View Full Version : Why can't I get fat?

04-30-2014, 05:07 PM
So, I've been eating like a fat american...
- Wake up, industrialized chocolate cereals with milk.
- Go to preparatory classes, eat one hamburger + something not healthy + some soda, go back to home.
- Lunch (Fish, pasta with tomato, potatoes, fried potatoes, fried things...)
- At 3:00 PM I drink some chocolate milk while eating chocolate cookies and bread with nutella.
- At 6:00 PM I do the same thing.
- Wake up at midnight to eat more.
And after repeating this for months I managed to lose 2 Kg. What's wrong with me? I saw people with fast metabolism but if they started to eat like me they would be fat (And yes, I don't have Ascariasis lol...)

04-30-2014, 05:09 PM
Either 1. You still are not eating enough or 2. You have a very active lifestyle that requires you to burn more energy than you consume

04-30-2014, 05:09 PM
Maybe you should have an appointment with a doc,and check your thyroid.

04-30-2014, 05:11 PM
Maybe you don't get weight in body, but probly your face stay every time more fat, with this lot of fat foods its probable

04-30-2014, 05:15 PM
Either 1. You still are not eating enough or 2. You have a very active lifestyle that requires you to burn more energy than you consume
1. I eat more than everyone I know, like, 3 times more.
2. I don't exercise, I hate sports.

Maybe you should have an appointment with a doc,and check your thyroid.
I don't have a goitre or anything like that, so it's unlikely but I'll follow your advice.

Maybe you don't get weight in body, but probaly your face stay every time more fat, with this lot of fat foods its probable
I don't have a fat face. =P

04-30-2014, 05:18 PM
You dont need to have a goitre,to have a thyroid problem.Glad that you are going to follow my advice.

04-30-2014, 05:27 PM
You must have a high metabolism. Are you trying to get fat?

04-30-2014, 05:28 PM
You must have a high metabolism. Are you trying to get fat?

Yes. I'm becoming too thin.

04-30-2014, 05:35 PM
Yes. I'm becoming too thin.

If you have an ectomorphic body type, it will be very difficult which I think you do if thats you in the avatar.


04-30-2014, 05:37 PM
If you have an ectomorphic body type, it will be very difficult which I think you do if thats you in the avatar.


Yes, it's me. D: And I can't be the fatty or muscular type, so... Good luck to me, I guess. :pout:

04-30-2014, 05:42 PM
Doesn't matter what you eat really. It's about the amount of calories you take in. Just because you eat unhealthy foods doesn't mean you are eating enough calories. Try drinking a gallon of whole milk a day or a tub of ice cream each night in addition to everything else you are eating.

04-30-2014, 05:43 PM
The answer is just simply to eat more. You just have a high calorie maintenance. I know guys similar that still maintain their weight by eating 5000 calories per day. Keep eating more and check your scale to see any measure of change

04-30-2014, 05:48 PM
I lost 34 kg since 2010. I plan to lose around 10 more. You can have some of it.

04-30-2014, 06:49 PM
I lost 34 kg since 2010. I plan to lose around 10 more. You can have some of it.

I'd like 5 Kg please.

04-30-2014, 06:57 PM
You should consume diary products, and red meet, not the white one...sweets too, chocolate, ice-cream etc..

But still 17 years old person is not supposed to be fat.

04-30-2014, 09:29 PM
You are born an ectomorph weakling.Thats that.

04-30-2014, 09:30 PM
You are born an ectomorph weakling.Thats that.

It's not that bad... I could be a fatty endomorph.

04-30-2014, 09:32 PM
You might be an Ectomorph then.

04-30-2014, 09:36 PM
It's not that bad... I could be a fatty endomorph.

Nope endomorph people in all cases don't have any problems with gaining weight or being fat.They are naturally huge and meaty.

Your frame is something you are born with an cannot be altered.I am born a mesomorph,and I will always be one.Same for you.

Fear Fiain
04-30-2014, 09:36 PM
If you have an ectomorphic body type, it will be very difficult which I think you do if thats you in the avatar.


I am of mesomorph but am fat. had to adjust my diet. thyroid is slow, but not to the point where medicine is necessary, I just have to keep my protein to carb ratio at 1:1 or better.

I concur, Sir Carlos must go see a doctor.

07-22-2014, 03:48 PM
I'm being tested for

HDL Cholesterol
Total Cholesterol
Blood count
Urine quality
Free thyroxine
Vitamin D

And in 9 days I'll get the results. :D

07-24-2014, 03:13 AM
I'd say it's your methabolism. When you'll get older like 25, your body ain't gonna raise anymore, so instead your body is going to start accumulate all the eaten food. It happened to me. Plus if you get some office work, it's about to help you to get some extra kilos also. Enjoy your youth while you can. Do not try to look older or bigger than you really are. I have the opposite problem, I assist gym, but I can not lose weight, that is, my muscles grow, yes, but body fat goes away very slowly.

Prisoner Of Ice
07-24-2014, 03:19 AM
If you are 17, that's why. It is hard to get fat then . It's another story in 10 years.

07-24-2014, 03:25 AM
If you are 17, that's why. It is hard to get fat then . It's another story in 10 years.


07-24-2014, 03:28 AM
Eat what you normally eat, have an extra meal, and drink lots of milk i.e. at least 1/2 gallon per day.

07-24-2014, 04:03 AM
I hear honey in milk is a good weight gain thing.

If you were able to trade metabolisms with someone, trade with me lol.

07-24-2014, 04:34 PM
So, I've been eating like a fat american...
- Wake up, industrialized chocolate cereals with milk.
- Go to preparatory classes, eat one hamburger + something not healthy + some soda, go back to home.
- Lunch (Fish, pasta with tomato, potatoes, fried potatoes, fried things...)
- At 3:00 PM I drink some chocolate milk while eating chocolate cookies and bread with nutella.
- At 6:00 PM I do the same thing.
- Wake up at midnight to eat more.
And after repeating this for months I managed to lose 2 Kg. What's wrong with me? I saw people with fast metabolism but if they started to eat like me they would be fat (And yes, I don't have Ascariasis lol...)

1) You say you don't exercise...well if you eat enough food, start! If I sit around doing nothing I lose weight, if I exercise I gain weight.
2) It could be that your body actually hates the junk food and doesn't want to process it, start eating healthier high calorie things (meat, cheese, nuts, bread).

07-24-2014, 04:42 PM
Ive been told im an ectomorph, but ive had honestly no trouble gaining. ive gained 10kg in about 2 months.

What I did was wrote down meals that i could eat on a daily basis and added up all the calories, carbs, and proteins to see if i should be eating more or less.

07-24-2014, 04:43 PM
Eat lots of carbs but don't eat unhealthy food. So eat potatoes, whole grain pasta, meat etc. but leave the chips, beer, softdrinks and sweet stuff. Also, you might want to try drinking those weight loss shakes besides your normal meals. They usually contain vitamines and lots of proteins.

You should also keep in mind that even though you're not gaining weight, eating too much fat and unhealthy food still affects your organs. Skinny people who eat a lot of fat/unhealthy food tend to stock up the fat on the inside of their body, on their organs. So even though it might look like you can eat whatever you want (as in, unhealthy, processed food), the fat is most definitely affecting your body.

07-24-2014, 04:49 PM
Eat lots of carbs but don't eat unhealthy food. So eat potatoes, whole grain pasta, meat etc. but leave the chips, beer, softdrinks and sweet stuff. Also, you might want to try drinking those weight loss shakes besides your normal meals. They usually contain vitamines and lots of proteins.

You should also keep in mind that even though you're not gaining weight, eating too much fat and unhealthy food still affects your organs. Skinny people who eat a lot of fat/unhealthy food tend to stock up the fat on the inside of their body, on their organs. So even though it might look like you can eat whatever you want (as in, unhealthy, processed food), the fat is most definitely affecting your body.

What's wrong with chips? It's just potatoes and vegetable oil.

07-24-2014, 06:08 PM
What's wrong with chips? It's just potatoes and vegetable oil.

Too much oil and salt.

de Burgh II
07-24-2014, 06:41 PM
The best thing you can do is accept yourself for who you are and embrace it. On the bright side your less prone to get overweight because of your metabolism. Hell, I'm an ectmorph as well and I don't let that stop me from staying fit. Drink plenty of water and make sure you eat vegetables/fruit here and there as well as meat. Life is too short to dwell on things you can't control. In the end, accept yourself for who you are and try to stay as healthy as best as you can.

07-25-2014, 02:37 AM
Too much oil and salt.

What's wrong with oil? And they make unsalted chips...in fact after the first couple times you eat them, they actually start to taste better than the salted variety.

07-25-2014, 04:09 PM
What's wrong with oil? And they make unsalted chips...in fact after the first couple times you eat them, they actually start to taste better than the salted variety.
Do you have some comprehension issues, seriously?

What do you not get about 'too much'? Potatoes, salt, oil, none of these things are harmful if you eat the right amount of it. It's the proportion that counts. But there is simply TOO MUCH oil and TOO MUCH salt in regular potato chips.

Also, don't forget that potatoes have high glycemic index. And the combo of too much salt and oil only worsens it.


07-25-2014, 04:14 PM
Do you have some comprehension issues, seriously?

What do you not get about 'too much'? Potatoes, salt, oil, none of these things are harmful if you eat the right amount of it. It's the proportion that counts. But there is simply TOO MUCH oil and TOO MUCH salt in regular potato chips.

Also, don't forget that potatoes have high glycemic index. And the combo of too much salt and oil only worsens it.


Do you have some wienerinbutt issues?

Your body tells you when you've had too much oil, you get diarrhea. Until then, you're fine. You are the one who recommended potatoes in the first place, so buttcheeks have three halves.

If you are trying to gain weight; unsalted potato chips are part of a healthy diet.

07-25-2014, 04:37 PM
Are you implying that fat people are on constant diarrhea? Yet at the same time, still gain weight? Try to use some common sense, idiot. Your body tells you've had too much oil/fat by stocking it up on the body itself, not by giving you diarrhea. Unless you have IBS or something.

The glycemic index of the potatoes varies depending on the way you prepare them. Baking and frying them in oil only boosts the glycemic index of the potato. Eating these regularly is not 'healty', anything but that. A cooked potato on the other hand has a lower glycemic index and fits much better in a healthy lifestyle diet. The latter is what I advise the TO.

You must be fucking retarded to think that eating fried potatoes on a regular base is a part of a healthy diet.

07-30-2014, 04:14 PM
Are you implying that fat people are on constant diarrhea? Yet at the same time, still gain weight? Try to use some common sense, idiot. Your body tells you've had too much oil/fat by stocking it up on the body itself, not by giving you diarrhea. Unless you have IBS or something.

The glycemic index of the potatoes varies depending on the way you prepare them. Baking and frying them in oil only boosts the glycemic index of the potato. Eating these regularly is not 'healty', anything but that. A cooked potato on the other hand has a lower glycemic index and fits much better in a healthy lifestyle diet. The latter is what I advise the TO.

You must be fucking retarded to think that eating fried potatoes on a regular base is a part of a healthy diet.

Ok. Go drink a cup of oil and tell me who hates you more, your waistline or your toilet.

07-30-2014, 06:45 PM
You have a tapeworm. Pull that tapeworm out of your ass.

07-30-2014, 11:08 PM
Update, it seems my thyroid is OK, my metabolism is natural.


I have low Vitamin D, Eosinophilia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eosinophilia) and low HDL Cholesterol. Also, my glucose levels are on the limit (99mg/dl).

09-03-2014, 02:48 PM
you should eat more, Put more calories you spend.
Do not do a lot of cardio right now,
You have a fast metabolism, causing you difficulty in weight gain.
ectomorph is bullshit. you can hit the gym and be very Muscular and aesthetic.
If you have a slim waist, and small bones, it is likely to have an aesthetic body if you train in the gym for 1.5-2 years.

09-03-2014, 04:04 PM
you just gotta eat more and/or move less

Zmey Gorynych
09-03-2014, 04:13 PM
You're too young and the secret is not to eat junk food but protein rich food (meat, eggs, dairy products).

10-03-2014, 10:32 PM
You're ectomorph, I don't think this is a good thing because of the difficulty to get muscles too.

However, you can eat like an elephant and be happy , lol

10-03-2014, 10:37 PM
You're too young and the secret is not to eat junk food but protein rich food (meat, eggs, dairy products).

I agree :).

10-21-2014, 09:22 AM
Many people eat too much and do not like to do exercise and this is the main reason of getting so much fat. Exercise and proper diet both are very important for fitness and fat burning.

10-21-2014, 09:54 AM
Metabolism is screwed thing. I am naturally very thin.
I had one period few years ago where i reached around 65 kilograms, and felt so weak i couldn't do anything.
Mainly because i often skipped meals, and smoked. People were asking me am i drug addict lol. But then i started eating every meal regulary and reached 85 kilograms that i have now :D

10-21-2014, 09:59 AM
You're too young and the secret is not to eat junk food but protein rich food (meat, eggs, dairy products).

Junk food actually can get him pretty much fast unhealthy fat. Of course that protein rich food is better, but lets say you eat in MC Donalds for 1 month. Not taking in consideration that your organism will be seriously ruined and damaged, you will actually gain at least several kilograms.

@ Dictaror, have you thought about starting the gym ? You can actually get some mass if you do everything correctly. I think as well you need to replace your Fish for lunch with some steak or other red meat. Lunch is your biggest meal , and you should eat the most during it.

As well this is not healthy but it can help you. Eat right before sleeping. Therefore your fast metabolism won't be able to process all the food you ate due do your body shutting down.

10-25-2014, 09:38 AM
Many people eat too much and do not like to do exercise and this is the main reason of getting so much fat. Exercise and proper diet both are very important for fitness and fat burning.

Click here for more information (http://realresultsfitnessandperformance.com/)

10-25-2014, 09:46 AM
Click here for more information (http://realresultsfitnessandperformance.com/)

Don't click it it's a trap.

Ivan Kramskoï
10-25-2014, 10:25 AM
If you have an ectomorphic body type, it will be very difficult which I think you do if thats you in the avatar.

I am so mesomorph type.
Too bad need to work out to gain muscles, it can't be all natural ^^

10-25-2014, 10:54 AM
So, I've been eating like a fat american...
- Wake up, industrialized chocolate cereals with milk.
- Go to preparatory classes, eat one hamburger + something not healthy + some soda, go back to home.
- Lunch (Fish, pasta with tomato, potatoes, fried potatoes, fried things...)
- At 3:00 PM I drink some chocolate milk while eating chocolate cookies and bread with nutella.
- At 6:00 PM I do the same thing.
- Wake up at midnight to eat more.
And after repeating this for months I managed to lose 2 Kg. What's wrong with me? I saw people with fast metabolism but if they started to eat like me they would be fat (And yes, I don't have Ascariasis lol...)

I hate you, I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU http://emoticoner.com/files/emoticons/onion-head/hate-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862507

10-25-2014, 10:57 AM
Dont give up yet, you can do it! We all believe in you... You need to drink more alcohol.

10-25-2014, 11:07 AM
You need to switch places with Gigolo.

10-25-2014, 11:11 AM
Joking aside, the sister of a very close friend had very low weight, she was scary, like a walking sceleton.....she would eat chocolates, lots of sweets everyday and normal portions of food with alot of bread. Yet she was 45 kg and 172+ height....she was trying everythign in order to get fat but nothign would work.... In the end she heard of a doctor that tested people in order to find what suits their metabolism and what not. She went there and find out that chocolate and sugar in her case would make her organism lose weight, the same was with bread etc...on the other hand, tomatoes, brown rice, red meat and bananas would force her to gain weight. She tried it, totally stopped eating chocolates, reduced her bread and started eating the things thats would make her fat...she gained 12 kilos in 3 months and kept those kilos till today.... Maybe you can find someone who can test your affiliation to food products as well....

This test actually finds your affiliation with all fruits, meats and veggies and so you know how each react to your metabolism... After that girl had those amazing results, i went and did it as well ...tomatoes, all types of citrus (oranges, mandarines, lemons etc) are supposed to make me gain weight :cry2.... but i prefer to stay with more kilos than stop eating them :disapproving ...also its unfair, in my case chocolate will make me fat as most people :cry: