View Full Version : The unclear Mistery of Anneliese Michelīs Death

01-12-2010, 04:49 AM
First donīt view this Thread if youīre labile and a sleepless Person.
Or if you have Problems with your Mentality.

Annneliese Michel were a Young Woman descended from a strong catholic and she lived in Klingenberg am Main.
Her Death Case were spectacular cause priests tried to solve her Reasons.
This whole Story is somewhat mystical and even my few Word canīt fully show the Drama.
She speaked with Voices that were not her own and the Demons did her Body Damage under Influence of them eating Insects or such Stuff and they controlled her not to eat.
Hitler was one of the Demons.
Once she have seen the Maria and she asked Anneliese that she can leave all her Pain behind but she denied and take all the Trouble what the Germans done.

Her Exhumation was arrived at 25. February 1978
The Reason named was the cheap coffin but obviously a nun have seen anneliese saying her that her body wasnīt rotten.
That should approve the paranormal Nature of the Proceedings.
The official result named it were only a time approciated decay.
