View Full Version : I am sorry

04-12-2014, 02:31 AM
Did not take any part in it, born after

Anyway, some of you live in me (literally), is all I can say

04-12-2014, 02:33 AM
I forgive you. Now, beat it.

04-12-2014, 02:34 AM

04-12-2014, 02:36 AM
I can't speak for any of the other guys on here.. Mark...BeReal..etc.. but I most certainly have never lived nor been quite literally anywhere inside you.

04-12-2014, 02:37 AM
Are you apologizing for the armenian genocide?

04-12-2014, 02:47 AM
Are you apologizing for the armenian genocide?

I cannot apologize for something I did not do, but I can and willing to share grief because I understand what happened.

04-12-2014, 02:49 AM
well this is rather strange.

04-12-2014, 02:53 AM
well this is rather strange.

It is not strange, it is human

04-12-2014, 02:55 AM
It is not strange, it is human

Then I will say sorry to the Jews for what the German did and all of their persecutions in history too..........:thumb001:

Prisoner Of Ice
04-12-2014, 02:56 AM
That's ok, what comes around goes around, and it's coming sooner than you think :)

04-12-2014, 02:59 AM
Then I will say sorry to the Jews for what the German did and all of their persecutions in history too..........:thumb001:

Why do you feel sorry for them beside common human history?

04-12-2014, 03:02 AM
Why do you feel sorry for them beside common human history?

Well the mass extermination of them was pretty shitty. I feel bad because at times I use to idolize Hitler a lot more than now.........I mean I like his economic achievements and some other things but he was a dick to exterminate many of them. I don't feel responsible for their deaths though LOL.

04-12-2014, 03:05 AM
I cannot apologize for something I did not do, but I can and willing to share grief because I understand what happened.

Yes, yes you know what i meant. I cannot understand why all Turkish citizens (or rather everyone in the world) doesn't have this mentality. It was your ancestors that committed the crimes and you are not responsible for them, they are responsible for their own actions, so what is the point of not recognizing a genocide or some sort of big wrong doing? Its not like someone is saying you are responsible for it. Many countries have this dark part of history and aren't willing to acknowledge, as if they should feel ashamed for something they did not do? Not acknowledging it is probably the worst injustice to the victims.
And don't worry I'm not picking on the Turks, I mean this in general, and it certainly applies to more ethnicities than the Turks.

04-12-2014, 03:06 AM
atm this happened my paternal side was not even in Turkey, later I find out that my maternal side shares with Armenians, but it is not just me, a lot of turks do, it was a religious war.

I do not want to happen this again, not while I am alive

04-12-2014, 03:11 AM
Yes, yes you know what i meant. I cannot understand why all Turkish citizens (or rather everyone in the world) doesn't have this mentality. It was your ancestors that committed the crimes and you are not responsible for them, they are responsible for their own actions, so what is the point of not recognizing a genocide or some sort of big wrong doing? Its not like someone is saying you are responsible for it. Many countries have this dark part of history and aren't willing to acknowledge, as if they should feel ashamed for something they did not do? Not acknowledging it is probably the worst injustice to the victims.
And don't worry I'm not picking on the Turks, I mean this in general, and it certainly applies to more ethnicities than the Turks.

I am just one person, funny thing is my ancestors killed each other, what do you want me to say?

04-12-2014, 03:15 AM
You can apologize all you want...but words only go so far... its actions that count. So give me fifty dollars and we'll call it even.

04-12-2014, 03:16 AM
Then I will say sorry to the Jews for what the German did and all of their persecutions in history too..........:thumb001:

Can I say sorry to myself about multiple things then? :o. Damn I'm a mutt ;).

Hong Key
04-12-2014, 03:19 AM
You now need holocaust museums in every city, mass immigration from Africa and China, Turkish privilege conferences, government and media sponsored degeneracy and race mixing and I'll give you my Assyrian friends address so you can send him a check. Then you will be just like us.

04-12-2014, 03:31 AM
I am just one person, funny thing is my ancestors killed each other, what do you want me to say?

I think you misunderstood my comment. I never said you had to say anything, besides at least acknowledge what happened.

04-14-2014, 01:03 AM
Did not take any part in it, born after

Anyway, some of you live in me (literally), is all I can say

More and more good Turks like you are coming to terms with some of the dark pages of history. I hope more Turks can stop with the stringent denial. This has divided our people for more than 100 years or so - it's just too long. We need for our peoples and region to move forward. The people who committed this Genocide are long dead but the memories live on. Turkish War Tribunal even convicted the perpetrators for their crimes against humanity. Just a simple apology from the Turkish Government on behalf of the Young Turks that did this would do a lot for the two peoples.

04-14-2014, 01:30 AM
If I can be held responsible for the actions of my race, why can't I can't claim the accomplishments of my race as my own as well?

This sounds like some cultural marxist propaganda to me.

Fear Fiain
04-14-2014, 01:43 AM
More and more good Turks like you are coming to terms with some of the dark pages of history. I hope more Turks can stop with the stringent denial. This has divided our people for more than 100 years or so - it's just too long. We need for our peoples and region to move forward. The people who committed this Genocide are long dead but the memories live on. Turkish War Tribunal even convicted the perpetrators for their crimes against humanity. Just a simple apology from the Turkish Government on behalf of the Young Turks that did this would do a lot for the two peoples.

Ataturk was a Donme.
You should get an apology from Israel.

04-14-2014, 02:12 AM
Then I will say sorry to the Jews for what the German did and all of their persecutions in history too..........:thumb001:

Give me money.

04-14-2014, 04:28 PM
Give me money.

you have my condolences but not our gold.

04-14-2014, 04:28 PM
If I can be held responsible for the actions of my race, why can't I can't claim the accomplishments of my race as my own as well?

This sounds like some cultural marxist propaganda to me.


04-14-2014, 04:29 PM
Are you Canadian?

04-24-2014, 09:56 AM
Did not take any part in it, born after

Anyway, some of you live in me (literally), is all I can say

When do I get an apology? This thread is a disgrace.

05-13-2014, 11:49 PM
I thought you were a Tatar

Andrei the 2nd
06-14-2014, 07:36 AM
Did not take any part in it, born after

Anyway, some of you live in me (literally), is all I can say

You're sorry for what? You were born many many decades after the genocide and I doubt that you participated in it. If this thread is what it's about.
You can't be sorry for what your ancestors did.

Armenian Bishop
06-16-2014, 11:04 PM
You're sorry for what? You were born many many decades after the genocide and I doubt that you participated in it. If this thread is what it's about.
You can't be sorry for what your ancestors did.

I don't agree! The apology is quite appropriate, because it's a sincere gesture of goodwill and compassion. Whether ancestors are long gone doesn't diminish the statement of compassion, on behalf of those who didn't know better.

Besides, Present Day Turkey has invested hundreds of millions into a worldwide Armenian Genocide Denial Campaign, even to the point of blaming the victims for their own deaths. Genocide Denial Behavior serves to abet those whom perpetrated genocide, with fabrications and deliberate distortions of history. In an endeavor to sanitize and excuse genocidal behavior, Present Day Turkey is guilty of hiding the trails of guilt, which can unveil the Armenian Genocide (1915 - 1923). Genocide Denialism is alive and well.

Armenian Bishop
06-16-2014, 11:24 PM
If I can be held responsible for the actions of my race, why can't I can't claim the accomplishments of my race as my own as well?

This sounds like some cultural marxist propaganda to me.

That's apples and oranges, and a foolish comparison. In the first place, an apology can be a statement of compassion, or to give condolences for the grieving party. Western Armenia (located in present day Eastern Turkey) was pillaged and its Armenian presence was obliterated. No one is saying that it's forbidden to toot the horns of our accomplishments, so cut it out, and stop trying to water down and dilute the blood in the crime scenes of mass homicide.

06-16-2014, 11:38 PM

06-16-2014, 11:44 PM
'If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.'

Lies of Armenians (Dashnak's)



06-16-2014, 11:46 PM
Though I have absolutely no part in this conversation, I shall say your ancestors forgive you, young Annihilius

06-17-2014, 12:07 AM
'If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.'

"Ever notice how many Russians there are? There are entirely too many. I mean, there were like, zero last year, and now they're everywhere. Anyone notice that? I'm not racist or anything, there are just loads." - A Hitler, March 1945

Gustave H
09-26-2014, 05:44 PM
Then I will say sorry to the Jews for what the German did and all of their persecutions in history too..........:thumb001:

*spits out coffee*

Gustave H
09-26-2014, 05:45 PM
"Ever notice how many Russians there are? There are entirely too many. I mean, there were like, zero last year, and now they're everywhere. Anyone notice that? I'm not racist or anything, there are just loads." - A Hitler, March 1945

Hitler didn't say that. :coffee:

09-26-2014, 06:29 PM
Hitler didn't say that. :coffee:

Really? I'm sure I read it somewhere official.

09-26-2014, 06:31 PM
You can apologize all you want...but words only go so far... its actions that count. So give me fifty dollars and we'll call it even.


Gustave H
09-26-2014, 06:56 PM
Really? I'm sure I read it somewhere official.

Really. If you want/need any Hitler quotes I'm the guy to talk to. I'm his reincarnation, you know. :coffee:

09-26-2014, 06:57 PM
Really. If you want/need any Hitler quotes I'm the guy to talk to. I'm his reincarnation, you know. :coffee:

I'm sure he said something about all them Russkies what invaded Berlin.

Gustave H
09-26-2014, 06:59 PM
I'm sure he said something about all them Russkies what invaded Berlin.

Soviets*. My grandfather, and great uncles are/were Russkies and they fought for him. He was sure that he'd win, even in the final days of the war. Oh well, I guess it's up to me to build the Fourth Reich.

09-26-2014, 07:03 PM
Soviets*. My grandfather, and great uncles are/were Russkies and they fought for him. He was sure that he'd win, even in the final days of the war. Oh well, I guess it's up to me to build the Fourth Reich.

They were still primarily Russians, meaning many hundreds of thousands of Russians were there, and my statement makes sense.

"Did any of you guys see what happened to all those Jews? Like, before we came in, there were properly loads, and now there's like, none. Anyone know what happened? Not complaining, just curious." - A. Hitler, June 1942

Gustave H
09-26-2014, 07:07 PM
They were still primarily Russians, meaning many hundreds of thousands of Russians were there, and my statement makes sense.

"Did any of you guys see what happened to all those Jews? Like, before we came in, there were properly loads, and now there's like, none. Anyone know what happened? Not complaining, just curious." - A. Hitler, June 1942

Maybe so, but I don't consider myself to be one of those creatures that were there. They were Soviets fighting for the evil Bolsheviks, not true Russian patriots. Nice made up quotes you've got there.

09-26-2014, 07:09 PM
Maybe so, but I don't consider myself to be one of those creatures that were there. They were Soviets fighting for the evil Bolsheviks, not true Russian patriots. Nice made up quotes you've got there.

Morality is relative. Most of those Soviets would have seen their actions as just. I, too, would see them that way (defeating the Nazis, not being Bolsheviks, or rapists, or occupiers). Everyone experiences their own reality. And, of course you weren't there. You were born in 1994.

These are 100% historical quotes that Hitler definitely said.

"Eva and I totally banged last night. Yeah we did. Yeah, boi! You know it! Yeah, high five! She was way better than my niece. Waaay better." - A. Hitler, April 1945

Gustave H
09-26-2014, 07:12 PM
Morality is relative. Most of those Soviets would have seen their actions as just. I, too, would see them that way (defeating the Nazis, not being Bolsheviks, or rapists, or occupiers). Everyone experiences their own reality. And, of course you weren't there. You were born in 1994.

These are 100% historical quotes that Hitler definitely said.

"Eva and I totally banged last night. Yeah we did. Yeah, boi! You know it! Yeah, high five! She was way better than my niece. Waaay better." - A. Hitler, April 1945
You weren't there either, we were born around the same time. And, I don't appreciate that kind of talk about him. Very childish, and disrespectful..You're better than that, Longbowman.

09-26-2014, 07:14 PM
It's too late to apologize, it's too laaaaaaate. I said it's too late to apologize...it's too laaaaaaaate.

09-26-2014, 07:15 PM
You weren't there either, we were born around the same time. And, I don't appreciate that kind of talk about him. Very childish, and disrespectful..You're better than that, Longbowman.

Aryan, I don't consider myself to have participated in the Battle of Berlin either. I'm not excluding you whilst excluding myself.

I appreciate that he's your hero. However, I do not think people should be safe from lampoonery. I will stop short only of personal attacks. As it happens though, although yes, of course, I made up those quotes to amuse myself as my flatmates have gone out for the evening, they all referenced true events in Hitler's life, as you will know.

Gustave H
09-26-2014, 07:19 PM
Aryan, I don't consider myself to have participated in the Battle of Berlin either. I'm not excluding you whilst excluding myself.

I appreciate that he's your hero. However, I do not think people should be safe from lampoonery. I will stop short only of personal attacks. As it happens though, although yes, of course, I made up those quotes to amuse myself as my flatmates have gone out for the evening, they all referenced true events in Hitler's life, as you will know.

Meh, you're a friend. I won't make a big deal out of it. :coffee:

09-29-2014, 05:46 PM
I am sorry.

09-29-2014, 05:59 PM
I am sorry.

Thank you.

09-29-2014, 07:23 PM
I am sorry.

09-29-2014, 07:58 PM
I am sorry.

Thank You, friend. May God bring peace to the region one day.

09-29-2014, 08:00 PM
We know you are.