View Full Version : 29 Things Britain Does Better Than The Rest Of The World

04-22-2014, 06:20 PM
1. Warning signs.
Via Twitter: @KatieCurtis (https://twitter.com/KatieCurtis/status/455339699629207552)

2. Coincidences.
Via imgur.com (http://imgur.com/CxqKyWF)

5. Delivering post.
i.imgur.com (http://i.imgur.com/dRuqRIa.jpg)

6. Crime.
Via imgur.com (http://imgur.com/fkHYRvg)

7. Queuing.
Via Twitter: @likeorpheus (https://twitter.com/likeorpheus/status/430979007480602624/photo/1)

8. Tourist information.
Via imgur.com (http://imgur.com/Q1F0kF6)

9. Political commentary.
imgur.com (http://imgur.com/HU42F44)

10. Breaking news.
imgur.com (http://imgur.com/p6tZbaR)

11. Seriously, nobody does it better.
Via imgur.com (http://imgur.com/isbb0)

12. Pasty shops.
i.imgur.com (http://i.imgur.com/zYAHjRg.jpg)

13. Hangovers.
Via imgur.com (http://imgur.com/nRZpi)

14. Religion.
Via imgur.com (http://imgur.com/kGby4o4)

15. Nationalists who can’t spell the name of their own country.
Via imgur.com (http://imgur.com/oDGepqv)
This shot was taken at an EDL march.

16. Irony.
Via tumblr.com (http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m337i0c5wy1qagwiao1_1280.jpg)

17. Passive-aggressive signs.
Via imgur.com (http://imgur.com/oQC2Y)

18. Revenge.
imgur.com (http://imgur.com/ER9suHE)
After workers at this Blackburn brewery were told they were losing their jobs they had some fun with the sign.

19. Signs outside pubs.
Via imgur.com (http://imgur.com/Ja39v)

04-22-2014, 06:21 PM
20. Swearing.

Via imgur.com (http://imgur.com/FkN4k)

21. Anagrams.

Twitter: @FBAwayDays (https://twitter.com/FBAwayDays/status/455020981799903233)
Fans at this Accrington Stanley FC game decided to get all creative with their outfits.

22. Baby names.

Via Twitter: @hwallop (https://twitter.com/hwallop/status/449482555365289984/photo/1)

23. Acronyms.

Via Twitter: @robinedds (https://twitter.com/robinedds/status/448407275724476416)

24. Flirting.

Via reddit.com (http://www.reddit.com/r/london/top/?t=month)

25. Cinema signs.

Via Flickr: 16734870@N07 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/16734870@N07/4145264694/in/photolist-7jiyLW-7tTB45-7xiN8H-8MqTEZ-cEgPc9-eYLRmB-7BiYU2-bs8hsZ-bs7SSM-bs7Rkt-bs7Q9B-bs7UZc-bs85Yt-bs7Zmp-8BPRZJ-fcGZrM-bBG3FY-83GLLU-9cz8C4-aMxcnD-8FdxrX-dTT7SY-ebovVu-ebovFQ-8)

26. Subtitles.

Via Twitter: @AndrewBloch (https://twitter.com/AndrewBloch/status/429360561328234496)

27. Puns.

28. Comebacks.
Via imgur.com (http://imgur.com/varseHD)

29. And finally, romance.

04-22-2014, 08:42 PM
Funny :D

04-22-2014, 08:45 PM
The swan picture made me laugh, because it reminds me of the film Shaun of the Dead.

Rogue swans are serious business.


04-22-2014, 08:50 PM
Brits know how to laugh at themselves as well without being too self deprecating as well. It's something lacking in a lot of other cultures. If this same thread were made "things USA does better than the rest of the world" it would be a megalomaniacal psychotic rant instead.

04-24-2014, 11:16 AM
Self-irony is the best! Excelent thread! :)

04-25-2014, 09:44 PM
The swan picture made me laugh, because it reminds me of the film Shaun of the Dead.

Rogue swans are serious business.


You mean hot fuzz, mate :)

Where were numbers 3 and 4? :/

04-25-2014, 09:51 PM
Oh aye, I meant hot fuzz. I liked both of them. 4, & 3. must have missed them somehow. Ach well.

Neon Knight
05-01-2014, 10:37 PM
Not the rest of the world, but close:


05-01-2014, 10:50 PM
Brits know how to laugh at themselves as well without being too self deprecating as well. It's something lacking in a lot of other cultures. If this same thread were made "things USA does better than the rest of the world" it would be a megalomaniacal psychotic rant instead.

:p except the liberal Butt farts in New England.

05-01-2014, 10:51 PM
I could never be a cop in England....they don't even carry tasers. Every security guard in America carries those....they can be fun to play with too. You can shoot your friends with them and no one is seriously injured.

05-01-2014, 10:52 PM
I could never be a cop in England....they don't even carry tasers. Every security guard in America carries those....they can be fun to play with too. You can shoot your friends with them and no one is seriously injured.

I am a cop in England and we're fine. Much safer than Yank police.

05-01-2014, 10:57 PM
I am a cop in England and we're fine. Much safer than Yank police.

15 minutes later [in reference to the man getting his head hacked off in London] :rolleyes: they show up at my house in less than 8 minutes even if it isn't an emergency..... I call them if people park on my property most of the time or if see blacks on my street. I think british police are brutal though with rioting issues....I mean even in northern Ireland and Ireland they are worse than America. American cops are pretty cool....no one messes with them.....the proper crime deterrence. Do you get to carry a taser at least? What do british police do during a bank robbery sit back and allow it to happen?

I like the American police cars and how they use them as battering rams against fleeing suspects. The Academy here is probably much harder than Britain.....you guys are only trained to use sticks and deal with the occasional riot. I don't think british cops would last in the LA race riots. :rolleyes:

05-01-2014, 11:07 PM
theres something about England and Ireland........I think I would hang myself if I lived in any one of those countries. Crammed with people, overpopulated, loaded with third worlders.....I mean everywhere....Loud Islamic music, lots of rain, many liberals or what we call in America 'progressives'.......my brain would explode. I think most of Europe is this way except afew places which are tolerable. Americans would like to live over there its too alien to us. I wouldn't feel safe with unarmed cops either.

05-01-2014, 11:07 PM
15 minutes later [in reference to the man getting his head hacked off in London] :rolleyes: they show up at my house in less than 8 minutes even if it isn't an emergency..... I call them if people park on my property most of the time or if see blacks on my street. I think british police are brutal though with rioting issues....I mean even in northern Ireland and Ireland they are worse than America. American cops are pretty cool....no one messes with them.....the proper crime deterrence. Do you get to carry a taser at least? What do british police do during a bank robbery sit back and allow it to happen?

I like the American police cars and how they use them as battering rams against fleeing suspects. The Academy here is probably much harder than Britain.....you guys are only trained to use sticks and deal with the occasional riot. I don't think british cops would last in the LA race riots. :rolleyes:

We respond quickly when there's an emergency. Especially where I work, Camden borough.

During bank robbery stand offs, which generally don't happen as the criminals tend to be unarmed, we do have armed police units that are used when necessary. But they usually aren't. And only 6 officers in Britain have been shot dead since 2000. None in London.

Our police are respected worldwide, yours are derided as heavy-handed and brutal.

05-01-2014, 11:13 PM
We respond quickly when there's an emergency. Especially where I work, Camden borough.

During bank robbery stand offs, which generally don't happen as the criminals tend to be unarmed, we do have armed police units that are used when necessary. But they usually aren't. And only 6 officers in Britain have been shot dead since 2000. None in London.

Our police are respected worldwide, yours are derided as heavy-handed and brutal.

American criminals are some of the most brutal in the world so we need tough cops. Tough border cops who get shot t by the drug cartels.....I am getting that job god willing in afew years. It will suck living in Arizona for five years but well worth it. They also have the highway patrol police job.....if you think our cops are bad take a look at the prison guards.

05-01-2014, 11:13 PM
anyway Britain doesn't have this nut......LOL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vE7FwouNlYk&hd=1
or Alex Jones so it is incomplete.