View Full Version : Children of same-sex couples score higher on health and wellbeing

04-21-2014, 08:42 PM

Australian children of same-sex couples fared better on average than families from the general population on measures of general health and family cohesion, but continue to be subject to discrimination, interim findings of a University of Melbourne led study has found.

Lead researcher Dr Simon Crouch, from the McCaughey Vichealth Centre for Community Wellbeing at the University of Melbourne said the early findings suggested Australian children with same-sex attracted parents were developing well.

“These children are growing up in a range of contexts and score well on measures of health and wellbeing in the face of discrimination,” he said.

Early findings taken from the global index the Child Health Questionnaire, measured the health of the children across a number of domains including physical activity, mental health and behavior. Children with same-sex attracted parents were seen to score particularly well in the domains of general health and family cohesion.

The Australian Study of Child Health in Same-Sex Families (ACHESS) involved 500 children aged two months to 17 years from 315 parents. The parents described a range of sexual orientations including homosexual, gay, lesbian, bisexual and queer, and were from all states around Australian except the Northern Territory.

Interim results revealed:

• Children aged five to 17 years with same-sex attracted parents showed a significantly better score on general health and family cohesion when compared to Australian children from all backgrounds and family contexts.

• For all other health measures there were no statistically significant differences

• 80 per cent of respondents were female parents and 18 per cent were male parent, with two per cent of parents being of other gender.

• Ninety-three per cent of parents are currently in a relationship.

• Australian children with same-sex attracted parents and their families continue to face discrimination in a variety of contexts.

The University of Melbourne led study, is the biggest of its kind to investigate the complete physical, mental and social wellbeing of children with same-sex attracted parents, and in particular the role that stigma and discrimination play in their health and wellbeing.

“There are an increasing number of children with same-sex attracted parents in Australia. International research to date has suggested that these children are doing well in many aspects of their lives, however they are often affected by the discrimination that their families may experience due to parental sexual orientation,” Dr Crouch said.

“These results are promising and we look forward to further findings which we expect later this year,” he said.

Dr Crouch is from the Jack Brockhoff Child Health and Wellbeing Program at the McCaughey Vichealth Centre for Community Wellbeing. The program works towards a vision of every child having the opportunity for a fulfilling and healthy life.

04-21-2014, 08:47 PM
Of course; because conservative families treat their children like shit and bind their potential. Children should experience diversities in the world at an early period.

04-21-2014, 09:21 PM

04-21-2014, 09:27 PM
people who can adopt are wealthier than those who can't so this is irrelevant and clearly propaganda.

04-21-2014, 09:36 PM
Nope. 100% of children "of" fag parents have dreadful and confusing childhoods, and don't reach the same potential as if they were raised in a normal family.

Fuck you and all other degenerate perverts

04-21-2014, 09:38 PM
Nope. 100% of children "of" fag parents have dreadful and confusing childhoods, and don't reach the same potential as if they were raised in a normal family.

Fuck you and all other degenerate perverts

Somebody fuck this guy.


04-21-2014, 09:52 PM
Nope. 100% of children "of" fag parents have dreadful and confusing childhoods, and don't reach the same potential as if they were raised in a normal family.

Any source to back it up with?

Fuck you and all other degenerate perverts

Relax :patpat:

04-21-2014, 10:12 PM
It depends.

On my personal opinion it is healthier for a child to have a home formed by two individuals of different sex, however I think it is better for a child to be under the custody of a mentally healthy and loving gay couple than under the custody of a traditional male and female couple who are disfunctional and even potentially dangerous to children.

04-21-2014, 10:17 PM
I am led to believe this is propaganda.

I would be interested in hearing the criteria for which "general health and family cohesion" is measured. Almost all results can be swayed and looked at in a context to prove any point. Most of these studies are conducted by people who want to shove homosexuality down everyone's throat this is why they are trying to prove something.

04-21-2014, 10:22 PM
Nope. 100% of children "of" fag parents have dreadful and confusing childhoods, and don't reach the same potential as if they were raised in a normal family.

Fuck you and all other degenerate perverts

The children can at times be infected with the diseases of sodomy and buggery, cross-dressing, etc. I wonder if homo erectus could see what his progeny of a million and more years later would think- possibly he'd find a tar pool to stumble into if he could see the mess humanity has become :rotfl:

04-22-2014, 12:33 AM
Off course they score higher, it's sociological. Same-sex adopting couples is a very upper-middle class thing.

04-22-2014, 12:48 AM
Same-sex couples shouldn't adopt children. They are not a family and it must be disturbing being raised by two men who touch and penetrate each other or two women who touch each other.

Han Cholo
04-22-2014, 12:57 AM
If same-sex adopted children are inherently superior in health and wellbeing (which for quite a long time, have been focal points for evolution) how come we haven't evolved to be hermaphrodites or something similar?

If this is true, why not skip all male-female couples altogether and give all the babies they make for free to homo couples? After all, they will have a "better life" isn't it?

04-22-2014, 11:03 PM
people who can adopt are wealthier than those who can't so this is irrelevant and clearly propaganda.

Doesn't have to be wealthier.. not in the west at least.

I believe most people here would agree that children of homosexual couples are on average more wanted than children of straight ones. Why? Because there's a number of straight people that just "get pregnant." It's not always a conscious decision to have a baby. But with gay pairings it's always done completely on purpose.

04-28-2014, 04:17 AM
Didn't I reply to this topic? Was my answer deleted? ôO

04-28-2014, 04:38 AM
Doesn't have to be wealthier.. not in the west at least.

I believe most people here would agree that children of homosexual couples are on average more wanted than children of straight ones. Why? Because there's a number of straight people that just "get pregnant." It's not always a conscious decision to have a baby. But with gay pairings it's always done completely on purpose.

I believe that "wanted children" are the reason why there are so much spoiled little cunts these days.

04-28-2014, 08:29 PM
As a Catholic man, my grandpa taught me to not judge the people. So when someone asks my opinion I simply say "Who am I to judge them?" Anyway, I don't care if the couple raising the child is same sex or not if this couple teaches the child that the most accepted way of making a family is a Man + Woman, not Man + Man or Woman + Woman, and that the children shouldn't be gay or anything just because their parents are.

04-28-2014, 08:37 PM
Didn't I reply to this topic? Was my answer deleted? ôO
Nope. It was another thread.

Anyhow, I second this:

Off course they score higher, it's sociological. Same-sex adopting couples is a very upper-middle class thing.


Doesn't have to be wealthier.. not in the west at least.

I believe most people here would agree that children of homosexual couples are on average more wanted than children of straight ones. Why? Because there's a number of straight people that just "get pregnant." It's not always a conscious decision to have a baby. But with gay pairings it's always done completely on purpose.

... I'd already answered this:

A pregnancy is a consequence that may occur for diverse motives, but hardly ever a mistake since animals will naturally try to find any way to reproduce, which is the most basic purpose of life. (I've never seen anyone said that they've mistakenly put it)
And as for what I know, a plan doesn't work as expected just because it was meticulously idealized. So, even if LGBT parents might required more planning in matters of adopting or sort, it doesn't means that they, at the moment of the adoption in relation to the moment of pregnancy or birth, want that life more than heterosexual parents, nor that they will love or raise them better.

04-28-2014, 09:14 PM
There is no reason why children who have no families should be restricted from the support they need from same-sex couples. The alternative is for them to be raised in a state institution or to travel from foster parent to foster parent with a high risk of abuse, both of which are less suited to meeting the child's needs, and create expense which society can't always afford. There are much worse things in the world that your guardians can be than gay. I understand some of you believe that homosexuality is a conscious decision, and are afraid that it will spread to the rest of society, but to deprive a child (whom you have absolutely no connection with) from food, housing, companionship, and stability that he or she needs, just because of this fear (regardless of how rational or irrational it might be) is an unethical thing, even when you hold such beliefs. Not only is it unethical for the individual, but also it creates a huge deadweight on society that would otherwise be met.

04-28-2014, 09:51 PM
Doesn't have to be wealthier.. not in the west at least.

I believe most people here would agree that children of homosexual couples are on average more wanted than children of straight ones. Why? Because there's a number of straight people that just "get pregnant." It's not always a conscious decision to have a baby. But with gay pairings it's always done completely on purpose.
I don't think having an unplanned child means the child is unwanted or less wanted. I think most of the time the parents are disappointed or upset because they weren't ready, not because they didn't actually want a child ever.

04-28-2014, 11:28 PM

I am a million times thankful to God I grew up to my biological (one man one woman) ...not man + man or woman + woman family!! I used to take my parents for granted...but now I am sooooo thankful..

Thank you God

01-13-2015, 04:32 AM
Would this not be explained by such couples only being able to adopt if they're deemed fit enough (wealthy enough, caring enough) to adopt children?

Edit: Meh, someone beat me to it. Have fun with this random bump!

Fortis in Arduis
01-13-2015, 09:12 AM
Would this not be explained by such couples only being able to adopt if they're deemed fit enough (wealthy enough, caring enough) to adopt children?

Edit: Meh, someone beat me to it. Have fun with this random bump!

Yes. For a good comparison, compare with heterosexual adoptions, which are better than average birth families, apparently...

However, not all children with same-sex parents are adopted, actually, so... Big questions.

01-19-2015, 05:36 PM
Same-sex couples shouldn't adopt children. They are not a family and it must be disturbing being raised by two men who touch and penetrate each other or two women who touch each other.
My dad is penetrating my mum in the couch. Thank god they aren't two man, that would be quite disturbing.

Yes. For a good comparison, compare with heterosexual adoptions, which are better than average birth families, apparently...

However, not all children with same-sex parents are adopted, actually, so... Big questions.
Being same-sex may be a negative factor. But alternatives aren't perfect either.

01-19-2015, 06:10 PM
My dad is penetrating my mum in the couch. Thank god they aren't two man, that would be quite disturbing.

It's definitelly less disturbing when your parents are of opposite sex.

01-14-2018, 11:28 PM

01-17-2018, 11:07 AM
Just like heterosexual parenting, there is good and bad in homosexuality parenting as well.

01-17-2018, 06:18 PM
Disgusting. More Jewish propaganda. And I can see it's also being pushed by the worthless sodomites on this forum, too.

You know who you are.. pieces of SHIT. Parasitic motherfuckers, turning my country into a touchy feely shithole. I hate your kind and always have.

Yes, you heard me. I'm a westerner and I can't stand the 'progressive', 'tolerant', degenerate self loathing "civilization" that has been bred from the democratization of the 20th century.

We brought this upon ourselves.

This forum is case and point why democracy and tolerance can never, EVER work - we have muslim degenerates, faggots, dykes, etc - and ALL of them are having their immoral values being pushed. Christians are mocked for opposing this.

I'm pretty sure the majority of the moderators here have something wrong with them.. "A European Cultural Community" my ass. This site has never been anything but just another pigsty for expressing one's fetishist desires.

01-17-2018, 06:27 PM
Those who think that is normal for a child to grow and live with parents of same sex must have a seriously fucked up mind.