View Full Version : Ancient Macedonians and Aeolians, carriers of the R1a haplotype ?

01-18-2010, 07:17 PM
I remember seeing some internet articles which stated that the before mentioned peoples carried the 'R1a' haplotype, I do not know if that information is true or not but I would like to ask a few questions. If this hypothesis is true then I would be eager to know from what older culture those peoples descend, if it's even possible to pin one down or if it even makes sense in the ''time spectrum'' of things. Also did they have a connection with the Corded Ware culture which, I think, mostly consisted of the R1a haplogroup.

I also saw some claims being made somewhere about R1a being the definitive ''Indo-European language spreader'' marker, which I find odd since seeing that there is barely any R1a in the Romance and Keltic language places.

Well anyway sorry if I am a little unclear, I still do not understand a whole lot of genetics/markers etc so I hope I will eventualy gather more information from this site.

04-24-2012, 02:24 PM
I too have read that ancient Macedonians where and are carriers of R1a. In that way making them Slavic or very close related to the Slavic haplogroup.