe has largely become noneuropean. France is basically completely gone, and it was one of the strongholds just a century ago. Greek area (not the country today) has obviously barely anything to do with ancient greeks, and for most of it, not even with greeks of a few centuries ago.

France will be a Black-Mulattoo country soon. They seem very proud of it too. The government is going out of their way to make sure it happens too.

04-14-2014, 04:24 PM
LOL I will admit the leader does not look like a normal Greek to me. Is this how Greeks look? I can remember my thrid grade teacher was a Greek women and believe it or not she was a milf.....she did look med but not middle eastern.... this is strange.

La Misse
04-14-2014, 04:25 PM
Ukko is Finish, look at him in the Russian-Crimea threads. No Serb would have his opinions on Russians.

no. When Ukko joined the forum Mines wrote at his channel ''At least Albanians are proud and do not pretend to be sb else'' and at a thread he accepted it by ignoring memberse who knew the trouth. Ukko is Serbian at every poll he votes his vote goes for Serbia even if there is Finland mentioned. And 3, he knows things about SS Scanderbed and Serbian History. You don't need to be genious to understand that. It's... serbs.

04-14-2014, 04:25 PM
no. When Ukko joined the forum Mines wrote at his channel ''At least Albanians are proud and do not pretend to be sb else'' a

Your lying. Mines wrote that about Ekhart, the Albanian who was pretending he was German.

La Misse
04-14-2014, 04:34 PM
Your lying. Mines wrote that about Ekhart, the Albanian who was pretending he was German.

I'm not lying! Ukko is one of you and stop ignoring the reality. Go ask mines and The.Marsk Ekhart changed his profile infos all the time, one prussian, te other time Albanian... then American.

Ive never seen more devilish, liers and full of hate people than Serbs. Your government pay Serbs to create muslims site in the name of Albanians.. Low things.

04-14-2014, 04:36 PM
I'm not lying! Ukko

Stop lying. You said the above before and Minesweeper told you he was talking about Ekhart. Ukko is Finnish as complete, you can see it in the thread where he hates Russians. No Serb will hold such an opinion of Russians. He just doesn't like Albanians, and likes Serbians more.

And Ekhart was pretending to be German. First his name 'Ekhart' second his old profile information, third by his own words, fourth by a fake picture of him.

04-14-2014, 04:38 PM
Definetly, the very party leader himself looks like a textbook Pakistani/Indian:

https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRHPvzweyFAJQJDDnK5KVCXFGJ_7BkZU Gs09Yl1Fssr5pgWsGP7

And, a failed picture worth a facepalm:


Almost all of the party members would get mistaken for non-european/gypsies in all pred. White-Euro areas of Europe(Northern Albania, Austria Croatia, Slovenia etc)

The berber dude would probably get jumped by germanic neo-nazi skinheads in Northern Europe, would be mistaken for a Moroccan muslim immigrant-

They look whiter than your president:

http://cdn2.gbtimes.com/cdn/farfuture/GLjMX4Nrg39PnqvSW0nNHw38Wc0k0gB6jMDQqILipK0/mtime:1389601508/sites/default/files/styles/768_wide/public/2014/01/13/482389_115857198599992_862808518_n.jpg?itok=9zUCu7 6B



Albanian president:

La Misse
04-14-2014, 04:41 PM
Stop lying. You said the above before and Minesweeper told you he was talking about Ekhart. Ukko is Finnish as complete, you can see it in the thread where he hates Russians. No Serb will hold such an opinion of Russians. He just doesn't like Albanians, and likes Serbians more.

And Ekhart was pretending to be German. First his name 'Ekhart' second his old profile information, third by his own words, fourth by a fake picture of him.

He never told me that, the only lier here is you. Go ask the.Mask he saw that comment published at Ukko's profile.

04-14-2014, 04:41 PM
He never told me that, the only lier here is you. Go ask the.Mask he saw that comment published at Ukko's profile.

Stop lying, Minesweeper told you himself. It's not fitting for a young girl to lie so much.

La Misse
04-14-2014, 04:44 PM
Stop lying, Minesweeper told you himself. It's not fitting for a young girl to lie so much.

He never told me that and I don't lie... it's easy go ask him & The.Mask

04-14-2014, 04:44 PM
He never told me that, the only lier here is you. Go ask the.Mask he saw that comment published at Ukko's profile.

Ukko nuk eshte nje Serb. Tani persi aj eshte ndaj shqiptarve nuk do te thot qe, automatikisht eshte Serb.

04-14-2014, 04:45 PM
He never told me that and I don't lie... it's easy go ask him & The.Mask

Minesweeper told you that, I saw you make the above accusation before and him respond. And I don't give a fuck what "The Mask" says, if he even says what you say.

04-14-2014, 04:46 PM
This thread has no purpose, is just arguing. Locked.